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02x26 - Hands on a Desk Chair/There's No 'O' in Obot

Posted: 01/02/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
[Olympia] Coming up next

on Odd Squad...

I'm off to sector

to conduct a secret mission.

Wait! Who's in charge?


[Coach O] Last one holding onto Ms. O's chair

gets to run headquarters!

I need an answer!

Nothing see here, people!

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is a miniature golfer.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

[loud zap]

[loud whirring]

[Olympia] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O] "Hands on a Desk Chair."

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, every time I scan an item...

It's easier if I just show you.

Wow. Your mustache is gone.

I would say "moved" is a better word.


And watch this.

Well, this is unfortunate.

And it just keeps going around...

and around...

and around...

and around...

and around...

and around...

and around...

Sir, stop. Please stop.

Uh, actually, can you do it two more times, please?

So... any ideas how to fix this?

Most mustache problems

are caused by a curse of some kind.

Seen anyone strange around here

that might have cursed you?

Well, now that you mention it,

see that wizard over there?

[Olympia] Yeah, that's definitely strange.

Sir, stand back.

We've trained extremely hard for this.

[both] Go away! Shoo!

Go on! Skedaddle!

- Bye-bye! - See you later!

Agents, I'm off to sector

to conduct a super-secret mission.

Olympia, pass me that blender.

Uh, Ms. O, where-

Otis, toss me that hypnosis wheel.

Ms. O, you still haven't told us anything about this mission.

No time to explain.

The fate of the world is at stake.

[Olympia] Ms. O, what can we do to help?

I'll call with instructions when I'm in position.

Look alive, people!

[Otis] We'll be ready, Ms. O.

Preparing to squishinate!

Wait! Who's in charge?


I say whoever touches her chair first

is the one in charge!

[all grunting and talking]


We need to get a hold of ourselves.

- I'm not letting go! - Me neither!

I need this!

We can't all be Ms. O.

Sounds like we need a competition.

A what now?

Last one holding onto Ms. O's chair

gets to run headquarters while she's away.

If you take your hand off of the chair for even a second,

you're out.

[all] Cool. Okay.

Hang on.

Since Coach O made up the rules,

shouldn't he at least shake on it

so we know he's being honest?

Uh oh!

Looks like someone let go of the chair!

I really thought I'd be better at this.

[whistles] Game over, Coach.

One down, five to go.

Go for Owen.

Owen, I'm in phase one of the mission.

I need you to shut off the security alarms

in sector

so I can get a bowling team to safety.

Ms. O, didn't you just leave, like, seconds ago?

[Ms. O] Can you take care of this or not?

What am I supposed to do?

I guess you'll have to take your hand off the chair

and deal with the alarm situation.

Owen, I need an answer!

Guys, if Ms. O fails her mission,

she's coming straight back here.

And then none of us will have the chance

to run headquarters for the day.

Owen, tell Ms. O you're on it - I have an idea.

I'm on it, Ms. O.

[Ocean] Easy...

Easy does it...

Put it down.

Ah, there we go.

[Oona] Nothing to see here, people!

Each one of these lights

represents an alarm in sector .

To shut each one down,

I have to make separate calls

to separate security zones.

How long is that going to take?

At least an hour, maybe more.

Not if we work together.

If you're going to pitch an idea,

make it quick, Sherman.


There are six of us, and there are calls to make.

What if we divide the work up evenly

so we all make the same amount of calls?

So calls divided into six equal groups?

Right, so one call for me, one call for Olympia,

one for Orchid, one for Ocean,

one for Owen, and one for Oona,

and we keep dividing until there are none left over.

Looks like divides into six equal groups of...

one, two, three, four, five.


So we make five calls each.

Let's get to it!

I've cleared all five of my zones!

- Me, too. - Me three.

- Me four. - Me five.

Me six.

[all] Yes!

[Owen] That's all zones clear!

I think we deserve a round of applause.

Here, here!

I'm out, aren't I?

- Big time. - [Ocean] Yeah.

[shouts] Going on break!

And then there were five.

Oona speaking... with her mouth.

