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03x30 - Monumental Oddness/Party Crashers

Posted: 01/03/24 08:43
by bunniefuu
[Orla] My name is Agent Orla.

These are my partners, Oswald, Omar, and Osmerelda,

and this is a tiny tuna sandwich.

We travel the world investigating

anything strange, weird, and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

[beam zapping]

-[zapping] -Huh?




[Orla]Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Little O] Monumental Oddness.

[Osmerelda vocalizing theme music]

Duh duh duh duh dun-dah!

Ba dadda duh dah dah!

Osmerelda, you've got to see this.

It's the newest issue of Shmumbertravel magazine,

and look!

It includes Omar's list of the top world's best monuments.

Two questions. First, how did Omar only choose ?

He narrowed it down from his original list of ,.

Dark days.

Second question: where is Omar?

He's giving a speech at the th Annual Snow Globe Convention.

This magazine article is getting him a lot of attention.

[van computer]Agents, you have an incoming call

from the Little O.

There you four are!

Wait, there's only three of you.

Where's Omar?

Giving a speech at a snow globe convention

because he wrote an article for a travel magazine.

Oh, I know.

And so does a villain!

And that's why something very odd has happened. Look.

Hello, Odd Squad!

I'm Stu Venir, brother of Sue Venir.

She's at her best friend Becky's wedding right now.

Didn't get an invite!

But I did get Omar's list of top world monuments,

and I'm gonna turn all of them into tiny little key-chains.

Like this one.

It's the Angel of Independence from Mexico City.

Got it. Shrunk it!

It's mine now.

[cackling] Bye!

This is bad.

[Oswald] You're telling me.

According to Omar's magazine article,

the monument was built in to represent

the beginning of Mexico's independence.

Also, Odd Squad helped build that monument

to hold down a giant pudding geyser.

Now that it's gone, things are a mess.


[squad] Whoa.

And that's not all! Stu turned another monument

from Omar's list into a key chain.

The Queen Victoria Memorial in London!


Not the Queen Victoria!

It was built in the s to commemorate--

Oswald, I hate to interrupt, but I need one of you to

clean up that pudding geyser, while the other two of you

figure out where Stu Venir will strike next.

[all] On it.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

How shall we proceed?

[Osmerelda] I'll go to Mexico City!

I love pudding!



...So, how do we catch Stu Venir?

We call Omar, tell him that it's an emergency,

and that he has to leave the Snow Globe Convention.

I can't leave the Snow Globe Convention.

[both] What? Why?

I'm giving a very important speech.

Look at me! I even wore a tie!

You wear a tie every day.

All the same, I'm confident that you can

solve the case without me.

We don't know world monuments like you know world monuments.

The souvenirs on my shelf will help you.

Maybe there's a pattern to the places Stu Venir's striking.

Or maybe it's totally random, and life has no meaning.

Either way, I gotta go. Good luck!

I found Omar's souvenirs!

The places in these two snow globes

are the same two places Stu Venir's struck so far.

So, what do these two monuments have in common?

They both have wings!

Yeah, but...

no other monument on Omar's list has wings.

And Stu Venir said he would strike

every single monument in his list.

So perhaps it just random and life is indeed void of meaning.

Or... maybe Stu is striking in a number pattern.

Omar's list of top monuments are all numbered.

And the monuments Stu struck were number ,

the Angel of Independence,

and number , the Queen Victoria Memorial.

is , ... numbers away from !

Stu's skip-counting by .

So that means the next monument Stu will hit is !

, , !

And which monument is number ?

[both] The Merlion in Singapore.

[van computer] You should dress warm today.

It is very cold in Singapore.

[Oswald] What? I thought it was warm in Singapore.

[van computer]We all have days when we don't

feel like ourselves, cities included.

[Oswald] Ah, makes sense.

[Orla] Stu Venir is not here yet.

Perfect. It'll give us a chance to clear the area.

[amplified] Attention, humans!

I think that covers everyone.

We need you to leave the Merlion!

There's a villain coming.

[tourists groaning]

It sounds as though they wish to finish

taking their tourist photos.

And I came all the way from Denver to get my face painted!

And I'm not leaving without coins in my bucket!

Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way.

[upbeat music]

[camera clicking]


[sticks clacking]

-Oh yeah! Get it! -Yeah!

[coins clinking]

[Denver tourist] Thanks again, Odd Squad!

[badge phone music playing]

Oswald speaking, with his mouth!

Where are the two of you?

We figured out Stu Venir's pattern

and we are waiting for him at the Merlion in Singapore.

Stu Venir just struck the Empire State Building!

In New York City!

TheEmpire State Building?

The one built in the s, and made--

Yes! You need to figure out Stu's pattern and stop him ASAP!

We should head back to the van, put our brains together,

and see if we can crack Stu's pattern.

