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01x56 - The Nutcracker

Posted: 01/02/24 19:20
by bunniefuu
Hi! It's me, whyatt.

Ready to go on a reading adventure?


Cool, "the nutcracker"!

In this story, we'll sing the alphabet...

Practise the magic of spelling...

And use the power to read to change the story.

Let's go!

♪ Who's got the power? The power to read. ♪

♪ Who answers the call for friends in need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ He's the guy he's super why ♪

♪ Who's got the power the power to read? ♪

♪ Who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ Super why ♪

♪ And the super readers we're gonna fly ♪

♪ Come along ♪

♪ With the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Super why and the super readers ♪

♪ Adventure waits when you're with super why ♪

♪ Yeah! Super why ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hi! So glad you're here.

It's me, whyatt!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Welcome to storybrook village,

Where all our fairy-tale friends live.

[ Cellphone ♪♪♪ ]

Oh, cool!

Princess pea is having a party.

Let's go!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hello, king and queen pea.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hi, princess pea.

Cool party.

[ Giggle ] thanks!

Have some party punch.

Oh! Hi, sleeping beauty.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

I didn't sleep very well last night.

That's not good if your name is sleeping beauty.

Now I feel grumpy.


Well, maybe you'd like some party punch?

It's strawberry.

No... No party punch.

Okay, everyone, time for music!

[ "Dance of the sugar plum fairy" ♪♪♪ on stereo ]

[ ♪♪♪ Stops ]

No music!

Crowd: [ gasps ]

What happened?

Where's the music?

What's bothering sleeping beauty?

She's very grumpy

And she's trying to stop everyone

From having fun.

I don't know what to do!


This is a super big problem.

And a super big problem needs us,

The super readers!

We need to call the rest of the super readers.

Call them with me! [ Cellphone ♪♪♪ ]

Say, "calling all super readers!"

Children: [ in audience ] calling all super readers!

[ Remote phone ringing ] to the book club! To the book club!

Children: to the book club!

Come on, to the book club!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Whyatt here.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

"P" is for pig!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Red riding hood rollin' in!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Princess pea at your service!

And you,

Say your name.

Great. We're all here.

And together, we will solve

Princess pea's problem.

Let's go!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Okay, princess pea, state your problem.

Sleeping beauty is so grumpy,

And is trying to stop everyone from having fun.

Oh no!

That's not good.


How can I get her

To stop being so grumpy?

Good question!

When we have a question, we look...

All: in a book!

Which book should we look in?

Peas and carrots, carrots and peas...

Book come out, please, please, please!

Let's read the title of this book.

We know what to do.

We need to jump into this book...

And find the answer to princess pea's question.

First, we look for super letters...

[ ♪♪♪ ]

And then put them in

Our super duper computer.

Super duper computer,

How many super letters do we need?

[ Beeping ]

Oh! In this story,

We need five super letters,

And then we'll get...

[ Triumphant ♪♪♪ ] our super story answer!

It's time to transform.


All: ready!

Arms in!

Put your arm in.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Whyatt: super readers...

All: to the rescue!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Alpha pig

With alphabet power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Wonder red

With word power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Princess presto

With spelling power!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Super why with the power to read!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

And super you

With the power to help!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Together we are...

All: the super readers!


We're ready to fly into this book!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ It's time to fly with the super readers ♪

♪ 'Cause we've got a problem to solve ♪

♪ Super readers ♪ ♪ to the rescue! ♪

♪ Super readers ♪

♪ Working together with powers to read ♪

♪ Into books we fly ♪

♪ To find the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

♪ Super readers to the rescue! ♪


Oh! We're in "the nutcracker" book!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Let's read.

Why writer, highlight!

Read with me.

[ Giggling ]

[ Gasps ]


You came to life!

You're real!

Let's go to the land of sweets

Where my friends are having a party!

No land of sweets.

No fun!

That mouse king sure is grumpy.