Oona! Where are those gadgets you promised us?

On their way, Ms. O.

Guys, they are not on their way.

I totally forgot about them

because of this whole chair thing.

- [all] What? - [Ms. O] Oona, hurry!

Alright. Here's the deal.

I need to ship gadgets to Ms. O, ASAP!

Guess you'll have to let go of the chair.

Not a chance! I'm in it to win it!

Here we go again.

Nothing to see here, people! Still nothing to see!

-[Otis] Sorry. - [Ocean] Watch out.

[Orchid] Ow, my foot!

[Olympia] Where are the gadgets?

Right over there.

They still need to be assembled.

What? They're fresher that way!

- [Olympia] Oona! - You've got to be kidding me!

[Otis] Oh, this isn't good.

Alright, we'll divide and conquer like last time.

If we all help with some of the gadgets,

it'll be quick, look...


There are five of us and gadgets to be assembled.

[Ocean] , just like the last time.

[Olympia] Except there are only five of us now, not six,

so we'll each have more work to do.

[sigh] Can we just hurry up

and divide gadgets into five equal groups

so I can win this competition already?

Alright, uh... let's do what we did before.

One gadget for me, one for Otis,

one for Orchid, one for Ocean,

and one for Olympia.

And we'll keep dividing

until there are none left over.

So the five of us have to assemble six gadgets each.

[Ocean] That's great,

but don't we need two hands to assemble a gadget?

Six assembled gadgets in five boxes.

That makes gadgets ready to ship.

Great work, team.

[Olympia] Ugh...

Ew, Otis!

You have bubble gum on your shoe!

Oh, man.

Give it to me. I'll get it off.

Thanks, Orchid.

And then there were four.

You were never going to

take the gum off my shoe at all, were you?

Not a chance.

[Otis sighs]

Switch back to hands in three...



Ocean speaking.

Ocean, I need heads of lettuce right away.

When you say "right away",

do you mean in the next hour, or did you mean-

[Ms. O] (shouts) Right now!

Please, your majesty.

The food you were promised is on its way.

We have to get Ms. O some lettuce, STAT!

I'm allergic to lettuce.

I'm out!


I thought it'd be me and her at the end.

Okay, Ocean. What do we need to do?

We have to get heads of lettuce from food storage

to the tube lobby.

Okay. We can do this. Just like before.

Divide up the work evenly.


[Ocean] Thirty - same amount as last time.

Normally, I'd point out how weird that is,

but I just want to win this competition

as quickly as possible.

[Olympia] Okay.

Thirty heads of lettuce divided evenly

among the three of us.

That's one for me, one for Orchid,

and one for Ocean.

And then we keep dividing

'til there's none left over.

Uh oh!

Looks like we have to carry...

ten heads of lettuce each!

I don't know what you're talking about.


That's because I said half the sentence somewhere else.

Bottom line is we need heads of lettuce, total.

And you're paying me with a...


Oh, no. This is for a contest.

Whoever takes their hand off last

gets to be Ms. O for the day.

I want in on that!

- No, no, no, no! - You can't join now!

Either I'm in

or you're out of luck on the lettuce front.

It's okay, guys.

She won't last.

What makes you so sure of that?

Because all you can think about right now

is how much you want to

take your hand off this chair.

But the question is,

can you even take it off anymore?


of course I can.


You can tell yourself that it's your choice

that you're touching the chair...

but how do you know it's not the chair's choice?

And while you're at it, what came first -

the chicken or the egg?

It doesn't matter,

because you didn't pick the chair, Olly.

The chair...



What's happening?

And why did the chair pick you, Olly?

There's only one answer.

The chair wants to be you...

and the longer your hand is on it,

the more power the chair has over you...

and more, and more, and more,

and more, and more, and more-


You saved me! How can I repay you?

Thirty heads of lettuce should do it.

[all] Come on, come on!

- Faster, faster! - You can do it!

- Don't drop any! - We can do it!

Whoa, whoa!

No carrying lettuce in headquarters!

Says who?

Says me, Agent October.

I've never even met you before.

That's because I only work in October.

But it's not October.


