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02x28 - Villains In Need Are Villains Indeed/Happily Ever Odd

Posted: 01/02/24 11:05
by bunniefuu
[Otis] Coming up next,

on Odd Squad...

[Ms. O] How dare you break into my squad?

We built a giant robot that's going to flatten Odd Squad.

[all] What?!

It's also going to destroy our secret lair!

If we're going to stop this thing,

we have to work together.

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is Otis' worst nightmare.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

[loud zap]


[Olympia] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O] "Villains in Need

are Villains Indeed."



Did something very odd happen?


I was just in my office.

Nothing odd happening there.

And now I came down here.

Nothing odd happening here.

[Otis] I'm sure things will pick up.

Yeah, if I know anything about Odd Squad,

you're doing nothing one minute,

and the next, it's like "Boom!"

[loud crash and clatter]

[unknown voice] Look out!

[villains] Oh! [chuckles] Aww, yeah!

We did it! We're inside! Woohoo!

Well, well, well.

If it isn't Jamie Jam, Noisemaker,

and Mr. Lightning.

How dare you break into my squad!

Seize them!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! We did not break in!

I mean, we did just break in...

Uh, but it's not a "break in" breakin.

We would have used your front door,

but, uh, design flaw:

there is no front door.

And we had to get inside to warn you!

Warn us about what?

We built a giant robot that's going to flatten Odd Squad.

[all] What?!

Wait. If you built this robot to destroy us,

why are you trying to stop it?

Because it's also going to destroy our secret evil lair.

Noisemaker, why would you tell them

we have a secret evil lair?

I thought it was part of the story.

This is why we don't tell you things:

because you can't keep secrets.

What do you mean you don't tell me things?

What things? Evil things?

We programmed the robot wrong,

so as he makes his way over here,

he's going to destroy everything in his path...

including our secret lair.

How much time do we have before that robot gets here?

About an hour.

[all] What?!

"About an hour" - it's, like,

almost minutes, but not--

Oh, you knew.

All right, if we're going to stop this thing,

we have to work together - agents and villains.

[all] Okay. Deal.

Well? What are we waiting for?


This way!

[villains] Oh! Yeah. Wait. Copy that!

My first time in HQ!


That's the robot you built?

His name... is Benjamin.

But he prefers "Benny".

[villains chuckle]

Give me a closer look at it.

Just stop touching it.

I'm bringing up a map of the city to see where the robot is.

We don't have much time.

Look: there's us, and there's the robot.

Villains, how do we stop it?

[Jamie Jam] You can't.

We programmed him to keep going

until Odd Squad was flat.

Then we need to reprogram the robot.

I have no idea what that means.

"Program" means a type of language

that tells a computer what to do.

I need to get into the robot's computer

and give him new commands or instructions.

That will change the robot's path.

Villains, where's the computer that controls the robot?

Inside Benny's head.

Then that's where I need to go.

I'll take you!

I know how to get inside.

It's like we're going to be partners again!

I was thinking, since we're partners so often,

we should have a cool name.

We can combine "Noise" and "Otis"

and go by "Notice" -

like, "You've been put on Notice!"


Let's just focus on that thing.

The hatch to get inside is through his ear.

We just need to find a way to get up there.


Hold on.

Not me. The gadget.


[Otis] Bullseye! We're going up.

Time to put Benny "on Notice".

[strange noise]

[Otis] Watch the gadget, watch the gadget!

Move your foot! Ow!

[Noisemaker] Hello, Benny!


Pretty impressive, huh?

Loads of natural lighting

and high ceilings,

exposed pipe...

Okay, let's get to work.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ah. Here's the monitor that shows Benny's path.

[Otis] If Benny stays on this path,

he'll flatten Odd Squad and everything else in his way...

but if we reprogram him to go in the water,

he'll leak, stop working, and become underwater treasure.

That's what Benny would have wanted.

So here's Benny, there's Odd Squad,

and here's the lake we want Benny to go into.

