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02x79 - Galileo's Space Adventure & other stories: Zora's Art Adventure

Posted: 01/03/24 11:52
by bunniefuu
- Hi, it's me, Whyatt! Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Look! It's Zora's Art Adventure.

In this story, we'll use the alphabet,

practice the magic of spelling,

learn a new word,

and use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

- ♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who answer the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ He's the guy he's Super Why ♪

♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super Why! Super Why! ♪

♪ And the Super Readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super Why and the Super Readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with Super Why ♪

♪ Yeah Super Why! ♪

- Hi! So glad you're here! It's me, Whyatt!

- Woof, woof! - Hi, Puppy!

Welcome to Storybrook Village

where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof, woof, woof! [Ring tone]

- Aww, look! We're having art class

at school today! Let's go!

- Woof! Woof!


Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! - Hee-hee-hee!

- Woof!

- Over here, Whyatt!

- OK, everyone, today is "Kid's Choice"!

You can paint a picture of anything you want.

- Yeah! - "Kid's Choice!"

- Fun!

- Hmm... - Woof!

- Ooh, I know just what I want to paint:

my puppy! Hold still, Puppy!


- My picture's going to be a soccer ball.


- What are you going to paint, Pig?

- I don't know, Whyatt.

Let me think for a sec.

I'll paint a picture of...

um... Uh-oh.

- Wh-what's the matter, Pig? - I don't have any ideas! None!

I don't know WHAT to paint!

- This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us... the Super Readers!

We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!

Call them with me! Say, "Calling all Super Readers!"

- [Kids]: Calling all Super Readers!

- [Whyatt]: To the Book Club! - [Kids]: To the Book Club!

- Come on, to the Book Club!


Whyatt here!

- Woof! Woof!

- "P" is for Pig!

- Red Riding Hood rollin' in!

- Princess Pea at your service!


- And you! Say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve Pig's problem! Let's go!


[Computer beeping]

OK, Pig, state your problem!

- It's "Kid's Choice" in art class

but I don't know what picture to make!

- Oh, no! - Oh, dear!

- How can I get an idea for what to paint?

- Excellent question!

When we have a question, we look...

- [All]: In a book! - Which book should we look in?

- Peas and carrots, carrots and peas,

book come out, please, please, please!

[Magical chiming]

- Let's read the title of this book.

Zora's Art Adventure.

We know what to do! We need to jump into this book

and find the answer to Pig's question!

First, we look for Super Letters.

And then put them in our Super Duper...


Super Duper Computer, how many Super Letters do we need?

[He gasps] In this story,

we need seven Super Letters,

and then we'll get our Super Story Answer!

It's time to transform! Ready?

- [All]: Ready!

- Come on, Puppy, you're coming too!

- Woof! - Super duper!

Arms in! Put your arm in!

Super Readers...

- [All]: To the rescue!

- Alpha Pig... with Alphabet Power!

- Wonder Red... with Word Power!

- Princess Presto... with Spelling Power!

- Super Why... with the Power to Read!

- And Woofster... with Dictionary Power!

- Together we are...

- [All]: The Super Readers!

- Whyflyers! We're ready to fly

into this book!

[Magical chiming]

- ♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the Super Readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super Readers ♪ - ♪ To the rescue! ♪

- ♪ Super Readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly to find the Super Story Answer ♪

♪ It's Super Why ♪

♪ Super Readers to the rescue! ♪

- Presto! We're in the book

Zora's Art Adventure!


- Let's read!

Why Writer... highlight!

Read with me!

"Once there was a girl named Zora who loved to paint."

- I'm Zora!

- "One day, Zora saw there was a big art show."

- A big art show? I LOVE that!

- Zora did not know what to paint.

- Oh, splatter! I don't know WHAT to paint for the art show!

I need an idea.

- And that, Super Readers, is why we are in this book!

Pig and Zora both need ideas for what to paint!

- To Zora! Let's roll!


- Hi, Zora. We're the Super Readers,

and we want to talk to you. - Hi, Super Readers.

You're not here for the art show, are you?

Because I still don't have any ideas for what to paint.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm a painter!

I need to paint! [Rumbling nearby]

[Zora gasps] Did you hear that noise? - I sure did! But what is it?

- Cool! - Neat-o!

