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02x03 - A Certain Samaritan

Posted: 01/04/24 17:47
by bunniefuu
An occasion such as this

is always one of
conflicting emotions,

as we celebrate the safe
return of our comrades

and the honours that they
have gained in the field.

We also remember the
injured and the fallen.

Shine up the old silver,
looking good, looking sexy!

Ladies and gentlemen - the
Royal Ordnance Fusiliers.

Has anybody seen the enemy?

Light House, 500m, rapid fire!


Here you are, boss.
Have some rounds.

- Take that, Terry Taliban!
- This one's for Ollie!


Man down! Man down!

# Wanna go home!

# Let me go home

# Let me...
# Let me go home

Yeah! Yeah!

# I feel so broke up

# I wanna go home

I hope he hasn't decided to stay.

Two tours of Afghan? Not likely.

Come here.



No, they can be
awkward buggers.

Listen, call Joe. Tell him
I'll pick him up on the way.

- You did it?
- Aye.

- How much?
- A pound.

That's what we used to get, Joe.

Yeah, well, inflation hasn't
hit the fairy world yet.

Go, then. Go to your other woman.

Babe, I'm between a
rock and a hard place.

Well, I hope I'm the rock.

- Hi, Vera.
- Celine.

Mum, Mum, the tooth fairy
forgot to take the tooth!

She'll come back for it, pet.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it. She
was going to find out sooner or later.


It's an army death. You'd have thought
military police would handle it themselves.

Boy soldiers playing at policemen.

Fine at banging up a couple of
drunk squaddies on a Saturday night.

But unexplained deaths...

out of their league.

Isn't it their case, though,
if it happens on military property?

Aye. Letter of the
law, you're right.

But what happens in reality

is we both do what we're good at.

We do the investigating, and they
do the marching and the saluting.

Excuse me, sir.

- Captain Shepherd, SIB.
- Vera Stanhope.

- Chief Inspector, ma'am.
- DS Ashworth.

- Joe.
- Most people call me Shep.

And this is Lieutenant Colonel Chapell,
CO of the regiment.

Detective Chief Inspector,
welcome to Otterford.

A su1c1de, of course,
is bad for morale.

So we're grateful to
you for your assistance.

Let's hope we can resolve this
as soon as possible.

If you need anything, please ask.

In the meantime, I leave you in
Captain Shepherd's capable hands.

Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel.

And as soon as we've established
that the unexplained death is a su1c1de,

you'll be the first to know.

Right, Shep.

Staff Sergeant James Deverson.

Everyone called him Dev.

RLC, Military Cross.

He was EOD. Sorry, ma'am, b*mb disposal.

Two tours to Afghanistan, and Iraq
before that. Recently returned.

Military Cross?

That's a big deal, isn't it?

Aye, you got to the Palace for it.

He was down there only
last week.

- So where is it?
- He would have been wearing it last night.

- Anyone come across this medal?
- No, not yet, ma'am.

- Family?
- Married. Two kids.

- Were they...?
- No, they live off with the wife's mother.

- w*apon?
- It's a Browning, 9mm.

Standard army issue.

It's got a sil*ncer on it,
so he didn't want to be heard.

- His?
- We don't carry weapons outside of theatre.

He had to have checked
it out of the armoury.

- No note?
- None we've found, ma'am.

There might be something on that.

Have someone bag it up.

Who discovered him?

A new-minted sergeant
out of Catterick.

He was supposed to move in with
his wife and baby this morning.

What, he was... shipping out again?

He was hanging up his boots.

15 years. His last
night on barracks.

Nice-looking lass.

The wife?

I'm afraid I'm not
long in Otterford.

Sorry, didn't hear my alarm.

Well, you have to
wake up in your own bed

to hear the alarm, Billy!

Better suit up.

Right, thoughts?

He's an armaments officer.

They know how to get
access to all the equipment.

It looks like su1c1de.

After making it alive through a
couple of tours to Afghanistan?

Afghan affects people
in different ways, ma'am.

You see it here, when they come back.
Leaves its mark.


- Looks like a squat.
- Aye, it's a bit grim, isn't it?

Billy's got something
for you downstairs.

It smells in here.

Get Forensics to check
for traces of vomit.

No, it's too low.

Look, if I'm going to sh**t myself...

firstly, I'm tense, so
I'm sitting up straight.

Second, I want my wrist behind the shot
because of the recoil.

So I hold it lower, sh**t upwards.

Now, look at him.

Exit wound is too low.
It's the base of the skull.

But if he was asleep,

head back, mouth half
open, like he was found...

And someone else shot
him through the mouth.

You think he was m*rder*d?

It's too like
a su1c1de...

to be a su1c1de.

State of shock.

I said I'd drive her home in a bit.

- Where's Shep?
- Getting the rest of the Sandancers together.

- The what?
- Dev's b*mb team.

"Sandancer" must have
been their call sign.

Must have been a Shields lad, eh?

She said she'd meet us
up the mess up the way.


Get the statements
first, then the g*n.

Get Shep to take
you to the armoury.

You'll be like a kid
in a sweetie shop.


Morning. Thanks for coming.

This is Detective
Chief lnspector Stanhope

of the Northumberland and City CID.

- Ma'am.
- Captain.

I expect some of you have heard

that Staff Sergeant Deverson
died early this morning.

Initially, his death was
thought to be a su1c1de...

but we now have reason to
believe he was m*rder*d.

So, which of you were with
Staff Sergeant Deverson

after the meal last night?

Come on, show of hands.

So after the fireworks at
the Collingwood Memorial?

- Back to camp.
- What time?

I thought you liked
real men, ma'am.

He's a bit boy band, is he not?

Answer Sergeant Ashworth's
question, Corporal Grafton.

I don't know what time. Why
don't you check with front gate?

So you'd been drinking
since the meal?

And what makes you
think we only began then?

And what happened after?

- We all came home.
- Together?

- I don't remember.
- No, after the fireworks?

Yeah, I remember heading
over to the fireworks.

