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03x23 - H2 Oh No/In Your Dreams

Posted: 01/03/24 08:37
by bunniefuu
[Opal] Coming up next on Odd Squad...

I need you to head to William Ocean's underwater lair.

He's planning to soak the entire world in water.

Start the sprinkler now.


I know exactly where Odd Squad is headed.

[rousing musical theme]

My name is Agent Orla.

These are my partners, Oswald, Omar and Osmerelda,


This is about to be banana bread.

We travel the world

investigating anything strange, weird,

and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

[beam zapping]







-[hands smack] -Woo-hoo!



[creature hisses]

[Orla] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[pages fluttering]

Testing, one, two, three.

[Omar, on tape] Testing, one, two, three.

What's that for?

Orla says I say "flabbergasted" a lot,

so I'm going to record myself all day to see if it's true.

'Tis the truth. You say it often.

[Van computer]Agents, you have an incoming call

from the Little O.


There you four are!

Something very odd has happened.

Remember William Ocean?


Of course.

We set him free in Australia

before the Shadow could take his foam powers away.

Exactly, and now he's planning

to soak the entire world in water.

He's already hit London.


Omar, Osmerelda, I need you to head

to William Ocean's underwater lair

and stop him before he soaks the rest of the world.

What about Orla and I?

I need the two of you to find Chef Oxley.

He's lost somewhere in your van.


We shall find him.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

Oswald, let us make haste.

I'm ready!

Uh, the van can take us underwater.

Well, this is awkward.

Van computer, activate Underwater Mode.

[Van computer] Activating Underwater Mode.


[engine vrooming]


We made it to William Ocean's lair, now how do we find him?

I'm right here, Odd Squad.


I had a feeling you'd be coming.

You saw them coming on the security cameras.

Remember that talk we had?

The long, long talk we had, about not making me look bad?

My assistant, Seahorse Tanya--

It's just Tanya. going to help me make the whole world wet.

Everyone will have wet socks all the time.

That's the worst!

But it's not going to happen, because we're going to stop you.

Hah! Nothing can stop me.

[rhythmic blaring]

[mysterious bubbling]

[muffled] Take that, Odd Squad!

[both] Try being louder!

Oh, I think you had to say that

before you made the force field.

They can't hear you in there.

Okay, that'll do, Seahorse Tanya.

It's just Tanya.

[muffled] Take that, Odd Squad.

[both] Okay! Heard that one.

A little water never stopped me.


Except that water, just now.

How do we escape?

William Ocean played a tune on a shell to lock us in here.

Maybe, if we can play that same tune,

we can unlock the force field.


Now, we just have to hear that tune again.

Luckily, I've been recording everything on this.


Now, let's see...

[rhythmic blaring on tape]

[Omar, on tape] I'm flabbergasted.

Huh. You do say that a lot.

I'm confused, and not just

because I don't remember saying that.

How does this music even help us?

Let me break this down for you.


Play that tune again.


[Omar, on tape] I'm flabbergasted.

Music can use patterns, something that repeats.

Look, in this tune, the pattern goes

high-note/low-note, and it repeats three times.

Oh, I see the pattern!


If we play that same tune,

it should get rid of the force field.


[soft rhythm]

[both] Yes!

Mr. Ocean! We have good news.

Where's your seahorse hat?

I took it off for a little break.

When you take your costume off, you look like a human.

I am human.

And that's a problem I'm trying to work around

with the costumes.

If we're going to soak the whole world in water,

I need everyone on my team to look the part.


Much better.

Now, what were you saying, Seahorse Tanya?

The sprinkler machine's almost ready.

Almost ready?

It was a perfect success when we tested it with London.

What could possibly be delaying my machine

from soaking the entire world?

Uh, sir, it's taking extra long

on account of my huge paper-mache lobster claws?

Maybe if, if I could just take them off--

The costumes stay on. At all times!

Keep working on the sprinkler.

Mr. Ocean, the Odd Squad Mobile Unit

escaped your force field.

Well then, stop them.

I can probably run faster if I take this costume off.

