01x16 - Odd Outbreak/The Perfect Lunch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x16 - Odd Outbreak/The Perfect Lunch

Post by bunniefuu »

- Coming up next on Odd Squad... - Dr. O!

There's a medical emergency in the tube room!

- It won't stop making these really odd noises.

(jumble of sounds)

- Whatever odd disease this is, I want it fixed! Now!!!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is a medium-sized carrot.

But that's Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids, that investigates

anything strange, weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. I didn't know who else to call. - What seems to be the problem?

- When I say "I wonder what the weather's gonna be like..."

- It's gonna be nothing but snow, snow, snow!

- (both): Whoa! - Where did he come from?

- I have no idea.

What's worse, he's way wrong about the weather. It's hot out.

- Not a problem, sir. We have an Unweatherman Zapinator.

There you go. Try again.

- Uh... Wonder what the weather's gonna be like.

It worked! Thanks, Odd Squad! - Happy to help.

- Have a great day.

Oh, it's over here.

- Oh, man! I'm late for work! I wonder what the traffic's gonna be like.

- It's nothing but bumper-to- bumper traffic on the I-.

An alternate route is the South but that's also backed up.

- Those aren't even the right streets! - (both): Odd Squad!

- Cut!

- What's going on, partner?

- Oscar's tired of agents not returning their gadgets on time.

So from here on out, if you return a gadget,

you get a chocolate.

Fancy French ones, too.

- Is that a toothbrush glued to a spatula?

- First of all, there's a flashlight.

Second of all, I'll glue anything to anything if it means chocolate.

I just wish Dr. O would hurry up!

- And here you go! Thank you, Doctor. - And thank you, Doctor.

- I'm not a doctor. - I know. I was talking to myself.

- Dr. O, there's a medical emergency in the tube room!

- Odell, you had me at "medical" but you really had me at "emergency".

Let's move!

- Next!

- O'Callaghan...

Talk to me. - These agents just came through the tube.

It won't stop making these really odd noises.

(trombone and noisemaker sounds)

- We have to get them to the medical base stat!

Agent Odessa, Agent Ochenta, it's all gonna be okay.

(trombone and noisemaker sounds)

- Dr. O,

there you are! Two of my agents keep making odd noises.

- Don't worry, Ms. O. I've got them right here. - I'm not talking about them.

I'm talking about them. - Ohio and Orzack?

You too? (bells and squeaks)

- Whatever odd disease this is, I want it fixed, now!!!

- Yes, Ms. O! - Now if you'll excuse me, I have a gadget to return.

(trombone, bells and squeaks) Oscar's giving away chocolates!

- Doctor, I've never seen anything like this!

Where do we start? - We start with earmuffs.

Okay! Keep it moving, people! Let's go, let's go!

- Forceps.



That's all for now.

(sighing) I need some air.

I don't get it.

Why are those agents making noises and no one else?

- Maybe they have something in common but we can't see it yet.

- Good thinking, Odell! - We need to collect data.

- Who? - Not who. A what.

Data is another word for information. We'll ask the patients all the same questions.

If they have the same answer, that's what they have in common.

- What kind of questions should we ask?

- Where were the patients when they started making noises?

- I don't know. Where? - No. That's one of the questions.

- Oh! - Also... What did you eat for breakfast today?

- A bit of oatmeal and some juice. - That was another question.

- Oh! I got one. What color of shoes did they wear last Thursday?

- But the noises started today, so it's more likely

something that happened today is causing it.

- What if we ask... what tube did they ride in today?

- Excellent question! Just one problem.

How can they answer with tape on their mouths?

- I got it! One word, syllables.

It's a game you play when you act out things with your hands but you can't speak!

- Charades! - Yeah. A better idea than what I was thinking. Let's do it!

- Scrapbooking! - Moving pizza dough.

- Stretching pizza dough!

Um, you're a vegetable platter but you're taking off the tomatoes.

- 'Cause you're allergic! - Yes!

First word: shaving. Second word: chocolates.

- Um... trying to get a mustache!

Building a station! - Building a fire station.

A police station?

