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02x70 - King Eddie Who Loves Spaghetti

Posted: 01/03/24 10:40
by bunniefuu
- Hi! It's me, whyatt!

Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Oh boy!

It's king eddie who loved spaghetti.

In this story, we'll uncover the alphabet,

Practice the magic of spelling,

Discover a new word,

 And use the power to read

To change the story.

Let's go!

- ♪ Who's got the power the power to read ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need ♪

♪ Super why super why ♪

♪ He's the guy he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power the power to read ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need ♪

 ♪ Super why super why ♪

♪ And the super readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along with the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah super why ♪

- Hi! So glad you're here!

Nnññ it's me, whyatt!

- Woof! Woof!

- Hi, puppy!

Welcome to storybrook village, where all our fairy tale friends live!

- Woof, woof, woof! [Cell phone ringing]

- Hey! Dad's cooking dinner tonight.

Want to come?

Great, let's go! - Woof! Woof, woof!

Woof! Woof! Woof! - Come on!

Hey, dad, is dinner ready? I'm starving!

- And it sure is! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ok, wash your hands and come to the table!

- Ok. [Faucet water running]

- Dinner a la dad is served!

Grilled chicken, broccoli and brown rice.

- Well, everything looks delicious! - Yeah!


- Here, have some chicken, whyatt

- Um, no thanks, I just want rice.

- Ah, how about some broccoli

- Nope, just rice.

- Well, whyatt, I'd, I'd really like you to have something

For dinner besides rice.

- Aww! - You can't have only rice

For dinner. It's not good for your body

- But I only want rice!

This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us...

The super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers.

Call them with me! Say: calling all super readers!

- [Kids]: calling all super readers!

- [Whyatt]: to the book club!

- [Kids]: to the book club!

- Come on to the book club!

Whyatt here!

[Puppy panting] - woof! Woof!

- P is for pig!

- Red riding hood rolling in!

- Princess pea... At your service!

[Puppy sniffs]

- And you. Say your name!

Great! We're all here. Together we will solve my problem.

Let's go!

- Ok, whyatt, state your problem!

- All I want for dinner is ricep

But mom and dad said that's not ok!

What do I need to eat that's good for my body?

Úpú - good question, whyatt.

- When we have a question, we look...

- In a book!

 - Which book should we look in

- Peas and carrots... Carrots and peas,

Book come out, please, please, please!bp#p

- Let's read the title of this book.

We know what to do!

We need to jump into this book...

And find the answer to my question.

First, we look for super letters.

And then put them in...

Our super duper computer!

Super duper computer, how many super letters do we need?

Ah! In this story,

We need super letters...

 And then we'll get...

Our super story answer!

It's time to transform. Ready?

- Ready! - C'mon, puppy, you're coming too!

[Puppy panting] - woof!

- Super duper! Arms in!

Put your arm in!

Super readers.

- To the rescue!

- Alpha pig

With alphabet power!

- Wonder red

With word power!

- Princess presto

With spelling power!

- Super why with the power to read!

- And woofster

With dictionary power!

- Together we are...

- The super readers!

- Whyflyers. We're ready to fly

Into this book!

- ♪ Super readers to the rescue ♪

♪ It's time to fly ♪

♪ With the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue ♪

♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ In the books we find ♪

♪ We find the super story answer ♪

♪ It's super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue ♪

- Presto!

We're in the book: king eddie who loved spaghetti!

- Let's read!

Why writer, highlight! Read with me!

- Yum, yum, yum! Delicious!

Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Spaghetti?

This isn't spaghetti.

I only want spaghetti! - Hmm!

- And that, super readers, is why we are in this book!

King eddie and I both want to eat one kind of food.

- To king eddie!

- Woof, woof! This way! Woof, woof!

- Hmm, spaghetti. - Ah-ah!

- Spaghetti! - You need to try some new foods!

- Hi, king eddie, we're the super readers

And we're here to help!

- Oh! Have you brought spaghetti?

- Nope. Sorry.

- Aww! What else can I eat?

- Hmm! Ah, look!

Maybe you can find something to eat

In your lovely vegetable garden! - Ooh! Ok.

