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01x28 - Captain Fun/Switch Your Partner Round and Round

Posted: 01/02/24 09:43
by bunniefuu
My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is not a cup of tea.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids, that investigates

anything strange, weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

- Come on, come on!

- Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

Here's my number if you need to reach me.

Plus a backup number. And a backup backup number.

Remember, if there's any accident,

the doctor is just upstairs-- - Olive!

I'll be fine. Go enjoy your day off.

- But what if something happens while I'm gone?

- Nothing's going to happen. Look!

It's so quiet around here!

- Alright. See you tomorrow!

- A lot happening, people!

Listen up!

- What's going on, Ms. O?

- I'm looking for someone to be Captain Fun.

The duties are pretty simple, but I should explain--

- I wanna do it. - Can I at least tell you-- - I'll do it.

- OK, but since two of you want the job, we need to hold a vote.

- Ahh, a vote.

What's a vote?

- Every agent who's here today gets to pick who they want to be Captain Fun.

That's called a vote. Whoever gets more votes

wins. - That doesn't sound fair.

- It's actually the fairest way to choose a winner.

- So who's gonna keep track of the number of votes? - There's only one person

who can handle organizing an election:

Tap Dancing Tina!

- Ms. O, I thought you were gonna say Polly Graph.

- Me too, but I really wanted to see some tap dancing.

I'll call her once Tina's done.

- You did the right thing calling me. - I know.

Thanks for coming, Polly. - Before we get started, there's something you should know.

I'm probably gonna be the president one day. Awesome.

There are agents here, which means there are votes.

- And where do the people go to vote? - Hmm.

I need a large room, good lighting, and pink drapes.

- I have a broom closet. - That will do.

- Well, what are you waiting for?



- Ah! Hey, Oksana. - What are you doing?

- Waiting for people to vote for me.

- You're never going to win Captain Fun that way. You need to walk around,

shake people's hands. Flip burgers. Look at Oren.

- I'm your captain of fun, folks!

Vote for me! - Yay!

- Look, Otto, I know you and I have had our differences... - We have?

- Big time. Lucky for you, I've had way more differences with Oren.


I guess no one says gesundheit anymore.

Which is why I'll help you beat him. - You're different, aren't you?

- Very. Now, the first thing to do is check to see how many more votes

Oren has than you. Let's do this.

- Whoa! Oren has

votes?! - No.

These lines are called tally marks. It isn't a number,

it's just a mark. One mark stands for one vote.

- So, Oren has , , votes.

- Why didn't you just put the number ?

- Because I'd just have to keep erasing

and rewriting every time a vote was added.

This way, it's easier once someone else votes for Oren.

- I vote for Oren! - I just draw another tally mark,

like this. See? Now Oren has votes.

- Yay!

- I'm voting for Otto, and not just because

I feel really bad for him. - Yeah, me too. - Alright.

So it's votes for Otto, and votes for Oren.

- That's pretty good, but I still don't have as many as him.

Time to fill the fun t*nk with a bunch

of fun fuel and go into fun overdrive

and push the pedal to the fun-etal. - You're wasting time.

- Right.

O'Higginz, if you vote for me, I have words for you:

frozen yogurt Friday dance party!

♪♪♪ - Yeah, that's right.

- ♪ Up, down, left, right ♪

- Otto, you're getting frozen yogurt

all over the floor! But man, your dancing is fun.

You've got my vote. - ♪ Bumping a beat I can't resist ♪

♪ So I'm gonna get ridonculous like nobody's watching ♪

- Is it this card?

- Nope. - Is this your card?

- No. - Is it this one?

OK, fine, which one's your card? - I didn't pick a card.

- Why? - 'Cause I enjoyed seeing you struggle.

Kinda reminds me of tying my shoelaces.

- Did I struggle enough to get you to vote for me? - Eh.

- What if he helped you tie your shoelaces? - My vote is yours.

- Yes! - And he'll sharpen all your pencils every day.

- OK. - What are you doing? I already got the vote!

- Sealing the deal. He'll also empty your trash bin

and clean your desk and bring you lunch.

- Ugh! - And buy you a puppy. - Yes, please!

- This is great!

Oren has a bunch of votes crossed out! - No.

- No? - No. - I'm hearing a lot of nos.

- This diagonal line is actually the fifth tally mark.

So Oren had , , , votes,

and then he got one more vote, which is this one here.

