01x15 - The Odd Antidote/The One that Got Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x15 - The Odd Antidote/The One that Got Away

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad...

DR. O: When that plant sprays someone,

some seriously weird things start happening to them.

We'll need to fill this one-gallon container

with four different ingredients.

We'll need one gallon or Ms. O will stay weird forever.

What brings you to this place?

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my third-favourite pillow case...

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd.

Our job is to put things right again.



Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

I finally found a pair of running shoes that I like,

but I can't wear them, because...

I have two left feet.


How do you run? Mainly in circles.

Not to worry. We have a fix.

Now they're both lefties.

Not where I thought you were gonna go, but...

I'll take 'em! Thanks, Odd Squad!

Happy to help. Have a good day.

Excuse us, sir...

Woo! Yeah!

If Sheila could see me now!

There you two are!

Let me guess - Something very odd has happened.

Um... Why would you even say that?

I got a new plant, and I've been thinking of names.

This is Mr. Greenjeans.

Isn't that right, Mr. Greenjeans?

[Coughing] Is it okay to breathe that stuff?

How should I know? I'm not a doctor!

Did someone call for a doctor? Whoa!

Dr. O, this plant just puffed some sort of mist on me.

Anything I should be worried about? Not at all,

but why don't I check this plant out, just in case?

See ya, Dr. O. Bye.

Thanks, doctor. Bye!

Um... Now that my plant is gone,

this is kind of awkward.

You know what? We'll go.

We've got some work to do.

Alright, let's get to work. What do you want to start with?

There's this new -

Psst! Psst!

I need to talk to you, stat!

What's going on?

Remember when I said Ms. O had nothing to worry about?

Yeah... She has EVERYTHING to worry about.

When that plant sprays someone,

some seriously weird things start happening to them.

Then why did you say it was fine?

Because I'm a doctor!

And because if the person panics,

the seriously weird things speed up.

How weird are we talkin'?


Super weird. Really weird.

This is bad, bad, bad.

We have only one hour to cure the side effects of this plant,

or Ms. O will stay weird forever! How do we stop it?

Go, go, go!

We'll need to fill this one gallon container with medicine.

What's a gallon?

It's a unit of measurement.

When you're measuring a liquid,

you don't use inches and feet -

You use gallons, quarts, and cups.

DR. O: One more thing -

The medicine is a combination of four different ingredients,

all in equal amounts, that need to be mixed together.

How are we supposed to know

how much of each ingredient to get?

Oh, great question, Otto!

And... do you have an answer?

Nope, just thought it was a great question.

Hold on - Look at the lines on this one-gallon container.

Each of the four lines stand for one quart,

and the last line is at the top -

Which means there are four quarts in one gallon.

If there are four ingredients that all have to be equal...

It means we need one quart of each ingredient.

That makes sense.

First ingredient - One quart of unicorn tears.

[Doubtful cross-talk]

Here you go.

OTTO: One quart.

Three more quarts, and we'll have a gallon.

Next ingredient -

One quart of loganberry juice.

I think I know where we could find some loganberry juice...

MS. O: Mm! I love loganberry juice!

[Scream] Why are you all screaming?

[Hasty lying cross-talk]

Good work.

You need to hurry.

I'll stay here and hold down the fort. Let's go!

[Magical twinkling sound]

OLIVE: There it is!

OTTO: Let's move!

Alright, let's start pickin' berries.

[Angry roaring] [Screams]

Who are you?!

I am Logan the Ogre,

protector of the loganberry tree!

What brings you to this place?

OLIVE: Uh, we were wondering if we could borrow

one quart of loganberry juice.

Yeah, totally. Help yourself.

For real?

Sure! I love sharing!


How are we supposed to turn berries into juice?


OLIVE: Yeah, that would work...

I don't really have an outlet handy...

Or electricity.


♪ [Country hoedown music] ♪

How am I doin', partner?

OLIVE: We're almost there! OTTO: Yes!

One quart exactly...

Nice goin', partner! Thanks.

OLIVE: Thanks for your help, Logan,

but we gotta get back to headquarters and - Halt!

None shall leave this place...

until we take a selfie together! Oh.



What is it?

Um, we're just a bit...

a bit jumpy today.

Didn't get enough sleep last night.

Well get some sleep! Now!

