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01x04 - The Crow Trap

Posted: 01/04/24 17:43
by bunniefuu
(Muzak plays)

WOMAN: Hide.


(Rasping breath)

RADIO: With overnight temperatures
falling as low as minus two...

(Weather report continues on radio)


What's going on?

I was on my way home.
Blind chance is what it was.

I hope they get here soon. It's bloody freezing.

Your first time, is it, son?

Sorry? What did you say?

Where you going?

(Boy coughs)

Oh! Oh!

Call an ambulance.

BILLY: Blow to the ribs, blow to the
side of her face, blow to the skull.

That's what did for her.

- I could m*rder a coffee.
- Cuppa for the hero.

- What kind of blow?
- Oh, and we found these on her.

- OK. She was a user?
- I'll get back to you on that one.

VERA: What's that?

Well, I imagine it's some sort of bracelet, pet.

- What kind of blow?
- Hang on, love. Give us a tick here.

You must have left it under the seat.


I said you must have left it under the seat.


- Aren't you due in the witness box?
- Nah, nah. It's early yet. Come on.

JOE: So where was he, the lad?
VERA: Under the water.

VERA: Must have fell, I suppose.

k*ller chases him up there.
Leaves him for dead.

I was never much of a swimmer myself.
Old bugger never taught me.

Girls learning to swim.
Couldn't see the point.

You didn't wanna go in the ambulance
with him, then?

- Why would I wanna do that?
- I just thought you might want to.

VERA: Car.

JOE: I just got the debrief
from the crime scene.

There was tyre tracks up ahead.

Looks like a second vehicle
ran her off the road onto the verge.

VERA: How much? Do we know?

- 2,000, thereabouts. The k*ller's in a hurry.
MAN: Ma'am?

Well, go on, open it.

Margaret Wilde.

Son Adam.

I'll get these checked,
make sure they're authentic.


Going where?

- Malaga.
- Very nice.

Outbound tickets only, so not coming back.

She's an addict, right?

So she stole the money, going off
for a better life with the bairn.

Fella in the other car is having none of it,
chases her half the way to the airport.

Why didn't he take the money?
Panics maybe.

Ma'am? Ma'am?

- It's pointing the wrong way.
- What?

The car. Well, if you're going
to the airport, up the motorway,

it takes you right there.

She should have been going north, that way.

So why's the car pointing in the wrong direction?

Worse than the dog.

Thank you, sweetheart.

- Did you pick up the...
- Car?

- All done.
- Good.



I wish I was you.

Give it a week, you'd soon get bored.

Come on. Busy day.

Sorcha! Up!


Oh. Put the kettle on
for your poor parents, would you?

- Mum, you're late.
- Am I?

What are you looking at me like that for?

- Those my tights?
- No.

- Mine are all dirty.
- Well, stick 'em in the wash.

Not my job.

VERA: How long was he under the water?
Do they know?

15 minutes. Maybe more.

Tim said it was a miracle you got him back.

- Tim?
- The doctor.

Apparently it's cos Adam's so small.

His whole body went into
some sort of dive reflex

the moment his face hit the water.

Not really a miracle, then, is it, love?


Now get onto Uniform.
I want a 24-hour guard on him.

He was witness to a m*rder.

It won't take the k*ller long
to find out that he survived.

Oh. Well, the quack seems happy,
but they always do, don't they?

- I'm sure he'll be OK.
- How's the trial?

I'm still waiting.
I think I'm getting bumped till tomorrow.

Right. Well, anyway they're going to do
a CT scan, to be on the safe side,

but they're thinking, you know,
he's going to be fine and I was just...

Come on! Eight officers. You've had all day.


Passport office confirms it's legit.

Thank you, Kenny.

So, Margaret Wilde.

Born Southampton. 31 years old.

m*rder*d with brute force.

Tyre tracks.


Well, what else, hm?

Address? Friends? Next of kin?

Bank accounts? Housing benefit?
Tax return?

No credit cards were found in her wallet.

- No bank account as far as we can tell.
- What about the car?

Plates are dodgy. Most likely stolen.
No insurance... obviously.

Employment record?

No? So she's skint.

Apart from the wodge of cash
we found in the car.

Now, if you're skint,
you sign on, don't you? Hm?


Unless that's the point. Unless that's
how she chose to live, out of sight.

No data, no footprint.

- Nothing to trace.
- I call that paranoid.

Psychiatric wards. Anyone check?

Will do.

(Phone rings)

- Holly.
- Where are you, ma'am?

I'm at home.

The doctors have said
we can talk to Adam Wilde.

He's still pretty fragile.

Hey, get us another coffee, would you, love?

You need to have done the course
I did last summer,

interviewing minors,
or whatever Adam says is inadmissible.

- Well, Joe.
- Well, Joe's at court.

- And his certificate's out of date.
- We'll just have to draft someone in.


Tell him we're not giving out prizes.

Who's that?

- Me and Mam.
- In the car?

And who's that?

- Natasha.
- Your friend?

