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02x80 - Galileo's Space Adventure & other stories: Galileo's Space Adventure

Posted: 01/03/24 11:53
by bunniefuu
- Hi, it's me, Whyatt! Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Cool! It's Galileo's Space Adventure.

In this story, we'll follow the alphabet,

practice the magic of spelling,

discover a new word,

and use the power to read to change the story!

Let's go!

- ♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who answer the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ He's the guy he's Super Why ♪

♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ And the Super Readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Yeah Super Why! ♪

Hi! So glad you're here! It's me, Whyatt!

- Woof, woof! - Hi, Puppy!

Welcome to Storybrook Village

where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof, woof, woof! [Ring tone]

[He gasps] - Guess what?

We're learning about outer space today at school!

Let's go! - Woof! Woof, woof!


Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! - Hee-hee-hee!

- Woof!

- Hi, everyone! - Oh, hi, Why. - Hey!

- We're learning about planets and stars in outer space! [Pig gasps]

- There are so many wonderful little surprises in space.

Let's take a closer look. What do you see?

- Huh... - I see the moon!

- Good, Pig. The moon is made up of rocks and dust.

- I see a star! - Good, Red.

[Princess gasps]

- I see a big bright light over there! What is it?

- That's called a comet. It's made of ice and rocks

and has a long end that looks like a tail.

- Hey, the comet flew away.

Where did it go?

- Class, see if you can figure out where the comet went.

- Do you know where the comet went?

Me neither.

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us... the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!

Call them with me! Say, "Calling all Super Readers!"

- [Kids]: Calling all Super Readers!

- [Whyatt]: To the Book Club! - [Kids]: To the Book Club!

- Come on, to the Book Club!


Whyatt here!

- Woof! Woof!

- "P" is for Pig!

- Red Riding Hood rollin' in!

- Princess Pea at your service!


- And you! Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve our problem! Let's go!


[Computer beeping]

OK, let's state our problem.

- At school, our teacher showed us a comet flying off into outer space.

- Yep! - Yeah.

- But now we need to know: where did the comet go?

- Good question, Princess!

When we have a question, we look...

- [All]: In a book! - Which book should we look in?

- Peas and carrots, carrots and peas,

book come out, please, please, please!

[Magical chiming]

- Let's read the title of this book.

Galileo's Space Adventure.

We know what to do! We need to jump into this book

and find the answer to our question!

First, we look for Super Letters.

And then put them in our Super Duper...


Super Duper Computer, how many Super Letters do we need?

Hmm, in this story, we need five Super Letters,

and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform! Ready?

- [All]: Ready!

- Come on, Puppy, you're coming too!

- Woof! - Super duper!

Arms in! Put your arm in!

Super Readers...

- [All]: To the rescue!

- Alpha Pig... with Alphabet Power!

- Wonder Red... with Word Power!

- Princess Presto... with Spelling Power!

- Super Why... with the Power to Read!

- And Woofster... with Dictionary Power!

- Together we are...

- [All]: The Super Readers!

- Whyflyers! We're ready to fly

into this book!

[Magical chiming]

- ♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the Super Readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

- ♪ Super Readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly to find the Super Story Answer ♪

♪ It's Super Why ♪

♪ Super Readers to the rescue! ♪

- [All]: Whoa! - I'm floating!

- That's because there's no gravity in outer space,

and gravity is what helps us stick to the ground.

- [Others]: Cool!

- Presto! Hee-hee-hee-hee!

We're in the book Galileo's Space Adventure!

Hee-hee-hee-hee! ♪♪

- Let's read!

Why Writer... highlight!

Read with me!

"Galileo was an astronaut who lived in outer space."

- I'm Galileo, and this is my space kitty, Houston.

- Meow!

- "One night, Houston jumped onto a speeding comet

and whooshed away!"

- Meow! - Oh, no! Houston!

My little kitty-kins! Come back!

- "Galileo did not know where the comet was going."

- How can I rescue Houston

if I don't know where the comet is going?

- And that, Super Readers, is why we are in this book.

We all need to know where the comets are going.

- Let's... float!

- Whoa! - Ha-ha-ha! Look at me!

- Woof-de-doo! [Princess laughing]

- This must be Galileo's rocket ship!