One quart of loganberry juice.

Two quarts. We're half-way there.

And two quarts is half a gallon.

Which means we still have two quarts to go.

What's next, Dr. O?

Next ingredient -

One quart of giraffe milk.


But all the giraffes are on the moon for the summer!


Long story.

There's one person who drinks giraffe milk...

[Begging, pleading cross-talk]

[Cooing in distance]

[Loud crash nearby] [Shout]

Oh, okay...

We know they're going to right behind us,

so just play it cool, alright?

On three...

One, two...


Okay, guess they're not here, then.


You wish to see Baby Genius?

Yes, your excellency.

We were just wondering if

we could have some giraffe milk.

And what do you have

for Baby Genius?

Uh, we brought pocket lint...


Pocket lint was so last month.

[Baby cooing]

Baby Genius likes to laugh.

Make Baby laugh,

you shall get your giraffe's milk.

I got this...

Knock knock.

Who's there?

Interrupting chicken.

Interrupting chick- BAWK!

[Baby crying]

That was not funny - that was rude!

You've insulted Baby with your rude chicken.

It's okay.

I have a joke.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

[Baby crying]

What is with all the chickens?

You two need to get out more.

Oh, come on. That's a classic joke!

Baby is leaving.

No, no!

Ow, ow, ow...

[Baby giggling]

He laughed!

[Baby giggling]

It was more of a giggle.

But maybe, if you do more...

Look at me! Falling down!

[Baby laughing] Yes, good.

Now make silly noises when you fall.

[Both making silly noises] [Baby laughing]


[Baby cooing]

Here is your giraffe milk.

OTTO: Four cups? But we need a quart!

Calm down, chicken boy.

"Cups" is a smaller unit of measurement.

But there are four cups

in one quart.

So, if we have four cups,

that means we have a quart!


We have to get these back to headquarters.

Whaaat? Whaaat?

Never mind. Let's go.

What's up with all the mirrors?

I'm hiding them from Ms. O.

The seriously weird things have gotten weirder.

And if she sees herself,

things are going to get REAL crazy.

Good news - We have the giraffe milk.

Let's pour it into the container.


Three quarts down, one to go!

What's the final ingredient?

It's a very rare liquid - water.

But water isn't rare...

Here's a map.

There's a cave with a dragon inside.

OTTO: Dr. O!

There's a water cooler right there!

How long has that been there?!

Uh... always?

Well, that frees up my Mondays...

One gallon exactly.

But now what do we do with it?

Do with what?


What is with you guys today?

[Lying cross-talk]

Is that my mirror over there?

[All repeating "No..."]



What are you doing?! When you got sprayed by that plant,

some seriously weird things were happening to your face.

But you're better now.

Oh, cool.


[Relieved sighs]

That was close! Oh yeah.

So, back to the ogre?


The Odd Squad uniform

is an agent's most powerful tool.

It can blend into your surroundings...

Hey, where'd he go?

Play music...

♪ [Classical music] ♪

♪ [Electro dance music] ♪

♪ [Combination of both styles] ♪

You can even cook on it...

[Meat sizzling]

But the only thing your suit can't do...

is get out an ice cream stain.

But not to worry -

You can make a new suit!

First, get one gallon of water.

How much is a gallon?

It's the same as a jug of milk.

And one gallon is also the same

as four quarts.


Since there are four cups in a quart...

Another way to think of a gallon is cups -

Oof! That's going to hurt in the morning...

Once you have your water,

simply drop in your new uniform capsule...

And voila.

Enjoy your new suit!

[electronic beeps and crackles]

Oh, welcome to the annual

gadget repair and/or tune up day!

Ha-ha, I'm so excited!

I made a sign and everything!

What is this, exactly?

Do you want the long version or short version?

BOTH: Short.

You give me your broken stuff, and I fix it!

Oh, good.

Here's my Shrink-inator,

my Grow-back-inator...


and Heat-zap-inator.

I drop things a lot.

Olive, Otto!

Something very odd has happened.

Hand me your remote, Oscar.

Sure, just put your name on this sign-out sheet...


Forget it, just - Here you go.

It happened at Mr. Hoogansdorf's th birthday party.

Here it comes...

[loud wooshing]

Someone stole some of my candles!

