01x22 - The Potato Ultimato/A Fistful of Fruit Juice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x22 - The Potato Ultimato/A Fistful of Fruit Juice

Post by bunniefuu »

- (Olive): Coming up next on Odd Squad.

- Ah! I'm shrinking! - This is horrible!

- There is a way to save you - a journey through

the Potato Door!

- (Olive): My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my lucky pencil.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

(theme music)


- Ah! - Hi-yah!

- Come on, buddy! Come on! - Where are we going?!

Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Hey, partner, mind filing these for me?

- Sure.

- Yes! - What is it?

- I'm getting taller. - What?

- You used to be taller than me,

but look. Now, I'm taller than you. That means I grew.

But that doesn't make sense.

If I grew, how does my suit still fit?

Unless you shrunk!

- Ah! I'm shrinking! Ohhh... what do we do?

- Oh, this is horrible! - I know!

- No, I mean, I really thought I was getting taller.

- (yelling): This is a tape measure!

A tape measure is the same as a ruler, except it's longer

so you can measure longer things like height!

- Why are you yelling? - Well, I just thought because

your ears are smaller, it would be harder for you to hear!

No? - Let's just figure this out.

- inches is foot, so that's foot...


feet, and feet exactly.

- But I used to be feet.

- Well, if you used to be feet, and you're feet now,

looks like you've shrunk by foot or inches.

- But I didn't do anything!

I just got here, did some work on my desk,

and ate some potato salad!

- Has anyone seen my shrinking potato salad?

- (together): Did you say shrinking potato?!

- No, he said, "shrinking potato salad."

Olaf clearly marked it

in the fridge.

- How was I supposed to know?

Every agent that works at Odd Squad's name starts with an O!

- There was this one agent-- - Not gonna talk about that now.

- How could you eat his potato salad?

- (Olaf): Potato thief! - Everyone, we can fix this.

Oscar, you can fix this with your regrow-inator, right?

- Of course! (Ding!)

Oh no, it only works on reindeer.

- So, does that mean I'm gonna keep shrinking until I turn

into nothing? (Olaf howls.)

- Yeah, good point, Olaf. There is a way to save you...

with the growing potato. - How do we get one?

- By journeying through the Potato Door!

(happy music)

- ♪ Potato, potato, shalalala ♪

- Is it just me or do the doors keep changing?

(Olaf howls.) - He says they do.

- Olaf, I need you to lead me to that potato.

- Plink, plunk.

- Oren, I need you to come too, so I know what he's saying.

- Wait! What about me? - Stay here with Oscar.

You're still shrinking, and it looks pretty windy in there.

(Ding!) Jacket-inator.

- Non!



(Olive sighs.) - Let's go.

(Oren sighs.)

(Olaf howls.)

- Olaf says we go through there. - But it's a solid wall.

- That's what the recorders are for.

Only one recorder will open the wall

and reveal the secret path!

- What happens if we choose the wrong recorder?


Or you could just have told me!

So which recorder is it? - Boooo!

- Olaf doesn't remember.

All he knows is that it's the same length

as the upside-down-inator. He had it with him

the last time he was here. - That's great.

All we need to find out is how long the upside-down-inator is,

and we can find the right recorder.

(a*t*matic dialing)

[Oscar, I need you to measure the upside-down-inator.]

- [Oh! I have it right here.]

Which part am I measuring? (Olaf howls.)

- Olaf says that the recorder we want

is the same length as the top of the gadget.

- Measure the top.

(He howls.)

- Oh. The longer side at the top.

- So we start here.

And that's inch, inches,

inches, inches long. - [Thanks, Oscar.]

The recorder we're looking for is exactly inches.

, , inches.

Too short.

- , , , , inches.

Too long.

- This one looks it's in-between the short and long one.

, , , inches.

We found it! - Allow me.


(playing tune on recorder)

- Let's go!

- Prepare to enter the cave of your least greatest fears!

- Did you say, "least greatest fears"?

- Yes, the cave of your least greatest fears!

- So you mean things we're not afraid of, like things we want to happen?

- Yes. Now, do you want to go through the cave or not?

- Yes! (Olaf howls.)

Alright, guys, let's stick together.

Guys?! - Olive!

- Coach Roberts?! What are you doing here?

