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08x02 - Black Ice

Posted: 01/04/24 19:59
by bunniefuu










Stay on this side.


MAN: Let's get this one turned round
quickly, please. Get the brace on.

As quick as possible.

Nobody else touch the car.


VERA: Collision up Hawling Cross.
Someone's done a runner on a body.

Yeah, the victim is... They say
she's hanging in there, but...

Likely to prove fatal. Mm. I've got

Why aren't you up there already? I
had to drop the little 'un off.

I'm sorry. I got here as quick as I

Kenny's up there. Mm. I know that

It's all bloody boy racers bombing it
along at 80mph.

Was she conscious when they found
her? No.


Can't feel a pulse. She's in cardiac
arrest. All right. Clear.

So it was before dawn, they reckon?
We don't know.

We haven't got a name either.
Paramedics took her bag. We're on it.

And there's no passenger.

Is the cab firm aware - Everitt's?

It's answerphone. Jac's up there
waiting now.

What? She volunteered. She's good,
Aiden. Don't waste her.

Anyway, she was definitely hit by
another vehicle.

She didn't just skid off the road.

(SIGHS) What a mess.

Now, there's two types of paint.

Two sets of tyre tracks.

I think they both came this way.

Clipped her... and off she went.

But it's not like it's a blind bend
or anything, is it?

Even in the night. High speed
wouldn't make a difference.

Right, well, there's culpability
right there.

These tyre tracks say speeding to

Well, could've been drunk.

Yeah. It's likely, isn't it?

Drink or dr*gs.

But there's plenty room to swerve,
isn't there?

Loads of room.

So, was this deliberate?

What have you got for us?

That could be it, right there.

Can you work your magic on that, Ken,
see if she was texting?

Well, I know a man who can, yes.

Have you clocked the diesel? Aye.

Well, she's in the ditch, so it's not
from her vehicle, is it?

No, agricultural.

More than likely some sort of farm

Well, see how far this diesel goes,

You never know. It might take us
right to her front door. Hm.

Was there any alcohol in the blood?

I don't know. I hope not.

She was 16 weeks pregnant.

No, no, there's no foetal heartbeat.

How long do you keep her like that?

Till all the relatives have been

Faye, she's called.

We found this on the cab firm's


Has she ever been in before?

Yes. But 'next of kin' was blank.

Oh, so do you know who the baby's dad
is? We don't have antenatal records.

So, what was she in for before?

I don't think I can tell you that,
can I?

Isn't your deputy talking to legal?

Ethics fella says they need a court
order before anything's disclosed.

Oh, very helpful. What happened to
999 solidarity?

Hey, Kenny, you got a relative for

No, but we've found an address
marked 'home'.

It was stored in the sat-nav. Ah,

Now, why didn't you think of that?
Why didn't you?

Well, make sure you pass anything useful
on to these medics, update their records.



Yeah? DCI Vera Stanhope,
Northumberland and City police.

And this is DS Healey.

OK. We're here about a Faye

Yeah, but she's not in. Ah, we know
that, pet.

But this is her address, right?

Yeah, she rents with my brother.

Well, can we come in, love? I'm
afraid we've got some bad news.

Noel! It's the police.

And who's Noel? He the landlord?

Yeah. Mm.

I'm er... I'm sorry. I just got in
from work.

Er, DCI Stanhope.

It's regarding your tenant - Faye

Well, that doesn't sound good.

Mm. Can we...

There's no chance? Not even like...
No, the medics think not.

I'm sorry.

Well, what about the baby? Is the
baby alive?

(SIGHS) It won't be, love. Think
about it.

How long's she been a tenant here?

Oh, about 18 months.

Yeah, about 18 months.

Do her family know? We were hoping
you could help us contact them.

We didn't meet 'em. They don't get
on, I think.

No, they don't get on.

So do they go under the name of

Again, I... I don't really know.

Is there anything you can think of
that might help us to contact them?

They live in, like, a stately home.

(SIGHS) Well, that's what she told
me. No, they don't.

You could try her room. She might
have an address book or something.

It's er... just up there on the left.

She was at the funeral. She was
definitely there.

I mean, she was fine.

I mean, she wasn't fine considering
there was a funeral, like. Mm.

Was that the last time you spoke to
her? Yeah. She didn't come home.

Did she meet someone?

Don't know, love. Did she? Would that
be in character?

Well, not really, no.

Whose funeral was it?
It was er... our cousin. Roddy.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Coming so soon after. It beggars

So, was she close to the deceased?

Roddy...? Maplin.

Ah, no, she only knew him through

She was my rock.

That's what I called her. Simone,
would you shut up a bit? Sorry.

Do you know who the baby's father

I didn't ask. She didn't know.

Ah, it's all right, pet. I don't

Funny question, but can you think of
anyone who might want to harm her?

What, like, deliberately?

No. Not round here, no.

What about the fellas she used to
hang out with in town and stuff?

Maybe. I don't know.

She said she hung around with some
rough fellas in the past,

but nothing that we were aware of.


She had a couple of photo albums in
the lounge. Would they help?


If anything occurs to you... call this number.

Can we see her on the ward?

Er, probably not, until her next of
kin have been informed.

So, unless you're family or
a partner...

Right, well, um, we'll head down
there and we'll see what they say.

Her landlord, my arse.

Do a background check on the pair of

Well, to be fair, could be any reason
he's lying.

Like what? Benefit fraud for one.

Be out of pocket if they say they're
a couple.

Get on to Work and Pensions, see what
flags up.

You all right? Any progress?

Nope. I've tried the mobiles, the
landlines. I've instant messaged.

It's fine. I'll just wait.
Are you sure?

