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02x27 - Shapely University/Slow Day

Posted: 01/02/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
[Ms. O] Coming up next

on Odd Squad.

Who are you guys?

Precinct .

There's a skidgeon on the loose.

[Otis] Half skunk, half pigeon.

If we can predict where it's going next we can catch it.

Well, maybe we'll catch it.

Could someone please catch it?

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is my imaginary friend's second cousin.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


[loud zap]





Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O reading] Shapely University.

Ah, thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, every time I have a bright idea,

this happens.

[angelic choir]

Why are they different sizes?

Well, some of them are big ideas,

like this one here-

That was when I redesigned the parking lot

to fit more cars.

And that one was when I decided to call...

you guys.

I thought we'd be bigger.

Yeah, or at least brighter.

You gotta help me, Odd Squad!

I can't get any work done this way!

What exactly do you do here?

We make light bulbs.

More specifically, we're trying to figure out

cheaper and faster ways to make them.

Wait a minute...


I have a big idea!

[loud zap] [angelic choir]

[quietly] Yes!

Yeah, that one's not gonna fit into anything.


Oh! Odd Squad!

Thank you for coming to Shapely University.

What seems to be the problem, Professor Triangle?

There's a skidgeon on the loose.

[both groan]

Half skunk, half pigeon.

Never good news.


What seems to be the problem, Professor Triangle?


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who are you guys?

Oh boy, um...

I'm Omaha, and, uh,

this here's Olina.

We're Odd Squad. Who are you?

I'm Olympia, and this is Otis.

And we're Odd Squad Precinct .

Where are you from? Precinct .

I know what's going on here.

Shapely U is right on the town line.

This is the line that divides between the two towns.

See? Just keeps going.

[all] Oh!

Oh, so when you called the Odd Squad help line,

it must have sent your case to both squads

since we're technically in both towns.

We should call our bosses. Agreed.

I'm sure they'll fix this in a calm and reasonable manner.

No way you're giving up this case!

[both stammering] Ms. O...

I want them to stay!

[both stammering]

That other Ms. O, Olivia--

That other Ms. O, Oprah--

is always saying how her squad is--

better than my squad.

[both] We're going to treat this like a competition.

May the best squad win.

[ricochet noise]

Well, that clearly didn't help.

Well, I don't care who solves it,

as long as somebody does.

Professor Triangle, tell us what you know.

It all started earlier,

as I was teaching here in the red square room.

I was giving an advanced lesson in shapes...

This is a shape.

This is another shape.

Shape... shape...

This is the shape of Denmark.

Suddenly, I heard a sound.

I thought it was a butterfly,

so I got very excited.

I love butterflies.

But it wasn't a butterfly.

It was this creature

with parallel lines on its stomach.

Para-what lines?

Parallel lines are two straight lines,

side-by-side, that never cross.

Like this.

[all] Oh!

Let's go back. [all agree]

Anyway, this creature flies into the room...


No! No you don't!

And it opened its mouth

and blasted the room with this horrible stench.

Where is this creature now?

Who knows!

It's been hitting a bunch of the other classrooms.

It's a good thing the students aren't here.

It would have been a disaster.

Well, the good news is

the skidgeon always follows a pattern.

[Otis] It's something that repeats.

Like this sound pattern. Beep-boop! Beep-boop!

Beep-boop! Beep-boop!

[Professor] I can assure you

the skidgeon sounds a lot more terrifying than that.

Don't worry, Professor Triangle.

If we can figure out where it's been,

we can predict where it's going next so we can catch it.

Or maybe we'll catch it. Or maybe we'll catch it.

Or maybe we'll catch it!

Could someone please catch it?

[strange noise]

Wait, wait, wait!

If we want to figure out the pattern,

maybe we should start with room numbers.

Otis, this is Shapely U.

They don't use room numbers; they use colored shapes.

See? This room has a red square.

Let's look at all the rooms the skidgeon's struck so far.


Starting with this one, a red square.