So how did you get home after?

Did Dev and Vince take you back?

We all signed in.
Then said our goodbyes.

What about Budgie?

He could hardly
stand. Poor bastard.

Where did you wake up
this morning, Budgie?

The block. My own bed.

You can't remember getting there?

It always makes me feel
that little bit calmer.

I read once it's the positive ions

generated by the pounding
of the waves. But...

I think it's the wind.

Blows the cobwebs out of your head.

I don't know what to think.

First the chaplain came, saying

he's shot himself,
and then you say...

You weren't with your
husband last night?

But I thought it was
a celebration dinner,

to welcome the lads home?

An army thing. Not for wives.

- So where were you?
- Home.

You can ask my mum.

- You don't think that I had anything...?
- No.

But I have to ask, pet.

You don't like it at the
barracks much, do you?

It's just with him being away
on tour so much, we felt...

it would be better if
I stayed with my mum.

And it's better for the kids

not to be surrounded by
it all at the barracks.

But this time he was home for good?

I've longed for that
for years, and now...

And there weren't any problems?

With anyone in the regiment or his team,
I mean?

No. Not that I know of. Why?

What about in Afghanistan?

He didn't like to talk
about out there and I...

I didn't want to know.

- Letters?
- Well, it's emails now.

But he was never much for writing.

When he had his soldier
head on, which was 24/7,

there's not much time for family.


Right, I'm on my way.

The Browning 9mm is standard army

issue since the Second World w*r

but they're being
decommissioned in batches.

The one that k*lled Deverson
should've been done eight months ago.

So someone
took it instead?


- What am I looking at?
- The officer that signed it out.

James Deverson?

He'd have known it
would be decommissioned.

So it must've got lost
in the bureaucracy.

Excuse me.

What about forensics?

- Prints on the g*n?
- Yeah, only Deverson's.

So the k*ller knew he had the g*n.

Knew not to leave
prints on it, obviously.


Not army issue,

not according to the
armaments officer.

Home-made or modified. Expertly done.

But something an ATO like
Deverson would know how to make?

What about the team?

Corporal Vincent Grafton.
He's not giving anything away.

Lance Corporal O'Connor
claims that he drank so much

he blacked out and
can't remember a thing.

That's fortuitous.

Shep checked with
the front-gate log.

He signed in with Dev
at 10 past midnight.

As for the others, didn't
hear or see anything.

Did you get prints and swabs?


Lieutenant Colonel Chapell.

He's right, we've nothing.

Nothing from his men,
nothing from the wife.

The only prints on the g*n they
appropriated from the armoury are his.

He seems very keen for us
to believe it's su1c1de.

There's a lot riding
on Billy's theory.

It's not a theory, it's a fact.

You did tell him I'm a
pathologist, not a homeopath?

Besides, what's he going
to thr*aten you with?

You're outside his
bailiwick, aren't you?

Outside everyone's.

But he can still make
things difficult.


- What's that?
- Little present. Front tooth.

Most of it, at least.
Found it in the back of the

victim's head. If you were
going to do it yourself,

you wouldn't sh**t yourself
through half-closed teeth.

So what are you saying?

Deverson conks on the bed, still in
his full formal gear from the meal.

Middle of the night,
gets up, vomits,

comes downstairs
for a glass of water,

sits in the chair to
stop the world spinning?

Forensics confirmed there were
traces of vomit in the bedroom.

Yeah, but Deverson didn't vomit.

Had half a keg of beer in
his gut when we opened him up.

Had to mop the place clean after.

And here's me thinking you'd
been partying in the morgue again.

So there was someone else
in the house with him?

Put that down, Kenny.

This is an incident
room, not a greasy spoon.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a visitor.

Captain Shepherd from Her
Majesty's Royal Military Police

is going to assist us
in our investigations.


Staff Sergeant James Deverson,
known to everyone as Dev.

Recently awarded the Military Cross.

Speaking of which, any sign yet?

No, nothing in the
scene-of-crime report.

Now, the k*ller
wanted us to believe

he'd committed su1c1de. Why?

Make him look like a coward.

Personally, I think
it takes some courage.

But the common view, of which you
are the proud possessor, Kenny,

is that it is cowardly.
What is that?

That's the high-speed
broadband upgrades

we're crying out for, ma'am.

Well, I'm sure it's going to assist
greatly with all your tweeting, Kenny.

But would someone
tell 'em to shut up?

Now, then...

he was k*lled with a handgun

that Deverson himself signed out

of the garrison armoury.

So who would want him dead?

Wife - Laura? Motive?

Him never being around.

So why k*ll him when
he finally comes back?

Playing away from home
as well as working.

He was clutching her
photo, when he died.

No, she seemed
genuinely distraught,

plus her mother confirmed

she was at home that night.

What about members of his team?

Vince Grafton, his infantry escort,

Dev's bodyguard
when he was defusing.

Lance Corporal Kevin O'Connor.

Fusilier, point man to
the team, nicknamed Budgie.

Now, both of them had
a skinful that night.

Grafton claims they came
back around midnight,

said their goodbyes. He
went back to his block.

Budgie doesn't remember a thing.

But the traces of vomit tell us

there was someone in the
house with him that night.

Did you get Forensics to
cross check with their samples?

Aye. They said they'll
try their best, boss.

But, apparently, there's
a variety of DNAs in vomit.

Depends on what you put in.

Thanks for that!

Did either of you
get any sense that

any of them held any
grudges against him?

All the soldiers I spoke to
yesterday seemed to respect him,

look up to him, even.

Vince, I don't know whether
it's his soldier's code,

keep it in the family
sort of thing, but

Vince did say that Dev could
be a mean bastard sometimes.

- Meaning?
- He clammed up after that.

Said he meant nothing by it.

They were all under
stress out there.

Did you check Deverson's
military record?

Yeah. It's exemplary.

Does it say what he got
the Military Cross for?

Heroism under enemy fire.

His team were lured into a trap.

