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10x03 - Dirty

Posted: 01/05/24 11:05
by bunniefuu
WHISPERS: Boss wants to see you.

Get in.


There you go, Nadya.

Oh, hi!

Nadya, hurry up, love!


What's up, freak?




Leave him alone!

Unless you lads
want to get off and walk?




Come on, mate, wake up!

Hey, get over here,
have you seen this?!

Boss is here.


Luke Sumner. 27 years old.

Had his wallet and keys on him.

Yeah, and good morning to you, too.

Sorry. Morning, Ma'am.

So, money and card in his wallet?

Yeah, had a debit card and 25 quid.

So, likely not a mugging.

Not on him.

He was found by the binmen.

He'd been punched in the face.
I've secured the flat,

it's over at Stannersby House,
which is just...

Ah, I know it.

Yeah, that's not far.

Well, let's have a look at him.

So, what can you tell us, Malcolm?

Well, he's been dead
six or seven hours.

Sometime between midnight
and 1:00AM.

I couldn't swear on a cause yet...

But what...?

Well, he's received multiple blows,

including one to the face
with an associated head injury.

Oh, something interesting,

there are no defensive wounds
on his hands.

So someone att*cks him and he just
stands there and lets them?


I'd say it's highly likely that
he died as a result of an as*ault.

Did he die here?

I don't know that yet.

Well, if they were trying
to hide the body,

they did a terrible job.



Unzip his jacket.


What's that?

I have no idea.

Mark, can you find out
what ECS stands for?

It's a company logo on his T-shirt.

Look, I'm afraid that's your lot
for the time being.

Yeah, OK, Malcolm. I know the drill.

Glad to hear it.

I look forward to sharing
my findings with you ASAP.


Right. Anything?

Er, ECS. Eldon Cleaning Services.

They're a corporate cleaning company
based down by the quayside.

That's the old
oil distribution place, hmm?

Er, yeah, looks like it.

Right, so, get hold of them, Mark.

And see if they can tell us
the lad's whereabouts last night.

And collect any CCTV
between here and Stannersby House.

Jac, we're going over to Stannersby.

Grab some uniforms, and talk to
everyone who lives there.

Yes, Ma'am.

You got the key?

Uniform will have it.

Lift's out of order.

What floor's it on?


You're not even breaking a sweat!

I'm in training
for the Great North Run.


What, on top of your hours?

I bet the missus is pleased
with that.

I don't know. She likes me fit.

Oh, that's too much information.




Either our lad's been cleaning,
or someone else has.

Well, he could've been working
till past midnight,

if these are his shifts.

Hello. There's a phone here.

"Nadya", three missed calls.

Yeah, well, who's Nadya?

Phone's locked.

I'll get onto the mobile provider.

Well, kept himself tidy.

Very tidy.

And it looks like someone's
kicked the door in here.

Looks recent.

Now, was that Luke,
or somebody else?

You were right about the bleach.

There's gallons
of the stuff in here.

Get forensics up here.

See if they can pull up
anything interesting.

Had he just moved in?

Neighbours told uniform he'd been
living here for over four years.

You'd never know it, would you?

No telly, no radio, no laptop,


Living like a monk.

Ah, thanks, Kenny.

Ma'am, ECS have confirmed
that Luke worked for them.


There's sugar in that!

Now, have we found next of kin?

Er, Carmel Sumner.
Lives in Lingford, near Rothbury.

She doesn't know yet.

How do I know that name?

Seth Sumner, Ma'am.

The boy's dad.

Seth Sumner!

Of course, k*lled in his home
by a burglar, right?

Yeah, must be 12, 13 year ago?

The burglar got life.

Terence Kayle.

Had a failed parole hearing
three weeks ago.

And didn't Kayle's brother
have some history with us?

Rings a bell.

Get your shovel out, Kenny,
do some digging.

Yes, Ma'am.

Mark, find me anything you can,

and piece together
his last 24 hours. Ma'am.

Now, how on Earth are we going
to tell that lad's mam?

Mrs Sumner?


How did he die?

Oh, well, we're not sure yet, love.

But we'll know very soon.

But you think
someone else was involved?

I mean, you must do,
a DCI coming round.

Well, we're keeping all lines
of enquiry open, pet.

This is like some sort
of a sick joke.

His dad, he was m*rder*d here,
protecting us.

Aye. I know he was.

Now I've lost them both.

Oh, God.


I'll get you a drink of water.
I'll get it.



Here you go.

Aye, than... thank you.

Mrs Sumner, when did you last
have contact with your son?

Erm, he came to see me...

..about a month ago.

You hadn't spoken since?


He was always busy working.


Can you think of anyone
who would have wanted to harm him?


Did he have a partner?

I don't know.

I don't know.

This can wait, love.

We'll go.

Is there someone
we can call for you?

I just want to see me son.

We'll let you know
as soon as you can.




Luke Sumner, aged 27,

his body was found this morning

by binmen in the underpass,
off Ayrton Road.

He's thought to have been
the victim of an as*ault.

Now, he was wearing a T-shirt
with an ECS logo on it.

And that's a cleaning firm
in Newcastle.

And DC Edwards is interviewing staff
as we speak.

Now, er, is he on the system?

He got a caution for possession
of half a gram of cannabis in 2008.

2008, nothing more recent?


Run a check on his medical history
as a matter of priority.

Now, Kenny, phone records?

Oh, I've put a request into
his mobile service provider.

No response yet.

Yeah, well, put a rocket under them,

We need to know
who this Nadya is. Ma'am.

Bank records?

Well, apart from rent and bills,
he withdrew money every Friday.

For the last two weeks,
it's been £150.

But for the seven months
before that, it was £250.

Yeah, how much in the account?

nearly £5,000.

So he was a saver.

I want to know what that extra
hundred quid a week was for.

And why it stopped.

I mean, his flat was hardly flash,
was it?

More the opposite.
He had a credit card as well,

which wasn't in his wallet,
and forensics haven't found it yet.

Oh, right, well,
let's keep an eye out for that, hmm?

Er, what about his neighbours, Jac?

Oh, they last saw him
yesterday morning.

They only know if he's in
if his light's on,

and it wasn't last night.

Oh, well, that's helpful (!)

Kenny, what about
the burglar's brother?

Name's Raymond Kayle, Ma'am.

Er, he's been inside for GBH
a couple of years ago.

Has he?

He now runs the Wayside Gym.
It's a not-for-profit gym.

Oh, and the lad's mother,
Carmel Sumner,

sent a letter that was read

at Terence's most recent
parole hearing.

Did she?

It was pretty damning, it's one
of the reasons he wasn't released.

