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02x07 - Olympia's Day/Otis's Day

Posted: 01/02/24 10:13
by bunniefuu
Coming up next on Odd Squad:

OTIS: Everything's in place, I'll meet Noisemaker in town.

OLYMPIA: While I stay back here

and prepare the villain relocation package.

If this works, we'll know all the villains' plans

we'll be able to stop oddness before it even happens.

OLYMPIA: My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is my lunch after I ate it.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Hurry, Olympia!

I'm coming, Ms. O!

OLYMPIA: Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

BOTH: What seems to be the- Sorry.

You go. No, no. You go.

No, I prefer not to.

No, you go.

But you...

(stammering cross-talk)

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

Well, every time I use the toaster, this happens.

(toilet flush)


Can we see your bathroom?

(vacuum sound)


Can I see your vacuum cleaner?


(shouting) Smoke detector?

Yeah. That's what I was thinking.

Can we see- I'll get a ladder.


Okay, I think we figured it out.

You're going to have to move.


I thought I was going to have to get a new smoke detector.


(rapid doorbell ringing)

Talk to me.

Everything is in place. I'll meet Noisemaker in town.

While I stay back here

and prepare the villain relocation package.

OTIS: Noisemaker will have a brand new home

and a brand new life.

And we will get info about what the other villains are up to.

I want info about world destruction type stuff,

not what kinds of shampoo villains use.

That was a mistake.

Noisemaker understands that now.


If this works, we will know all the villains' plans,

and we'll be able to stop oddness

before it even happens.

I'll meet Noisemaker now. Bye.

Hmm... Okay.

Uh, do you know the way back to the desk?

I think it's that way? Yeah.

No, it's that way.

I actually think you were right the first time. Okay...



Let me know if you need anything else.

Actually, a room would be great.

A room?

To talk to Noisemaker about his new life.

The interrogation room is so "interrogaty"

and my desk is out in the open.

I think I have something.

This is perfect. What was this used for before?


(upbeat dance music)

It's not important.

Dude, a new room.

Can I store some of my creatures in here?

I would also like to store

some of the medical equipment in here

which I have because I'm a doctor.

No. This is Olympia's room.

It's okay. I don't mind sharing.

This is an excellent development.

All right.

Are you sure about this? Of course.

I mean, an opportunity to help my fellow employees

and spread peace and joy.

I don't need all of this...



I'll get some of my medical equipment.

I'll get some creatures.

It's your room. Do what you want.

Just don't be afraid to say no.

No... problem.

See what I did there?

And, she's gone.


Come on.

I divided the room into parts so everyone gets a section.


No way, man. Not one bit.


These aren't equal sized parts.

Your section is bigger than ours.

Two times as big to be exact.

You get a whole half and we have to share one.

Well, yeah.

I'm going to have Noisemaker with me.

Plus, I mean, you weren't going to have

any of the room before, right?

Okay. Helpful helper. (chuckles)

Okay. Go on.

So now we all have half a half.


The room is divided into fourths,

and we all have one to ourselves.

Equal squeak-ual. Not a saying.

Who gets that part?

Um, no one.

BOTH: I'll take it.

No, you can't

because then you'll have two-fourths

and not everyone will be equal.

We'll give it to him.

Hi, what's your name?

(drawn-out) Ogg....

Well, congrats, Ogg.

You just got one-fourth of this amazing room.

What would I do with this?

Anything you want.

You just have to stay here and not leave

so everyone has one-fourth and everyone is equal.

I feel like I'm grounded.

Hah, Ogg. What's your job here?

Professional jokester?

Everybody good?

Happy times!

I'm not.

Oops, partner calling.

Hey, Otis.

Olympia, the tubes aren't working.

What do you mean something is wrong with the tubes?

They're just not working.

I'll talk to O'Malley.

Okay, okay. Thanks partner.

She's just checking on something.


So now I have to be out here longer?

Excuse me.

The tubes are closed for cleaning.

But Otis needs to use them now.

Hey, I sent an email about this two years ago.

We weren't working here two years ago.

That explains it.


O'Malley says there's nothing he can do.

You're going to have to use the emergency rope ladder.

That's on the other side of town.

Sorry, partner.

Okay, okay. I'll get to it.

Good luck. My friend, Oona.

How's the face replace-inator coming along?

Noisemaker is going to need it

as soon as he gets into his new life.

Really well.

I have three new face choices for the Noisemaker,

squirrel face,

pigeon face,

or half squirrel, half pigeon face.


Uh, I think the point is for Noisemaker not to stand out

in his new life so maybe a human face.

That's why you get paid the big bucks.

You're not getting paid are you?