Then ye shall pass.



- Come on, come on! - Can I have some help here?

- Let's go! - Come on!

Keep going!


Send these to Ms. O in sector - now!

Preparing to squishinate.


Nice teamwork, team!

For sure.

But all this running around

has got me thinking about lunch.

Care for a granola bar?

Thanks, Orchid!

And then there were two.

It was worth it.

[sparse music]


looks like it's just you and me.


You guys mind doing this someplace else?

Uh, I've got a business to run.


[both sigh]

You know something, Olympia?

Whoever ends up winning,

I just want to say that this whole experience

has taught me a valuable lesson.


I know I made a lot of people let go of the chair,

but I now realize, in working together,

that it helped us all succeed,

so in the end, we were all Ms. O.

Aw! I couldn't have said it better myself!

Bring it in, Orchid!


And that's how you become Ms. O!


"Won." The word is "won", Olympia.

I'll go let the team know

that you're officially Ms. O for the day.

Thank you, Olympia.


I could get used to this.

[Ms. O] Orchid!

- Out of my chair! - Yes, ma'am.


[Oons] Odd Squad training video

number ,, -

♪ Cleaning Up on Cleanup Day. ♪

Oh, howdy-do, agents!

It's cleaning-up day at Odd Squad headquarters,

and I've been busy making the lab squeaky clean.



Lastly but not leastly,

time to wash my bowtie collection.

All of them are green,

except for my vacation bowtie.

[sigh] I get relaxed just looking at this thing.

Scientists wash their bowties

with state-of-the-art, teensy-weensy,

itty-bitty washing machines.

There are three machines,

and each machine can only fit four bowties,

so we divide them up thusly.

I just deal the bowties out

like I would in a card game,

making sure each machine has no more than four ties.


So there are bowties total,

and we divided them

into three different washing machines,

and that meant there are four bowties in each machine -

three equal groups of four.

Let's get them washed!

All clean!

But wet.

But that's okay, because...

I have dryers!

These can hold six bowties in each,

so we do the same thing.

I'll deal out the ties until there are six for each dryer.

Almost there...


Twelve ties divided into two dryers

equals six ties in each dryer.

The only problem is

the dryer cycle takes years to finish...

and who knows if I'll still be here in years?

Seven hundred years later...

Guess what! I'm still here!

And I have a robot hand!

[Ms. O] "There is No O in O-Bot."

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

I've been trying to cross the street for hours,

but every time I do...

that happens!


There's your problem.

[Olympia] It's not a crosswalk.

It's a dancewalk.

I have to dance across?


Looks like the hustle.

Follow our lead.

[disco music]

Uh...Ms. O?

There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

- Where are we headed? - The town bakery.

Also, you're taking that robot with you.

What robot?

[robotic voice] This robot!

[both] Whoa!

What is this thing?

I am Omega.

[Xavier] This "thing" is Omega,

the latest in Odd Squad technology.

Pretty slick, huh?

It looks like a filing cabinet.

[angry robot voice] I am Omega!

Uh...why do we have to work with a robot?

We're trying to speed up the time it takes the agents

to solve cases.

So think of Omega as a member of the team.

The best, fastest, most talented member.

[both laughing]

[Omega] Laughter, laughter, laughter,

laughter, laughter, laughter.

Ms. O, is this really necessary?

I'm sorry.

This one comes down from the Big O himself.


We'll head to the bakery with Omega.

[Otis] Whoa!

- Where is it? - Already at the bakery.

We told you, it's fast.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

That's my line!

[Otis] Okay, we're here. We made it.

[Omega] While you humans walked here,

I observed the baker is only able to communicate

by singing "Happy Birthday".

Ma'am, is that true?

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you,

♪ Happy birthday to you!

[both singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you,

♪ Happy birthday to you!

Looks like we're dealing with an outbreak

of the "Happy Birthdays".

Can you tell me where you were when this happened?

The Hot Tub Emporium?

Is that where you work?

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you.

The greenhouse. Is that where you work?

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you.

Your brother owns the greenhouse,

and you just volunteer there.

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you.