His second in command Oliver
Barton triggered an IED.

It was pressure released.
He was blown up.

Dev had to defend his
team from the Taliban,

extract his comrade's body

and his men without
further casualties.

There's a full report here from

Lieutenant Colonel
Chapell, CO at Otterford.

Brave man.

Any of the team mention
this Oliver Barton?


Did you know him, Shep?

No, I'm only in the
post a few months.

Right, Kenny, I want
checks on Vince Grafton

and this Budgie O'Connor.

Shep, I want background
on this Oliver Barton.

I want the logbook
from the front gate,

CCTV tapes from the
night before last.

I want a list of everyone who went
in or came out of the barracks.

Joe, any mention of
next of kin for Barton?

Yeah, there is.

- I want someone to talk to them.
- Me, ma'am.

Where are they?

The Cadvar Estate.
He's the estate manager there.

- What, the Cadvar?
- Yeah.

Do you know it?

Years back.

I'll tell you what,
we'll take this one, Joe.

- Sorry, pet.
- Ma'am.


Kenny, Deverson's laptop.

Emails..See if there was
anything going on in Afghanistan.

Bullying, that sort of thing.

And see if he was carrying
on, like you suggest.


No, that's what the detective part

of detective
constable means, Kenny.

Significant dates, kids'
names, anything at all.

Come on, we've got work to do.

Keith and Diana Barton.

He's a former sergeant major
in the Royal Ordnance Fusiliers.

He retired from the
regiment 15 years ago.

Now he runs sh**ting
parties on the estate.

So how is it you
know this place again?

Was it coming to balls
here when you were a lass?

My dad, he had a bit of a racket
going with the sh**t manager.

Must be this Barton.

Whenever he spotted
a peregrine's or a

goshawk's nest, he'd call my dad.

Up he'd come and take the eggs,
and the young, if there were any.

Why did he want to
get rid of them?

Birds of prey pick off the
chicks they breed for the sh**t.

Old bugger made me
turn a blind eye.

Up you get, up! Good girls.

- Mr. Barton?
- A moment.

Blanking in the woods
before tomorrow's sh**t.

Stop the birds straying.

DCI Vera Stanhope.


- Anything to...?
- Aye, daughter.

So the poacher's
girl's a gamekeeper.

Better watch what
I say!

Actually, we're here to talk
about Oliver, your son.

Have you got a minute?

The day he got his
tapes at Otterford.

Thank you, Mrs. Barton.
You shouldn't have.

It's Diana, please. It's nothing.

You served with the Royal
Ordnance Fusiliers too,

Mr. Barton, out of Otterford?

- I did my time.
- He's being modest.

Rose to sergeant
major, didn't you, sir?


And you still retain
links with the regiment?

Cut off my leg, and you'd see

Royal Ordnance Fusiliers
written right through me.

So you would have been at the
dinner the night before last?

Oh, we wouldn't miss it.

It was our chance to, you
know... remember Ollie.

Well, you've sacrificed more than most.

Yes. Yes, we have.

Did you come straight home after?

We went to Dominic's
for a nightcap. Why?

- Dominic?
- Lieutenant Colonel Chapell.

I was his platoon
sergeant on his first tour.

He was fresh out of Sandhurst.

I thought you wanted
to talk about Ollie.

I'm afraid to have to
tell you that yesterday

the body of your son's immediate
superior, James Deverson,

was found at the barracks.

Well, as I said, I am - we
are - close to Dominic.

He called me yesterday. Deverson
was Ollie's colleague, after all.

Which is why I want to talk
to you about Ollie's death.

- It's a needless bloody waste!
- Keith, please.

He did stand on an IED,
didn't he, Mr. Barton?

And then Deverson extracted his body
and the team?

That's what they gave
him the MC for, wasn't it?

You don't think that
is what happened?

How can we know
what happened?

Now Deverson's dead too,
what more can we tell you?

We weren't there, were we?

No, I understand that, and I'm sorry
to have brought it all back to you.

It's not like it ever goes away.

I'll see you out.


- So it's a big sh**t?
- Two days.

- Your g*ns?
- The estate's.

Don't worry, they're all
registered and licensed.

Just giving them the
once-over before tomorrow.

They must be big
business, these sh**t.

It helps maintain the place,
keeps some of us employed.

This one's private, for His
Lordship and his friends.

I'd better get those dogs up there,

so there are still
birds to sh**t at,

make sure there's
enough game for them

to feel like the last of
the great white hunters.

- Goodbye!
- Goodbye.

Thanks, Mr. Barton.

So how come you know
so much about the army?

I used to love everything to do
with the army when I was a kid.

It seemed like a way out.

Why didn't you choose
that as a career?


Imagine her letting me go to
Afghanistan six months at a time!

Their loss!

Now, get Shep to check
their alibis with Chapell.

And Laura Deverson told us
the dinner wasn't for wives.

Is the Provo about?

Yeah, he's around.
I'll give him a ring.


Laura 2000. Dev's email.

He married Laura in 2000.

You're not just a
pretty face, then, Kenny.

- What does it tell us?
- Now, that's the problem.

It's mainly spam, phishing scams.

He didn't seem to
use it much, though.

Only the emails, that is.

Don't think you
can get all lads mag

just cos Holly's no longer here.

Is there nothing to his wife, even?

No, EOD, boss.

- expl*sive Ordnance?
- No, no, no.

"Everyone's divorced."

It's an army joke Shep told us.

Oh, telling each other
jokes now, are we?

Just because he's not
emailing his missus

doesn't mean they're
getting a divorce.

It's not like he's
emailing anybody else.

Maybe he didn't have
high-speed broadband.

Well, you'd better check, see if
there's any sign of divorce proceedings.

Solicitors, banks,
that sort of thing.

Boss? Turns out there were
traces of blood in that vomit.

From an ulcer.

They've got a match?


You need to put that beer
down, Budgie, and come with me.

Do you understand why
you're here, Kevin?

- Kevin, do you understand?
- Don't call me that.


