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02x01 - First Day

Posted: 01/02/24 10:02
by bunniefuu
My name is Ms. O. This... is also me.

This is what a new season looks like.

But back to me again.

I'm in charge of an organization made up of kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.



MS. O: We are Odd Squad.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, Ronnie?

Well, my brother Donny and I were playing street hockey,

and he scored a goal, so we high fived.

But then, he never stopped.

Hey, Olive, hey Otto.

Not to worry, we have an "un-high-five-inator"


Thanks, Odd Squad.

You bet. Have a good day.

Alright, Donny, let's get back to that game.

You know it, bro.

I can't move.

Me either.

Odd Squad!

What did we learn from this?


When you zap someone with an "un-high-five-inator"

it doesn't protect against "chest-bump-itis."


Doesn't protect against hiccups either, guys.

Just a heads up.

(School bell)

Thank you, alright, remember,

quiz next week on how to interrogate a unicorn.

Also, your blobs are due.

Obed, I'm talking to you.

Olympia, see me after class.

Is there a problem, Instructor O?

You're on track to be an agent this summer, correct?

Yeah, not that I'm counting the days,

or the hours, ...

It's not happening.

What? But I've gotten straight O's on every test.

I can identify every gadget...

I'm not making you an agent this summer,

because I'm making you one right now.

I don't think I've ever seen you not talking.

Me neither.

How, why?

Agents Olive and Otto are leaving,

to run their own Odd Squad.

So, there's an opening in precinct .

Ms. O picked you.

Are you saying, I'm the new Olive?

Technically, you're the new Otto.

Also, you're the last to know.

OLYMPIA: What do you mean, last to know?



OLYMPIA: Are you sure I'm ready?

Yes I've studied every single Odd Squad case

since the beginning of time

but what about before time began?

You're ready.

O'Flannrihanrahan, prepare to squishinate.

(Loud siren)

Whoa, not that one!

This one.

Wait, you didn't say who my new partner's gonna be.

You'll meet him when you get there.

Aha, I can tell it's gonna be a boy

because you said "Him"

I wonder what he's gonna be like.

Do you want to be transferred?



OSCAR: What do we do now, Ms. O?

I mean, Olive and Otto were the best agents we had.

True, but I've got two new agents

who seem like they're up for the job.


There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

Whoa, I'm really here.

In Odd Squad.

Not for long. Prepare to squishinate.

But, but, but.

I need you to report to an office downtown.

But, we haven't even met.

My name's Otis.

And she's Olympia.

Hey guys, I'm Oscar.

Now you've met.



Hey, we didn't really get a chance to talk back there.

So, I'm Olympia.

Speed stats: years old, first pet: guinea pig.

Favorite color - all of them. Duck!

What happened?

I don't like ducks.


This is great.

We're learning about each other.

Secret handshake...

We just met, how can we have a secret handshake?

I thought we'd just sort of, kind of find it.

So, do you have any other fears?

How about special talents?

None worth mentioning, come on.


There. Yes, here.

Odd Squad, please, I need your help.

I just started floating for no reason.

Whoa, floating people.

Maybe we should lasso him.

Wait, should we take a picture of our first case now?

Or in the middle, or after we solve it?

I've got this.



How is that a talent not worth mentioning?

Whelp, guess it's back to my lab...

What happened to my lab?

What happened to everything?

We had to clean up after the showdown with Odd Todd.

So, I decided to make some improvements.

But, that was like ten minutes ago.

I'm upset it took that long, too.


Something's different about you.

Oh yeah, this new

"make you older-inator" went off.

I like the new voice, though.

So, new headquarters, huh?


There's a task force room, office for Coach O,

and I hired a chef from town

to make the breakroom more fun.

Eat my food

and I'll make you a balloon.

Woo hoo!


I might've gone too fun.

What I'm most excited about, is...

The creature room.

Which is where we're gonna go right now.


Can you find someone to run it?

I can run this,

I've got a special knack for taking care of creatures.

Like this little guy.




I'll find someone to run this immediately.

Ah, thank you Odd Squad.

VOICE: Odd Squad!

Is that me screaming? I sound so far away.

VOICES: Odd Squad!

Ugh, there's more floaters.

Odd Squad!

This is great.

You're happy the problem got worse?

Ya, huh.

We don't know what's causing people to float, right?

