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01x26 - Robert Plant/Game Time

Posted: 01/02/24 09:42
by bunniefuu
My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a dream I had last night.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

- Come on, come on!

- Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

- What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

- I'm trying to enjoy a nice walk, but...

It's easier if I just show you.

- (agents): Whoa!

- It's been following me all morning! ARGH!

- Do you have any garbage on you? - Just this candy wrapper.

- (Otto): You know, sometimes you just got to give it what it wants.

- Try walking now. - Oh!

Thanks, Odd Squad! - Happy to help.



Obfusco's going on vacation! - Is that a problem?

- It's a big problem! He makes everyone do all his work while he's gone!

Look busy so he doesn't ask us for a favor.

(horse neighing)

(Western theme playing) - (spooky narrator): Obfusco...

- Fare thee well, Odd Squad!

I'm off to see the world.

From the bridges of London to the walls of China.

I shall be back...tomorrow.

(sighing) - That was a close call!

- Obfusco... - Hello!

Before I leave, I wish you to do something for me.

- Oh, but we're busy! Very busy. - So busy!

- It is a simple task. Water my plant...


- Oh! That's it? - We can do that.

- Here are the instructions.

- What? - Oh, come on!

- Obfusco... - Hate it when he does that.

Let's get to work.


- Ugh, we're the last ones here!

- Yeah, well, next instruction:

"Place one drop of water on a left leaf."

- I always forget which side is right and which is left.

- Hold your hands like this. Whichever one makes the "L",

that's left. - So this is left?

- Mm-hmm. - This side.

- "Turn to page ."

- Oh, no. No way. I'm out.

- What do you mean you're out?

- We've been here for hours!

Let's just dump the rest of the water on the thing and go home!

- That sounds like something I would say - in a bad way.

- Otto, it's a plant!

It's fine!


See? It's happy.

It's growing.

Still growing...


- (both): AHH!

- I can't believe this! - I know, it won't stop growing!

- No, I can't believe that it's your fault and not mine!

I'm so happy! - The book!

Maybe there's something in the book to stop it!

- This looks promising. - Ugh!

- OK, computer!

(crashing) - Ahh!

- (both): Tube Lobby!


- [If you're watching this video,]

[I'm guessing you've watered Robert wrong and he's growing out of control.]

- (both): YES! - [Fear not!]

[There's an easy way to stop it,]

[almost as easy as the time]

[when I mud-wrestled a kangaroo.]

- Ugh, Obfusco, why can you never just say what you mean!

- [Reminds me of another--] - Fast forward!

(whirring) [ me and Medusa had this dance-off.]

[She was an excellent dancer.]

- Keep fast forwarding. (whirring)

- [And that's how I stopped the Great Chicken Wars.]

- Fast forward! (whirring)

- [But where was I? Oh, yes!]

[How to stop Robert from growing.]

- There it is! - [Inside my office]

[is this antidote.]

[Place one drop anywhere on Robert,]

[and he'll go back to being teeny-tiny.]

[Obfusco out!]

[Just forgot to stop...]

- Oh! So we've just got to get to Obfusco's office.


- Hey!

- AHH!

- Not easy!

- That way! It's not blocked.

- But I don't know how to get to Obfusco's office that way.


- I have an idea. Go back to the Tube Lobby

and get a map of Headquarters,

and then you can tell me how to get to Obfusco's office.

I know this is dangerous and you're nervous about leaving me behind--

- Nah, not really.

Map of Headquarters, Map of Headquarters...

(clicking) Boom map-alada!


[Olive, you there?] - Go ahead, partner.

- Activate your homing beacon so I can see where you are. - [OK.]

(beeping and whirring) - There you are.

Now where's Robert? (beeping)

Oh, boy! This plant is growing everywhere!

- I just need one route to Obfusco's office, partner.

- Alright. Let me get Obfusco's office up on the map

so I can see how far away you are.

(beeping) Oh, boy!

- Can you stop saying that? - Sorry!



Go down the hallway you're standing in and turn.