A bakery, a greenhouse,

and a hot tub store.

Not much to go on.

We need to find a pattern.

Maybe it's something to do with the birthday song.

I have the sheet music right here.

[Otis] Why do you have that?

I just learned it in piano lessons,

and I thought I should keep it handy,

just in case there's an emergency happy birthday.

I can't understand how you read that.

Those musical notes are all over the place.

[Omega shouts] The birthday song

is not important!

How do you know?

Maybe they have the same birthday!

Incorrect, human.

I have accessed the town birth records.

They do not.

Whoa. You can do that?

Yes. My body is also an oven.

Behold: pizza.

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you.

I think she's trying to say,

"No outside food or drink allowed."

[sad voice] Retracting...


So we're trying to figure out

what a hot tub salesman, a greenhouse worker,

and a baker have in common.

We must consider more information.

Climb inside me.

- Uh... - Whoa. What?

[impatient voice] Climb inside me!

[Otis] Where?

In the back. Quicker! Quicker!

Put your skeletal forms inside my robot core.

In the back. Open the door.

Move your foot.

[both grunting]

[Omega] Behold the amazing viewing screen.

- Where? - [Omega] Right here.

That little thing?

Can you make it bigger, please?

[Omega] No. It is perfect.

I am Omega.

Let's see all three people in a chart

to see what they have in common

and the locations where they were struck.

The bakery is on Maple Street,

as is the hot tub store.

[Olympia] But the greenhouse is on Oak Street.

Not a match.

[Omega] I knew that!

Maybe the thing they have in common

is the color of the buildings.

The bakery is blue,

and so is the hot tub emporium,

but the greenhouse is green.

Well, that makes sense.

[Omega] I have discovered

what all three have in common.

The bakery, hot tub store, and greenhouse buildings

are all precisely feet tall.

We would have figured that out eventually.

[Omega] Laughter, laughter, laughter.

Good thing I brought my extra-long measuring tape.

Now we can start measuring the buildings

and find out where the culprit will strike next.

[Omega] I have already calculated.

The nearest building with that exact height

is an office.

We need to get there fast. I know a shortcut.

[Omega] No need. We have already arrived.

Humans, exit now.

- You go first. - Yep.

[both grunting]

[man singing] ♪ Happy birthday to-

Oh, no. We're too late.

Too late for what?

Wait, you're not stuck in an endless loop

of "Happy Birthdays"?

Nah, we're just having a birthday party

for our co-worker, Mervin!

[Omega] Confirmed.

According to town birth records,

Mervin Upton is years old today.

Also, Olympia's badge phone is about to ring.

I don't think-


[Omega] You should answer it.

[Ms. O] Agent Olympia,

I need an update.

Honestly, this robot is getting on our nerves.

I heard that.

I mean about the case.

We're getting reports of people

singing "Happy Birthday" at the hot yoga studio.

Don't worry, Ms. O, we're on it.

Looks like we're headed to the hot yoga studio.

I know that building.

It's way smaller than feet.

That's right, I do yoga.

So the buildings don't have height in common.

I still think the "Happy Birthday" song

is our best lead.

[angrily] The song is unimportant!

We must consider new information!

Climb inside me!

Your human bodies are moving too slow!


[both grunting]

Hopkins, what are you doing here?

I just always wanted to see the inside of a robot.


It's a bit cramped, to be honest.


I'm going to go get some more cake.

- Okay. - Yeah.

- Yeah. - Goodbye.

- Alright. - Goodbye.

[Hopkins grunting]

Okay, okay.

[Otis] Alright.

What do a bakery, a hot tub store, a greenhouse,

and a hot yoga studio have in common?

They're all hot places.

Maybe temperature is what they have in common.

[Omega] Here is a chart of the locations

where our culprit has struck.

Based on the data,

I can confirm that all four

have the same temperature of degrees Fahrenheit.

Like a hot summer day.

If temperature is the pattern,

the culprit is likely to strike at a building

that's degrees.

And the best way to measure temperature...

is with a trusty thermometer.

[Omega] Not necessary.

I already know that there is only one other building

with that exact temperature.