-Take these. -Hey, you should keep those.

You've got a future with the sticks.

Thank you!


What if Stu's pattern has nothing to do with numbers?

Maybe he's alternating between

statues with faces and buildings with windows...

And windows kinda look like faces if you think about it.

Halt that thought.

The first monuments struck were number and .

And the Empire State Building is number on Omar's list.

It's not a skip counting pattern,

it's a doubling pattern!

Because the double of is , and the double of is ,

which means the next monument that Stu will strike

is the double of !

...I do not have enough fingers,

but trust me on this one, it is .

And monument number on Omar's list is the Eiffel Tower.

Let's go!

[van computer]Arriving in Paris, the city of lights!

Fun fact, it only has one stop sign in the entire city,

and we just flew past it!

[amplified]Everyone, there is a villain headed this way!

We need you to move the wedding away from here!

But we've been waiting for this day for years!

And there's no villain stronger than our love for each other!


Could you get married fast?

We would, except our wedding officiant isn't here yet.

The same for our flower girl!

And our musicians!

Oh, I can't walk down the aisle without music!

[soft, romantic harp music]

Shmumber's Dictionary defines love as--

[badge phone music playing]

Oh, one moment.

Oswald's House of Photography and Wedding Planning!

Where are you now?

Wrapping up a wedding at the Eiffel Tower

before Stu Venir shows up.

While I respect you for making sure two people have memories

that will last a lifetime...

Stu Venir just struck other monuments!

[both] What?!

The Glass Hall in Denmark and Triton's Fountain in Malta!


The same Glass Hall built in the s

and Triton's Fountain, built in the s?

Yes! You need to solve this! Now!

Good job, take care, bye!

Let us head back to the van.

Pardon! Do you mind just finishing this before you go?

Right! I now declare you married!

Have a wonderful life, goodbye.

[wedding bells chiming]

[guests applauding]

The numbers Stu Venir is striking don't fit

in any kind of pattern.

Hang in there, young Oswald. We will figure this out.

Or we will not, and things will be bad.

I am covering all the options.

[badge phone music playing]

Oswald speaking, very grumpily.

How's the search for Stu Venir going?

Not good. We're stumped.

How's it going with the pudding geyser?

Also not good!

I haven't seen this much pudding in my entire years!

Years! That's it!

Gotta go, bye!

Stu is striking monuments by the decade they were made in!

-Decade? -A decade is a period

of ten years, starting with the year in the tens place.

The Angel of Independence...

...was built in !

The beginning of a s decade!

So if the first monument he stole was made in the s...

The next monument he took was the Queen Victoria Memorial,

which should've been completed in...

The s!

And the Empire State Building...

[Oswald] The s!

And the next two he stole were built in the s,

and... s!

'‘Tis like counting by tens!

That means the next monument Stu Venir is headed to

was built in the s.

And there's only one monument on Omar's list built then.

[Stu Venir laughing] The Seattle Space Needle.

[Orla & Oswald] Odd Squad, Odd Squad, stop right there!

Gah! How did you find me?

'‘Tis all thanks to Omar and his knowledge of world monuments.

[Omar] Aw, thanks, Orla!

Also, show's over, Stu Venir.

I have to say, if your list wasn't so good,

I wouldn't have bothered making them into key-chains.

Thank you!


...And I'll put them all back where they belong.

Blah, blah, blah.


What shall we do to celebrate?

Call Osmerelda. I have an idea.

[jaunty dance music]

[fireworks booming]

[triumphant music]


[Little O] Odd Squad Training Video #:

Know Your Buttons.

Agent Omar here.

You know, being a part of Odd Squad

means that there's high-tech buttons everywhere.

On your suit, on your gadgets,

and, in our case, in the van.

And it's important to know how they work.

There are so many buttons!

We're still discovering new ones every day.

There's an instruction manual

that explains what each one does.

This is part one... of .

So, I've perfected a faster way to figure them out:

press a button and see what happens.

-Like... this! -[beeping]

Mini golf! Cool.

Let's try another button.

-Boom. -[beeping]

Hmm, I guess that button doesn't do anything.

How about...


-[alarm blaring] -Wait, what's happening?

[van computer] Self-destruct mode activated.

Van will turn into a pile of pudding in seconds.

Pile of pudding?

Mmm-- Wait. Wait, what?

How do I turn this thing off?

[van computer] Press the button again

when the light flashes red.

Okay, red, got it.


-Re-- ugh, no. -[buzzing]

-Red. -[buzzing]

Ugh, the lights are flashing too fast!

[van computer] seconds remaining.

Hold on, I think that there's a pattern.

If I can figure out the repeating pattern of the lights,

I can predict when it'll flash red.

Blue, green, yellow, red.