My sister.

And where's she?

In heaven.

I'm sorry. When did she pass away?

Before I was born.

And your dad?


Do you remember what happened to your

She's with your sister now, isn't she?

VERA: Don't say it for him.

What did he see?

Did you see how she...

Did you see what they did to her?

I was hiding.

Behind the car?

Did you get a look at them? Their faces?

She was bleeding.

You're doing really well.

So you ran?

And the man came after you?

And it was definitely a man?

Did you see anything, anything at all?



What sort of birds?

- Peacocks.
- Peacocks.

One last question for you, Adam.
Do you know whereabouts you live?

Would he know it if he saw it? Ask him.

Would he know if he saw it?


VERA: So, which one?


HOLLY: What d'you make
of Adam's statement?

- Ma'am?
- Well, go on.

Well, it's just he talks about his mum's blood,

but there wasn't much blood loss.

- No.
- And that about the birds, the um...

The peacocks, yes.

Well, on the course,
they told us that kids like to tell tales

because of the attention or, you know,

they tell you what they think
you wanna hear.

You think he made it up?


He saw his mother m*rder*d.
He has to shut out the trauma.

We should get him back to the hospital.

You think he made all this up an' all?

Adam, come on. We're going.

- Why?
- Well, it's my old legs.

I can't keep up. Come on.

Hey, Adam!

Where's Mama?


- We were neighbours.
- They were paying rent, were they?

- Mr Singh?
- I didn't ask.

- And how long were they here?
- A couple of months.

And where were they before, do you know?

They moved about a bit, I think.

What will happen to him now?

- Oh, this is the flat, is it?
- Yeah.


HOLLY: In you go, Adam. It's all right.

Right, I want Forensics in here.

Prints, fibres, any DNA
you can pull off the database,

including Mr Singh here, if you don't mind,

just to rule them out.

- Now, we'll be hanging onto these.
- No problem.

VERA: She was a pretty girl, Margaret.

Good neighbours, were you, Mr Singh?

- Adam helped me with my shopping.
- Oh, good lad.

And last night you were?

I was working.
I had an airport job down in Manchester.

That, on your wrist.

That's an old Sikh tradition.

The woman gives this rakhi to her brother.

Margaret liked it.
She wished to wear one also.

And what does the brother do in return?

He promises to protect her.

Oh, well.

- You married, Mr Singh?
- Widower.

And she was all right, was she, in herself?

She had a hard life.

And as a mother, a bit unstable?

Who are you or I to judge?

Insulin. Found it in the bathroom.

Oh. She wasn't a junkie. Diabetic.

- Type 1 diabetes.
- I know.

She didn't exactly look after herself.

Ulcerated feet, swollen joints, look.

- She buggered her nerve endings.
- How about the head?

Seven blows to the skull and torso.

Severe cranial damage.

- Much blood loss?
- No. Clean blows with a club.

Possibly a baseball bat, if he was a sports fan.

- He?
- Could a woman do this?

Oh, yeah, it's possible.

Oh, and a number of old fractures here.

Left arm, collar bone, ribs,
rehealed but not very happily.

- How old?
- Hard to say.

Minimum two years
but could be a lot more.

(Phone rings)


Those airline tickets to Malaga, bought
with a credit card by a Robert Salter.

Yeah, he's from Darlington. Plus he's got form.

18 months, possession of a firearm.

RADIO: # Maybe it's time

# Yeah, you and me
We could be so good together

# We could have it all

# No doubt...

(Phone rings)

# Cos you and me
We can face anything

# Whatever it may be...


- I wouldn't say I knew her.
- You were sleeping with her, Mr Salter?

- Once or twice.
- Wife know?

She's a bit touchy about it.

That's why she's got you
sleeping in here, is it?

- Suits me. Peace and quiet.
- How'd you and Margaret meet?

- Club.
- When?

Couple of months back.
Wasn't a big thing, you know.

And you last saw her?

Same day... she nicked my credit card.

What, 12 days ago?


She after you for money before?

Well, everyone's got a price tag, haven't they?

Monday overnight, midnight to daybreak?

I was here.

In here.

Out all night he was. Off in some huff.

He took the car. He knows that I need it
on a Monday, for my Pilates.

- D'you mind if I take a look?
- All right.


What have you got yourself
involved in this time?

- I've done nothing.
- Story of your life.


- Caution him, will you, love?
- What's going on?

Petrol receipt, 4:30am,

only eight miles from where
Margaret Wilde was m*rder*d.


Right, we've cautioned him.
We've got 48 hours to make a formal charge.

Now, Joe, talk to Salter's friends, associates.

Anything to link him to Margaret
in the days before she died.

Gary, chase up the tyre tracks
from the crime scene.

See if you can find a match
to Salter's vehicle.

Now, Margaret and the lad. I want history.

I mean, he doesn't exactly sound local,

so where were they
before they came to Tyneside?

- I can do that for you.
- Oh, smitten already.

No. It's just something about that photo.

Reminds me of the first wife.