Well, there could be a grudge there,
it's a possible link.

Good work, Kenny!


Er, Luke walked off his shift

Any idea why?

Had an argument with one
of their minibus drivers.

Did he indeed?!

Poor lad.

He'd worked with us
two-and-a-half years.

Longer than anyone.

Two-and-a-half years?
Well, that's not very long.

Oh, that's a lifetime here.

We have a high staff turnover.

It's hard work, night shifts.
It's not for everyone.

Oh, this is Clive, my husband.

This is DCI Stanhope and DS Healy.

I couldn't believe it when I heard.

It's such a shame.

We only saw him yesterday.

Oh, what time was that?

About half 12,
when he went off to a shift.

One of our drivers was bringing him
back here for his next one,

when he got really upset
on the minibus.

Yeah, we heard they'd argued?

Wait, Luke argued.

Jojo just wanted him to stay calm.
He was scaring folk.

Had Luke kicked off
like that before?

Oh, never.
He was our most reliable cleaner.

He was a team leader.
Aye, but...

Oh, come on...

But what?

He hadn't been
quite as reliable recently.

He was turning up late.

Had an attitude.

Jojo told him
I wanted a word with him,

and that's when he kicked off.

So what was going on
with him last week?

Why the attitude?

That's what I wanted
to ask him about.


Hey, it's a big set-up
you've got here.

Aye, one of the biggest
in the region.

250 cleaners.

Ooh, that must take some organising.

Staff clock in here every shift,
collect their equipment.

Then our minibuses take them
to work and bring them back.

We give them a structure.

Strict timekeeping, you know,
the discipline of clocking in.

We also give them housing
and transport.

You provide accommodation?


But Luke wasn't in
one of your places, was he?

No, no, he already had his own place
when he came to us.

But we do provide accommodation
for the others.

Make sure they've got somewhere safe
and decent to put their heads down.



Right, I'm gonna need
everything you've got on Luke

for the last three months.

Time sheets,
who he was working with, where.

I'll get straight on it.

Thanks, love.

Oh. And, er...

do you have a Nadya working here?

Erm... got a Nadya Dinev?

She and Luke worked together a lot.
Made a good team.

Oh, well, where will I find Nadya?
And Jojo?

I'll just check.

Yeah, they are both
at Towfield Shopping Centre.

Ah, thanks, love.

He totally overreacted.

All I said was
Mr Brock wanted to see him.

Did it get physical?
Only on his side.

He kept booting the door.

I just told him
to stop damaging the bus.

Hey! Moz!

Not on my time!

Surprised me, going off like that.

Usually good as gold.

It's always the quiet ones,
though, in't it?

Oh, is that what he was, quiet?

Yeah. Bit of a pushover.

Why was he worried about
seeing Mr Brock?

I don't know.

I just let him out, and he ran off.

Well, can you tell us where, love?

Have you got an address?
Er, yeah...

Nadya Dinev?

Erm. Unit number five.

Thanks, love.

I'm sorry, pet.

Nadya Dinev?

DCI Vera Stanhope.

Er, I need to talk to you
about Luke Sumner.

Well, I'm guessing you've heard
what's happened to him.

Why'd you call him last night?

I mean, what was that?

Work, or...?

It wasn't like him to miss a shift.

So it was nothing to do with
the argument he had with Jojo?

What argument?

Well, on the minibus between shifts.

You don't know what that was about?

But you called him three times,

so it must have been
something important.

Please, we're not supposed to
make phone calls at work.

We get into trouble.

Well, what sort of trouble?


You finished in here?
We need to go.

If that's all right?

Yep. I'm done.

For now.

Do you think she's involved?

She's something.

Definitely scared.

We need to keep our eye on her.

He died from an
extradural haematoma.

Now, as I suspected,
he didn't die immediately.

The impact damaged a blood vessel.

The bleed got trapped
inside his skull cavity,

started coning,
compressed the brain.

Specifically, the area
controlling his respiratory system.

He would've become
increasingly confused.

And then stopped breathing.

So, when did the trauma happen?

Up to five hours before he died.

He was a dead man walking, as soon
as he received the head injury.

So between 7:00PM and 1:00AM?

Well, I presume he wasn't
standing there for five hours

where we found him, waiting to die.

So the crime scene
was somewhere else.

Now, we did find some alcohol

in his system,
not a significant amount.

About three units.

But whatever caused the impact
was completely smooth.

Because his skin remained unbroken.

Or maybe someone punched him,
and he fell and hit his head?

Or they hit Luke with something.

Well, look at that.
That's some punch!

Yes. I want to show you that.
Are these linked?

Er, possibly.

Now, there's something
interesting going on

in the centre of that abrasion.
Can you see? Mm-hm.

I'd like to get in a
specialist infrared photographer

to take a closer look at that.

Is that your way of asking
if I'll pay for it?


Oh, go on, then.

Will you pay for it?



there are multiple bruises
on Luke's shins.

And then, further up, we have these.

They are small areas
of burn scarring

and patches of linear abrasion.

You said he was a cleaner?

Commercial cleaner.

Right, well,
looking at the shape of these,

they could well be chemical.

Could it be bleach?
Quite possibly.

And has he done this himself,
or has someone done it to him?

Either. They're all in places
which are easy to hide.

But they're definitely deliberate,
not accidental.

So, just to recap,
it was a blow to Luke's temple

which led directly to his death.


Now, was there anything else
in his system

other than the alcohol?

No traces of dr*gs,
prescribed or otherwise.

Right, thanks, Malcolm.
Thank you.

Jojo Walters, minibus driver
for ECS - thank you -

he confirmed
that he dropped Luke off

at 6:15PM on the corner
of Romer Street and Hargreaves Road.

Now, that was about an hour before

Malcolm estimates
Luke got this head injury.

So what happened to him
after he got off that minibus?

We need to find the crime scene.

Jac, check CCTV, see if you can
trace his journey. Ma'am.

His co-worker didn't say much.


The bosses seemed nice enough,
didn't they? Caring.

I wasn't keen on Jojo Walters.


You can check him out, Kenny,
see if he's on the system.

And, Mark...

run a background check
on the company.

Might as well touch all bases.

Now, where are we
with the lad's phone records?

Er, they're just in, Ma'am.

Er, used it mainly for work,

apart from four calls
over four weeks.

The number's registered
to Jasmine Ashers.

Ooh. Er, the last call he made
to her was for over an hour.

Aye, that was seven days ago.

Well, our lad wasn't that quiet,

then, was he?

You got an address?
Er, they're sending it over.

Right, Jasmine Ashers.

See if she's at ECS.

Will do, Ma'am.

Oh, I checked Luke's
medical records.

