01x25 - Trading Places/Bad Lemonade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x25 - Trading Places/Bad Lemonade

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is the elephant in the room.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids, that investigates

anything strange, weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

- Come on, come on!

- Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - What seems to be the problem?

- Well, whenever I call the waiter...

It's easier if I just show you. Waiter!

It's me!

I just want to eat lunch. - If she's really you,

maybe she can suggest something you'd like.

- I have a feeling you'd enjoy the chicken salad.

- I want! Thanks, Odd Squad.

Thanks, Odd Squad! - Have a good day.

- And for you, ma'am? I think I'm gonna go tuna.


Is that... What--

- Incoming!

- (both): O'Fynne.

- Morning, Olive. Morning, Otto.

- There you two are. - Ms. O, where did you come down from?

- If I answer that question, we'll be here for hours.

- You can't do that because-- - (all): Something very odd has happened.

- You guys are good. Come with me to the lab.

Oscar, tell them what's going on. - Hey, guys. So I made a gadget

called the Flip-Floppinator. It can flip anything:

pancakes, blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes,

pancakes in-- - Oscar.

- It can also flip numbers, like... say you had juice boxes.

- Now you're talking my language. - There's a

in the tens place and a in the ones place.

- Wait, what does "place" mean? - It's like where the numbers live.

- Right. So now, ten lives in the tens place

and ones live in the ones place.

But my Flip-Floppinator can flip these numbers. So,

ones become tens and ten becomes to make...

- juice boxes.

It was your greatest invention. - Until I lost it.

- So you want us to find the missing gadget. - No. It's been found.

(gasping) - [Hello?] - That's Todd!

- [Can you see me?] - Your old Odd Squad partner!

- He goes by Odd Todd now.

- [If you want this gadget back, have Olive meet me at Polly's lemonade stand.]

[Bye-bye! Ha, ha, ha!]

- I'm on it, Ms. O. - Wait!

I'm coming with you. - No.

Todd's my old partner. This is my fight to fight.

I'm going alone.

- That'll be cents, please. - Thank you. - Nuh-uh!

Move the to the tens place,

and the to the ones place.

- Whoa! cents? I... I just don't have that kind of money.

- Ha, ha, ha!

- You're ruining my business! - Oh,

Polly, Polly, Polly, don't be so SOUR!

Ha, ha, ha! - That's enough, Todd. - Agent Olive!

- Give back the Flip- Floppinator. Now.

- I have a better idea. Join...

the Todd Squad!

We can make the world more odd together!

I'll be Todd and you can be Tolive.

- You can't just add a "T" to every name, Todd.

- "Tpolly". Nope, you can't.

- Pff! - I'll never join you. - Rah!!

Guess I'll have to go

with Plan T then.

Right now, you're years old.

Let's flip those digits, shall we?

So ...

becomes .

- Agent Olive? - Uh-oh. - Ha, ha, ha!

- I need to get back to headquarters. - Incoming!

- Where's Ms. O?

(alarm signal) - Code Crimson! I repeat: Code Crimson!

Unauthorized grown-up in headquarters! - I'm not a grown-up.

- Stay back. - It's me, it's Olive! - Yeah, right.

- I know your name is O'Fynne. How would I know that if I wasn't Olive?

- I don't know, maybe you're a grown-up and a mind reader.

- O'Fynne, listen to me. - (all): Odd Squad! Odd Squad! Stop right there!

- Whoa, whoa, guys, guys, it's me, it's Olive!

Todd zapped me with the Flip-Floppinator, so now I'm instead of !

- I'm not buying it. - Let me talk to her. If she's my partner, I'll know.

- Be careful.

- Is it really you? - It's me. I promise.

- No, that's not her. - Ugh! - Take her away.

- No! Otto, I know you love food and you're terrible at sports.

Oh, oh, and you called in sick to work last week because you wanted to go

to the amusement pa-- - What? - Sorry.

- I think we're getting a little bit off track.

But yeah, that's Olive. - Olive, let's take you to the lab.

And watch your head. - Ow! Ugh!

- I still don't think it's her.

- Oscar, meet -year-old Olive.

- Olive! Is that you? - Please tell me you can fix this.

