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01x29 - The Foolish Wishes

Posted: 01/03/24 11:43
by bunniefuu
Hi, it's me, whyatt.

Ready to go on a reading adventure?



It's "the foolish wishes".

In this story, we'll uncover the alphabet...

Practise the magic of spelling...

And use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

"Super why" is funded by:

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ He's the guy he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ And the super readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along ♪

♪ With the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah! Super why ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hi! So glad you're here.

It's me, whyatt!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Welcome to storybrook village,

Where all our fairy-tale friends live.

Guess what?

I saved my money,

And now I can buy something fun!

[ Cellphone ♪♪♪ ]

Look! Mom's waiting for me

At mama and papa bear's present store.

Let's go!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Come on!

Hi, cinderella!

Hi, mom!

Hi, why.

[ Bell chiming ]

[ Train whistle blowing ]

Ready to look around?

Yeah, I'm so excited!

[ Giggle ] now, remember,

You only have enough money for one thing.

Hey, look!

It's a race car that goes super fast!

I want to buy this.

That was a quick decision.

Okay, let's go buy it.

One race car to go.

No, wait!

[ Gasp ] look!

Giant magic bubble potion!

It makes bubbles as big as your head!

I want that instead.

Oh, wait...

Look at this comic book!

This is my favourite comic book

In the whole entire world.

I want to buy this.

Are you sure, whyatt?


Mm... Wait, no.

Okay, okay, I want the race car.

No, giant magic bubble potion!

N... No, comic book.

No... Aaargh!

I can only get one thing

And I don't know what to choose!

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us,

The super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers.

Call them with me. [ Cellphone ♪♪♪ ]

Say, "calling all super readers."

Children: [ in audience ] calling all super readers.

[ Remote phone ringing ] to the book club! To the book club!

Children: to the book club!

Come on, to the book club!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Whyatt here.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

"P" is for pig!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Red riding hood rollin' in!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Princess pea at your service!

And you,

Say your name.

Great. We're all here.

Together, we will solve my problem.

Let's go!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Okay, whyatt,

State your problem.

I can only buy one thing.

But I don't know which to pick.

Oh no!

That's tough.

I know.

What should I do if I can only pick one thing?

Good question, whyatt.

When we have a question, we look...

All: in a book!

Which book should we look in?

Peas and carrots, carrots and peas...

Book come out, please, please, please!

Let's read the title of this book.

We know what to do.

We need to jump into this book...

And find the answer to my question.

First, we look for super letters.

And then, put them in...

Our super duper...


Super duper computer,

How many super letters do we need?

[ Beeping ]

Wow! In this story,

We need super letters,

And then we'll get...

Our super story answer!

It's time to transform.


All: ready!

Arms in!

Put your arm in.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Whyatt: super readers...

All: to the rescue!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Alpha pig

With alphabet power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Wonder red

With word power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Princess presto

With spelling power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Super why, with the power to read!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

And super you

With the power to help!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Together we are...

All: the super readers!


We're ready to fly into this book!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly ♪

♪ To find the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪


We're in the "foolish wishes" book.

[ Giggle ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Let's read.

Why writer... Highlight!

Read with me.

I give you one... [ Gasp ]

Two... Three wishes!

There are so many things I want!


A tractor...

Oh... A bubble bath.

I don't know what to pick!

[ Gasp ] just like why doesn't know what to pick!

And that, super readers,

Is why we are in this book.

The farmer and I both don't know what to pick.

We need to talk to that farmer.

Let's roll!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Come on!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hello, farmer.

We're the super readers

And we want to talk to you.

Super readers, my husband

Just can't decide what to wish for.

It's true!

Oh, there are just so many things I want!

I don't know what to pick!

I just... Don't...

Know! [ Wood snapping ]


[ Gasp ]

[ Lumber crashing ]



Our entire house just fell to the ground!

[ Gasp ] farmer...