And after Professor Triangle,

it struck Mrs. Pocket Square's classroom.

A green square.

Then it went to Mr. Carré, a red rectangle.

Two squares and then a rectangle?

I don't see a pattern.

Wait a minute. Look at the colors of the doors.

Red, then green, then red again.

[Olympia] Maybe it's a color pattern!

Red, green, red. That means green would be next.

And there's only one green door left.

[badge phone rings]

Olympia, making a range of sounds and tones

to create words.

Give me an update!

Oh, hey, Ms. O.

We think the skidgeon might be on a color pattern.

So you solved it?

Victory is mine.

No, we haven't actually solved it.

I'm sure you will. Gotta go.

[pleasant voice] Thanks for holding, Olivia.

I was just talking to my agents

who are about to catch this parallel creature.

Oh please, you don't even know what parallel lines are.

Parallel lines are two straight lines

next to each other that never cross.

I was testing you. You passed.

But we're still going to win this competition.

How about this?

If you lose, you have to wear a t-shirt

with my face on it.

Fine, but if you lose,

you have to wear a t-shirt with my face on it.

Hey, that was my idea!

I know, I stole it from you.

[both grunt angrily]


It's skidgeon-catching time.

[odd noise]

Did you hear that? What?



[both] Ew!

The skidgeon was just here.

[both groan]

But it was supposed to hit a green door,

not a purple door.

Our color pattern was wrong.

Let's check the data again.

Sure, but someplace else.

It smells like wet garbage stuffed into an old boot.

What size boot?


[sniffs] Seven.

Let's go.

Wait, we should look at the data.


Ooh boy, this skidgeon's flying all over the place.

What if there's no pattern!

What if life is an illusion!

What if we live in the th century!

Get a hold of yourself, Omaha.

Don't worry, there is a pattern.

Look at the doors.

Square, then another square,

a rectangle, and now a diamond.

I wanna say it's a shape pattern.

I really want to say it.

But you can't, because they're all different shapes.

Right, they're all shapes with four sides.

[both] One, two, three, four sides.

[badge phone rings]

Go for Olina.

Have you solved it yet?

Ma'am, we think it might be headed

for another door with four sides.

Sounds like a slam dunk.

I don't know about a slam dunk.

I'd say we maybe hit the rim though.

I need you to solve this.

Omaha, we need to find the nearest door

with a four-sided shape.

Here, I don't know what shape it is,

but it definitely has four sides.

Well, what are you waiting for?


Thank you for holding, Oprah.

Want to make this friendly competition interesting?

Get to it, Olivia.

If your agents lose, you get dunked in juice.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Pickle juice.

[angry grunt] Fine!

But, if your agents lose,

you get dunked in pickle juice.

Did you just steal the idea of stealing ideas from me?

You bet I did.

[both grunt angrily]

[odd noise]

Get ready, partner. Here it comes.

Oh boy!


Huh? Why didn't it stop?


[groan] We have to run again?



Smells like moldy food in an old refrigerator.

What kind of refrigerator?


Stainless steel with the little freezer part on the bottom.

But why didn't it hit the four-sided door we were at?

Maybe we were way off with shapes.

[Otis] And we were way off with colors.

Maybe there's no pattern.

Well, well.

Looks like you're finally working together as a team!

What's the word for that?



I thought it was called, like, "friendsies" or "helpsies"

or "togetherness" or something fun.

Um, Professor Triangle,

we have some bad news.

We can't seem to figure out the pattern

this creature's following.

Oh, well.

Then I'm just going to have a little cry

in the teachers' lounge.

And, since all the teachers have left,

I guess it's just my lounge now.

You win, you pungent parallel monster!


Parallel lines are two lines side-by-side that never cross!



[Olympia] At first, the creature hit two squares.

A square is made up of two sets of parallel lines.

[Olina] You're right, here and here.

[Otis] Then it hit a rectangle- also parallel lines.

Here and here.

[Omaha] Then a diamond,

also parallel lines here and here.

