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02x72 - Baby Dino's Big Discovery

Posted: 01/03/24 11:31
by bunniefuu
- Hi, it's me whyatt! Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Whoa! It's baby dino's big discovery.

In this story, we'll follow the alphabet,

Rhyme with "ant" words,

Learn a new word,

And use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

- ♪♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super why! Super why! ♪

♪ He's the guy, he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power, the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super why! Super why! ♪

♪ And the super readers, we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah super why! ♪♪

- Hi! So glad you're here!

It's me, whyatt!

- Woof! Woof!

- Hi, puppy!

Welcome to storybrook village,

Where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! [Ring tone]

- Hey, our friends are playing at pig's house!

Wanna come play?

Great. Let's go! - Woof! Woof! Woof!


Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

Whoa! Pig, you built a whole dinosaur land!

- Yup! See,

Here are trees, this is a watering hole,

And these are rocks for the dinosaurs to play on.

- Cool! - Woof! Woof, woof!

- I'm being a torosaurus, see?

I have horns on my head. Roar!

- I'm being a t-rex! I'm as big as three cars put together!


- Roar! I'm a spinosaurus!

See my pretty back? [Laughing]

- Woof! - Thanks, puppy!

- Woof! Woof! - Which dinosaur are you?

- Hmm...

I don't know what kind of dinosaur this is.

[They gasp] - how are we going to play

If you don't know what kind of dinosaur you are?

- Uh-oh. I don't know what kind of dinosaur I am.

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us, the super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers! Call them with me!

Say, "calling all super readers!"

- [Kids]: calling all super readers!

- To the book club! - [Kids]: to the book club!

- Come on, to the book club!


Whyatt here!

- Woof! Woof!

- P is for pig!

- Red riding hood rollin' in!

- Princess pea at your service!


- And you, say your name!

Great. We're all here.

Together we will solve my problem! Let's go!


[Computer beeping]

- Ok, whyatt, state your problem.

- Well, everyone wants to play dinosaurs,

But I don't know what kind of dinosaur I have.

- That's tricky! - Oh, no!

- How can I find out what kind of dinosaur I'm playing with?

- Good question, whyatt.

- And when we have a question, we look...

- [All]: in a book!

- Which book should we look in?

- Peas and carrots, carrots and peas,

Book come out, please, please, please!

[Magical chiming]

- Let's read the title of this book.

Baby dino's big discovery.

We know what to do! We need jump into this book

And find the answer to my question!

First, we look for super letters.

And then put them in our super duper...!

Super duper computer, how many super letters do we need?

In this story, we need seven super letters!

And then we'll get our super story answer!

It's time to transform!

Ready? - [All]: ready!

- Come on, puppy! You're coming too!

- Woof!

- Super duper! Arms in!

Put your arm in!

Super readers...

- [All]: to the rescue!

- Alpha pig... With alphabet power!

- Wonder red... With word power!

- Princess presto... With spelling power!

- Super why... With the power to read!

- And woofster... With dictionary power!

- Together we are...

- [All]: the super readers!

- Whyflyers! We're ready to fly

Into this book!

[Magical chiming]

- ♪♪ Super readers ♪ - ♪ to the rescue! ♪

- ♪ It's time to fly with the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers ♪ - ♪ to the rescue! ♪

- ♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly to find the super story answer ♪

♪ It's super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪♪

- Presto! We're in the book baby dino's big discovery!

- Let's read!

Why writer... Highlight!

Read with me!

"Once upon a time, a baby dinosaur hatched from an egg."

- Hi! Hi! Hi!

- "The baby dinosaur did not know where her mommy was."

- I need to find my dinosaur mommy.

- "The baby dinosaur needed to know

What kind of dinosaur she was so she could find her mommy!"

- But I don't know how to figure out

What kind of dinosaur I am.

- And that, super readers, is why we are in this book!

Baby dino and I both need to find out what kind of dinosaurs we are.

- To the baby dino!

[Baby dino crying]

- Oh, dear!

- Aww, don't cry, baby dino.

We're the super readers, and we're here to help!

