01x24 - Training Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x24 - Training Day

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is how long two seconds is.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird,

and, especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

(theme music)

(unicorn whinnying)

- AH! - HI-YAH!

- Come on, buddy! Come on! - Where are we going?!

Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - Happy to help.

- By the way, congratulations.

- Oh, for the baby? Thanks.

- I meant the new hat. I haven't seen it before.

But the baby too. - Totally. We love babies.

- Now, what seems to be the problem?

- Well, this is the room where we store the famous giant ball of gum.

- Not this again. Let me guess. The giant ball of gum

shrank from one thousand wads of chewed bubble gum

to just one. - Nope, wads.

- Wait. - What did you say?

- . Look, the sign's different too.

- It's agent ! - Who?

- Partner, I need you to scan this room for oddness.

- Why? - Please. Trust me.

- Nothing. Just us, the gum, and paintings.

- Impossible. There are only paintings in this room.

- That means one of these paintings is--

- Me!

- Ah! I'll call Security! I'm Security. I'll watch.

(boy laughing maniacally)

- That's right, Scribbles: I'm back.

You didn't think I was gonna be gone forever now, did ya?

I was just watching and waiting

and planning for you and you

to be good enough to come out and play.

Just watching and waiting and planning.

Watching and waiting and planning and watching and planning and waiting!

- What did you do with the ball of gum, Todd?!

- Wait! You know this guy?

- First things first, it's Odd Todd now.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I gotta pop out for a second.


(Odd Todd laughing maniacally)

- We have to get back to Headquarters and warn Ms. O!

- Wait! Warn Ms. O about what? Who's Odd Todd?

- My old partner.

(bleating like a sheep)

- Agent Todd is back?

- Hey! Sorry I'm late. I was bringing these marbles down

the lab when all of a sudden-- - Agent Todd is back! (Oscar gasps.)

You better tell the rest of the Squad too!

- Agent Todd is back!

(loud racket)

(duck quack) (another loud racket)

(cat meow) - I have a question.

- No time! I need to know when and where Todd will strike next.

Oscar, I need a list of all available gadgets.

- Yes, ma'am! - You two, check in Todd's file for anything that could help us.

I'll call the other Os. - (Olive): Yes, ma'am!

- But-- - Not "buts", no cuts

and no coconuts! NOW GO!


(marbles hitting each other)

And watch out for those marbles.

- boy: [What's the problem, Ms. O?]

- Olive, wait! - No time!

Let's take a look at the file.

No. No. No. No.

No-- - Partner, slow down!

Who's Todd?

- I told you: he used to be my partner; now, he wants

to make the world more odd. - No, I mean, how did Todd go

from that...

to that?

I wanna help you,

but I can't help you unless I know the whole story.

- OK, fine.

Todd and I went through training together.

Our teacher was Obfusco.

- (Otto):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Ah! Obsfusco, that guy is so confusing.

- Faster, my beautiful street lamps!

- Oh! Ugh!


- Hmm... Maybe be more like him!

(heroic music) Look, he doesn't

even need bars.

- Ah! Hahahaha!

-<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Todd was the best of the best, but he never really fit in.

- Roll call! - Olive.

- Ophelia. - Oakley.

- Todd! Hahahaha!

(honking like a car)

- Unlike a rhinoceros playing piano,

I present to you


(epic music) - Wow!

Oh! Sorry! Sorry!

- Watch out, recruits! Pienado coming through!

- Pienado?!

- It's like a tornado but with pies.

- Oooh! I love pie.

- Walk this way! (upbeat percussive music)

(dramatic music)

Next stop, the training room.

Pick a door, any door.

But fear, yes, for the wrong door

will lead to danger.

- How do we know which one's the right one?

- A hint: door number leads to boiling lava;

one less than door is a black hole;

and two more than the black hole is a polka band.

Much worse.


- OK, guys, let's figure this out.

OK, so... - What's door number again?

- (Olive): is boiling-- - I got this, Scribbles.

- (Obfusco): Correcto!

- (Otto):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> So Todd just guessed?

