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03x98 - Mathis' Book of Why

Posted: 01/03/24 19:03
by bunniefuu

it's me, Whyatt.

Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Whoa, it's:

In this story...

We'll learn a new word,

Build the alphabet,

Practice the magic of spelling,

And use the power to read to change the story!

Let's go!

♪ Who's got the Power? ♪

♪ The Power to Read. ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Why! ♪

♪ He's the guy - he's... ♪

♪ Super Why! ♪

♪ Who's got the Power? ♪

♪ The Power to Read. ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Why! ♪

♪ And the Super Readers! ♪

♪ We're gonna fly! ♪

♪ Come along with the Super Readers, ♪

♪ adventure waits when you're with Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers, ♪

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers... ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why! ♪

♪ Yeah, Super Why! ♪

Hi! So glad you're here!

It's me, Whyatt!

Ruff! Ruff!

Hi, Woofster!

Welcome to Storybrook Village where all of our

fairy tale friends live!

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

[phone rings]

It's Princess Pea and Pig.

And they're...



They're just lying down on the grass.

Let's go see why!

Ruff! Woof!

Come on!

Hi, Princess.

Hi, Pig.

Hi, Whyatt.

We're looking for rainbows in the sky.

Help us look!

[gasp] Ooh, is that a rainbow!?

No, that's a cloud.

Is that one?!

No, that's a rainbow kite.

We can't see a rainbow anywhere!

And I don't know why!

I don't know why either.

None of us know why!

And we really want to know!

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us...

the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!

Call them with me.

SAY: Calling all Super Readers!

<span>Calling all Super Readers!</span>

To the Book Club!

<span>To the Book Club!</span>

Come on, to the Book Club!

Whyatt here!

[panting] Ruff! Ruff!

P is for... Pig!

Red Riding Hood rollin' in!

Princess Pea... at your service!

And you!

Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve our problem!

Let's go!

Okay, Whyatt, state your problem!

We were looking for a rainbow in the sky...

We were!

It's true!

But, we can't find one - and...we don't know why!

How can we find out more about rainbows?

Good question, Whyatt.

When we have a question we look...

In a book!

Which book should we look in?

Peas and carrots...

carrots and peas, book come out

please, please, please!

Let's read the title of this book.

A book of why?

That sounds super duper!

We know what to do!

We need to jump into this book

and find the answer to our question!

First, we look for Super Letters.

And then, put them into our Super Duper Computer.

Super Duper Computer, how many Super Letters

do we need?

In this story, we need Super Letters.

And then we will get our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform!



C'mon, Woofster - you're coming, too!


Super Duper!

Arms in!

Put your arm in!



Alpha Pig...

with Alphabet Power!

Wonder Red...

with Word Power!

Princess Presto...

with Spelling Power!

Super Why...

with the Power to Read!

And Woofster...

with Dictionary Power!

Together we are...

The Super Readers!


we're ready to fly into this book!

♪ Super readers - - to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly, with the Super Readers - ♪

♪ 'cause we've got a problem to solve! ♪

♪ Super readers - - to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super Readers... ♪

♪ ...working together with powers to read... ♪

♪ Into books we fly-y-y to find the Super Story Answer, ♪

♪ with Super Why! ♪

♪ Super Readers - to the rescue! ♪


We're in the book Mathis' Book of Why!

Let's read.

Why Writer...


Read with me!

I'm Mathis and this is myyyyyyyy book!

Why do leaves fall from trees?

Why is there wind?

And - why are snails so... slimy?

My leaves fall so I can survive in winter!

I'm the air that moooooooooves around!

I make slime so I can sliiiide across the ground!

And that Super Readers is why we are in this book.

We can find out why we can't see a rainbow in the sky!

But, first we need to find Mathis.

To Mathis!

Let's roll!

Here we gooo!

Hi, Mathis!

Hi, Super Readers!

Welcome to my Book of Why!

Do you like to ask why?

[gasp!] I love asking why!

I'm Super Why!

Sooooo, if you're in my book,

you must be curious about something - right?

Oh, we - are - curious!

Um, what's curious?

Woofster... to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary I can tell you what any word


Asking a lot of questions.

Always wanting to learn something

new or understand why.

Like this little boy wants to learn about dogs.


Now we know what it means!

Woof-de-doo, give your tail a wag!

We are curious!

And, today, we're curious about rainbows.

We want to know: Why can't we see a rainbow in the sky?

Amazing question!

Do you know the answer?

I know who we can ask.

Hi, Fluffy.

Whoa - it's a cloud!

Come on, follow meeeeeeee to Fluffy!



First we need to, uh, jet up there somehow.

But, how?

Alpha Pig...

to the rescue!

With my Amazing Alphabet Tools I can find the letters

in the word JET and make a jet to fly us to Fluffy.

ABC, sing with me!


Sing with me.

Amazing alphabet singing!

Okay, the first letter in the word jet is 'j'.

Where's the 'j'?


There's the 'j'!

Okay, now we need an 'e' Do you see an 'e'?


There's the 'e'!

Now we need a 't'.

Where's the 't'?


There's the 't'!

Lickety letters.

We found the letters in the word JET and made a jet

to get to the cloud!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up.

To Fluffy the cloud we gooooooo!

[laughter] Whee!

Don't forget to look for Super Letters!

We made it!

Whoa, we're in the sky!

You see Super Letters?

Which ones?

Oh yeah, on the clouds!

Let's put them in our Super Duper...


Seven more Super Letters and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Super job, Super Readers!

Hi, Fluffy!


Super Readers!


Fluffy, do you know why we couldn't see a rainbow

in the sky?

Well, you need a few things to see a rainbow.

For one thing... [giggles] me!

And we found you!

So, now, maybe we'll see a rainbow!


