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01x11 - Settling

Posted: 03/24/14 20:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on " Bitten"...

Yesterday I got this.

Thing is, no one knows we're pregnant, let alone that it's a boy.

That's Braxton's truck, all right.

Are we being accused of something here?

There's a trail of blood, leads from his truck towards your land.

He could be out here somewhere, injured or incapacitated.

This is?

This is my cousin Clay.

Clay, this is Philip.

I don't understand.

Who bit you?

You afraid of the big bad wolf?


Clay: Philip's client, James Williams?

He's the top patron of this gallery.

He sponsored your show, Elena.

To drop Olson in your lap.

Smells like they've been gone for at least a day.

They've been watching us. In Toronto.

It's not just you the Mutts are after.

It's Elena.

My family in New York aren't... my family by blood.

What about Clay?

I see the way you are together.

I saw the g*dd*mn photo at Logan's, Elena.

Are you done with him?

( ♪ )

(Soft ♪)

( ♪ )

Everything's on edge over here, Jeremy.

She's had a lot thrown at her, now this too and...

It won't be easy to convince her. She's...

She's emotional right now.

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

I can't reach Philip.

It looks like you got what you wanted.

You're hurting. I'd never want that.

What do you want, Clay?

Tell me once and for all how you think this is going to play out.

I don't know. We're under attack.

Right now, that's all I care about.

Jeremy and Nick found Joey Stillwell. Alive.

He led them to the Mutts' hideout, an abandoned warehouse outside of Bear Valley.

Marsten and LeBlanc? Tell me they got them.

Long gone. Jeremy will fill us in when he and Nick get here.

They... they're coming to Toronto?

The Mutts... they want us separated, chasing after them.

We get Logan, we go back to Stonehaven as a Pack.

We can't be apart anymore.

What about Rachel?

Logan will get her someplace safe.

I need to find Philip.

You can't leave.

If he isn't back by the time we're ready, we'll just have to go.

It won't be easy.

I don't need your advice on how to break someone's heart.




(Cell phone chimes)

(Remote phone ringing)

(Cell phone chiming)

Logan, where have you been?

I've been calling you all morning.

I just got home, my phone was dead.

Where are you?

I'm at the gallery.

You won't believe what happened last night.

Some jerk went after Elena. Philip went nuts and beat the hell out of the guy.

It was crazy. Everyone's a little freaked out.

Just... hold on.

Can I help you?

What a lovely collection of photographs.

Elena Michaels.

Rachel, Rachel, listen to me!

The event... was last night.

I can get you the organizer's number.

Oh, I'd much prefer to deal with the artist.

(Over Rachel's phone)

Do you know where I might contact her?

Information's on the back.

Diane McAdams can answer all of your questions, if you're interested.

Oh, I'm very interested.

(Broken glass crunching)

Logan: (On phone) Rachel!

Tell me, have we met before?

I don't think so.

See, I'm very good with faces and your face is distinctly memorable.

Striking, in fact.

(High-pitched tone)

Logan: Rachel! Listen to me!

Thank you.

But we're actually closed, and I need to clean up.


Seems like it was quite the event.


I believe someone is yelling into your hand, my dear.

It must be terribly important.

I won't bother you any further.

Sorry, that was...

That was just a potential buyer.

Ok... Ok... okay, okay. J... just... come home. Now.

This place is a disaster.

Leave it. I'll help you with that later.

I just... I got a surprise here for you.

I... it's... What is it?

Just... You'll see when you get here.

Come here, straight here. Don't stop for anything.

Okay. Weird, but okay.

Okay, stay on the phone.

Tell me about what happened last night.

Well, the night was going great, until this guy showed up, redhead, real creep...

We're all set.

I put Joey on the 8:30 to Vancouver.

Jorge knows to get him?

He'll be there waiting.

It's going to take a little while until Joey gets his head right again.

You and I need to go to Toronto.

I don't want Elena travelling, or out in the open, without three of us there to protect her.

If the Mutts want her, they go through us.

And Logan?

We'll bring him back too.

We all need to be in this together.

(Knocking on door)


Mr. Danvers, I'm glad you're here.

Well, unfortunately we were just about to leave.

Oh, I doubt you're going to want to go anywhere.

In about an hour, a half dozen FBI agents and a forensic team from Quantico are going to be all over your property.

FBI? Why?

We have a lead in Michael Braxton's m*rder. It's a...

It's a much bigger case than we first thought.

In what way? - It's linked to a number of other homicides.

I told them they could rely on your full cooperation.

Yeah. Of course. Come on in.

