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01x40 - O Is Not for Over

Posted: 01/02/24 10:00
by bunniefuu
- Coming up next on Odd Squad... - Hello, Otto!

- You want me to help you cause oddness? - Exactly!

- Ms. O, I was listening to Otto's phone calls

and he's working with Odd Todd!

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird,

and, especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

(theme music)

(Otto screaming)


- Squishinating!

- (Olive): Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

- O Is Not for Over.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - What seems to be the problem?

- Well, we're making this TV show called The Bizarre Brigade

about adults who solve bizarre problems.

- It might work better with kids.

- Maybe. Anyways, we can't film it because one of our stars, Sheila, lost her head.

- Not to worry. We have a head-put-back-inator.

- Partner, would you like to do the honours?

- Watch this.

- (Olive): Don't worry, he's a professional.

- Crossing!


- Oh... Oh, thanks, Odd Squad! (crew cheering and applauding)

- Have a great day everyone! Thank you!

- Phew! I'm so glad Sheila can see me now.

Alright, guys, uh, let's lock it up, people! Roll sound!


- Rawr! Quick, Oscar, get the sock! Rawr!

- You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

- There you two are. Something very odd has happened.

Do you remember Mr. O who runs the Odd Squad next town over?

(whirring) - Oh, yeah. Aren't you two,

like, arch-enemies? - That's water under the bridge.

Also, we're friends now.

But after years of dedicated service,

Orville is retiring and someone needs to take his place.

- Hey, guys! Ms. O-inator...


- (gasping): Wait, you want me to...

- Run your own Odd Squad.

- I hope you say yes, because I don't have an un-Ms. O-inator.

- YES! - Wow! This is amazing!

If anyone deserves it,

it's you. - Oh, thanks!

EEE! I'm so excited!

Is the skirt a must, or is pants an option?

- Oscar will explain that and go over the rest of your training.

- Can I bounce up and down with joy as we go?

- Absolutely. Heh... (squealing in time to jumps)

- Wow! Olive's becoming a Ms. O!

- So exciting!

- Sorry, who are you? - This is your new partner,

Agent Ohln. - Ome?

- It's pronounced "Ohln". - Ohln?

- No, Ohln. - Ohln...

- You're not pronouncing the K. - What K? What's happening?

- Now that Olive's moving up, you get a new partner.

And just in time -- there's a spider cat on the loose.

Now take a seat.

The good news is, spider cats travel in patterns.

- What's a pattern? - A pattern

is something that repeats itself. It can be a series

of numbers, shapes, colours-- - I need you to figure out

the pattern and predict where it'll strike next so you can catch it.

- That girl Pooly Groove might have info.

- You mean Polly Graph. - Oh, is that how you pronounce it?

- ...Yup. Ms. O, can I talk to you

a sec about this new new partner thing, I just don't think it's going to--

- Absolutely...not! Now go!

- O'Malley, send us to Polly Graph!

- I'll send you, but not him.

- What? Why? O'Malley,

I don't have time for you to tube block us, we have to go...

- No, it's my fault. I flunked my tube test.

And then I tried again... Then I flunked it again.

- Seriously? How are we supposed to solve cases?

- We can walk.

- Alright, Olive.

The most important part of becoming Ms. O

is your signature drink.

- Hmm...

(spluttering) UGH! What is this?

- Dirt with water. I wanted to give you all options.

- Hey... Do you think Otto's doing OK with his new partner?

- Oh, sure! Otto gets along with everybody. I bet they're attached at the hip by now.

- (laughing): Preparing to squishinate.

- You've got to move... We're going to go squish down.

- Up? Up? - Down!

- Squishinating...

- Oh, this is tight! - Yeah, I know.

Oh, look, here comes a loop-de-loop! - (both): Whoa!


- I'm still attached to you! - I know, I know.

Just give me a second. - I'm still attached to you!

- I know! (both grunting)

Oh, no!

The spider cat got to you too, Polly? - A little bit, yeah.

- We're on the case. Have any graphs that might help us catch this thing?

- As a matter of fact, I do.

Underneath these webs it says

that the spider cat also hit Main Street.

- We're at Main Street now.

So, it hit Main Street and then Main Street;

it could be a counting by s pattern.

, , , .

But, it could also be

a doubling pattern, because when you double a number,

you add the number to itself, and plus

equals . - You say a lot of words.

- Bottom line, we need more info

to predict where the spider cat will strike next.

Let's split up. Start knocking on doors.

- Cool!

...What do I say if someone answers?

- Ask them if they've seen a spider cat?

- Oh, yeah... Good luck!

