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02x34 - Who Is Agent Otis?

Posted: 01/03/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
my name is agent olympia

this is my partner agent otis this

should not be locked in the mouth

but back to otis me we work for an

organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange weird

and especially odd our job is to put

things right again


who do we work for we work for odd squad

who is agent







do you think dude children could stop me

kevin noisemaker

my last name is kevin by the way not

sure ever mentioned that you didn't

and we're not here to stop you we're

here to distract you

hey dude so you got that

i still have my fiddle of fear

or do you you don't

it's over noisemaker you'll never get

past me

or me

a little much don't you think it's uh

kind of a slow day at the office good

job agents

thanks everyone

born of plenty of evil harmonica

of destruction

weird blowy thing it's not evil it's a

duck vessel

he has a thing with ducks okay

you're free to go yeah don't forget your


oh is this new uh yes stitcher made it

for me this morning

wait i thought villains made their own

uniforms no no no they're all made by

this villain called z stitcher

here's a photo i took over at the

village barbecue

so fun i love working with stitcher so


she has this little notebook with every

villain's measurements plus

cute photos of what villains look like

without the masks on and also

fun facts like this i live on how to

defeat them

if we could get that notebook oddsquad

would know everything about every

villain in the world

i am not allowed to go anymore am i

and noisemakers said the stitcher visits

for only one day

we should uh try and get the notebook

then yay

i know how to get the notebook really

here are the villains she's already

visited today

what when did you do that when you were

shampooing your eyebrows

i like a clean eyebrow who doesn't all

we have to do is figure out what these

films have in common

then use that data to predict what

villain the stitcher will visit next

then we can go to that villainy layer

and get the notebook

good job olympia oh thanks xena

wait why are you nice you're never nice

what's happening

i'll tell you what's happening we like

your case so much we're taking it

take it xena i took the xavier

what you can't do that we work for the

big o we can take whatever we want like

i could take this air in front of your


i took it miso agents

come here this might be a good thing

if the exes are out on the case the fire

will be out of my hair

and your hair and otis is cool hair

i have normal hair but but that's all my

hard work

which we'll probably have to undo

because you'll mess it up like your

squad messes up everything

are you kidding me you you're the ones

who messed up everything since you got


ooh insulting a superior officer you

know what that means xavier

actually i don't this time he's coming

with us

now i know you're coming with us what

what's happening miss o otis sorry


this can't go on any longer we have to

tell olympia the truth

no we made a deal this stays between us

don't worry the most exes we'll do is

give olympia desk duty

and then the exes took my case and put

me in here two things

first i don't think you're fixing that


second i'm sorry but i mean like what

are you gonna do you can't go behind

mister's back

umna you're right i have to go behind

myself's back no

you see i said the opposite seeing this

villain notebook will help odd squad and

possibly the world

right right and that's all miso really


right i feel like you're tricking me so

i keep saying right

right so may seem like i'm going behind

mrs back but i'm actually going around

her front because she doesn't know her

head is on backwards

basically she'll be glad i did this all

right i guess if otis is okay with it i

can't involve otis

can't involve your partner no way if all

this blows up i can't risk getting him

in trouble

no one can know what about me i know oh


can you forget yes

oona i'm going to need at least three

hours we don't have that kind of time


but we can't talk in the open like this

come on

a lot of beans in here you want some i'm


according to noisemaker the sister

doesn't visit any old villain she always

follows a pattern

like last year she only visited villains

with earrings so if we can figure out

what this year's pattern is

we can figure out what phil in the situa

visit next

and get the notebook this chart shows

all the villains the citra visited so

far today

noisemaker tony pants and mrs big time

what do they have in common

noisemaker has a beard tony pants also

has a beard

but not mrs big time no match let's

check eye color

noise maker has blue eyes but tony pants

and mrs big time both have brown eyes