There's nothing recent.

I mean, he didn't register
with a GP once he left Lingford,

and that was nine years ago. Yeah,
well, what about hospital records?

Nothing. There weren't any.

Ma'am, Luke's mother is on her way
to ID his body.

Shall I go?



No, I'll do it.

Oh, I know this isn't
the right time to tell you,

Mrs Sumner,
but we now know Luke was assaulted.

There was someone else involved
in your son's death.

Do you know who it was?

Not yet.

So I am gonna have to ask you
some tricky questions.

But that's only because I need to...

Look, I know how this works.
I've done it before.

Aye, I know you have, love.

And I'm sorry.

But are there any issues
I should be made aware of?

What kind of issues?


Luke's mental health?

No, I don't know.

I mean, he always kept his business
very private.

Deep waters, that was Luke.

Ah, well,
it must've been hard on him...

when his dad died the way he did.

Yeah, course. He was heartbroken.

It was a very difficult time
for us...

Yeah, I can imagine,
and I'm sorry to have to ask,

but did Luke ever harm himself
deliberately, hmm?

I'm sorry, what do you mean?

Well, we found some unexplained
scarring on his body.

Did he ever talk to you about that?


No, I never knew anything.

Luke hardly talked to me.

He always had some excuse
not to come home.

Why was that, do you think?

I wasn't in a good place
after Seth died,

and I took it out on Luke.

I drove him away.

I thought he'd be better off
away from me.

I got that wrong.

Well, here's another one

you probably won't be able
to answer, love.

Er, Jasmine Ashers...

Mean anything?

She lives in Lingford with her mam.

So, was she and Luke mates?

No, I don't think so.

I mean, they saw each other
for a couple of months

when they were kids.

She was getting married soon.

He... he wasn't invited.

So you heard Terence Kayle
applied for parole?

Day for celebration, that was,
when he didn't get it. Aye.

Do you know that his brother
came round to see me?

He wanted me to help him!

That was a mistake.

Raymond Kayle came to your house?

Aye, I slammed the door in his face.

The police came round later,

I think one of my neighbours must
have called them.

Listen to this.

Raymond Kayle paid a visit
to Luke's mam four weeks ago.

Someone called the police,
and I wanna know who that was.

Er, Ma'am,
I checked out Jojo Walters.

Clean as a whistle.
Not even a parking ticket.

Well, tell Mark to carry on
sniffing about.

He's talking to someone now.
Yeah, good.

Boss, about Jasmine Ashers...

Yeah, well, if you're gonna tell me
she lives in Lingford,

I already know.

She's a geography teacher
at The Woodrow Academy.

Yeah, right.
Well, that's local.

Go fetch her in.
A bit tricky.

She went on a school trip yesterday
at 5:00AM with 30 year 12s.

But she's back tomorrow.

Right, the second she's back,
I want to see her.

Which neighbour called uniform?

So, what's the name again?

Jason Hay,
he called the evening of the 17th.


Come on in.

I'll have to sit. It's my back.

I can't stand too long,

I can't sit too long.

So, is this about Raymond Kayle?

Er, partly.

Yes, we wondered why you called
the police four weeks ago.

Haven't you read the report?

Oh, aye, but it's always good
to hear it direct.

Can I?
Yeah, er, right.

OK, well, er,
Kayle had no right coming round.

I'm protective of Carmel.

She's been through enough,
and I told him so, too!

Told him to leave her alone!
How did that go?

He started on me.
He threatened you?

He didn't actually thr*aten me.

But I know his type.

It would've escalated if I hadn't
said I'd call the police.

Why are you asking about him?

Hiya, Dad.

Georgia, love, it's the police,

they've come round
about Raymond Kayle.

That was weeks ago...
Did he come back?

Dad was dead shaken up after.

What's Raymond done now?

Well, we're also here...
about Carmel's son, Luke.

What about him?

He's dead, love.
His body was found in Newcastle.


I'm sorry.

Sit down, love.

How did it happen?

Well, he'd been assaulted.
Head injury.

Where was it? Where did it happen?

We don't know.

Well, his body was found
near to his flat. But...

Oh, that's awful.

He was like a brother to Georgia
when she was younger.

He was a lovely young man.

So you were in touch?
Not really.

Saw him when he came back
a few weeks ago to see Carmel,

but only through the window.
Haven't talked to him in years.


I'm sorry. I've got to take this.

Now, do you know Jasmine Ashers?

She lives round the corner.
We're both going to her wedding.

I'm told she used to go out
with Luke, is that right?


For about two minutes
when they were younger.

She looked down her nose at him.
You don't know that.

Oh, come on, of course she did.


Right. Now, if you do think
of anything else,

could you just give us a ring, love?

Mark's sent a copy of Luke's shifts
and a client list.

There's one client
you need to look at.

He was a cleaner
at Raymond Kayle's gym!

Try telling me that's a coincidence!

Decent gym, this.

Is it?

It's full of posers and sweat!

Well, I'll give you the sweat.

But the mirrors,
that's not for posing.

That's about good form, technique...

There's Kayle.

What Terry did was wrong,
I'm not excusing it.

But Seth used undue force.

And not for the first time.

I wanted Carmel to go on the record,
say he could be aggressive.

So who said he'd used force before?

I thought it was common knowledge.

When did you last see Luke Sumner?

Why are you asking about him?

Oh, because he's dead, love.
Victim of an as*ault.

Now, we know he worked here
six weeks ago.

He requested it.

And then a week later,
you ring his bosses

and say you don't want him here.

I haven't seen him since he left.

He wanted to talk about Terry.
I said I wouldn't.

Where were you two nights ago?

Where were you?


Painting a changing room
till midnight. Then I went home.

Anyone confirm that?

It was midnight.

The gym was closed.
What do you think?

Do you believe what he said
about Seth Sumner having a temper?

There was nothing
in the police report.

He seemed shocked about Luke.

Well, he would be, wouldn't he?

If it was him who assaulted him
five hours before he died.


I need you to check out
Raymond Kayle's alibi.

Reckons he was sprucing up
his changing rooms

in the middle of the night.

Will do.

Oh, Ma'am,
I tried to get hold of Nadya Dinev

to take a statement,
but she didn't show up for work.

Did you try calling her?

She didn't answer.


That doesn't sound right.

Have you got an address for her?

Oh, yeah.

She's in one of the properties
owned by ECS.

Apparently, they've got loads.
They house most of their staff.

Aye, the Brocks mentioned that.
Thanks, Jac.

Right, Aiden.

See you later.
Yeah, see you in a bit.


They've got two people
sharing in here.

Size of it!

