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02x14 - High Maintenance/Not OK Computer

Posted: 01/02/24 11:02
by bunniefuu
Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Hey Olympia! Hey Otis!

I hear you guys are working maintenance today.

(Grunt) Who put this in here?

OLYMPIA: My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is the road less traveled.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,

weird, and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.




Hurry Olympia!

I'm coming, Ms. O!

OLYMPIA: Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

OTIS: You wanted to see us, Ms. O? There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

What we have here is a classic textbook case.

Giant textbooks are piling up all over town.

We're on it, Ms. O. We won't let you down.

Which is it?

Are you on it, or are you not going to let me down?


Then what are you waiting for? Go!

I bet we can get this case done by lunch.

I think we can get it done by breakfast.

I think we can get it done by yesterday.

That is impossible.

Hey guys, can you let us through?

Super important mission.

I suppose I can get my magic tool

which fixes this door in five seconds.

Sounds amazing.

That tool doesn't exist, does it?


Did you hear the part about it being

a super important mission?

Oh, we have a super important mission, too!

Fixing these doors.

Sure, but our mission involves solving an actual case.

Giant textbooks around town.

You hear that O'Mary? Loud and clear, Obby.

You think your job is more important than ours?

We're not saying that.

Do you even know what we do?

Of course we do, Olympia?

You're tube operators, you've got little outfits.

We're maintenance, we maintain this whole place.

But, we're the ones in the suits solving cases,

which is the whole point of Odd Squad.

How about we switch jobs for a day?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

No one's suggesting anyone switches jobs.

Besides, Ms. O would never go for that.

Oh, I would totally go for that.

I just need the case solved, people.

That may have been a bad idea,

but I'm kind of into seeing what happens.

Wait, but you don't even know what the mission is.

Giant textbooks around town? We got this.

What just happened?

We tried to go through a door,

now we're dressed in different uniforms.


Who knew fixing a door took four hours?

But hey, we did it. Up high!

And I bet Obby and O'Mary

are way over their heads right now.

I could get used to this.

(Phone rings)

Maintenance, what's your business?

I made up a jingle.

No problem, we'll be right there.

Coach O has a leak in his office.

Let's do this.

Then we can get back to those grapes.


What's with the paper towels?

I thought you said there was a leak.


Paper towels won't fix that.

Hey Olympia, hey Otis!

I hear you guys are working maintenance today!

Actually, what hap- Cool.

The washing machine door's acting up.

Wet clothes everywhere!

And I'm having a problem with the popcorn machine.

I'll deal with the ping pong balls,

you deal with the washing machine.

Sorry, Ohlm, but your popcorn issue's gonna have to wait.

Sorry popcorn, I tried.

The panel the maintenance team always uses is there.

So, I have to turn one of these?

No harm in trying them all, I guess.

Harm in trying them all!

I'll cover you!

Here's the maintenance manual!

Why is Obfusco's picture on the back?

He wrote it.

Ugh, all he does is talk in word problems.

Here it is, shutting off a ping pong ball leak.

There are cold ping pong valves in Headquarters,

and five warm ping pong valves.

To shut off a ping pong ball leak,

figure out how many valves there are altogether.

The key is the last word, altogether, it means addition.

Right, so we have cold ping pong ball valves,

plus five warm ping pong ball valves.

That's plus five.

, , ,

, .

So, it must be valve .


Sorry it took so long, coach.

You were slower than a scuba diver in the desert.

What is going on here?

What is wrong with this machine?

Who built this thing?

Oh, there's the problem.

Who put this in here?


Hey, can you open the laundry door for me?

Not my department. Sorry, man.


Agent Otis, it's me Doctor O, we've met several times.

Never with you dressed like that,

but I'm rolling with it.

The lights in my office are flickering.

Can it wait? Can an emergency wait?

I'm asking because I honestly don't know.

Let's go, Owen, I'll be right back.

Hey, you maintenance?

Actually, I'm an agent,

but then Obby and O'Mary decide to-


There's a deli portal in tube lobby, just opened up!


There's like salami, turkey, baloney!

Okay, stay calm.

Let me see if I can fix this.

I've been doing this job for a few minutes now.

Ohlm, if this is about popcorn, it's going to have to wait.


(Disco music)

This is not a professional work environment.


As your doctor, I need to be honest.

I think I'm catching the beat.

I'll be honest, too.

I'm not sure what to do right now.

The maintenance team always goes into that thing.

Please, don't dance your way over there.

Anything could push me over the edge at this point.

I'll try my best.


It's gotta be one of these. I'll just try them all.



I can't fight this feeling!

Bad idea, bad idea.

Good, instructions.

Bad, written by Obfusco.

You can do it, Otis. I believe!

Here it is,

'Shutting off the disco lights in the Medical Bay'.

In one day, the Maintenance Department

drank grape juice boxes,

coconut juice boxes

and one carrot juice box.

How many juice boxes did they drink in total?

In total means addition.

I know this because I'm a doctor.

So, I just have to add up all the numbers.