- To the vegetable garden!

- Oh, my peas...

And carrots...

And broccoli, and peas!

- Hmm, I don't know.

- Vegetables are delicious!

They have lots of vitamins and minerals that make

Your body healthy and strong.

- Hmmm. Strong!

Very well! I'll try...

Some vegetables. - Wait!

Look at these signs.

"R-ipe: ripe."

This sign says ripe.

And this sign says not ripe.

- What does ripe mean?

- Woofster to the rescue!

With my doggie dictionary,

I can tell you what any word means!

Ripe means tasty

And ready to eat: ripe.

Now we know what it means!

Woof-de-doo! Give your tail a wag!

- Ripe food sounds delicious!

I want some beets, they're ripe and ready to eat!

Or wait, maybe a carrot!

Wait, why are there no vegetables on my plate!

- Well, don't look at me, I just cook the food.

- How can I get some vegetables to eat?

- Alpha pig

To the rescue!

With my amazing alphabet shovel,

I can dig up the ripe vegetables

For you to eat!

First, we need a vegetable

That starts with the letter 'c'. Hmmm...

Which vegetable starts with the letter 'c'?

- [Kids]: there! Carrots!

- [Pig]: carrots start with a 'c'!

Now, we need a vegetable that starts with the letter 'b'.

Which vegetables start with the letter 'b'?

- [Kids]: those over there! Beets!

- Beets starts with a 'b'. Let's dig!

Now, which vegetable starts with the letter 's'?

- [Kids]: that one! Spinach!

- Spinach starts with an 's'!

Woo! Oh! "Lickety" letters!

We used our letters

To dig up vegetables for king eddie!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!

- It's veggie time!

- Ah! Always clean your vegetables!

Bon appétit!

- First, I'll try spinach.

It's... It's yummy!

Now, I'll try carrots.

Aw crunchy! And now beets.

Wowee! Beets are brilliant!

[Bell ringing]

Everybody, I have an announcement!≫

I no longer want only spaghetti!


- I only want beets! - [Super readers]: aww!

- King eddie, I told you: it isn't good

For your body to eat only one kind of food!

Follow me, I have other food for you to try. - Ah!

- Don't forget to look for super letters.

You see a super letter? Which one?

- [Kids]: r!

- R! Let's put it in...

Our super duper...

- [Kids]: computer!

- Six more super letters and then we'll get

Our super story answer!

Right on, readers!

- This food looks scrumptious!

What is it?

- Chicken. - Ooh!

- Beans. - Ah!

- And a meatball! - Ah!

- These foods all have protein.

- Protein makes you strong, like this!

Yeah! - Woof! Protein power!

- Protein sounds perfect! Hmm...

Which protein shall I try first?

- Here's some chicken.

- Mmm! Mmm, good!

- Try some beans!

- Pretty good!

- Now a meatball! - Oh!

- Wait, wait, there's no meatball.

Where's my meatball!?

- Ah! But I want to try a meatball!

- Cue the sparkles!

Cue the music!

Princess presto to the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand,

I can make a meatball for king eddie!

Spell with me!

What letter makes the sound "mmm"?

- [Kids]: m!

- M! Wands up!

Write a lowercase 'm' with me!

Next are the letters 'e' and 'a',

And in this word the 'e' and 'a' are a vowel team!

They make the "eee" sound!

Write a lowercase 'e' with me.

Now write a lowercase 'a'!

Great job on that vowel team!

Now, what letter makes the sound 't'?

- [Kids]: t!

- T! Write a lowercase 't' with me!

What letter makes the sound "ba"?

- [Kids]: b!

- B! Write a lowercase 'b' with me!

In this word, the letter 'a' makes the "aaa" sound.

Write a lowercase 'a' with me!

Keep your wand up, we're almost through!

Now, what letter makes the sound "ull"?

- [Kids]: l!

- L! Write two lowercase 'l's with me!

One 'l'.

Two 'l's.

- Ooh!

- M-e-a-t-


Meatball! Presto! - [Chef]: oh!

- Aah! Ah?

Only one meatball?

But I've got a king-sized appetite!

- Hmm... Ooh! I know!