( ♪ )

Bitten 1x11 - Settling Original air date March 22, 2014

I'm sorry, I didn't even ask if you wanted cream or sugar.

Black and caffeinated is all I need.


It's going to be a long day.

So what is this lead?

State forensics found fingerprints on the body.

They uploaded it to a national database and got a cold hit.

Why don't you have a seat?

You have a suspect.


Have you ever seen this man before?


Thomas LeBlanc.

The name mean anything to you?


He's a 35-year-old medical technician from Rockford, Illinois.

About a year ago, he was linked to several r*pes and murders in and around the Midwest.

And what is he doing in Bear Valley?

Good question.

Also, why did he dump the body so close to Stonehaven?

Um... Well, we had a number of wolf att*cks that were in the newspaper.

Maybe he was hoping to ride that wave of attention, make some sort of grand statement.

It's just kind of strange. He only k*lled women.

Went to great pains to hide their body.

And now he kills a man and leaves him for us to find?

Serial K*llers don't normally change their patterns like that.

He's clearly deranged.

I really don't know what he's thinking.

And I don't see how searching my property again is going to help you.

Braxton's body was dragged to where we recovered his remains, for quite some distance, it seems.

There were plants, dirt and microscopic this and that all over the body.

The FBI team needs to find the original m*rder site, see if there are any clues that can link us to LeBlanc.

And you don't think he's long gone by now?

Could be.

We need to check everything.

You understand.

I'll be by later with a consent-to-search form.

Listen, if it's going to help catch this m*rder*r, I'll do everything I can.

First the wolf, then a dumping ground for a serial k*ller...

It's terrible for our town.

You seem to be bearing the brunt.

Can't imagine how you're feeling.

I just want it to end.

Me too.

( ♪ )

I'm not going to sit around here waiting for Jeremy.

He said it was a short delay.

I have to find Philip.

He's not answering my calls.

Jeremy was specific: we have to stay put.

Philip is out there.

What if Santos or Olson decide to go after him, to hurt him?

What if... What if they already have?

k*lling people in the woods of Bear Valley is one thing.

Going after someone in the city, risking exposure, I don't think Santos would do that...

Not for someone like Philip.

What's that supposed to mean?

He's not important enough?

Not to them.

Look, Santos is playing games, like biting the man who hurt you when you were a child.

He's enjoying himself, keeping us off-balance.

Once we're back in Stonehaven, he'll forget about Toronto.

Santos has been out here for a while.

You don't know what he's planning.

You're asking me to gamble with Philip's life.

I'm asking you to look at the bigger picture.

They want us out there, running around, panicked.

Don't give them what they want.

What if you're wrong?

I'm not wrong.

How do you know?

Because of what Jeremy found at the hideout.

Okay. What's the big surprise?




Private white sand beaches. All inclusive.

Personal wait staff.

It's beautiful.

Okay, get your passport, pack a bag.

What? What do you mean? Right now?

Wait, this is our last chance to travel, to get away before you're too pregnant to fly.

Everything is going to get more hectic, not less.

I'll book it now, we fly out tonight.

Okay, Logan, I can't leave tonight.

W... wait, why not?

Don't be silly.

I have the restaurant, you have your clients.

I've cancelled them, all of them.

Oh my God, you're serious.

Dead serious.

Okay, babe, it's sweet and romantic, but I will get fired me if I just up and leave.

Just book it next month and I promise I will get the time off. Okay?

( ♪ )

Jesus, Philip.

Where the hell have you been?

Elena's called, like, a dozen times.

I slept at a hotel last night.

What? Why?

I'm not sure what's real.

Elena... her family, her past.

Hey, stop it.

A guy went after your girlfriend, and you punched him in the nose.

I did a little more than that.

Okay, you went a little Hulk-smash.

But I don't blame you.

You did the right thing.

Did I?

You didn't get in a fight with Elena, did you?

It was about Clay.

Why would you fight over her cousin?

He's not her cousin.

How long have they been watching me?

Sit down.

Sit down?

They have photos of me, of Philip, Diane, everyone in my life here.

God! They... changed Victor Olson.

Do you think that's something to do with sending the wolf video to Philip?

How long has he been working for James Williams?

It's recent. I was already back in Bear Valley when he told me about it.

Then it's possible.

This has been in the works for at least a year.

The other thing they found at the warehouse?

Malcolm's ring.

They k*lled Jeremy's father?

Santos was there last night. He must be James Williams.

No, no, it's...

When Santos showed up at Becky's wedding, Philip thought he was just a relative of the groom's.

Then it must be someone Santos hired or... another psycho Mutt we don't know about.

I don't understand. What do they want?

They want the Pack destroyed.

And they want you.