- Weird.

Kind of like you're the Olive now.

Hey, can you scratch my nose before you go?

- Sure. - Thanks.

- Thanks for your time, ma'am.

- Delivery for Agent Otto.

- But I didn't order anything.



- Odd Todd! You mailed yourself to me?

- It was the only way to contact you.

I mean, I tried emailing myself and my computer just didn't have

enough storage and the RAM-- - What do you want? - To help get Olive back.

You know, because if she becomes a Ms. O, you'll

never see her again. - What? No, no, no. That's not true.

- Hey! I used to work at Odd Squad, remember?

She'll be at a new office, making new friends,

forgetting old ones...

If you want Olive to stay, there would have to be

a problem so big and so odd

that Ms. O would have no choice

but to keep Olive around to help solve it.

- You want me to help you cause oddness?

- Exactly! See, we're already working so well together.

We could get, like, cool team jackets

with a snake eating a dragon,

and the dragon's explode-- - I'll never join you.

(growling) - Fine.

But when you see that I'm right,

you know where to find me. Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go find a mailbox.

Uh, I found one that way that's closer. But you know, still, RRR! Yeah.


- Oscar, I have to see Ms. O.

- Uh, wait! She's training Olive.

- There you two are. Something super odd has happened--

- VERY odd. (clearing throat)

- ...Something very odd has happened.

Take a look at this.

- No, not that button!

(alarm blaring) (carnival music playing)

- Uh... Um, OK... OH!

- Uh, I can leave a message if you like.

- No, no, no. It's OK.

I was just thinking of all the great adventures Olive and I had.

(melodramatic rock music playing)

(song continuing through computer speakers)

- Argh... - What are you doing?

- I can't figure out how to get these pictures off Olive's old computer,

or shut off this really sad music.

(music stops) - Thanks...

- We should make more calls, see if the spider cat hit anywhere else.

- It did. It webbed people

at Main Street

and Main Street.

- What? Why didn't you tell me? - Oh... Were we supposed to share information?

- Yes! - I thought it was a competition.

- That means the spider cat hit Main Street,

, , .

I see the pattern: it's skipping by s.

That means the next house it's going to hit

is o plus ,

so , ,

, ... Main Street.

That's Coach Roberts' house. We gotta warn him!

- After I fix these string thingies... - NO, NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT!


- Maybe you should go alone.

(blowing whistle) - Oh, yeah. That's a keeper.

(meowing) Oh... OH! Scary but cute!

AHH! (meowing)

(hissing) - (Otto): Look out!

- Whew... Yeah. - You alright, Coach?

- I think so. Oops! Hold on.


Oh -- wait a minute. Did I talk like this before?

- Yes. - Then I'm A-OK! - I'll call Odd Squad

to help clean this up. - Thanks, Otto.

I wish there was a way I could repay you, but all I have is tickets to tonight's

basketball game. - I'll take 'em.

- But you don't like sports... - No, I do not. Thanks, Coach!

(weak whistle) - Enh, it's a little flat...

- These seats are amazing!

- Hey, are you sure you have time? I mean,

you're training, and it's OK if you can't come.

- Of course I can. Let me just finish up with Oscar

and I'll meet you there. - Awesome.

- Now, where were we?

- My Oscarbots were about to form one giant robot to fight you.

(all babbling)

- Good. We're moving on to the easy stuff.

HI-YA! (beep)

(whirring) (bleating)

- Oh, hey, Larry and Phyllis! - (both): Oh, hey, Otto!

- You remember our daughter

Larrylita... - They grow up so fast.

- Hey, have you guys seen Olive? She was

supposed to meet me here. - No.

- (announcer): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome

to Shmumber Stadium where the burly Bears are facing off

against the rambunctious Rams.

- (voicemail): You've reached Agent Olive. I mean, um,

Ms. O. Leave a message. (beep)

- Hey, Olive. Me, again. I was just wondering

where you are. - BEARS!

BEARS! BEARS! (beep)

- The voicemail box you're trying to reach is currently full.

- Bears moving the ball, here comes the shot...

It's a basket!

And the Bears win the game! - I LOVE YOU!


- Otto, you OK? - Yeah.

I have to go talk to somebody.


Come on in!

Actually, if you could wipe your feet on the mat first -- thanks!

- To be continued...

(fanfare playing)

- Odd Squad Training Video # :

How to Feed the Odd Squad Goldfish

- Greetings, Agents. Here at Odd Squad,

we have many pets, but one of my favorites is this little goldfish right here.

I like to call him "Sir Fishalot" -- ha ha!