[ Gasp ]

Just like sleeping beauty!

And that, super readers,

Is why we are in this book.

The mouse king and sleeping beauty

Are both acting grumpy.

[ Distant shouts ]

I hear something!

I wonder if it's the nutcracker

And the mouse king!

Let's roll!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Oh super readers,

The nutcracker and I

Are trying to get to the land of sweets,

But the mouse king won't let us go past!

Let us pass, mouse king!


[ Grunts ]


[ Whistle ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Super readers!

The mice surrounded us!

How will we get past them?

Alpha pig to the rescue!

With my amazing alphabet tools,

I can help clara and the nutcracker

Fly past the mice!

A-b-c, sing with me!

[ Singing ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Sing with me ♪

Amazing alphabet singing!

Now let's find the letters

In the word "fly".

First we need the letter "f".

Hmm, where's the "f"?

Children: there!

Alpha pig: there's the "f"!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Nutcracker & clara: whoa!

It's working!

Hmm, next we need the "l".

Where's the letter "l"?

Children: there!

Alpha pig: there's the "l"!


Whee! Whee!


Alpha pig: um, okay,

Where's the letter "y"?

Children: there it is!

Alpha pig: there's the "y"!



Nutcracker & clara: whee!

We're flying!

Lickety letters!

We found the letters in the word "fly"

And they are flying past the mice!

Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Remember to look for super letters!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Gasp ] you see super letters?

Which letters did you find?

Children: "d"! "C"!

Oh yeah! "D", "c".

We need to put them in our super duper...


Three more super letters

And then we'll get our super story answer.

Super duper, super readers!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Where are we?

Whoa, oh!

Hello, welcome to the land of snow,

Where it never stops snowing,

And it's never cold!

Come and play in the snow!


Whoa! This is fun!

[ Giggle ]

I'm making snow angels.


Oh, look!

A giant hill of snow.

A princess is always prepared.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

This is so much fun!

No fun allowed in the land of snow!

With a wave of my wand,

I'll stop the fun

And make it stop snowing!

Give me that wand, mouse king!


Then I'll get it myself!

[ Grunts ]

Aha, I've got the wand!

[ Grunting ]


I've got the wand now, ha-ha!

No, no, no more snow!

[ Gasps ]

Oh no!


Oh dear!

The grumpy mouse king stopped the fun!

How can we make it snow again?

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Cue the sparkles!

Cue the music!

Princess presto to the rescue!

With my magic spelling wand,

I can spell the word "snow"

To make it snow,

So we can keep having fun!

Ready? Wands up!

Spell with me!

Hmm, what letter makes the sound "s-s-s"?

Children: "s"!

"S"! Write an "s" with me!

Like a snake.

Various: whoa.

Lovely "s". [ Giggle ]

Now, what letter makes the sound "n-n-n"?

Children: "n"!

"N"! Let's write an "n"!


The letters "o" and "w"

Make the long "oh" sound in this word.

First, let's write an "o".

Now let's write the "w".

Nutcracker: [ chuckling ]


Various: hooray!


Spectacular spelling!

We spelled the word "snow"

And made it snow!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Oh! [ Giggle ]

And now we can have fun again.

Let's take a bow.

[ Giggling ]

Whoa, look at this snowball!


You've got to catch the snowflakes

On your tongue.


You may have made it snow again but...

We'll never let you get to the land of sweets!


[ Grumbling ]

[ Yelp ]

[ ♪♪♪ ]

You see super letters?

Which ones?

Children: "n"! "E"!

"N" and "e".

Now we need to put them in our super duper...


One more super letter,

And then we'll get our super story answer!

Great, super readers!

Super readers,

We have to go to the land of sweets!

The party will be starting soon.

Oh yes! We must go!

Goodbye, snow fairies!

To the land of sweets! Yes!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Welcome to the land of sweets!

We made it to the party!

Various: ooh! Wow!