How did you come by a name like that?

Dev said I was like
a canary down a mine.

If my Val started tweeting.

- Your what?
- Vallon.

Metal detector.

So you went out in front,
did you, looking for lEDs?

So why didn't he call you Canary?

Because I'm a Fusilier.

Nicknamed the Budgies
because of our dress hats.

Typical British army, Dev said,

always messing up on equipment.

"They send me a budgie
instead of a canary."

Have an ulcer, Budgie?

Only you told my sergeant here

you couldn't remember what
happened the night before last.

But we found vomit
with traces of blood,

your blood, at Dev's house.

So do you remember going back to Dev's?

Well, what were you doing there?

I asked, Budgie, what
you were doing there.

I want to confess to the m*rder of
Staff Sergeant James Deverson, ma'am.

After the dinner, we
went out on the piss.

Drinking all day. Been
like that since Afghan.

Need to knock myself out.

But out at them fireworks,
the legs went from under me.

And then what?

- And then Dev took me home.
- His home?

Gave me some tabs... to help me sleep.

He had trouble and
all himself like that.

Said for me to take the bed.
Said he didn't use it any more.

Then the next thing I know I'm
come to and I'm staring at Dev,

and he's shot through the head.

And I know it's me that's done it.

But it looked like su1c1de.

You knew he had a g*n?

Some lads bring mementos
back from Afghan.

His g*n was army issue, Budgie.

I mean, they have
kit, their own kit.

- What about the sil*ncer?
- What do you want from me?

I did it! I shot him, I
took his g*n and I shot him.

What, you don't think I'm capable?

And then I made it
look like su1c1de,

just like you said, and then
I scarpered, back to my block.

Dev rated you. You
did two tours together.

But he could be hard on
you, Budgie, couldn't he?

Cos sometimes I messed up.

That why you k*lled him?

We wouldn't have all
got through without Dev.

But you didn't all
get through, did you?

Ollie didn't make it.

We're just trying to
understand why you k*lled him.

You talk like he was
a second father to you.

Was it because he was leaving the army?

Leaving you?

- You take his medal, his Military Cross?
- No.

- Not even as a memento?
- No,

I didn't mind his
leaving. OK?

What about Ollie?

What about Ollie's death?

Did you blame Dev for that?


No, that was my fault.

It was me that got Ol k*lled.

Ollie! Ollie!

Dev was the hero.

He got us and Ollie's body out of there.

I didn't spot them other lEDs.

I told him that the path was clear.

Ma'am, Chapell's confirmed

the Bartons were with
him till about 1:45am.

Right. Kenny, has Billy
confirmed time of death?

Between 1 and 2am, ma'am.

And I checked CCTV. The Bartons'
car left barracks at 1:48am.

What about Chapell himself?

He's the commanding officer, ma'am.

Well, no-one's above
suspicion, Shep.

But I thought we
had our man anyway.

Found at the crime scene.
Valium. 10 grain.

There was enough Valium in
the vomit to knock out a horse.

And as you know, Dev was
long dead before dawn.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking whatever
Budgie's done,

or thinks he's done,

he didn't do this.

This didn't happen
in some drunken brawl.

This was a clinical job.

You can take that. I'm
going to discharge him.


Ma'am, it's Keith
Barton downstairs.

I asked him to pop by
with Ollie's laptop,

just in case there
was anything on it -

bullying, troubles, like you said.

Now, that's what I like
to see. Bit of initiative.

Tell him I'll be
downstairs in a sec.

No, there's hundreds of 'em, boss.

Come on, boss, we can't
get him. He's out there.

He's dead. He's one
of ours. Come on, lads!

I don't know what happened,
boss. I cleared them.

I've cleared the
lEDs, I'm telling you!

Come on, Budgie, man up!

We can't move. Ollie's out
there! Ollie's out there!

Let go of me. Please, please!

Please, Budgie. Please.

It's not g*nf*re, Budgie.


It's just drilling.

Is it loud noises... like drilling?

Bring it all back for you? Is it?

Your fireworks?

Is that what happened
that night, Budgie?

The fireworks? You didn't
want to be on your own?

Or maybe...

maybe Dev thought you
shouldn't be on your own.

So he took you back
to his place instead?

But some time in the
night you woke up,

and that's when you saw
him, didn't you, Budgie?

And you thought you'd done it, hm?

Budgie, he'd been dead for hours.

Stand down, Budgie! Stand down!

Joe, easy!

OK, Budgie. OK.

But I saw myself do it.

You didn't k*ll him, Budgie.

I can still see him,
lying there in the sand.

His limbs like a jigsaw

I can't put back together.


You mean Dev?

Or Ollie?

The dead don't leave you.

What are you looking at?

Go and get me a large
drink and a psychiatrist.

At last, the cry for help.

I'll make you a wee cup of tea, ma'am.

I know that it would've been
Dev's last will and testament

that we get absolutely
hammered in his memory.

OK. To Dev.

- To Dev!
- Sandancer legend.

Don't they give these
lads any kind of help,

after all they've been through?

Counsellors are available,

but soldiers have
to know they've got a

problem to consult them.

And if they do, it's
still seen as a sign

of weakness by some.

I'll make some calls tonight.

Thanks for the lift.

You don't want to
overdo the exercise.

I've still got 10km
to run when I get home.

What, are you being
punished for something?

Iron Man challenge.

Well, cannot let the RMPs down.

Show the grunts what
us monkeys can do.

That's what they call us!

- Where's Budgie?
- Off with the birds.

I sent him a text.
Told him where we were.


Just to let you know, Ollie's
emails have been cleaned out.

His folders, his
trash-can, everything.

And it wasn't done two
months ago before he died.

It was done today.

- Well, Mum or Dad?
- His dad seemed fine about bringing it in.

Well, let's pay them
another visit tomorrow.

And Laura Deverson.

Now, Joe, you get yourself
home to Celine and the kids.

- Good night.
- Night. Night.

Where are we going, lads?