Just checking. I'll make some adjustments.


You can just bring it to my new room.

Room? Uh, yeah.

I mean, it's not mine, mine.

I'm sharing it with Dr. O and Ocean.

You like doctors and creature people

more than you like scientists?

What? No, no, no, no, no.

They just needed the extra space.

And scientists don't?

I have to store gadgets in my shoes?

Do you know how uncomfortable that is?

You know what?

I'm sure I can make room in my room for you, too.

Thanks, Olympia. I really appreciate that.

Come on, guys.

I take care of my own.

We had four people in the room so the room was in fourths.

Now, we have eight people

so divide each of the fourth in half

so now there are eight equal sections.

All right. Everybody in!

This is great, don't you think?

Everybody in here together. This is awesome.

I liked it better when I had a fourth.

You can take my section.

No, no, no, no.

Then Dr. O will have twice as much space

as everyone else.

Then they'll be sad, so back, back!

Getting busy in there.

Busy with fun and helpfulness.

Still room for you and Noisemaker?

Pshaw, yeah.

There's a spot right there in the back.

So much room. (chuckles)

Everybody in the room is totally happy and great.

Ogg, please put your hand down.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go check on Noisemaker's

new living arrangements.


The moaning is a room thing.

We all do it and love it.

(all groan)

Okay, I got two housing options for Noisemaker.

A broken down castle in Blobsylvania,

or a studio apartment in Dirt Town.

Owen, those are both horrible choices.

I know. He's a villain.

No, he's turning good now and we want him to be happy

so he gives us the information we need.

I have an underwater shack.

There's fish.

I can't guarantee they'll be there.

You know what?

Otis is with Noisemaker now.

One second.

Otis, hey, what kind of house does Noisemaker want?

(shouts) What?

Does he want a big house or a condo?

Oh, he can have a house boat.

Partner, we're busy. I got to talk later!


Just find some nice options and bring it up to my...

(chuckles) Almost told you about my new room.

There's a new room? I want a piece of that?


Are you trying to say no?

Okay. Fine. You're in.


You heard her, guys.

Are you kidding me? Who's he?


He doesn't even work here.


He's not going to want to if you treat him like that.

(sigh) It's upstairs.

Come on.

The room was divided in eighths before.

Now that I have eight more people,

I divide each of the eighths in half.

Now the room is in sixteenths. You all get one section.

Go on. Get in there!

Enjoy it!

Okay, people. Come on.


Okay. Come on, people.

Come on. We can make this work.

Work with me, people. Come on.

No, no.

Work with me here. Okay...

I can't fit in my spot!

Just stand on one leg.

If the leg falls asleep, just switch to the other one.

It's like a game.

This is great, don't you think?

Olympia, this is ridiculous.

Ha! Ridiculously easy.

Everyone who wants in the room is in the room.

(chuckles) I did it.

I spread peace and joy. (sigh) Okay.

What about all the people that wrote me asking for a spot?

Also, this girl Leila from Australia.

I can make them fit.

We just keep dividing. (laughs)

I can see it now!

That's the beauty of dividing.

You can always keep going.

Sixteenths become thirty-secondths

and thirty-secondths become sixty-fourths

and one hundred twenty-eighths.

You think people can't fit but we can fit

because we'll shrink ourselves.

We'll keep shrinking and dividing until the room

is in millionths, and then billionths, and trillionths.

It we will all be so tiny and so happy.

MS. O: Olympia, Olympia!

What happened?

You descended into "mathness."

Don't worry. I brought you back.

I may have a problem

with saying n-n-no.

(nervous chuckle)

I'm aware which is why

I had everyone draw straws for the room.

Oh, who won?


Ogg, just because it's your room

doesn't mean you have to stay in it.

Oh, okay.

I missed it.


BOTH: You would not believe the day I had.

Welcome to the break room.

My name is Oksana, and this is where agents come

to enjoy the food I make.

In case you were wondering,

the actual kitchen is floors down from here.

And there's no elevator or stairs.

But I have a climbing rope.

Odd Squad agents have quite the appetite,

so I make all sorts of food for them.

Like this ham and pudding sandwich.

This broccoli pudding soup.

Or this pizza.

It's actually made of pudding.

The other great thing about it,

if two agents are in the break room,

who want to share this pizza

it can be split in half.


See? One, two. Two equal parts.


But what if there are four hungry agents in the break room

and I don't have another pizza ready?

Not to worry,

the pizza can be divided into fourths.


One, two, three, four.


But, let's say there are eight hungry agents

in the break room

and I don't have another pizza,

because I've fallen asleep,

on account of preparing

meals for breakfast.

