01x17 - Rise of the Hydraclops/O is Not for Old

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x17 - Rise of the Hydraclops/O is Not for Old

Post by bunniefuu »

- [Oscar]:Coming up next onOdd Squad..

- If that thing rises out of the town lake, it will destroy the whole world!

- When I was years old, I created a powerful w*apon

and buried it. - Where is it?

What do we do now? - I don't know!

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is the Odd Squad bathroom key.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

[theme music]

- Grrr! - Yeah!

- Heyyy! - Aaah!

Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

- Thank you so much for coming, Odd Squad.

- What seems to be the problem, sir?

- So, I'm sitting here, trying to catch up on a bunch of work,

but every time I try to click this pen...

It's easier if I just show you. [clicking]

- [agents]: WHOA!

- It just keeps going. - Whoa...

- And watch...

- Whoa! - I know!

- Question: How did you start at your house?

- That wasn't even my house! I haven't been home for weeks!

- Not to worry, sir; we have a fix.

Don't use this pen anymore.

- Oh, yeah...

- Use one of ours. - Oh!

Thanks, Odd Squad!

- Have a great day.

- Wait, where am I flying to?

- We're going to Boston.

- Oh... I've got family there.

- [Olive]: Hey, Oscar. Happy Friday!

- It's Friday today? - What's wrong?

- Well, I thought today was Thursday and it's Friday - so that mean's the arrival's today!

- The arrival's happening today? - Everyone, stop!

What's arriving?

- [Oscar]: The Hydraclops. - [Otto and Olive]: Whoa!

- This photo was taken years ago.

Imagine how terrifying it will be in colour!

- [Ms. O]: If that thing rises out of the town lake,

it'll destroy the whole world! - How do we stop it?

- Well, that's the good news.

When I was years old, I realized the Hydraclops was coming.

So I created a powerful w*apon and buried it.

It is done.

This diagram shows where the w*apon's buried.

It also has some pictures on it, like this tree and the water...

- Quit the fancy talk! It's a map.

- Yeah, that's a way better word for it. - Olive and Otto, go help Oscar

find that w*apon. AGENT OLAF!

- I'm Olaf!

- You're coming with me to get everyone away from the town lake.

- Yay! - This is serious stuff, Olaf.

Maybe I should pick someone else to GO--

- Come on, guys! - [Olive]: Oscar!

- ...Yeah?

- The map? - Oh, yeah! I forgot. Heh...

So glad you guys are doing this with me.

The map says that the treasure's buried exactly Normans

away from this tree. - What's a "Norman"?

- My favourite teddy bear when I was .

- [chuckling]: Oh! - Uh, couldn't you have measured

with a ruler, like everyone else does?

- [scoffing]: Yeah, and just hand over the world to the Hydraclops.

Rulers are everywhere. There's only one Norman. Hello!

[playing with Norman] [Olive clearing her throat]

The point is, even if the Hydraclops got my map,

he wouldn't have my teddy bear to measure with, so he couldn't find the treasure.

- But how are we supposed to do this? The map says

the treasure's buried teddy bears away from the tree, but we only have one.

- Yeah, but watch. As long as you

keep your place, you can use the same teddy bear

times. You just gotta make sure

that when you start a new bear, you get his head

right up to the line that you make with your finger.

That way you know that you're measuring really carefully... Wee!


Norman likes it when I make noises.


- A little later...

- And ! This must be it.

- Excellent. I'll use the Undiganator.

- No! And I'll get Norman. [whirring]

- There it is. Ah...

[box creaking open]

Got it. - WHAT?

- Another map? - Of course! What did you think,

I was gonna hand over the world to the Hydraclops?

The map says that the next treasure chest is exactly

granola bars from this spot. - What kind of granola bar?

There's short ones, long ones, and normal-sized ones.

- Good question. I measured using my favourite granola bar,

which is a shmumbercrunch. There should be some more

back at headquarters. - OK, you two go. I'll stay here

and keep guard. - Really? But you love food.

- Yeah, I'm cool. - OK, let's go.

- [baby talking]: So adorable! You're so adorable!

- Ma'am, we've got an odd situation.

You'll need to leave the beach.