So Oren has votes total in this cluster.

- I don't think she knows what she's doing. - She does,

it just lets her count faster. Instead of counting each tally mark one by one, she can count

each cluster of tally marks, so she's skip-counting by .

- I can totally hear you, guys. This room isn't very big.

- Sorry. - Check it out.

Oren has tally marks here and tally marks here, so that's , .

He has votes, and Otto has ,

, , votes.

- So how many agents have voted in total?

- We can find that out by adding your votes and Oren's votes together.

Oren has votes, plus the votes you have,

equals , , , , .

So agents have voted.

- But there are agents that can vote. You still have a chance, Otto.


- (together): Tie.

- Let's do this.

(cheers and applause)

Vote for me, folks.

Am I Captain Fun yet? - What he means to ask:

Is Oren Captain Fun yet?

- Let's start with Otto's votes:

, , .

votes. - Nice.

- Now let's take a look at Oren's votes.

, , votes.

They're tied. - (all): Seriously?!

- I don't kid around when it comes to democracy.

- Hold on. If Otto has votes

and I have votes,

that's only votes. Polly, you said that there's agents who can vote.

- I might have said it a little bit more dramatically, but yes.

- Which means there's still one person who hasn't voted.

That person can break the tie.

I'm so gonna beat you! - I'm so gonna win. I'm way more fun than you.

(grunting) - Why do you two even want to be Captain Fun?

The ship barely floats.

- What do you mean, "ship"?

That's the ship?

- You never mentioned a ship. - I was trying to tell you both, but you would not

let me finish talking. - It's true.

- Yes, that was very rude.

- How is this fun? - The ship takes away

all my empty juice boxes for recycling.

- Follow-up question: how is that fun?

- I get new juice boxes. - You know what, Otto?

You can be Captain Fun. You win.

- You win this time.

- No, you. - No. - It's not up to you guys

anymore. Whoever wins the last vote is going to have to steer the ship

through some very choppy water.

- (both): Who hasn't voted yet? - According to my notes, there is only

one person left.

Sorry, Tina, the vote is kids only.

- Awkward.

- The last person really left is...

- (together): Oscar! - Oh! Hey, guys!

- Do not vote for me! I'm not fun! - Sure you are!

- No, I'm not! I'm always taking your gadgets without signing them out.

That's the opposite of fun. And I'm even doing it right now.

- I do that too. Do not vote for me. - Hey!

- (both): Oh no...

- Well, I sure know who I'm not voting for.

I'm gonna vote for...

Agent Orson. - Agent Orson wants to be Captain Fun?

- Yeah, didn't you hear his speech?


- So inspiring.

- So, if Oscar votes for Orson, that means Oren

and Otto are still tied. - Correctamundo.

- Which means Otto and Oren both win.

- Aw, man! - But--

- It's not so bad. You both get to wear really fun uniforms. (cheering)

Let me finish. - I love uniforms! - I love fun!

- Heeeeeeeere... we go again.

- We really have to let people finish their sentences.


- That's the last time I'm taking the day off.


- Greetings, agents. Welcome to the lab, where I conduct all sorts of experiments,

build gadgets and-- - I'm Olaf. - That's Olaf.

I asked Ms. O for some help in the lab and she sent me Agent--

- I'm Olaf! - Which is great, because I have a ton of work to do.

The only problem is-- - I'm Olaf!

- He won't stop saying "I'm Olaf".

In fact, I started keeping track.

These lines are called tally marks. A tally mark isn't a number,

it's just a mark. In this case, each line

represents every time Olaf says "I'm Olaf".

As you can see, there is , , of them,

because that's how many times he said it.

This is a quicker way of counting,

especially when the thing that you're counting keeps on changing...

- I'm Olaf! - quickly.

See? Now there's , , , marks,

because Olaf said "I'm Olaf" a total of times.

This is a lot quicker than having to erase and rewrite

the number every single time it changes.

Watch. Any second now, he'll say it again.

Oh. Guess he's gotten it out of his system. Which is great, because I have a--

- I'm Olaf! - And there it is.

I'll put another mark down, only this time I'll do it like this.

Now I know that this group here equals .

- I'm Olaf! - Make that .

So I'll start a new tally mark over here.

, plus this one tally mark over here, equals .

- I'm Olaf! - Let's make that .

- I'm Olaf! - Uh, that's .

- I'm Olaf! - . - I'm Olaf!

