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01x30 - No Ifs, Ands, or Robots/Worst First Day Ever

Posted: 01/02/24 09:45
by bunniefuu
- Coming up next on Odd Squad,

- Remember those Oscarbots I made to help Ms. O

make the perfect juice box? - You can't just

go around boxing people's toys--

- That wasn't Oscar. It was an Oscarbot.

- You're not the real Oscar, are you? RUN!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is no use crying over.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird,

and, especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

(theme music)

(Otto screaming)


- Squishinating! - (Olive): Who do we

work for? We work for Odd Squad.


I don't see anybody around here with an odd problem.

- Me either. - Are you sure

we're at the right place? - I'm pretty sure Ms. O said

there should be a person here with a foot-and-voice problem.

- (whispering): Odd Squad, it's me. I have a whispering voice.

(panting) And my feet turned to cement.

- Maybe he doesn't know we're here. - (shouting): Hello!

Anybody out there with the foot-and-voice problem?

- (whispering): It's me. It's me. I'm here.

- I'm still not seeing anybody.

- (whispering): Behind you!

OK, I'm coming.

- Maybe you got the wrong address.

- Let's give him a bit longer.

- It's been an hour. Pretty sure we would have seen

this guy by now. - (whispering): Turn around!


- I feel bad leaving.

Let's just give him a bit more time.

- Seriously, it's been four hours.

- You're right, we should go.

- (whispering): Oh, man.

Now, I gotta call Odd Squad, again!

Where's my phone? (beeping)


(hooting like a bird)

- Good morning, Owen. - What's so good about it?

I have to rebrick this whole door.

Actually, it is good.

I get to play with bricks all day. Thanks, Olive.

- Uh... you're welcome.

Partner, what happened to your badge?

- Oh, nothing.

OK, fine!

I may have dropped it and it may have broken in half

and I may have tried to fix it

and I may have dropped it while I was trying to fix it.

- You should get it repaired. - Huh, no need.


Yeah, OK, I'll get it replaced.

- Olive, Olive, Olive! Remember those Oscarbots

I made to help Ms. O make the perfect juice box?

- There were of them, who could forget?

- Thanks, Olive. I really appreciate your feedback.

Actually, if you could fill out this form, that would be great--

- Oscar, you were telling me something about the Oscarbots.

- Oh, right. Well, Ms. O didn't like how her juice boxes

kept falling apart, so I made Oscarbot number stronger.

- Why ?

- Well, it's my new favorite number. Used to be ,

but then I missed the bus yesterday. Anyways...

While I was doing it, Agent Orchid came in and scared me half to death! Ha!

- Hey, Oscar. - AH!

You boxed up my gadget!

This juice box is so strong that I can't even get it open.

Seriously! Watch. (Oscar grunting)

- But I thought Oscarbot was attracted to the number ;

why would he box up just one gadget?

- Well, you know when you make microwave popcorn for too long

and it kind of gets all black and browny?

That kind of happened to his brain. Who knows what

he's after now? - (girl): My cake!

- And so it begins. - Let's go!

- Hello. I'm here to get my badge repaired.

- Say again. - I'm here to get my badge repaired.

- I got that part. What was the first thing you said?

- Hello.

- I thought you said you wanted a socket wrench.

- No. - Then what can I help you with?

(Otto sighs.) - This is gonna take forever.

- I made a th-anniversary cake to celebrate the th cake I made,

when this joker comes along and boxes it up.

- Oksana, that wasn't me. It was a robot version of me.

- Did you make the robot? - Yeah?

- It was still you that did it. - But why would Oscarbot

be interested in a th-anniversary cake?

- (Oksana): Hmm. - Aside from it being delicious.

- You don't, by any chance, have a picture of your cake, do you?

- No, but I do have this pencil sketch.

- Oscar, do you have a picture of the gadget

Oscarbot zapped? - No...

but I do have this watercolor.

- The gadget and cake are both rectangular prisms.

- I hear a lot of words, and none of them make sense.

- A rectangle has four sides - one, two, three, four.

It has two dimensions - width and height.

But a rectangular prism...

like this tissue box, is a three-dimensional solid shape

made up of six rectangular faces.

One, two, three,

four, five, six.

It has width, height, and depth.

- And that, I should mention, makes your cake a rectangular prism.

- I like the name "cake" better. - Oscarbot number 's

job in the assembly line was to make juice boxes.

Which is a rectangular prism! - That could be the pattern

we're looking for!

Oh no. - What?

(sighing) I know where the Oscarbot

is going to strike next. Let's go!

- And here you go!

- What is that? - It's a "fladge."