Right, I'll see you losers later.

- Where are you off?
- Oh, aye, Grafton, where are you off to?

- How does it compare?
- Different angle to the first.

Upward. Entered jaw here,
exited skull... here.

Might also have been awake
when it happened.


It's just like the other one.

It's not army, though.
Not British army, anyway.

Russian maybe.

A little memento from Afghanistan.
Isn't that what he said?

Oh, well, see what there
are in the way of prints.

- Note?
- No.

So what are we saying?
Same k*ller?

Or a copycat.

Apart from the angle of shot, but
crouching down could explain that.

Any sign of a break-in?

None I can see.

- Who found him?
- Vincent Grafton.

I thought maybe I'd
better check on him.

Was the door locked or unlocked?


Why did you think you
needed to check on him?

I thought maybe
he'd bugged out or...

Or what? k*lled himself?

He was a soldier,

and a good soldier. He
wouldn't have done that.

I was just checking he
wasn't ill or something.

What did you do last night?

I was out. Drinking to Dev.


Came back here.

Went to bed.


Why was he in uniform?

We were a guard down.

Must have had to
do last-minute stag.

Well, we'll need the logbook

from the front gate, Shep.

Right. And the CO wishes
to speak to you, ma'am.

Is it OK, if I...?


This latest death is terrible.

For the barracks,

for the regiment, as well
as being a tragedy in itself.

Yet I can't help but think
that it might have been prevented.

If you had not gone around
chasing phantom murderers,

then perhaps Corporal
O'Connor might not have taken

his life in the same way.

We believe somebody k*lled these men
and might k*ll more.

And I might be able to get
to the heart of the matter

if you and your men showed
a little more cooperation.

I'm sorry. I don't
understand, Chief Inspector.

Hasn't Captain Shepherd
been of assistance?

Captain Shepherd's
been a great help.

Though I believe
that something happened in Afghanistan.

Something that links the
deaths of these two soldiers,

but nobody's prepared
to talk about it.

And what do you suppose
that something is?

Oliver Barton.

I've written a full

I've seen it. It's
in Deverson's file.

Then you know what occurred.

I spoke to Keith Barton,

and he was reluctant to
endorse the official version.

So I did a little bit of reading
up on military procedure last night

and I discovered it
was Deverson's job

to ensure that the
incident site is safe.

Chief Inspector, I do not believe
that you have the authority...

Did Deverson follow procedure?

Maybe not to the letter, but...

So he could be seen
to be responsible?

Barton was Deverson's number two.

Even if he technically should not

have been the one
to secure the ground,

he had the skill-set to do so.

So it is only in
the letter of the law

that Keith Barton and his
family might have a case.

What sort of a case?

They were pursuing
the matter?

I cannot speak for them.

On the night that James
Deverson was k*lled,

you invited the Bartons back
to your house for drinks.

- Did you talk about Ollie?
- Amongst other things.

They wanted you to
push for an inquiry.

And you told them no.

What time did they leave?

As I told Captain Shepherd,
approximately at 1:45am.


you stay here, take
statements Dev's team,

what's left of them.

Anyone who saw Budgie last night.

And g*ns.

You've got to find all
these personal arsenals

before anyone else gets hurt.

Are Keith or Diana home?

No. Dad's with the sh**t and
Mum's at the cash-and-carry.

Can I help?

Peas in a pod?

The terrible twins, Mum always
used to call me and Ollie.

And you're with the Royal
Ordnance Fusiliers too?

Medical Corps, but
I'm based at Otterford.

Still completing my
training at Newcastle

City Hospital.

What, then you'll go to
Afghanistan, will you?

If I'm needed.

It's sad to say, but theatre of ops

is one of the best places
to learn new theatre skills.

What was it you wanted?

Could we have a
look at Ollie's room?

See if we can get some idea.

He still had a room here?


- But why?
- We're looking

into your brother's death, and

and trying to find out
exactly what happened in Afghanistan.

We were very different, me and Ol.

I'd bury myself in some science books,

and he'd be into the
back of an old computer or

radio or circuit board.

Dad wanted us to go to uni

and then on to officer training.

He'd risen up through the ranks. He
wanted his sons to go further than him.

That's perfectly natural.

But Ollie knew what he wanted.

He didn't want to be
ordering men to do things.

Be in there, getting his hands
dirty, doing them himself.

He signed up as a
private after school.

Ollie had just been selected for

his final training
to become an ATO.

So he'd have then been
qualified to do Dev's job?

Deverson insisted that he'd only go
back out if Ollie was his number two.

- Or what?
- He'd quit.

But Ollie could have said no, right?

Dev would have made sure that was
him finished in ordnance disposal.

Deverson must have thought
highly of him, all the same.

You have to trust the men
you're out there with.

What do you think
happened in Helmand, Alex?

Look, your parents think Ollie's
death might've been preventable.

They think there might
be grounds for an inquiry.

So why don't you tell us

what you think happened out there,

and maybe we can help.

Deverson defused an IED.

They did the controlled expl*si*n,

but then he sent Ollie
in to give the all-clear.

That's Deverson's job,

as officer in charge,
to give the all-clear.

But how would Deverson know
there were more lEDs?

He'd been up to the incident site.
He'd seen the lie of the land.

If there were any more ground
signs of devices, he'd know.

You think he wanted Ollie k*lled?

Well, I'm not saying that.

And now that Deverson's
dead, we'll never know.

Were you here the night
Deverson was k*lled?

- Anyone vouch for you?
- Yeah.


My parents were here earlier in
the evening before the dinner.

- What about last night?
- I was on duty at the hospital.

And your parents? Where were they?

They were up at the main house.

There was a dinner for
the first day of the sh**t.

Ollie's laptop that your father
brought in to us yesterday,

the emails had been wiped.

Know anything about that, Alex?

You've got to help us here.

It was nothing to
do with Afghanistan.

It was girlfriend stuff.

Private, that's all.

He's dead.

Is he not entitled to his dignity?

All right.