( ♪ )

Good lord.

It's like a crime scene in here.

I'm still hungry.

You ate half the drive-through menu.

I'm going to eat this headrest if we don't go back.

Are they still at the gallery?

The boyfriend and his sister have packed up and left.

Before that, I had a lovely chat with Logan's object of affection.

It's really quite cheering to see them so riled up.

Good. They're almost ready.

What are we waiting for?

I want to tear this pretty boy's head off.

Did he hurt your pride, Victor?

Don't make me take my pride out and hurt you.

Ohh, I bet you said that to all your girlfriends in prison.

Would you two please stop it.

They're driving me crazy.

It's your rodeo.

That's exactly right.

And we're all going to stay focused.

You all know what you have to do.

Get going.

That's the problem with hand grenades, you have to throw them far enough that they don't blow back on you.

They'll do what I say.

And so will you.

Stay with LeBlanc until it's done.

Do be careful, Daniel.

Tyranny can be infectious.

Not your concern.

( ♪ )

(Car ignition)

Elena: If they want me, then why did LeBlanc try to k*ll me at the factory?

LeBlanc is a psychopath.

I think they lost control of him.

Santos is the one I'm worried about.

Think it through.

He unleashed Olson on you.

And why would he want Philip to see the video of you as a wolf?

Because he knows that if Philip ever found out about us, we'd have to...

We'd have to k*ll him.

Look, Santos is trying to ruin your life here, and at the same time, turn you against us.

He wants to make sure that you have nowhere else to go, except to him.

But if you leave here now and don't look back, you take away his leverage.

I can't do that.

(High-pitched tone)

(Keys jingling)

If you want to keep Philip and his family safe, you have to leave here, now.


I want to talk to you.

Not him.

Man: Keep walking.

I was waiting for your call.

Here I am.

I can find you wherever you are.

Remember that.

Is everything in place?

Exactly as you asked.

I don't want any hesitation when the time comes.

The Pack has managed to sidestep us one too many times.

I want them all dead.

All except her.

Don't worry, Daniel. You'll get your prize.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

I don't know where to start.

Start with why you lied to me.



I didn't know how to explain everything without hurting you.

So I lied.

You are the kindest man that I have ever met, and I didn't want to bring the... turmoil of my past into your life.

What about him? Were you with him when we met?


I wouldn't do that. I'd left months before.

The day that I met you, Philip, everything changed for me.


I realized that you... everything that you are, your sisters, Becky, Diane, the... the calmness here, that's what I needed.

That's what I wanted.

Do you still want it?

More than anything.

But I'm scared that I can't have it, because I can't shake my past.

It's part of who I am and I need you to accept that.

What about him?

There are worse people than Victor Olson out there, and they're looking to hurt me.

That's why Clay is here, no other reason.

What people? Why?

I can't tell you.

Call the police.

I can't.

What do you mean, you can't call the police?

What have you done?

This is me trying to protect you.

The less you know, the better.

I don't believe this.

This is too g*dd*mn crazy!

I know...

I just need you to believe me, Philip, please.

I need a minute.



Stop for a second. We don't have to go to Jamaica, but we have to get out of Toronto tonight. It isn't a choice.

Okay, if this is some kind of joke...

I'm not joking. My life is in danger.

Your life. We have to go.

Pack a small bag. Only what you need.

Okay, you're freaking me out.

Who's after you? One of your clients?

No, the... the guy you talked to at the gallery, the one Philip beat up, others, they are coming after us.

Logan, let go!

You're scaring me.

You should be scared.

We don't have any time. We need to go.


Jeremy: Where are the FBI now?

So far they're sticking to the west side of the property.

The sooner they finish, the sooner you and I can get back to Toronto.

The Mutts could be up to anything.

Clay and Elena can't stay where they are, Clay is getting restless.

No, I don't blame him.

This boyfriend in Elena's life is becoming a problem.

As long as he doesn't know the truth, we don't need to worry about him.

At least not for now.

Elena. Logan.

Becoming attached to humans.

Ever wonder if maybe you relaxed the rules a little bit too much?

Are you questioning my judgment, Nick?

No. I would never do that.

You know who encouraged me to relax the rules?

Your father.

When Clay bit Elena.

And he understood better than anybody how untenable that situation could become.

Yeah well, he managed. We had each other.

No choice is perfect, Nick.

Every decision we make has unintended consequences.

And as Alpha, I do what I think is best for this Pack.

Your father understood that.

Your father trusted me.

What did Antonio whisper to you right before he died?

He told me my mother's name.

(Patting shoulder)

Nothing. Logan's still not answering.

He's worried about Rachel and the baby.