- I've tried everything. The only way we can get you back

is to get the Flip-Floppinator back.

- In the meantime, I need your badge. - (both): What?

- Odd Squad is kids only, and right now, you are not that. I'm sorry.

Listen up, agents! We all need to work together to stop Todd.

- But Ms. O, I'm ! If I go near Odd Todd,

he'll turn me and make my -year-old grandpa

again! - I like being old!

- First things first: this is not "bring your grandpa to work" day. Second,

someone has to stop Todd. - I can stop Odd Todd.

I'm . There's a in the tens place and a in the ones place.

Even if you flip it, still stays .

Odd Todd can't do anything to me. - I don't know.

- Give the kid a chance.

- Even though you being here is wrong, what you're saying is right.

Go get him, Oscar!



- I'll move the to the ones place,

and the to the tens place.

Now you live at Oak Street.

- But... but... I just ordered a pizza!

- Good luck getting it. (gasping) Ha, ha, ha!

- Stop, Odd Todd.

- Whoa. I'm outta here.

- Agent... Oscar?

What an odd choice! I love it.

- Just, um... hand over the Flip-Floppinator

and nobody gets hurt.

- Don't make me laugh.

Ha, ha, ha!

Wha-- - It won't work on me. I'm .

- Then I'll... flip something else, like...

the size of your pants, so they'll become big and fall out!

- My pants are size too. Roomy, but not overly so.

(growling) I also brought tomatoes.

It won't change. - Ah!

- Whatever you do... - Ah!

- There will always be... - Ah!

- ! - Ah!

- Same with this vest made of magnets.

- Oh no. - Oh yes.

- Ah!

(grunting with effort)

- Go home, Todd. Tell your family you love them.

Whew! So glad that's over. OK.

OK, ready, Olive? - Ready.


- Good to have you back, partner. - It's good to be back.

Thank you, Oscar.

- Glad I could help. - Agent Olive,

your badge. - Thank you, Ms. O.

(sighing contentedly)

- Now, Oscar...

- Ms. O, I know what you're gonna say, and I promise I'll never lose a gadget again.

- That's not what I was going to say! What I was going to say is...

you're awesome.

- Oh!

- But don't take my word for it.

♪♪♪ - ♪♪ Oscar is awesome ♪

♪ Oscar is awesome ♪ - Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

- ♪ I wish I were Oscar ♪

♪ 'Cause he totally owns it right now ♪

♪ Type 'awesomely awesome' into any browser ♪

♪ The first fifty hits ♪

♪ Are pictures of Oscar ♪

♪ His legend is so legendary ♪

♪ I can't take, I can't take it anymore ♪

♪ Oscar is awesome ♪

♪ Oscar is awesome ♪ - Well, it was more of a group effort.

- Dude, you got times more awesome!

♪ For giving credit where credit is due ♪

♪ Oh yeah, did I mention Oscar is awesome ♪

- Are these grown-ups authorized?

- Oh yeah. Authorized to ROCK!

- ♪ When something is awesome ♪

♪ We'll just call it Oscar ♪♪


- Greetings, agents. If you've got time between cases,

make sure you visit the Odd Squad Breakroom. It features lots of odd foods,

like bagels with no holes, soupsicles,

and you won't be able to get enough of our invisible pizza.

Delicious! Oh! Uh...

This reminds me of that one time I lost an invisible tiger.

(roaring) Oh!

Wait, he's over here!

And there's no need to go back for seconds

thanks to the Zeronator, located in the condiments tray.

As you can see, this agent is dining on one head of lettuce.

You can see the in the ones place.

But, with the push of a button...

A zero appears in the ones place

and the gets moved to the tens place, making...

heads of lettuce!

And with another zap, you can add yet another zero!

Now there's a zero in the ones place, a zero in the tens place,

and a in the hundreds place, which is the number .

Wow! Now, at first, this may seem like too much lettuce for one person,

but what you don't know is...

this agent has stomachs.

Bon appétit.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - What seems to be the problem?

- This haircut, for one. But I'm trying to get some work done,

except every time I try to hammer a nail...

Well, let me show you.

I can't get my work done! - Not a problem, sir. We have just the thing.