[Woofster whining] - super readers,

How will I figure out what kind of dinosaur I am?

- Hmm, first we need to get you to where all the dinosaurs are.

[Baby dino gasps] - yes! Yes! Yes!

- Woof! Woof! Woof! - But, how can we find all the other dinosaurs?

- Alpha pig to the rescue!

With my amazing

Alphabet tracker, we can follow the alphabet

Dinosaur footprints to find the dinosaurs!

Say the alphabet with me and follow the dinosaur footprints!

What's the first letter of the alphabet?

- [Kids]: a! - A!

Let's follow the "a" path.

A, b, c, d,

E, f, g...


Ooh, I hear dinosaur roars!

Which letter comes after g?

- [Kids]: h! - H!

[Roar] I hear the dinosaurs again.

Let's follow the h.

I, j, k, l,

M, n, o...

Which letter comes after o?

- [Kids]: p! - P!

[Roar] they sound really close!

Q, r, s, t, u,

V, w, x, y, z!


Lickety letters!

We followed the alphabet dinosaur footprints

And found the dinosaurs!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- Wow! Wow! Wow! Look at all of the dinosaurs! Come on.

- Come on! - All right! - Yay!

- You see super letters? Which ones?

- [Kids]: o! E! R!

- O, e, r!

Let's put them in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

- Four more super letters and then we'll get

Our super story answer!

Super job, super readers!

- Look! Look! Look!

There are so many kinds of dinosaurs.

But how can I figure out which kind I am?

- You probably need to look at one up close.

But not me. Nope.

- Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, dinosaur!

- Ahh!

- Hi there! I'm stego.

That's short for stegosaurus.

- Wow. You have lots of pointy things on your back!

- They're called plates.

[Baby dino laughs] - I like your plates.

- And I like your spiky tail!

- Well, thank you!

- Hey! Hey! Hey! Maybe I'm a stegosaurus too!

Ooh, do I have plates on my back? Do i? Do i? Do i?

- [All]: no. - No?

What about a spiky tail? Huh, huh, huh?

- [All]: no. - No plates. No spikes.

Hmm, I guess I'm not a stegosaurus.

- No, don't think so.

Bye, baby dino. Bye, super readers.

- Bye! - See ya later!

- You know what kind of dinosaur I am now?

- What kind? - A hungry kind!

Hungry, hungry, hungry! [They laugh]

- Woof, woof! Are you an herbivore,

Or a carnivore?

- A what-ivore? What's that?

- Woofster to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary, I can tell you what any word means.

"Herbivore" means an animal that eats only plants, grass, and fruit.


"Carnivore" means an animal that eats only meat.


Now we know what it means! Woof-de-doo!

Give your tail a wag!

- Hmm.

[Sniffing] oh!

[Munching] mmm, mmm, mmm!

I like plants!

I'm an herbivore!

I like pla-- uh-oh!

Mmm! [Slurping]

No! No! No! I'm hungry

And I wanted to eat the plants,

But they're all gone!


- Wonder red to the rescue!

With my wonder words basket,

I can find another plant for baby dino to eat!

This says "ant". I love ants!

And I love "ant" words!

It's time to rhyme!

♪ Ant rant chant ♪ ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪

♪ Grant, pant, slant ♪ ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪

♪ Ant! ♪ We need another ant word.

What letter is this?

- [Kids]: p! - P. What sounds does p make?

- [Kids]: puh. - Puh. And what's this letter?

- [Kids]: l! - L! What sound does l make?

- [Kids]: lll. - Lll.

Now what sound do p and l make together?

- [Kids]: pl. - Pl. And this part says "ant".

Pl-ant. Pl-ant.

What word is this?

- [Kids]: plant! - Plant!

[Baby dino gasps] - a plant to eat!

Yum! Yum! Yum!

- Wonderific, you are terrific!

We changed the ant to plant and made food for baby dino!

- You see more super letters? Which ones did you find?

- [Kids]: b! V!

- B, v!

Let's put them in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

- Two more super letters, and then we'll get

Our super story answer!

Right on, readers!