I thought that Sonia said
she looked after her staff...

What you doing?

Northumberland and City Police.

I'm DS Healy, this is DCI Stanhope.

Is this your room, love?


I'm gonna go and
get a residents list.

We're looking for Nadya.

Why, what's she done?

Where's all her stuff?

Well, we were hoping
you could tell us that.

I've only just finished work.

I've been on since
yesterday afternoon.

Can I ask you a couple of questions?


Can I help you?

Look, we need to have a chat, love.

I've got nothing to say.

What's your name?


Daisy, I'm going to be
in the Wexford Cafe

that's just around the corner,

and I'd very much like it
if you'd come and have a chat,

if you change your mind. Hmm?

Please. For Nadya.

Cos I'm worried about her.


Have you got any idea at all
where she might have gone?

You sure about that, love?

Or what do you think
happened to her?

We won't say that you talked to us.

Look, if nobody says anything,
nothing's gonna change, is it, pet?


Stuff happens to people
the bosses don't like.

Rooms get cleared out,
people disappear.

So what sort of people
do the bosses not like?

Anyone that doesn't do
what they say,

complains, talks back.

Oh, was that what she did?
Talk back?

I don't know. We're never
really on the same shifts.

And when you talk about
"the bosses",

does that include Jojo, the driver?

Jojo just does what he's told.

I'm on about Mr and Mrs Brock.

The Brocks punish us.

Dock our wages, cut our shifts.

They charge for everything.
Rent, electricity, transport.

How much is your rent?

£200 a week.

It's a zero-hour contract.

You've got to get there
an hour before, get your equipment,

get on the minibus...

They don't pay you for travelling,
only when you're cleaning.

They call travel time break time.

I did 60 hours straight once.

Minibus to shift
to minibus to shift.

I only got paid for 40 hours.

What about Luke Sumner?

Their golden boy?

Didn't trust him.

Must be a reason he'd been there
so long, right?

Well, thanks for coming over, love.

Did the Brocks do something to him?

Well, we'll be exploring
every avenue.

But if I were you, pet...

I'd start looking for another job.

Nadya Dinev's missing.
She's a person of interest.

So get in touch with airport,
train stations,

and the port authority.

Get her ID out there.

She might be trying
to get back home to Bulgaria.

Yes, Ma'am. Er, has anyone tried
contacting the family?

Oh, I've been trying, but no answer.
Yeah, well, keep trying, Jac.

Er, I did some more
background work on ECS.

Me and Kenny spoke with
some of the ex-staff.

The Brocks are bad news.

Intimidation, threats, you name it.

Hmm, right, did any of the staff
mention Luke?

Weren't sure about him.

Thought he was too quiet.

Never knew if he was
reporting back on them.

Yeah, they didn't trust him.
They thought he was stand-offish.

Yeah, but that could be
because he was quiet

and had his own place. Well, I also
spoke with all the companies

that Luke cleaned for,

and there was something
Clive and Sonia held back.


Well, last month at Hazelwoods -
it's an office in town -

they caught Luke stealing.

They reported it to Sonia Brock.

Well, well, well...

Well, yes, I've been so worried.
Haven't seen her since yesterday.

Do you think she might have
something to do with Luke's death?

You were worried?

Of course.

But not enough to report it?

Well, I didn't know
until first thing,

when she missed her shift.
She's not a child.

Yeah, but you knew
we'd been asking after her.

Her co-worker has been m*rder*d.

When you put it like that...

And why didn't you tell us

he'd been caught stealing
from Hazelwoods?

You told them you were gonna
deal with it in-house.

Why didn't you tell us that?

He never did anything
like it before.

I didn't think it was important.

I decide what's important, love.

So what did he steal?

£60 of petty cash.

Someone left it open on a desk.

And this theft wasn't reported
to the police, at your request.

He didn't lose any shifts.

And it's not on record.
So how did you deal with it?

I'm admin, Clive's more HR.

You'll have to talk to him.
I'll call him.

Don't bother, pet!

I gave him a verbal warning
and the benefit of the doubt.

It was a one-off.

Well, isn't that generous of you (?)

Come on.

He'd been with us for years,
he was a hard worker.

I kept a closer eye on him,
of course.

Oh, I bet you did.

So why did he get so worked up

when Jojo said
you wanted to see him?

I don't know.

All I was gonna do was
give him a written warning.

I'd given him a verbal one
over the theft.

Whatever was going on with Luke
was nothing to do with me.


I don't believe a word
that they said.

Acting like they care
about their staff...


60 quid out of petty cash?

I mean, why would he do that?

Saw the money and grabbed it?

But the fella lived like a monk!

Plus he'd got five grand
in his bank.

No, there's something else
going on here.

I reckon those two
are as dirty as they come.


Will someone please give me
some news on Nadya's whereabouts?

Sorry, Ma'am.
We've got nothing yet.


Well, any luck with her family?
Er, yeah.


Yeah. I've just heard
from her grandma in Bulgaria.

But she hasn't heard anything.
Do you believe her?

Well, yeah. She sounded worried.

And she looks after
Nadya's two daughters.


Also, Nadya sends money home
each week.

Only up until recently,

she was sending more
than she was earning.

How much more?

A hundred quid a week.

That'll be that extra
hundred quid a week

Luke was drawing out!
He was giving it to her.


Ma'am, that was Luke's neighbour
on the phone,

they said they heard an argument
on the first and again on the 10th.

Both times with a woman.
The same woman?

They didn't know.

Ma'am, Jasmine Ashers is downstairs.

Just back, came straight here.

At last!

Kenny, have someone bring her up!

Thanks for coming in, love.
It's all right, yeah.

I couldn't believe it
when I heard.

His mam'll be devastated.


Why did you want to see me?

Er, because...

you had a phone call with Luke
a week before he died.

Erm, what did you talk about?

Why is that relevant?

Because this is a m*rder enquiry,

Everything's relevant.

In fact, you had four calls,

and this last one
was for over an hour.


what did you talk about?

Just... stuff.

Catching up.

My wedding.
Your wedding.

Which Luke wasn't invited to,
is that right?

Well, I hadn't seen him for ages.

Was he upset he wasn't invited?


Yeah, but you didn't
talk for an hour

about a wedding
he wasn't invited to.

So what did you talk about?

You asked if he was upset
he wasn't invited to my wedding.

He was upset, full stop.

We went out when we were 16.

He said he was still
in love with me.

He said I couldn't get married
because I was meant to marry him.

He was in love with you?

That's what he said.

He started turning up near work,
trying to talk to me,

and watching me.

Well, why didn't you report that?

Because what good would that do?


You want to know the truth?

I was terrified
of what Luke might do to me.