Now, there are three people floating,

we can ask all of them the same questions...

Got it.

And if they have same answer to a question

that's what they have in common.

I wanted to say that, but yes.

The best part, is we can take all that information,

all that data, and put it into a chart.

That's the best part?

You're right.

The best part is the moment before you make the chart.

Ooh, the anticipation.

OTIS: Alright, we gathered the data, and now...

Behold, "The Chartening".

Alright, the people are along the side,

and the questions are along the top.

OTIS: Question one.

Where were you when you started floating?

The dentist said "At the dentist's office".

Crossing guard said, "On the street."

And the businessman said, "In his office."

No matches.

Question two.

Actually, maybe I can do that and you can zap it.

Just to keep it fairsies. You're gonna love it.

Question two,

what time was it when you started floating.

Dentist said, :.

See, told you you'd love it.

Crossing guard also said :.

The same.

And business man said :.

Only two out of three, not good enough.

Does it bother anyone that they haven't asked us our names?

My name is "Dentist", so I'm good.

I'm Marie.

But I pronounce it "Crossing Guard".

Oh, what?

OTIS: They have nothing in common.

You know, this is better we didn't solve it.

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel,

throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack!

I'm gonna go ask more questions.

Okay, sure.

(Laughs under his breath)

DR. O: Oscar, my name is Doctor O.

I met you several times.

We solved a case together last year.

Yeah, I know.

Good, that'll save us some time.

I heard you're interviewing people to run the creature room.

I want in.

But I thought you were happy being a doctor.

Of course I am, I'm a doctor.

But I want to help pick the new person.


Let me paint you a picture. Actually, there's no time.

I'll just use these.

The person running the creature room

forgets to lock a cage.

A creature gets loose

and pours itself a glass of water.

It spills some water.

I slip on the water.

I get hurt and I can't do my job.

So yeah, I care about who runs the creature room.


OLYMPIA: I can't believe there's no matches.

Hang on.

All three people were eating when they started floating.

The dentist had a sandwich,

the crossing guard had a salad,

and the businessman had a bagel with cream cheese.

Those are all different foods.

Plus, they ate in different places.

And the crossing guard and the dentist

ate at a different time than the business man.

My name is Hopkins, or Joe.

Anything to make me feel more like a human being.

I still think there's something here.

There's nothing, it's over.

We failed our first case.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened to leading wolves

and lights at the end of tunnels.

We've been in the tunnel for days.

There's no light, just the wolf.

So, we go back to headquarters and ask for help.

We shouldn't need help.

We're agents, we should be able to do this ourselves.

But we can't. I can't. I knew I wasn't ready.

What are you saying?

I'm saying, I don't deserve to wear this.

So you're going to a party instead?

Oh, this was supposed to be my celebration outfit,

when we solved our first case.

I'm going back to the academy.

This is worse than a duck.

To be continued.


Hey, guys.

The first step to dealing with a tiggle or a taggle

is to find out if you're looking at a tiggle or a taggle.

As you can see, they have a lot in common.

(Critter noises)

But we can use a chart to see if there are any differences.

They both have six eyes,

four legs, two arms...

Hold on.

When you look at the antennae,

the tiggle has two antennae but a taggle has three.

That's how they're different.

Since this monster has two antennae,

that makes him a tiggle.

Which is quite fortunate,

because if it was a taggle, it would've eaten me by now.


Not this guy. He's adorable.


The other way to find out is to ask them to sing.

Tiggle has a beautiful voice.

♪ (beautiful singing voice)

But a taggle has a horrible voice.

(Obnoxious, loud braying)

(Obnoxious, loud braying)

They're both excellent dancers.

♪ (Rock)

♪ (Rock)

♪ (Rock)

And now the rest of the story...

Normally I just sort of squish them together like that...

What's going on in here? Oh hey, Ms. O.

So I was going to do the creature duty

interviews by myself,

but as it turns out,

it affects a lot of different people.

Yeah. Yeah, like me -

because my partner is a creature!


Wait, Olaf is a werewolf?

The signs were there all along.

(Howling repeatedly)

(Howling repeatedly)

DR. O: Yeah, that makes sense now.

Did someone say they were hungry?

Uh, no, not even close.

Well, eat my food

and I'll make you a balloon!

(Awkward murmur)


You people sort out this creature room thing.

You come with me.



I don't get it, Miss O.