- But I'm relaxing... - This is the Hydraclops.

He last rose years ago.

And now, he's about to come out of there doing this...

[Olaf screaming and roaring]

- Well, when you put it that way...


- Good work, Agent Olaf! Go do the same thing to them.

[roaring and growling]

- I can't find shmumbercrunch anywhere.

- Me neither.

- Hey, guys! - Oh, hey! Hi, hi, hi...

- [Olive]: Did you see that? - I know, O'Malley's always so friendly.

- No - he was holding a shmumbercrunch bar!

- [together]: O'MALLEY!

- Ahh! - [Oscar]: Stop running!

- Why are you chasing me? - [Olive]: O'Malley!

- [Oscar]: O'Malley! - What do you want?

- Official Odd Squad business: we need that snack.

- Official Odd Squad business: no!

- You don't understand. It's the only way to stop the Hydraclops!

- Heh, good one! - WAIT!

We don't actually need the bar. - We don't?

- You don't? - We just need something as long

as the bar, and we can use that to measure with.

Just...please. Can we borrow the granola bar?

[sighing] - Thank you. Hmm...

...Too long.

- How about this eraser? - Too short.

- How about this sword? - Why do you have a sword?

- For dragons. [sword humming]

Some people...

- How about this pencil?

- It's the exact same length! - Let's go save the world!

- Thanks for your help, O'Malley.

- , , ...

.... Here.

[undiganator whirring]

[sighing with relief] Got it. Heh...

- [Olive and Otto]: Another map? - What did you think?

I'm just going to-- - --hand over the world? We get it. We get it.

- I promise this is the last treasure chest we need to find.

And it'll be easy, because I measured

using of my own footsteps.

Let's go heel-to-toe.

- [Olive and Oscar]: , , , ...

- A little even more later...

- , , . Here!

- [sighing]: OK.

[undiganator whirring]

What? Where is it?

- I counted exactly steps. - What do we do now?

- I don't know! - But...you're supposed to know!

- I know!

[cell phone ringing] - Yello...

- Where's that w*apon? - Uh, sorry Miss O.

We ran into a small problem.

- Well, fix it! The hydraclops is starting to rise!

We can only hold this thing off for so long!

- The map said footsteps. - Maybe you read it wrong.

I'm sure you're handwriting has changed since you were .

- That's it! You buried the chest when you were .

When you were that little, your feet were little!

- Olive's right! - And because your feet are bigger now,

it won't take as many footsteps to get to the treasure.

- So we... - We have to measure with the length of your -year-old foot.

- How do we figure out the length of your -year-old foot.

- Easy.

Let's see here; -year-old shoes, -year-old shoes... Ah!

-year-old shoes.

- I'd love to talk about how weird that is, but we don't have time.

- [all]: , , ...

...! - Moment of truth, guys.

[undiganator whirring]

- [Otto]: Yes! - [Oscar]: Yes!

Got it! - Come on, Norman.

Let's save the day.

[all yelling]

- We got it, Ms. O. - Just in time.

We can't hold him off any longer. Look!


- Oscar, get the w*apon.

- [Olive and Otto]: A sock? - Not just a sock.

It's a really stinky sock, 'cause it's been buried for so long.

- How is a sock going to stop the Hydraclops?

- It is effective because the Hydraclops monster

has heightened olfactory sense due to

its increase in nasal capacity.

- [together]: ...What? - It has a big nose

for smelling. Yay!

[dramatic music playing]

- Go back to the depths from which you...

[slow and distorted]:...came from!

[roaring and snarling]

[all cheering]

- Great work, team! Everyone is safe.

- At least for the next years.

- What... - And then he'll be returning with his brothers and sisters!

- What? - Everyone, socks off!

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

So, I was just sitting here watching a movie,

and I went to go grab a chip

and this happened.

- Odd. - You're telling me?

Look at all this stuff. I can't eat any of this!


I didn't even win this.

- [Olive]: Don't worry, sir.

We have a potato chip fixinator.


- Thanks, Odd Squad!

- Happy to help. Now, if you'll excuse us...


- Oh, man. Sour cream?

- What's all this? - It's Ms. O's birthday.

