01x19 - Hold the Door/Flatastrophe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x19 - Hold the Door/Flatastrophe

Post by bunniefuu »

- Coming up next onOdd Squad. I want you to show around

an agent in training. - You expect me to believe

that experienced agents can't keep their eye on one recruit?

Where did he go? - Ori!

[growling] - Hi! I'm Ori!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a glass half full.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

[theme music]


- Ah! - Hi-yaa!

- Come on, Olive! Come on! - Where are we going?!

Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Ms. Stevens, I'm happy to report

we've found your runaway snowman.

- Sorry, we took so long.

- Hey, Stacy.

- I haven't seen him since I was .

- Hoho! Want to go play? - Yah!

Thanks, Odd Squad!

- Warms your heart, doesn't it?

[weird animal sound]

What's the problem, Ms. O? - There you two are.

Something very odd has not happened.

- Not happened? - Yes. And because

you have so much free time, I want you to show around

an agent in training. - Oh!

- This is Ori. - I like smashed prunes

with ketchup. - Ha! I love this kid.

- Whoa! Two real Odd Squad agents!

Unless... Are they holograms?

- Can a hologram do this?

Ai! Ai! Ai!

- We're not holograms! - Learning about

Headquarters is Ori's last step before

becoming a full-time agent.

But... I don't need to tell you how dangerous this place can be.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've got my own tour to give.

Come on, people!

- Once, I made shoes out of bananas. - Nice!

- OK, why don't we get on with the tour?

Alright, Ori,

welcome to the most sophisticated place on Earth.

It's a place of wonder and amazement,

where long-lasting friendship is made and dreams--

- What does this do? - Hey!

Don't touch that!

As I was saying... Headquarters

is a high-tech facility-- - Cool gadget!

- Where did you get that? - Your pocket.

- What?

- Ah-ah, hey, this is not a toy, I'm sorry.

Ori, I know you're excited,

but it's really important that you stay close to us, OK?

Up first, the lab!

- No way! We should start off at the Donut room.

- The lab is a good foundation for every new agent.

- Yeah, but donuts are a good foundation for life!

We should totally start off at the Donut room.

Ori, don't you think we should-- Where did he go?

[Olive gasps.] - Ori, stop!

- I could be enjoying donuts by now.

- Ori! - Ori!

- Ori! - Where could he be?

- I don't know. Oh!

No, no, no! Don't go into the Volcano room!

No! [groaning with effort]

It's locked! - It's OK. What are the chances

that the volcano's gonna erupt? [volcano rumbling] - [both]: AH!

- Open the door! - Ori!

[boy whistling a tune] - Pretty awesome new door locks,

huh? We put them on the most dangerous rooms.

Can't get in without a code. - How come an Odd Squad recruit

got in there?! - I told him the code.

What? He seemed like a nice kid.

- Agent Owen, you need to open this door now!

- Wish I could, but I have to walk down the hall

and twirl this baton thingy. - Can you at least tell us

the code?! - Sure. All locks can be opened

by typing any combination of numbers

that add up to . [Owen whistling a tune]

- [both]: That's not an answer!

- Oh... OK, OK, OK. He said

we can open the door by finding numbers that add up to .

- So plus ! - Yeah!

- But there's no .

- Well, there are many ways to add up to the same number.

- How about ? - Just count on from

by adding ones. So , , .

! - plus .

- Let's go! Ori! [volcano rumbling]

- Hey, guys! Fire!

- Ori. - Come on, come on! Ah!

Go! [Olive sighs.]

- Ori, you really have to stick with us.

- But she said, "Go in the Volcano room."

- What?! I did not say that!

Ori, you are... one of a kind.

- You let an agent in training into the Volcano room?

- No, you don't understand. We turned around for a second-- - And he was gone!

- You expect me to believe that experienced agents can't keep

their eye on one recruit? Where did he go?

OK, I believe you.

- There!

- Look!

[panting] [groaning with effort]

- [all]: That's not good.

[growling] - Hi! I'm Ori!

- We have to get him out of there!

- Agents...

- [all]: Ms. O! - Where's Ori?!

- Bathroom. - Lunchroom.

- I think what Olive and Otto are trying to say is that he's eating lunch in the bathroom.