- Yeah!

- By the way, what are you building?

- A chair. - Where are you supposed to sit?

- Ugh, I knew I forgot something.


- There you two are. - How you doing, Ms. O?

- How am I doing? Are you seriously asking me how I'm doing right now?

- Um... yes? - I'm good, thanks for asking.

But something very odd has happened.

Check it. As you know,

Polly Graph is our town graph expert and lemonade salesperson,

and she never misses a day of work. But today...

(gasping) Polly's missing. That's not all.

Odd Squad's number one villain, Odd Todd, has closed it down for good and opened his own stand.

(gasping) And it's up to you to find out what happened.

(gasping) Why is that so surprising?

- I think we just got used to gasping.

- Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

♪ La la la la la la la ♪

- (both): O'Jameson. - Where are you headed? - Polly's lemonade stand.

- Preparing to squishinate. Squishinating.

- Come on.

- (both): Odd Squad! Odd Squad! Stop right there!

- Ha, ha, ha! Well, well, well!

If it isn't

my old partner and her new partner.

Hello, new Todd. - I'll never be new you.

I'm old me. I mean new me.

I mean... regular me. - What did you do to Polly?

- I ate her!

Polly's the name I gave to this ham sandwich. I like to name all my sandwiches before I eat them.

But if you're talking about the Polly

who isn't a sandwich and sells lemonade, she quit.

- She would never do that. - If you don't believe me, ask her yourself. She's in the park.

Oh, and have a free sample.

- Please. Like we would ever drink anything made by you.

- What? It's free. (sighing)


It's sour. But then again, it's free. - OK,

you got it all. Let's go! Come on!

(neighing) - (both): Polly, there you are! - Hey, Olive! Hey, Otto!

- Todd said you quit your lemonade stand, but we know that's not true.

- It is true. (gasping) It's OK!

Now I have time to do my other hobbies,

like learning to speak pigeon. Coo, coo!

(cooing) That means "fly onto my finger".

I'm not really good at that yet.

- But how can you quit? You love lemonade!

- I had to! Everybody liked Odd Todd's lemonade better. - Odd Todd was lying to you.

- I thought so too, but then, he gave me these.


He made this bar graph

that shows how many people drank my lemonade each day last week.

But the bars aren't very tall.

And he made this graph to show how many people

drank Odd Todd's lemonade each day last week.

- Todd's bars are taller, so that means more people drank his lemonade.

- When you say it out loud like that, it hurts even more.

As an honorable lemonade salesperson, I had no choice but to quit.

- Something's going on. Can we take these graphs back to Odd Squad HQ?

- Coo, coo!

That means yes.

I think.

- My Truth-Sniffernator will be able to sniff out any false information on these graphs.


I'm sorry, but the information on these graphs is true. (gasping)

- That's impossible! - The Truth-Sniffernator never messes up.

Unless it catches a cold. - I don't know. Maybe Odd Todd is telling the truth.

Maybe he actually sells lemonade now.

- But Todd never does anything normal.

His goal is to spread oddness at all costs!

- Do you think it has to do with Otto's lemonhead?

(gasping) (muffled cries)

What's he saying? - Todd's lemonade is so sour it's making heads

turn to lemons! Don't worry, partner, I'll fix this.

(muffled cries)

I know. I feel the same way.

- Aw, man! I wish I could speak lemon. (muffled cries)

- No! Everybody, don't drink Todd's lemonade! It's so sour

it turns your head into a lemon! - Please.

Where's your proof? - That guy with the lemonhead!

(muffled cries)

(all gasping) - My lemonade is perfectly safe.

Look at this pictograph I made. It has cute little pictures

instead of boring old bars. I call it "Things that happened to people

who drank my lemonade". Exploded:

nobody. People who turned into a beaver:

no one. (appreciative sounds)

People who made this noise... (weird noise)

Nobody again. - But look here.

Turned into a lemonhead: there's one person.

- So? It's just one person.

And besides, who's to say they didn't walk into a lemonhead ray

while drinking my lemonade? - Ha!

(appreciative sounds) You shouldn't find that convincing!

- My lemonade is perfectly safe. And now, half price!