- No time to explain. I've got different games going on,

and all my players are hurt! You've got to help me!

(people cheering)

- Put me in, Coach. Yaaa!

Woo! Ugh!

- Agent Oren! (She blows her nose.)

- Ms. O, are you OK? - No, I'm sick,

but there's too much to do at Odd Squad. I need someone to run it for me.

- I've got this.

- ♪ Potato shalala ♪

- Olaf, I've got patients

with plaque, cavities and tarter buildup,

you're the only dentist who can help them.

- (woman on intercom): Paging Dentist Olaf.

Paging Dentist Olaf.

- What seems to be the problem?

- (Oren): That was so cool. (Olaf howls.)

- (Olive): It was amazing! (rumbling)

(theme music ringtone playing)

Go for Olive! - [Hurry, Olive. I keep making]

suits for Otto, but he just keeps shrinking out of them.

- We're on it.

- I'm so glad that the extra seat

for my mini-auto figurine fits you.

Hello! And you can hang out

in the miniature Odd Squad I made.

- You made an Odd Squad's dollhouse?

- No, I made a house for my dolls to live in.

Here, let me keep you company.

Hello. Hey, how's it going?

Good, good, how are you?

What's it like being the most "awesomest" person in Odd Squad?

Well, I have to say it's pretty cool.

Yeah, yeah.

- Behold! The growing potato!

- But how are going to reach it way up there?

- By using the legendary -foot ladder!

(Olaf gasps.) Oh no! The ladder's on vacation

in Florida!

- I guess you'll have to get a new partner.

- What?! No!

There's got to be another way to reach that potato.

The rope! We can use this rope to climb up there.

- Now, you like the outfits.

- Just hurry up, please.

- A little later...

- If it's called the -foot-tall ladder,

that means we need a rope that's at least -feet long.




feet also.

- This will never work.

- It can work! - Uh?

- With the combined length of these garments,

we have the ability to construct a rope

that can retrieve the aforementioned tuber.

If we tie them out together, it will be long enough.

, , feet!

- But we need feet.

- No, we need at least

feet. More is better.


- So, what do you think, Otto?

- (in high-pitched voice): It's not bad, I guess.

I mean, I miss my real desk.


My computer works!

And is this my diary? - I don't do things halfway. Ha!

(glorious music with choir)

(grunting with effort)

- (Olaf and Oren): Go, Olive, go! Go, Olive, go!

Go, Olive, go! Go, Olive, go!

Go, Olive, go! Go, Olive, go!

(Olive grunting with effort)

- Got you!

- Wanna go help me catch some Centigurps?

Yeah, sure, let's go!

- We have the potato! - We got it!

- Finally! - There you go, Otto.

Also, here's your old suit. Make sure you put it on

before you start eating. - How long does it take to work?

- Haha! - Welcome back, partner.

You're big. - (with deep voice): I know.

- No, too big.

- How much of the potato did you eat?

- (with deep voice): I don't know. or bites.

- Olaf clearly said only one teeny bite.

- We have the potato!

- (slowly): Only eat teeny bite.

(Olaf clicking tongue)

- You're going to keep growing unless you eat

a shrinking potato. - Let me guess,

there's one through the Potato Door. - Yay!

Hang tight, partner.

- Don't worry, Otto, I actually built

a model headquarters that's bigger than headquarters.

- All the shelves on this wall

have been dusted, wiped and scrubbed.

- Cleaning day is the worst! (Olive laughing)

- Good one, partner.

- Hold on. You like doing this?

- What's not to like?

When dust goes in your nose and eyes,

and makes your throat a bit stingy, I love it!

Plus, look at all this cool stuff.

This is what Odd Squad looked like

way back in the day.

- (Otto): Whoa!

- I remember that place well.

- Let me guess. You were there? - Yep.

- And you worked on Odd Squad? - Nope.

- (both): NO?!

- Wanna keep doing this back and forth thing or do you want

to hear the story? - Story.

- I was gonna say back and forth thing.

Sure, we can do story. - The year was .

The town looked a little bit different in the s.

We only had one car, and that car was a horse.