- Well, I'm glad someone's finally using

the bathroom lunch table. Let's go!

- Bye! Good luck!

OK, let's look at the lock.

- The numbers are different! - Can't we just call Agent Owen?

- Nope, he's still spinning that thing.

[Owen whistling a tune]

- Owen said all the locks can be opened by using any combination

of numbers that add up to . No ,

so plus is out.

- There's no like last time either, so we can't use

plus . - How about plus ?

, , , . That's only .

- But more is ! - So plus !

- [Otto]: plus equals .

- I'm going in. Some people call me the dinosaur whisperer.

Well, at least, my cousin Jeffrey did

this one time. I think. He's kind of hard to understand.

- [both]: OSCAR! - Going in!

Don't worry, Ori, I speak dinosaur.


[dinosaur roaring] Well, that didn't work.

[thumping] Stop it! Leave me alone!

- Come on, come on, come on! - In! Come on! Quick!

- Ori! - Stay back! No!

Ori, Ori, going into the Dinosaur room

was very dangerous. - You let an agent in training

into the Dinosaur room?! - Dr. O, you don't understand!

- Of course, I understand, I'm a doctor!

- He's so fast! I mean, as soon as you look away,

he disappears!

He's gone, isn't he? - Yeah.

Dr. O, please help. - Olive, I'm a doctor,

not a babysitter. But I do do a little babysitting

every once in a while, saving up for a bike.

So yes, I will help you. - Let's go!



- There he is!

- Ah...

- There he is!

- There he is!

- There he is.

Wait, wait, guys. Maybe if we wait,

he's gonna pop up back up here, OK?

It's not happening. Let's go.

- Ori!

- Ori!

- He's going into the Princess room!

Ori! - Ori!

- It's locked! - Ugh!

- Owen said, "All the locks can be opened by using

any combination of numbers that add up to ."

- Well, 's out since it's already bigger than .

- And we have a but no .

- [Oscar]: So that only leaves us with , and .

- Um, well, plus

is only . And plus ...

is only . No s.

- Ori will be trapped forever. Ms. O will take our badges!

- Uh, has anyone tried using numbers?

- They don't call her Doctor for nothing.

- No, they call me the Doctor because of years of medical school

and countless hours of hard work and studying.

But we're getting off track.

- plus is ,

so plus is

, , !

plus plus

equals .

Whoa! Check this place out! - [Dr. O]: There he is!

- [whispering]: Get over here! - Why are you being so quiet?

- The Princess room is the most dangerous room in Odd Squad.

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Good one!

- Let's have a tea party [The agents scream.]

- Do you like my dress?

- Now, I believe you. - You get him; we'll cover.

- How?

- [girls]: Shields up! For Odd Squad!

[girls yelling]

- That's not very princessy!

Come back soon! - Dr. O!

- Stop and smell the roses! - I never liked princesses!

- I hear you, sister! Ah! Ah! Ah!

- Look at that. Look at that.

- Princesses never run!

- Stay back! - Ooh, let's have a tea party.

- You go next, Doctor! - No, I'm a doctor; you go!

- I won't leave you here! - We go together!

- Yeah! Ah!

- Please stay for tea and cookies!

- [girls]: Shields down. - [agents]: We did it!

- Ahem! - And that,

young Ori, is what the floor looks like. Yeah.

- Save it! I saw everything.

Security cameras.

[Olive sighs.] You exposed

an agent in training to a volcano, dinosaurs,

and robot princesses?!

Good job.

- [agents]: What?! - But it was really...

- You didn't go easy on him. And because of your hard work,

Ori is now ready to become a full agent.

- All right! - Oh, great!

- Come here, Ori.

- Yeah. - Ori, with great pleasure,

I present to you

your ba-- Where did he go?!

- There he is!


- Attention, sports fans, a giant golf ball is on the loose.

The good news is that you can make a hole

for it to drop into, using the hole-in-one-there gadget.


Did you forget your hole-in-one-there gadget?

Not to worry. Every Odd Squad gadget

has a number on the bottom of it.

You can combine gadgets to make the gadget that you need.

In this case, the hole-in-one- there gadget is the number .