- . And this is just today. You should see yesterday.

- I am Olaf. - I'm gonna need another whiteboard.

- Then there was that guy whose bike turned into a cantaloupe.

- solved cases...

- Lady with squirrel hair... - .

- Guy whose lawnmower ran out of gas.

- Well, I wouldn't actually say that's an odd case, but I'm glad

we helped him out, partner. - Me too, partner.

- (both): Boom-shake-a-latta! - Well, if it isn't

Olive and Ottawa.

- (both): It's Otto. - I'm Olaf! - (both): We know!

- And you guys are... um...

- Are you trying to insult us? - I'm just trying to think of something, just gimme a second.

- Let me help.

I'm afraid of pie. - And I'm terrible at sports.

- Burn! Let's roll off.

- Ugh! Those guys!

- Olive! Otto!

In my office, now!

I saw what happened down there with Oren and Olaf.

(talking over one another)

I know.

I just wanted to say I appreciate you putting up with them.

They're rough around the edges, but they're good agents.

- (both): Yes, Ms. O.

- And to think I almost partnered Olive with Oren and Otto with Olaf.

- Seriously? - Me with Oren?

- Me with Olaf? - I can't even imagine what that would've been like.

- Just try on these Imagine- What-It-Would've-Been- Like-inators.

What case do you want to imagine?

- How about the day when the blob got loose in headquarters?

- Buckle your brains in.

(alarm ringing)

Won't someone shut that off?

- Ms. O, what's going on?

- The blob has escaped! - What blob? - The blob that we have.

I wrote about it in my newsletter. Aren't you guys

reading my newsletter? - How did the blob escape? - It's a long story.

- Which we don't have time for.

The important thing is there's a one-gallon blob loose in headquarters!

- Wait, what's a gallon? I thought we measured things

in inches and feet. - Actually, fun fact:

a blob is a liquid. When you're measuring a liquid, you don't use inches or feet,

you use gallons, quarts, cups...

- Quit talking about measurement. Someone better find that blob,


- Here's the plan. We-- - Yay!!

- I haven't even said anything yet! (howling)

- I don't understand what you're saying! - He said he wants a potato.

- Who carries a potato around? - Who doesn't?

- Potato.

- Let the games begin. Yah! - Whoa!

What are you doing? - Piggyback ride.

- Potato! - Ah!


(all moaning)

- That was horrible! - I know!

- Could've been way more horribler. - Is horribler even a word?

- Nope, just made it up, because that's how bad

my other idea was. Olive was gonna be partnered with Orchid.

- Who was I gonna be partnered with? - I gave you magic helmets,

and you're seriously asking me that?

- A blob is a liquid. When you're measuring a liquid, you don't use inches or feet,

you use gallons, quarts, cups... - We need all hands on deck to find this thing.

Where's Agent Otto? - Coming!

Right here, Ms. O. Sorry. Agent Orson was taking a nap.

- Where's his shoe? - Oh, I dunno, I'm sorry.

- All of you, go find me that blob.


(gasping) - There it is!

Alright, Orchid, the most important thing

is that we work together. - Ah-yah!

I own you, blobby! Yeah!

Got it. - I thought we were partners!

- You snooze you lose, Sherman. - I'm Olive.

- Cool. I say we get this blob over to the lab.

I can't wait to see the looks on Dave and Donna's faces.

- Do you mean Otto and Orson?

- Sure, if that's what people are calling them.

- We got the blob. - Technically,

I got the blob. - Check it out, people.

We got the blob. - What?

We got the blob! - No, we got the blob. (bickering)

(air horn) - Oh.

- The blob can split apart. That's why each of you has a part of it.

- Well, we still won, because we caught most of it.

We have containers and you guys only have one.

- You may have more, but ours is bigger.

(air horn)

- I gotta get myself one of these. - Oscar.

- Oh, right. What I was gonna say is if you want to find out who has the most blob,

you have to use the same kind of container, and a measuring cup is just the thing for that.

(cooing) - Sounds like a job for the Mathroom.

- Or we can just measure it here in these. - Oh! Yeah.

That would be way easier.

(trumpeting) - Otto and Orson got cups. - Hang on.

They only had cups when they walked in here. - They were holding cups,

but I'm talking cups as in a unit of measurement. See?

, , , cups.

And when I poured the blob from Olive and Orchid's wastebasket,

I got , , , cups. It's a tie.