He's not just going to pick up and leave until he knows that they're safe.

I'm calling Jeremy. We can't wait any longer.

You should be ready to say your goodbyes.
( ♪ )

I was writing... down my thoughts, and I couldn't think of how to say what I wanted to say.

I never pictured that it would be like this.

It's not easy.

You waited for me long after most men would've given up.

You don't have to say anything.

I sat in here thinking about how much I know about you.

I know you always close your eyes and listen when it rains.

How you cry at happy endings more than sad ones.

And when we sit together, and you tuck your hair behind your ear, I know you're going to rest your head on my shoulder.

I realized I only know the small things.

The tiny moments.

And I thought they were enough.

But there's so much I don't know about you.

I'm sorry, Philip.

I also realized that I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know you. I can leave all this behind, we can move to London, to New York, to Los Angeles, I don't care.

Nobody has to know where we are.

You can't...

You'd never see your family again.

So be it. I'm in love with you.

The one in those tiny moments, and there's nothing that you could tell me that could change that.

I want you to marry me.

I love you too.

But I can't give you an answer, not now.

( ♪ )

(Suspenseful ♪)

( ♪ )


We got a break.

Come on in.


You found something?

We got word LeBlanc crossed the border into Canada at Niagara Falls.

The FBI is coordinating with the RCMP to track him.

I have to admit that I'm glad to hear he's no longer in Bear Valley.

The agents have finished their survey.

They've taped off the areas you should avoid.

Unfortunately, I'm getting used to police tape on my property.

You've been very helpful.

More than anyone could expect.

I know my desire for privacy might seem a little strange to people in town. Reclusive, even.

I need that in my work.

I'm not very good with people.

I can't get used to all this attention.

I just want to, um... thank you for being so fair and respectful through this difficult process. I appreciate that.

I just wish we'd met under better circumstances.

We still might.




LeBlanc must be in Toronto and the other Mutts could be there too. We have to go, now.

I need your advice.

I had to take three different cabs to get here to make sure I wasn't followed.

Thank God you're here.

I've got to get Rachel out of Toronto right now.

Nick and Jeremy are on their way, and Clay is at Philip's.

No... no... no... no... She and I, we have to disappear.

The Mutts can't get us if we're all together, Logan.

It's not just about the Mutts.

I've got to get away from the Pack, from Jeremy.

The Pack needs you, Logan.

I need you.

I can't!

I don't know what else to do.

You're the one that convinced me to come back to Stonehaven.

You gave me that speech about family obligation.

Do you think this isn't tearing me apart?

I owe everything to Jeremy.

But that woman upstairs, I love her and I'm not going to take her child away.

I'm going to be a father.

This is my family.

It's the g*dd*mn definition.

Okay. I'll do what I can.

She'll listen to you. Just...

Get your stuff together, you don't have much time.

Thank you, thank you.


Don't thank me yet.

Oh, thank God.

You won't believe what Logan's been saying.

He's been...

I believe it.

You should too.

It's our family.

We haven't told you everything.

There are some very, very bad people that want to hurt us.

(Scoffing) You make it sound like it's the mafia or something.

It's not that far off.

Our cousin wasn't injured in a car accident.

It was m*rder. And there are others, people very close to us. Family.

The only way you're going to be safe is if you stay with Logan.

Oh my god...

Oh my god...

You have to go into hiding, okay?

Someplace where they won't look for you.

Our family will take care of this and you can come back when it's safe.

My family, my sister...

Elena, I'm having a baby.

Everything will be okay.

But you have to trust Logan, he knows what to do.

She's packing. Do you know where you're going?

Jamaica. What about you?

I'm going back to Stonehaven.

Look, once this is done, I'll talk to Jeremy and I'll explain your side.

He's never going to let me back in.

I'm going to be a Mutt, just like the rest of them.

Just like my father. It's Pack Law.

Jeremy will understand, okay? He always has.

It's different for you, you know that, right?

No, I don't believe that.

Listen, ever since you came to Stonehaven, everything changed. He changed.

That's why you had to come back. You're important.

Well then, you're just as important to him as I am.

He's not going to turn you away.

What about Rachel?

How accepting is he going to be of her?

Logan, maybe this is... this is the reason to change.

You know, evolve.

It's not like those dusty scrolls of the Legacy anymore.

It's time to come up with new rules.

If we don't change... the Pack, all of us, we'll... we're going to die off.

Maybe you should be Alpha.


Yeah, right.

I'm going to miss you.


No, you're not.

We're going to keep in touch, okay?

No matter where you are, I want you to call.

We're in this together, right?


Be safe.

You too.

Clay: We can't involve the police.