- Hello, Super Reader Earthlings!

Welcome to my home sweet rocket.

- Hi, Galileo. We're here to help you find the comet and rescue Houston!

- Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Super Readers!

Climb aboard and we'll search for the comet and Houston together.


- Whoa! Cool!

- Wow! A real live rocket ship!

- Whoa, look at all the buttons!

- Woof! Look at Houston go!

- Let's count backwards so we can blast off.

Ooh, this is my favourite part!

Ahem! Ready?

- [All]: Five, four, three, two, one,

blast off! - Whoa!

- Look at us go! - Woof-de-doo! - Wa-hoooooo!

- Look, there's the comet! - Wow, there it goes! There it goes!

- Oh, no! The comet disappeared!

How will I find it?

- Alpha Pig to the rescue!

With my space map, I can help find the comet!

[Beeping] [Galileo gasps]

- The rocket computer tells me that the comet is headed for Mars!

- Got it, Galileo. We need to find Mars.

"Mars" begins with an "M".

Where's the letter "M"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "M"!

On the planet Mars.

Ooh, it's that red one!

- Blast off for M-M-M-Mars!

- Weeeeeee! - Woo-hoooo!

There's Mars! it's the dusty red one,

just like on the map.

- The comet! There it is!

And... there it goes.

[Beeping] - Super Readers,

the rocket computer says that the comet is headed for Jupiter.

- OK, then. We've got to go to Jupiter too.

"Jupiter" begins with the letter "J".

Um... where's the "J"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "J"!

On the huuuuge planet Jupiter!

- Blast off for... Jupiter!

- [Super Readers]: Weeeeeee!

- Whoa! - Wow!

Jupiter is one big planet!

- It's the biggest planet of them all!

- Meow! - The comet! There it is!

[Super Why gasps]

[Pig sighs] And there it goes.

[Beeping] - Alert!

The rocket computer says that the comet is headed for Neptune.

- "Neptune" begins with an "N".

Which word starts with the letter "N"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "N"!

On that windy-looking blue planet.

- Blast off for Neptune!

- Weeeeeeee! - Woo-hoo!

- And look! There's the comet!

- Meow! - And my little kitty-kins!

Houston! We found him!

- Meow! - OK, you crazy comet,

don't move! We're coming to get Houston.

Woof, woof, woof! - Hee-hee-hee-hee!

- Lickety letters!

We followed the space map and found the comet!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- [All]: Yay!

- Stellar job, Alpha Pig!

- You see Super Letters?

Which ones?

- [Kids]: "O!" "T!" - "O." "T."

Let's put them in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- Three more Super Letters and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Right on, Readers!

- OK, Houston, my little kitty-kins,

we've got you now! - Meow!

- Double drats! The comet flew away again.

- Uh-oh. That's not good.

- It's flying back towards Jupiter.

[Galileo clears his throat] Let's follow that comet!

- Uh-oh. We're slowing down.

- Oh, boy. This isn't good.

We're stuck in a bunch of... asteroids!

- Um...

[Princess gulps] What's an asteroid?

- Woofster to the rescue!

With my Doggie Dictionary, I can tell you what any word means.

"Asteroid" means: a rock in outer space.

"Asteroid." Now we know what it means!


Give your tail a wag.

- Look how many asteroids there are!

Oh, my chinny chin chin!

We're stuck in these asteroids!

- We have to catch up to the comet and rescue my kitty-kins, Houston.

- Meow! - But how?

- Cue the sparkles, cue the music,

Princess Presto to the rescue!

With my Magic Spelling Wand I can spell the word "zigzag"

so we can zigzag around these asteroids and get out of here!

Ready? Spell with me!

What letter makes the sound "zzz"?

- [Kids]: "Z!" - "Z" makes the "zzz" sound!

Wands up! Write a lowercase "Z" with me!

[Magical chiming]

Great "Z"!

Now, what letter makes the "ih" sound?

- [Kids]: "I!" - "I" makes the "ih" sound!

Let's write a lowercase "I".

[Magical chiming]

Woo! Dazzling "I"!

What letter makes the sound "guh"?

- [Kids]: "G!" - "G" makes the "guh" sound!

Write a lowercase "G" with me!