I want Benny to go left,

then roll toward the lake.

Now that I've put in each of the steps,

it has the right instructions to follow.

Here goes.

[deep breath]



[Otis] It worked!

We're headed toward the lake!

Great job, partner!

We're not partners.

Best friends?

Okay, let's stick with "partners" and get out of here.


Yes, ma'am, we are aware of the giant robot.

We are working on a solution, sir.

We are villains, but today, we're working with Odd Squad.

Just to be clear, though, we'll be bringing you

the same evil service you've come to know and expect.

[Otis] We did it.

We stopped the robot.

[Jamie Jam] Yes!

Good work!

It's going to walk into the lake,

and then it will leak and stop working.

That's a terrible idea!

What? Why?

Well, for starters, Benny is waterproof,

so a little water is not going to slow his roll.

I would just like to point out how badly the decision

to not tell me things has turned out.

We don't tell you things because you can't keep a secret.

You mean like the secret underwater evil lair

I didn't tell them about?

[exhales loudly]

Okay. Yeah. I see it now.

If this robot is waterproof, it will eventually

come out of the lake and start rolling on land again,

flattening more things.

Not good.

But how can we reprogram the robot if it's underwater?

I have an idea.

But Mr. Lightning's coming with me this time.

Yeah, 'cause Otis and I had so much fun,

it was too hard to concentrate.


[Mr. Lightning] Man...

that was a tough swim!

I told you to wear flippers!

And I told you these boots

have specially designed orthotics

that accommodate my wide feet.

Let's just get to work.

Here's the plan.

We send the robot into the town volcano,

where the hot lava will destroy him.

I feel like that's something I'm forgetting about the robot

that might put a... dent in this plan.

Maybe you should call Jamie Jam and find out.

From underwater?

I can barely get my phone to work in an elevator, Otis!

Alright, then let's just do this.

Here's the lake, where we are right now,

and here's the town volcano.

Once the robot leaves the water and touches land,

we'll program it to turn right,

then roll right into the volcano,

where the heat from the lava will destroy it.

Makes sense. Make it hot.



- Done. - Yeah!

[both] Uh!

[electronic blips]

Mayor Macklemore, you need to cancel your cheese festival now!

Ma'am, this is an emergency!

You have to evacuate!

You're not listening to me!

I want half cheese and half pepperoni!

And I want all pepperoni!

And why are we having this conversation on the phone?

Great question.


We did it!

[all] What? Really?

We reprogrammed the robot to roll right into

the town volcano.

- Are you serious? - What now?!

Benny is also heatproof.

He's practically indestructible.

There it is.

That's the thing I was trying to remember about the robot

from before.

That's my bad.

Uh oh! Look at the monitor!

[Otis] Ugh. Since it's programmed to

roll in that direction, it's just going to keep

going that way.

And that way happens to have a lot more buildings and houses.

I'm going back into the robot, aren't I?

And this time, I'm coming with you.

[Otis grunting]


[Jamie Jam cackles]

Remind me why I had to go through Benny's nose this time.

I thought it would be fun for you!

You know, switch things up a bit.

[sighs] So gross.

We need to figure out a way to stop this thing.


Any ideas?

Yeah, you can stay inside Benny's head

and steer him forever.


Fine. We'll take turns.

Villains will do a week, and agents will do a year,

and we'll do that over and over again.

Over and over again! That's it!

We program the robot to roll in a perfect square

so he'll keep going around and around,

over and over again.

But he's still going to flatten everything in his path.

Not if we direct him to the right spots.

Look at the four edges of town.

[Jamie Jam] The desert,

the abandoned soccer field, the prairies,

and the flatland district.

Those places are already flat.

So if he goes from one spot to another

over and over again,

we don't have to worry about it!


So we'll take a left and roll until we reach the desert...

then we take another left

and roll until we reach the abandoned soccer field,

then we take another left towards the prairies,

then we take another left towards the flatland district,

then we hit "Repeat" so we'll keep going and going.

