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02x03 - Mid-Day in the Garden of Good and Odd/Failure to Lunch

Posted: 01/02/24 10:04
by bunniefuu
Coming up next on Odd Squad.

The town museum has been covered in jam.

Jamie Jam is back in town.

That's right, I'm running up and down Oak Street

jamming things up.

And you're not smart enough to catch me.

OLYMPIA: My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is my favorite song.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


(Makes siren noise)

Hurry Olympia!

I'm coming, Ms. O.!

OLYMPIA: Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

I'm trying to get ready for work,

but every time I use the mirror--

I'm over there.

Yeah... We can't fix this.

But I know someone who can.

Hey self, do you mind helping out?

Anything for you, self.

Excuse me, I think you're trying to get ready.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just got so caught up in this article.

Thanks, Odd Squad.

Happy to be of service.

[loud zaps]

I'm still doing whatever I want.

(Makes silly noises)


Odd Squad!


There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

Take a look at this video.

The town museum has been covered in jam.

Wait. But that means--

Jamie Jam is back in town.

That's right.

I'm running up and down Oak Street,

jamming things up!

And you're not smart enough to catch me,

which will make my victory all the sweeter!

Like my jam!

Which, by the way, is preservative free.

That's right: Presfree-jam...



What does she mean "not smart enough?"

Before Jamie jammed the museum, she sent this.

It's some sort of coded message.


And this morning we got another one.


We believe this is the address where Jamie will strike next.

But my code breakers can't crack it.

(Meowing and radio waves)


But if the genius kittens can't do it,

no one can.

There is one.

He was the best code breaker this squad ever had:

Agent Todd.

Um, but didn't Todd turn evil

and become Odd Todd and try to destroy Odd Squad?

People can change, Olympia.

MS. O: Otis is right.

Todd hasn't caused oddness for months.

Word on the street is he's turned over a new leaf.

That joke will make sense when I tell you

Todd is now a gardener.

BOTH: Ohh...

Good one, Ms. O.

Well, what are you waiting for?



Oooh, Barbara, that lettuce is ready for harvest.

Anthony, those fava beans are looking good enough to eat!

You know what I'm saying...

Ah, good times.

OLYMPIA: Hello, Todd.

Odd Squad! (grunts)

What are you guys doing here?

We need your help breaking a code.

No-- No way. Not happening.

I'm not an agent. I'm not a villain.

I'm a gardener now.

Have you ever seen a tomato this red?

Here, take it! Make it into a stew.

But leave me alone.

Hey, if you don't help us,

more things will get covered in jam.

Not my problem.

He's right, Olympia.

Maybe we should give up and start gardening, too.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?

You're blocking the sunlight to my bell peppers.

Everybody knows they need constant sun.


Oh, look, a weed--

TODD: No! That's a carrot!

Fine I'll help you.

But only if you promise to leave me be.


Watches, why didn't we get that when I was...

Ugh, just go ahead.

This is the code the villain sent

before she struck the museum at Oak Street.

And here's the code she sent this morning...

Solved it. What?


Yeah, look. Each letter stands for a number.

We know that the villain struck Oak Street.

So that means that the Y stands for two.

And the W stands for three.


With the information we have,

now we can solve the other clue.

Remember, Y stands for two

and W stands for three.

Smart with vegetables and numbers!

Thanks, Babs!

But we don't know what letter x stands for.

Who-who-who cares!

Smell the garden. (exhales)

With the information we have,

we know the address is a three digit number.

We know that Y stands for two,

which means the address will be two hundred something.

We also know that we have a three in the Ones place.

That only leaves so many options.

From , to .

But it can't be or

because we already know the letter symbols

for two and three.

Fine. Eight options.

Surely the mighty Odd Squad

can keep watch over eight houses.

Now leave!

Uh, okay. Thanks.

This is Oak Street checking in.

We got nothing over here.

How 'bout you, Agent O'Fur?

(All meow)

Nothing there either.

My badge phone is ringing. So?

So it's the first time anyone's called me.

I don't know how to answer it.

Should I say, "Go for Olympia"?

Or how about: "Ready to talk-o?"

No, that sounds like the food "taco."

But I do like tacos--

Hello? Hello?

Otis, tell Olympia her phone's broken.

It's not her phone.

Jamie Jam struck again and it's nowhere near you.

I knew it! Odd Todd tricked us.

He's probably working with Jamie.

No, he's not.

How do you know?

Because the place Jamie hit

was Todd's garden.

My prize winning peppers!

I stepped away for a minute and now everything's jammed.

Poor Barbara was going to have mixed greens for lunch.