Adding an 's' at the end of a word makes more than one.

- Oh! - Meatballs.


- Oh! - Meatballs!

Protein! Hurray!

- Spectacular spelling!

We spelled meatballs and made meatballs for king eddie!

Let's take a bow.

- Yummy, yummy meatballs in my tummy!

- You see more super letters? Which ones?

- [Kids]: a! E! Y!

- A, e and y.

Now we need to put them in...

Our super duper...

- [Kids]: computer!

- Three more super letters and then we'll get...

Our super story answer!

Super job, super readers!

[Bell ringing]÷p

- Everybody, I have an announcement!

I no longer want only beets!

- [Super readers]: yeah!

- I only want meatballs!

- [Super readers]: aww!

- King eddie, I told you:

It's just not good

For your body to eat only one thing!

- But if I can't eat only meatballs,

And I can't eat only beets,

I might as well eat only...


- Oh! But king eddie, you need a little bit

Of every kind of food so your body can be healthy!

- But I can only eat spaghetti.

It says so in my story, see?

"King eddie eats spaghetti

Spaghetti and spaghetti."

What can I do?

- Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read, I can change this story

 And save the day!

Let's change the word spaghetti in this sentence,

All of them.

Zap! Zap! Zap!

Why writer, write!

We're going to help make king eddie a meal

That's good for his body.

First, let's pick a vegetable.

Which one of these words is a vegetable?

Beets, oatmeal or meatballs?

- [Kids]: beets! - Beets.

Where is the word beets?

It has 'e's.

- [Kids]: there!

- There! Zzzap!

Super! But he still needs

Another kind of food.

Which one of these words is a food

With a lot of protein?

Popcorn, spinach or meatballs?

- [Kids]: meatballs!

- Meatballs! Where's the word meatballs?

It ends with an 's'.

- [Kids]: there!

- There! Zzzap!

- Ah, super why?

Could you keep that last spaghetti in the sentence

If I eat it with the beets and the meatballs?

- You got it, king eddie! Plus, spaghetti is a grain

And grains give you lots of energy.

Let's read our new sentence.

- Mmm! Beets, meatballs

And my beloved spaghetti!

So many different foods!

- Now that's what I call variety!

- Super job, super readers!

We changed the story and saved the day!

- Woof-de-doo!

- And here's a very healthy glass of water.

- You had a glass of water in your purse?

- Hee! Hee! Hee! A princess is always prepared.

- This is a meal fit for a king!

- You see our last super letters?

Which ones do you see?

- [Kids]: i! V! T!

- I. V. T.

Let's put them in...

Our super duper...

- [Kids]: computer!

- We found all of our super letters!

Now we can get our super story answer!

[King slurping] - mmm!

Bye, super readers! Thank you!

- You're welcome, king eddie - no problem. - Bye!

- Woof!

- Whyflyers. Back to the book club!

C'mon, woofster! - Woof!

- ♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

- Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

Read the letters with me!

Variety! The super story answer is:

Variety. [Fireworks sounds]

But why?

Because king eddie learned that he needed to eat

A variety of different types of foods to be healthy!

He needed variety. Each type of food gave him

Something different that was good for his body.

So my question is:

What do I need that's good for my body?

- And your answer is...

- Variety!

- Oh, variety!

I need to eat different types of foods

To give my body what it needs to be healthy.

Let's go back to my house.

Mom, dad...

I think I'm ready to try serving myself dinner again.

- Ok, whyatt, go for it!

- Let's see...

I'll take different types of food so I have variety.

I have rice for grains,

Now broccoli for vegetable,

And chicken for protein!

- Nice work, whyatt.

You have lots of variety on your plate and that's very good for your body.

- Ah, just one more question, everyone...

- What, dad? - How do you like my cooking??

- Delicious! - Woof! Woof! - Terrific!

- Hip hip hurray!

The super readers saved the day!

- ♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - hurray!

- ♪ The super readers saved the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip hip hurray ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - hurray!

- ♪ The super readers saved the day ♪

♪ Hip hip hurray ♪ - hurray!

- ♪ The super readers saved the day ♪

[Musical theme]