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02x13 - Drop Gadget Repeat/20

Posted: 01/02/24 11:01
by bunniefuu
MS. O: Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Bam! Ya!

Bam! Go!


I missed you both so much.

We just saw you this morning.

I brought you into my time-loop! Woo-hoo!

BOTH: What?!

OLYMPIA: My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is too much mustard,

but back to Otis and me;

we work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.




Hurry Olympia!

I'm coming Ms. O!


Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.


Hey, Oona, you wanted to see us?

You've made it.

I missed you both so much.

Uh, we just saw you this morning.

What happened to that gadget?

I'll explain later.

The important thing is you touch my shoulders, no, face.

The face is better.

What? Please!

Place your hands on my face.

There, that's good.

Also, close your eyes 'cause there's a flash

every time it resets.

What do you mean resets?

It worked. You're here.

I brought you into my time-loop, woo hoo!

BOTH: What?

That's Oscar's before-now machine,

one of his many time-travel gadgets.

I dropped it, it zapped me

and now I'm reliving the same short period of time

over and over again.

How short?

I don't know, all I know is that it's only happening to me.

They don't know, they just keep doing

the same thing over and over.

Please help me.

I have a plan.

Okay, okay. I got it.

As soon as time starts over, I'll hit the stopwatch

that way we'll know what we're dealing with.


It's clear you have no idea what we are dealing with...

Where'd the watch go?

We don't have it because we went back in time

before you got it.


Hang on, this time-loop started when the gadget broke, right?


So all we have to do is stop it from breaking.

When it resets, I'll throw the pillow underneath the gadget

and it won't break and there'll be no time-loop.

Boom! Nice one, partner.

No, it's not nice because...

Your pillow's now gone.

I see how this works now.

The worst part is I was making toast when this happened.

It never finishes toasting.

I took it out once but it was just warm bread.

There's got to be a way to stop this.

The only way is to fix the Before Now machine,

except every time I try the loop starts again

and all my fixes get unfixed.

Wait, the Before Now machine is number .

Yeah, so?

So, every gadget has a number...

And if you combine them we can make a new gadget.

All we have to do is add up to

and we can make a new Before Now machine.

And end the loop, I knew it was worth dooming you

to eternity with me.

We should get to work.

If the number is bigger than it can't add up to ,

so we can get rid of all these numbers quickly.

. .

. .

. .

. .


Let's start with the biggest numbers first.

I have a . And I have a .

plus is .

I have a four.

So we count on from .

, , , .

I have three two's.

So we count by two's starting at .

, ,


There are no more gadgets left.

The gadgets are back.

The one good thing about a time-loop,

it makes cleanup easy.

We can't make , we'll never make a time machine...

Words I thought I'd never say.

Hold on, we have gadgets that add up to .

All we need is another gadget to get to ,

maybe there's one nearby.

OONA: Boom, there's one in the Odd Squad warehouse.

We're on it.

I'll be right here, watching toast.

There it is!

So we should run next time. Yeah.

(Both screaming)

(Both panting)

(Both screaming)


Yeah, it's too far.

If we can't find the gadget that's number ,

maybe we can get two gadgets that add up to .


We are looking for gadgets with numbers less than .

Coach O has a -gadget.

Coach! We need a gadget you took from the lab.


but you gotta win it.




Bam! Bam!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

How'd it go?

BOTH: Horrible.

Coach O made us play ping pong,

but we can't beat him, he's too good.

And he kept saying bam which made me feel bad.

But you're in a time-loop. So?

So you have time to get better.

That's how I learned how to lasso.


Well, what are you waiting for?

Go get him!

We can't... We're lassoed.

Oh yeah, sorry.


Bam! Bam!

I got a point!



Here's the gadget.

Thanks for the best game of ping pong

I've ever played in my life.

You've taught us everything we know.

But you've never played before.

Yes we have.

It's complicated.


We got the gadget!

I mean, we don't have it now because time reset,

but we know how to get it.


To make a new Before Now machine

we need gadgets that add up to .

We had , plus seven is ,

so all that's left...

is , , .

We need a number three,

which it looks like Agent Orchid has.

It had to be Orchid, didn't it?

♪ La la la la la!

Orchid, we need that gadget.

Not if you ask like that you don't.

No, you don't understand! Come on, we need that!

♪ La la la la la!


Hi, can we please have that gadget?

Thank you for asking politely, and no.

♪ La la la la la la!

♪ La la la la la la

Hey Orchid, trade you this teddy bear in return for that?


A cake?

Mm, no.

A pie?


Pie in a cake? No.

Bouncy ball? No.

A not bouncy ball? No.

Teddy bear? What?

Oh, wait I already did this.

Is there anything you will take

in return for that gadget?

I'm less about material objects and more about experiences.

♪ La la la la la la!



How do I get down?

(Beeping and booping)

What are we even doing?

I don't even know anymore, man.

ORCHID: ♪ La la la la la la

Listen, Orchid ...