Do you realize how ridiculous you'll look

-without your costume? -Uh yes, you're right.




Sorry, Odd Squad, but you're not going anywhere.

[quick rhythmic notes]


Oh no, we're trapped again.

Or are we?

We can use your recording device again.

-Play back the tune. -Good idea.


[quick rhythmic notes on tape]

[Omar, on tape] I'm flabbergasted.

I honestly don't remember saying that.

This is a problem.

The real problem is

we can't hear the last note over your voice,

but I think we can figure out the last note on our own.


Remember how music can play in patterns?

Play it back.

[quick rhythmic notes]

[Omar, on tape] I'm flabbergasted.

We just have to figure out where the pattern starts

and where it repeats.

[Omar] Maybe it's a two-note pattern like before.



No, it doesn't repeat.

Could it be a three-note pattern?


As long as it repeats.


That's it!

The pattern goes high-note/low-note/high note.

And the last two notes we heard before my voice interrupted

were high-note/low-note,

which means this last note is a high note.


Play the tune, Osmerelda.


[playing three-note pattern]

[both] Yes!

I'm just saying if this costume

was a little bit more comfortable,

I might be able to-

If I change your costume,

I'm going to have to change everyone's costume,

and I am on a budget.

Money doesn't go on corals, Seahorse Tanya.

Mr. Ocean!

Odd Squad escaped the second force field.

Ugh. Is the sprinkler ready yet?

Yes, sir!

Then why didn't you tell me?

Uh, to be honest, I was kind of listening in

on your convo with Tanya about the costume situation.

I was hoping maybe she would convince you to change-

Start the sprinkler now!


And I'll go stop the Mobile Unit.

[all cackling]

There we go.

You know, there are apps on this phone.

You just click right here-

A little help, please?

-Can we go? -Okay, yeah.



You thought you could break into my lair,

outsmart my team and stop my evil sprinkler machine.

Well, you're too late.

I've already turned on my sprinkler.

[both] Uh-oh.

Soon, the rest of the world will be soaked

and you'll be swimming with the fishes.

Fish attack!

[both] Shields up!

[fish thwacking]

What do we do now?

[whispering] Psst. I can help you.

Come this way.

Aren't you William Ocean's evil seahorse assistant?

All he does is bark orders at us

and make us wear these uncomfortable costumes.

I regret joining his team.

He's already started his evil sprinkler machine.

You can still stop it, but you have to come with me now.

[loudly] Hey look, it's a fish out of water.

What? Where? Poor thing!


Go, go, go!


You can still stop the sprinkler.

It's music-activated, just like the force field.

Okay, here.

It's a breakdown of music, just like ours.

What are these last two notes?

I'm sorry, it got wet.

I can't remember what the notes were,

but if you can figure it out, you can stop the machine.

Go quickly!

There's another entrance to his office, down that hallway.

Thank you, Seahorse Tanya.

It's just Tanya!


I have a life to live!


How could you all fall for such an obvious distraction?

We need to find them. Hurry.

But we can barely move in these costumes.

What do I always say?

A team is only as its theme.

That's it. I quit.

Yeah, I'm coming with you. Ugh.

I, I don't need a team.

Besides, I know exactly where Odd Squad is headed.

The sprinkler.


[Omar] Oh, look.

We don't have much time.

We just need to figure out the last two notes

to shut off the fountain.

Finding the pattern will help us do that.

Here's the info from Tanya.

Maybe it's a three-note pattern like before.


No, it doesn't work!

And the sprinkler is getting even more powerful!

Could it be a four-note pattern?

It could be, as long as it repeats.


It works! It's a four-note pattern!

The pattern goes

high-note/low-note/ high-note/high note.

[both] So the last two notes are high-note/high-note.


Play it, Osmerelda.

Seaweed attack!

[conch blaring]


Omar, you have to play the tune!

I don't know how to play the flute!

Hey, you've seen me do it a million times.

I believe in you!


[hesitant note playing]

[conch blaring]


[gurgling slowing]

[both] Yes!

Um, can I have some help?