That's what you should wish for.

A new house. Hmm...

A new house is a good idea.

Or maybe a swimming pool.

Or a playground!

Hmmph. All this thinking is making me hungry.

I sure wish I had a nice, juicy sausage to eat.

Did I hear the word "wish"?

[ Giggling ] whee-ee-ee!

One sausage to eat!

As you wish!

[ Stammering ]


No, no, no, I didn't mean to wish for a sausage!

You said, "I wish I had a sausage to eat."

You wished it, I poofed it.

Now you have two wishes left.

Enjoy your sausage. [ Giggle ]



Oh, farmer.

What a foolish, foolish wish.

I can't believe you wished for a sausage!

Oh! I... I-i know!

I must find the fairy and make my second wish.

But, oh, she's not here anymore.

[ Sigh ]

How will I ever find her?

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Alpha pig to the rescue!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

With my mega- magnifying glass,

I can find the fairy.

We just need to follow

Her magical alphabet fairy dust.

Say the alphabet with me.

Hmm. "J" is next.

Which path has the letter "j"?

Children: that one!

Alpha pig: there's the "j"!

Whee-ee-ee! Yahoo! [ Gasp ]

And there's the fairy!

Come on!

"T" is next, but which path has the letter "t"?

Children: that one!

Alpha pig: there's the "t".

[ Gasp ]

[ Giggling ]

And the fairy's over there!

Let's follow that "t".

[ Giggling ]

[ Giggle ] you found me!

Lickety letters!

We followed the alphabet to the fairy!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

You see super letters?

Which letters did you find?

Children: "c"! "C"! "H"! "A"! "Y"!

"C", "c", "h", "a", and "y"?

We need to put them in...

Our super duper...


More super letters

And then we'll get our super story answer!

Great job, super readers!

[ Whooping ]

Uh, fairy?

I'd like my second wish now.

Oh, it better not be a foolish wish like the first!

No more sausages, you hear me?

No more sausages!

Yes, I hear you. Oh!

No more sausages.

No more sausages!

Oh yeah? I wish...

This sausage was stuck on your nose!

Did I hear the word "wish"? Oh!

One sausage on the nose!

As... You... Wish!

Oh-h-h! [ Gasp ]


There is a sausage...

On my nose!

Oh-h... Why is there a sausage on my wife's nose?

You said, "I wish

This sausage was stuck on your nose."

You wished it, I poofed it.

You used your second wish.

You have only one wish left.

Oh-h! Time to fly. Bye-bye!


Oh, farmer...

I'm sorry. It was a...

It was a foolish wish.

Get it off!

Both: [ straining ]


It's... Not... Coming... Off!

[ Sigh ] [ whimpering ]

How can I get this sausage off my wife's nose?

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Cue the sparkles!

Cue the music!

Princess presto to the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand,

I can spell the word "off" [ straining ]

To get the sausage off her nose.

Wands up.

Spell with me!

Hmm... What makes the sound "ah"

In the word "off"?

Children: "o"!

Yes, "o"! [ Giggle ]

"O" can sound like "oh" or "ah".

Write a lower case "o" with me,

Like a little circle.

Lovely "o"!

Oh! [ Giggle ]

[ Gasp ] it's working!

Now, what letter makes the sound "fff"?

Children: "f"!


"Off" has two "f"s in it.

Write a lower case "f", like this.

And another "f".

Now we have...

[ Gasp ] presto!

Oh! That feels so-o-o much better.

Spectacular spelling!

We spelled the word "off"

And got the sausage off her nose. [ Giggling ]

Let's take a bow.

Thank you.

[ Wind gusting ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

You see more super letters?

Which ones?

Children: "o"! "O"! "L"! "L"! "S"!

"O", "o"! "L"! "L"! "S"?

Now we need to put them in

Our super duper...


Five more super letters

And then we'll get our super story answer!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Dear me.

I only have one more wish left.