We have already arrived!


Omega really cramps my style.

[Omega] I heard that!


You go first, you go first.

- [sigh] - Whoa!

Well, it's definitely hot.

Wait, is this a dentist's office?

Sure is.

I'm the tropical dentist.

You've probably seen my ads.

"We clean the teeth, you feel the heat!"

Are you here for a cleaning?

Not now, thanks.

Have you noticed anything odd around here lately?

Maybe people singing

"Happy Birthday" for no reason?

[Dentist] No.

The only music I've heard

is the soothing sounds of tropical island rhythms.

Hit it, fellas!

[steel drum music]


That's the stuff, huh?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a patient.

Okay, Ms. Davis. Come on. [chuckle]

So...I guess we'll just wait

for the culprit to strike again.

Olympia, your badge phone.

What about my badge phone?



We're getting reports of "Happy Birthday"

being sung at the park

by large, confused groups of people.

What? But that doesn't make any sense!

That's why it's called "oddness", Olympia.

And it's your job to solve it, please and thank you.

Whoever or whatever is making people

sing the birthday song

just hit the park.

But it's cold outside.

That breaks our temperature pattern.

Omega, any ideas?

I have calculated that this case cannot be solved.

I am Omega.

Whoa. This is Odd Squad.

We don't just give up. We keep trying.

I'm telling you, my gut says

this whole thing has something to do

with the "Happy Birthday" song.

What is a gut?

You know, like a feeling.

What is a feeling?

[scoffs] Never mind.

I don't know, Olympia.

I don't see a pattern -

just a bunch of scattered dots that are all over the map.

Wait! Maybe that's it - a map!

Omega, can you help?

I can project a map on the wall.

Why didn't you tell us you could do that

so we didn't have to crawl inside you?

You did not ask.

[Olympia] Highlight the locations

where the oddness has occurred.

Now project these musical notes over the map.

[Otis] Whoa!

The musical notes line up with the locations -

the bakery, the greenhouse, the hot tub emporium...

So maybe, if we follow where the notes go next,

we can match them with the location

and find out where the oddness will strike!

[singing] ♪ Happy birthday to...


[Otis] Noisemaker!

Odd Squad?

I hope you did your vocal warmup...

'cause it's singing time!

♪ [plays "Happy Birthday"]

[Omega] No!

♪ [plays "Happy Birthday"]

[Pizza singing] ♪ Happy birthday to you.


Did a robot just block my happy birthday ray

with a slice of pizza?

- Long story. - Yeah.

[sigh] Well, you'll still never stop me!


Ah. Okay, yeah, you stopped me.

Trying to get everyone in town singing

to make a racket.

Classic Noisemaker.

Noisemaker, we'd like you to retrace your steps

and undo all the damage you've done.

[sigh] Thank you.

Thanks for saving us, Omega.

No, thank you

for teaching me about feelings

and creative problem solving -

valuable lessons I will never forget...

because I will self-destruct in one second!

[both] No!

Huh. I did not see that coming.

Yeah. He even self-destructed quickly.

Really going to miss that old robot.

- Really? - No.

- That thing was the worst. - Totally.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad -

Teaming Up with Teamwork Together as a Team.


My name is Agent Orchid.

I've been working with the Squad

for five years.

I like dinosaurs.

"Roar!" I love you, too.

I make friends really easily.

[Otis] Orchid, we need to know

what month and day it is.

Sure. Can you help me open this jar first?

[loud bang]


No matter what happens,

I always stay calm.

[Otis screams]

The sound was no good on that.

I heard screaming.

What's the hardest part about working at Odd Squad?

Figuring out if who I am as a person

is a result of the way I was born

or if my personality is primarily influenced

by the outside world.

What I do know is I build a mean sandcastle!


[Ms. O] Odd Squad.

Teams Working in Teams Together as a Team Together.

I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad -

[singing] ♪ A Guide to Your Gadgets.

Behold the Pillow-inator.

This handy-dandy doodad

makes pillows of many shapes and sizes.

I just made this one.

Just gonna put my head down on it for a second.






[loud thunderclap]