[seaweed squelching]

Show's over, William Ocean.

Fine, I think I'm going to go for a swim.

I can't believe you beat me.

I can't even believe I played the flute.

Me either!

You might even say I'm truly-

-Surprised? -Um no.

-Might even say I'm truly- -In shock?

No! It rhymes with blabbergasted.

Oh, it's, uh, flabbergasted.

Sorry, I didn't leave.

I have to grab my swim trunks and floaties in the other room.

I actually can't swim.

[triumphant music]

[military drumming]


[jackalope roars]

Agent Omar here.

You know, being a part of Odd Squad

means that there are high-tech buttons everywhere.

On your suit, on your gadgets,

and, in our case, in the van.

And it's important to know how they work.

There are so many buttons!

We're still discovering new ones every day.

There's an instruction manual

that explains what each one does.

This is part one... of .

So, I've perfected a faster way to figure them out:

press a button and see what happens.

Like... this!


Mini golf! Cool.

Let's try another button.



Hmm, I guess that button doesn't do anything.

How about...


[alarm blaring]

Wait, what's happening?

[Van computer] Self-destruct mode activated.

Van will turn into a pile of pudding in seconds.

Pile of pudding?

Mm-- Wait. Wait, what?

How do I turn the thing off?

[Van computer] Press the button again

when the light flashes red.

Okay, red, got it. Okay... Okay.

Re-- ugh, no. Red.

Ugh, the lights are flashing too fast!

[Van computer] seconds remaining.

Hold on, I think that there's a pattern.

If I can figure out the repeating pattern of the lights,

I can predict when it'll flash red.

Blue, green, yellow, red.

Blue, green, yellow, red.

I think that that's the pattern!

Blue, green, yellow, red!

And then it repeats.

So, red comes after yellow.

Blue, green, yellow, red!


[Van computer] Self-destruct mode deactivated!


Well, I've learned an important lesson.

Never push a button without reading the instruction manual.

There's a candy wall!


[pages flutter]

Little O did call us here, right?

Yes, she said it was important.

[softly] Then why

is she sleeping?


Maybe we should come back later.

[loud clanging]

Aah! There you four are.

Something very odd has happened.

Tell us more.

I haven't slept in a while

and I'm really, really tired.

Is that really an Odd problem?

It's how it happened that's odd.

I'll take some relish, please.


Little more.


Little more.

Little more.


Little more.

Hello, Little O.

Uh, who are you?

I'm the Dream Weaver,

and I'm here to stop you from solving oddness with this!

I'm not super clear on what that is.

Maybe if it had a name?

It has a name.

I was getting to it but you interrupted.

It's my Bad Dream Machine,

and I'm going to hide it in your dreams

to turn all your good dreams into bad ones.

I still don't see how that's going to stop me

from solving oddness.

Uh, if you're having bad dreams,

you won't be able to sleep,

and if you're not sleeping,

you'll be too tired to deal with oddness.

In... your... dreams.

That's exactly where I'm headed.


Too much relish, right?


I've been having bad dreams for days

and odd cases are piling up.

How can we help?

Follow me.


I've been trying to find the Dream Weaver

and her Bad Dream Machine inside my dreams

and I haven't had any luck.

It's all in my dream journal.

This is great.

We can use the data from the dream journal

to help us find her.

Orla, get the journal into the computer.

Scanning ho!


Um, maybe I should try.



These are the different dreams I always have,

and each one is represented by an image.

Like, this photo of a bowling ball and pins

represents my bowling alley dream.

Wow, you have a lot of dreams.

And she's asleep again.



Thank you, Orla.

The Dream Weaver has already ruined

three of my favourite dreams.

The one at a carnival,

the one at a garden and the go-cart track.

And in each dream, you couldn't find the Dream Machine?


What if we could find the Dream Machine

by using process of elimination?

What's process of elimination?

It is a way of finding an answer

by first deciding which answers are not possible.

We can start by crossing the carnival,

go-cart track and garden off the list because we know

the Bad Dream Machine isn't there.

dreams minus three is , , .