no match again wait the whole reason

citroen is visiting town is to help

villains with their costumes

so maybe we should check their costumes

yes with beans

noisemaker wears a hat so does tony


mrs big time also wears a hat that's the


and there's only one villain left in

town that wears a hat and i'm going to

find him

but you must take some beans it feels

like they're crowding in all around me


oh no no no hello brad happened art


heart attack head attack

i'm not after you oh are you sure

yes how to talk yes still hit you i'm

looking for the stitcher

the stitcher why wouldn't stitcher be

here i mean because she's visiting

villains with hats

uh no she's not hey brad

oh hey ladies sunshine how are you

what's with the kid in the odd squad

uniform she's a real odd squad agent

what i hope you wore your sunscreen

sunshine sunshine sunshine

whoa whoa whoa she's not after us oh are

you sure

sunshine i'm looking for the stitcher

oh she was just at my sun pad this


she gave me this new outfit wait

you're wearing yellow noise make her hat

on a new yellow cape

tony pants mrs big time and lady


yellow is what they have in common

that sounds like the issue yellow yellow

makes sense

so the next film the situation will

visit we'll also be wearing yellow oh

i bet she's going to go visit nana

banana she lives in a cabana with my

friend anna from savannah

actually no she's not she's from just

outside of buffalo to make the rhyme

work though yeah

poetic i'm just

i guess people don't say goodbye anymore

what do you think nana oh i

love it and please call me lana

stop right there ah squad banana

banana bananas whoa whoa whoa i'm not

after you nana

oh are you sure banana

yes i'm here for the stitcher

where's the notebook stitcher i'll tell

you one thing

it's definitely not on that table over

there except you're a villain so you lie

which means it is on that table



banana yeah

looks like the stitcher's left town miss

so the notebook got away

or did it one villain notebook

banana on it i'll just break that off

olympia what have you done i'm sorry i

went behind your back miso but

we got the notebook that's what we all

wanted that's the last thing i wanted

why do you think i let the exes have the

case i know they mess it up

what why wouldn't you want this notebook

because she didn't want us to know

that your partner's a villain

agent otis by the power vested in us by

the big o

you are no longer a member of odd squad

what yes he is

no he's not yes he is

no he's not yes he is

okay okay okay okay let me see if i can

explain this in a different way

no he's not

whoa dudes what's happening

otis is a cylinder

whoa whoa whoa people calm down i'm sure

this is just a hilarious


i mean otis oh just just tell them it's

not true

i i can't do that


to be continued


and now

the rest of the story

everyone's stopped hodus may have

at one time been a villain but he's not


xavier disagrees i do he's been helping

other villains since the day he

arrived it's the only way to explain why

they keep breaking in

the fact is otis was and still is

a villain i should go

no you're a good agent i'm not going to

lose you

i demand a trial excuse me

what's a trial it's a chance for both

sides to state their case and prove

that otis is innocent i went to law

school before becoming a scientist

there were night classes actually there

was only one night class

i was late i only heard that one thing

about trials

we will prove you're innocent and who's

gonna be the judge

you it shall be me big o

please rise i came to this art squad


because the last time i was here i

forgot my toy train

found it but now

i'll stay and be your judge because i

enjoy playing dress up

okay olympia what's the plan me odd

squad rules state that partners must

defend each other but i have no idea

what's going on

don't worry olympia i'll tell you

everything great idea

except we don't have time

girl with the glasses you may begin

hi so uh here we are in

court because you think otis is still a


which he's not and i'm gonna prove it to

you by having otis tell you what's

really going on

just go ahead from the beginning no


i was raised by ducks

hi i'm so sorry to break the no

interruption rule but did you just say

you were

raised by ducks yes you know some people

are raised by wolves it was like that


ducks that's not a good example olympia

let him speak as far back as i can


it was always just me and the ducks

we would swim together pick bugs off

each other's back

the usual duck stuff as i got older i


these were bad ducks they were loud

they were rude

and they had no sense of romance theresa

i love you and i wanted to ask you

excuse me could you please stop i i know

this is where we had our first date and


very special but uh i guess we can