OTIS: I'll take this one step at a time.

Ten plus ten juice boxes is twenty.

That means we have twenty plus one.

OTIS: Twenty plus one equals juice boxes in total.

Hit switch !

(Music halts)


Thanks, Otis.

What's next?

No seriously, what are you doing next?

These maintenance workers never stop working.

I feel like my bones are tired.

But hey, at least we did it, right?

Why aren't you answering the phone?

Because the phone isn't ringing.

Not here in O'Mary's office.

I'm talking about Obby's office.

BOTH: What?

Down the hall and to the right.

(Many ringing phones)

Maintenance department, please hold.

Maintenance, hi.

Maintenance, yes I understand, please hold.

Maintenance, no I don't have time to take a survey.

Okay, if it's really quick.

Strongly agree.

Mostly agree.

Strongly agree.

Mostly agree, okay I realize I don't have time for this.

Partner, I figured out how to fix this.


All I have to do is wake up. What?

This is a nightmare, this is a nightmare,

this is a nightmare.

You're a nightmare.

(Loud alarm)

That's my alarm clock now, I'm probably asleep at my desk.

This is gonna feel so good when I wake up.

That's not your alarm clock,

that means headquarters is about to self-destruct.

BOTH: What?

Tell me you've been pressing the un-self-destruct button

every ten minutes.


It's in the south control room, let's motor.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct in three minutes.

ALL: Uh oh!

I tried to tell you about the popcorn machine all morning.


The un-self-destruct panel is all the way over there!

Looks like it's time to go swimming.

Maybe we should just crawl. Yeah.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct in two minutes.

(Grunting efforts)




AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct in one minute.

How do we know which button it is to turn it off?

I wanna say turn them all,

but that hasn't really worked out well for me today.

The manual.

Where is it, aha!

If you need two pieces of pizza

to feed one hungry maintenance worker

how many pieces of pizza do you need

to feed five maintenance workers?

There's no in total!

Or altogether!

So, how do we solve this one.

Let's use pictures.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct in thirty seconds.

OTIS: Two slices for each worker.

That means we're dealing with groups of things.

That means multiplication.

So, two slices in each group.

Add together five times,

because there are five maintenance workers.

OTIS: Two, four, six, eight, ten.

Ten pizza slices to feed five maintenance workers.

Ten's our number.

AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct in ten seconds.

Going on break.

BOTH: We did it!

So, looks like something's happened here today.

Okay, we admit it. Your job's impossible.

Thank you. That's all we wanted to hear.

And I bet you thought our jobs were pretty tough, too.

Don't answer that.


I don't think I can eat anymore popcorn.

Okay, maybe a little more.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, I'm trying to run a dry cleaners,

except every time I do this...

I get all wet.

I think it's scaring the customers away.

Maybe don't pour water on your head?

Oh yeah.

Also, we have a Towel-Inator.

Thanks, Odd Squad!

Oh, can we get that towel dry cleaned?

Ooh, a customer...

It's working already!


I did it again, didn't I?

Yeah, you did. Oh.


What was the sound the blob makes?

Was it like-- (squishy sound)

or is it like-- (fart sound)

No, no, no.

It's more like...

(unpleasant grunt)

It's E. Thanks.

Whoa, whoa. What're you guys doing here?

Hey, O'Beth. Hey, O'Seth. Just finishing up some casework.

No, no.

We're installing a whole new computer system!

OTIS: I can't believe we missed this.

Y'know, you just get so caught up in work...

This is dangerous!

You cannot be on the computer while it's being fixed.

Pfft! What's gonna happen? We're gonna get sucked inside?

BOTH: Yes! Really?!

How is that even possible?

We went through this villain company.

They're all sort of evil computers now,

but the internet is WAY faster.

Okay, fine, lemme just hit control-S for "save."





Control-S stands for "suck you in,"

not "save."

I got this. Escape...

Escape, escape, escape!

It won't work. The server is broken!

Sucking them in must've fried it,

and I don't know how to fix it.

They're trapped in there forever!

BOTH: What?!

Okay, I know this is our fault...

"Our?" ...My fault.

I'm sorry. But you have to get us out.

Please, you can do this. You're in Odd Squad.

In the computer department.

There's nothing odd about our jobs.

We could just as easily work at a bank.

Yeah, I only got the job because my cousin works here.

Me too.

Oh, who are your cousins?

Us. We're each other's cousins.

Hey, O'Beth, I'm just spitballing here,

but if we replace all the fried parts of the server,

we might get enough juice to the d-frag simulator

to zap them out again!

I don't know what most of that means, but I like the last part.

We'll give it our second-best shot.


It's always good to have somewhere to go.

Let's take a look.

Not every part was fried.

The watermelon's working fine.

But these three things all need to be replaced.

What were these?

There's a diagram in the IT manual.

What's a diagram? It's a picture--

An illustration of what the inside's supposed to look like.

For example,

this panel is supposed to have a feather in it...

But that one is fried.