So that takes the number of dreams that the Dream Weaver

could be hiding her Bad Dream Machine in

from down to .

And you're going to help me find it.


It's not like we can go into your dreams.

Yes, you totally can.

[Agent Obecca] Coming in!

[wheels rattling]

Oh. Um, who are you?

Agent Obecca, Odd Squad Dream Scientist,

and I can send two of you in to Little O's dream.

[both] I volunteer!

Great, put on these helmets.

Once Little O falls asleep, I turn this dial

and you'll be immediately transported into her dreams.

Got it?

[both] Yes.


[softly] I'm still struggling to figure all this out myself.

[Little O snoring]

She's asleep.

Hang on tight.

[dial whirring]



Little O, are we in your dream?


You can tell because the clouds are made of marshmallows,

the sun is a kiwi and, for some reason,

I have these skis with me,

and that's my mermaid friend, Squirmy.

She's always in my beach dream,

which is why it's one of my favourites.

Hi, Squirmy!

Hello. Who are your friends?

We're helping Little O find the Dream Weaver

and the Bad Dream Machine.

Is that her over there?


You won't find my Bad Dream Machine here,

Odd Squad.

I've never had it at a beach.

Makes sense, the water would probably damage it.

Ah, please!

My Bad Dream Machine works perfectly around water.

I wouldn't hide it here because of the sun.

Sure, it's a kiwi but it's still too bright

and would damage my precious machine.

Well, at least you can't turn this dream into a bad one.

Uh, yes I can.


I have a remote.

[thunder rumbling]

[electrical zapping]

Hark! Oddness overhead!

Take cover!

[thunder crashing]

I don't like bad dreams.

Wake up, wake up, wake up!

What happened?

Like I said,

she ruins all my good dreams and I can't sleep.

It's hopeless.

But now we have more information to narrow down the list.


Indeed we do.

The Dream Weaver refuses to hide the machine

where there is sunlight.

So, using process of elimination,

we can eliminate all the outdoor dreams where there is sunlight.

So, the dreams about things like camping,

mountain climbing and picnicking can all go away

because those dreams have sunlight in them.


So that means the Dream Machine

is in one of the remaining dreams.

Great, we shall go from dream to dream

until we find the machine and stop the Dream Weaver.


[all] No?

The equipment is only designed

to go into three of Little O's dreams,

and you've already gone into one.

-You understand? -[all] Yes.

Awesome. I was worried you were going to ask me to explain why.

So, if we can only go into two more dreams,

how do we pick an indoor one?

I really hope you're not talking to me.

I can get you into any one of my indoor dreams

just by thinking about it.

I will.



Here we go!

[dial whirring]

[beam zapping]


This is my bowling alley dream.

I love bowling in winter, so here we are.

[penguins squawking]

And here's my friend, Clocky.

Hi there, Little O!

Clocky, we're looking for a villain called the Dream Weaver.

She has hidden a Bad Dream Machine

inside of one of Little O's dreams.

I haven't seen her,

probably because I have a clock for a face.

[alarm ringing]


My Bad Dream Machine isn't here, Odd Squad.

I'd never hide it somewhere, uff, cold.

Ugh, we should have known. She loves the beach.

I never said I love the beach. Oh, but I do love water, though.

Big difference, Odd Squad.

And now, time to turn this dream bad.



[beam zapping]

Clocky? Penguin? Come back!

Stay cool, Little O. Remember, it's just a dream.

Then why am I scared?!

Sorry, this is too much.

I can't.

Wake up, wake up!


What happened?

I really don't like spiders.

That's okay, we got more information

on where Dream Weaver is hiding her Bad Dream Machine.


She said she would not keep it anywhere cold.

So, using process of elimination,

we can erase all of Little O's dreams

that take place in cold locations.

[Oswald] So, dreams like the frozen pond.

And even indoor locations that are cold,

like the ice cream factory, and the indoor hockey rink.

So that brings the list of dreams down to only two,

an indoor swimming pool and a library.

[all] Woo-hoo!