- Woof! - Whoa! What is this place?

It came out of nowhere.

Like magic!

- The sign says "Art Museum".

[Zora gasps] - Art museum? Really?

I've always wanted to go to an art museum.

- Me too, me too!

Um... what's an art museum?

- Woofster to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary, I can tell you what any word means!

"Art Museum" means: a place where all kinds of art is shown--

paintings, sculptures, and drawings.

"Art Museum."

Now we know what it means!


Give your tail a wag!

- To the magic art museum!


- Whoa! - Ooooh!

- Cool! - Beautiful!

- Wow! Look at these paintings!

- Oh, my peas. The paintings are...

moving. - How cool! Hee-hee!

- Welcome to the Magic Museum!

- Oh! Who said that?

- Hey, hey, it was me! - Whoa!

- My name is Mo. I'm a mo-saic! Ya dig?


- A mosaic? - Yup. Ha-ha!

Mosaics are a kind of art made out of tiny pieces of clay tiles.

See my tiles? Mm-hmm, yep, they're all different colours!

- Ohhh. What colour is this tile?

- Why, that's gold.

- Gold is so shiny.

Oh, this gold colour makes me... happy!

- Aww. - Happy.

♪ Happy, happy, happy! ♪ [Mo yelling]

[Shattering] Oh, no! Mo!

your tiles are... broken!

- I'm... blank!

I'm blank! What am I gonna do?!

- Alpha Pig to the rescue!

With my Amazing Alphabet Tools

I can put new tiles on Mo the mosaic.

First let's find the black tiles.

Black starts with the letter "B".

Where's the "B"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "B"!

"B" for "black"!

- Phew!

- Now let's find the red tiles.

Red starts with an "R". Where's the "R"?

- [Kids]: There! - "R!" For "red"!

Go, red tiles, go!


Now let's fix the colour that makes Zora happy: gold!

Gold starts with the letter "G". Where's the "G"?

- [Kids]: There! - There's the "G"! For "gold"!

- Woo, woo, woo!

My tiles are back!


- Lickety Letters! We fixed the mosaic!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- Whew-ee! Thanks Super Readers!

- Phew-ee is right!

Oh, that gold is divine.

Hmm, maybe gold is part of an idea.

Hmm... Oh, splatter! I don't know.

- Hmm... [He gasps]

There's another room of pictures.

Maybe you'll get an idea in there.

- Ohhh, let's explore, let's explore!


- You see Super Letters? Which ones?

- [Kids]: "N", "P"!

- "N", "P". Wow!

Let's put them in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- Five more Super Letters and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Right on, Readers!


- Neiggggh! - Did you hear that?

Ooooh! It sounded like...

a ponyyyy!

- Neiggggh! - It is a pony!

Hi, Pony. - Neigh!

I'm made of dots. It's called pointillism.

Even my name is Dot! [Giggling]

- Dot! I like your dots!

Looking at them makes me...

happy. - Aww.

- Happy, happy... - Not again!

- ♪ Happy, happy, happy! ♪ ♪ Happy, happy, happy! ♪ [Dot yelling]

- Woof... Again!

- Dot! Your dots!

[Whispering]: They fell off! - Neigh! My dots!

- I'm... dotless! Whatever will I do?

- Cue the sparkles, cue the music,

Princess Presto to the rescue!

With my Magic Spelling Wand, I can spell the word "dots"

and make new dots for Dot!

Spell with me!

What letter makes the sound "duh"?

- [Kids]: "D!"

- "D!" Wands up!

Write a lowercase "D" with me!

[Magical chiming]

[Laughing] - Oh! It tickles!

- Now, what letter makes the sound "aw"?

- [Kids]: "O!" - "O!"

Write a lowercase "O" with me! Like a little circle!

[Magical chiming]

Now, what letter makes the sound "tuh"?

- [Kids]: "T!" - "T!"

Write a lowercase "T" with me!

[Magical chiming]


And finally, what letter makes the sound "sss"?

- [Kids]: "S!" - "S!"

Let's write a lowercase "S". Like a little snake.

[Magical chiming]


- D-O-T-S. "Dots!"


[Laughing] - Much better.

- Spectacular spelling! We spelled "dots"

and put dots back on Dot! Hee-hee-hee!