No, that's great.

Thanks, Kenny.

Cadvar House confirmed the
Bartons were there last night.

- Alex Barton?
- The hospital says he was

- on night shift.
- Laura Deverson?

At home.

- Oh. Anything on divorce proceedings?
- Kenny says no sign.

- And the good news?
- The prints on the g*n.

Vincent Grafton.

You might be interested
in this, then.

I did a search of the lines,
looking for illegal firearms.

Well, where do you come across
a collection like this?

You'd be surprised what $20

will get you at a souk
in Basra or Sangin.

Did you talk to the others
who were with him last night?

They said he left them down at
the quayside around midnight.

But look at this. From the
logbook at the front gate.

Right, then, Vince,
I think you'd better come with us.

- You arresting me?
- Can do, if you like,

unless you've got licences
for your little arsenal.

So you were out on the lash
on Dean Street last night?

Had a few bevvies.

Well, you sign back in at 11:30pm.

You gets back at 11:30?

If that's what it says.

Only the name before yours

gets back at 12:20am.

Your colleagues said they
left you down at the quayside.

Were you with anyone?

- Maybe I got lucky.
- A woman?

She have a name?

You don't think much of
women, do you, Corporal?

I like them.


I just don't want to
get too close to them.

They mess you up,
when you're a soldier.

Like Ollie?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Well, he had girlfriend
problems, didn't he?


He had some problems
with his bird before...

before the last tour.

So? It's pretty common in our line.

What's her name? Ollie's girlfriend.

- She have one?
- I'm sure she did.

But I didn't know her, did I?

Listen, Vince,

Budgie was k*lled with a w*apon
you smuggled back from Afghanistan.

Your prints are all over it.

So I suggest you start telling us.

So what if Budgie
was shot with my g*n?

Doesn't mean I did it.

He knew I had them g*ns.
Loads of the guys did.

- Where were you last night?
- I was with someone, wasn't I?

You stop off at a hotel
or a B&B?

I was down the front.
Didn't get back till dawn.

My mate Kez was on stag

at front gate that
morning. Ask him.

Kenny, I've got to check something.
Watch our back, will you?

Yeah, sure.

What happened in Afghanistan
the day Oliver Barton died?

Listen, Vince, I'm not interested

in the rights or wrongs
of what goes on out there.

But I believe that
the death of Budgie

and of Deverson have
something to do with it.

Dev changed, the last tour.

He was still the best
at his job and all.

You could put your house
on him to get you through.

But outside, he didn't join in.

No banter.


Especially with Ollie.

Do you blame Deverson
for Ollie's death?

Or do you blame Budgie?

The sentry admits he entered
the wrong time on the log.

Said it was well after
dawn when he got back.

Yeah, can we trust that?

These lads would rather go to
jail than tell us the truth.

Get Shep to check the CCTV.

- You still think he did it?
- Aye.

- Where are you off to?
- Evening shift will be starting.

You can knock off
when you've done that.


- Have you got a moment?
- Er, yeah.

Right, Budgie's death, forget
about Deverson's for the minute...

What do the forensics tell us?

Yeah, angle of shot
suggests he was awake.

- Right.
- Teeth weren't

broken or burnt like Dev's.

- Right. What else?
- Which means

his mouth was open for the g*n.

Yeah, sorry.

No sign of a struggle either.

Yeah, if it wasn't
for the other death,

I'd have said he took
his own life.

Here's me feeling so smug.

Because Deverson's death

looked too like a
su1c1de to be a su1c1de,

I've only gone and assumed
Budgie's was the same

because it looked
so much like Dev's.

Budgie wanted us to arrest him.

To save him from himself.

Thanks, Billy.

So let's proceed on the assumption
that Budgie's death was not m*rder,

though that doesn't
rule out a connection.

All these lads were
members of the same unit,

close colleagues of Oliver Barton,

whose death they all witnessed.


computer forensics have recovered
Oliver Barton's deleted emails.

We might have our connection.

I'll see you in a minute.

What, you're not coming?

No, you go and charm her first.

I'm sorry that he k*lled himself,
but I didn't know him that well.

Dev didn't talk much about the others?

He said he had a private
self and a soldier self.

He thought he could switch
one off and the other on.

And when he was on tour?

No demands from us
on his private self,

so he could be all soldier.

It must be difficult
being away from each other

for such a long period of time.

Him not writing much.

You got into his email account?

He did still care
about you, Laura. He...

He was holding this picture...

when he died.

So much of my married
life I've been alone.

While Jim was off saving the world,

I was stuck in his
house, in his barracks,

being father and
mother to his kids.

And the funny thing is, I don't even
understand what we're doing there.

Afghanistan. It's their country.

If they want to live like that -

k*lling and murdering, maiming...

So why do we have to go
and sort it out for them?

Why does my husband have to
go and sort it out for them?

You did get close to
Ollie Barton, didn't you?

Yeah. He knew what
it was like for me.

And then it became something else?

Now, why didn't you tell
us this before, Laura?

Because it wasn't like that.
For me, at least.

You can't understand how trapped,

how penned in on every side,

I was, I am... I still am.

Between children and

the army and Dev and


And when Dev found out, what did he do?

He went round to Ollie's
and threatened him,

threatened to k*ll
him. He had a g*n.

He kept a g*n in the house.

And they got into a fight.

The RMPs had to
come and sort it out.

They said they'd
put him on a warning.

It's not in the file.

He was their star-turn.
Clearing mines, saving lives,

winning medals. But then again,

maybe Jim just sorted it himself.

Like he sorted it for all the wives

to have nothing to
do with me after.

Like he sorted it for Ollie.

You think he knowingly
put Ollie's life in danger?

I don't know what to
think, I just know that

Jim insisted Ollie
went on that tour.


the little red hatchback,

that's your car, is it, pet?


Only I was talking to your
neighbour, Mrs. Preston.

She's very observant.

She said your car
was gone until the

early hours the night
your husband was k*lled.

I went out, yeah.