There are lots of numbers that you can combine

to make the number . You can use and ,

and , and , and ,

or, like these agents, and .


[Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!] Congratulations!

You made yourself a hole-in-one-there gadget.

Now, all you got to do is keep your eyes open for the giant speeding...

golf ball. Huh...


- Thanks for coming, ial message Odd Squad. from M

- What seems to be the problem?

- Well, I was out here practicing my tennis swing

when... Why don't I just show you ?

- Whoa! Whoa! - Whoa!

- Eee! Aah! Ooh!

I don't know where they're coming from,

there's no one even over there.

- Sounds like a job for...

the un-tennis-ball-inator!

- Whoa!

- No more tennis balls for you, Ma'am.

- Thanks, Odd Squad! - Have a great day.



[beastly bellowing]

- Otto, are you making a paper airplane?

- I sure am, and I'm getting really, really good at it.

Look! Here's the one I made this morning...

and here's the one

I made just now.

- Very impressive!


Go on a vacation. - [Otto and Olive]: Really?


- Sorry, Ms. O, I know we're not supposed

to throw paper airplanes. - Of course, you are!

It's Odd Squad!

Now, on to business. First things first,

I have new artwork.

- Hmm, very nice. - Super cool!

- Glad we're on the same page. Next order of business...

[whispering]: something very odd has happened.

I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Franks.

- Hey, Odd Squad.

- Oh yeah, he sells hotdogs at the park.

- Oh yeah! I didn't recognize you without your cart.

- That's why I'm here. My cart was ruined.

It used to look like this.

But now it's... this.

[Otto gasps.]

I'm having to sell hotdogs out of my pockets now.

- Otto... not now.

Hmm... so

your cart changed shape.

Must be the work of the Shapeshifter.

- That's what I thought too,

except this shape isn't actually changed.

- [Olive and Otto]: Whaaaaaaaat?

- Mr. Franks' cart started off as a cube like...

this one, here.

It has some of my favorite memories on it.

- Oh yeah, a cube is a solid shape

made up of square sides.

, ,

, ,

, .

And here, we still have squares.

, ,

, ,

, .

Same shape, it's just flat.

- Yeah, and the guy who did this didn't look

like the Shapeshifter. - Hmm...

so we're looking for a new villain...

who hates cubes.

Where are there cubes?

- [both]: Polly Graph's lemonade stand!

The ice cubes in the lemonade! Let's go!

- Yes!

- Do they always talk at the same time like that?

- Just when they get excited.

Make sure you clean this up before you go.


- Stop! Stop! Not my ice cubes! Please!

[diabolical laughter] No! No!

No, please! Stop! Stop!

[diabolical laughter]

- And these seats are cubes too!

- No, please, NOO!

- [Olive and Otto]: Odd Squad! Odd Squad!

- Make like those ice cubes and freeze!

- Technically, they're no longer cubes;

and now, they've melted.

For I am Fladam, destroyer of cubes!

- Fladam? That's a weird name. - I am glad you asked.

I was once named Adam, until one day

when I was running through my playroom,

so full of hope and promise,

carefree and barefoot--

- Is this gonna be real long?

- You're lucky, this is my second time hearing it.

- That's when it happened.

My tender, young foot stepped on the sharp corner

of one of my cube-shaped alphabet blocks.


I cried for hours.

It was then that I realized:

if that cube had been flat like a square,

I wouldn't have hurt my foot that day!

- Are you sure it was the cube's fault?

'Cause it kind of sounds like you're clumsy.

- I am NOT!

The point is I am destroying all cubes

like this one. , , ,

, , square sides.

That little seat is a cube, too.

- No, please! My customers won't have anywhere to sit!

- "No, please!" [laughing mockingly]


- Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I guess these work on people, too. Ha! Ha!

Bye! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Something not good happened, didn't it?

- Yeah. Yeah.

Not good at all.

- Sorry, Olive. The only way to turn you back

is to get Fladam's -D glasses.

- -D? - The D stands for dimensions.

When something is -D, it has dimensions:

height, width, and depth.

Kind of like this cube here.

- Cool! What does that thing do?

- It holds my retainer. - Huh!

I didn't know you wore one. - Well, mainly at night,

but my orthodontist would prefer if I wore one -.