[Jamie Jam chuckles]

Well, let's hope this works!

[Otis sighs]


[both grunt]

[Jamie Jam laughs] We did it!

Yes! Let's get out of here.

Uh, before we go, I need a moment alone with Benny.

A lot of memories here.



Hey! Can you speed this up?

I'm lying in a robot's ear right now.

Right. Coming.

Nice work, everybody.

Benny will now walk in a safe square loop

until he eventually runs out of batteries.

Well, Benny actually runs on

ultra-powered lithium batteries

that will probably run for about a thousand years.

Then the solar panels kick in.

So you're saying this thing is going to run forever?

Well, don't look at me!

No one tells me anything!

In that case, Benny will serve as a forever reminder

of all the good that can happen when agents...

and villains...

work together.

[all chatting happily]

[Ms. O] "Happily Ever Odd."

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

[speaking Spanish]

I don't know what you just said,

but that's the problem:

whenever someone comes around me,

they start speaking Spanish.

[speaking Spanish]

[gasps, speaks Spanish]

It keeps happening.

[vendor] Ice cream, ice cream!

[whispering] Watch!

Get your ice cream here!

[continues in Spanish]

[Otis] No, gracias.

Get your ice-cold, refreshing ice cream!

And the worst part is I don't even speak Spanish!

[speaking Spanish]

Ah, How to Learn Spanish.

Good idea!

Thanks, Odd Squad.

[speaking Spanish]


- Hola! - Hola.

[quietly] Yes!

There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

You remember Ronny?

[Olympia] Of course.

Where's your brother, Donny?

Well, that's the problem.

Donny came in to Odd Squad earlier today

with a case of the cabbage-head.

Ronny hasn't seen him since.

[Ronny] He's gone!

And out of all days to disappear...

I'm getting married today!

That's Bonny.


You can still get married, right?

You have the bride and groom.


I could never get married without

my best friend and only brother by my side!

[Ms. O] Unimaginable.

Plus, uh, he's his best man.

It's his job to hold the rings.

This is obviously a very sensitive issue.

My agents are on it.

Yes. We will find Donny and fix his cabbage head.

Did someone say "cabbage head"?

[all] Yes!

I saw him, he came into my medical bay earlier...

in bad shape.

Now, stay calm and just breathe.

I had everything I needed for the cure

except one ingredient.

Stay put.

I'll be right back.

When I got back to my office, he was gone.

And he's still gone.

And probably, when I finish this sentence,

he'll still be gone.


Okay, well, how hard can it be

to find a guy with a cabbage head?

Otis, Olypmia--

Actually, I don't think he's a cabbage-head anymore.

[all] What?!

When I got back to my office,

I found a jar of magic jellybeans knocked over.

I think Donny must have eaten some.

So what is he now?!

Depends on how many he ate.

Well, what are you all waiting for?

[all] Go!

The jar originally came with ten magic jellybeans,

and now there are...

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Seven left.

So how many did he eat?

Well, we can put what we do know into an equation.

That way, we can solve for how many he ate.

There were originally ten magic beans in the jar,

so ten is what the equation should equal.

And we counted seven left.

So we just need to figure out seven plus what equals ten,

then we'll know how many jellybeans he ate.

We can count on from seven to get to ten,

so that's seven, then eight, nine, ten.

That's three.

And seven plus three equals ten,

so Donny ate three magic beans.

Doc, what does that mean?

Yeah, what did he turn into?

- "A Donny." - Yes!

Whoops! Read that wrong.

"A donkey."

What?! My only brother's a donkey?!

Did somebody say something about a donkey?

[all] Yes! Have you seen him?

Seen him? I changed his life!

I was walking back from croquet practice

when I saw a sad-looking donkey outside of my office.

I wanted to cheer him up, and I only knew one way to do it:



I tried all the sports I knew...


...but this donkey was not interested.