Just stop, it's no use.

Olympia, we have to... No!

We ask politely, we ask not politely,

we offer her things, we perform shows.

Nothing ever works.

You're not gonna give us that gadget, and you know what,

I'm done asking so just keep it

and skippy-do down the hall!

You can't tell me what to do!

You're taking this.

♪ La la la la


Now you want it?

Oh, no.

That thing smells, I can smell it from here.

So we know how to get gadgets that add up to .

Now we just split up, get each one,

combine them to build a time machine

and end the time-loop.

Huh, that sounds way easier than I thought.

I know, right. Let's do it.

We should wait for time to reset

so that we have as long as possible.

Good thinking. Yeah, good idea.


Huh, that toast smells really good.

I know right.

It's just right on the edge of ...





♪ La la la la la

I don't want that. Too bad!

La la la la

plus , plus two,

plus two, plus two,

plus four is .

I have !

I've got seven! I've got three!

We have !

Ah, it's the warehouse all over again!

We can't make it in time.

Too bad, this is the closest I've come

to a solution in years.

How long have you been in this time-loop

before you involved us?

It's not important.

If we're stuck here I might as well

teach you guys how to lasso.

I know how to stop the time-loop.

I've got seven!

I've got three!









Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem sir?

I keep trying to do the dishes, except look...

OTIS: It's covered in hair.

I think it's clean hair,

but still, not ideal.

Ah, I see the problem.

You're using a hair towel.

Adds hair to whatever it touches.

Here's an Odd Squad towel instead.

Thanks Odd Squad.

Hey, before you go I've always kind of wondered

what I'd look like with a beard.

May I?

Oh yeah, I think if you shave around the eyes

and the forehead you'd look pretty good.

Thanks Odd Squad.

Are you guys still here? Odd Squad?

I think I'm having second thoughts about this.

Uh partner, does it seem like everything's moving...

Uh backwards? Yeah.

Backwards Bob brought a backwards bubble

into headquarters.

The bubble burst and now this is my life.

He's not moon walking, he's just a weird walker.

Ms. O, why didn't the bubble affect you?

It did, I'm just doing everything backwards

so that it comes out forwards.

It's exhausting.

(Speaking backwards)

She's talking backwards, I can translate.

Guys, you gotta fix this.

(Speaking backwards)

Ideally before lunch.

Why before lunch?

(Speaking backwards)

When I try to eat my sandwich, this happens.

Backwards Bob is in the interrogation room.

Backwards Bob.

I prefer

Bob Backwards.

Yeah, we're not gonna call you that.

We're gonna ask you a few questions.

Sure, fire away.

Bob, is there a cure for the backwards bubble?

One moment.


Ms. O, what's happening?

Yeah, so I recently had a meeting with the villains

about new rules for the interrogation room.

From now on Odd Squad can only ask a villain

yes or no questions.

No deal.

What if we sweeten the pot?

Is that mango strawberry?

You betcha.

Oh that's good.

They found my weakness.

Not a problem, Ms. O. questions is plenty.

Oh you better hope so, because if you run out of questions

I don't have to tell you the cure,

and Odd Squad will be backwards forever.

You think we're gonna run out of questions?



OTIS: I got this.

Do you have the cure to the backwards bubble with you?


Does someone you know have it?

Yes, but you'll never get it.

I know a ton of people, okay.

I'm really active on social media.

Is it your mom? Yes.

I had a hunch.

Here's the villain's mother address database.

She lives on Oak Street,

but it doesn't say what number.

It's not the greatest database, honestly.


There are addresses on Oak Street, it's over.

I have an idea.

There are addresses on Oak Street.

Instead of asking about one number at a time,

we can ask about a lot of numbers at a time.

OTIS: Let's start in the middle of the number line.


Is the address greater than ?


Is it greater than ?


OLYMPIA: So it's less than or equal to ,

but it must be over ,

so it has to be between and .

? Maybe.

I thought it was yes or no.

Okay fine, it's yes.

OLYMPIA: questions left.

I'm gonna leave those to ask you how

you feel after we beat you...

In a yes or no form...

Because that's how the rules work...

In the interrogation room.

I forgot my jacket.

So, his mom lives in an apartment building...

And we have no idea which apartment.

Looks like we're gonna need all those extra questions after all.


There was when we left.

Some things may have happened.

So, you really think you can beat us, huh?


Wait, you counted that as a question?


If you think you're gonna trick me

into asking another question, you're wrong,

aren't you?


Ha, nine questions for that whole apartment building.

It looks like Odd Squad is gonna be backwards forever.

Slow your roll, Bob.

We're gonna break this down.

There are floors in the apartment building.

OTIS: Let's use the same strategy.

Start in the middle, .

Does your mom live in a floor that's greater than ?


So she must live in a floor that's less than , right?


No? I don't get it.

Wait, I do.

He said it's not greater than ,

but he also said it's not less than ,

so that leaves .

So your mom lives on floor .

That was a statement.