OK, laugh it up.

Holly, former addresses
for Margaret and the lad.

- The schools should help.
- Adam says he's never been to school.

Social services looking the other way?

Adam did recall one previous address.

- Glanville Street.
- Town?

Strewth. How many Glanville Streets
must there be?

27. I looked it up.

Well, get Community Support onto it.

Now, Margaret, living from hand to mouth.

Or hand to wallet.

Now, what does a desperate woman
do for money?

- Street work?
- Is that what the first wife called it?


Joe, clock!

- Ma'am.
- What?

- Adam's coming out of hospital.
- So?

He's meant to go into temporary foster care,

but when they told him,
he got very upset and he's refusing to go.

They wondered
if you'd have a word with him.

Me? Why me?

You're the one that fished him out.
He likes you. God help him.


What's so funny?

Sergeant Ashworth.

That's eight minutes
of court time we'll never get back.

Let's hope you're worth the wait.

So once you've got your breath back,
the clerk will swear you in.


Adam, I gather you changed home quite a lot.

Was there somebody in particular
that you and your mam were,

oh, I don't know,
trying to get away from?

- Yeah.
- Who?

Shiny Man.

Who's Shiny Man?

He's got this shiny face and shiny shoes
and these pockets.

And if you don't hide by the count of three,

he puts you in his pockets and...

He sounds scary.

I suppose.

This man, you ever see your mam with him?

- Bobby.
- Did he... ever hurt your mam?

I don't know. Why would he do that?

She was just out and about with him, was she?

Some nights.

What, left you at home?


On your own?

- Weren't you scared?
- No.

Well, what about your Shiny Man?

I just hid.

Come on, out you get.


Now, look, here's someone
gonna be keeping an eye on you.

Hm? Nobody's going to hurt you, OK?

I promise. Not any more.

Now, come on. What's to be frightened of?

- It's mine! Give it here!
- No, it isn't.

- I want the pod. It's my turn.
- Sam, get out the way! Shut up!

- You said you would!
- One more minute!

You're spoiling the game.
Stop being so awkward about it.

Just let us play the game, man...

TV: Local crime boss Frank McKenzie
gave evidence in defence of his brother.

In court the Right Honourable Lady
Justice Carmichael shocked...

OK, you're making friends.

- Tia. Look.
- What?

- Mum knew that lady.
- Your mam what?

Knew this fella from the trial?


Her. Tia.

Tia? The judge? Your mam knew the judge?

Yeah. the victim's family
from the public gallery.

The trial resumed
after a two-hour recess,

during which extra security
was brought into court.

Cross examination...


Lipstick! Lipstick!

Oh. You're not who you're meant to be.

Oh. DCI Vera Stanhope.
Northumberland and City Police, m'lady.

Please, Patricia. Forgive me, but
if I don't do this at least twice a day,

I'll probably end up
like one of my ancient forebears.

- Now, how did you just walk in?
- Oh, light feet.

Now, if this is a sub judice matter,

you know we simply don't make up
the rules in order to break them.

Oh, no, I'm not here about the trial,
although I should declare an interest.

My sergeant was the first officer
on the scene for the gangland m*rder.

Lousy witness. Still, who cares?
Don't know how you keep your hands off him.

Oh, I find it's more
the other way round, to be honest.


- It's OK. She's family.
- I won't keep you.

She was m*rder*d in the early hours
of Tuesday morning.


We want to find out more background
on the victim, you know.

And what brings you to my door?

Well, her child is under the impression
that you were acquainted with her.


Oh, bit of a muddle, I'm sure,

but I just thought there must be so many
people you make an impression on,

all walks of life.

No. If I had a name...

Margaret Wilde.

I'll get somebody onto it.

- I'll give you my card.
- Thank you.

Forgive me. Monday overnight you were?

Well, big trial, as you know. Here or at home.

They keep a log at the car park.

Now, how is that?

Oh, hang on.

A little bit stuck. Your dangly bits are...

- Poor kid.
- That's better.

- How old?
- Eleven.

Social services doing everything they can?

Keeping us busy, you know.

Well, if you want me to give them
a well-aimed kick on his behalf...

- I'm sorry? On whose behalf?
- The child's.

I said it was a boy, did I?

I'm sorry. I just assumed, I suppose.


- Sorry.
- No, sorry. I can see you're busy.

Welcome to my world.

MARGARET: Will you stop wriggling?

I'm cold.

No, you're not.

What would I ever do without you, eh?


Publicity are chasing you
about this photo op, you and the lad.

I know. I've told 'em I'm not playing.

Well, the local press
are biting their hands off, apparently.

- I've been told to ask nicely.
- Noted.

- Who's that?
- Her? That's your high-court judge.

- I've just paid her a visit.
- Patricia Carmichael?

Leaving court ten hours prior to time of death.

Now, Adam reckons his mam knew her.


Well, I suppose quarter of an hour
frozen to death,

you're bound to be a bit confused.

CT scan's given him the all clear.