Maybe I need to try different kinds of food.

Or maybe it's because you're yelling in people's faces.

I'm not so sure.

Trust me, I've been there.

If you're always yelling,

that's all people think you do,

and they don't see that there's a lot more to your character.

I get it...

(Creepy whisper) Eat my food

and I'll make you a balloon...

Um, creepy whisper isn't any better,

but thank you.

And you can keep the balloon.

Oh... (Chuckling)

Like you have a choice. (Chuckle)

(Voices murmuring)

OTIS: Olympia, listen to me. You can't give up.

You've tried so hard,

and you're just gonna leave it all back

and go back to the academy like it's -

Whoa, guys! Get these floaters outta here!

O'Duffy, please.

We're just bringing them to the containment room

and then Otis can find a new partner.

You looking for a partner? 'Cause I'm looking for a change.

No, I don't want a new partner. I want YOU to be my partner.

Why? You obviously don't like me.

You barely talk to me.

I've said more words to you than anyone in my life.

You just don't notice because you say more words

than most people do in their entire lives.

Yeah, I can see that.

You're smart, you know about Odd Squad.

If you could just get over this and get back to work -

Get over what? The fact that I failed?

I know what'll cheer ya up!

Eat my food

and I'll make you a balloon.

HOPKINS: Floating! Floating! Thank you.

See? Medium sized voice.

Odd Squad, do not listen to her.

She will not give you a balloon.

Yeah, I didn't get my balloon. Me neither.

Wait, you all know her?

Yeah! She delivered me breakfast.

Yes, she delivered me lunch.

She delivered me lunch too.

A salad.

It wasn't the best I'd ever had, but it wasn't the worst.

Otis, you were right.

It did have to do with the food.

It didn't matter that they ate in different places

because all the food is delivered by...

I'm sorry, I don't know your name. Party Pam.

Party Pam is what they have in common!

FLOATERS: Oh yeah... She's right!

And for the record, I never said I'd GIVE you a balloon,

I said I'd MAKE you a balloon.

Are you saying your food makes people INTO balloons?

I feel like I've been really clear about this.

(Disagreeing murmur)

People, people! It's okay!

Now that we know what caused this, we can fix you.

I can't wait to tell Ms. O we solved our first case.

O'DUFFY: Oh, she's not here.

She went to the park for her lunch break.

With one of my sandwiches. Another satisfied customer.

You gave her a sandwich... Yes.

...that makes you float? Yes.

And now she's outside, where there are no ceilings.

I want to say no,

but the answer's yes.

O'Duffy, send us to the park.

Pam. Oh, okay.


Prepare to Squishinate!

One day I'll get to see headquarters.


O'DUFFY: So, how's the sandwich business?

I could use a change.

It's really bad. I'm still interested.


It's really bad.


OLYMPIA: There! Help!

I do not like being out of control!

Do that jumping thing and catch her!


You know, that jumping thing

you did to get the business man down?

There's nothing high enough to jump on.

Then how do we save her? I don't know!

Okay, what do we have?

We have gadgets,

we have really good, positive attitudes...

I have a sandwich from that lady! You can eat that -

and float up - get Ms. O!

Ugh! But then I'll float away, too.

Not if you're tied down.


Ready? Ready.

I think you have to keep...

Yeah, yeah, I'll eat more.


I can see space!

I think it's expanding.

Otis, I'm going to miss her!

Hurry, Olympia!

A flock of pigeons!

I'm coming, Ms. O!

Come on, come on...

OLYMPIA: Gotcha! Yes!

This hundred pound pound cake should make you heavier.



I'm just trying to find my place in the world.

Just make sure you eat it nice and -

(Scream) ...slow.

I'd like to have a word with you.

PAM: Okay. OTIS: You alright?

OLYMPIA: Yeah, I'm just...

Sorry I gave up before.

OTIS: But then you un-gave up

and figured out the answer and saved Ms. O.

But I still quit.

It's not what Olive would've done, or Otto.


Too loud.

(Quieter) Hey... I don't know them, okay?

But I know that not everything's always

perfect and easy the first time.

You try your best,

and if you need help from someone else,

so what?

It doesn't make you a bad agent.

It makes you a good agent,

because you can work with other people.

And can we please stop talking about feelings?


So we partners or what?

Does this answer your question?


I was gonna join the scouts if the academy didn't work out.