All right agents, get to it.

Meanwhile, I'll do this for safety.

I'll stay back just in case.

Good idea.

Oh, thank you very much.

I've tried every other apartment on floor .

This one has to be Bob's mom.

(Knock on door)

Come in!

Hi there, Bobby told me you might be coming by.

Your son set off a backwards bubble

at Odd Squad headquarters today.

Yes, I know.

It's an unusual hobby but he's doing what he loves

and that's all a mother can ask for,

also grandchildren...

But baby steps, is what I would love to hear

just pattering down the hallway.

I understand you have the cure, do you?

Yes. One moment.

(Phone dials)

BOBBY: Hello?

Bobby? Hit the counter.

You got it, Ma.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your questions count too?

Yes, hit it again sweetie.

Right on, Ma.

How is this happening?

Sorry, another part of the deal.

And the questions rule also applies

to all villain's mothers.

No, and I am closing my eyes

so you can't tempt me with juice.


that's West Indonesian guava.

Otis, you only have five questions left

for Bob or his mom.

Also any uncles,

but I don't think that's gonna come into play.

So, how are you going to find the cure now?

You only have five questions left

and I don't think you're going to have...

Ma'am, is it behind your back?


Bobby, hit the counter.

No problem, Ma.

MOM: Only four questions left.

Yeah, well we don't need those four questions

because we have the cure.

Olympia, problem.

What is it?

The case has a combination lock.

And only my Bobby has the code.

Four questions left for a three-digit code.

Kids, welcome to Donesville,

population three, plus me.

I'm the mayor, Bobby Done.

My family started this town generations ago.


Ugh, there are hundreds of possibilities.

I guess we should just take this one digit at a time,

maybe we'll get lucky.

My favorite thing about the hope in your eyes

is seeing it slowly wither away.

Is the first digit greater than five?


Okay, so it's five or less.

Is it greater than two?


Is it three?


We found it!

We got the first number!

Three ...

But you have two digits to figure out

and only one more question.

Kids, welcome to Donesville...

Wait, did I do the Donesville thing yet?


Cool, I love it when I do that.

It's over guys, Backwards Bob beat us.

Backwards Bob...

I have a question for you, Bob.

Do the numbers in the code go backwards from three?


Answer the question Bob.






Three, two, one.

Forwards bubbles.



Oh man.

Good work agents,

and as for you per the term of our negotiation

here are your movie tickets,

your fruit baskets,

and your brand new washing machine.

Yes! Woo hoo!

Next time there's a negotiation with villains,

you guys are coming with me.

BOTH: Definitely.




Greetings, agents.

Here at Odd Squad, we have many pets.

But one of my favorites

is this little goldfish right here.

I like to call him Sir Fish-a-lot,

but what's really important

is that he's fed the right amount of food every day.

Feed him too little and this happens...


Feed him too much and this happens...

What you can't tell here

is that he's also yelling really loud.

So to avoid any further mistakes,

let's review how much this little guy eats.

Every day he eats a total of eggplants.

This morning I fed him ,

and this agent here is on afternoon feeding duty.

She has to figure out how many more eggplants

to feed him to get him to .

A quick way of doing this is to use a number line.

Here's the number ,

and to get we count these little tick marks

which each stand for the number one.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

Six more eggplants to get to .

The word more often means to use addition,

but wait,

before you feed him remember that today is Wednesday.

On Wednesdays he also eats meatballs.

How many meatballs you ask?

Five less than the total amount of eggplants.

The word less often means you're using subtraction.

You can use the number line to figure it out.

Here's what eggplants looks like,

and we need to find out five less,

so we subtract five.

One, two, three, four, five is .


for Sir Fish-a-lot.

One more thing to keep in mind

when feeding the Odd Squad goldfish

is to never, ever under any circumstance

look him directly into the eye.

If you do, you will explode.

Just kidding, he will.

And reappear, and explode.

And reappear, and explode.

As you can see, it makes it a lot more challenging to feed.

Hi, my name is Oona.

I'm years old and I work in the lab.

My first day here, I traveled through time.

What happened?

Because I went through time I don't know if I'm still ,

maybe I'm , or nine.

All I know is I can't see color anymore,

but that was okay

'cause I just bonk the back of my head and...

bam, I can see color again.

I'll tell you this, Oscar is one hard act to follow.

Aside from building so many amazing gadgets,

he also built a secret bunker.

Ready boss.

Where are you going?

I'm just going inside of my bunker.

I'll come out when this is all over.

So that's me, Oona.


Color went off again.

OONA: Welcome to Odd Squad,

♪ a guide to your gadgets!

Behold, the Centigurp Cyro-Containment Unit--

keeping centigurps from multiplying since .

If you look close at the lock

you will see that it's actually

a bunch of tiny men named Charles

holding the unit shut.

In addition to centigurps,

the unit could also be used as a drum,

a stool or a hat.

This has been a helpful guide

to the centigurp containment unit.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is bubblegum.