Ma'am, Forensics have come through

with the prints on the sports bag
with the two grand.

- Bobby Salter?
- No. The next-door neighbour.

- Amrit Singh.
- Alibi?

Solid. Airport run to Manchester.
I checked it myself.

OK, Hol, get over to the flats, talk to Singh.

What does he know about the cash?
Push him hard.

(Phone rings)
- But Salter's still our main man.

- What?
KENNY: Glanville Street. It's in Derby.

Margaret was here three years back.

Her neighbour remembered her face.

How long were they here?

Maybe six months, give or take.
Squatting, most like.

- It's open.
- Right.

What a place.

Should tear the whole street down.

VERA: Oh, look at this.

- Not bad.
- She did her best for him, I suppose.

Hey, what's this?

VERA: Don't know.

- Give us a hand.
- Yeah.

What is it?

VERA: A mouse hole.
JOE: You think this was them?

Hang on.

Yeah, it's them.

You think they actually lived down there?

I think maybe they did, some of the time.

She was always on at him to hide.

- Mad.
- Or scared to death.

Scared of what?

Shiny Man. (Wheezes)

Hey, Vera?

I'll be all right in a minute.

No. Hands off.

- D'you want some water?
- No, I just need...

I just need to get my breath back. I'm...

- You're not having a heart attack?
- No.

Has this happened before?

Yeah, once, at the hospital,
when I went in to see the lad.

- And what did he say?
- Who?

- The doctor.
- Oh.

You didn't tell him, did you?
I can't believe you didn't tell him.

You were in the hospital
and you didn't tell him.

Come on, give us a hand up.

You go to the doctor if I have to
drag you there myself, all right?

All right, all right.
I'll just see this case through.

- What?
- I've got a witness for you.


She had more to do with my late husband.

Not like that.

Just helpless, you know.

Looking for hand-outs.

Boys like all that, don't they, love?

- Ever give her any money?
- She worked for us over the summer.

Six weeks or thereabouts,
washing up in the back.

- Cash in hand?
- Lan dealt with all that.

We're not from the Inland Revenue.

Well... lan wanted her
out the front as a matter of fact,

with the customers.

"Shame to hide a face like that," says he.

- But she was happy in the back.
- Of course. Out of sight.

- Sorry?
- Ever see anyone with her?

Aye. Soft in the head, he was.

- He knew Margaret?
- Aye.

Nuts about her, like a man possessed.

HOLLY: We were wondering
what you knew about this bag.

MR SINGH: One of Margaret's.

I helped her carry her luggage into the car.

And do you know what was in it?

Cash, I believe.

Did you give it to her?

- You think I have that sort of money?
- What sort of money?

I will tell you this.

She was going to Spain. Her health was bad.

More than this I do not wish to know.

Now she is dead, you put her in a box,

you talk like she is a thief,
some sort of good-for-nothing.

But I knew Margaret.

She was a very lost young woman
and I was trying to help her.

Funny, isn't it? Me, an old fellow like me.

So you reckon you and Margaret Wilde
go back a couple of months?


Come on! You were chasing her round
Derby and that was three years ago.

So I'll ask you again.
When did you first meet?

- Three years. Three and a bit.
- Do we believe this?

It's true.

Pathologist found fractured ribs.
Couple of years old, maybe more.

It was you, was it, she was running
from all these years? Running scared?

- No, she came looking for me.
- Ever hit your wife?

What sort of a question's that?

You've seen her. She won't have me
in the house, with my own kids.

How long you been in that caravan?

Couple of years.

Airline confirms that you were
on the same flight to Spain.

You, Margaret and the boy.


- OK.
VERA: She was using you, of course.

Come on. You weren't her lover.

You were a stray dog, a hole in the wall.

Flights to Spain, two grand in cash.

Two grand? You gotta be joking?
I'm skint as it is.

- Margaret dumped you.
- Rubbish.

And who can blame her?

All these years, town to town,
your ugly mug at her heels.

And when she finally got up the courage
to say no, no more...

- She wasn't like that.
- You followed her to the airport.

- You drove her off the road.
- I didn't.

- And you k*lled her.
- I didn't.

Petrol receipt!

Puts you right on the map,
five minutes from where she died.

I was waiting for her at the airport.

Pardon me while I break into song.

Don't you get it?

She told me
the same day I bought the tickets.

Adam, her lad...

...he's my son.

You think he just made it up about being
the boy's dad, make us drop the charges?

I don't see why.
I mean, this was his chance, wasn't it?

Brand-new family.
Anyway, the DNA test'll tell us.

So, do we charge him?

If you hear back, call me.

- Where are you going?
- Loose end.

- Anybody home?
- Eh?

- I'm sorry, pet. Is there anyone home?
- Sorry.

You, scoot. Practise.

Aidan Carmichael?


(scales played on bassoon)

Moving house?

Oh, no. No, it's my job. I sell old books.

- Oh. In a shop?
- No, online.


You should see the state of the garage.

- Interesting?
- I trained as a lawyer.