It's okay.

I'll just buy some at the store.


We grow our own!

It's what we do!

Look, another code.

OTIS: This is good.

The more information we have,

the better chance we have at catching Jamie.

TODD: Well, I'm all in.

This just got personal.


Now, let's go over what we already know.

Bring up the code on that watch thing of yours.

Alright, so from the previous code,

we know that Y stands for two.

And W stands for three.

Wait, that doesn't make sense.

If it's a three digit number

then why did it attack the garden

Six Oak Street.

What if the x isn't a number.

Look, it's smaller than the Y and the W.

What are you saying?

I'm saying x isn't just a letter,

it also means to multiply.

Like the plus sign means to add

and the minus sign means to subtract.

So if the x is the multiplication sign.

The code is--

Two times three.

Which means two groups of three.

Like my once glorious watermelons used to be.

One, two, three, four, five, six -

Six Oak Street.

I'm a genius!

I'm pretty sure that one was me.

Let me at that code!

We know from before that Y equals two.

OLYMPIA: Two times two.

And "times" means "groups"

so two groups of two is-


Jamie Jam is going to hit four Oak Street.

We'll take my bike.

That's right, I turned it into a planter.

We'll run, we'll just run. C'mon, let's go!

Strawberry jam. No, grape jam.

No, I'm back to strawberry.

Ugh, this always jams.


There she is. Toast-inator.


It's over, Jamie.

You won't be jellying anything today.

It's jam, not jelly.

Jam has seeds. It's artisanal.

Jelly has no seeds and has pectin.

They couldn't be more different.

Thanks for your help, Todd.


I haven't held one of these in so long.

Put the gadget down.

I can create so much oddness with this.

Giant toast, flying toast--

Once a villain, always a villain.

No. People can change.

Todd, listen to me.

Look at me.

Okay, buddy? Listen!

If you go back to causing oddness,

who will pick the strawberries

when they're ripe?

Who will keep the weeds out of your cabbage?

Or turn the soil so your rhubarb

has a fighting chance?

I'm Odd Todd! It's who I am!

(Evil laugh)

Are you?

Or are you Gardener Todd?

(stammers) You kept it?

You bet I did.

Because this,

this is the finest vegetable I have ever seen.

A tomato is a fruit.

I got ya, buddy. I got ya.

Nice one, partner.

So Todd, what do you say you go

and get your hands dirty?

You do realize I'm telling you to go back to your garden.

Not cause oddness--

Yeah I know what you meant the first time you said it.

But, thank you, either way.


Barbara, I don't know which I like better,

the zucchini or squash!

Story of my life.

Thanks, Todd.

No problem.

So you two are new to Odd Squad, right?

Yeah, we just joined up.

You know, it's funny, but I feel like I've seen you before.


I just have one of those faces.

So do I.

Looks like rain.

It'll be lovely for my asparagus!



Hi! I'm one of Ms. O's assistants.

I get here early in the morning

to make sure everything is working,

like her electronics.

(shouts) On!

It's good to go.

I also test the carpet.

Nice and squishy.

I test her phone.

Hi, I'd like to order a pizza.

No, not a real pizza!

I'm just testing the phone.

Ms. O gets a lot of reports

about odd problems in town.

And she likes them organized

by their operation symbol.

Addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and equals.

Let me show you how this works.

This case is about a guy

who has five arms.



I know what you're thinking.

He started with two arms,

and now he has five.

So the solution is to take away three arms!

Take away is another way of saying subtraction.

So the case should go in this box.

So that's what I do.

And when I'm all done,

I like to give myself a little treat!

I'd like to order a pizza.

No, this isn't a test.

This is for real.

I'll have a large pepperoni.

MS. O: Has this ever happened to you?

Oh man, blobs again?

MS. O: You've tried cleaning it out...

(loud splash)

You've tried talking it out...

You get out of there right now, mister!

(loud splash)

MS. O: You've even tried dancing it out.

How 'bout this, blob? Huh? You like this?

(loud splash)

MS. O: But nothing's working, and you've had enough.

Nothing is working, and I've had enough!

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. You need to call the professionals.

I could tell you what the problem is,

but I think it seems pretty obvious.

Not to worry, ma'am.

We've got an Animal-Person-Inator gadget.


Hang on, partner.

Do you want us to change you back to all person,

or all horse?

Oh boy, I didn't know I had a choice.

Let's go with horse.

Wait, no, person!

No, horse.

No, person.

No... horse.

No, person... No, horse.

Person, horse, person.

Definitely horse. Are you sure?

Yes. No wait, person!