- What's a "fladge"? - I don't know. You're the one who asked for it!

- I said badge with the number on it,

not "fladge"! - Sure you don't want this?

Might come in handy. - No! Can I just please have a badge?

- Alright. - Just to make things clear,

I'll even draw a picture of what it is I want.

♪♪♪ (sigh)

Here. - Wow!

I'm so glad you drew a picture.

- Agent Owen, tear down this wall!

- What?! Why?!

- This is a rectangular prism; Oscarbot is going to come

after these bricks unless we destroy them!

- , ! , !

- AH! It's too late! - ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! - He didn't hurt the bricks!

(A girl screams.) - That was Orchid!

- You can figure out who people are just from their screams?

- Oh yeah! That and hiccups!

- Impressive. - Let's go!

- You owe me a toy, Oscar!

- What is it? Your birthday? - You can't just go around

boxing up people's toys without asking!

- Whoa! Whoa! That wasn't Oscar!

It was an Oscarbot.

- If I had a nickel every time someone said that,

I would have nooo nickels.

- You would have one. Because of now.

- Orchid, this is very important.

Can you describe what the toy looks like inside this box?

- No... but I can show you

the papier-mâché sculpture I made of it.


- Well, this isn't a rectangular prism;

it's a sphere! - I call it Sherman.

- I was talking about the shape.

A sphere is round like a ball, and it can roll.

- Is any of this gonna get Sherman back?

Or should I just chew my way through this juice box?

- This day can't get worse. - Yes, it can!

I'm a doctor, not a juice box,

although it's kind of hard to tell the difference right now.

- What is that?! - It's a badge

with the number on it. - It's huge!

How am I supposed to wear that thing?

- You wear these things? - Yes!

Haven't you been to our main headquarters? - Yes!

No. This is on you, man!

You should have done a better drawing,

like put a car or building next to it, so I can

compare the size. - I can't believe this is happening to me.

- Alright. I'll destroy this one and build you a new "fladge."

- Badge! - Badge!


- At least we've got enough stuff to put up an art show.


- There has got to be a pattern. What is it?

(Odd Squad theme music) - Oh, great, my phone is ringing.

Hello. You've reached Agent also known

as Dr. O. We've met before at work,

or not at work. Or maybe we haven't met.

Either way, leave a message after I say, What's next?

What's next?! (disconnection signal)

Ugh, they never leave a message.

- Dr. O, your badge number is , right?

- Yes. And I'm also a doctor, but what's that

got to do with anything? - Agent Ola's number is .

Agent Olen is . And look, Orchid's ball has a on it.

And Oksana's cake has a !

- And my gadget has a on it! Well, you can't see it in that watercolor.

Uh, but look, here's a picture of it. Bottom.

- ", , ,

, , ."

Oscarbot is counting by tens in order! That's the pattern!

- And if Oscarbot number last hit , that means

the next number he's going after is...

- (Olive): !


with the number on it.

Aw, it's perfect.

- , , !

! - Oh! Hey, Oscar!

You're not the real Oscar, are you?


- ! ! ! ♪♪♪

! ! ! ! - Otto!

Oscar, tell me that thing has a shutoff switch. - Of course! What am I? Crazy?

There are three switches:

two in his ears and one on his neck.

But you need to hit them at the same time or it won't work.

- You could have made it a little more complicated.

- Sure, I could have. I mean, I could have... Right, you weren't actually asking that.

- No. - Otto,

you have to destroy your badge! - What?!

- That's why he's attacking us! He loves the number !

- , , ! , , ! - Run!

- , , ! - There is another way!

By the power of fladge!

- That worked. - Yes!

- Told you it'd come in handy. - Thank you, sir.

- Call me Odenbacker. Now, you three, better take a seat.

- Oh, we're fine. - Yeah, totally.

- I mean, on account of your badges.

Or was it fladges?


(Ding! Ding! Ding!)

Greetings, agents. The Odd Squad tube system

can whooosh you anywhere in the world.

But before you depart, here are some safety tips

to make sure your whooosh is a good one.

First up, ensure all carry-on items

are securely fastened to your body.

Also, eating during liftoff is not allowed.

Make sure your badge phone is turned off...

and any other electronic devices you may be carrying.

Once in position, you'll be squished into pods.

Many years ago, these pods were cube-shaped.

A cube is like a square, except it's made out of six squares.

That's because it's -D.

It has height, width,

but also depth, so it's not flat.

And you can hold it,

like fuzzy dice or an ice cube

Ooh! It's chilly.

But now, they're sphere-shaped,

which makes for a lot smoother of a ride.

One final warning: make sure when you're leaving, no one else is arriving.