But I make my own hours at least.
Means I can pull my weight at home.

What is that?

It's a bassoon. Her choice, not ours.
We try not to take it personally.

Look, can I help you with something?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't know if your wife mentioned
I spoke to her.

- No.
- Well, she's so busy.

No, I'm trying to find out about this woman...

Sorry. I'll forget my own head today, I tell you.

- What happened to her?
- She passed away.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- You never met her?

No. No.

Cleaner or... bit on the side?

I think I'd remember.


OK, daft question.


You've never had any here,
you know, as, I don't know, pets?

- Peacocks? No.
- Sorry. I'm blethering on.

That's quite all right.

I think I've taken up
enough of your valuable time.

(Car approaches)

Oh, Tia.

- Say again?
- Tia. Patricia. My wife.

I don't know why I call her that.


Oh, hello again.

- Well, thanks for the beer.
- Hope you're safe to drive.

No, I just wondered if you'd had any luck.

Margaret Wilde.

Oh. Drew a blank, I'm afraid.

Next time call ahead, would you mind?

Yeah, course.

He gets the lady car, does he?

- It depends.
- I'll swap you, if you like.

Have a good evening.

This woman, you remember?
Who your mam knew.

When you saw her on the telly,
what did you say her name was?


- Are you sure?
- That's what Mum said.

She saw a photo of her
in a magazine and said,

"That's our friend in high places. That's Tia."

Tell me I'm mad.
Tell me if you think I'm mad.

I'll stick the kettle on, then, shall I?

Now, Monday evening,
the night of Margaret's m*rder,

Patricia Carmichael leaves court 7:30.

Now, the following morning,
bright and early...

Here she comes. Right.

- Different car.
- Correct.

This gas-guzzler hers.

- The other car, the night before...
- Her husband's.

No. Drives a poncy sports car.

So the first car, the hatchback,

I checked with traffic.

It's a rental.

There's a 24-hour Hertz
round the back of the station.

She hired it for one day.

So she leaves at 7:30,

ten-minute drive from the court.

What time does she drop off the rental?

Hm? Six o'clock the following morning.

- So what?
- 31 miles on the clock overnight.

Just enough to get her
out to the airport and back.

- Not enough to get her home.
- So?

So she was out all night, had to be.
She never said so.

- She's got a lot on her plate.
- So where was she?

- Work do.
- No, nothing in the diary. I saw.

- Girls' night out? Boyfriend?
- What, all night?

And what's she doing in a rental?

Find out! Get that hatchback over to Forensics.

- So we charging Salter, then, or what?
- No, I've let him go.

You what? Why?

Well, Salter's car near the airport - not enough.

Forensics. Read.

The other car at the crime scene,
the k*ller's car, it's not Salter's.

Wrong tyre tracks.

- And what about the paternity claim?
- I'm still waiting.

Lab's slow to paralytic as usual.

You asked, so I'm telling you.
Do I think you're mad? Yeah, I do.

All of this for a car?
She's a high-court judge. Why would she?

- Tia.
- What?

The husband called her Tia.

Now, how would the lad know that
if the mother had never met her?

She knew that woman.

That boy is all over the place.
He doesn't know what he's seen.

Plus she's in the middle of a trial.

You know, maybe she forgot.
Or maybe she wanted rid of you.

Yeah, well, not good enough.

Now, I want you to go down to the court,
turn every trial, every case,

whether she was serving as crown judge,

or even before that, circuit judge, barrister.

Defendants, witnesses, jurors.

Make as much noise as you like.

Margaret Wilde is in there somewhere.
Now you find her.


Listen, I'm just saying. You know that
you're not feeling yourself right now.

Don't you dare patronise me!

So give me a reason.
Go on, give me a reason.

I'm sure you've got some sort of hypothesis.

Follow the money.

Two grand cash.

- Where from?
- Stolen?

Well, if it was, why didn't the k*ller
grab it before leaving the scene?

No, she was given that money. By whom?

Singh? Salter? They're skint, the pair
of them. So where did it come from?

Oh, right, it's blackmail now, is it? Extortion?

What if somewhere down the line,
the judge did something, buried something...

- You saying she took a bribe?
- No, I'm not saying that.

But what if Margaret found out...

Oh, this is you all over.

No, I'm not nursing some grudge, out to get her.

I'm not. I'm not.

I liked her. I like her.

I just think she lied to me
and I would humbly like to know why.

So will you please do as you're told

and go down to the court
so I can strike her off my list?

If you're not too busy, love.

BOBB Y: I'm here to see Adam.
MAN: That's not possible.

BOBB Y: Just go and get him.
Tell him Bobby's here.

MAN: Calm down. Calm yourself down.
- Is he there? Adam!

Turn round.
The best thing you can do is walk away.

Just give me two minutes.
Two minutes just to talk to him.

- You're not talking to anybody.
- I am. Tell him Bobby's here.

Bobby's here! Adam!

Adam! Adam!

Adam! Adam! It's Bobby!