Blue, green, yellow, red.

I think that that's the pattern!

Blue, green, yellow, red! And then it repeats.

So red comes after yellow.

-Blue, green, yellow-- red! -[beeping]

[van computer] Self-destruct mode deactivated!


Well, I've learned an important lesson.

Never push a button without reading the instruction manual.

...There's a candy wall?!

[Little O] Party Crashers.

All right, team, you ready?

[both] Ready.

Hats on.

Birthday hats are in position.

Osmerelda, give me an update on Oswald's cake.

-[ding] -Also ready.


-Impressive. -Thanks!

And I have toiled many a day preparing this

small but mighty birthday gift.

It is certain to make young Oswald cry tears of joy.

Cool. This card only took me minutes,

but it was a quality .

Let us go and surprise Oswald.

[all] Happy birthday, Os... walds?

[Oswalds] Thanks!

Lo! I command one of you Oswalds to explain this confusion

we are feeling in our brains and hearts.

[Oswalds] Three creatures chased me, then caught me,

then turned into me.

...Thank you.

One moment.

[hushed] This is strange.

Must've been some kind of cloning creature.

Which means of those Oswalds are actually creatures.

So, only one of them is the real Oswald?

But which one?

[Oswalds] Oh, it's me!

-It's me! -Right over here.

-Not them. -It's not you.

I have an idea.

We have interrogation rooms.

Let us split up the Oswalds, and then we shall ask them questions

in order to figure out who the real Oswald is.

We do not have that kind of time.

This cake is an ice cream cake.

If we spend all day running from room to room, it'll melt.

Could you not just place it in the freezer?

I did not spend hours on this cake

for it to taste like freezer!

...Good point. I have an idea.

There. We're ready to go.

What is this computer box we find ourselves in?

It's a video chat program.

I use it to talk to Odd Squad friends all around the world!

In my day, we used to just tie a note to a rock.

...And then send it to a friend?

No. My friends were mostly rocks.

I still don't see how this helps my melting cake situation.

Now we can ask all Oswalds questions

without running from room to room.

Bring up interrogation rooms , , , and .


Hey Oswalds, can you see us?

[Oswalds] Yeah, I can see you.

Let us begin. You all claim to be Oswald,

so prove your word is true by answering this question:

what was your job before joining OSMU?

[Oswalds] Library museum person.

-[thump] -Lucky guess.

Only the real Oswald will know this:

who is your favorite fictional character?

[Oswalds] Detective Shmumbers!

-[thump] -Double lucky guess!

Time for a question only my best bud Oswald can answer.

What is your favorite salty snack?

[Oswalds] Pumpkin seeds, lightly dusted with paprika.

-[thump] -Okay, that is just weird.

How do you know all this?

[Oswalds] Because I'm the real Oswald.

Uh, sit tight, Oswald , , , and .

-We'll be right back. -[Oswalds] Okay.

Now what?


There you three are.

I have that creature info you asked for.

What info?

Imayhave told Little O about the case

so she could help us solve it so my ice cream cake won't melt.

The creatures you're dealing with are called

the Party Crashers. They turn into kids

on their birthday to steal their birthday party fun!


I know! Clever and horrible.

What's worse is that in an hour,

they'll start cloning themselves.

So if you don't solve this case by the time

this sand timer runs out, there'll be a thousand Oswalds.

We donothave that much cake.

Little O, tell us all you know of these hideous creatures.

-Sharing my screen. -[beeping]

According to the Odd Squad creature database,

there are different Party Crashers:

a yellow one, a red one, and a green one.

When a yellow Party Crasher turns into a kid,

it never gets the size of the hands right.

Well, that should help us figure out who the yellow one is.

In the meantime, I'll see what I can find out

about the other two Party Crashers.

But first, some emojis to cheer you up!

Aw, how nice!

-Ooh! -Those produce joy.

So, whoever's hand is a different length

is the yellow Party Crasher.

Bringing up Oswald .


Show us thy hand.

His hand is...

... inches long.

Bringing up Oswald .


[Osmerelda] ...Also inches long.

Here's number .


Uh, Oswald , please hold up your hand.


No measurement, no party.


[Orla] inches!

You are not the real Oswald.


Yes! down, to go.

We must solve this with haste so I may present Oswald

with my small, but heartwarming gift.


My cake is getting soft!


I've dug up some more info! Check this out.


The red Party Crasher can't stand the cold.

If it gets too cold, it'll turn back into a creature.

While you figure out who that one is,

I'll research the green creature.

We're on it, Little O.

You better be!

We're running out of time!

So, we need to figure out which Oswald can't stand the cold.

Luckily, we can adjust the temperatures

inside the interrogation rooms.


Right now, the inside of the interrogation room

is degrees Fahrenheit,

which feels like the inside of your house.