(whooshing) (agents moaning)

They'll be OK. (murmuring): No, they won't.

(man mumbling) - Sir, I don't understand

what your odd problem is, because you have a beach ball

on your head. - Otto,

I think his problem is, he has a beach-ball head.

- Hmmm! - Seems too obvious.

- Hey, guys! - Ori?

What are you doing here? - I started training, turns out

my favorite color was blue! - It's Ori's first official day

as an agent. - (Otto and Olive): Ohhh!

- I'm taking this Centigurp... thingy down to storage.

- Which you are already failing because you stopped

to talk to these two. - Sorry, Ms. O.

- I wonder if we should have warned him not to open that thing.

- Enh, he's way more responsible than me.

- So, are you guys gonna help this guy

with tentacle feet or what?

- I knew there was something else.

- My bad. (man mumbling)

Do we have a gadget for that?

(whinnying like a horse)


- Wait. There's something alive in here,

and possibly cute.



- Why? - It's a Centigurp.

If he is exposed to the light, that one little guy

will become... (Centigurps squeaking)

... little guys! - Oh, man,

Ms. O's gonna be so mad!

Who are you by the way?

- The name's Odelia. I'm on a visiting lab-director exchange.

I get to run Oscar's lab for the day,

and he gets to live with a Japanese family.

- But what do I do about the escaped Centigurps?

- You have to round up all of them in order

to zap them back to . You know what? You better come with me.

Afternoon, Odenbacker.

- What's so afternoon about it? - Got a new agent here,

he needs some Centigurp boxes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! No way! Last time I gave

Oscar boxes, I never got them back!

Where is Oscar anyway?

- Visiting lab-director exchange.

- Ah! Here's the deal:

I'll give you the exact number of boxes you need.

- OK, um, how much does the biggest box hold?

- . - But how many "s" are in ?

- I'll help you figure this out. This is jacks.

Let's pretend these jacks are Centigurps.

If each Centigurp box holds ,

then , ...

..., . We've put the jacks

in groups of . , , , , .

groups of make . So we need boxes.

- Five "s" boxes.

Centigurps are attracted to spheres,

so I'd check the ball room first.

- Thanks, Odelia.

Ori on the move!

I did one of these exchanges, like you and Oscar are doing, once.

- Oh, really? Where did you go? - Right over there.

Really gives you a whole new outlook on the world.

Hey, buddy!

- Phew! Three boxes filled.

That's , , Centigurps.

I just need to fill the last two and I'm gold.

♪ Agent Ori in the hizz-house ♪ (beeping)


Oh no, my last boxes!

- Gee! Sorry about that.

My vehicle made the beep sound and everything.

I guess the boxes didn't hear it.

- Yah 'cause they're boxes.

- Oh, well. Life, am I right?

- This is the worst first day ever!

- Are you kidding me? Wait until you hear about my first day.

(lullaby music)

(crickets chirping) (Owen gasps.)

Oh no! I forgot to close the creature room!

(creature roaring) AAAAH!

(lullaby music)

Ooh! Just a dream. Close one.

I just hope I didn't forget to close the creature room.

(creature roaring) AAAAAH!

(lullaby music)

Wow! Two dreams in a row!

(creature roaring) It's real! AAAAAH!

(lullaby music) (crickets chirping)


(creature roaring) AAAAH!

(lullaby music) (crickets chirping)

(creature roaring) AAAAH!

Now, that was the worst first day ever.

And I'll be honest with you, I think I'm still dreaming.

- I'm gonna need new boxes.

- Don't worry, I can help a brother out.

And also you, even though you're not my brother.

- Sorry, I only got boxes that can hold of those Centigurps.

- What am I gonna do?

- Leave it to me. The boxes that broke

held each, right?

- That's right. And plus equals .

- Just take the jacks. You're gonna ask

eventually. - Thanks.

Here we have jacks for the Centigurps

still missing.

There. If we form

groups of with jacks, we end up with

, , , , groups.

- So that means I'll need boxes!

- Five "s" boxes and a new cart.

- Thanks, guys. And I'm out of here!

- Good luck, you little rascal. - Hahaha!

Ha! Ha!

- You're laughing at me? Do you think I'm funny?

- Huh? - Do I amuse you?

Am I a clown to you? - Yah.

- Thanks, man.

Means a lot to me.

- Spheres, spheres, they're attracted to spheres.


The basketball room!

Oh, yah!

Those boxes should be safe there for now.


Three boxes filled, two more boxes

to go. Hey, what happened to my other boxes?!

This is the worst first day ever!

- No, it isn't.

Let me tell you about my worst first day.