Now, that's different from
what you told us before.

I was with Alex.

Alex Barton? Ollie's brother?

He'd found out about me and
Ollie from Ollie's emails, and

he wanted to ask me if
the family could use them

as evidence for an inquiry
into Ollie's death.

Evidence that your husband
had a motive to harm Ollie?

And what did you tell them?

How could I look
my kids in the eye?

Turning against their
father. I couldn't do that.

I couldn't do what
they were asking me.

- They?
- Alex and Ollie's parents

were there for a bit. And
then they went to dinner.

And you stayed with Alex?

We were just drinking
wine and remembering Ollie.

And I drank too much,
so Alex drove me home.

- In his car?
- In mine.

- What time was that?
- Midnight, just after.

- Then what?
- He got a cab

and went home.


Why would Alex clear
his brother's emails

when he wanted Laura
to go public with them?

Because she said no.

Because Dev was dead.

It only embarrasses her.

What, and he didn't
want to embarrass her?

Deverson puts Ollie in
danger in Afghanistan,

getting him back for
sleeping with his missus.

Ollie dies.

His soldiers support
his story because...?

Because Ollie had broken
trust. It's a code of honour.

Or maybe they don't all agree.

Vince Grafton thinks Dev
could be a mean bastard.

Maybe he thinks
that Dev would put him in danger.

Then Vince can't
hack it when Dev gets

his Military Cross,
knowing what's gone on.

Or maybe he's paying them back for

endangering him with
their private squabbles.

Thinks women are
trouble, doesn't he?

You showed Laura this photo?

- Did you tell her where we found it?
- Yeah.

- How did she take it?
- She was surprised,

given everything that's gone on.

Deverson was estranged
from his wife.

She's had an affair
with one of his mates.

Yet the night he dies, he falls
asleep clutching her picture...

He still loves her?

Or maybe the k*ller
put it there.

And where does the k*ller get it?

The wall?

Not the sort of picture
you'd put on the wall, Joe.

You can leave that.

Not the same without
something to dunk anyway.


Come on!

Chief Inspector.

No-one in.

No, Alex is up at the hospital
and Keith's away with the sh**t.

He won't be back till after dark.

Alex said you called
yesterday as well.

Well, we're still
trying to piece together

exactly what happened to
your son in Afghanistan.

Does that mean there might
be an inquiry after all?

Well, it's not for
me to decide, pet,

but if we could uncover
further evidence...

Can we talk?

It's very beautiful here, isn't it?

Is it?

Yeah, I suppose it is.

I suppose I should count myself
lucky to live in such a place.

But I don't feel lucky.

I feel like I've given my whole
life in the service of this country.

First trailing after
Keith with the boys,

while he's posted to Germany
and Ireland and God knows where.

And then, when we finally
come home and make a home,

you know, a real home...


my own little boy...

You know, when I hear
some boy's won a medal,

I think about his
wife and his mother.

I think of all the
tears that have been shed

in the winning of that medal.

Were you upset that Laura
Deverson wouldn't allow you to use

to use her affair with your son

as evidence to push for an inquiry?

No, I wasn't.

I don't condone her actions, but I
just thought it was unfair to ask her.

She's a soldier's wife...


e the lover of another
soldier, apparently. My son.

And I expect she's
suffered greatly.

But your husband and Alex?

Well, Keith wanted to go ahead
and make it public anyway.


Alex, I don't know.

And by the time I
saw him the next day,

James Deverson was dead.

Did your husband discuss an inquiry

with Dominic Chapell at
his house, after the dinner?

- Yeah, they talked, yeah.
- Yeah, and?

And Dominic said he couldn't help us.

Mrs. Barton, Diana,

I don't suppose you have
a hairbrush of Ollie's,

or a lock of hair?

For DNA.

No, I'm afraid... I'm afraid
I didn't keep a lock of hair.

Well, anything at all
that might have traces?

His army kit, perhaps.

No, I washed and
mended his uniform.

I'm sorry, pet.

What about his teeth?

Excuse me?

His baby teeth. Do
you still have them?

Thanks, Mrs. Barton.

Right, I'm taking them
straight to the lab.

Get them to crosscheck those teeth
with the blood on the original of this.

Stand over them while
they do it, if you have to.

- Where are you going?
- Shep.

See if Laura
Deverson's story's true

about Dev threatening
Ollie with a g*n

and, if so, why any report of
it's been removed from the file.

The keeping of soldiers' records

is not my responsibility,
Chief Inspector.

Captain Shepherd has found you made

special pleadings
to her predecessor

not to have the charge of affray
added to Dev's record.

It was a personal conflict,

out of character, no
reflection on his soldiering.

Plus it would have reflected
badly on the regiment.

And there'd be no chance
of him winning any honours,

let alone the Military
Cross after that.

I did not think it was
relevant to your investigation.

It is not for you to decide what is

or is not relevant
to my investigation.

Now, is there anything
else you have withheld?

Chief Inspector,

you are meant to be investigating
the death of these two men.

Instead, you seem intent on questioning
military operation and procedure,

which lie beyond the range of
your jurisdiction or competence.

You're in no position to
question my competence.

Captain Shepherd, I must ask you to
resume charge of this investigation,

as I should have
insisted from the outset.

Now, if you don't mind.

I'm afraid I cannot comply
with this request, sir.

It is not a request, Captain.

Sir, you have no procedural
authority over RMP.

No, but you do have authority
over this investigation.

Under the Provost
Martial's ruling of 2009,

in all serious crime relating
to the military in the UK,

the civilian police
will take the lead.


Hey, Shep, I hope that hasn't
ruined your chances of promotion.

Well, like CID,

we're independent of
the powers that be.

- At least, that's the theory.
- We've got our match.

Two different blood
traces on the photo.

Dev's and Ollie Barton's.

And I confirmed with Laura
that she gave the photo to Ollie

before he went to Afghanistan.

Ollie had it on him when he died.

- That's the motive.
- Revenge

for the death of Oliver
Barton in Helmand.