It's a sugar plum tree!

And twinkly lights everywhere!

And magical music instruments!

Oh, what fun!

Oh no!

The mouse king!

He's back!

I didn't stop you

From getting to the land of sweets!

But I can stop you from having more fun.

Ha-ha, I know!

I will stop the music!

Various: oh, no!

Mouse king, start the music at once!


[ Grunts ]

I... Ah...

I can't get the... The music to play.

That's because it's in our story.


I have stopped the music forever!


But if he stops the music,

There will be no party!

What will we do?

Super readers: [ gasps ]

Super why to the rescue!

With the power to read,

I can change this story and save the day!

Let's change the word "stops"

In this sentence.

Ready, set, z-zap!

Why writer, write!

Super readers, which word

Will help make the music play?

Hmm, let's try "eats".

Where's the word "eats"?

It starts with an "e".

Children: there!

There it is.

Let's zap it into the sentence.

Ready, set, z-zap!

Let's read.

[ Chomping ]

[ Strings twanging ]

[ Hiccup ]

Did "eats" help the music play?

[ Groan ]

Children: no!


We need another word.

Which word will help make the music play?

Maybe "starts".

Which is the word "starts"?

It begins with an "s".

Children: there! That one!

There's the word "starts".


Let's read.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Cheering ]

Super job, super readers!

We changed the story

And got the music to play!

Let's go talk to that mouse king.

Mouse king, we're the super readers,

And we want to talk to you.

Why are you so grumpy?


I ran out of cheese!

[ Sobbing ]

So, because I wasn't having any fun,

I didn't want anyone else to have fun either.

[ Crying ] I'm sorry.

Mouse king,

Do you know what you need to do?

[ Sniffle ] get more cheese?


You have to get rid of your grumps!

And I know one way to do it.

You can dance and shake your grumps away.

Like this!

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

You try it.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Hey, this is kind of fun.


♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

You see a super letter?

Which one?

Children: "a"!

"A"! All right!

Let's put it in

Our super duper computer!

We found all of our super letters.

Now we can get our super story answer.

Thanks, super readers.

Nutcracker & clara: bye, super readers!

Thank you!

Super readers: goodbye!


Back to the book club!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ We found the super story answer ♪

♪ With super why ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

[ Electronic beeps ]

Super duper computer,

Give us our super story answer!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Read the letters with me.

The super story answer is...

[ Triumphant ♪♪♪ ]

But... Why?

Red: because the mouse king

Learned to shake his grumps away, by dancing.

And then he felt better.

So my question is:

How can I get sleeping beauty

To stop being so grumpy?

And the answer is...

All: dance!

Maybe sleeping beauty can dance

And shake her grumps away too!

Come on, super readers!

Back to the party.

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Sleeping beauty,

I think I might know a way

To help you feel not so grumpy.

You can dance and shake your grumps away.

[ ♪♪♪ On tape ]

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

Whoo! What?

Dance my grumps away?

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake your grumps away ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

Ooh, whoa,

I do feel better!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

♪ Shake, shake my grumps away ♪

Shake it.

Yeah! Yay!

Let's play nutcracker!

I'm the mouse king! Hi-ya!

I'm the nutcracker!

And I'm here to defeat the mouse king!

Oh dear!

[ Laughter ]

Hip, hip, hooray!

The super readers save the day!

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ We changed the story ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

♪ We worked together so hip, hip, hooray! ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray ♪ ♪ hooray! ♪

♪ The super readers save the day! ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read, we'll learn new words ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ What word is this? ♪

♪ Read it with me ♪

♪ What does it mean? ♪

♪ Listen with me ♪

♪ Brave is to be strong or to help others safely ♪

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read, we'll learn new words ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ How many words do you know? ♪

♪ With the power to read, your vocabulary can... ♪

♪ With the power to read ♪

♪ Your vocabulary can grow, grow, grow ♪

[ ♪♪♪ ]