- Turn which way? Right or left?

- Um... This is "L".

Turn left. That'll take you right to the Odd Squad Warehouse.

- -, partner.

- [You there yet?] - Yeah, just walked in. Where to next?

- Go a little bit forward and then turn left

and then right and then another right and then a bit more--

- That's too confusing. Can you give me some landmarks?

- Absolutely. ...Who are landmarks?

- Not a who, a what.

A landmark is something that everyone can recognize.

You can use it to figure out where you are.

- Landmarks, landmarks... (beeping)

Ah-ha! There's the Odd Squad Fountain - and our lockers!

- And the-- - Otto?

- Sorry - let me zoom in.

Do you see a painting of Ms. O?

- How come I've never seen that before?

- Go past the painting and turn right.

That will take you to another hallway

which is a little bit closer to Obfusco's office.

- Got it!

(pipe and drums music)

- Uh, partner...

I'm completely blocked. - [What?]

The hallway was totally clear a second ago! - Well, it isn't now.

- I can't keep up with this thing! It's growing way too--

- OTTO! You can do this.

- OK, I'll find you another route.

The antidote is here and Olive is here,

so she should go...

(beeping) This way!

I got it! Olive, turn around,

go back through the Odd Squad Warehouse,

past Ms. O's painting, and that should bring you to a door

to the Blob Containment Facility. But you have to move fast before Robert corners you!

- Nobody puts Olive in a corner!


Whoa! Ya! Unh!

Ya! Stay back!

AHH! Whoa! Whoa! (alarm blaring)


I'm in the Blob Containment Facility.

- Good. Now go forward until you find the sneezing chair.

- Sneezing chair? - AH-CHOO!

- Oh... Gesundheit.

Where next?

- Turn right at the chair. - [OK.]

- You're going to pass through a small park.

- Got it! - [And that should bring you]

[back to another hallway.] - I'm here.

- This is bad! - I said I made it.

- Not bad where you are - bad where I am.

Robert is spreading into the Tube Lobby!

If he gets into the Tubes then he can go out into the world,

and if he gets out into the world, then he can take over the world! The world's going--

- PARTNER! That's not going to happen.

[Now, what's next?] - Go straight

and turn right at the Pots and Pans Room.

- OK, got it. (pots and pans clanging)

I'm here!

- Obfusco's office should be right in front of you!

- I see it! (angelic music playing) - [The antidote is inside.]

- Oh, no! (rustling)

No! UNH!


- [Olive?]

Are you OK? Talk to me!

(faint rustling)

(cracking) - AGRH!



Show's over, Robert Plant!

UNH! (vial shattering)

YES! (beeping)

- Thanks, partner. I couldn't have done it without you.

- Obfusco... - Well done, indeed!

- I thought you weren't back until tomorrow?

- It is tomorrow! LIGHTS!

(whirring) - We've been here all night?

- Thank you for caring for Robert.

And as thanks, a present!

Jimmy... (guitar playing)

John... (drums playing)

And John Paul. (bass playing)

Plus instructions.

- Oh! Mm--

(sighing) - (both): No way...

- Obfusco... - It is kind of impressive, how he just disappears like that.

- Thank you! - AHH!

(faare playing)

- Greetings, Agents! I'm Oscar

with today's Odd Report - and as you can see,

we're doing this in the lab, because O'Connor's cleaning that other room.

He's still got a lot of work to do.

Now, where was I? Um... Oh, yes! Odd Report!

Of course, uh... (screen beeping)

Here's a map of the town. As you can see,

there are streets that go up and down or across,

except for this windy one here.

Now, as you can see, traffic's backed up for Myles--

Myles is this giant lizard that escaped from the lab.

Your job is capture Myles, bring him back.

Now, the Tubes will spit you out here

by this fountain. Now, if you're here

and you're trying to get here... (dinging)

...let's figure out the best route you could take .

Now, obviously you could go up First Street,

but that would take a while. So I would suggest that you take st Street

and (dinging)

Now, how do you know when to turn right? Well, luckily,

there's a statue of a giant sandwich there.