If Luke was obsessed with Jasmine,

maybe he was obsessed with
Nadya too.

I mean, they've got to be connected,

his m*rder and her leaving.

Well, maybe he got too full-on
and Nadya att*cked him?

Yeah, but then we've checked,
haven't we?

She was working a shift for ECS
at the hospital.

I couldn't believe it when I heard
Luke was dead.

Same age as my Jas.

Did you know him?

A bit. He was a quiet boy...


Obviously hard for him
after his father was k*lled.

We heard that he used to see


Well, she told us
that she was scared of him.

To be honest, I had issues.

What sort of issues?

I didn't trust him.

He took advantage of her
when she was vulnerable.

Found his way in.

What do you mean, "took advantage"?

Well... after Thea died.

Thea? Who's Thea?

Jason Hay's daughter.

Jas and Thea had been best mates
since they were little.

So, were they all friends together,

this Thea, Luke and Jasmine?

Oh, no.

Thea and Jas were at the girls'
school, Luke at the boys',

they were very different.

So, what happened with Thea?

She k*lled herself.

She was just 16.

She'd told Jas she was depressed.

Jas didn't realise how serious
it was, well...

you don't at that age, do you?

One night...

Thea jumped off Jackson's Crag.


Jason never recovered.

How was Jasmine afterwards?


Felt guilty that she hadn't helped
Thea, hadn't stopped her.

Then, Luke started coming round.

Said he knew what she was going
through, cos of his dad.

At first, I thought
he was just being kind.

He was using her grief
to get to her.

And once they were together,
he wouldn't leave her alone.

He was here day and night.

In the end, Jas had to tell him
to back off.

He left Lingford a year or so later.

So, when did you last hear from him?

He called Jas a week or so ago.

On the phone for an hour,
she said he'd called before.

Jas was terrified he was getting
all intense again.


So, where were you and your daughter
on the night of the 15th?

The night before Jas' school trip?


I was here with her.

She had to nip back to school,

forgotten something or other.

She'd been on her phone
half the night, stressing.


Er, just routine, love.

Er, thanks very much for your time.

We'll leave you to it.


So, what are they saying,
that he's some kind of a stalker?

No, they didn't actually use
that word.

No, that's what they meant, though!

Did Luke spend time at Jasmine's
when they were younger?


Look, I don't know.

I-I can't remember.

Luke, he told me that he was there

because Jasmine said she was having
panic att*cks.

So, you remember that?

Luke was not a bad lad.

He was just troubled.
He broke up with her,

he knew I needed him.

It wasn't all about Jasmine!

Hang on, he broke it off with her?

That is what he said, yes.

She's a pretty girl,
but not on the inside.

Were Luke, Jasmine and Thea close?


They hardly gave him
the time of day.

Thea, she just did
whatever Jasmine told her.

Look, Jasmine was popular...

she didn't want to be seen with
someone like Luke.

You know what teenage girls
are like.

My Luke...

he was a good boy.


He would never have hurt Jasmine.

JAC ON RADIO: 'Ma'am, we've got
Nadya. Port authority just rang.'

Thanks, Jac, we're on our way,
and can you pull up

the police report on a Thea Hay?
'Yes, Ma'am.'




TANNOY: 'Please ensure that
all unchecked baggage...'



we've been worried about you.

Why did you up and leave, Nadya?

I was scared.

Right, sit yourself down.

Go on.

OK, so let's talk about Luke.

Now, I believe he'd been giving you
money to send home.

So, were you together, you and Luke?

We saw each other for a few months.

We split up two weeks ago.

So, why'd you split up?

We were arguing about work,
at his flat, and...

..he started shouting
and kicked a hole in the wardrobe.

I ended it the next day.

So, did he get heavy with you?

No, said he didn't blame me.

Not after how he behaved.

So, why did you leave?


SOBS: Mr Brock forced me to go.

He said I was bringing too much
unwanted attention to the company.

Mr Brock did that?

It was you who stole that cash,
wasn't it?

When Luke found out I was stealing,

he tried to put it back, and then
they thought he'd done it.

He took the blame,
but Mr Brock knew it wasn't him,

knew it was me.

Well, that didn't give him any right
to as*ault you, love.


Mind your head.


There must be some kind
of misunderstanding,

we had nothing to do with
Luke's death.

Oh, we'll get to Luke in a minute,

Look, I've been doing some research
into your company.

All the paperwork's present
and correct.

Oh, you're right there,
you've been very careful.

You've got certificates
for everything.

But I'm willing to bet
some of them are bought.

Of course they're not!

'Ey, that was a good act you put on
there, love...

the caring boss.

Hey, you had me fooled
the first time we met,

but not any more, love,

not now I've seen
how you run your business.

Threats, intimidation, blackmail...

We look after our staff!
No, you don't.

You do the bare minimum.

Apart from your houses,
when you do even less.

I doubt they meet
occupancy standard.

There's a couple that are
a little busy,

but we're buying more houses.

I can't put staff out
on the street!

Er, none of your rooms are
registered for multi-occupancy.

Yet, all 12 of your houses
are crammed to the gills.

We had a cash flow problem,
but we were working on it,

I've had electricians in.
Yeah, cos you knew you were

on our radar,
you knew we'd be checking.

Now, then...

..your husband did this
two days ago,

removing someone from your property.

He did this?

Oh, I didn't know...

This has got nothing to do with me.

Are you sure about that, love?


Now, there is one way you could
help yourself here, pet.

And that's if you help us with Luke.

So, what else is it
you're not telling us, hmm?


Something did happen with Luke,
but he wouldn't tell me what.

You'll have to talk to Clive.

I brought Luke in for the stealing,
I-I knew it wasn't him,

he was covering for his girlfriend.

But when I got him in,
he insisted it was him.

Got arsey, threatened us.

Threatened you with what?

Nah, Luke had worked for you
long enough to know

all the ins and outs,
all the shortcuts.

That's why he had his own flat,
for a start.

You were scared how much he knew.


These are completely unsubstantiated

So, what happened, did he offer
to turn a blind eye

if you did the same?

We agreed not to pursue the matter,

because the cash had been returned
and no-one was hurt.

But recently, he'd got cocky.

Turning up late, talking back.

Sets the wrong example.
The wrong example?!

I wasn't having him
make a mug out of me.

Oh, is that what he did,
made a mug out of you?

Well, you wouldn't have liked that.

So, what did he do,
push you too far,

you had to shut him up? Because
I believe you are capable of it!

I had nothing to do with
Luke's m*rder.

So YOU say.

Do you have any evidence
my client was involved?

Not yet.