- Ahem!

- Anyways, height is how long something is, up and down;

width is how far across something is, side to side;

and depth is how far back something goes.

- But -D-- - That would be me.

- She has height, up and down; and width, side to side;

but she doesn't go back at all. Flat.

- Ugh! I'm so upset!

- [Oscar and Otto]: Aah! Olive, where did you go?!

- Huh? - You just disappeared.

- No, I didn't disap...

I'm two-dimensional, remember?

I've height and width, but no depth.

That means I have no thickness,

so when I turn, it's hard to see me.

- You know, if we can't turn you back,

that's a pretty cool trick.

- Ugh...

- We'll turn you back.

- I have an idea how to get Fladam's glasses back,

but I need a cube to make him come to me.

- But there's none left. Fladam flattened them all.

Unless we could use your retainer cube, Oscar.

- No, this used to be my great-great-great-great-

great-great-great-great-great great-great-great-great-

grandmother's retainer container.

It has sentimental value! But you can make one.

A cube is squares that are exactly the same size each.

- squares. I have an idea.

- Hurry up!

, , , , ...

and . Thanks, Ms. O. Gotta run.

- Well, that's just great!

Now, I have nothing beautiful to look at!

[beautiful music] All better.

- Initiating flat-inator-in-cube-inator.

That's the width,

there's the height, and that's the depth.

- Aha! Another cube, I knew it!

- Give me your glasses, Fladam!

[evil laughter]

- I'll flatten you just like I did your partner.

Where is she anyway?

- I'm right here. - Get the glasses, Olive!

- I... can't... look!

[mocking laughter]

- I can!

- Hey! Come back here! [Fladam laughing]

Come back here, Fladam! Hey, get back here!


Nice and slow.

- Want these? - Yes, I do want those!

[Fladam still laughing]

Don't worry, I got this under control!

[Otto panting]

[Fladam laughing] - You'll never catch me!

- Olive, he's right.

- We can catch him if you fold me.

- What?!

- Like a paper airplane. Otto, you've been training

your whole life for this. Now fold!

Fold like you've often folded before!

Hey, don't wrinkle my suit!

Come on, partner, fold faster!

- Hi-yaa!

- Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

- Bull's-eye!

[It trumpets like an elephant.]

- Once Fladam spends enough time with cubes,

he'll learn they're nothing to be afraid of and he'll be cured.

- Speaking of cured...

- It's good to be back.

- What do you say the four of us celebrate with some hotdogs.

- Sure! - Yeah, awesome. Yum! - That would be great.

- I kept 'em nice and warm for you.

- OK.


- Greetings, agents. The Odd Squad tube system

can whoosh you anywhere in the world,

but before you depart, here are some safety tips

to make sure your whoosh is a good one.

First up, insure all carry-on items

are securely fastened to your body.

Also, eating during liftoff is not allowed.

Make sure your badge phone is turned off...

and any other electronic devices you may be carrying.

Once in position, you'll be squished into pods.

Many years ago, these pods were cube-shaped.

A cube is like a square, except it's made up of squares.

That's because it's -D.

It has height, width,

but also depth; so it's not flat.

And you can hold it like

fuzzy dice or an ice cube.

Ooh, it's chilly.

But now, they're sphere-shaped,

which makes for a lot smoother of a ride.

One final warning: make sure when you're leaving,

no one else is arriving. [agents moaning]

They'll be OK.

[inaudible talking]

- My name is Dr. O. I'm the doctor here at Odd Squad.

But it's not like I'm always talking about it.

Of course I'm right, I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor, Ms. O,

not a party planner! I'm a doctor, not a babysitter!

- I'm not a doctor! - Did someone call for a doctor?

Just to be clear, I do say other things.

What's next?! What's next?!

When an agent comes to me with a problem, I'm really good at calming him down.

The bad news is there's no good news. - What?!

- My hardest day on the job?

When every Odd Squad agent in this office

got a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

[siren] - She's not the only one.

- My second hardest day on the job?

When every Odd Squad agent in this office

got a strange disease that had them making weird noises.

[siren] - She's not the only one.

- They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away,

which is why I am not a fan of apples.

What's next?!


[It meows.]
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