But what's really important is that he's fed the right amount

of food every day. Feed him too little, and this happens.


Feed him too much, and this happens.

What you can't tell here

is that he's also yelling really loud. So, to avoid any further mistakes,

let's review how much this little guy eats.

Every day, he eats a total of eggplants.

This morning, I fed him ,

and this agent here is on afternoon feeding duty.

She has to figure out how many more eggplants to feed him to get him to .

A quick way of doing this is to use a number line.

Here's the number , and to get ,

we count these little tick marks, which each stand for .

, , , , , .

more eggplants to get to ! Heh...

The word "more" often means use addition.

But wait! Before you feed him,

remember that today is Wednesday.

On Wednesdays, he also eats meatballs.

How many meatballs, you ask?

Five less than the total amount of eggplants.

The word "less" often means using subtraction.

You can use a number line to figure it out.

Here's what eggplants looks like,...

And we need to find out less, so we subtract .

, , ,,

is . meatballs

for Sir Fishalot! One more thing to keep in mind when feeding

the Odd Squad goldfish is to never, ever,

under any circumstance look him directly into the eye.

If you do, you will explode.

Just kidding -- he will. (boom)

And reappear...and explode. (boom)

And reappear...and explode. (boom)

- As you can see, it makes it a lot more challenging to feed him.

- And now the rest of the story.


- I thought your evil lair would be more...

You know...evil.

- Well, it used to be more dark and mysterious,

but it was always so hard to read anything.

So I redid it. Plus,

I rent out half to these web developers.

Which is nice, because it gives me someone to go to lunch with.

But forget about that -- let's make something ODD!

- I shouldn't have come. - Oh, Otto, Otto, Otto!

- This is the only way to get Olive back.

If we unleash something really odd from headquarters,

Ms. O will realize she can't lose her best agent

and you'll have your partner back.

That's what you've always wanted -- isn't it?

- ...Yeah.

- Come bounce with me.

- Bounce with you? What?

- What's the most odd thing you can think of?

(mumbling oddly) - Uh... I don't know!

- Think! (continues mumbling)

- I don't know, it's just-- Can you stop making that noise?

- I'll stop making it once you come up with something.

- I don't know, there's odd things behind the doors in headquarters.


Sneak into headquarters

and unleash something from the doors!

But which door? Hit me with something!

Come on, I need ideas! Come on!

- Robot princesses! - Perfection!

- But it won't work! The only way

to open the robot princess doors is with Agent Owen's tablet,

and he always keeps it locked up.

- But Otto, you forget --

you're working with an EVIL GENIUS!


- Hey, Todd. We're just going to order sushi if you want in.

- Oh, that sounds delicious! Thank you.


- Hey, Otto. Nice shades! Heh heh...


[Are you OK?] - Say you're OK, Otto.

- I'm OK. Heh...

- OK, well... See you later! (Todd sighing)

- I don't know if I can do this. Maybe it's not so bad with Olne.

- [It's pronounced Olne.]

- Give me a sec. - Who are you talking to?

- No one! I'm talking to myself! I'm having

a me party, all alone. - Good news. I cut the legs off our desks.

- How is that good news? - [Because it looks cooler.]

- See ya later, bud.

- OK, I'm definitely doing this.

[Odd Todd -- Owen is still there!] - Oh, Otto,

I've known Owen for years. He goes on break

the exact same time every single day,

which should be in...

..., , !


- (Todd): [What did I tell you? Now, get over there!]

Yeah, he keeps it in that wall thingy! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah!



- See? I told you I couldn't get his tablet -- it's locked!

- It's a pattern lock, and I can tell you exactly how-- - Todd!

It's Matt's birthday, and we're all signing this card--

- Carl, I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of a top-secret mission. You understand, right?

I, oh... I... Sorry!

Study the pattern.

[Figure out what comes next and you can unlock the box.]

- Blue, red, green, yellow.

Then blue, red, green, yellow.

That must be a pattern! So after yellow

is blue! (buzzing alarm)

It didn't open! You were wrong! - [I'M NEVER WRONG!]

Look at it again. - Blue, red, green, yellow.

Blue, red, green, yellow --

and then it goes red twice!

Oh, then it repeats. OK, so after yellow

is red and red.

Got it! - Yes! I'm on my way.


- Wow! Thanks, guys! This is unexpected.

But... Wait,

Todd didn't sign it.

- Incoming! (tubes hissing)

You're... You're...

You're Odd Todd!

- And you're pudding! (buzzing)


Oh, Otto! I always thought of you like an uncle! Good job.


- I can't! The screen is locked. - What?