- Yum-my!

But I still don't know what kind of dinosaur I am.

- Look, baby dino! Another dinosaur!

- Ahhh!

- I'm looking closely.

She's eating plants and trees.

[Baby dino gasps] she must be an herbivore!

Like me!

Hi there. I'm a torosaurus!

- Hi! Hi! Hi!

You have one, two, three horns on your head!

How many horns do I have on my head?

- [All]: none.

- No horns? Good grief.

I guess I'm not a torosaurus either.

[Heavy stomping] - [all]: whoa!

- The ground is shaking

- What's that dinosaur?

He has big teeth! [T-rex roars]

That's a t-rex! He's a carnivore,

Which means he eats meat, and that's... Us!

[They gasp] [t-rex roars]

Run! - Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Hold on, alpha pig! - This is bumpy!

[T-rex roaring]

- Phew! Safe and sound. Thanks torosaurus!

- Don't mention it.

[Baby dino sighs]

- I'll never figure out what kind of dinosaur I am.


- Oh, yes you will, baby dino.

- No I won't.

All I know is that I have a long tail. See?

That's all it says in my story.

"Baby dino has a long tail."

I need to know more! What can I do?

- Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

And save the day!

We know that baby dino has a long tail.

But we need more information

So we can find out what kind of dinosaur she is.

Let's use the word "and" to add more about baby dino

To the sentence. Zap!

Why writer, write!

Now, what else do we know about baby dino?

Does baby dino have a long neck,

Three horns, or a bony back?

- [Kids]: a long neck! - She has a long neck!

Let's add that to our sentence!


Hmm, we need more information about baby dino

To know which kind of dinosaur she is.

Let's add to the sentence.

Why writer, write!

What does baby dino do?

She eats plants,

Eats meat, or eats oatmeal?

- [Kids]: eat plants! - She eats plants!

Which are the words "eats plants"?

"Plants" starts with a p.

- [Kids]: there! - There! Zzzap!

Zap! Let's read.

"Baby dino has a long tail and a long neck

And eats plants."

[Baby dino gasps] - hey!

I have a long tail and a long neck,

And I eat plants.

I look just like that dinosaur over there!

Are you my mommy?

- Yes, I'm your mommy. And you belong with me!

I'm a brachiosaurus. And so are you!

[Baby dino laughs] I'm sorry I had to leave you.

I went to go get you some yummy plants.

- Thanks, mommy!

- Super job, super readers!

We changed the story and saved the day!

You see more super letters?

What letters did you find?

- [Kids]: s! E! - Whoa! Dinosaur-sized s, e!

Let's put them in our super duper...

- [Whyatt and kids]: computer!

- We found all of our super letters!

Now we can get our super story answer!

- Bye, super readers!

- Bye! - Woof, woof, woof!

- Whyflyers! Back to the book club!

Come on, woofster! - Woof!

- ♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

[Magical chiming]

[Computer beeping]

- Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

Read the letters with me!



The super story answer is "observe".


But why?

- Because baby dino had to look at the other dinosaurs

Very closely.

- She had to observe them.

- And that helped her figure out what kind of dinosaur she was!

- So my question is:

How can I find out what kind of dinosaur I have?

- And your answer is:

- [All]: observe!

- I get it! Let's go!

Ok, let me look closely and observe this dinosaur.

Does he have horns on his head?

- Nope. No horns.

- So he's not a torosaurus.

Hmm, well, does he have big teeth?

- Nope, no big teeth. Phew!

- So he's not a t-rex.

But he does have plates on his back and a spiky tail.

I know what he is! This dinosaur is a...

- [All]: stegosaurus!

- Now we can play dinosaurs together!

Hello, new dinosaur. Who are you?

- Roar! I'm stegosaurus!

And I need some plants to eat! Yum, yum, yum.

- Not me! I'm a carnivore! I eat you! Roar!

- Ahhh! - Woof! Woof!

[Laughing] - hip, hip, hurray!

The super readers save the day!

- ♪♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray! ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - ♪ hurray! ♪

- ♪ The super readers save the day! ♪♪