- No. That's the thing about Todd:

he goes through all the same steps we do

while solving a problem, he just does it in his head.

And fast.

OK, guys, let's figure this out. So, um...

- OK, so, so ... - is, um...

... (inaudible talking)

- OK, so what do I need to know? Which door is safe to open?

What do I know? Door is lava.

One door less than door is a black hole.

(talking in slow-motion) Less than is subtraction,

so door minus is ,

the black hole.

Two doors more than the black hole is a polka band.

More than is addition.

So if door is the back hole,

then plus would be...

.... The polka band.


The only door left is door .

So that must be the training room.

I got this, Scribbles.

- (Obfusco): Correcto!

- After Todd and I became partners, he got even better.

He could solve any odd problem.


And he could catch any villain.

Stop right there! - You'll never catch me,

Odd Squad. I can shapeshift into anything!

- Anything, huh? How about a horse?

- Easy.

I'm a horse! I'm a horse!

- Todd, what are you doing?!

- How about a butterfly?

- Even easier.

I'm a butterfly! I'm a butterfly!

- Oh, impressive!

How about a bone?

- Does this answer your question?

- Agent Otis will take it from here.

- I give up! I give up! - (Olive):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Soon,

Todd was solving cases even faster than Ms. O.

- You wanted to see us, Ms. O? - There you two are.

Something very nuts has happened!

- Um, do you mean odd? - No, I mean nuts!

A villain has been dropping giant nuts all over town!

Take a look.

They've hit the library,

the baseball field,

the town square.

I need you to find out how and why this is happening--

- Solved it! - (Ms. O and Olive): Wait.

Really? - Yes, really.

I'm surprised you didn't see the pattern, Oprah.

- It's Ms. O to you, young man!

- You don't mind, do you?

Let me break it down for you.

The library is located at , Second Street;

the baseball field is at , Fourth Street,

and the town square is at , Sixth Street.

If you put this on a number line,

, , .

The villain is skipping by twos,

which means that the next place they're gonna hit is...

(birds singing)

..., Eighth Street.

Hello, Even Steven. - Hey, Todd.

- I'll take that peanut ray.

- Of course, Even Steven likes

even numbers. That's why he was going

, , , .

But why were you leaving nuts everywhere?

- Because Even Steven is really Sammy Squirrel!

(Squirrel clicking)

And that's how we do that! (Todd laughing)

- Todd won every Odd Squad award there was,

including award for most awards.

- Man! Always wanted that one.

- Todd was solving so many cases so fast, he got bored.

That's when the trouble began.

- To be continued.


- Greetings, Agents. I'm Oscar with today's Odd Report.

As you can see, we have bumper-to-bumper blobs

in the East Bay Bridge. Also,

there's a giant crushing houses in town.

O'Connor, can you bring up the photo?

- (O'Connor): Coming at ya! - That's you, O'Connor. - (O'Connor): Yeah!

- You again... - (O'Connor): Yeah!

- That's actually me and you. - (O'Connor): Yeah!

- That was quite a fun day there...

But seriously, the one of the giant!

- (O'Connor): You got it! - There's the big guy.

On Monday, he crushed a house on th Street.


And on Tuesday, he crushed a house on th Street.


And yesterday, he destroyed a house on th Street.


Now, O' Connor thinks that this guy's all over the place,

but, I mean, O'Connor also thinks I can't speak dolphin.

(barking like a seal)

Understand what that meant, O'Connor?

Yeah, exactly.

Anyways, if you put these streets on a number line,

you can really see that he's skipping by twos.

First, he went to th Street,

then skipped , streets to th Street,

then skipped , more streets to th Street.

Now that we know his pattern, we can predict

that today he will crush a house on , ... th Street,

which is where I live! Heh...

Oh no! Dolphin brothers, unite!

(Oscar barking like a seal) - (O'Connor): Yeah!

- And now, the rest of the story.

- (Otto):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> So, Olive, when did Todd start to turn odd?

- (Olive):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> I remember the day.


Oh! (Olive groaning)


(groaning in frustration)

- Looking for something? (Todd laughing maniacally)

- How did you--? - Sandwich-inator.