- So we both win? - Nobody's won anything yet,

because the blob is a gallon and there are cups in a gallon. See?

- And since we caught cups... - And we only caught cups...

- That equals only cups, and because is half of ...

- We've only got half a gallon,

which means half the blob is still out there.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go! Oscar,

give me an awkward smile.

- I'm not going anywhere, blobby.

- Blobby?

- It's Mr. Blobby to you, Sherman.

- I'm Olive.

- For now.

- Not to worry. Orson and I are on it. - Where's Orson?

- I don't think I'm responsible enough to be partners with a baby.

- Nope.

- Like I said, partnering you

with Orchid and Orson would've been bad.

Luckily, I had a better idea. - You made Otto and I partners?

- I had a way worse idea before I got to that one.

You were gonna be partnered with Oksana. - Oksana?

- Yup. And Otto was gonna be partnered with Owen. - Owen?

- Are you two gonna keep repeating everything I say, or are you ready to go again?

- (both): Keep repeating everything you say, and then we're ready to do it again.

- All I'm saying is, why don't the security people have to wear ties?

- You make a pretty good point, partner. (squishy sound)

- I think we just found the blob, partner.

- Gotcha.


- You're covered in slime! I'm so jealous right now!

- It's pretty cool, isn't it? - Not as cool as the two of us.

- Oh no, it's getting away!

- (together): There it is! - (together): There it is!

- I'll go left, you go right. - We'll capture the blob.

- We'll win the contest. - I love how serious you are.

(all screaming)

- Lab!

Amazing. You got cups and you got cups.

You're still tied. - (all): Seriously?

- Wait, that's only more cups.

Here's what the one-gallon container looked like before you left.

Half the blob is missing. But if we add those cups you just found,

that's one-- - I'm way ahead of you, Oscar.

We've only got cups of blob.

- And if there are cups in one gallon, looks like we've got...

, , , more cups to go.

- I just got slimed for nothing?

- Oscar, follow me.

- I know where the blob is.

It's right here. - You're right!

It's on my suit!

- Actually, I was gonna say all you had to do was look inside your heart,

but your idea's better.

- Quick, everyone grad a spatula and start scraping Otto. (bleating)

- cups! One gallon exactly!

- Woo-hoo! - Yeah! - Alright!

- We really did it this time.

- I'm confused. Partnering us with Oksana and Owen worked out well.

- Yeah, really well. I mean, we solved the case and we got along great.

- Ah, I pressed the button too soon.

Good work, agents. Now I need two volunteers

for a month-long blob-counting mission to Blobslovenia.

- Olive will do it. - Otto will do it. (protestations)

- Wow. I've never seen anyone turn on their partners like that.

Not cool. - This is nothing personal. I just can't go.

I have a dentist appointment. - I don't have a dentist appointment.

(gloomy music) - I would never do that to my partner in a gazillion years.

- If we ever become partners, I promise I'll never do that to you.

- Deal. - (both): Boom-shake-a-latta!

- Shouldn't we turn off the helmets? - Nah,

they're having fun.

- That was totally-- - Ha, ha, ha! That one was even better!



- The Odd Squad uniform

is an agent's most powerful tool.

It can blend into your surroundings...

Hey, where'd he go?

Play music...

(Beethoven's Fifth Symphony)

(dance music)

(Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and dance music blended together)

You can even cook on it.

(sizzling sound)

But the only thing your suit can't do...

is get out an ice cream stain.

But not to worry.

You can make a new suit.

First, get one gallon of water.

How much is a gallon?

It's the same as a jug of milk.

And one gallon is also the same as quarts.

Since there are cups in a quart,

another way to think of a gallon is cups. Ah! That's gonna hurt in the morning.

Once you have your water,

simply drop in your new uniform capsule...

And voilà.

Enjoy your new suit.

- Hi, my name is Agent Orchid.

I've been working with the Squad for years.

I like dinosaurs.

- You have a lot of time on your hands. - Too much.

I make friends really easily.

If you'd asked me that before I met Sherman,

I would've told you I needed

everything, but now, I don't need a thing.

No matter what happens,

I always stay calm.

(growling madly) - What are you doing? - Buttons!!

What's the hardest part about working at Odd Squad? Figuring out if who I am as a person

is a result of the way I was born

or if my personality is primarily influenced by the outside world.

What I do know is I build a mean sandcastle.