At least you've got the weather for
it. Oh, yeah. This job's like a holiday.

Anyone reported her missing or the
vehicle? Doesn't look like it.

Likely to prove fatal. And by likely
they're saying definite,

so no-one gets their hopes up.

Shame. Did she have kids? Nah. But
she was pregnant.

Wish I hadn't asked. Aye.

Now, it's unclear the sequence of
events leading up to the collision,

but the other vehicle left the scene.

Under the influence? Probably.

So follow up any road-rage incidents
in the area.

Did she have a run-in up the road?
Did anyone else?

Was it random or was someone going
after her?

That was my next question, Mark.

Where are we with the diesel? Half a
mile down the road.

The CSOs reckon there was a gap
between the tread. So a 4X4.

That or a van, yeah. Tractor, maybe.

Hm. Have you got something on that

Nope. Him and his sister drew a

But the victim herself, she was on
the system - as a timewaster.

She presented at Moresby about two
years ago asking for a restraining order.

Said her stepmum, Susan Wakeland,
was trying to k*ll her.

You sure about that? Absolutely. She
said she tried to run her over.


How long's this been a nursing home?

Oh, 30-odd years.

Brian, Faye's dad, he's been here
for about five.

His wife, Susan, looks after him.

Right. I'll go in and break the news.

You check her movements,
the day of the crash.



Ah, looking for a Susan Wakeland,

She runs the place, doesn't she?
She's supervising lunch.

Here we go.


Her car was hit by another vehicle.

And I'm afraid she's not expected to
survive her injuries.

So, what, she's put someone
in a coma?

No. No, I'm sorry if I've not made
myself clear, Mrs Wakeland.

No, it's Faye who's been injured.

She's the one on life support.

We always tried our best with Faye.

When did you last see her? June,
maybe? She was working a lot.

I can't say we've had much contact

I can't do this.

Well, I'll do it, if you like.

No. He... He's not good with

Bri? Brian, love?

Who... who's that?

She's a policewoman, love.

Faye's been in an accident,

She's not going to wake up.

D... did... I...

Did... did you make your peace?

You did. You did, love.

That is important to you
to be at peace, isn't it?

What was the falling out? Oh, stupid
stuff over power of attorney.

Money? (SIGHS) What money?

Faye got bad advice from some
solicitor she was going out with.

He told her to come after Brian's
estate cos I couldn't be trusted.

Mm. But that was resolved?

More or less. Hm.

Now, a tricky one, this.

Faye reported to the police that you
tried to run her over.

Do you wanna tell me about that?

I've absolutely no idea.

An incident in Grey Market about two
years ago.

Well, we had a row, yeah, but I

She practically threw herself on the
bonnet. Effing and blinding at me.

She told lies.

Like? Oh, like she was always the

and someone was out to get her.

And was someone out to get her?

So, what were the other lies?

Obviously there was stuff that she
said about Brian.

And with the stroke, he could barely
answer back.

So, what did she say exactly?

That he was cruel and that we made
her teenage years a misery.

Well, no, she made her life a

I'm sorry to say it, but she did.

Um, so how did it happen?

Was she on her phone or...
Don't know, love.

The other driver didn't stop.

Poor Sue. Poor Brian.

This is gonna set him back, no

Was she on duty two days ago?

How do you mean? Can you say where
she was?

As in, are you checking up on her?

It's just a routine part of our

Between say, 6pm and 6am?

Yeah. Yeah. There was a fire drill
about 8pm.

I'm the marshal. I remember ticking
her off.

Look, the hospital will need to talk
to next of kin.

Formalities, organ donations,
what have you.

I've got no idea of her wishes. I...

What do you expect me to do, ask her

The nurse reckons she was here.

Well, I don't think she's going to

Wow. I know.

Well, the hospital are going to want
witnesses when they switch her off.


AIDEN: Yeah.

They've turned up. Someone from the
workshop next door

told them first thing yesterday and
they closed in respect.

All right, thanks. We're on our way


Went out of her way to help people,
especially elderly clients.

I had to have a chat about the
number of free lifts she was giving.

How long was she with you?

Oh, under a year. I can check. Hm.

Had she had any trouble on the road
or with clients?

No. Why?

It was an accident, wasn't it?

Well, we're keeping an open mind for
now, love.

Was she on duty when she died or was
she using the car for a private...

No, she was on duty.
Friday night's our best night.
Someone had to be on.

She'd agreed because she wasn't

So I could have a drink at Roddy's
do. Because of the pregnancy?

What pregnancy?

What? I only heard on the grapevine.

Do you know who the baby's father was?
No idea. I didn't even know she had a bloke.

She was always banging on about that

The one with all the money.

So, just to clarify...

..was she working when she crashed or
was she on her way to work?

I'm guessing, given where she was

she was driving to the address
I gave her. Ah. Have you um...

It's a landline. Usually means
a pensioner.

I can't remember
if it was a man or a lady.

And did they call back to say she
hadn't turned up?

Now you ask, I don't think they did.

Well, thanks, love.

Jac. Apparently she had a boyfriend
who was a solicitor.

See if it's the same one the
stepmother was banging on about.
Went after the father'sestate.

Jac, Mark'll have it on the system.
It's all right. I know.


Trace that caller. See if they saw or
heard from her.

Will do, ma'am.
We'll check out the CCTV.

Well, it is a funeral. So crying's to
be expected.

She's not storming out or anything,
is she?

No, just leaving to start her shift,
I'd say.

Packed do though, weren't it? We ran
out of lager, I remember that.

Popular fella then.

Yeah. That or the free bar.

I think the shock upset a lot of

How'd he die? I thought you

Roddy took his own life.