(loud blast)

Thanks, Odd Squad.

Not the way I would have gone.


This is for you.


Ready to go!


Wow, you never stop working, do you?

Me? (scoffs)

Says the guy who eats his lunch

at his desk every single day.

Because you never stop working.

Don't get me wrong, it's amazing.

What? I can stop whenever I want, see?


And your other keyboard?


You don't think I can stop working?

Let's go out for lunch right now.

You, me, and zero work.

Olympia, you don't have to do this.

I think you're afraid to do this.

Me? Afraid to stop working?

Or maybe you're afraid I'm right.

Or maybe you're afraid that I'm afraid

that you're afraid I'm right.

Are we still going for lunch?

Yeah, I think so.

You didn't think I could do this,

but I'm totally doing this.

That's the th time you've said that.

I didn't even realize that,

probably because my 'work brain' is on vacation,

lying on a beach somewhere,

probably in a hammock, not checking email.'

Odd Squad!

Welcome to Confalone's Ristorante,

I'm Sabatino Confalone.

Hi Sabatino,

I'm Olympia and this is my partner Otis.

SABATINO: It's a pleasure.

Otis thinks I can't sit here and enjoy lunch

without doing work,

but that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm sure you will,

we have some fantastic lunch specials--

In fact, I'm going to turn off my badge phone right now.



And I'm gonna give you all my gadgets.

(bell dings)

(bell dings again)

(bell dings repeatedly)

Because the only gadget I'm going to need

is a fork and a knife.

Maybe a spoon, depending on what the Soup of the Day is.


Spoon for sure.

And I'll have the spaghetti as well.

I'll have what she's having.


I'll go take these to the coat closet

and then when I come back, I'll bring your food, alright?

Okay, thanks.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I'm going to wash my hands before we eat.

The restroom is that way.

Unless you were going to check on gadgets.

Pffft. Why would I wanna do that?

That's hilarious.


You can do this, you are in charge of yourself,

empty your mind of all thoughts of work

you are cool...

Odd Squad, help! There's oddness in my kitchen!

What? Gino, what did I tell you?

She came here to have lunch, not to work.

I was asking just to be sure.

Why you gotta ask if I already told you?

(Both arguing in gibberish)

BOTH: Where'd she go?


An upside-down kitchen.

Hey guys, how's it going?

I've never seen one of these before.

Urgh, I wanna solve it so bad,

but I can't, or Otis will be right about me.

Don't worry about it Olympia, it's no problem.

We'll call Ms. O, she'll send somebody else.

In the meantime, the chef can keep cooking.

Yeah, I'm okay, I'll just keep the lids on.

What if you two zap it?

BOTH: What?

Go to the coat closet and get the Un-UpsideDown-Inator

and then it'll be like I solved it

without actually "working" because I didn't touch a gadget.

(Chef grunts) Oh yeah, that's ruined.

We don't know what UpsideDown-Inator looks like.

Easy, it's inches long.

Measure the gadgets and you'll find it.

I have one request.

No. Yes?


Yes, yes.

I need you to tell me exactly what you feel like

when you zap it.

Like, the feeling, the taste, everything.

I need to know all of the details.

COOK: Wait!

If they're getting the gadget, who's waiting on tables?

Send down two bowls of soup!

ALL: Nice catch.

(Deep breath)

Why are you standing?

Why are you our waiter?

Uh, I'm not. I'm just a helpful customer.

Everything is normal, nothing is weird.


This is gonna be good!

Wow, there's so many gadgets how are we gonna find it?

All right, look, Gino, my brother,

Olympia told us the gadget we're looking for is inches long.

Which means, if we use a ruler to measure each of them,

we can find out the one that's the right length.

Maybe, maybe like this one here?

I dunno, let's put it down and let's measure it.

Seven inches, it should be inches,

it's too short.

Maybe this one? Hey, quit pointing it.

I'm not pointing, I was holding.

You're pointing it at my eye. It could go off.

(Both argue in gibberish)

Gimme this thing! Let me measure it.

It's inches. It's too long.

So we need to find something

that's longer than this gadget...

And shorter than this gadget.

How about this one?

Let me see.

This one's inches exactly, that's it!

We found it! We found it!

(Both laugh)

Oh, hold on.

This gadget looks like it's exactly the same length.

Oh it is exactly the same length.

How are we going to be able to tell

which one is the Upside-Down-Inator?

BOTH: We'll use both.

Man, this is nice. Out of the office...


What's the matter?


That was an excited scream.

I'm excited to not be working.

Ahh! I'm eating soup!

So fun!