I had a wish ready and everything!

Mr. H. is very upset.

Sure, he's .

Hey, what's that weird mark on the trash-can?

Ms. O: It can't be...

OTTO: What is it, Ms. O?

I've seen that mark before,

back when I was an agent.

You're off the case, and I'm on it.

So, you're gonna catch the bad guy...


Not alone.

It's time I paid a visit

to my old partner, O'Donoghue.

♪ Dun-dun dun! ♪


What do you want, Oprah?

O'Donoghue, I need your help.

You know I hung up my badge

for this fishing pole years ago.

Will this change your mind?

He's back.

He struck a b-day party this morning.

Mr Hoogansdorf started with candles

and ended up with just eight.

I'm not saying I'm interested,

but if I was, how many candles is that exactly?

I've broken them into groups of ten.

Five groups are gone.

So that's , , ,

, candles.

Plus two from the last group.

Which means he stole .

Do you even know where he is or what he looks like?

Is he even a he?

Then we're no better off

than we were all those years ago, Oprah.

This villain is the reason I quit the squad.


I can't go back down that road again.

I can't catch him without you.

Will you put your suit on one last time?

For me?

I never took it off.



Go for Oprah.

And O'Donoghue.

BOTH: Oh yeah.

OLIVE: Ms. O, the villain struck again.

At the town bakery.

Ms O: Thanks, Olive.

(yells) And tell Otto to get out of my chair!

Wait, how did she know I'm in her chair?

So, did you catch anything in the last years?

Not a thing.

[seagull cry]

I see you're still on the juice.


I can quit whenever I want.


There was this big woosh of smoke,

and then a bunch of my pies were gone!

Let me show you.

See, he left these ten pies on this side...

But look over here...

There used to be way more than ten on this side.

Look at all the empty doilies!

There used to be pies here, and I need them back!

Well, I guess we'd better start counting.

One, two, three-

Hang on, partner!

There's a quicker way to do this.

The pies and the empty doilies

are all in rows of five, see?

One, two, three, four, five!

So we can just count the empty doilies

by groups of five

to see how many are missing!


ten, fifteen, twenty!

Plus, one, two up here.

That equals stolen pies!

First the villain took candles,

and now he takes pies.

Both numbers end in two!

Just like his two dashes!

But who would take stuff with the number two?

BOTH: Tommy Twosie!



No answer.

Where could Tommy Twosie be?

How 'bout right there.

Oh, snap!

[loud rock music]




Which way did he go?

What's he saying?

He said he wishes he could talk,

but he made a career choice,

and he's sticking to it.

Over there!


Gotcha, Tommy.

We know you stole the candles

and the pies.

No I didn't, I swear!

Then why'd you run?

I'm playing in the town-wide game of tag!

I thought you were it.


Keep an eye on Twosie while I take this.

Go for Oprah.

Ms. O, we've got another problem.

Let me guess, Otto got himself stuck under the juice bar?


How does she do that?

It's not that.

The villain's struck again,

in Oscar's lab.

It's true!

That means it couldn't have been Tommy Twosie.

See, I told you!

I had fixed gadgets in one pile,

and one broken gadget in the other.

He stole of my fixed gadgets.

Now I've only got gadget in each pile.

Hang tight, Oscar. We're on it.

What's the scoop, Oprah?

First the guy's taking two of things,

and now he takes .

What's going on, O'D?

All I know is that I gotta go to the math room real bad.

Sounds like a plan.


Tag! You're it, Tommy!

Ugh, come on!

Greetings, Ms O.

[gasp] O'Donaghue, is that you?

Great to see you again, Carol.

How long has it been?

I've so much to tell you!

Look at all the neat tricks I learned!

Not now, Carol. We're working the case.

Show us that first crime scene again.

Generating crime scene...

Maybe we're not seeing the whole picture.

Enlarge image.

Enlarging image.

Looks like Mr Hoogansdorf

wasn't the only one having a birthday.

Carol, close up on that kid's cake.

CAROL: Commencing zoom.

Ms O: One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight candles.

That's the same number of candles

that were left on Mr H's cake!

I have an idea.

Carol, close up on the symbol.

Now turn it on its side.

CAROL: Turning.

Ms O: It's an equal sign!

An equal sign means that two amounts are the same.