Back then, I used to own a fruit stand in town,

and Odd Squad would stop by all the time,

especially these agents - O'Donahue and

his know-it-all partner, Olga. - Hey, Oprah,

we're wondering if you've seen any odd stuff going on--

- Hey, hey, hey! I don't want to get involved

with your oddness. I sell fruit, that's it.

- You wouldn't understand anyway.

- Probably not. I'm too busy working on my latest product:

a way to take fruit juice on the go.

I call it "juice in a bag."

It needs some work.


- Well, before you get back to it, I'd like to buy

some peaches. - I've only got one left.

- Naaah. What about of those plums?

- Oprah! Oprah! - What's up, Yucks? Got a new joke?

- The fruit warehouse was robbed!

- That's a terrible joke! - It's not a joke! (Oprah gasps.)

It's really weird too. Like, we had

cherries, but they only took of them!

We had strawberries, but they only took of them.

- That sounds odd to me.

Oprah, I need you to come down to the Squad and file a report.

- Ugh! Missing fruit and dealing with Odd Squad?

This is the worst! Yucks,

watch the fruit stand. - Sure thing, boss.

- Oh! And I had an idea for your juice-on-the-go system.

Juice in a boot!

Wow, that is awful!

Yep, still bad.

(piano version of Odd Squad theme music)

- Take a seat, Oprah.

- So...

any idea who might want to steal your fruit?

- No clue. All I know is that he must have struck yesterday.

- Too bad Olga had the day off yesterday.

She's got a knack for catching thieves in the act.

- Well, whoever this thief is, he didn't touch my bananas

or pears, but decided to go after the cherries

and strawberries.

Wait! and ,

those are odd numbers; and and are even numbers.

- I'm not sure I follow. - Even numbers can be

divided into equal groups,

like my strawberries.

, ,

, , ,

, , ,

, !

See? and .

Odd numbers, like the bananas he didn't touch,

can't be divided.

bananas here. bananas here.

But you have left over.

- So, what are you saying? - Maybe it has something to do

with odd and even numbers. - Oh, puh-lease!

It's got nothing to do with numbers.

This is about colors.

Cherries and strawberries,

both red. And who likes red things?

- (both): Big Red!


- What do you mean? What are you talking about?

I didn't steal a thing. In fact, just the other day,

of my mailboxes were stolen.

- Then why didn't you report it? - Better question,

why did you have mailboxes?

- First of all, I love getting mail.

Second of all, I did report it. I sent a telegram yesterday.

(bugle call)

- Express overnight delivery for Odd Squad.

- Amazing, isn't it?

You can send a message to someone in just one day.

- Yeesh! Someone should invent a way to do this faster,

like an instant textual messaging delivery service.

- Ah, that will never work.

- Can we focus here? On my fruit?

- Ugh, we'll get back to that later.

(guitar music with whistling)


I was so angry with Odd Squad! A week went by

and I hadn't heard a thing.

- Also, my juice-on-the-go system wasn't making much progress.

- I think I got it!

Juice in a net!

- I feel like we're moving backwards.

Hey, Odd Squad! It's been a week,

My missing fruit has probably gone bad by now.

- Sorry, Oprah, but we got nothing.

- Well, if it makes you feel better,

why don't we buy some fruit? How many oranges have you got?

- .

- Naah! What about apples?

- .

- Naaah!

I see you've got mangoes over there. I'll take of them.

- Odd Squad! Odd Squad!

My dog turned into a cactus, and I can't pet him

without screaming in terrible pain!

- Excuse us, Oprah, we've got to take care of this.

- Yeah.

- I still wanna know why my fruit has gone missing!

Yucks, bring that little, "foldy" paper thing with you.

It's time to take matters into our own hands.

- What is this place? - I need a room

to review the numbers.

I'm calling it the Mathematical

figuring-out local. - Sounds catchy.

- Thanks! So we started

with cherries, and were taken away.

- So how many did he leave behind?

- , , , ,

, , . .

Next, we had strawberries,

and were taken away.

minus equals...

, , , , .

strawberries went missing.

- What about the mailboxes?

Big Red said of them went missing.

- minus equals...

, , ,

, , . .

- Weird! He stole cherries

and left behind;

stole strawberries and left behind;

stole mailboxes, left behind.

- Yucks, you're on to something.