I'm gonna get us some more breadsticks.

There's still one right here.

All gone.

Okay, I'm here.

We've been waiting ten minutes, what happened?

What happened is you guys

are way too generous with the breadsticks.

Talk to me.

We found two gadgets that were both inches long.

Right, and we didn't know which one to use,

so we used both of them.

It's okay, I can cook through the meatballs.

Just got enjoy your meal!

She's right, we'll get other agents.

No way.

You do that and Otis will for sure find out I was working.

We're going back to the coat closet, aren't we?

There's an Un-Meatball-Inator,

it's five inches long, it's the only one that length.

I'm positive.

Now, I have to get back to the table.

Here, take your food with you.

I really like you guys.

How does she fit all these gadgets in her jacket

is what I wanna know.

I dunno, but Gino my only brother,

take a look at this one!


This one measures five inches exactly.

(Both laugh)

But, my only brother, look.

This also measures five inches.

What are we gonna do?


BOTH: We'll use them both.

(Both laugh)

Are you okay?

Yeah, totally. Are you okay?

Why wouldn't I be?

It's freezing in here and you're sweating.

Some people have different body temperatures.


What now?

Uh, uh...

I bit my tongue. Owwww.

I better go get a bandage.

For your tongue?

Yeah, gotta put pressure on it

or it'll blow up like a football,

and then people will be like,

hey, did you just catch a football in your mouth?

And I'd be like, hooray, touchdown,

but not really because your tongue hurts.

Did you follow my instructions?

We found two gadgets that measured five inches!

Show her, Gino.

This one, five inches.

This one, also five inches.

I said five inches long, not high.


You were supposed to measure the length,


Not the height, how tall it is...

Normally I'd be really upset,

but I feel like I'm learning a really important lesson

about measurement.

What happened when you fired both?

(Both laugh)


COOK: I'm not okay anymore!


What should we do?

This is too out of control, I have to tell Otis the truth.

Otis, there's something I need to tell you--

What happened to you?


If you wanna leave and use the restroom, go for it.

Or go into the kitchen. Anything you need.

I'll just be here, resting.

Uh, what's going on?

I'm not proud of it, but...

I've been secretly working all lunch.


Every time you got up from the table,

I've been going outside to deal with this thing...


I could've called Odd Squad to send someone else,

but it was just so cool.

I'm the one that can't stop working, not you.

Also, what did you want to tell me?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

(Loud bang)


Okay, I may have been working a tiny bit.

I can't help it. I love my job.

So do I.

(Loud growling and clatter)

Do you wanna try not working another day?


BOTH: Yah!

(Triumphant music)

(Oona reading text)

(sings) ♪ A Guide to Your Tie

Howdy-do, agents!

Here at Odd Squad, every agent wears a tie.

Attached to a tie is a ruler.

Your tie can do different things,

depending on how long it is.

Right now, the tie is ten inches long.

But when we make it longer, to inches...

(Beeps) (Whirring)

Now your tie can beatbox.

(Loud beatboxing)

Got something stuck between your teeth?

Simply make the tie shorter,

to seven inches.

(Beep and whirring)

(Loud spray)

Look at those pearly whites!

Okay, you can leave now.

Things are about to get intense!

(Door slides open and closed)

As you know, I myself wear a bowtie.

Mostly to look good,

but it can also turn me into...

a box!

So that's cool because... a free box.

And I can turn myself back by tugging the bowtie again.


Except I can't because I'm a box.

Wow, I really shouldn't have told her to leave.

My name is Olympia and I am an Odd Squad agent.

You're filming me from that one now.

I can tell.

I'm so surprised the doctors are filming this.

I just didn't think that would be your department.

Okay, focus.

I'm Olympia and I enjoy being an Odd Squad agent.


(Loud cry)

(Both scream)

I'm coming, Ms. O!

When do you do that part where you show

a little scene from my life?

Oh you just did?

Sorry, I just want this interview to turn out well.

Can I just come around and see what I look like real quick?


Now I can't see me

because I'm behind the camera.

I can do both--

I'm Olympia and I love Odd Squad so much!

You'll use that, right?

OONA: Welcome to Odd Squad -

(sings) ♪ A Guide to Your Gadgets

Behold the Hat-Inator!

It creates hats of various size,

shape, and cuteness!

It has a fully-carpeted interior,

a way-too-small carrying case,

it fits in your hand,

under your nose,

under an athlete's foot,

Diane's foot.

Once you try the Hat-Inator,

you'll never go back to the Visor-Inator.

Knowledge is power,

power is gadgets,

and gadgets is pancakes.