In that case, as Mr Brock has
assisted fully in your enquiries,

he now has work to do.

Ah, no, your client's going nowhere,

Sit down, pet.

Because I have a witness
making a formal complaint

at this very moment.
What about?


This is totally ridiculous.

Just keep calm, we'll sort it out.

I hate to say it,

but I don't think either of 'em had
anything to do with Luke's death.

And they wouldn't do anything
to bring us to their doorstep.

But we can't rule them out!

I'm not ruling anybody out!


Now, Luke suddenly started
fighting back,

after two years of towing the line.

So, something happened recently
to make him start.

Hm? That's what we need to find out.

Good lass.


It wasn't fair,
what I said about Luke.

He was ashamed
for losing his temper.

Well, you thought if he'd done it
the once...

No, he-he wasn't like that.

He was...

kind and gentle.

I don't think he'd had a happy life.

A couple of weeks
before we split up,

he had a day off and...

..the next day, he was different.

In what way different?

He'd changed, he...

avoided me, made excuses.

Went to the pub and got drunk
after every shift.

I just gave him some space.

Now, during our examinations,

we found scars on Luke's legs,

old scars,

did you ever notice them?

Yeah. I saw him in the shower once,

scrubbing himself with a brush
until it bled.

It hurt him.

The bathroom smelled of bleach
after that.

Did he do that often?

I only saw him do it once.

I really liked him, you know?

I looked into Jasmine Ashers'
fiance, a Richard Sarenden,

he was the keynote speaker
in Belfast on the 15th.

So, with a room full of witnesses?

Yeah, 300 of them.

You know, Nadya's Luke couldn't be
more different from Jasmine's.

Doesn't sound like he preyed on
the vulnerable.


See if you can find out
when his day off was.

That part of your training, is it?


Luke's bank card was handed in by
a Phil Annerly yesterday lunchtime,

but he found it on the evening
of the 15th.

That's the night Luke died.
Where did they find it?

At his pub, The Brickmakers Arms,
he's the landlord.

Luke went there
after walking off his shift.

I found his card in the toilet,
the other night.

I thought I'd hold onto it in case
he came back, but he never showed.

And you're sure it was the 15th?

Oh, aye, we had the football on.

Place was busy.

He came in about, what,
20 minutes beforehand.

It'll be on CCTV,
if you want to come through.

He should be on it.

There we go.

There he is, there's our lad.

That's Raymond Kayle!

You've gotta be kidding me!

Is Raymond a regular?

This is his local,
he's in here most nights.

I've not seen him this week, though.

That through to the gents'?

Is there an exit
through the back there?


Er, you need to come out, love.

He could've got out this way.

Aye, or been taken out.

Er, can I get you a coffee?

Hey, don't come in here, pet,

it's a possible crime scene.

Well, shall I close the pub up?

Aye, you better had, love.


This lock's broken.

Anybody could have come in
and gone out.

Ma'am, look, fibres.

That could be from Luke's T-shirt.

Maybe Raymond assaulted him here,
then dragged him out?

Or Luke could've just left
by himself.

And if so, where'd he go?

Right, get it sealed off
and get forensics in.


Jac, now, listen...

Luke left the pub after 7:45PM,

but we don't know where he went.

So, I'm gonna need uniform
to canvas the area.

'He could have gone anywhere.

'Have you got that?'

I-I'm on it, Ma'am.



you should've told us you saw Luke
on the night he died.

You knew Luke would be
in your local,

you knew everyone'd be watching
the football,

and you went there to hurt him.

Take it out on him for your brother
not being released!

No! No, I didn't.
You've told us a pack of lies!

You told us you hadn't
spoken to Luke.

I avoided him at work,
I got him moved.

But he door-stepped me.

He wanted to talk.

He knew Terry's parole
was coming up.

Luke actually believed
it WAS self-defence.

Are you buying this?

Are you expecting us to believe
he wanted to help your brother,

who'd k*lled his dad?

Luke was terrified of his dad.

Seth made his life a misery.

He-he used to knocked him about,
and his mam.

That's why Luke wanted to help me.

It was his idea that
I talk to Carmel. Yeah.

He made me think that she might
actually listen.

Yeah, yeah, we know all about that.
I wanna know what happened

on the night he died!

CCTV from The Brickmakers Arms shows
you arguing with him that night.

You went to that pub to find Luke
and to attack him!

No, he was waiting for me.

He knew it was me regular,
he wanted to talk.

Yeah, well, that doesn't look
much like talking to me, pet.

He said he was sorry about Terry.

Me talking to his mam
had only made it worse.

I told him to go away,
just leave us alone.

No, you went to the gents',
where it's a bit more private,

cos you knew he'd follow you.
I didn't know he'd come after me!

And once you'd got him in there,
you att*cked him.

No, I didn't!
That's not how it happened.

Look, he said he blamed me
for Terry not getting his parole,

that it was my fault,
that I hadn't tried hard enough.

He was goading me, so I hit him!

I lost control!

I never should have, but at least
I only hit him the once.

And the rest!

I didn't k*ll him.

I know how it looks, but, I mean,
why do you think I lied?


Right, so, just let me
get this straight.

You're telling us, for the tape,

that you only threw one punch?



Where'd you hit him?


I lost control,
but only for a second.

I was so disappointed in myself,
I left him and went back to the gym.

It was weird...

..after I hit him...

he seemed pleased.

Said he deserved it.

Were you wearing those that night?

Your rings?


I always wear 'em
when I'm not working out,

they were me dad's.

Right, well, take 'em off.


Take 'em off.

That's it.


God help you
if you're lying to me, love.

Take him back down.

Raymond has admitted to the as*ault,
but not the head injury.

Aye, but he claims he only punched
the lad once, so we need evidence.

Now the rings have gone over
to Malcolm

to see if they match this blow
to Luke's torso.

Right, now, has anybody
got anything else?

Uh, the forensic report
is just in, Ma'am.

Uh, Luke's fingerprints were found

on the emergency exit door
and on the back gate.

The rest of it's just a mess
of DNA and prints.

Which means he got himself
out of that pub?

Looks like it.

Which means, the crime scene
is somewhere else.

Any ideas, anyone,
where he might've gone?

I haven't seen him on CCTV.

But then again,
there's not much out there.

Oh, there are some bus stops
nearby though.

He could've had his pick of
15 buses after leaving the pub.

Aye, well that makes sense.

He would've wanted to get away
from there.

And if he's on a bus, that would
explain why he's not on any CCTV.

Good thinking, Jac.


Go talk to the drivers, get their
CCTV and take uniform with you.

I'm gonna go and chivvy Malcolm on.

Right, come on, everyone,
I want some news when I get back!