Like the eight candles on both cakes!

Carol, show us the missing pies from the bakery.

CAROL: Generating pies...

The villain took away pies

until there were ten on one side,

and ten on the other.

O'DONAGHUE: Same with Oscar in the lab.

He stole gadgets from one pile

so there's just one left in both.

So it was never about the number two;

it was all about taking unequal things

and balancing them to make them equal!

We just cracked the case!

Let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You just got here!

I didn't get to sing you my song!

Carol, we don't have time for a song.

Oprah, the day we don't have time for music

is the day we don't have time for time.

- What? - Sing it, Carol.

[loud rock music]

♪ Generating crime scenes! ♪

♪ Generating crime! ♪

That was a great song, Carol. Now we have to go.


[party horn]

If the villain can't stand

when things are unequal,

then he's going to hate seeing

a thousand juice boxes

next to just one juice box.

This better work.

That's one whole day's supply of JBs out there.

That's one day?

Maybe I could cut back.

Here he comes!

[loud wooshing]

- Ow! - Yes!


Looks like you finally got one, O'Donaghue.

Gotcha, you, you...

you equalizer!


The name's Equal Evan,

and I'm sorry!

I just wanted things to be equal!

You see, when I was a kid,

my sister used to always take more than me.

If we were--

Save it for the judge!

Hold on a sec, O'Donaghue.

I think we can put his services to better use.

Make sure those slices are of equal size.

Trust me. That won't be a problem.


That was a really tricky case.

Nice job, Oprah.

Couldn't have done it without you.

Well, I guess it's back to the old fishing hole for me.


Go for Oprah.

Big problem, Ms O.

Did Otto get himself stuck inside the painting?

Seriously, how does she know?

I'm afraid it's much worse than that, Ms O.

Someone stole all the shoes in town.

Whoa! This is not good.

I can't fish without my shoes.

What are you saying, O'Donaghue?

Well, I guess I've got one more case left in me.

Don't worry about a thing, Olive.

Oprah and O'Donaghue are on it!

Let's go.

[majestic music]

Greetings, agents!

I'm Oscar with today's Odd Report.

- O'Connor? - Comin' atcha!

As you can see, we have a salsa front

moving in from this way.

Too bad it's not a little lower

because it's going to miss

these giant tortilla chips down here.

That woulda been delicious!

Also, we know it's going to be raining cats and dogs.

The good news is we know exactly how many animals

are comin' our way.

O'Connor, if you could zoom in...

- Zoomin' in! -<span> Perfect.

So, each one of these big dog clouds

rain exactly ten dogs each.

So, instead of having to count

every individual big dog,

we can just count the clouds by ten.

Ten, woof!

Twenty, woof!

Thirty, woof!

Big dogs. - Yeah!

And small dog clouds rain exactly five dogs each.

So we can count by fives.

Five, woof!

Ten, woof!

Fifteen, woof!

Twenty, woof!

Small dogs! - Yeah!

And cat clouds rain exactly two cats each.

So we count by twos.

Two, meow!

Four, meow!

Six, meow!

Eight! [purrs]

Yeah, cats!

So to sum it all up,

we're asking all available agents

to come to this spot

with your dog and cat-catch-inators

to catch the big dogs, woof!

Twenty small dogs, woof!

And eight cats, meow!

O'CONNOR: Wrap it up!

Also, if any agents would like to

take any of these animals home as pets,

that would be great.

See, I would, but...

I've still got my hands full

from last week's bunny storm.

I named them all Oscar Jr.

That one's my favourite.

And now, another moment from Odd Squad history.

The time: .

The place: Everywhere.

No one could agree how to pronounce this delicious food.

Some said "to-may-to".

Other said "to-mah-to".

The tomatoes themselves

were so fed up with all the noise

that they separated from their vines

and flew far, far away.

To the tropical island

of Galapanogostosflon- fleesilvaniaopolis.

The end of pasta sauce.

The end of ketchup.

Hardest hit was Miss Guchiardi

whose secret ingredient to her famous cookies

was tomatoes.

She had no choice but to make rocks.

Odd Squad eventually made a deal.

Tomatoes would not be known

as "to-may-toes" or "to-mah-toes",

but forever...


Another instance where Odd Squad saved the day.

And pizza.






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