I hate to boo-hoo your woo-hoo,

but the helmets will only allow you

to go into one more dream.

So that means we only have one chance to get it right,

but how do we decide which dream to go into?

I know where the machine is!

[all] How?

The Dream Weaver said she loves water

but not the sun, so she must be hiding

the Bad Dream Machine in the indoor pool dream.

Nice work, Little O.

Just remember, we need time to find

the Bad Dream Machine and take it.

So no matter how scary the dream gets, try not to wake up.

I think she was already asleep when you said that.


Here we go!

[gear whirring]


My indoor pool dream, where you don't have to wait an hour

to swim after eating because you can do both at the same time.


Hark! The Dream Machine!

Odd Squad, how did you find me?

By using process of elimination.

I don't really know what that is.

Hand over the Dream Machine.


You'll never get it because I'm about to turn this dream bad,

and then when Little O wakes up, it'll be all over.



[current buzzing]


[Little O] What?

Randall, the creepy fiddler is here too? Come on!

[discordant twanging]

[Orla] He clearly does not spend time practising his craft.

Uh, this is way too scary for me.

Remember, none of this is real.

It feels really real.

Then turn this bad dream around

by thinking of all your good dreams.

Okay, I'll give it a shot.

Come on, come on. Come on!


[Little O] My dream friends!

We're here for you.

You can do it!

Wait, what's happening?

[beams zapping]

This is my dream and I am the boss!


It is over, Dream Weaver.

We are taking this Bad Dream Machine

out of Little O's head.


Um, how do we get out of here.

I have an idea.


[loud clanging]


What a nightmare.

Time to go, Dream Weaver.

Come on. Let's get out of here.

[all] We did it!

I couldn't have done it without your help,

and I'm really looking forward to getting a good night's--


[dramatic military drumming]

[badge clicking]

I joined because a dictionary

should be full of words, not pepperoni sticks.

I joined because a treasure map

should lead you to treasure,

not an old tuna fish sandwich.

I joined because when I get a bright idea,

I shouldn't need sunglasses.


[inspirational music]

We are...

We are...

We are Odd Squad.

[Little O] Since the beginning of time,

and also forward in time, we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time, we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.

There's no case too big.

No case too small.

At Odd Squad, we do it all.

Yes, that is a zebra selling lemonade.

Join Odd Squad at

and you can get top-notch training

including van secrets,

secrets of the van,

like how to make it snow inside.

[cameras clicking]

You'll discover secret interviews

with Orla's favourite rock

and where we keep the secret Odd Squad pizza.

I think it's pepperoni.

[cameras clicking]

We'll also show you some not-so-secret pictures

of when we go sight-seeing in famous places.

You can also watch Odd Squad cases.

[beams zapping]

[villains cackling]

[all] Odd Squad, Odd Squad, stop right there!

You're going to stop us?


[all] Oh yeah.

[beams zapping]


Join today. Odd Squad needs you!

And I need a seventh-inning stretch.

[crowds cheering]

Let's play ball!

[Oswald] Welcome to Odd Squad.

A guide to your gadgets!

Behold the Shrinkanator.

It is the # cure of giant-dogitis,

but that's not all.

Ss... seriously, that's not all.

Flip the Shrinkanator over and it can also make waffles.

The Shrinkanator also has a motion sensor

which doesn't work.

This has been a helpful guide to the Shrinkanator.

Remember, knowledge is power, power is gadgets,

and gadgets is gadgets.

[monotone] Hello.

My name is... Oswald.

Proud member of the Odd Squad... Mobile Unit.

In OSMU, I get to go on adventures

and be brave,

and laugh in the face of danger.


[nervously] Hey, danger.

We're in danger?!

[long scream]

Ahhhh... uh?

[monotone] But the thing I love most about being in OSMU-

[cards clatter]

Ah! Just a sec...

[awkward laughter]


Hello, my name is... Oops. Wrong card.

"Ha, ha ha."? Argh.

Um. Aaha!

The thing I love most about being in OSMU is,

you never know what's going to happen... next.

[bright adventure music]