Ruff! Ruff!

No rainbow.

A rainbow needs more than a cloud to appear.

You also need me to rain.

Can you rain right now?

So we can see a rainbow?

That takes some work.

You see...

♪ A cloud is made of water, and water turns to rain! ♪

♪ But, lots happens first, let me explain! ♪

♪ The sun heats the water. ♪

♪ Water rises to the sky. ♪

♪ Then the water fills the clouds up, ♪

♪ oh me oh my! ♪

♪ Me oh my! ♪

♪ Clouuuuuud boogie! ♪

♪ Now I'm getting full. ♪

♪ Cloud boogie! ♪

♪ Can't hold it any more. ♪

♪ Cloud boogie! ♪

♪ I'm ready to pooouuuur! ♪

♪ Better take care - it's a rainstorm! ♪

♪ Cloud boogieee! ♪

♪ Oh, yeah. ♪

Woo-hoo! [cheering]

That was super!

We learned how clouds turn into rain!

Yeah! And now it's raining!

Now we can go back to the ground and see if there's

a rainbow!

Um, how are we going to do that?

Where's our jet?



But...we have to get back down to the ground!

What are we going to do?

Cue the sparkles, cue the music.

Princess Presto the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand I can spell the word SLIDE

so we can slide back down to the ground!


Spell SLIDE with me!

What letter makes the sound s?


's'. Wands up!

Write a lowercase 's' with me!

Like a little snake.

Now, what letter makes the sound l?



Write a lowercase 'l' with me.


What letter makes the sound i?


'i'. Write a lowercase 'i' with me.

And, what letter makes the sound d?


'd'. Write a lowercase 'd' with me.

And the last letter we need is e.

e doesn't make any sound in this word -

but we still need to write it!

Write a lowercase e with me.


Spectacular spelling!

We spelled the word SLIDE and now we can slide

down to the ground!

Let's take a bow.

Let's slide!



[laughter] Awesome!


We have a cloud.

We have rain.

Now can we see a rainbow?

Nope. No rainbow.

Just lots and lots of rain.

And we're getting all wet!

A princess is always prepared!

We're out of the rain.

Much better!

You see Super Letters?

Which ones?

Let's put them in our Super Duper...


Three more Super Letters...

and then we'll get our Super Story Answer!

Still no rainbow.

No rainbow?

Oh, my.

Mathis, what else do you think we need?

I - I... I really don't know!

We should look in Mathis' Book of Why!

Oh, great idea!

Okay, my book says...




I don't know what that says!

Double drats!

The last word got smudged from the rain...

and now we can't read it!

Oh no!

We need to fix my sentence and see the last word -

so we can make a rainbow!

But, how?

Super Why... to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

and save the day!

Let's zap the last word in this sentence...


Why Writer... write!

Super Readers, which word should we try in this

sentence to make a rainbow?

Let's try 'sun'.

Where is the word 'sun'?

It ends with the letter 'n'.





Let's read our new sentence.

Hi, sun!

Ok. We have - a cloud.

We have rain.

And we have sun.

Now will there be a rainbow?

♪ It is I, the sun! ♪

♪ I shine so bright. ♪

♪ I cast my beaming rays of light. ♪

♪ A cloud, some rain, and me, let's go. ♪

♪ You have what you need to make a rainbowwwwwww! ♪

Well, hi, ya'll!

Hurray! A rainbow! [cheering]

Is 'sun' the word we need in our sentence?


Yes. Super job, Super Readers.

We fixed the sentence, and made a rainbow.

Rainbow, you're finally here!

Oh! Have you been trying to find me?

You have no idea!

But, we learned all about how you appear in this book!

And now we know why we couldn't see you before!

We needed...

A cloud, rain, and the sun.

And when you have all of those things,

we can see...


Well, that's right!

You wanna sing about it?


♪ You take a little rain. ♪

♪ Add a big bright sun. ♪

♪ Put us both together - and out I come! ♪

♪ It's a rainbow. ♪

♪ It's a rainbow! ♪

♪ You take a little rain, and a big bright sun, ♪

♪ put us both together and out I come! ♪

♪ When the sun hits the rain In that special way, ♪

♪ the light then scatters, it'll make your day! ♪

♪ That's a rainbow!! ♪

♪ It's a rainbow. ♪

♪ That's the secret, of how I appear. ♪

♪ Seven cool colors are suddenly here! ♪

♪ It's a rainbowwwww! ♪

Yeah! [cheering]

You see our last Super Letters?

Which ones?

Let's put them in our Super Duper...


We found all of our Super Letters!

Now we can get our Super Story Answer!

Thanks a bunch for your help, Mathis.

I learned so much in your book.

It is a pretty cool book, if I say so myself.

I love to look in books!

Bye, Super Readers!

Come back anytime!

We will! Bye, Mathis!

We will!


Back to the Book Club!

♪ We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why! ♪

Super Duper Computer, give us our Super Story Answer!

Read the letters with me!

The Super Story Answer is: 'look in a book'.

But, why?

Because when Whyatt looked in this book he learned

about needing a cloud, rain, and the sun

to make a rainbow!

I wish I could take this book with me,

so if I have another question I can look

in this book again.

I can help with that!

Book come with us, please, please, please!


Thanks, Princess Pea.

Come on!

Oh my peas!

It's raining!

And the sun is out!

So maybe we'll see a....




Hip hip hurray!

The Super Readers saved the day!

♪ Hip, Hip, Hooray! ♪

♪ Hooray! ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪

♪ We changed the story... ♪

♪ We solved the problem... ♪

♪ We worked together so Hip-Hip-Hooray! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray... ♪

♪ Hooray! ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪

♪ Hip Hip Hooray.... ♪

♪ Hooray! ♪

♪ The Super Readers saved the day! ♪