Not to worry,

pizza can even be divided into eighths.


One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.


It's not the best job in the world,

but at least they let me play my own music.


Talk to me.

Everything's in place. I'll meet Noisemaker in town.

While I stay back here and prepare

the villain relocation package.

OTIS: Noisemaker will have a brand new home

and a brand new life.

OLYMPIA: And we will get info

about what the other villains are up to.

I want info about world destruction-type stuff,

not what kinds of shampoo villains use.

That was a mistake. Noisemaker understands that now.


If this works we'll know all the villains plans

and we'll be able to stop oddness

before it even happens.

I'll meet Noisemaker now. Bye.


Uh, do you know the way back to the desks?

I think it's that way. Yeah.

(loud zap)



What are you doing?

If another villain sees me working with Odd Squad,

it's... ♪ (doom chord)

Not gonna happen.

I have everything under control.

Follow me to the tubes and we'll get you that new life.

Oh, the tubes! I always wanted to go in those.


A little glitch.

You not know what you're doing?

(scoffs) Of course I know.

Just excuse me just one minute.

Everybody good?

Happy time.

I'm not.

Oops, partner calling. Hey Otis.

Olympia, the tubes aren't working.

What do you mean something's wrong with the tubes?

They're just not working.

I'll talk to O'Malley.

Okay. Thanks partner.

She's just checking on something.

Great, so now I have to be out here longer?

Where's my harmonica?

(musical breathing)

We weren't working here two years ago.

That explains it.


O'Malley says there's nothing he can do.

You're going to have to use the emergency rope ladder.

But that's on the other side of town.

Sorry partner.

Okay, okay, I'll get to it.

Good luck.

We have to walk across town?

No, no, I will stay a villain.

No, no, no, I know a fun and fast way of getting there.


How is this better than tubes?

Because you can sit down instead of all scrunched up.

Ugh! So uncomfortable.

Odd Squad official business.

Well, Odd Squad, what an honor.

You know you guys are like my favorite

mystery solving team ever?

Thank you.

Whoa, still got to pay.

Do you accept flutes?

One dollar, cash.

It's okay, I have change.

We need cents to make a dollar.

The biggest coin is a quarter. That's worth cents.

The smallest coin is a dime. That's worth cents.

That's a nickel, worth five cents

and that's a penny, worth just one cent.

Uh, what are you doing?

I like to talk through how much each coin is worth

before I make change.

That takes so much time. Please get on with the paying.

That's a quarter, worth cents,

so that's , , , a hundred cents

equals one dollar.


Look at this, we got a nice window seat.

It's a villain, get down!

Behold, it is I, Mr. Lightning,

here to get a ride to the mall.

Mr. Lightning! What an honor.

You know, you're like my favorite villain ever?

Thank you.

Whoa, you still got to pay.

Come on! Why you got to be like...

I know.


What's that noise?

Stop shaking.

I can't, I'm terrified.

We got to get out of here.

I don't have money,

but I do have some lightning.

(electric crackling)


(loud boom)

That was thunder and lightning.

Well my full name is Mr. Thunder and Lightning,

but I shortened it to just Mr. Lightning.

That's it. No more deal. I'm leaving.


We need that information

and what are the chances we'll run into another villain?

Extremely good.

No, it is Evil Teddy with a Y.

In here!

It should read, Happy Birthday Evil Teddy.

No, of course I'm buying my own cake,

all my friends are Villains, they're not going to pay for it.

Hi, yes, table for two?

OTIS: Oh, no thank you.

We're just hiding.

Oh, hiding is for paying customers only.

Uh, booth in the back please.

Ah, right this way.

Whoo! I'm glad we stopped to eat.

I think I was getting grumpy.

Evil Teddy's gone.

Let's pay the bill and get out of here.

Too late, I already paid.

It was a pleasure to dine with you.

Hi. We don't accept drums.


I'll pay.


Here's a $ bill, and I owe you one more dollar.

I think I have one dollar in change.

Oh no, it's another villain, Lady Bread.

Hurry with the change making.

Excuse me, no, there is no outside food.

These are my hands.

I have a bunch of dimes.

Those are worth cents each.

Counting by tens that's , , ,

, , ,

, , ...

One hundred cents is one dollar.


Noisemaker. Ohh...

Why are you here with Odd Squad?

You're not entering the villain protection program are you?

(scoffs) No.

I'm with Odd Squad because, because-

Because I caught him, making loud noises.

Yes, so loud.

(musical clatter)

But how is that Odd?

Because it was-

At the library.

During quiet time.

And I put food on my head, like this.

Oh boy, he did it again.