We're throwing her a surprise party.

- How come nobody told me? - Have you ever kept a secret

in your life? - You know me well.

- Oh! Hey, guys. - Looks great, Oscar.

So, how did you get Ms. O out of the office?

- I just told her there was a juice box in the mechanic garage.

- I promise you;

there's no juice box inside that car.

- I know your game, mister. - What game?

- You want it for yourself,

and Ms. O don't play that.

- Works for me.

- Question: do we have to wait for Ms. O to eat the birthday cake?

- Cake?

- You forgot the birthday cake?

- No. - Good.

- I was worried. - I totally forgot. No cake.

- Oh, come on, Oscar! - Oscar!

[overlapping shouting]

- Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! We can make one

with my Make-a-cake-Inator.

What flavor should it be? - Vanilla,

obviously. - Are you kidding me?


- Strawberry! - Potato!

- Vanilla! - Chocolate!

- Potato! Potato! - Potato's not even a flavor!

- STOP! Everybody's talking too fast at the same time

all at once like I'm doing right now!

We need to reorganize all this information.

There's only one person who can help us.

[dramatic music]

Hello, Polly Graph. - Hello, Odd Squad.

You did the right thing calling me.

First, we need to take a survey

of everyone's favorite cake flavor.

- How do we do that? - Everyone, write down what flavor you want.

Whatever you write down is called your vote.

Everyone just gets one vote each.

- Do you have any...?

- We also need...

- I like writing in...

Wow, you're good!

- I'm the best.

Now, vote!

Oh, look! Something pink.

- Oscar.

- What is it, O'Malley? - Ms. O found the juice box in the car.

- Found it. What do you have to say for yourself now?

- I had no idea it was in there.

- I'll take your word for it.

By the way, I'd replace the carburetor,

put in a new tuning belt, and clean the pistons.

She should be good to go.

- It's amazing! - She's coming back!

- We need to stall her. - How?

- Lock the doors to the tube lobby, now!

- Sorry. Sorry.


- O' Malley, open this thing up!

- Uh, sorry, Ms. O.

The door is broken.

I'm fixing it. Fixing.


- The votes have been counted, and I've put the results into

this pie chart!

- Pie? I thought we were doing cake.

- No. It's called a pie chart 'cause it's shaped like a pie.

It's also called a circle graph.


- [Agents]: Ohhh...

- It can help us see which cake flavor got the most votes.

So, you see how much bigger the chocolate section is

than the other flavors?

The winner is clearly chocolate. - Boom-chocolata!

- Chocolate, it is.

- Thanks for your help, Polly. - No prob.

So, what did you get Ms. O for a present?

- Present?

- Seriously? [overlapping shouting]

- It's OK! It's OK!

I have a Present-Nator. - We should get Ms. O

a new bike. - Good one.

- We should get her a trampoline.

- But you can't go anywhere on a trampoline. - Why would you want

to go anywhere? You're on a trampoline!

- Bike! - [boys]: Trampoline!

- [girls]: Bike! [overlapping shouting]

[Oscar shouting]

- Sorry. Polly, I think we need a new survey.

- Oscar! Oscar! - What is it, O'Malley?

- Ms. O's opening the doors with her hands.


- But those doors weight tons each.

- I know! - Still not ready.

Wait! The tube's connected to the creature room, right?

- Yeah. - Send a creature to distract.

- You want me to make her angrier? - Just do it! Now!


- Sorry, Ms. O. Just a few more

minor adjustments.


- I don't have a problem with you if you don't have a problem with me.


Looks like we got ourselves a problem.

Yaaah! [roaring]

- Another great way of looking at numbers

or amounts of something, like a vote,

is with a bar graph! - [Agents]: Ohhhh!

- 'Cause it's a bar. - Here are all the presents to vote for,

and here are the number of people who voted for each one.

So, we have votes for a new bike,

votes for a trampoline,

and one vote for a... potato.

- Potato!

- So who won?

- The taller the bar, the more votes something got.

Bike and trampoline have the most votes with each,

so they're tied for first. - So, we all have to vote again?

- Ohhhh!

- Hold on.