Now, the k*ller planted the
photo on Deverson as a sign,

thinking that since
Laura's his wife,

no-one but them's
going to see it as such.

Who had access to
Ollie's personal effects?

They would have been
returned to his family.

Let's pay a little
visit to the hospital.

We talked about Ollie,
mainly, and family.

Around midnight, I
drove her in her car

back to her place,

and then I got a cab home.

So you left your house with
Laura Deverson at midnight.

Arrived at her house at 1 am.

What time did you get home, Alex?

- Around 2:30.
- Took a detour?

Stop by the barracks,
settle an old score?

- No.
- What, then?

I was waiting for the cab.

What did you do while you waiting?



- Where?
- Laura's car.

What about?


Eh, that's a lot of
talking about Ollie.

- Nothing else?
- It's difficult.

- It's complicated.
- Aye, it would be,

holding a torch for big
brother's girlfriend.

- No.
- It wasn't to protect

Ollie's privacy you
wiped his emails.

It was to cover their
affair and your tracks.

I don't have to say anything, do
I? I don't have a lawyer present.

I haven't arrested you yet.
Would you prefer that?

- Joe...
- OK. OK.

It's because...

because I could see the whole
thing had caused her so much pain.

And after that night,
after hearing her side,

I thought my dad should just
give up looking for an inquiry.

It was your dad pushing
for the inquiry, was it?

And me.

But I was doing it for him.

After that night, I thought
it just prolonged the pain.

I told him, before he
left for the dinner.

And then when I heard
that Deverson was dead,

it just seemed cruel to
drag Laura through it again.

- What about the photo of Laura?
- What photo?

The one with Ollie's
things from Afghanistan.

I've never seen it.

Well, it would have been
sent to his next of kin.

I'm not his next of kin.

I don't care how long it takes,
I want every little detail, Joe.

And don't take any slaver from him.

You going to be all
right on your own?

Kenny says that the
cab company confirmed

that a passenger was picked up
outside house Deverson at 1:30am

and that they dropped off around
the Cadvar Estate around 2:30am.

So there is no way they
had time to take a detour

around the Otterford
Barracks in that time.

And Shep's checked,
there's no record of Alex Barton

entering or leaving the
camp by foot that night?

No, none.

- What about Chapell?
- There's still no sign.

Well, get her to call him again.

I don't care if
he's invading France.

If he's not with
her in five minutes,

I'll have him arrested
for obstruction.

- Chief Inspector?
- Which way

was the hunt headed, Mrs. Barton?

It's at Cadvar Woods. Why?

Thanks, pet.

What's going on?


I was in a meeting with military
officials, Captain Shepherd.

What was it that couldn't wait?

The night that
Deverson was m*rder*d,

you invited the Bartons to your
house after the dinner at the hall.

It was more like Keith insisted.

He wanted to talk about his son.

And how far is your house?

20 minutes by foot.
Five minutes by car.

You drove? You took them in your car?

Could you show us?

- You said their stayed till 1:45?
- Yes.

Did they walk back from your house
to the car park?

Diana was tired.

She was wearing heels. Keith
decided to go back for the car.

And would they pass by this way?

It's one way they could have come.

Is this the most direct way?

Keith Barton!

Mr. Barton!

How long was he gone?

Hard to say. 20 minutes...

Was it not more like half
an hour or 40 minutes,

and that's why they
were so late leaving?

You and Barton go back
a long way, don't you?

He was platoon sergeant on
your first tour, wasn't he?

I've committed no crime, Sergeant.

I was asked what time they left
and I have told you accurately.


Where we hang the vermin.

Scares others off.

I know it's frowned on,

but nature doesn't
operate by man's laws.

Your father would have understood that.

Put the g*n down, Keith.

I'd have done anything for them,

my boys.

Same as in the army.

The only way a unit survives

is by standing together.
Whatever it takes.


Now it's all changed.

All hearts and minds.

Ollie and I disagreed on that.

He thought you could
reason with the enemy,

make them see you're right.

But then he gave
his heart to a woman,

and look what her husband did.

He insisted on Ollie
going on that second tour.

So he could fix him.

So I fixed him.

Natural law.


Keith, don't! Don't!

Do you think I'm going
to sit there and watch,

while the m*rder*r of my son

is awarded a medal for bravery?

- Dad!
- So you took it, did you, Keith?

- Dad, please!
- You took his Military Cross?

I looked for it,

but I expect even he

was ashamed to keep it.

It is not your fault Ollie died.
Please don't do this.


They say it's just a flesh wound.

Like you said,

it takes guts to
go through with it.

It'll take more than guts
to live with what he's done.

May God give you his
comfort and his peace.

His light and his joy in
this world and the next.

And the blessing of God Almighty,

the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit

be among you and
remain with you always.

- Amen.
- Amen.


Look, I know it doesn't compare,

what we do.

But what we're fighting for,

both of us in our own way,

it's for more than just our mates.

And though it's not always pretty,

we're both good at what we do.

So you let him off
the weapons charge?

Yeah, on condition he has his

little mementos decommissioned.

So, Shep, what's next for you?

Oh, you know, 15km run,
see what's on my desk.

Glutton for punishment, you!

Still, if you're ever
looking for something,

you know, when you're done with
your marching and your saluting,

or if your senior officers
stand in your way...

you look us up, hm?

Hey, your garden is transformed.

Well, had to be done.

That shrub got so overgrown,
it kept banging on the window.

Kept thinking it was Heathcliff
coming to take me away!

So where's this
stuff you want moving?

No bob-a-job
today, pet.

That was just a ploy
to get you over here.

- Look at that.
- Lunch.

Return the compliment.

Well, that's lovely, boss. But salad?

Yeah, I know. The end of the world.

Come on, I'm feeling
all demob happy,

as if I've made it
through basic training.

Eh, that's it. Come here.

Where is he?

Where are you?
Give up.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

- Come on, Jimmy!
- Come on, Jimmy!