I want everything on Roddy Maplin's

His wife, the officers who found his
body, inquest reports, the lot.

Probably still interim. Yeah, well,
interim'll do.

And I want everything on that funeral

and how this place all fits together.

Could it be some satellite
interfering with the GPS?

No. This is what she typed into
the car as well.

No landline for at least a mile and

So, who called her out here?

Do you reckon it was a trap?

Could be premeditated.


Kenny, trace that phone call. Top



That was the hospital.

They're ready for us.

This doesn't feel right. I know.

It's all right, you can stand down.
One of our A&E nurses has agreed to witness.


Did you meet her whilst you were on

Ah, so that's why you concealed your

I could have lost my job.

I loved her.

I loved her so much.

Can you tell everyone
I'm next of kin?




At the time, I was working in mental

She was admitted, said she'd had an

When the bloods came back, they were

She told 'em she'd made it up.

They just told me to inform her GP
and um...

give her a leaflet on mindfulness.

So let me get this straight.

Rather than see her discharged with
nowhere to go,

you said she could come to yours.


Well, she was a fine-looking lass.

No, it wasn't like that. No.

She was in a state. But you were
living as a couple.

It wasn't official.

With the three of us at home, it was
like a little family

with Simone as our kid.

We never said we were, like,
in a relationship.

Noel, was the baby yours?

I just don't know.

So, did that cause ructions?

Was there a fall-out at the funeral?

Is that where this is heading?
Not at all.

Not at all. It was a mess, yes.

But I loved her.

So, who else was she close to, other
than you and Simone?


She had friends all over.


She sounds like a nice girl.

Her dad was a nasty piece of work.
And her stepmum.

Hang on. You said you hadn't met

I haven't, but the stories she told

That's why she was vulnerable.

Get them dropped off and have someone
keep an eye on them. What?

So we can check his alibi with the neighbour
before he gives them the heads-up.

Do you reckon he's lying? I think he
was trying to tell me something.

Now this crash was premeditated.


Heat of the moment, I could buy they
had some kind of row.

But... he really loved her.

It's just... I don't know.

Forensics say it was a white van
that hit her. (SOFTLY) Right.


You're police, aren't you?

Aye, we are, love.

Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs Maplin.

We know you've been recently

How does this happen? You know, it's
only three weeks since Roddy.

Well, can we come in, love?

I was out the back of the Walnut
with Noel for most of it.

Couldn't face that lot. Rat-arsed
blokes coming up, shaking my hand.

Can anyone else confirm that? The
manager maybe. He was in and out.

And Simone. She kept bringing us

Why do you need my movements?

Love, think about it.

They're double-checking what Noel
told them.

It just doesn't seem real.

I don't know why I'm upset. My dad's
just gone but... No, she was a nice lady.

She did a lot for Noel and Simone.

Hm? In what way?

Getting Simone on a college course
for her reading and that.

I thought they were in it for the
long haul - her and Noel and the baby.

Poor bugger had no luck. Was the
baby Noel's then?

Well, whose else would it be?

I know she played hard to get, but
she doted on him.

Now this solicitor, Adil Dohni, he's
a former boyfriend

and he represented her in court.

Fancy offices. Mm.

My dad always said, 'You ever need a
lawyer, get one who's made a bob or two.'

This particular one's been sued
twice for professional negligence.
Right, so he's a shyster.

They were together at least five
years, I'd say. Mm.

Did we get anything on the legal

Looks like it went in her favour.
Faye ended up with the family home.

Hang on. If she's got a house, what's
she doing living with Noel?

It was sold two years ago.

And six months later she's in A&E
saying she's homeless?

So where'd the money go?


I just wish I'd seen her.

I tried, but she kept saying to me
that she was... snowed under.

So, when was the last time?

18 months? When we split up,
I guess.

Can I ask why did you split up?

Just the normal.

Just... stopped getting along.

Mm. Ah, we know you were helping her
out in a case.

I mean, did you fall out over that?
No. It wasn't money.

I got frustrated.

Getting the house could've sorted
her out financially.

Cut a long story short, she sold up

and, well, blew the lot.

What, like, two hundred grand?

Nearly, yeah. It was all a bit
manic, really.

Kind of like a... a meltdown.

Mm. So was it that drove you apart?

Kids. She didn't want them and,
well, I did.

Ah, well, yeah, well, that can be

Basically her dad and stepmum were
horrible to her.

Did she ever talk about v*olence in
her childhood?

Some. But more... psychological.

Nasty stuff like no birthday

locking her in her room... Yeah, but
did she tell you that?

It was obvious from the moment you
met them. Brian was a nasty piece of work.

If we'd not gone after the house,
Sue would've left her with nothing.

Did she ever speak of anyone maybe
wanting to harm her?

Oh, yeah.

Susan was always making threats.

Now, did she tell you that or did you
witness it?

Oh, I witnessed it. Susan was like
a stalker whenever she got angry.

She waited outside my flat once.

When we arrived there was a big row.

Tried to run Faye over.

I told the other bloke. There was
a fire drill. She was here.

Did you see her in the early evening?

I'm sure I must have. So you didn't.

Did you mislead my sergeant?

No, I just... I know she was here.

Did she ask you to lie for her? I'm
not lying.

I just... I know she wasn't

How do you know that? Faye was always
getting into trouble.

Slagging her off, playing the
victim. It was completely unfair.

I'm just trying to stop you wasting
your time. Where is she, love?

She went on respite leave to her sister's,
just after she heard the news.

She left just after we came to see

But there's a sister, apparently.
She reckons she's gone there.

Now we need to find her. I'll get
upstairs to throw tactical at it, if necessary.