Now, we call that a "landmark". A landmark is something

that's easy to see and will help you tell where you're going.

Well, what are you waiting for?


I mean, while you're out, if you want to get me a sandwich too,

that would be cool. Uh, turkey on wheat bread,

hold the mustard. And don't forget the lizard - or the pickles!

- Is it your turn to say, "What's the problem, Ms. O?"

- I think I went last. - OK.

- There you two are!

- What's the problem, Ms. O? - Hundreds of futuristic robots

have flooded the streets, destroying everyone in their path.

- (both): WHAT? - ...In a video game.

I need you to report to the arcade immediately!

- YES! I love the arcade!

You got it, Ms. O! - Whoa! Hey!

- Come on, come on! - Ugh...

- O'Toole, send us to the video game arcade.

- Preparing to squishinate! - I can't believe it's our job

to play video games today! How cool is that?

- Yeah, I don't think that's what Ms. O was saying.

- Squishinating! - Plus, video games aren't really my thing.

- WHAT? - Otto, let go of that thing!

- Sorry! We'll talk about this later.

- (sighing): Should have called in sick...


- Ah! Odd Squad. Thank you for coming! I'm Karla.

With a K...A-R-L-A.

The problem is right this way.

Oh! I almost forgot.

One dollar.

It costs one dollar to enter the arcade.

- But you called us!

- Well, everybody has to pay. (chuckling)

Even Karla! Boop!

- Sounds fine to me!

- Ugh, I don't have a dollar! - I'm sure you can make a dollar

with all of those coins -

ya little change machine!

You can pay with any type of coin. A penny is one cent,

a nickel is five cents, a dime is cents

and a quarter is cents.

Here - I've got a card that can help you.

- A dollar is cents, so four quarters makes a dollar.

- Mm-hmm! - cents,

cents, cents...

One dollar.

- And the card costs cents.


So what happened was I put my sandwich on a video game

and then - pop!

Suddenly, my sandwich was in the game.

- Hmm. Things are getting sucked into a game?

Which game? - I roped it off so no one would play.

(gasping) (video game music playing)

- Hey Olive, check it out! It's, like, some sort of VIP game.

- OTTO! Get away from there!

(whirring and zapping)


- (Otto): [Oh, no! Help, help!]

[I'm trapped in it forever!]

[Ooh, a sandwich!]

- I'd love to help,

but, um... Just...

- [Yum, yum, yum...]

- Don't worry, partner. I'll get you out of there...



- Alright, nothing else is getting sucked in.

- [Yeah, but how do I get out?]

- Well, the good news is, I found a weakness in the fabric of the vector lines.

- [Huh?] - Can you say that

in not Oscar-talk?

- If Otto can get to the end of level one,

I can get him out. - Ohh...

- [Ahh! One problem:]

[I...can't move!]

- (sighing): What are we gonna do?

- [Hey, look! I'm moving!]

- You moved him with the joystick!

- We can use the joystick... - get him to the end of the level and I can zap him out.

- [Woo-hoo!] - Don't worry, Otto, I'm awesome at this game.

Just let me take off this freeze ray-inator.

AHH! (whirring)

- Well, Olive, looks like you're up!

- [Olive? But she's never played a video game in her life!]

- Aw, how hard can it be?

(game music playing)

(ominous music playing) Uh... What happened? Is that good?

- [Does that sound like something-good-happened music?]

[It's game over!]

- If Otto's game ends, he'll be lost forever.

- What? - [What?]

- But it's OK; we can save him if we put in a token

before the timer hits zero.

- Hang on tight, partner. I'm on it.

- I'll wait here!

...'Cause I'm frozen in a block of ice.

- Karla! My partner lost a life

and he's about to be trapped in Robo-Blastbots forever!

- (gasping): That's horrible! - I know!

I need a token - fast! - That'll be one dollar.


- Dimes are worth cents.

I can use of these to make a dollar. So...

, , ,

, , ,

, , ...