BOBB Y: I just wanna talk to him.
- Calm yourself down.

BOBB Y: I am calm. Adam!
- Walk away, mate.

BOBB Y: I am, I am. Adam!
I just wanna talk to him. Two minutes.

Before we hear summing up,
I need to remind all members of the jury

that the charge is simple enough.

And while we've heard
plenty of noises off,

your task, callous as it may sound,

is to dismiss from your minds
anything not pertaining to the charge.

- This one's all Carmichael.
- Cheers.

Your task is simply to test the facts.

As to these other matters, any questions
you have regarding provocation or...

...responsibility... let me be the judge.


What's this? Have you come to see me?

ADAM: I've run away.

You want to live here with me?


Mr Singh?

Hide. Hide!


- Billy?
- Five minutes away.

VERA: So Adam was last seen
at the foster home when?

Ten to two. Was seen back on the estate
40 minutes later.

- Right. And the sh**t?
- Man in a Balaclava.

What, that's it?

Well, round here
you know what they're like.

Don't. These are decent people.

The old trial papers?

No, nothing yet.

Forensics came back to us
about Patricia Carmichael's rental car.

- Prints?
- No, nothing.

As for the tyres, the wrong make and match
for the tracks at the m*rder scene.

It was a different car.

I've been chasing my own shadow, haven't I?


Worth a shot.

Half the force is out there looking for him.

Yeah, well, what about the other half?


And this was in Singh's rubbish?
They're certain?

Seem to be.

Threw it out by mistake, do you think?

Well, get it over to the lab.
Check for prints - Margaret Wilde, Bobby Salter.

Who chucks a hundred quid?

VERA: Well, maybe it was
dirty somehow, tainted.

- Why didn't he tell us?
HOLLY: I don't know.

The way he spoke about her
when I went to see him,

like he didn't want us
raking over her reputation.

(Phone rings)
- Do you think if I'd pushed harder?

Bit late for that now, isn't it, pet? What?

Find Bobby Salter.

You were kicking off outside the foster home.

And I'm not even gonna ask
how you found the place.

I followed him, didn't I? He's my son.
I wanna get to know him.

- Yeah, about that. Kenny.
- Here we go.

DNA came back negative.

He's not yours. Margaret must have been
pulling your leg, love.

Or else you've been pulling ours.

Shouldn't wish anyone dead but...
I wasn't sorry when I heard.

- About Margaret?
- I shouldn't say that, should I?

It's like Bobby, he starts going on
about how this lad's his son. Adam.

It's like some...
some new obsession with him.

Did he say where he was going today?

Thing about Bobby is,
once his mind's made up...

He was up to summat.

(Girl laughs)

And after the foster home?

I went for a ride up the coast.

Talk to anyone? Witnesses? No, I thought not.

We know all about you and g*ns, Mr Salter.

Your conviction.
18 months for weapons possession.

- I was keeping it for a friend.
- Where is he?

Where's the lad?

So if he's not on the estate, where is he?

I mean, we all know
he's got no sense of direction, right?

I mean, if he hasn't been abducted,
what sort of thing do kids like?

- Where might he have gone?
- Well, his mum never took him out.

- Prints on the hundred quid?
- No, there's nothing yet.

OK, so what are we all waiting for?

I seem to spend my life searching for patterns.
What if there isn't one?

Do you want me to head back over to court,

keep looking for Margaret Wilde
in Carmichael's trial records?

Yeah, if you like.

Well, maybe there's something useful
hidden up there, eh?


He's not lost.

He's hiding.

I give up.


You win, love.

It's freezing.


Oh! There you are, pet.

You frightened me half to death.

- Sorry.
- Let me see if I can get this open.

Come on, pet. Come on. Don't be frightened.

There you go.

And you never got a look at him, hm,
fella with the g*n?

What'd you run away for anyway?
They were trying to look after you.

Mum hated them places.

She said no way
was I ever gonna stay in one.

Hol, something Adam said.

I wonder if his mother was brought up in care.

Aye, a children's home. Well, check again.

Here we go.

No, not you.

What do you think of our little friend?

What is he?

She's a kestrel.

- Do you like birds?
- They're OK. I like owls better.

It was my dad's.

Dead and alive.

Tawny owl can see their prey for 600 miles.

600 metres, maybe.

600 miles. Mum got it off the internet.

Oh, right. My mistake.

She taught me all sorts, Mum did.

Yeah, I bet she did.

She looked after you, didn't she?
In her own way.

Sorry to have wasted your evening.

- I hope you find her.
- You and me both.

There she is there. That's... That's her.

That's Margaret Wilde, isn't it?

But that says Carla.

What's going on?

JOE: Your phone was switched off.

- Adam?
- No, no, he's fine.

- It's about Margaret Wilde.
- Eh?

It's not her name.
Her name was Carla Davies.

I should have thought. No data, no credit history.

Nobody just vanishes. It's not possible.

But how can she change her name
just like that?

Scan the new details into
her birth certificate. Carla Davies...