Upstairs have just agreed to the
sniffer dogs for the fuel. Finally!

Now, get uniform to bring in
Mrs Minibreak,

while we track down this van.

Follow the tree line all the way

Will do, sarge.

Nothing yet.

He's lost that spot already.

The dogs have lost the scent of the

We're searching that copse over




Forget the dogs.

Bring in the divers.

They're pulling it out now. We'll
run a trace.

As soon as we've had a proper look.

I'll get back to you, yeah.

Any markings? Nothing. No reg plates

Ma'am, they traced the landline that
made the call.

It was a phone box outside the pub
in Metherington. In here, please.

So madam here waited outside the

and lured her into a trap.

Now that fits with what that
solicitor told us about stalking.

Why are you even listening to this?

Everything that came out of Faye's
mouth was a lie.

So I'd be right in thinking there
was a lot of animosity between you?

It was very complicated.

Look, look... I wasn't perfect.

And, God bless her, she lost her mam
at 14

and I know it didn't help me turning

But Faye was not an easy person.

She brought it on herself, is that
what you're saying?

She caused trouble for people.

She went after people's husbands.

She was a class-A blackmailer!

Nevertheless, we have a witness who
says you tried to run her over.

Yes, and he's completely crooked

Ask anyone from the legal

Listen to me.

This will be her doing some nasty

and ruining someone's life.

Well, she won't be doing it any more
will she, pet,

now someone's ruined hers?

Excuse me, ma'am. Can I run
something by you?


It's a tricky one. Not sure what to
make of it.

Ah, well, come on, spit it out.

I've got Faye's phone history.
And about three weeks ago

she searched online for 'How to
accuse someone of r*pe'.

How to accuse someone
or how to report someone?

I know. Funny wording, isn't it?


I've done a bit of digging. None of our sexual
v*olence team have any record of her.

What about as*ault referral centres?
I'll do that next.

What do you make of it?

It suggests she was thinking of
making an allegation.

What, as in reporting it or as in
making something up?

Well, I suppose more likely the

Er... it may not be relevant.

Well, of course it's relevant.

We can't ignore this if she's been
assaulted, not by a long chalk.

But then... she has been accused of
being economical with the truth.

But calling her a liar over something
like this...

That'd be terrible if we got that
wrong. Hm?

Then I'll work on the assumption she
suffered some kind of attack. Right.

Oh, there you are. We traced the
chassis number of the van.

Brace yourself. (SCOFFS) I've been
braced since the '80s, pet.

The van belonged to Roddy Maplin,
recently deceased.




Loads of these in plastic boxes in
the back of the van.

Some of them never even got wet.

Oh, my life.

Reckon he was about 15 grand
in the red.

Turned down by the banks. Went to
these guys.

Even they were saying no in the end.

Well, that's enough to make anyone
desperate, isn't it?

Poor sod.

So what's he been spending money on?

Not clear. Er, could be snowballing
interest rates.

But, on the other hand, he was
transferring money into Faye's bank account.

Regular as clockwork, the last eight
months or so. Well, follow that up, Ken.

And have a good look at her accounts

Now, why was Roddy giving her money?

Well, Jac's got a theory about

Aye, but is that plausible?

She accuses him of r*pe and he pays
up straightaway?

(SCOFFS) Nah. Could be a piece of
work from what people have said.

And could be a saint from what
others have said.

Er, manipulative,
ripped off her dad.

But then she gives free lifts
to old biddies.

'The love of our life.' 'Our rock.'

This doesn't add up.

But if we think she had a habit of
extracting money - I know, I know.

But it's all a bit much, isn't it?
Blackmail. Extortion. It'll be
something else tomorrow.

I could kick myself.

We've been wasting time, faffing
about with her past and her family.

It was someone in her immediate
circle who k*lled her, wasn't it?

It seems unlikely Susan would have
nicked Roddy's van. Didn't know him.

Shall I bail her? Yeah, we're gonna
have to.

I mean, all this business of
childhood cruelty.

I mean, is that fact or fiction?
Who knows?

But what we do know is that
the k*ller's

now had a few days to get their story

I wanna know who her mates were

All the ins and outs.

And that CCTV. Has that given us
anything? No-one followed her out.

So the k*ller arrived in the area
after she did and never went inside.

Hm. Bail Susan.

Are you Josh?

DCI Stanhope? Yeah.

You got the paperwork?


So, you were the attending officer,
hm? Yeah.

This your first hanging? Second.

Not a pleasant experience, is it?

You'll not get used to it.

No phone records. No, we didn't have
the resources.

But the afternoon he died,

he was texted an address by someone
called Faye.

How do you know he was texted an

I... I went on his phone. Without a

I was looking for his emergency
contact. I just... saw it.

You'll get yourself in hot water,

In front of a barrister, he'll tear
you to shreds.

Yeah, I... I know.

Did he reply?

'I can't do this any more.'

Didn't leave a note?

We didn't find one.

Why's she texting him this address?

Have you been there? It's just been
me doing the whole thing.

Hm. Busy beat, is it?

The usual. Fighting.
In and out of A&E.

(GROANS) No-one pressing charges.
I remember it well.

Hopefully, now it's linked to a
m*rder, we might get some answers.

You know, for his wife and Liam.

What do you make of them? Smashing

And how they're coping, you know,

You local boys do a good job. You
don't get many pats on the back, do you?

Not really.

If this goes well, Josh,

I'll make sure you get some credit.

This place is full of students.
What was Faye doing here?

Any intelligence? A few noise
complaints -

parties - a couple of years back.

And nothing connects her to here?

It's not a previous address? Nope.


It's not illegal, is it? Well, technically,
it could be fraud on your landlord.