That girl who runs the lab, Oona, has a Feather-Inator.

Nice one, 'cuz.

Good news, guys.

We're using one of Oona's gadgets to replace the part.

But Oona isn't here today.


So, when Oona's not here,

she protects her gadgets with a force field.

(O'Seth groans)

So the lab has some kind of force field.

We know.

How do we turn it off?

You can't.

But the force field goes off for a second after you hit it.

So... So one of us has to run into it

so the other one can get through while it's recharging?


Whenever you're ready, 'cuz.

Me? I already went once.

Yeah, so you're used to it.

Guess that's why they call you the smart cousin.

(Both screaming)

Too slow. Let me try that again.

Okay, 'cuz. You only have one second.

You can do it!

(Both screaming)


(Both screaming)


(Both screaming)

Hey! Yes!

Let's start making feathers.

That's... Not the Feather-Inator.


You're running into the force field this time.

We made a bunch of feathers. How long is the one we need?

Eight inches. We can measure with this ruler.

Each one of these markings is one inch.

Let's line the feather up with the bottom of the ruler

and see how long it is.

O'SETH: Ten inches.

Too long. We need eight inches.

Try that one.

O'BETH: Five inches. Too short.

How about that one? It's right in the middle.

Eight inches exactly.


We did it!

Woohoo! Just two more to go.

O'SETH: What does the diagram say this thing was?

O'BETH: We need a blob rock that's four inches long.


There are blob rocks in the blob cage in the creature room.

The creature room?

Isn't that kind of... scary in there?

Yes, but you can do it.

Just don't let the blob see your fear.

They feed off of it.

(Bored sigh)

(Groan) We've been stuck inside this computer forever!

Wait, we're not stuck in any computer.

We're stick in MY computer.

We can look through my photos!

Why do I feel more trapped now?

Open it on the count of two.

Two? Why not the count of three?

Because there's only two of us.

'Cuz, the more you talk, the more sense you make.

One, two!

Ack! Ugh.

Okay, eww.

Let's get these bad boys into the server.

This is when I visited Piazza St. Marco.

That's a good one.

You should use that as your desktop. Nice one, partner.



O'SETH: We're looking for four inches.

Let's line up the blob rock with the bottom of the ruler

and see how long it is.

Two inches. Too short. Try something a little bigger.

O'SETH: Four inches exactly!

Wait to go, 'cuz.

OTIS: Hey, guys!

Something's wrong with the computer.

You have a virus. How did you get a virus?

No idea.

Did you download a file called "Virus Cat?"

We thought it was a picture of a sick cat.

In fairness, it did sound adorable.

It's corrupting the system.

We need to get the last part for the server

and get them out of there!



The last thing we need is a six- inch piece of red licorice.



Doctor O loves red licorice. There's some in her office!

Doctor O loves red licorice?

Why have I never heard that before?

Just because something hasn't been established yet

doesn't mean it's not true.



What's that noise? This virus is getting worse!

BOTH: We'd like to leave now.

We're almost finished. Just hang on.

(Puppy bark)

Did you download a file called "Dog Virus?"

We're trying to take our mind of the danger.

We thought it was a dog sneezing.

But seriously, how adorable does that sound?

We gotta move.

(Meowing and barking)


we need a piece of licorice that's six inches.

Problem-- Every piece of licorice is too long.

(Meowing and barking)

OTIS: Get back!

Back! Get back!

Wait. Too long is okay. We can make it shorter.


O'BETH: Five inches. You ate too much.

Let me try.


O'SETH: Four inches.

You ate more than me!

Okay, no more guessing. Let's measure it exactly.


Six inches exactly!


We did it!

(Meowing and barking)

(Otis and Olympia scream)


(Relieved sighs)

Excellent work, computer department.

See, told you guys.

You can handle any odd problem.

Thanks, guys...

But you're dealing with that.


Good puppy...

My name is Agent Owen.

I'm in charge of security here at Odd Squad.

It's pretty much the most important job here.

Let me show you what happened the day I called in sick.


I like to think of myself as a pretty helpful guy.

This is Oak Street checkin' in.

We've got nothing here. How about you, Agent O'Fur?

OWEN: Freeze it!

That's me hiding behind those trees,

running defense.

Seems you don't believe I'm that good of a hider.

Pick something. I'll hide behind it.

GIRL: Mm...

Hide behind that beam.


Thought you'd pick something harder, like a pencil.

Now you see Owen... now "Owen" you don't!

GIRL: I can still see you.

That's because I told you I was going to hide.

But not this time!

GIRL: I can still see you.

This interview is over.

OONA: Welcome to Odd Squad-- A Guide to Your Gadgets!

Behold the Shrink-Inator.

It is the number one cure of giant dog-itis.

But that's not all...

Seriously, that's not all.

Flip the Shrink-Inator over and it could also make waffles.

The Shrink-Inator also has a motion sensor,

which-- It doesn't work good.

This has been a helpful guide to the Shrink-Inator.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is gadgets.