(cheers and applause)

- Something's not right. Time to go to the Mathroom.

- Greetings, Agent Olive. - Mathroom, can you load Todd's two bar graphs?

Hold on. The lines on these graphs don't have any numbers on them.

Without numbers, who knows how many people each bar stands for?

Mathroom, please put numbers along the sides of both graphs.

- Generating numbers.

- So this short bar is actually...

people! And this...

is only one person! So Todd's bar looks taller because the number is way up here,

and even though people drank Polly's lemonade,

the numbers on her graph are way closer together, so looks like a really small number!

- May I make a suggestion? - I love your suggestions, Mathroom.

- I can generate a new graph, one that shows Polly's and Todd's customers side by side

and uses the same numbers for both.

- Yes! That way, we can measure the people who drank their lemonade and compare them!

- Generating new graph.

- So these bars still show how much lemonade Polly and Todd sold.

Polly's bars are yellow and Todd's bars are black.

Polly's is... customers, and Todd's is... !

customers is definitely more than customer.

People do like her lemonade better. Thanks, Mathroom.

- Now I feel like lemonade.

- I don't know where these lemonheads are coming from.

My lemonade is perfectly safe. - That's a lie!

And I bet the graph about Todd's lemonade being safe is wrong too.

- Yeah, right, Olive! My graphs clearly show the truth.

- Your graphs don't clearly show anything!

They're made to trick people. They're tricky graphs.

(muffled cries) - Sure.

This graph has the picture of only one person over the lemonhead column,

but what Todd didn't tell you is that each picture of a person actually stands

for people. (crowd gasping) And here's the proof.

(Todd growls.) (muffled cries)

- Here's a less tricky pictograph I made that clearly shows the facts.

(muffled cries) And here's the proof.

- Fine.

But you can't stop me from selling other drinks. Like Odd Todd's pickle juice!

- (both): Ew! - Exactly.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Ha, ha, ha! - You're right.

But my friends can. - Your friends? What are you--

- Coo! Coo! (cooing)


- I'll be back! You'll see!

- Thank you, my pigeon friends! (applause)

(cheering) - Now THAT is good lemonade.

(muffled cries) Did you have to drink the pickle juice?

(muffled cries)

- Welcome to the Breakroom. My name is Oksana

and this is where agents come to enjoy the food I make.

Here at Odd Squad, agents can order whateeeeeeeever they want.

Yesterday, that meant I had to make , different meals,

and my hands made this noise. (hands shrieking)

Not to worry. After I showed Ms. O my hands,

she called the doctor, and then she said I could pick different foods.

Whichever food got the most votes was what I would make.

And after, I organized the results into a bar graph.

Here on the bottom are the different foods people can vote for:

spaghetti sandwiches, spaghetti salad, and spaghetti... with spaghetti.

I have a lot of spaghetti I'm trying to get rid of.

Along the side are the number of people who voted. The taller the bar,

the more votes something got. Spaghetti sandwiches got votes,

spaghetti salad got votes, and spaghetti with spaghetti got votes.

Spaghetti with spaghetti is clearly the winner, not only because it has the tallest bar,

but because it's simple and delicious. Fun fact about me:

in all the years I've worked here, I've never dropped a plate. I just drop the beat.


♪ When I say Odd, you say Squad ♪

♪ Odd ♪

That works better when there's someone here.

- My name is Agent Owen. I'm in charge of security at Odd Squad. - There you are. Something very odd has

It's pretty much the most important job here.

Let me show you what happened the day I called in sick.

(alarm ringing) - Ms. O, what's going on?

- The Blob has escaped!

- I like to think of myself as a pretty helpful guy.

I can't help you out. - What?

- Fun fact: every time Olive and Otto investigate a case, I go with them for backup.

Like the time all the snowmen got chopped in half.

That's me hiding behind the snowman, right there.

Also when they were facing off against the Shapeshifter.

(growling) Freeze it! That's me hiding behind those trees.

And then there was the time Olive faced off against Baby Genius.

(metallic clanking) (gasping)

Did you hear that crash before Baby Genius showed up? That was me.

Knocked over some paint cans. I'm not perfect, but I'm close.


(Music stops abruptly.)



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