I would say that these abrasions on
Luke's torso are related to ring A.

That's the right hand.
That's correct.

But there is no evidence that
he caused any of the other injuries,

including the one to the head.

There's no sign of any more
ring abrasions at all.

What, none?!

None. I had expected to see some,
but there's nothing.

So you're saying,
Luke was assaulted twice?

First by Raymond,
and then by somebody else.

Looking at the evidence,
I can't link him to the fatal blow.

The head injury
was within the next five hours.


Thanks, Malcolm.

Oh, there was one more thing.

I did re-examine
the historical scars on Luke's body,

and they do match
what you were told.

It's very likely
that he was alternating

between using a nail brush
and bleach on himself.


He'd done it twice in the last year,
the others were older.


Yes, I know Raymond has, previous.
And he lied to us...

True, but I can't link him
to that fatal blow to the head.

You can't believe him?

Look, Luke was deep waters
like his mam said.

Hmm? He was troubled, intense,

and if what Raymond said is true,

his dad was a brute
and that messes with your head.

Luke wanted to be punished,
felt guilty.

For what?

Right, now, how we doing
with these bus drivers?

Anyone see him?

I'll go check.

And you're sure this is the fella?

How did he seem?

Some lads were hassling him
and I warned them off.

He looked in a state.
Got off at the Walton Crossroads.

It's a stop
in the middle of nowhere,

about 18 miles from here.

That's two miles from Lingford!

We suspect that Luke
was in Lingford the night he died.

He got a bus to Walton Crossroads.

Well, he didn't want to see me.

Last time that I saw Luke we argued.

I argued.

I was angry that he'd brought
Raymond to my door, to my home.

Well, we do know there was
something going on with Luke.

Something he blamed himself for,
felt guilty about.

Have you got any idea
what that could've been?

Terence Kayle.

Luke wanted me to say that his dad
was violent.

That Terence
could've been defending himself.

Well, we had heard that your husband
was violent towards Luke...

..and to yourself.

Seth never meant to hurt us.

I tried to stop him,
but it just made it worse.

So it was better to say nothing.

Luke and me would both learn that.

I know I should've protected Luke.

His dad was not all bad.

He was always sorry afterwards.

And you loved him, hmm?

But you've got to be honest, pet.

Especially to yourself.

Luke said that.

Said that we had to tell the truth.

If we didn't, neither of us
would be able to move on.

Wise words, pet.

Er, hold on.

When Luke last came to see you,

is that when he found out
about Jasmine's wedding?

Yeah. I asked him to come with me.
I thought he'd like it.

And what did he say?

No. He was really upset.

He left soon afterwards.

Told me to think about what he said.

Well, thank you for your help.

Do you reckon that Luke
was att*cked in Lingford?

Aye, it'd mean he would've had
four hours to get back home.

Wouldn't he?

And you heard what Malcolm said,
he was a dead man walking.


And another thing...

Didn't Nadya say
Luke changed four weeks ago,

completely changed?

Yeah, I checked on that.

That was the day after
he came to see his mum.

Aye, but the big thing that happened
that day wasn't about Raymond,

it was finding out
Jasmine was getting married.

Well, maybe he came to see Jasmine.

Could still have been
obsessed with her? Aye.

What you doing?

Come on,
I thought you was in training.

It's only around the corner.


Mrs Ashers.

Let's talk again
about the night of the 15th.

Did you see Luke?

Of course not. Why would I?

Cos he got off a bus,
not two miles from here,

and that's the night he died.

Now, you say Jasmine went to work.

Well, it's a bit of a coincidence,

she went out round about the
same time as he arrived in the area.

Hmm? I think she went to meet him...

Why would she do that?
She was scared of him!

She, she wouldn't.
What time did she get back?

I don't know, I went to bed.
Well, what time did you go to bed?


Jas couldn't have been much later.
She had an early start.

She can't have seen him,
she'd have said.

Ah, and kids tell their parents
everything, do they?

I don't know about other parents,
but we do!

I didn't want Luke
anywhere near Jas.

He was dangerous.

We couldn't have a repeat
of last time.

And that gives her, and you,
a motive to hurt him.

Doesn't it?

Yeah, Jac, listen.

I want you to run an ANPR
on Jasmine Ashers' car,

and her mam's, too.

On it.

Oh, Ma'am, I've just heard back
from Woodrow Academy.

Er, Jasmine's pass card wasn't used
on the night of the 15th.

And no printers were used.

And CCTV shows
nobody entering or leaving.

So she lied.

Thanks, Jac!

this is starting to make sense.


Jasmine Ashers, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of the m*rder

of Luke Sumner.

You do not have to say anything...
What? But I haven't done anything.

..if you do not mention something
you later rely on in court.

What? Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.

Do you understand?

Now why did you lie
about seeing Luke? I didn't.

Oh, stop playing the innocent, love,
it won't wash. We know you saw him.

And when we run your fingerprints
through our system,

I'm pretty sure they're gonna
match those we found at his flat.

ANPR shows five days
before Luke died,

your car passed 200 metres
from his home.

And then, 30 minutes later,
it passed in the opposite direction.

Plus, we have a statement
from a neighbour,

saying she heard an argument
in Luke's flat

at the time
between these two readings.

Now, you say he was obsessed
with you,

well, we never found any photos
or anything in his flat.

And four phone calls in four weeks,
that's hardly evidence of stalking.

And the last time you saw him,
you went to his!

So will you stop lying
and start telling us the truth!

You didn't know him like I did.

He was intense and scary.

Well, from what we can gather

he was a hard-working,
troubled young man

who helped those
who were vulnerable! So...

It wasn't like that.

So what was it like?

After Thea, he said he understood
how I felt cos of his dad.

Said the grief bonded us.

I was upset, all over the place.

Next thing I know, we're going out,

but he wanted to be with me
all the time.

I could hardly breathe.
I had panic att*cks.

Well, that could be guilt
about Thea.

What, what d'you mean?

Well, weren't you the only one
she told she was depressed?

Well, yeah,
and I did try to help her.

But she'd started smoking weed
heavily, only it made her worse.

I told her to stop,
but she wouldn't listen.

So why is there no mention of that
in the report?

I didn't want to upset
her dad and sister.

Well, that wasn't your decision
to make, love.

Now, I think Luke got back in touch
with you, came to Lingford...

Well, maybe he was jealous you were
getting married, I don't know.

..and you arranged to meet him,
to warn him off.

So what happened, love, hey?

Did he say something wrong?
Things escalate and you lashed out.

I didn't. I didn't!

So where were you then,
on the night he died?

And don't tell us
you went into school, love,

because we know you didn't.