Drilling to the center of the earth! - Spinning around in circles.

Staring at me. - Uh, a little hamster dressed up for a magician!

- A magician transforming into a hamster.

- A doctor...

- That's a hamster!

- Finally, we got some straight answers!

I made a chart so it's easier to organize our data.

People on the bottom, questions on the side.

- Now we just have to look and see what they have in common.

- Exactly. Question : Where were they when they started making the noises?

- Ohio was in the park, Odessa was at the museum,

Ochenta was at the zoo and Orzack was at the beach.

Nothing in common.

If you look across the chart, all answers are different.

- Question : What did they eat for breakfast?

- Ohio had eggs, Odessa had eggs,

Ochenta had eggs and Orzack had... pizza.

- Almost a match, but out of isn't good enough.

Question : What tube did they ride in today?

- Ohio said tube , Odessa said tube ,

Ochenta said tube

and Orzack said... pizza.

- Pizza?

- Wait. Orzack says pizza... is his nickname for tube !

- It's a match! Tube is what they have in common.

That must be what's making the noises. Let's move!

- Dr. O, I need your help! - What is it?

- If you can believe it, Oscar doesn't think this is a gadget.

- It isn't! - I knew I should have used more tape!

- Otto, we're dealing with a medical emergency right now! - So am I!

I need chocolate. Do you have a spare gadget I can borrow?

- Arrrgh! Take it!

Go! We gotta go. Now!

O'Callaghan, tube is the reason people are making these odd noises.

- Impossible!

I wash and scrub those tubes times a day!

- I need you to shut down tube now! This is a medical emergency!

- You are a medical emergency!

Incoming! - No, no, no!

- Whee!

- Aha! He just came down tube and can't stop making odd noises!

- But... - Um... yes, I can. - (both): What?

- I only said "Whee!" because I love riding down the tubes.

(clearing his throat)

- Sorry, O'Callaghan. - Love your tubes.

- Thank you. - So clean.

- Is that a wig?

- No!

- If tube isn't causing the noises, what is?

- Ms. O, I know what you're going to say

and I would like you to know we are working hard to find a cure.

- That's not what you were going to say?

What is it? (police siren) - You too?!

- She's not the only one.

Come on!

(police siren)

Ms. O! (siren stopping) Thank you.

You might want to plug your ears.

(jumble of sounds) - Oh my!

- This makes no sense!

Otto, I already gave you a gadget! I don't have any more! (traffic sounds)

What in the name of the medical community is happening?! Just a few minutes ago you were fine!

- Hold on.

That means whatever is causing the noises just happened.

- Otto, where did you go after Odell and I left you?

(traffic sounds) - Uh...

He returned the gadget to Oscar. (traffic sounds)

(jumble of sounds)

- Who here returned a gadget today?

Well, I don't need a chart to figure this one out. (jumble of sounds)

It seems we may have found what everyone has in common.

- But I saw you return a gadget earlier today.

How come you're not making any noises?

- Hmm! Let me check my doctor's journal.

Wait a minute. I didn't have a chance to eat this after Oscar

gave it to me today.

(jumble of sounds)

Who here ate chocolate today?

- That must be what's causing it! Doctor, you're a genius!

- No, I'm a doctor. Come on!

Noisemaker chocolates? - I didn't read it that way.

I thought they were French. You know...

(French accent): Noisemaker. - Oscar...

The Noisemaker is a villain

who wants to fill the world with odd noises!

Seriously, this, didn't it make you even a tiny bit suspicious?

- When you hold it underneath the light like that,

I can see where I might have made a mistake.

(jumble of sounds)

- And I almost got away with it!

- Noisemaker, you're coming with me.

(jumble of sounds) Come on. Let's go!

- How did nobody hear him come in here?

- Well, the good news is, we know the chocolate

caused the problem, which means I know how to cure it.

Now, can you say, "My name is Otto"?

- My name is Otto! (screams of joy and laughter)

- We did it! - We've officially cured the last case of the noise outbreak.

- I gotta say, all this noise has really worked up my appetite.

- (all): Otto, don't!

(harp melody)

- That actually sounds kinda nice.