...One dollar.

One token! Boop!


- Olive, where are you?

- Hurry, Olive!

(change dropping) (happy music) - [Thanks, partner!]


- Let's try this again.

- (Otto): [Cool...]

- That was actually kind of fun. - You're doing great,

but remember, this game isn't all about destroying robots.

There's a rich mythology behind this world.

You see, the Ventrillions are more than just machines.

They yearn to conquer the moons of Retata,

so that they can colonize and put their cheese farms--

- Um, Oscar, will any of this help me get Otto out of there faster?

- No. - Then let's save it for another time.

- [Oh, yeah! Look at me go!]

[Ah! Oh, no! Help!]

- He's blinking again! - You need another token!

- OK...

Alright, nickels are worth cents.

- , , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, one dollar!

And if you could get me a hot chocolate too?

That would be great!

- , , and nickels

equals one dollar!

Now, where were those tokens?

Tokens, tokens...

(groaning) Oh!

(laughing) It was in my hand!

Coming through!

(change dropping)

(happy music playing) - [Phew! Thanks, partner.]

- You got it.

Now, let's finish this!

- [Woo-hoo! Yeah!]

- The fortress at the end of level one.

If you can get out of there, we can zap him out.

- Yes! - [Uh, guys...]

(humming) (zapping)

- The big boss. You have to defeat him to beat level one. Just watch out for his...

(zapping) (gasping)

...blasters. - [Oh, no! Not again!]

- OK...

Ah, I don't have enough quarters to make a dollar -

or enough dimes! I don't have enough of anything!

- Well, the card shows how to make a dollar using the same kind of coins,

but we can combine different coins to make a dollar.

- OK, let's start with quarters.

, , cents.

No more quarters. - You've got dimes.

- OK, cents here.

, - I'm just missing

cents! - Use the nickel!

- One dollar! - Run like the wind, Olive!

- Let's just make sure you have a dollar there.

- It's...all...there.

(laughing nervously) - Boop!

- Excuse me!

Watch out, coming through!

(change dropping) (happy music playing) - [Thanks again, Olive!]

- Good job, but we're out of money!

If you lose another life, that's it -

Otto will be lost forever.

- [Olive, listen to me!]

[You've trained nine minutes of your whole life for this!]

[You can do it! I believe in you.]

- Thanks, partner. (zapping and beeping)

(gasping) (humming)

Yes! (whirring)

- [Boom, tornado-lada!] (loud applause)

- How did you do that?

- Well, if you allow yourself to think like a Ventrillion,

you quickly come to understand how their struggle for a home planet

has created many years of anger and frustration.

- [Wow!] - Other option:

Up-up, down-down, left-right, left-right,

B-A to activate the finishing move.

Entering the fortress.


- I'm back! (applause and cheers)

- I guess video games really are my thing.

- What do you say we bring this baby back to HQ?

- Hold on, partner. We are in an arcade.

We can play at least one more game...

- Yeah! Let's go play!

- Oh, yeah. I'm in an ice block.

- I can get you out. - Oh, thank you!

- One dollar.

(solemn march music playing)

- I joined because elevators

should go up-and-down - not side-to-side.

- I joined because there should be no such color

as "squeak!"

- I joined because I shouldn't have a little me on my elbow.

- Hey, guys!

- Doesn't sound at all like me.

- We are... - We are...

- We are... - We are Odd Squad.

- My name is Agent Obfusco.

There are some that claim I speak in a confusing way.

Smooth as ketchup on a sweater made of sand!

Well done, my gorgeous ham sandwiches!

One of my duties here at Odd Squad is training other agents.

- Obfusco...

(stopwatch beeping)

My favorite part about Odd Squad? The agents are always so happy to see me.

Hello! - AHH!

AH! - Obfusco...

- AHH!

- If I had one piece of advice for agents,

it would be to aim higher than the moon but lower than the ocean,

and inside the balloon of your heart, you will find a tiny violin

that is key to everlasting happiness.


(trumpet fanfare)