[ Giggling ] [ gasp ]

Did I hear the word "wish"?

Ooh! Ha-ha. W... Yes.

I'm ready to make my last wish.

Oh, goodie! [ Giggle ]

Now, what wish would you like to make?

Umm... Uhh...

Wife, what do you think?

[ Giggling ] I'm staying out of this.

I do not want to end up

With a sausage nose again.

Uh-uh. Sausages...

Oh boy, do I love sausages!

Maybe... I should wish...

For a house made of sausages!

A house of sausages!

As... You...

Wi... No! Wait!

Farmer, don't make another foolish wish!

Oh, you're right!

I guess if I wish for a house made of sausages,

Once I eat all the sausages,

The house will be... Gone!

But i... I have to wish for a house made of sausages.

It says so in my story.

But... But I really don't want a house made of sausages!

What can I do?

Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read,

I can change this story and save the day!

We can change the word "sausages"

In this sentence.

Ready, set... Z-zap!

Why writer, write!

Super readers, what should the farmer

Wish his house was made of?

Let's try "popcorn".

Which is the word "popcorn"?

Hmm. It starts with a "p".

Children: there!

There it is.


Let's read.

[ Popping ] ho-ho!

[ Munching ]

Should the farmer wish for a house made of popcorn?

[ Munching continues ]

Children: no!

No. He'll eat all the popcorn,

And there will be no house.

What should the farmer wish his house was made of?

Maybe "bricks".

Hmm... Which is the word "bricks"?

It starts with a "b".

Children: that one!

There's the word "bricks".

Let's read.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Laughter ]

Should the farmer

Wish for a house made of bricks?

Children: yes!

Yes! That would be a smart wish.

The farmer and his wife

Would have a new, sturdy house. [ Laughing ]

I've thought about it carefully, fairy.

I wish...

For a house...

Made of bricks!

A house made of bricks!

As... You... Wish!

[ Gasp ]


Look at our brick house!

Oh, farmer, it's beautiful!

You wished it, I poofed it!

Super job, super readers!

We helped the farmer make a smart wish.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

You see super letters?

Which ones?

Children: "e"! "E"! "U"! "R"! "F"!

"E", "e", "u", "r", and "f"?

Let's put them in our super duper...


We found all of our super letters!

Now we can get our super story answer!

Farmer & wife: thanks, super readers!

Goodbye, now. Goodbye!

[ Mixed goodbyes ]


Back to the book club!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Read the letters with me.

Our super story answer is...

[ Triumphant ♪♪♪ ]

But... Why?

Red: the farmer kept wishing for foolish, silly things.

Princess pea: but then he learned to choose carefully

And wish for something smart,

Like a brick house.

So my question is:

What should I do if I don't know what to pick?

And the answer is...

All: choose carefully!

Oh! Choose carefully. I've got it.

Let's go back to the store.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

So, whyatt, honey,

Have you made a decision?

Not yet, mom.

I want to choose carefully.

Let's see.

Well, there's the race car...

But I already have a lot of race cars.

Then there's the bubble potion,

But after I make a few giant bubbles,

The potion will be gone.

But this comic book,

I could read it over and over again.

That's it! I want the comic book.

Good choice, whyatt.

One comic book coming up.

Hip, hip, hooray!

The super readers save the day!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip, hip, hooray! ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day! ♪

Let's sing the alphabet song.

A-b-c, sing with me!

Alpha pig: [ singing ]

♪ Sing with me ♪

Let's sing it faster!

[ Singing ]

♪ Sing with me ♪

Now let's sing it even faster!

[ Singing ]

♪ Sing with me ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Wonderific you're terrific ♪

♪ Wonderific you're terrific ♪

♪ Singing each word one at a time ♪

♪ With my wonder words basket ♪

♪ It's time to rhyme ♪

♪ It's... ♪

♪ Wonderific you're terrific ♪

♪ Wonderific you're terrific ♪