We were just trying to make some
extra cash. We're broke.

So's the taxman.

How often did she come over?

You'd know. Mate. (SIGHS)

I'm just saying
you were the one speaking with her.

Basically, we were looking for a new
housemate, you know, to put in the lounge.

She got in touch, said... If we
cleared out every Saturday,

she'd give us the same money as one
day a week. So you handed over the keys

and went off to the seaside for the

What was she using the place for?

She paid in cash, so...
We thought she was a hooker.

Hooker? Do you mean a sex worker?

Is that why you're here? It's just
part of an ongoing inquiry.

Oh, my God. She's dead.

What? Is that why?

Does this fella...
Does he ring a bell?

Did he k*ll her? Just answer her

We just cleared out. We didn't see

I swear, I haven't seen him.

I'll get on to the exploitation

see if there's any intelligence of
this being a pop-up. A what?

A brothel being used by transient
sex workers.

Well, you never know. Aye.


What are you thinking?

Well, it's just not sitting right,
is it?

Sex worker I can buy.

But she wasn't desperate, there's no
drug history.

Yeah, but she was broke.

Mm. I don't know. Maybe it could

with a few extras thrown in.

Got someone's back up

Yeah, maybe.


Well, it's similar, yeah, but it
can't be his.

Why not? Cos his is in the garage.

You drove it back, didn't you? Yeah,
before the ceremony.


Well, can I see it? If you must.
Garage isn't locked.

What, it's never locked? No.

Well, that's a bit dodgy, isn't it?
Anyone could have access to it.

I suppose.

Look, I'm sorry, love, I've got
a difficult question to ask you.

Is it more difficult than asking me
to identify my husband's body?

Do you have any sense at all...

..of why your husband took his own

Well, he'd always been depressed, on
and off.

I know he tried in his teens.

The psychiatrist said he fitted
a pattern. He lost his job.

He went downhill after that.
Got paranoid.

A bit, yeah.

You know, like people were out to
get him.

How? He always thought people were
cheating him or whatever.

Oh, look, I hate to get personal,
but - I know, I know. Just doing your job.

Is there any chance at all...

..your husband and Faye

were in any kind of relationship?
No way!

Next question. Well, you both seem
very sure of that.

He loved Mum. It's not just cos of

Roddy and Noel were like brothers.
No way he'd have gone after Faye.

'And then we drove it back to his
garage.' 'When was this?'

It was before the funeral. Us and

We had to transport, like, a massive
photo of him.

What did you do with the keys?

Roddy leaves them in the glove box.

What was the nature of Roddy and
Faye's relationship?

Well, er, they were friends, I

Is there a chance anything else
could've gone on between them?

What, like an affair?


No, he was too under the thumb.

What? You always said he's under the
thumb. I said he was loyal.

Well, she wasn't loyal to him,
though, was she?


There's a bit of a secret hanging

Carolyn and me, we messed about
a bit...

..when she first got together with

I'm Liam's dad.

I'm not proud about it, but I love
that kid

and I loved Roddy, so I... I backed
off for both their sakes.

Did Roddy know?


I think he might have suspected, I

In truth, I think I had a part to
play in er...

..what he did to himself.


As we thought, no van.

Well, Noel reckons he returned it.

Does he indeed?

What was his alibi again? Out the
back with Liam.

Oh. Apparently, Liam's his son not

Well, she never mentioned that.

But there again, maybe the lad
doesn't know.

Could have found out. That could be

Could that lad have done something
like this?


Bit smart, but you never know.


Roddy texted Faye shortly before he

'Can't do this any more.'

If it's not an affair, what is it?

I mean, what are they doing at that


Remind me why she left the funeral

On duty, they're saying. Yeah,

No, that's odd, isn't it? Is it?

Well, why would you choose to be on

if the bloke you've been texting on
the quiet is being laid to rest?

Because you didn't want to be there.

Because you can't face it...

or because you drove them to it?

None of the as*ault referral centres
have any record of her.


So she didn't report it or...

..or there was nothing to report?

Kenny, have you got her bank stuff?
On its way. Right. Sums in, sums out

and tally it against the days she was
at that house. Ma'am.

And for what it's worth, one of the
drivers at the cab firm

was convinced the k*lling would be
the result of a sex feud.
'Sex feud'?

That a technical term? I'm just
recounting what he told me.

What's this fella's name? Um...

Don't just sit there, get it up on
the board.

What? Thought we were going to be
nice to her.

I want her to do well, but she's got
to be on top of the basics.

Give her a few pointers.

You might be the blue-eyed boy now,

but you weren't so quick off the mark
when you first came here.

Is that a compliment? Aye.

Make the most of it. Thanks, love.


No coffee for me then?

Er, sorry, Marcus. I can never
remember what you like.

Just... just a latte.

See? In one ear and out the other.


Cause of death: Traumatic injuries
following a high-speed collision.

I'm sorry I don't have anything new
for you.

Well, I'm glad I came all this way.

No drink, dr*gs? Not that I could

Nor any signs of as*ault,

Report on the foetus: Survived the
impact because of the amniotic sac,

but died from a lack of oxygen when
Mum when into cardiac arrest.

There's one thing that might be

It's her GP notes. She had
a termination booked.

So there should be some sort of
confirmation letter at home.

Well, that is useful.


Also, I was packing these up
for the funeral director

and I found this in her pocket.

Paternity result.

Well, well, well.

We should've listened to the

Pregnant by her married boss.


Paternity results.

Now then... these results were found
in her clothing the day she died.

So it's safe to assume she'd taken
'em to the funeral.

A bit of an odd thing to do,

but emotions are running high, so
it's not out of the question.