- Becomes Margaret Wilde.
- I've seen it before.

- Clever girl.
- Bit too clever, don't you think?

Here we go. Carla Davies.

Surrendered by natural father,
3rd September 1990.

Look. Look at this little lot.
Carla's NHS records.

Admitted to North Tyneside A&E.
Fractured ribs, collar bone.

June '91. And again April '92.

Fractured wrist, November '92.

Someone was knocking her about.

Now, which one of you little... did that?

Did you get anything off the PNC database?

Kenny's emailed it through. Hang on.
Here we go.

Carla Davies. Charged with GBH, July 2003.

- Prison sentence?
- No, not listed.


Danny Hale, 64 Rutherway, Tyneside.

Well, I wonder if this is him here?



- No photos.
- Lives alone.


Shall I call the number?

Let's pay him a little visit at work.

MAN: Sam!


- Armed police!
- Armed police! Stand still!

Stand still!
Get your hands on your head!

- Get your hands on your head!
- Do it now!

Stand still! Get your hands on your head!

- Get your hands on your head!
- Do it now!

Do it!

Look at me! Look at me!

Do it now! Put your hands on your head!

- Do it now!
- Get your hands on your head!

Look at me! Look at me!

Get down on your knees. Do it now!

Get right down!

Shiny Man.

Well, Forensics made short work of you,
Mr Hale.

We found the g*n in the loft.

You're going down
for the m*rder of Margaret Wilde,

Carla Davies as was, and Amrit Singh.

What'd you m*rder the old neighbour for, hm?

Come on, don't be shy.

- Get in the way, did he, Mr Singh?
- It's the kid I was after.

- He was with his mam.
- What, when you broke her skull?

Well, that makes sense, hm?

Now, let's see if I've got my facts straight.

Carla Davies arrives at the Marchmont
children's home, too young, too pretty.

Aye, and you were a big lad, hm?

Had a bit of fun with her.
Don't tell me how.

I haven't got the stomach for it, not today.

And you got a bit careless, did you?

Broke a couple of her ribs?

And she grassed on you.

Let's have a little look.

Transferred to
the Blyth Young Offenders Institute.

And you couldn't forgive her, could you, hm?

The little girl who got you transferred?

So a few years later,
you came looking for her.

It was just a bit of a laugh.

I seen her, out with her pram.

I followed her up the street
a couple of times.

- Threatened her lad?
- I was just kidding.

And look what she did to your pretty face.

Drain unblocker, that right?

Suits you, in a way.

Now you even look like the big bad wolf.

So Carla's up on a GBH charge, hm?

Look out. She's only jumped bail.

The police have stopped their search.

But not you, Mr Hale. Not you.

If you people had done your job...


I hope we've made up for it now, sir.

You know the rules. Get out.

Get out.

Will you please... just let me sit at my own table?

Fetch a plate, then. You can do that at least.


- Who's thirsty?
- Oh, I'll have one.

- Jesus. Give us that.
MAN: Thank you, ma'am.

- There you go, princess.
- Disgusting. I'm not drinking that now.

- Joe?
- No, no. I'm good, thanks.

Suit yourself, spoilsport.

New name, new life.

It's not easy, especially
for someone like Carla Davies.

Carla Davies.

- Joe?
- She had help!

Wait up! Excuse me!

I'm sorry. I need to take these.

JOE: Copies of Patricia Carmichael's
trial records going back 15 years.

- Well, I'll put the kettle on.
- It's somewhere in here. I know it is.

I've got it. Crown versus Carla Davies.

Crown versus Carla Davies.

Defence counsel Patricia Carmichael QC.

Holly, check Danny Hale's phone records,
all recent calls.

Joe - Adam, I want him up at that house
as soon as you can.

Love, upstairs.

Go on.

You were Carla's barrister
for the as*ault charge.

This was what,
three years before you made judge?

- Yes.
- You took pity on her?

- I'd never met anyone so afraid.
- Of losing their child?

Yes. GBH. Mandatory prison sentence.

She would have lost... lost Adam.

He would have gone into a home, like she did.

Couldn't see the justice in it.

So you made a judgement to help her, hm?

Wipe the fingerprints from the records.
New start. New name.

Margaret Wilde.

You put your entire career at risk?
That's amazing.

It was Carla's idea.
She didn't know what else to do.

It was simply a case
of scanning in a new name.

Yeah, here they are.

Birth certificates.

Margaret Wilde, Carla Davies.

Same birthday, same woman.

Only, you see, according to the records,

Margaret only had one little boy.

But Carla, now, she had two kids.

Adam and an older sister, Natasha.

Now, whatever happened to her?

- She died at birth, didn't she?
- Aidan.

Now, that's what Adam said as well.

But he was only small at the time.

And the facts are quite clear.

The daughter was six years old
when the mother was arrested.

(Car door closes)

Come on.

- You OK?
- Yeah.


(Phone rings)

Just wait here a sec, mate, yeah?

Kenny? Yeah, we just got here.