(girl humming)

Excuse me.

I said, Excuse me.

Oh, you're not getting in my way, not today!

Hi-yaa! (racket)

- How is that your worst first day?

It obviously just happened.

- Three choices: I can say sorry

or I can help you or we can go to a movie.

But I'm only doing one of those, so choose wisely.

- I'll take the help.

- Only got boxes that can hold now.

They're the last ones I have. - Well, if you don't have

the boxes you need, looks like the Centigurps will be taking over.

You'll probably have to find a new job.

I'll probably become a hairdresser--

- Whoa, whoa! I can make these boxes work.

I just need to figure out how many

"" boxes I need to replace the two "" boxes.

Jacks, please? - Of course.

- Thanks.

- jacks for Centigurps.

You'll need , , boxes.

- But boxes don't hold enough. , , .

I need to catch Centigurps.

See? There's one left over.

- Calm down. Just get a fourth box for the extra one.

- But he said they hold Centigurps.

- They hold up to Centigurps.

So you can just put the extra Centigurp

by itself in the fourth box.

- Three "" boxes...

and one that you can put one in. See? In yet

another cart. I feel like I should put a limit on these carts.

- But where would the last Centigurps be?

- I've been to the ball room, the basketball room.

I even checked the gumball machine.

- I just remembered what Ms. O ordered for lunch.

- Spaghetti and meatballs? - No. Matzah ball soup!

And Matzah ball soup has a ball in it,

which is a sphere! - Oh no!

If Ms. O finds out I messed up, I'm in big trouble!

- You're welcome. - For what?

- For doing you this favor. Just know

that one day I'll expect a favor in return.

- But I did you guys a favor.

- Now, you owe me two favors.

(Centigurps cooing)

- Oh, Ms. O!

- Did you open the containment unit?

- Maybe...

- I'll help you gather them up.

- Wait. You're not mad? - Why would I be mad?

Otto did the same thing too.

So did I back in the day.

Every agent opens this thing. If you hadn't opened it,

I would have had to kick you off the Squad.

- Wow!


- (both): !

- Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got some soup to get back to.

(sighing contentedly)

(Centigurps chirping and squeaking)

- Would you like to do the honors?

- Sure! - Not that button!

This one.

Congratulations, Agent Ori!

I guess you had a good first day after all.

- Thanks, Odelia. But seriously, what does this button do?

- Oh no! (alarm ringing)

- You pressed the blue button?!

- I bet everybody does that on their first day.

Right? - Not right! Everyone,

RUN! (rumbling)

(electronic sounds)

(traditional Japanese music)

- Ah, thank you. Or should I say, domo arigato?

(cheerful musical ringtone)

Moshi moshi.

Agent Ori did what?!

- Sushimasen. I'll just take this to go.

I'll get new shoes.


(Ding! Ding! Ding!)

- Welcome to the breakroom. My name is Oksana

and this is where the agents come to enjoy the food I make.

In case you were wondering, the actual kitchen

is floors down from here.

And there's no elevator or stairs,

but I have a climbing rope.

Odd Squad agents have quite the appetite,

so I make all sorts of food for them,

like this ham-and-pudding sandwich...


...this broccoli-pudding soup.


...or this pizza.

It's actually made of pudding.

The other great thing about it?

If two agents are in the breakroom who want to share

this pizza, it can be split in half.

One, two. Two equal parts,

halves. But what if there are four hungry agents

in the breakroom, and I don't have another pizza ready.

Not to worry. The pizza can be divided

into fourths.

One, two, three, four. Fourths.

But let's say there are eight hungry agents

in the breakroom, and I don't have another pizza,

because I've fallen asleep on account

of preparing meals for breakfast!

Not to worry. Pizza can even be divided into eights!

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight. Eights.

It's not the best job in the world, but at least

they let me play my own music. (electronic music playing)

- My name is Dr. O. I'm the doctor here at Odd Squad.

But it's not like I'm always talking about it.

Of course I'm right, I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor,

Ms. O, not a party planner! I'm a doctor, not a babysitter!

- I'm not a doctor! - Did someone call for a doctor?

Just to be clear, I do say other things.

What's next?! What's next?!

When an agent comes to me with a problem, I'm really good at calming them down.

The bad news is there's no good news.

- (Otto and Olive): What?! - My hardest day on the job?

When every Odd Squad agent in this office

got a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

(alarm ringing) - She's not the only one.

- My second hardest day on the job?

When every Odd Squad agent in this office

got a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

(alarm ringing) - She's not the only one.

- They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away,

which is why I am not a fan of apples.

What's next?!

(thunder growling)


(theme music)