finish up in the car

and then one day excuse me hate to

interrupt again but

how did you and the ducks talk to each

other oh i built a little voice box so

they could speak english but i only had

one box so i had to put on different

ducks depending on which one i was

talking to

do you want to hear more no no i do not

one day brother quack came up to me in

our evil ducklier

brother spare a quack always brother

reach into my feathers what is this


it's a line graph that shows the number

of pawns the ducks took over this year

brother quack used a vertical line to

show the number of pawns we took over

each month

and used the horizontal line to show all

the months of the year

by connecting the dots brother quack

showed how the ducks took over more and

more ponds

between january and august but then the

line went down

because the ducks took over zero ponds

from september through december

and why did the ducks take over zero


because we have to fly south for the

winter but i have a plan to do away with

winter forever

reach into my feathers again brother

quack showed me plans for a machine that

would move the planet closer to the sun

that way there would be no winter ever


the more i studied these plans the more

i knew this machine would destroy the


i tried to warn my brothers stop is my

wig on straight it's just a little

i got it


and they didn't listen i had no choice

are you the one that contacted me so

don't look back

did you bring the plans yes not yet

open this first why

because i want a pickle but i can't open

the jar because i just washed my hands

and they're all slippery

now the plans

no no no no no this machine will destroy

us all

you know what needs to be done

finally the day arrived mr when i had it

all planned out

i just had to give her the signal

brother quack i'm going to get some uh

fresh air hurry brother quack you're the

only one with opposable thumbs

it was the only way to stop the machine

go go go go go go go go


don't worry we'll take good care of the

ducks there's a zoo in minnesota that

owes me a favor

you did a good thing here today you

could use someone like you at odd squad

odd squad but they never let a villain

like me into the academy

true but there are other ways to become

an agent

miso trained me herself she turned my

life around

no you're still wobbling back it up i

had to learn how to not walk like a duck

better better better but i still see a

little waddling

you're not a duck back it up

show me some gadgets try again

no can't do it

odd squad agents don't know the word

can't what's your name

what's your name just

what's your name oh this

that's better i'll never forget what she

did for me

and because of that i will always be

true to myself

and odd squad so you're afraid of ducks


i'm afraid it's my duck family coming

back to get me olympia i wanted to tell

you that is all agent notice

you other guys can go now

thank you uranus that was a nice story

but you know it's all so nice max this

horizontal line shows the first three

months of the year

and this vertical line shows the number

of times villains broke into this odd


there were no break-ins in the entire

month of january and no break-ins at all

in february

but there were many in march 20 to be


which is when otis started working here

cena thank you xavier this line graph

shows villain break-ins during one week

in april

notice the number of break-ins along the

side and the seven days of the week

along the bottom

you see this big dip down to zero that

means there were no break-ins

on wednesday in fact there are no

break-ins on any wednesdays

why because wednesdays otis's day off

so they drew a bunch of fancy lines on

fancy paper that doesn't say anything

about the kind of person otis is

you're right which is why we're calling

his partner to the stand

this is a truth helmet green for true

red for false this thing is heavy

true now you once said

and i quote once a villain always a


oh well that was before did you say that


or no yes true

after hearing everything today do you

believe it's

possible that your partner's still a

villain can i please just have a minute


is he a villain yes or no no

liar what olympia i didn't mean silence

based on what i've heard today agent

otis is


guilty we will fight this i'm not

finished missou you are one of the

smartest children i know thank you

so i find it hard to believe you didn't

know adrian otis was trying to destroy

odd squad

no which means you're also a villain

what no no no no

off the squad take him away

this is the worst day of my life

my name is agent opal these are my


omar orla and oswald this is something i

love and set free

we travel the world investigating

anything strange

weird and especially odd

our job is to put things right again