Also her GP confirmed that she'd
booked a termination.

So, what are we to make of that?

If she has got a history of
extracting cash from blokes,

was there a confrontation about
these results with Tony?

Hang on, I saw something
on the CCTV.

So, is this the DNA results?

I think you're right.

Get on to that clinic who did the
testing and see what else they can tell us.

I'll go and question him. Hang on.

Let's dig for as much as we can first
and then bring him in.

Mark, find me someone who saw Tony
leave that funeral.

Were you having a sexual

No. I love my wife.

Look, I swear on my life, I wasn't.


She might've had a thing for me, but
I never did anything about it.

Oh, now we're getting somewhere.

So what sort of thing?

Like, she used to tell me she
fancied me or whatever.

I used to just ignore it. Really?

Were you not flattered? No. Hm?
It was scary.

I was paranoid she'd turn up in
fishnets and a mac.

Oh, so now she's Loopy Lou.

That's easy to say, now she's not
here to say different.

So, what happened? Hm?

You fall out when she threatened to
tell your missus?

No, because we never -
(GROANS) If you never,

how come you fathered her child?

I didn't.

Well, who's told you that? DNA test.

What DNA test? Look, you can't just
DNA test me.

Why, because the truth will out?

No, because this is the first I've
heard of any DNA test.

Oh, is that right?

Well, what's she showing you here,

Hm? Caught on CCTV.

Well, I don't know. I can't

I think she showed you these

and then you followed her out and you
k*lled her to shut her up.

And why would I do that? You tell
me, love.

As you say, you love your wife.

Are you charging him? No, not yet.

Why, what have you got? Well, Tony

been making cash deposits in Faye's

The lass at the branch recognised
him. Well, that's it then - hush

Faye goes after him about the affair,
then ups the ante with the DNA.

That fits the pattern, doesn't it?
Hold your horses.

We can't link him to the crash.
Remind me why not?

He's all over the CCTV.

Getting rounds in. Makes a big
speech at the end.

Well, maybe he'd slipped out. I
thought that.

But we found six people said they'd
vouch that he was there. Six?!

I know. Popular fella by all accounts.
Are they genuine or are they covering for him?

Hard to say. Well, is there a window
of opportunity?

Max probably a half hour.

Well, that won't stick then, will it?

Getting that van into the lake.
That's, what, a couple of hours at least.

OK, well, if it's not him then who?

Somebody who was linked to him?

There's the person who gave her the
details in the car.

The missus.

Are you sure this is the right
address? It's the one they gave us.

Huh! How can a cabbie afford this?

He owns the business.

What? It's ten foot by ten foot and a
bit of gravel.

Well, he has got a few drivers.

There's only him and Faye on the

So what are the other drivers doing
with themselves all day?


What can I do for you guys?

Yes, I gave her the fare details. I
already told you that.

Hm. Did you make them up?

Why on earth would I?

I don't know. Lay a trap

cos you found out about the affair
with your husband? Oh, no. No way.

He didn't even fancy her.

Are you sure about that? We talked
about it.

It was like a joke how much she
fancied him.

I thought it was sweet.

And did you think it was sweet he was
taking money from your business

and putting it into her bank account?
I did, actually, yes.

We felt sorry for her.

She was broke.
We wanted to help her out.

And did you know she was pregnant by
your husband?

If she said that, it's wishful

I'm sorry, love, we've got proof. I
don't believe this.

You're not gonna get me to say I
hated her. I didn't.

I felt sorry for her.

The things she's gone through, I
wouldn't wish on anyone.

And neither would my husband.

So I think you better send him home.

Well, she's either lying or she's
completely stupid.

Stand by your man? Aye.

Or vice versa.

But then why would she log it on the

I mean, if she was laying a trap

she'd phone Faye direct, wouldn't

Oh, this is daft. It doesn't make any


We're missing something.

Probably something staring us right
in the face.

She certainly got people to feel
sorry for her, didn't she?

I think she said whatever came into
her head to get attention.

Well, that doesn't make her a bad
person. No.

But if someone pretending to be all
tragic suddenly meets a tragic death...

..what are we to make of that?


The DNA clinic says that the doctor
that sent this report

has been off sick for at least eight

So, how did she get them then?

Maybe she didn't.

Well, could she have made them?

Copied it off the Internet? Is that

Er, that's not just a cut-and-paste
job, but it's possible.

You know what? Tony... swore blind

he wasn't having a sexual
relationship with her.

And now I'm inclined to believe him.

But he claimed he didn't know what
was on that piece of paper.

And that I don't believe. Get that
CCTV up.

Look, freeze it there. Now, it was me

insisting that was the DNA results.

So, why didn't Tony put me right?

Hm? Clear himself?

Because whatever it was they were

was something worse. Ma'am. I've been
through the till roll from the bar.

Looks like Tony paid the whole tab
for the wake.

The whole tab?!

Oh, St Anthony of the Minicabs!

Nothing to see here. See I knew he
sounded dodgy.

Everyone vouching for him. Aiden,
get over and wear one of those witnesses down.

If you can do it while he's still in custody,
chances are someone might buckle.

Now then, alternative theories
connecting Tony and Faye.

If it's not some sort of paternity or
mistress set-up,

what is it they're doing means
money's rattling between them?

Something lucrative, judging by the
house. Good money.

But off the radar.
So small, but lots of it.

Ah, so what are we saying? Weed?

We got any intelligence on that?

Nothing's coming up. I can push the
neighbourhood team.

Right. Dodgy trainers. Dodgy fags.
Designer gear works.

It draws less attention to itself.

Where was the money supposedly
coming from? Rental properties, but
that could be rubbish.