What about catch?

That's when the idea came to me.


Donkey Ball!

So this is how the play works.

You get the ball up here,

and then you want to roll off of this donkey

and you want to go around.

You're going to get the ball.

Now you've got to come back through the V-cut,

and that's when you're going to come back the other way.

Yeah! Just like that!

We started a team -

best group of donkeys I've ever coached.

Before we knew it, Donkey Ball was sweeping the nation.

We won games - lots of 'em!

We did it all: talk shows, interviews, cereal boxes,

slightly different cereal boxes...

Together, we achieved our dreams.

And we even won the World Championships!

Hooold up!

You did all of this today?

Yes, eighth-best day of my life.

Uh... ninth.

So where is Donny now?

Can't find him.

I went out to get a haircut, and when I came back,

he wasn't in my office.

Also, he drank a bunch of my Shmumberade bottles,

so now it's personal!

Donkey on the loose.

Let's go.

Hold on!

I don't think he's a donkey anymore.

[all] What?!

When you give Shmumberade to someone

who was once a cabbage-head and then a donkey,

some odd things happen.

Like what?

Depends on how many bottles he drank.

[Olympia] Okay, now let's go.

I had ten Shmumberade bottles on my shelf,

and now there are only one, two, three,

four, five, six - six left!

Okay, let's write an equation.

[whistle blows]

Hey, no fancy stuff in here!

We're going old-school!

So there were a total of ten bottles to start.

That's what it equals.

[Olympia] And there are only six left.

[Otis] So six plus what equals ten?

Let's count on from six to get to ten.

Seven, eight, nine, ten.

That's four!

That's exactly what I have:

six plus four equals ten.

He drank four bottles!


What did he turn into?

Says here...

a glowing red rabbit!

Let's go!


I feel like we should just stay here.

Someone's bound to run in with a clue.

Yeah, you're right.

My shoes are k*lling me right now.

I'd like to just sit, you know?

Two hours later...

Someone say something about a glowing rabbit?

[all] Yes!

Oona, have you seen him?

Crazy story, guys.

I was working in my lab when I came across something odd:

a glowing red bunny rabbit.

At first, I thought it was my long-lost bunny, Brian,

but this one was much redder.

Also, I realized I never had a bunny.

But anyways, the bunny made some really sad noises.

I wanted to cheer him up, and I thought he'd be happier

if he were the first bunny on the moon.

It all happened so fast.

First, I enrolled him in astronaut school.

He graduated top of his class.

Gave an inspiring speech at his graduation.

I was so proud.

Then it was time for his mission.

But when he made it to the moon,

he found out that

another bunny astronaut had landed there first,

so he wasn't the first bunny on the moon.

But then the two bunnies played checkers,

so he made history by being one of the first two bunnies

to play checkers on the moon!

When he got back to earth,

I wanted to throw him a party in the lab to celebrate.

I rushed out to get party supplies...

but when I got back,

the bunny was gone!

He must have been hungry, because he ate a bunch

of my lab carrots.

Doc, what does this mean?

Depends on how many carrots he ate.

[sighs] We're all headed to the lab, aren't we?

I don't know if he ate one carrot from this jar,

or three from this one, or--

Oona, do you know how many carrots you had in total

in all three jars?

Sure do. I had total.

Then it doesn't matter how much the bunny ate

from each jar.

It matters that there's in total.

We can put that into the equation.

Hey, hey.

None of that old-fashioned stuff in here.

We're going new-school!

Okay, so how many carrots are left?

Oh, I know that! Twenty!

I counted them before.

[Olympia] So we're trying to figure out

plus what equals .

Big numbers.

Doesn't matter.

We can use counting on again.

So counting on from to get ,

there's , , , , .

That's five!

[Otis] He ate five carrots.


Good news.

Donny is Donny again.

[both] Is there bad news?

Of course.

He's a whole lot of Donny.

[heavy footsteps, equipment rattling]

Donny, my favorite only brother and best man!