Olaf didn't vote for bike or trampoline;

if he changes his vote, it will break the tie.

- What do you want, Olaf? Bike or trampoline?

- Potato. - No.

- No. It has to be one or the other.

- Potato. - No, you got to...

Something besides potato. - Oh, I understand.


- This is my every day.

- Oscar! - What is it, O'Malley?

- She beat the dinosaur! - Still not ready.

- Send something else in. - Arrrgh!

- Don't need that attitude, O'Malley.

- Coming through!

- Evil smoke, spider-cats,

polar vortex... I know.


[dinosaur screaming]

- Looks like I'm gonna have to start trying.

[Ms. O yelling] [creatures screaming]

- Olaf, you have to pick either bike

or trampoline. - Potato bike.

- [agents]: NOOO!

- "Trampotatoline!" - [agents]: NOOO!]

- Oscar! Oscar! - What is it, O'Malley?

- She beat everything! I've got nothing left.

She's opening the doors right now!

- Olaf, just choose one. Bike or trampoline?

- Olaf has idea.

Eeny, meeny, miney... trampoline.

I pick bike. - Yes.

- Fair is fair.

- With Olaf's vote,

bike has votes, and trampoline still has .

The bike's bar on the graph is higher now,

which means bike wins.

- Places everyone!

- O'Malley!


Ah! - [agents]: Surprise!

Happy birthday, Ms. O!

- You threw me a party?! Rrrr!

I love it, thank you.

[cheering] It's almost as good

as being sent down the tubes. - What?

- I had the time of my life fighting all that stuff.

I feel fine again. - Actually, Ms. O,

how old are you? - I'll never tell you.

You really thought of everything.

Except where's the potato?!

- I told you! ♪♪

- ♪ Potah-to, potay-to Potato joy ♪

♪ Potato time for the potato boy ♪

♪ Potatoes for Olaf to enjoy ♪

♪ Come on and celebrate with the potato boy ♪

♪ Cele-potato-brate with the potato boy ♪

♪ Potah-to, potay-to shalalala ♪

♪ Potah-to, potay-to, shalalala ♪

♪ Potah-to, potay-to shalalala ♪

♪ Potah-to, potay-to, shalalala ♪

- Yeah, potatoes!

I'm Olaf.



- Welcome to the breakroom. My name is Oksana,

and this is where agents come to enjoy the food I make.

Here at Odd Squad, agents can order whatever

they want. Yesterday, that meant

I had to make one thousand different meals,

and my hands made this noise. [screaming]

- Not to worry,

after I showed Ms. O my hands,

she called the doctor and then she said

I could pick different foods.

Whichever food got the most votes was what I would make.

And after, I organized the results into a bar graph.

Here on the bottom are the different foods

people can vote for: spaghetti sandwiches,

spaghetti salad, and spaghetti with spaghetti.

I have a lot of spaghetti I'm trying to get rid of.

Along the side are the number of people who voted.

The taller the bar, the more votes something got.

Spaghetti sandwiches got votes,

spaghetti salad got votes,

and spaghetti with spaghetti got votes.

Spaghetti with spaghetti is clearly the winner,

not only because it has the tallest bar,

but because it's simple and delicious.

Fun fact about me:

in all the years I've worked here I've never dropped a plate.

I just drop the beat.

[hip hop music]

- ♪ When I say Odd, you say Squad ♪

♪ Odd

It works better when there's someone here.

- There you are. Something very odd has♪

- My name is Oscar. I work in the Odd Squad Lab,

and I build gadgets to help the cases.

- [Ms. O]: OSCAR! - Sorry.

But not all about gadgets.

This white coat has seen some dirt.

- [Oscar and Otto]: One, two...

- Now, do I make mistakes?

Yes. The question is, do I make the same mistakes twice?

Yes. Sometimes, times in a row.

- You cloned yourself? - No! What am I? Crazy? They're robots.

One of my favorite days at Odd Squad was when they ran a top-secret mission with Ms. O.

- Prepare the canoe. The big one.

- The brain helmets are in place!

- Thanks for your help. - I did what had to be done.

Uh, I guess I shouldn't really be talking about this...

'cause that's mistakes.

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