- Yeah. Relaxing, even.


- Hey, guys. The first time you're dealing with a Tiggle or a Taggle,

you find out if you're looking at a Tiggle or a Taggle.

As you can see, they have a lot in common. (both roaring softly)

We'll look at a chart to see if there are any differences.

They both have eyes,

legs, arms...

Hold on, when you look at the antennae,

a Tiggle has antennae, but a Taggle has .

That's how they're different.

Since this monster has antennae, it makes him a Tiggle.

Which is quite fortunate, because if it was a Taggle, it would eat me by now.

(roaring softly)

Not this guy. He's adorable. (roaring softly)

The other way to find out is asking him to sing.

A Tiggle has a beautiful voice.

(humming softly)

But a Taggle has a horrible voice.


They're both excellent dancers!

(dance music)

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad. - What seems to be the problem?

- Well, as you know, I use many ingredients when I bake.

But the problem is with my milk.

- Whoa-hoa! Hands off the merchandise!

- But I really need that milk to make my cake!

- Did you try asking if you could use him?

- Asking? - Yeah, instead of grabbing.

- Oh... Yeah, okay. Excuse me. Mr. Milk.

- The name's Leonard.

- Okay... Leonard.

Can I please just use you to make my cake?

- Ah, thanks for asking. But no!

- So, now we just zap it.


- Thanks, Odd Squad!

- Happy to help.

(clearing her throat)

Go ahead. Say it.

- I hate it when milk goes bad!

- And we're done. (laughing)


Where is everybody?

- I sent everyone home early.

- Why is there a nest on your head?

- It's not just a nest, Otto!

It's a symbol of hope and freedom.

- Oh...

- At least that's what the Featherites tell me.

- I'm confused. The who?

- Uh, the bird people. - These are the Featherites.

We're hosting an important lunch for them today.

And everything has to be perfect.

- I've heard stories about these lunches.

If even one thing is wrong, they get extremely upset.

- Which then creates oddness everywhere.

- Look, this was a result of our last lunch.

We forgot a plate. - How can we help?

- By working with the head of the party planning committee.

- Afusko!

(western music)

(both screaming)

- Can we have someone else? - Listen up!

The Featherites will be here in an hour and I need to get ready.

Don't let me down!

- Here's the table, Afusko.

- Oscar reminds me of a basket-flavored kite

from Guadalupe.

- Just tell us how many chairs! - Your wish is my command.

- (both): Ewww!

- Ugh. "At the first meeting of the Featherites,

"there were guests; at the nd, there were .

"At the rd, there were .

"This year, there'll be less than the nd.

Also, my sock can sing opera"?

(opera in fake Italian)

- (both): So weird!

- Afusko! - Hold that guy up!

- Can't we just put a bunch of chairs?

And if there's extra, so what?! - No!

Last time there were too many chairs, things did not go well.

- Too many chairs? (screaming)

- Sounds bad.

- So bad. - Hey!

While you were thinking about the last time

we had extra chairs, I made a chart to help us out.

This is a word problem, so we have to break it down into pieces.

Along the bottom, I've listed the st,

nd and rd meeting.

Along the side, numbered lines show us how many

Featherite ambassadors were there: at the st meeting,

at the nd meeting, and at the rd.

- But that still doesn't tell us how many Featherites are coming. (sighing)

- Hold on.

Afusko said that there were Featherites

at the nd meeting. This year, there'll be less than the nd.

- "Less than." That means it's a subtraction.

Or a minus problem.

We're trying to figure out minus .

So if this is , we take away .

, , , ,

, , , .

And we're left with .

So we need chairs for the Featherites.

- . - .

- . - And .

- Done!

- Well done, my gorgeous ham sandwiches!

Now, you must set the food.

You say Afusko,

I say... sombrero!

- What? - No idea. - I'm lost.

- Afusko! In my office!

- But Ms. O, we need him for more information.

- He needs to finish teaching me to speak Featherite.

Or, as a Featherite would say... (clucking like a chicken)

- Ooh! You're coming along very nicely, Ms. O.

- Let's see what this says. "Each Featherite gets plate."