You took the children in, didn't you?

Police are out looking for a woman with kids.

Easier for her to vanish on her own.

You kept the children here, out of sight,

until the police called off the search.

And then what, hm?

Back comes Mam to take her children back.

We were just trying to be kind, weren't we?

What happened to the little girl?

Adam? Adam?

Adam? Adam?

Adam, where are you?

What's going on?




This is it, what you remember?

The peacocks?

And the blood?


VERA: Adam, did your mam
have a fight in here, in this room?

Who with?

Was it this man?


It was with a girl.

Your sister?

They were happy here, the two of them.

It was the first time in their lives
they had love, stability.

- When she came back to get them...
- They didn't wanna go, no.

But Adam here, three years old,
do as he's told.

But his sister, mind of her own.

She... She didn't wanna go.

She ran away. She locked herself in up here.

CARLA: Come on, come on.
Let go. Come with Mammy.

Look. Don't you recognise us?
You do as you're told.

You listen to me. I'm your mammy
and you let go of this now!

Come on! Listen to me! Let go!

Come on!

We have to go now!

Let go!


Carla, she didn't mean to do it.

She must have been hurt, I suppose,
after all that had happened and...


She took the boy. She took Adam.

And his sister?

I buried her, out in the woods.


(Door bangs)


Darling, please. Wait!

Forgive me, pet.

What is she doing?

Mum? Mum?

Come on. Up you come.

There's someone I'd like you to meet.

They had a fight.

Poor little girl, she cracked her head so badly.

So much blood you wouldn't believe.

She was out like a stone,
but I could feel her heart beating,

and I just thought Sorcha's not safe
with this woman, nobody is.

PATRICIA: And it just came out.

Please let me.

Oh, for God's sake, you know it was me.

I said, "She's dead. You k*lled her."

What, you or?

Me. All me.


Thank you.
Now please go and be with our daughter.

And you let Margaret leave that night,
thinking she'd k*lled her own daughter?

Have you any idea?

Eight years, out of her mind.

They hid in a hole. Do you know that?

Every place they stayed.
Under the floor. Under the pipes.

And then she called, didn't she,
needing money?

- She was going to Spain, she said.
- When was this?

A week before she died.

?2,000. Wasn't much.

And she sent the neighbour,
did she, to collect the money?


And you hired the hatchback
to make sure you couldn't be identified.

- He cared for her.
- Oh.

I could see that. I just wanted
to give him something, a hundred quid.

And he saw this, did he?

I remember. I noticed it myself.

He said, "What a pretty daughter you have.
How old is she?"

And I thought if he tells her...

I don't think he knew what it meant,
us with a daughter,

but... if Carla found out...

I couldn't take that risk.

And then you picked up the phone,
you called Danny Hale

and you tipped him off.


And you must have known
that he was going to k*ll her.

(Carla whimpers)

You know I can't answer that.

Look, I made one phone call.

How was I to know that it was all...

- What about your husband?
- He was completely in the dark.

Look at them. That little girl woke up
after her accident and she said,

"Where's Mum?" I said,
"She's gone, but she agrees, we all agree,

you're going to live with us now."

She never questioned it.

She knew at six years old
it was the right thing to do.

And you?

I never knew I wanted a child until I had one.

He brought her back to life.

I can't imagine anyone wanting
to take that away from her, can you?

He knows nothing about Hale,
what I did that night.

It's not my job to make people happy, pet.

For pity's sake. Come on, hero.
Act like you know the lad.

You've just won a medal
for saving his life.

Right, you hold that one, then, Adam.

- Are you all right there, Adam?
- Not too bad.

Yes. Everything's all right where
you're staying? Because if it's not...

No, no, it's fine. It's great.

That's good. And you've got
your sister now, haven't you?

Hm? She'll take care of you.

Oh, I've got something for you.


Here's a box.

Come on.

So... All right?

I said come on.

Well... Well, bye-bye, then, Adam.


Do you think she worked it out,
Margaret? Carla, I mean?

Do you think she realised that
her daughter was still alive after all?

I do. The car was pointing
the other way, you remember?


I think she was going back to get
her daughter when she was m*rder*d.

I meant to say, the hundred quid
that Singh threw out with the rubbish,

they came back with a positive
set of prints on the cash.

Patricia Carmichael?

Not Aidan? No.

I'm afraid so. It was just by chance
we even had his prints in the system.

He was arrested at a student demo
about 20 years ago.

Look, maybe he just loaned his wife the money.

He didn't know what she was gonna use it for.

Yeah, maybe.

So do I put it in the report?

You realise that if it does go in,
there's a case for complicity.

He'll never see those kids again.

She was so scared of Adam
going into a home.

Do you think perhaps she'd be happier

knowing the lad
had someone to take care of him?

You know, the prints on the cash,
they were pretty corrupted.

Joe, I don't suppose you'd...

Are you busy?

Vera Stanhope.

- Go on.

It's not the firing squad, you know.

- You want me to come with you?
- Oh, shush. Hold that.