[Magical chiming]

Great "G"!

Wow, we need another "Z"!

"Zzz!" Write a lowercase "Z" with me.

[Magical chiming]


Now, what letters makes the "ah" sound?

- [Kids]: "A!" - "A!"

Let's write a lowercase "A".

[Magical chiming]

Amazing "A"!

Now we need another "G".

Write a lowercase "G" with me.

[Magical chiming]


"Zigzag." Ooh, watch out for that asteroid!

Zigzag! Ooh, we're almost out!

Zigzag! [She sighs]

Spectacular spelling!

We spelled the word "zigzag" and got around the asteroids!

Let's take a bow.

- That was out of this world, Princess!

Now let's save my sweet cutie kitty-kins!

- Meow!

- You see Super Letters? Which letters did you find?

- [Kids]: "R!" "I!" - "R." "I."

Yeah! Let's put them in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- One more Super Letter and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Awesome, Super Readers!

- Meow! - Follow that comet!

- It's headed for... Saturn!

Blast off for Saturn!

- Weeeeeee! - Woo-hoo!

- Here we are at Saturn. Check out its rings!

- They're beautiful!

- Meow! - Aha! There's the comet!

There it is!

And... there it goes.

- Not again!

- Again.

- Oh! It's no use!

I can't get to the comet! I can only chase it.

Look at my story:

"Galileo chases the comet."

See? I'll never get to the comet

and rescue my precious kitty-pie, Houston.

What will I do?

- Super Why to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

and save the day!

Let's change the word "chases" in this sentence.


Why Writer... write!

OK, Super Readers, what word will help Galileo

get to the comet so he can rescue Houston?

"Catches", "hides", or "eats"?

Hmm... let's try "catches".

Which is the word "catches"? It starts with a "C".

- [Kids]: There! - There's the word "catches"!



Let's read our new sentence.

"Galileo catches the comet."

- Yes! - Meow!

- [All]: Hurray!

- Did catching the comet help Galileo rescue Houston?

[Houston purrs]

- [Kids]: Yes! - Yes!

Super job, Super Readers!

We changed the story and saved the day!

- Oh, my kitty-kins, Houston! - Welcome home, Houston!

- I love you! Yes I do! [Galileo clears his throat]

And thank you, Super Why. - Meow! Meow!

- What's that, Houston? - Meow!

- We should let the comet go? - Meow!

- So it can keep going around the sun? - Meow.

- Around the sun?

Is that where the comet was going this whole time?

- Meow! - Ohhh.

- OK, then! And...

[Computer beeping] ...go!

- Woof! Woof! Whoa! Look at that comet go!

- It's making an orbit-- a giant circle around the sun!

- And there it goes around in an orbit again!

- Now we know why that comet kept on getting away from us.

- Woof! That comet is making me dizzy.

- Houston, I'm so glad you're home.

- Meow! - Bye, Super Readers,

and thanks for helping me rescue Houston.

- You're welcome, Galileo! - Bye, Galileo!

- Woof! Woof! - Bye, Houston!

- You see our last Super Letter? Which one?

- [Kids]: "B!" - "B!"

Let's put it in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- We found all of our Super Letters!

Now we can get our Super Story Answer!


Back to the Book Club! Come on, Woofster!

- Woof!

- ♪ We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why! ♪

[Magical chiming]

[Computer beeping]

- Super Duper Computer, give us our Super Story Answer!

[Computer beeping]

Read the letters with me!



The Super Story Answer is "orbit".


But why?

- [Red]: Because Galileo learned that comets go in an orbit around the sun,

and that's where the comet was going with Houston-- around the sun!

- So our question is: where did the comet go?

- And our answer is: - [All]: Orbit!

- The comet is going in an orbit around... the sun!

Let's get back to class!

- OK, class, tell me what you know about outer space.

- We can show you!

I'm the Earth!

- I am dusty red... Mars!

- I'm the sun!

- And I am a comet!

I go in an orbit around the sun.

So that means I go around...

and around...

and around... the sun!

Like this! Weeee! [Laughing]

- Good job, class.

You figured out that a comet orbits around the sun.

Hip, hip, hurray! The Super Readers save the day!


- ♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray! ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day! ♪