- There's no such thing. - You're right,

until I invented it. Why does Agent Oscar

get to have all the fun? Look what else I made.

- I took apart a stretch-inator and a color-inator,

adjusted some stuff and...

I can make any nose I want!

Haha! In any color!

(laughing and snorting)

- But our job is to fix odd stuff,

not make things more odd.

- I guess that's where you and I disagree.

(Todd sniffing) Mmm!

I feel like bacon.

- So Todd was making stuff odd?

But that's like totally against Odd Squad stands for.

- I know. I thought it was just a passing thing,

but the more time went by, the odder Todd got.

He would interrupt meetings.

- The results are conclusive. - And that's why Ophelia and I

believe that training videos would greatly help all agents.


YAH! -<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> You know, how some people

sing in the shower? - That's not so odd.

- Todd would play the drums.

(shower running) (drumming)

And he'd only eat

with his feet. (Todd laughing)

But things got really bad on this one case.

(braying like a donkey)

What do we got, Oscar? - Looks like Tiny Dancer

is back in town.

She made this house dance. ♪♪♪

- Did TD hit anywhere else?

- Yes. She hit at , First Street;

, Second Street; and here, , Fourth Street.

- So, she's headed to , Sixth Street next.

- Wait, are you sure? - Sure, I'm sure.

- Look. and are both even numbers.

The next even number after is . It's Sammy Squirrel

all over again. - But Tiny Dancer

also zapped st, First Street.

The number is odd, not even. See? You can tell a number's odd

because it can't split into equal parts.

- Listen, are you gonna keep scribbling in your notebook

or are we gonna go solve this case already?

We're going to , Sixth Street.

- Wait. How do I get out of here?

- (Olive and Todd): Odd Squad! Odd Squad!

- Hold it right there, Tiny Dancer!

- Who? - That's not Tiny Dancer.

- My name is Rita and I do not like dancing.

(Odd Squad theme ringtone) - Go for O.

Tiny Dancer just struck again?!

- Oopsie! My mistake. (Todd laughing oddly)

- Well, now that you're here,

maybe you can help me with my hydrangeas.

- Uh, uh... - Uhhhh....

- It was a doubling pattern!

When you double a number, you add the same number to itself.

So plus is . plus is .

And plus is .

Eighth Street! Which is where we were

supposed to be. Thanks to you,

Tiny Dancer is still out there, and the town is wiggling

and jiggling all over the place. ♪♪♪

- Everyone makes mistakes.

- Not you. You knew where Tiny Dancer

was headed, but you told us the wrong place

on purpose. - That's right, because that

is interesting! Instead of turning the world

all boring bore-bore, which is what the Odd Squad always does.

- The Odd Squad rule is, "Do no odd!"

Your badge, Agent Todd. (Olive gasps.)

- No! Ms. O, you can't. - No, no,

it's OK.

Best of luck... both of you.

- Whoa.

- I need a juice box.

Don't worry, we'll get you a new partner.

I've had my eye on a recruit.

- Uhhhh...

- Hopefully, he solves cases better than he takes a picture.

- Yes! I knew I would find a way into the story.



- I hadn't heard from Todd for weeks,

until one day, Oscar was showing me

this new gadget he'd invented called the triangulator.

- And with the push of a button...

Tada! Haha! - Thanks, Oscar.

What can I do with this again?

- What can't you do with it? (alarm ringing)

- (computer):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Warning. Code point -...

- The pienado has been released! - Are you sure?

- I'm fairly certain, yes!

- (computer):<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> ...----



- Argh!

Is there a doctor in the house?

- It's you!

- Then good luck, you'll need it.

- This is impossible!

The only way to open up that door is with my nose!

- What? - Well, I always lose my keys,

so I figured I'd make a nose-shaped lock instead!

Boo? Argh!

But I've been with my nose all day, so...

(weird laughter) ...I don't know.

- Todd!

- That's right!

(Todd laughing maniacally)

Oscar, I got your nose!

(Todd laughing)

- Agent Todd, I order you: fix this

right now! - Agent?