Where were you, Jasmine?


I was with someone.

He's married.

Luke was blackmailing me.

That's why I went to see him.

He'd followed me,
and saw us together.

Oh, first obsession, now blackmail?

He said if I didn't meet him,
he'd tell my fiance.

Right, a married man.

Come on, details,
name and address, please?

I can see why she wanted
to keep it quiet.

He's Chair of the Governors
at her Academy.

They've been together
for six months.

He's married with three kids,
all under five.

Now, the CCTV on his road shows
Jasmine arriving at 9:10PM

and leaving at 10:36PM.

His wife and kids were away.

He's paranoid his missus
is gonna find out.

Well, if she's got an alibi,
we're gonna have to let her go.

But the girl is a liar.

Luke was way too busy
to go stalking her.

But it was her wedding
that unsettled him.

Hmm? We know that much.

And then he goes back to work,
shuts himself off,

and starts to unravel.

Where's Thea Hay's
toxicology report?

We need to see Malcolm.

Er, Malcolm!

I'm in the middle of a supervision.

Yeah, and I'm in the middle
of a m*rder enquiry.

Take a look at that.

It's about Luke Sumner.

Well, why have you given me this?
It says Thea Hay on it.

Yes, I know it does.

Now, she grew up in the same village
as Luke, k*lled herself. Right.

Take a look
at the toxicology report.

Now her best friend
has just told us,

that Thea was a heavy cannabis user
before she died, hmm?

There's no mention of that
in there.

Well, why would there be,
if that wasn't the case?

Well, is it possible
she just didn't use on day she died?

Traces of THC stay in the body
for 30 days.

I would say, that this girl had,
at most, one joint in her system.

And they only found
the one butt at the scene.

Her father said
that she never smoked,

rarely drank.

There was no alcohol
found in her body either.

And no su1c1de note.

Anytime (!)
Thank you, Malcolm.

Sorry about that.

Now, when was Luke cautioned
for cannabis possession?

Six weeks before Thea died.

Right, now listen...

See, I think
all of Luke's self-harming

and all the rest of it,
was because of Thea's death...

..and I don't think that lass
was alone when she died!

It was Thea's death
that bonded Luke and Jasmine.

Because they were both with her
when she died!

And whilst Luke spent his life
tormented by the memory,

there's Jasmine gaily making wedding
plans as if nothing had happened.

ANPR have confirmed

Jason Hay's vehicle
was sighted at Ayrton Road,

at 23:45 on the 15th.

Right... See, Luke needed
the truth to come out

and I think he gave Jasmine
an ultimatum.

Tell the truth with me
or I do it alone?

Aye. He went to Lingford
to confess to Thea's dad!

Police are here for you, Dad.
Oh, what now?

Er, look can we have a word with
your dad, in private, love?

I told you about Kayle.
Should've arrested him by now!

We're not here to talk about
Raymond Kayle, pet.

We want to talk about Thea.


Well, what do you want to know?

Well, can you tell us a bit more
about the night your daughter died.


Just so as we're clear.

She seemed really happy
the day she died.

I thought we'd had a nice day.

We watched a film...

..we went to bed...

..then, in the middle of the night,
she just crept out...

..walked to Jackson's Crag.

It was depression.

I had no idea.

I play it over and over,
about how I could've stopped her.

About why I didn't spot it.

Working out why she didn't tell me.

Was it because she was too proud?

Was it because she was too ashamed?

Was it because her mam left
when she was little?

I'll never forgive myself
for missing it.

Mr Hay...

..we know Luke Sumner came
to Lingford on the night he died.

Did he?

Why? Well, we're hoping
you could tell us that

cos we believe he came to see you.

Well, I...
I wouldn't know if he did.

I'd been in the pub.

Doesn't mix with my meds.

The landlord sent me home,
I was in bed asleep by half seven.

Can anyone verify that?

Could Georgia?

She was doing a double shift
at her care home. She slept over.

How does she get to and from work?

She uses my car.
I can't drive it. I...

..lost my license.


Will you excuse us, love?



I know what you did.
Luke told me everything.

Is she here? Yeah.
Call for back up.

You need to admit it.
Let's talk about this later.

Oh yeah, that would suit you, right.
Away from your mam?

Why won't you let me speak?

Because it's private. Please?
Jas, love?

Please? You don't deserve pity.

How could you do it? How?

Georgia, you need to calm down.

She had nothing to do with Luke.

Well she's not talking
about Luke, pet.

Please don't say anything.

You are nothing but a coward!

You ruined my life, my dad's life!

Georgia, let's take this outside.

No. You're not letting her
get away with it. Not any more.

Tell the truth. Admit it!

Look, I know the truth, Georgia.

I know. So come with me,
and we can talk this through.

Come on, pet.

Jas, what's this all about?
Look at you.

This is your last chance
to do it yourself.

Look, she doesn't have to.

We'll re-open the inquest
into your sister's death.

You will?



What's this got to do with Thea?
Nothing, Mum, nothing.

I'll tell you.

She was with Thea that night.

Her and Luke.

She dared Thea
to stand on the edge of the crag.

And when Thea fell...

..she let us think
it was all our fault!

They both did.

It's not true, Mam.

I'd never. I wouldn't do that.
I wouldn't!

Come on, pet.

You look hollowed out.

I haven't slept in days.

Look, I know the truth
was important to Luke.

Did he come to see your dad?

I was so happy to see him.

But he was upset,
he wouldn't look at us.

Kept saying he wanted
to speak to me dad,

but I told Luke I wouldn't wake him.

Luke looks in a bad way.
Whatever it was, was hurting him.

I begged him to tell us
what it was and...

..eventually, he did.

Luke could see Thea was wasted
when Jasmine dared her.

He tried to stop her.

But Jasmine just kept pushing her
on and on, and so...

Luke wanted to go to the police,

but Jasmine said
that they'd end up in prison,

that she'd k*ll herself,
that it would destroy his mam.

She's just a kid, love.

Just a stupid scared kid.

Yeah, well, that KID made up
that Thea had depression.

Said people'd believe it was su1c1de
and Luke just went along with it.

I wanted to hurt him,
like he'd hurt us.

I kicked him, hit him, punched him.
He just let me.

Until he fell,
and he banged his head, hard.

Straight away, I came to my senses.

I was sorry. I wanted to help him,

but it... it wasn't bleeding,
he was OK.

He just wanted to go home.

And you drove him back, did you?


And how did he seem?

Bit drunk. Slurring.

Was that because of his head?




I'm sorry.


What'll happen to Jasmine?

She's got to admit the truth.

Oh, she will.

She's got no choice, love.



Um... I...