Let's take a bow.

[Magical chiming]

- Neiggggh! My dots are back!

- You see Super Letters? Which ones?

- [Kids]: "S", "R"! - "S", "R"!

We need to put them in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- Three more Super Letters and then we'll get

our Super Story Answer!

Way to go, Super Readers!

- Dots make me happy.

Maybe they're part of an idea! Uh...


[Zora gasps] The art show is starting?!

Hmm... Oh, splatter!

I still don't know what to paint!

OK, think, Zora. Think!

Oh, it's no use!

I have NO ideas for what to paint!

It even says so in my story.

"Zora paints nothing." [The others gasp]

What am I going to do?

- Super Why to the rescue!

With the Power to Read, I can change this story

and save the day!

Let's change the word "nothing" in this sentence.


Zora needs an idea for her picture.

Let's find the things that Zora likes.

Why Writer... write!

Which colour made Zora happy? Pink, orange, or gold?

- [Kids]: Gold! - Gold!

Which is the word "gold"? It starts with a "G".

- [Kids]: There! - There it is! Zzzap!

Zzzap! Let's read.

"Zora paints gold."

- How I love gold!

And it IS giving me an idea!

I can paint... a gold sun!

- I'll add the word "and"

so we can add more ideas to this sentence.

- "And!" Let's help Zora paint more!

Now, which of these words is a shape Zora likes?

Dots, squares, or triangles?

- [Kids]: Dots! - Dots!

Which is the word "dots"? It starts with a "D".

- [Kids]: There! - There it is! Zzzap!

Zzzap! Let's read.

"Zora paints gold and dots."

- Oh, I love dots!

Oh, I do have an idea!

These dots can be...

tiny grains of sand!

Now I have a sun and sand...

and that gives me ANOTHER idea!

Blue paint to make...

the ocean!

I made a beach picture!

- Nice work, Zora! - Cool!

- I'm so happy! Happy!

Hee-hee! Happy! - Um...

Happy! Happy! Happy! - Uh-oh. Zora?

- Don't hug the painting!

- Right, thanks.

- Did the gold and dots help Zora find ideas for her picture?

- Woof, woof! - [Kids]: Yes!

- Yes! Super Job, Super Readers!

We helped Zora find things she liked,

and that gave her ideas for what to paint!

- Woof-de-doo!

- Hee-hee! I'm ready for the art show.

- Hurray! - Awesome!

- Yes! - Woof, woof, woof, woof!

- You see our last three Super Letters? Which ones?

- [Kids]: "I", "I", "E"!

- Two "I's" and an "E". Cool!

Let's put them in our Super Duper...

- [Super Why and kids]: Computer!

- We found all of our Super Letters!

Now we can get our Super Story Answer!

Right on, Readers!

- Oh, look at that!

Dots for sand!

I was inspired by you. - Aww.

- The gold in your mosaic gave me the idea for the sun.

- Hey, hey! - Hee-hee-hee-hee!

- Wow! - Cool!

- Woof, woof! - That's such a pretty painting!

- Thanks! I'm so...

happy. [All laughing]

Thanks for your help, Super Readers!

- You're welcome, Zora! - Woof, woof, woof! - Bye!

- Whyflyers!

Back to the Book Club! Come on, Woofster!

- Woof!

- ♪ We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why! ♪

[Magical chiming]

[Computer beeping]

- Super Duper Computer, give us our Super Story Answer!

[Computer beeping]

Read the letters with me!




The Super Story Answer is "inspire".


But why?

- [Red]: Because Zora looked at things she liked in the museum

to inspire her to make her own painting!

- So my question is:

how can I get an idea for what to paint?

- And your answer is:

- [All]: Inspire!

- Oh! Maybe I can find something I like too,

and that will inspire me with ideas for my painting!

Let's go back to art class!


OK, let me see.

I know! I really like that blue colour.

It makes me ♪ Happy, happy, happy! ♪


The blue inspires me to paint a bright blue sky!


[He gasps] That gives me another idea!

I can paint my backyard,

and my papa... and I think I'm gonna need more paper!


- Hip, hip, hurray! The Super Readers save the day!


- ♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray! ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ Hurray! ♪

- ♪ The Super Readers save the day! ♪