- So that's plates because Featherites are coming.

- Platinator.


- Uh... "Every plate must have worms.

" must be green and the red worms must be double

the amount of green worms."

- Can't we just put a whole bunch of worms

and they help themselves to whatever they want?!

- No! The Featherites are very specific.

Last time I got the food wrong, there was a hailstorm, and the ocean...

- No time for flashbacks! We trust you. It was bad.

- So bad. - This is a word problem, like the last one.

- "Every plate must have worms and must be green."

- So that's greens on each plate. Easy.


Now how many red worms? - The red worms must be double the amount of green worms.

- We already know there are green worms on each plate.

- So if we double that, it's added to itself.

plus is .

red worms per plate. - On it!

- The only worms left are brown.

How many of these do we put out? - It doesn't say!

We're done for! It's over!

- Let me see that.

Afusko said,

"Every plate must have worms."

Okay, so we know there's green and red.

So that's , , , , , worms.

And to get to ,

we add , , , !

- So everyone gets brown worms.

- The Featherites are here! - (all): Seriously?!

- I have a bird nest on my head. Do I look like I'm kidding?

- But we're not done with the worms! - Or the cups.

The Featherites will need one for each of their mouths.

- Otto, go meet the Featherites in the tube lobby and stall them. Go!!!

You two, finish setting that table! - On it, Ms. O!

- And that's why they call it the tube lobby!

These would be your tubes and this would be your lobby!

Bing bang boom! Tube lobby!

It's very blue, as you can see. - I knew it!

The Odd Squad isn't ready for our arrival!

- Of course we are!

But before we go in, I just wanted to...

give you some gum!

- Now we just need to put out the right amount of cups.

- Afusko said the Featherites need one for each mouth. - Well, that's easy.

There are of them, so cups. One for each mouth.

- Cupinator!

- We do enjoy gum. (friends clucking)

I just hope you have enough for all our mouths!


- You guys stay here! I'll be right back. Stay here.

(speed dialing and ringing at the other end)

- Go for Olive. - Olive! The Featherites have mouths!

- What?! - Yeah!

One on the face part and on their wings!

But it's kinda cool! But creepy.

[But so cool!]

- The Featherites have mouths!

- We need more cups. But how many?

- Uh, cups in each spot instead of just one.

We can count by fives. , ... - , .

- (both): more cups! - Hold on. They already have one cup each.

- Grab them! (cups shattering on the floor)

- Cupinator! - Now !


- Um, do you guys want to see the hallway?

- (both): Tada...

- This table is absolutely...


- Yeah! - There's only one problem.

Where's Ms. O? - Ah...

- Like a beautiful banana

in Kangaroo City,

Afusko presents... Ms. O!

(applause and epic music)


- Is this going well? I can't tell. - Yeah, it's going very well.

(lively clucking)

(lively clucking)

- Great work, team.

In fact, you did such a great job, you can help next week

with the mole people dinner.

(all moaning)

Luckily, we have someone that knows all about the mole people.

- We know. Afusko! - No, not me.

- Yes! - My sister.

- Afuskarina!

(western music)

- Ugh! She's so confusing.

I can't understand a word she says!

- I joined because the Earth should be round,

not square.

- I joined because sandwiches should be tasty,

not sandy.

- I joined because nobody should be able to make this noise.

(jumble of sounds)

- (one after the other): We are...

- We are Odd Squad.

Since the beginning of time -

and we're taking way back -

we've been fighting on.

In our spare time, we also like to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.

There's no case too big...

no case too small.

At Odd Squad, we do it all!

And yes, that is flying broccoli.

- My name is Agent Olive. I'm years old.

Favorite part of the job?

Great dental!

I think Odd Squad is a place where you can grow.

Also, we have a Grownator gadget.

(whirring) It's pretty cool.

We help out with all kinds of odd problems,

like if you have exploding hiccups.

Or... you get caught inside your television.

- Uh, could you be of assistance?

- Or something doesn't sound right.

(cello sounding like a trumpet) - Whoa!

- Or you've turned into a pirate.

We're there to help.




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