So the reason it didn't hit that weird yellow-shaped door

is because it isn't made with parallel lines?


If you extended the lines, they'd cross.

So the creature's only hitting places

with parallel lines!

Problem: There's only one door left

with parallel lines!

[all] The teachers' lounge!

Oh, yes, hello.

I'm calling about a job listed in the newspaper?

Yes, it says you're looking for someone

to list jobs in the newspaper.

Oh, it's been filled.

[Olympia] There it is! Parallel lines!

[all] Professor Triangle!

The skidgeon's headed your way! Take cover!

[Otis] Omaha, it's heading towards the window!

[Omaha] Otis, the door!

Get out of my way!

[Otis] Olympia, Olina, it's coming your way!

We did it!

Oh, yay us!

[chuckles] I helped.

So, who won?

[Olympia and Omaha] We all won.

Together. As a team.

Well, since neither squad beat the other...

Neither of us have to go through with the deal.

Actually, I've studied the laws of friendly competition.

And that is not how a deal works.

You're welcome.

[electronic blips]

[angry grunt]

[both grunt angrily]

Oh boy.

Are you ready? Let's do this.

[both] Hit it!

[loud splashes]

[loud cheering]

[stammers] They look mad.

They look really mad. Let's go. We gotta go.

Go, go, go, go!

♪ [gentle music]

♪ [gentle music]

♪ [fanfare]


[Oona] Odd Squad Training Video number :

♪ How to Repair an Oonabot!

Howdy-do, agents!

Just like Oscar's Oscarbot,

I have Oonabot!

But sometimes these robots don't work properly.

For instance, when this robot opens her mouth,

she sounds like a busy cafeteria.

[crowd chatter]

Let's have a look-see at what might be wrong.

A-ha! There's the problem.

The trapezoid circuit board is fried.

A trapezoid is a four-sided shape--

One, two, three, four--

that has one pair of straight sides.

And now I need to replace it.

Hm, no trapezoids.

But that's okay, because I can combine shapes!

Like this square and these two triangles!

Or four triangles!

Or two small rectangles and two triangles!


No cafeteria noise! Good as new!

But what happens when one of your Oonabots

becomes smarter than you,

takes over your life while the actual real Oona

is out getting lunch?

Uh, what's going on in here?

There you are.

Something very odd has happened.

Yes, I'm talking to you,

the one who never lets me down.

No pressure.

Take a look at this.

Odd Squad has new cases that need solving.

Go to

to help us put things right again.

Odd Squad needs you!

[Ms. O reading] Slow Day.

[sigh] I called them, like, an hour ago.


Thank you for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

Every time I use my windshield wipers...

Well, here. It's just easier if I show you.


[both] Whoa.

[woman] This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

I think I know what the problem is.

You have the coolest car in the world,

and you don't even know it.

Agreed! We're in the rainforest!

You do not see this every day.

I guess it is kind of cool.

I don't know how we get home.

Just put the wipers on high speed,

and it'll come up eventually.


[whispers] It will come up eventually, right?

[whispers] I absolutely hope so.


Oona! We heard there was an emergency!

Yes! And the emergency is...

I invented a snackbot!


So, no real emergency?

No, that was just for dramatic effect!

Like this xylophone player.


Thank you, Brandon.

So, snackbot picks up flyers?

Concert in the Park

with DJ Max Relax.

Hm, sounds fun!

Sounds forced. He picked those up by accident.

Snackbot gets snacks!

Like, let's say I'm throwing a party...

You're throwing a party?!

No, well, um... No, just an example.

But if I were throwing a party...

You're throwing a party?!

Um, no.

But if I was, my trusty snackbot

could bring me these pickles.

I don't like pickles. It's a wet vegetable.

It's only programmed to get pickles.

And, again, I'm definitely not throwing a party.

Oona! I heard you're throwing a party.

You're throwing a party?!

[Ms. O] Absolutely.

And we're all looking forward to it.

Okay, I guess I'm throwing a party.