So, all we have to do is lower the temperature

until one of the Oswalds turns into a Party Crasher.

Exactly. Bringing up interrogation rooms.


Hey, Oswalds, we're gonna cool off the rooms

a little bit, dropping temperature down to

a chilly degrees Fahrenheit, which feels like a winter day.


Oh, that's chilly.

Really chilly.

I enjoy this. This is comfortable.

Oswald seems happy.

He can't be the red Party Crasher.

Unless he is faking it!

Drop the temperature.

Dropping down to a cold degrees Fahrenheit.


[shivering] Wow, the cold is s-s-so wonderful.

I do not find Oswald number 's acting convincing.

Dropping down to degrees Fahrenheit,

which is the temperature water freezes at.





This is great! Only Oswalds left.

C-C-Come on! I'm the real Oswald!

No, I am!

[Oswalds] I want my party!

Uh, hang tight, fellas.


We need to hurry.

The cake has gone from soft to mushy!

Why don't you just put the cake

in the freezing interrogation room?

I did not work hours on this cake

for it to taste like interrogation room!


My research on the green Party Crasher is complete.

Do you want the good news, or the bad news?

Give us the bad news.

This case is unsolvable!

Um... what's the good news?

Mostly just that I figured out the bad news.

Sharing screen.

The green Party Crasher is also known as

the "perfect Party Crasher.

It can perfectly shift into another person

with no physical differences.

No different hands, no different body temperatures.

Even their organs are the same,

which is both cool and super creepy.

So we can never tell the two Oswalds apart?


Um, Omar, what are you doing?

Changing Oswald's birthday card.

It used to say

"There's only one special guy like you."

But now it says,

"There are only two special guys like you."

I would change that to "a thousand special guys like you."

Prepare your umbrellas, for they will all shed tears

of joy when they see my heartwarming gift.


Wait one tiny little notch on a sundial!

I can use this gift to help us!

Quick! I need something to measure with!

How about...

a ruler?

It needs to be something I can measure liquid with.


How about these pint glasses?


Omar, place this in your computing device.

I shall be back.

I have no idea what she's doing, but I hope she does it fast!

Me too, because we've gone from mushy... oozy.

The measuring cups are in position.

Omar, please present my gift.

Playing video.


[heartfelt music]

♪ The past was strange

♪ And the future will be weird, my friend ♪

♪ I've got an odd feeling ♪

♪ We'll be odd again

[Orla]Happy birthday, young Oswald!

That video was great.

[sniffling] So great.

Both Oswalds seem really touched.

Yes, but which is more touched?

I shall tell you.


Oswald , please hold up your cup.

This measuring cup shows Oswald

cried a half pint of tears.

Oswald , your turn.

Oswald cried pint of tears,

which means Oswald was more moved by my heartwarming video,

which means he is the real Oswald.

Thank you!

And that means Oswald is the green Party Crasher!



-Yes! -[squad cheering]

Uh, Party Crasher, why did you cry at the video?

Because your friendship is beautiful and moving to me.

-Makes sense. -[beep]

Looks like it's finally party time.

Hurry! My cake just crossed into soupy!

"There's only one special guy--

no, wait, only two special guys--

no, wait, one special guy like you."

[sniffling] Aw! Thanks, everyone.

Happy birthday, Oswald.

I hope you saved room for cake!

Awesome! I love my cake soupy!

Birthday boy gets the first swig!

[excited gasp]


[Oswald]Welcome to Odd Squad, A Guide To Your Gadgets!

Behold, the flower-inator!

What better way to say "I love you"

than the gift of a gadget that makes flowers?

It can make flowers like this, or this, or this,

or this, but not these.

When the gadget gets some downtime,

it likes to listen to polka music.

Even though the flowers smell nice,

the gadget itself smells horrible.

This has been a helpful guide to the flower-inator.

Remember! Knowledge is power,

power is gadgets, and gadgets is power!

[Osmerelda]Odd Squad: Teaming Up with Teamwork

Together as a Team.

I am Agent Orla,

former guardian of the -Leaf Clover

and eldest member of the Odd Squad Mobile Unit.

I am years old,

but you probably could not tell because I am so good

at blending in with the modern society.

What is this "internet" you speak of?

Do you mind if we take a taxi?

We have no need of a motorized chariot.

Whoever catches the most scorpions

-is the leader-- -No, no, no!

Perhaps it did take me a little time to adjust,

but I am still the same agent as ever,

running towards adventure and leaping into action!

Although, I must admit that these -year-old bones

do not run and leap the same way as they used to.

Wellward, ho!

So sad.

You should have seen me move when I was !

[Osmerelda]Odd Squad: Teams Working with Teams

Together as a Team Together. I think that was it.

[heroic instrumental]