Now he's in double trouble.

Let's go!

Oh, excuse me.

(noisemaker sobs)


That was magnificent.

I know, close one.

Making up that story was like great jazz.

You play one note-- (mimicks melody)

I play the other-- (mimicks melody)

Okay, the important thing is she doesn't know

you're working with us.


But now I do.

(ominous music)

And so do we.



(loud thunder)

I have an underwater shack.

There's fish.

I can't guarantee they'll be there.

You know what, Otis is with Noisemaker now.

One sec.

Otis, hey, what kind of house does Noisemaker want?

(shouts) What?

Like, does he want a big house,

or a condo, or -

Oh, he could have a houseboat.

Sorry partner, a little busy.

I got to talk later.


(loud clatter)

(radio static)

(both panting)

In here!

(both sigh)

Hey guys, hiding is for-

Paying customers only.

Wait, do you sell bikes?

I rent bikes.

Otis, we can rent these

and get to your emergency ladder faster.

It's cents each, so one dollar all together.

Oh, I don't have four quarters

or dimes to make a dollar.

You can combine coins to make a dollar.

It doesn't have to be all the same kind.


I have two quarters so that's cents

and I have three dimes

so starting at

that's, , , cents.

And you have three nickels,

those are worth five cents each

so you count by fives,

, , cents.

Oh that is fun.

Ugh, but I need a hundred cents to make a dollar.

I'm five cents short.

I also accept instruments.


Ha ha...

Let's do it.

A patron of the arts. I am.

(rooster crow)

NOISEMAKER: ♪ I can't afford a carriage,

♪ but you look sweet, upon the seat, ♪

♪ of a bicycle built for two. ♪



I know, my singing is great.

No, you're headed for a lake.

BOTH: Whoa!



Ogg, just because it's your room

doesn't mean you have to stay in it.

Oh, okay.

I missed it.


BOTH: You would not believe the day I had.


MS. O: All right Noisemaker,

tell us what you know about the other villains.


But we just went through all that to get you here!

And it made me realize

if I go into the villain protection program

I'll lose a friend.

ALL: What?

Dear, dear Otis,

I had so much fun with you today.


Eating meals, singing, and riding a bike.

That's not fun!

We get along so well.

I wouldn't want to never see you again.

But the other villains, now they know you're working with us.

I'll make up a fun story, like we did at lunch.

That was hilarious!

No it wasn't!

I'm going to cause you so much oddness.

See you later, pal.

Don't do that!


At least your people skills are getting better.

Against my best judgement,

I've found this mansion for your villain to live in.

It's too late.

You two have been through a lot today.

Why don't you relax here for a bit?

Oh, thanks Ms. O, but this is huge.

We should share with other agents. No!


OONA: Odd Squad Training Video Number -

How to Use the Anything- Within-Reason-Machine.

Howdy do, agents.

This is the Anything- Within-Reason-Machine,

and it works like this...

I'd like a diamond the size of my fist.

Aha, nothing happened.

That's because my request wasn't within reason.

I'd like an apple the size of my fist.


Mmm. Tastes like diamonds.

The machine costs one dollar to use.

But what happens when you don't have one dollar bill?

No problem.

You can add different coins together

to equal cents, or one dollar.

A quarter, the biggest coin,

equals cents.

So you need four of them to make one dollar.

A dime, the smallest coin, is worth cents,

so you need of them to make one dollar.

Nickels are worth five cents,

so you need of them to make one dollar.

Pennies are worth one cent,

so it takes of them

to make cents or one dollar.

But what happens when you're down to your last dollar?

Watch this.


One dollar.


Another dollar -

which you can then use to make another dollar.

One dollar.


As you can see,

I'm now stuck in an endless loop that I can never escape from.

So until next time...


One dollar.


Another dollar!

My name is Otis.

I am an agent who works here.

Oh, you want more?

Um, I am an agent who works here during the day.

Still more?


Maybe you should talk to my partner, Olympia.

Oh, you did.

Did I say I work here?

Wow. No, no memory of that.

I don't know what else to tell you.

I'm just an average, normal person

that does average, normal things.


Oh, I have something.

I ate a piece of dry toast this morning.

Nailed it.

I'm gettin' the hang of this. How much more time?

OONA: Welcome to Odd Squad, a guide to your gadgets.

Behold the Shrinkinator

it is the number one cure of giant dog-itis.

But that's not all.

Seriously, that's not all.

Flip the Shrinkinator over,

and it can also make waffles.

The Shrinkinator also has a motion sensor

which... It doesn't work.

This has been a helpful guide to the Shrinkinator.

Remember, knowledge is power

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is gadgets.