Philip: She could be anywhere!

This is a nightmare!

You got her involved with a bunch of criminals.

That's why we have to find her.

She's in danger because of me. It's my fault.

Well, at least you admit it.

She fell in love with the wrong guy.

She was young, in university...

It hit us both. Way too fast.

I wanted to keep her out of my family's business.

But... I...

I don't know what I was thinking.

I can't believe she'd stay with you.

She didn't. She tried to get away.

Not far enough.

What about now?

Are you still in love with her?

It doesn't matter what I feel.

It matters to me.

I want her to live her life without looking over her shoulder.

I want her to be happy.

That doesn't answer my question.

(Cell phone ringing)


Yeah... Okay...

You have the address.

We'll be here.

They'll be here soon.

We don't have much time.

Who's coming?

My family.

You're going to take her away.


To the only safe place for her.

I'm coming with you.

That's not going to happen.

I can handle it.

Everyone thinks they can handle it.

Until they can't.

(Approaching footsteps)

Hey, I need to call my sister.

You can't. The less they know, the better.

Okay well, they'll be freaked out if we just up and disappear like this.

We'll send them an email. Pictures of Jamaica.

It will buy us a few weeks.

(Dog barking outside)


(Suspenseful ♪)

( ♪ )

Go, go, go!

Okay, get in the shower, stay against the wall.

Don't look out. No matter what you hear, don't move until I come back and get you.

I can't lose you! I can't lose you!

Stay quiet, stay quiet. I love you.

( ♪ )

Hey Max, how are you?

Ah, doing great.

You just missed your friends.

Real nice guys.

My friends?

Yeah, two guys just came in.

I sent them up the elevator.

Did they give you that cigar?

That's right.

( ♪ )

That's not a good idea.

No? Why not?

You should stay here where I can keep an eye on you.

I'm not going to be a prisoner in my own apartment.

Personally, I don't care what happens to you, but Elena does.

You're my responsibility until she comes back.

(Cell phone chiming)

It's her. Elena, where are you?

Elena: (On phone) Philip, get out of the apartment. Right now!

What? Why?

(Footsteps approaching)

What are you doing here?

Hello, Clayton. Let's not do anything rash.

You mean like throw you off that balcony?

We're only here to talk to Elena. Where is she?

We talk, then we leave.

A battle here won't do any of us any good.

Ah, you mean it won't do you any good.

You're the one who has to keep up appearances...


My only problem will be getting rid of your bodies, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

Who the hell are these people?

Go ahead, Clay. Tell him who we are.

Tell him who you are.

Clay: He doesn't need to be a part of this.

Santos: But it would be so easy to make him a part of this.


I wonder why Elena hasn't done that already.

Oh, right...

Who would do that to somebody that they love?

( ♪ )



(Bones cracking)

( ♪ )

Smells like a whorehouse in here.

Clever little puppy.

Covering his scent.

Doesn't matter. He's got nowhere to go.

Don't be cocky.

Let's find him and get this over with.

( ♪ )

Be a lot easier if you stay out of this.

Get to the door, first chance you get.

I'm not going anywhere.

Music to my ears.

Once I'm done breaking this one's head open...

I'm going to take my time with you, Santos.

(Fighting grunts)

( ♪ )

(Howl of pain)

( ♪ )

( ♪ )


♪ The voice is lost to all you here ♪
♪ Will you fear the end or fear the fear? ♪
♪ Will you still believe in a twist of fate? ♪
♪ And I control you

( ♪ )

♪ That I've seen the end and I can show you ♪

( ♪ )

♪ I'm going... all I save is you ♪


( ♪ )

(Continued fighting yells)

( ♪ )

(Howl of pain)


Rachel: Logan?

LeBlanc: (Gasping)

(Grunts, yells)

( ♪ )


( ♪ )


Who are those men?

Logan: Marsten. Dammit!


(Grunts of pain)


What is it? What's wrong? Baby, talk to...


No ambulance.


You have to take me to Stonehaven.


Take me to Stonehaven.

Okay, okay.

(Continued fighting grunts in other room)

I think we're alone now.

Where should I start?

Your eyes.


(Scream of pain)

(Howl of rage)

(Screams outside the door)


( ♪ )

(Groaning, gasping)

( ♪ )

(Growling, bones cracking)



( ♪ )


Put pressure on it, okay?

( ♪ )

I'll call an ambulance.

In a better world, I would've married you.

And we... and we'd be together.

We'd listen to the rain... and cry at happy endings.

( ♪ )

I love you, Philip.

That won't ever change.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

(Camera shutter click)

No Equal.

(Triumphant ♪)