Maybe he's a dodgy landlord. Owns
half the area and his tenants are protecting him.

All these properties are in town.

Let to students, mainly.


JAC: You said Faye came round.
Yeah, um, she used to come round

either like a Saturday or a Sunday.

So long as we cleared off, we got
paid for the day.

It weren't even me, it was Owen.

Really? He reckons you started it. He
was the one that put up the ad.

What, and your landlord found it?
That what happened?

Then what? What did Tony Everitt draw
you into?

Nothing. Everything else I told you
was true.

He told us to give Faye the house
for one day a week and he'd turn a blind eye.

You'd turn a blind eye, more like.

Now, listen, son, you're from a nice

Did you really sit back and let some

run a criminal enterprise from your
front room?

Hm? It really didn't seem that bad.

Just people coming in and out.

I think people were pleased to see
'em. It's not as if they were thugs.

Well, I don't believe he didn't buy
your silence.

All right, he waived the rent.

Look, I'm about to graduate 30 grand
down. I needed the money.

I think I've got it. OK. What do I
need to do?

No, just listen. We've got a broke
community that has Tony's back.

We've got him putting large amounts
of cash into Faye's bank account.

There's poor old Roddy,
who's run out of credit

with the payday loans people, meeting
Faye on the quiet.

What if Tony's a loan shark and Faye
was working for him?

And people are defending him because
they're scared. (MOBILE RINGS)
Exactly. They're all in hock.

Get on to the Citizens Advice and see
if there's any sniff of it.

Aiden, I'm on to something. What have
you got?

I think I've unpicked what they were
up to.

Yeah, loan sharks, right? I've found
a witness who's prepared to talk.


WOMAN: She turned me down the first
time I asked her.

Told me to cut back on my spending.


There's only so much you can cut
out, so I lied a bit

about how I'd make the repayments
and she set us up with this meeting.

She had this, like, studenty

..where she did the handover.

I think it started as a grand.

But then, by the time you've paid it

it's more like two grand and I

I just didn't think it through.

Anyway, I soon found out they
weren't all as nice as she was.

She tried her best but he...


He set the dogs on me.

And then there was nothing
she could do.

Who are the dogs, love?

They the others drivers? They the

First they take your stuff.

Then when all that's gone...

..they try to scare you.

And you had not even the slightest

there were organised criminals
working in the area? None.

Disorganised criminals maybe.
People getting themselves in messes.

Ah. The ones you take to A&E.

The ones who've been fighting and
don't press charges.

Well, they've been fighting cos
they're poor, aren't they?

Not cos some fella's been pushing 'em

Not Community's finest hour.

Was there anything else?

There's hundreds of them. How do you
silence hundreds of people?

Well, make them think they're the
only one.

Shame. Yeah. Definitely not the
'back of a f*g packet' operation.

Big fan of spreadsheets.
(MOBILE RINGS) Ah, they're professional.

Jac, please tell me Citizens Advice

has evidence of loan shark activity.

I can do better than that.

They've got evidence pertaining to
motive for m*rder.

WOMAN ON TAPE: People have been
driven to topping themselves. It's not right.

2ND WOMAN: Can I ask how you became
aware of it?

I just know about it.

Right. You do realise

that what you're telling me isn't

OK. Can you give me your name?

Faye. Just Faye.

That's it. And this was, what, three
days before she died?

Well, that explains someone's lack of
memory at the funeral, doesn't it?

Did she tell you she was going to
report you? No.

So did you try to shut her up? No.


Now, you went to the funeral. Why?

Ah, to see how it was panning out
with the community,

now that Roddy had gone and done what
he'd done.

See if anyone was blaming you.

Anyone going to spill the beans. No.

Do you admit you've been lending
money illegally?

I offered loans to friends, yes.

But I didn't k*ll anyone or beat
anyone up

or anything else people might be

So, why do you think they're saying

Cos if I get put away they don't
have to pay me back, do they?

Oh! (CHUCKLES) Now, well, there is

Look, you've got this all wrong.
I was just the bank.

She was the one making the connections.
That's right, blame the dead person.

She liked the money, I'm telling

Heart of stone. You should see her
handbag collection.

Ooh. Is it as impressive as your
great big house

with the gravel drive?

Mm? Don't give me this businessman

You prey on the vulnerable, the

Well, a lot of people with
depression pay up on time. Yeah?

Well, what about Roddy, hm?

He was depressed.

Did Faye ask you to let him off?

Not really.

Nah. Cos she never stood up to a
bully, did she?

Well, I can't let off every Tom,
d*ck and Harry she felt sorry for.

No, so instead you k*lled her to shut
her up.

You've got no evidence of that.
No, cos you've got everyone covering for you.

Nope, because I know I didn't do it.

So you won't find any proof.


You all right, boss? Mm.

All on Faye.

Heart of stone, apparently.

Well, that fits, doesn't it?

Hang on. Is that the list of people
who owes him money?

I should've thought of that.


Sorry... See you later.

Can we have a talk, pet? Have I done

Now, why do you say that? Sometimes I
do things that I don't realise.

No. No, no, no. No, I just wanted to
ask you something private.

Were you ever in debt to Tony

Well, yeah, but Faye sorted it for

I just got in a muddle cos of my

That's why I'm here, to get my GCSE
and that. Ah.

But before Faye sorted it,

did anyone try to get payment from
you... in another way?

One of the dogs did, yeah.

Said I owed him.

You should've come to us, pet.

Sexual as*ault.

We'd have believed you.

Yeah, Faye said that. Aye.

But, like, what if they found out

and then did something worse?


I... I can't say it.

Well just... just try.