Ronny! We've got to get to the wedding!

He's too big to get out the door!

There's a shrinking potato in Potato Land...

but it will take at least five hours to get.

So we're basically stuck at Odd Squad?

We'll miss my own wedding!

Maybe not!

We could get married here!

Odd Squad has always been here for Ronny and Donny, right?

Bonny, you're right!

I couldn't imagine a better place for us to get married!

We just need someone to perform the ceremony!

[whistle blows]

Let's get you married up!

Donny, let's see those rings!

My best man!

Bonny, you want to marry Ronny?

I do.

Good. Ronny, you want to marry Bonny?

I've been waiting for this day my whole life.

I do.

Great. Swap rings.

By the power vested in me

by the Donkey Ball Coaching Association,

I now pronounce you... married!

[whistle blows]

[cheering and applause]

[cheering and applause]

I think I'm gonna cry!

- Donny! - No!

[Ms. O] I got it!

[Ronny whimpers]


[Oona] Odd Squad training video

number : ♪ "A Guide to Your Health."

Howdy-do, agents.

Being healthy is an important part of

staying on top of all your cases...

so get plenty of sleep, remember to exercise,

and never eat the one-million-year-old cheese

in the Odd Squad museum, or this...

can happen to you.

We all make mistakes.

This one happens to make my lab smell like cheese.

Luckily, we can fix this with magical crackers.

You can find these magical crackers

in the magical cr*cker room,

right next to the tomato soup room.

Or just follow the cr*cker crumbs.


Tell me you did not already start eating those!

How many did you eat?

[sighs] What this agent does not know is that it takes

exactly six crackers to cure cheese-head.

If you eat any more, then your whole body

will turn into cheese...


Well, let's figure out how many crackers this agent ate.

One, two, three, four,

five crackers are left.

Using an equation or a number sentence,

we can find out how many crackers he ate.

Every container holds ten crackers,

and we want to know the combination of two numbers

that will add together to make ten.

We know that five are left,

so we can put that in the first blank.

We just need to figure out what number

should go in the other blank to make ten.

Usually, the blank's at the end of the equation,

after the equals sign, not in the middle!

What if we switch this equation around so it looks like

a subtraction question we've seen before?

Because you can actually subtract five from ten

to figure out the missing number!

Much easier!

So ten minus five crackers equals five.

This agent ate five crackers.

And since curing a cheese-head requires exactly six crackers,

he just needs to eat one more magical cr*cker.


- Hey, it's Ohlm! - Thanks, Oona!

Sorry this happens every day.

It's okay.

I like the lab smelling like cheese.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad: "People We've Helped

Talking About How to Get Help When You Need Help."

My name is Delivery Debbie, and I contacted Odd Squad

because I was doubling myself.


Yeah, Odd Squad, they solved my problem.

And they actually showed me that doubling is a good thing

and I can use my doubles to help, you know,

run my pizza business, so...

[all] ♪ Call Delivery Debbies

♪ We're four of a kind! ♪

I mean, they have their weird quirks.

Like, they travel around on these weird, um,

tube thingies.

They use badges as phones.

- Hello? - Go for Oprah.

Olympia's new way of picking up the phone,

Olympia speaking.

Odd Squad helped me and they can help you!

Call today!

Or email.

Or you could text.

Maybe send a letter. Can they send...?

Send a letter.

Um... I don't know how I got in touch with them.

I don't remember at all.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad: "Helping People

with Helping Helpers Helping Who Care."

I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad:

♪ A Guide to Your Gadgets. ♪

Behold the Centigurp Cyrocontainment Unit -

keeping Centigurps from multiplying since .

If you look close at the lock,

you will see that it's actually

a bunch of tiny men named Charles holding the unit shut.

In addition to Centigurps, the unit can also be used

as a drum, a stool, or a hat!

This has been a helpful guide

to the Centigurp Containment Unit.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is bubble gum!