- I am? - Everything he stole

was split evenly into groups,

which means the original amount was an even number.

cherries, strawberries,

and mailboxes: all even numbers.

He likes even numbers! - And that's why he didn't take

any of our bananas or pears,

because they can't be split into equal groups.

They're odd numbers.

- Oh no! I just realized something.

- Yeah, used banana peels

are a terrible idea for juice transport.

- No! Big Red's stolen mailboxes.

And is an even number,

which means it can still be split into equal groups:

and . Which means

the thief will be heading back to steal more mailboxes.

I've got to warn O'Donahue.

Yucks, box this stuff up.

- Box!

- So, we're just gonna let the thief

steal more of my mailboxes? - Big red...

- Oprah, sure this is gonna work?

- Numbers don't lie. - Can we at least tell Olga?

- Sure. She's right there.

Let's move!

- (Oprah and O'Donahue): Stop right there!

- Ah!

- Olga, say it ain't so. - Ugh!

How did you know I'd be here?

- It all came down to how you ordered your food.

You only wanted of my plums, and when I offered you

oranges or apples, you weren't interested.

Odd numbers.

But when you spotted mangoes, you wanted half of them.

- Good job, Oprah, but better job, me!


- (O'Donahue): Ah! Ugh!

- You'll never catch me!

(western-style music)

- Maybe they won't but I will,

thanks to my new invention.

(western-style music)

- Ah!

- Nice work! - Way to go, Yucks!

- Grrr! (applause)

- (Big Red): Yay!

- And since O'Donahue no longer had a partner--

- You joined Odd Squad. - No.

First, I delivered newspapers in Norway,

but that wasn't for me.

- And then you joined Odd Squad. - No.

Then, I became queen of Portugal.

And then, I joined Odd Squad. - What happened to Yucks?

- I still saw her every day. She took over the fruit stand.

But nobody wanted to drink from Yuck's box,

so I told her to use her last name instead.

Mmm, Yucks Schmumbers, you've really got something here.

- Credit goes to Olga. She's the one who cuts all the fruit

exactly in half, making sure

there's equal amounts in every box.

- Odd Squad, as a token for thanks for getting

my mailboxes back, I'm developing a way

for you Odd Squad agents to get around faster.

I call it the tube system.

It will squish you into a ball

and whoosh you around anywhere in the world.

I'll start digging it right now.

- Hmmm... that will never work.

- No way, cowboy.

- Hey, Olga, nice cutting.

(Olga growling)


(Ding! Ding! Ding!)

- Welcome to the breakroom. My name is Oksana,

and this is where agents come to enjoy the food I make.

In case you were wondering, the actual kitchen

is floors down from here.

And there's no elevator or stairs...

but I have a climbing rope.

Odd Squad agents have quite the appetite,

so I make all sorts of food for them,

like this ham-and-pudding sandwich...


...this broccoli-pudding soup...


or this pizza.

It's actually made of pudding.

The other great thing about it?

If agents are in the breakroom

who want to share this pizza, it can be split in half.

, . equal parts.

Halves. But what if there are hungry agents

in the breakroom and I don't have another pizza ready.

Not to worry. The pizza can be divided into fourths.

, , , . Fourths.

But let's say there are hungry agents in the breakroom

and I don't have another pizza, because I've fallen asleep

on account of preparing

meals for breakfast!

Not to worry.

Pizza can even be divided into eighths.

, , , ,

, , , . Eights.

It's not the best job in the world,

but at least they let me play my own music.

(techno music)

- My name's Coach Roberts... (whistle)

...and that was my whistle.

I originally called the Odd Squad

'cause odd things were happening on my basketball court.

- Ugh. - Ow!

- I'll tell you one thing for sure,

the Odd Squad "gets it". And I always appreciate

how excited they are to see me, especially Agent Olive.

- Coach Roberts! I'm "Olvagent".

I mean, uh, Agent Olive.

I can't believe I'm talking to Coach Roberts! I can?

- There's also this one time Olive saw me as a dream

in this magic-cave thingy.

- Coach Roberts?! What are you doing here?

- No time to explain! I've got different games going on

and all my players are hurt! You've got to help me!

Didn't make much sense to me then.

Makes even less sense to me now!

The Odd Squad helped me, and they can help you too.


(thunder growling)



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