I hope you're bringing more than just pickles.

I'll go make some adjustments.

[electronic noises]

There you two are!

Sorry, I should have said that earlier.

Something very odd has happened. Follow me.

None of these people know each other,

and yet they seem to have the same odd problem.

Uh... They look fine to me.


Oh, they're all moving in slow motion.

Case of the slo-mos.

Is that even a thing? It's a thing.

I need you to interview them,

and find out how this happened.

We're on it, Ms. O.

Hi, I'm Olympia, nice to meet you.


I see how this is a problem now.

Yes... Get there! Almost!

Oh, one finger at a time. Not necessary.

Why did you... Oh, okay.

Up and down.

Yup, okay.

Now I have to do it to you or that would be rude.

Here we go again.

One hour later...




Well, we've finally made it...

We're going to ask all three of you the same questions,

and, if you have the same answers,

we can figure out what you have in common.

Maybe we can find a pattern that can help us

figure out what caused this.

Ma'am, where were you when you started moving in slow motion?

[slowed-down voice] I...



Another hour [yawns] later...

[very slowed down] Dogs.

Okay, I think we've got enough then.

Yes, while me and Otis go over this,

you guys can wait in the Odd Squad waiting room.

[Olympia] No, no. Just stay here, please.

We'll go. Let's go.

Okay, so here's a chart with the people along the side,

and the questions we ask along the top.

Question one: What time of day was it

when you started moving in slow motion?

The dog walker said P.M., the mail carrier said A.M.,

and the jogger said noon.

None of the same answers. Nothing in common.

Question two: What were you doing

when you started moving in slo-mo?

The dog walker said walking the dog,

the mail carrier said delivering mail,

and the jogger said jogging.

I feel like we kind of wasted a question on that one.

Question three: Shoe size.

We didn't get to that question

because question one and two took too long.

Good news!

Snackbot is now programmed to bring you baby carrots.

[electronic blips]

[Otis] Great, so we can have those at the party.

I was hoping you'd forget about that.


Can you program Snackbot to solve cases?

Or does he just deliver flyers and food?


Otis, we didn't ask them what they had to eat!

Maybe that's what they have in common!

Good thinking, partner!

Do you still want these carrots?

No time.

So now I just have carrots.

Okay, let's go over what we have.


Sorry, I couldn't take my eyes off the guy juggling.

I don't understand the rules.

Like, is it everything you touch is also in slow motion?

I think it's like a force-field situation.

Back to business.


Okay, so the dog walker said

he had Delivery Debbie's pizza for lunch.

[Otis] The mail carrier also said

she had Delivery Debbie's pizza for lunch.

[Olympia] So it's all up to the jogger.

Ma'am, did you have Delivery Debbie's pizza for lunch?

[slowed-down voice] No...


We were so close to a pattern.

[slowed-down voice] ...doubt.

"No doubt".

Does that mean you did have

Delivery Debbie's pizza for lunch?

That's what they all have in common!

Looks like it's time to pay Debbie a visit.

[elephant trumpets]

[Olympia and Otis] Odd Squad! Odd Squad!

Everybody freeze!

What? Odd Squad! What are you doing here?

Debbie, your pizza's slowing people down.

I'm afraid we're gonna have to take this pizza back to the lab.

No, that's impossible!

Everyone who ate my pizza is fine!

You told them to freeze when you walked in here!

My customers are very good at following rules.

Unfreeze! You see? There you go.

Maybe it takes a little time to take effect.

True, they might slow down later.

No, I ate my own pizza this morning,

and I can move really fast.

I can do anything fast. I can play piano fast--

[rapid noises]

I can do aerobics fast- To the left, to the right,

come through like that.

Do you want to play volleyball? Okay.


Sorry. False alarm.

There's your pizza, sir.

I wouldn't eat that.

It's been in a bag.

[sniffs] Oh, that's been in a bag. Whoo!

[DJ Max Relax] New music in the park.