Oh, but you see, I'm not an agent anymore.

I work for the Todd Squad now.

- Is that a thing? - I just made it up.

- Todd, please stop! - You're the one

who should stop, Scribbles. Don't you see?

Odd Squad's get... get...

got it all wrong! They should be

making the world more odd,

which is exactly what I will do.

Bye-bye. Or should I say...


- Argh! (Todd laughing maniacally)

- Ms. O!

- Forget about us! You have to stop that pienado.

Think like you've never

"thunk" before! - But Todd always did

all the work! I can't figure out in my head like him!

- Listen to me, Agent. I don't care how long it takes,

if you count on your fingers or toes,

or use a million pieces of paper.

Solving the problem is solving the problem.

Solve... this... problem!

Oh, lemon meringue. (cool rock music)

- ♪♪ Guess what time it is ♪

♪ Time to get control of this strange, strange weather ♪

♪ So bring your hurricanes ♪

♪ The forecast is about to change ♪

♪ Strange, strange weather ♪ - Let's go!

- ♪ Falling from a crooked cloud ♪

♪ Of things that shouldn't be around ♪

♪ Now, you've had your fun with this ♪

♪ I'm done with this strange, strange weather ♪

- OK, go through the steps. What are you trying to do? Seal that door.

And what do you know? Um, I know, I know...

Argh! Ah! I have a triangulator.

(Ding!) OK, that door has

, , , ,

, , , sides.

That's an octagon. And a triangle has

, , sides. The shapes don't match!

- Well, partner, we finally finished cleaning Headquarters

top to bottom.

Ah, man! Argh!

- What if I combine triangles

to make an octagon? Whoa!

(Ding!) ♪♪♪

No! No! No!

(grunting in frustration)

What if all the points met in the middle?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK.

That's it! ♪♪♪

- ♪ Guess what time it is ♪

♪ Time to get control of this strange, strange weather ♪

♪ This catastrophe hasn't seen the last of me ♪

♪ Strange, strange weather ♪

♪ We got it from the lightning buzz ♪

♪ And blow away with all the dust ♪

♪ Now, you've had your fun with this ♪

- One triangle left! I can't get a clear shot!

I need to get closer! - I'll cover you!

- No! - It's the only way!


- ♪ Oooh oooh-oooh ♪

♪ Oooh-oooh ♪

♪ Strange, strange weather ♪

♪ Oooh oooh-oooh oooh-oooh ♪

♪ Strange, strange weather ♪♪

- Too bad...

I used to like pie.

(gadget falling on the floor)

That was the last time I saw my partner

until now. - I have two questions.

First, why do you keep calling that guy your partner?

- Huh? - We solve problems differently,

but we still do it together. That's what partners are for -

helping each other - but Todd only helped himself.

- You're right.

What was the second question?

- If Todd is the best agent there ever was...

then how are we gonna beat him? (dramatic music)

- I don't know, partner.

I don't know.

(Todd laughing maniacally)

I joined because phones should ring,

not make toast.

- I joined because bookstores

should be full of books, not pickles.

- I joined because I should drink out of my mouth,

not my toe. (slurping)

Aaah... refreshing.

- We are... - We are...

- We are... - We are Odd Squad.


Since the beginning of time -

and we're talking way back -

we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time,

we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.

There's no case too big...

no case too small...

at Odd Squad, we do it all.

And yes, that is flying broccoli.

My name is Ms. O. I run every<span tts:fontStyle="italic">, department here at Odd Squad.

Some people call me "the boss" and I like that.

Before I became the head honcho, I was an agent myself.

What's the haps?

But that doesn't mean the big chiefaroni doesn't help out with cases

every once in a while. Hi-YAH!

Ms. O don't play that.

What you might not know about me is... I like juice boxes.


I need a juice. OK, maybe you did know that

about me. But did you know this juice box on my desk

is actually a phone? (ringing)

Hello? Sorry, I can't hear you.

I'm on my juice-box phone.

Call me on my regular phone. Thanks.

(phone ringing)

Hello? Yes, I'd like to place a juice-box order.

(odd gibberish)



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