I'll just get a new suit

back at headquarters.

(Nervous chuckle)

And your name is?


Why would you like to run the creature room?

Well, I have a lot of experience with creatures.

Like, my friend knows a guy with a dog.

OSCAR: Uh, no. What about actual creatures?

Like a cat.

No, we mean creatures with horns and weird eyes and antennae.

Like a fish.

Who's next?!

I thought you and Oscar were doing this together.

He's getting more snacks. Ohlm ate them all.

Very impressive application, Owen.


You know your way around headquarters,

you know all the safety protocols,

and you have creature experience.

Big time.

If we offered you the job,

how soon could you start?

In about years.

We need someone today.

I could move some stuff around.

Maybe start in years.

That still won't work. Hey, we tried.

Who's next?!

What makes you think you'd do a good job

running the creature room?

What makes YOU think you'd do a good job

running this interview?


Have you ever interviewed people before today?

No, but I'm a doctor.

Carting out that old excuse again, huh?

Well then, Orchid, maybe we could -

Hey, who's the one asking the questions?

Me or you two?

Us two? Wrong answer.


OSCAR: What's happening?

What's happening is this interview is over.

Who's next?!

OSCAR: Hey there.

I'm Oscar and this is Dr. O.

Doctor who? Different person.

And your name is?

Ocean... like the ocean.

DR. O: Okay, Mr. Ocean,

why would you like to run the creature room?

Well, I've always had a way with creatures,

like this little guy.

Whoa! That looks pretty dangerous.

Super dangerous, dude.

But watch this.

♪ (Ukulele)

♪ (Ukulele)

♪ (Ukulele)


I appreciate the feedback.

Alright, so we'll get back to you after,

you know, we interview the other people and...

Oscar, there's no one else.


Everyone else is part of the interviewing team.


Whoa. That dude is furry.

Well, congratulations. You got the job.

Ohhh yeah!

♪ (Ukulele) (Kids cheering)

Not a bad first day, you two.

Go get settled at your desks.

Wait, we actually get to see the inside of headquarters?

MS. O: Things are quiet for now.

But don't worry, something very odd will happen soon, I'm sure.

Well, what are you waiting for?


I still let myself have one yell per day.


Partner, we have arrived.

We found our secret handshake! That was an accident.

No, no, that was a sign that we are perfect partners.

Admit it! Do it!

Ms. O, I was pulling files, and I found Olympia,

but there's no record of Otis going to the academy.

That's because Otis didn't go to the academy.

Then where did he come from?

Sounds like you could use a private investigator.

I'm still looking for a change.

I joined because my voice should sound like this.

(Man's voice) Not like this.

I joined because cows should make milk

not fruit punch

that you can still find in the dairy aisle.

I joined because a banana

shouldn't taste like an apple.


You gotta just trust me on this one.

We are...

We are...

We are Odd Squad.

MS. O: Since the beginning of time-

and we're talking way back-

we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time,

we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

This is our second favorite one.

There's no case too big,

no case too small.

At Odd Squad, we do it all.

And yes, that is a herd of wild businessmen.

ALL: Buy, buy, sell, sell!

My name is Ms. O. MS

I run every department here at Odd Squad.

Some people call me

"the boss," and I like that.

Before I became the head honcho,

I was an agent myself.

What's the haps?

But that doesn't mean the big chief-a-roni

doesn't help out with cases every once in a while.


Ms. O don't play that.

What you might not know about me is

I like juice boxes.

(Slurping juice)

I need a juice.

Okay, maybe you did know that about me.

But did you know this juice box on my desk

is actually a phone?

(Phone ring)


Sorry, I can't hear you.

I'm on my juice box phone.

Call me on my regular phone.


(Phone ringing)


Yes, I'd like to place a juice box order.

OSCAR: Welcome to Odd Squad - A Guide to Your Gadgets.

Behold the flip-flop-inator,

a handy number- flipping device

first created by me, Oscar.

(Chuckle) That's me.

In addition to flipping numbers,

it can also flip grilled cheese sandwiches,

scrape gum off of chairs,

and stop tables from being all wobbly.

The flip-flop-inator's main power source is maple syrup -

not the cheap kind,

only the best from Quebec.

This has been a guide to the flip-flop-inator gadget.

Remember - knowledge is power,

power is gadgets, and gadgets is wiener dogs.