Mellow grooves with DJ Max Relax.

Now what do we do? That was our only option.

Yo! Check out my show.

Oh, yeah, we saw this before.

Next show's about to start.

Howdy-do, guys!

Just picking up some party decorations

for the party I'm still apparently throwing.

Couldn't Snackbot do that?

A) His name is now Partybot,

and ) After his last trip,

he slowed way down.

Just like the people from our case!

But what could a robot possibly have in common

with a mail carrier, a jogger, and a dog walker?

They all just want to be loved.

Oh, and they all have to travel across town.

What if they pass the same place,

and that place is making them slow down?

[Otis] Pulling up map.

Here are the paths the mail carrier, the jogger,

and the dog walker took across town.

It took an hour for them to tell us about it.

[Olympia] And look, they all intersect there in the park!

Partybot was in the park too!

What could be in the park that's making everybody slow down?

Someone's been playing some mellow grooves.

DJ Max Relax!

He's making everybody slow down.

We have to stop him.


♪ [laid back music]

[Olympia] Odd Squad! Odd Squad!

Shut it down!

[Otis] We have to stop this music!


Dude! Not mellow.

Look what your music is doing! It's slowing everybody down.

[DJ Max Relax] Oh, really?

I just thought they were at max relax.

Maybe if you play the music faster,

it'll speed everyone back up and reverse the oddness.

Quick, play something fast and high-energy.

Ooh, no can do, squadster. I gotta go.

I've got a dentist appointment

I've rescheduled, like, three times.

And, if I miss another one, it's all very not mellow.

Wait, can we at least borrow your stuff?


As long as you can get it back to me by tomorrow.

I'm playin' the half-time show at a turtle race.

Hey, I have tickets to that.

See you there!

Doubt it, I'm, like, at the top of the balcony.

Okay, here's the plan.

We'll play his music super-sped up.

That should bring everybody back to their normal speed.

Okay, Oona, go get the slowpokes from headquarters

and bring them here.

I'd love to help, but I'm way behind

planning a party I never wanted.

I think I have an idea.

[electronic bleeps]

If you're ready to party for no reason whatsoever,

put your hands in the air!


You know, uh, we don't...

we don't have time for that.

Wait, how do we keep the music from making us extra fast?

We'll use these.

Hit it, partner!

[rhythmic scratching]

♪ [mellow music]

Now let's bring them up to speed!

♪ [music speeds up]

Look, it's working!


[all] Faster!

♪ [music speeds up]

[all] All the way!

♪ [music speeds up]

Mail lady's got some moves!


Well partner, we did it!

What am I to you?

It's not genuine now.

Uh oh, it looks like the music sped up the other agents.

[Olympia] Oh man.

Looks like we're going to have to slow them down.

No, no, no, no. Keep them like that.

Think of all the extra work they're going to get done.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad!

Teaming up with Teamwork Together as a Team.


My name's Oona, and I work in the lab.

I've also been told that I saw "howdy-do" a lot.

[repeating "Howdy-do!"]

That was only a few times.

[repeating "Howdy-do!"]

Uh, we have a little more time.

Of course, nobody's perfect,

and making mistakes is a really big part

of being a scientist

which means I'm really, really good at science!


[laser zapping]

It's like my hands are covered in butter.

More about me?

Did... did I mention I could lasso?


Well, I guess that's it. Howdy-do!

It also means goodbye

and "What is your soup of the day?"

It's a pretty useful saying. Howdy-do!

[agent] Oona, it's ready!

Oh, soup's up. Better go get some.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad!

Teams Working in Teams Together as a Team Together.

I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad

♪ A guide to your gadgets ♪

Behold the Portal-inator.

Gadget number: Classified.

The Portal-inator creates portals

into other worlds!

Goat World! So dangerous!

Think Ice Cream World looks fun?

Think again!

Weirdly enough, Danger World?

Totally safe.

I went there last spring with my friend Shelly.

Good times.

Remember: Knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is sunshine.