I can't say it. You look like my

OK, love. Now, I'm going to arrange
for you to talk to an officer

who specialises - I was still,

..wearing my clothes. He didn't take
my clothes off.

You know, that is still r*pe.

Yeah, that's what Faye said.

Did she take you to a referral

Yeah, they did like er... forensic

But, at the end of the day, I just

..I don't want the hassle. Now, look,
if there's forensic evidence on file,

that puts you in a great position

Yeah, Faye said that.

Listen, we'd be with you every step
of the way this time.

Yeah, maybe.

Well, I'm not gonna force you.

You know, if she was here...

..she'd know exactly what to do.

She helped you a lot, didn't she?

Said we'd win in the end.



v*olence, extracting money with

and using r*pe to enforce - r*pe?!

Who's saying they've been r*ped?
I'm not going to disclose that.

Oh, there's a lot been done in your
name, pet.

We're just getting started.

Illegal loans, inciting sexual

Well, a good brief might be able to
whittle that down to a few years.

But m*rder...

Nah, that'd be a life sentence.
You fancy that?

I didn't - Faye had had enough.

She sat at Roddy's funeral, watching
you glad-handing

and she told you she wasn't standing
for it any more, didn't she?

She told you the game was up. No.

And you made a call.

You got your wife to lure her out to
the car,

you followed her and you k*lled her.

No wonder it took you a while to open
up shop.

The pair of you were getting your
story straight. No, we were trying

to work out the best way to help.

We're as upset about what happened
to Faye as anyone.

Do you admit you lied?

It was to deflect attention from my
financial activities.

Now we're getting somewhere.

But I didn't set a trap for her and
nor did my wife. Faye came to me.

She wanted to leave, but she didn't
wanna just walk out.

So I gave her a piece of paper

where I'd written down a job that'd
just come in.

Someone had phoned it through to

And they'd asked for me by name.

..that you've used physical
intimidation. No comment.


The target wasn't Faye.

It was Tony. He was sent the address.

Inadvertently passed it on to Faye.

Now, taking that at face value...

..who wanted him dead?

A fair few of this lot'd be pleased
to see him gone.

But of all of 'em, who'd he wronged
the most?

Like, if you wanted to hurt Tony,
why k*ll Faye?

Why not k*ll Louise? He loves
Louise. It doesn't make sense.

See, I think they did want to k*ll

So, can you think of a reason why
someone would want to do that?

Er, to get out of paying him back?

Now, I think they did want to pay him

Pay him back for what they'd done

to people like you, people like

Who knew what'd happened to him?

We all did, but no-one was narked
with Faye about it.

No, because Faye looked out for
people, didn't she?

Now, can you look out for her...

..and go back over the night she

What about Liam?

Well, you said he was out the back
with Noel.

Was that the truth?

I don't know.

Noel told me to say he was with him,

..I didn't see it myself.

So Noel lied about his alibi?

Yeah, but only to protect his boy,

Right, well, go work on Liam.

But go through his mam. Oh, she won't
want him wrapped up in this.

Will do.



We've got your prints on the van
that k*lled her.

I told you I drove it.

But we've also got Liam saying

you weren't out the back of the pub
like you said you were.

Did you tell him to lie?
He offered to lie...

..cos I told him I drove the van
after a drink. Oh.

Course, he knew you'd never have
k*lled Faye cos you loved her.


Didn't tell him you were out to get
Tony though, did you?

Ah, you didn't plan it, I don't

I imagine the emotions of the day
took over.

But what was it set you off, hm?

Did Faye show you some DNA results at
the funeral?


I thought she had those to prove to

they were the father of her baby,
but now I see.

They were to prove to you that you

So, she tells you the baby's
Tony's... soften the blow. (SNIFFS)

(TEARFULLY) Was it not Tony's then?

I think she was trying to make you
feel better.

After all, she knew that you'd missed
out with your son, Liam.

So, do you want to tell me what
happened at the wake?

We were both upset.

So, did you confront Tony with it?

No, I just watched him.

I hated what he'd done to Faye, to
Roddy, to the village.

To me, my future.

I don't know what came over me.

I went outside for a breath of fresh

Saw the phone, called the cab firm.

I knew he was on duty. I knew it'd
bring him out.

Got in the van. Watched the car pull

I just found myself following.

I'd like to think I... I was only
going to scare him.

But the truth is I don't know. I'm
not sure.

I went home. Faye wasn't back.

I... I didn't think anything of it.
I went to work.

And there she was.

I'm stood there and she's fighting
for her life and I...

I'd k*lled the woman I loved more
than life itself.


You know I'm going to have to arrest
you now, don't you?


(SNIFFS) It'll be for manslaughter
though, won't it?

I never wanted to k*ll her. Never.

You laid a trap, pet.

That makes it premeditated.

And you k*lled a woman. That makes it



(SOFTLY) The next of kin asked if the
deceased could wear that.

I'm dropping these back.

I don't think any of them are really
suitable. What's that?

Oh, funeral poems. Well, the
Internet's good for that sort of thing.

Oh, I know.

I go to a lot of funerals, don't I?

Occupational hazard.

I suppose you think I'm very
hard-hearted not visiting her in hospital.

That's not my business, love. She was
a difficult girl.


And a lot of people loved her.

I think Brian probably was a little

I was a girl. I didn't know any

But we were probably not as kind to
her as we could have been.

He's paying for it now though.

Not as much as his daughter paid,

They've taken him in for processing.

This was someone's idea of the

New towns. New hope.

Look, there's somewhere I need to be,

Can you get yourself home?
Will do.


Make sure social services keep an eye.

Next couple of months are going to be
really hard on all of them.