Argh! Owen...

- I bet it's a pattern lock, but there's just boxes and no colours!

- It's a growing pattern. Look; so you begin with ,

and then you add to get squares.

You add more to get , , , , , squares.

- And plus

is , , ,

, , ,

, !

(door unbolting) (princesses humming)


- This isn't enough! Ms. O will only keep Olive if it's out of control.

We should open another door. (beep)

(door unbolting) - HO HO HO, YES!

I am LOVING THIS! - It still isn't enough!

We need more! MORE! (doors unbolting)

- Heh, heh...

I think we're good now, buddy. - NO!

(chirping and purring)

- Otto --- OTTO, STOP!

- What do you mean, stop? You're Odd Todd! You love Oddness!

- Yeah, to a point! I have other interests -- like gardening!

This is too much! You're going to destroy the world!

- I can't lose Olive! - I can't do this.

You keep the Odd, I'll keep the Todd. I am out of here!

- Nice job, agent Otto.

- Good job, partner.

(all cheering)

- Thanks, guys. - STOP RIGHT THERE!

Ms. O, I was listening to Otto's phone calls,

and he's working with Odd Todd!

- You were listening to my phone calls?

- Of course. We're partners.

- I wasn't working for Odd Todd.

The night I went to the basketball game,

Olive showed up, but she was late.

- (fans): Hey, Olive! - Sorry, I'm late. - No problem.

And when I spoke to her about what happened... - I suggested we talk to Ms. O.

- Let's go. - Oh, wait!

- I gotta tie my shoes. - And the Bears win the game!

(cheering wildly)

- Otto, are you OK? - Yeah.

I have to go talk to somebody. Oscar invented some gadgets

to make us look like creatures. - Wish me luck!

♪ La la la la ♪

- It was never about keeping Olive;

it was about getting rid of Odd Todd.

But the real Oscar.

He moved the creatures so I could open

all the doors on all of the floors.

- Well, not all the doors. Just the ones in these hallways.

- What?

- Otto, did you open all the doors?

(loud screeching and roaring)

- I'm going to take my break!

- Quiet day at the Squad.


- Sorry, Ms. O. - What do you mean, "sorry"?

I was starting to get a little rusty.

- (all): FOR ODD SQUAD!



- Thanks, partner! (high fiving)

- O'Malley, sword me.

- Try battling these dishes sometime!

Then we'll see who's the hero...



- Olive, what are you doing? You're going to miss

your first day! - Um...

About that... Walk with me.

I know we've been working together for a while, and...

I'm not taking the job.

- What? Why? You always wanted to be a Ms. O!

- I said, I'm not taking it.

...Unless you come with me. (door hissing)

- Mr. O-inator.

- What is going on here?

- What do you say, Otto? You up for the job?

- Are you saying Olive and I get to run our own Squad together

as Mr. and Ms. O?

Wait... Does this mean we have to be married?

- What? NO! Don't make this weird.

- What about Olne? - I partnered him with Orchid. She should whip him into shape.

- It's pronounced Olne. - Yeah...

I'm just going to call ya Sherman.

- I accept the job.

It's just, I'm going to miss you guys so much.

You guys were like a family to me,

like a door to my heart.

Ms. O, you were like the key--

- Otto, we're going to see you next Saturday at your birthday party.

- Oh, yeah! - Enough chit-chat!

Am I going to get a hug from you guys or what?

- (Oscar): Nah...

- Well, what are you waiting for?



(orchestral music playing)

- Preparing to squishinate! Heh... Ooh!

Other ones, heh...



What do we do now, Ms. O? I mean,

Olive and Otto were the best agents we had.

- True, but I've got

two new agents who seem like they're up for the job.


- There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

- Odd Squad: Teaming Up with Teamwork

Together as a Team.

- My name's O'Malley. I run the tube system here at Odd Squad,

which is pretty much the best job in the world. Why, you ask?

I get to touch all of these awesome buttons.

Like this one... And that one...

(alarm blaring) OK, maybe not that one...

What I love most about my job: I never have the same day twice.

Like this one time, when Olive and Otto went through tubes one and two...

And they arrived in tubes three and four...

Then there was this other time,

when I thought Olive and Otto were going to go through tubes one and two,

but at the last minute, I was like,

"No way, they're totally going through tubes three and four,"

But guess what? They ended up leaving

through tubes two and three!

- I'm not ready yet!

- Pff! Best day of my life.

- Odd Squad: Teams Working in Teams

Together as a Team Together -- I think that was it?

(futuristic music playing)

(sound of tires screeching)



