01x14 - The Jackies/Invasion of the Body Switchers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x14 - The Jackies/Invasion of the Body Switchers

Post by bunniefuu »

Fire! Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Tonight is the most important night of the year!

The Jackie Awards.

Every year we lose to Mr. O and his squad.

Did you really think I would let you win so easily?


My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my friend's lamp...

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially, odd.

Out job is to put things right again.


Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Thanks for comin', Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, sir?

Well, my basketball, it's...

it's acting strange.

Looks fine to me.

Yeah, that's exactly what I thought,

but every time I bounce it...






Use this one instead.


What are we supposed to do with this ball?

Well, I say we bounce it one more time

and we play with the next ball that pops up.



Or we could eat lunch!

Works for me!

You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

Yeah, what's up?

Everything's up!

Tonight is the most important night of the year!

Is it already Blue Leg Night?

On it!

Okay, first...

that's not a thing.

Second, I'm talking about the Jackie Awards.


What are those, again?

It's when we compete with

all the other Odd Squad headquarters

all over the world

for the Jackalope Awards.

It's given to the squad

that has the most cases solved every year.


So, where do we - Don't!

I just wanted to know... No, no...

Where do we keep our Jackie Award?


We've... never won, Otto.



Every year we lose to Mr. O and his squad.

They work in the next town over.

Here he is at the Jackies last year...

And the year before that...

And here he is in ...

How old are you guys?!

That's not important!

Mr. O has solved cases,

and we've only solved .

What's that weird arrow thingy

between you and Mr. O?

Olive was getting to that.

It's a greater than - less than symbol.

Whichever way the open side the mouth faces

is the bigger number.

So Mr. O's

is bigger than our .

We need to be greater than ,

so we need to get at least .

Which means three more cases solved.

Oren, Olaf, and Octavia

are out looking for odd stuff.

I want you out there, too.

Want to know the best part about winning the Jackie?

The winner from last year

has to announce this year's winner.

I can't wait to see the look on Mr. O's face.


Is she going to stop laughing?

Back out of the room slowly...



How's my dress looking?!

Um... sparkly.

I want it VERY sparkly!

What's the difference?

You'll know it when you see it...


Who would have thought looking for oddity would be so tough?

Yeah, especially when it's usually so busy finding us!

Wait - Otto, look!

OTTO: They're exactly the same!

They must have a case of the doubles.

If that's not odd, then I don't know what is.

Ma'am, please put on this helmet.

It'll fix your doubles.

Whoa, whoa - doubles?

I don't have doubles.

This is my identical twin Haley.

I'm Kaley.

Both out middle names are Bob. Long story.

Are we ever going to find something odd?

Oh, if you're looking for odd,

Haley has lobster hands.

You have acute lobster-itis!

That's an odd problem!

And I have an un-clawinator... [Prepares gadget]

Ms. O, we found lobster hands.

Nice work, team.

I'm looking at the official standings right now.

Mr. O's at

and we're at .

That means we only need...

two more solved cases to be greater than him.

Keep searching for odd.

How's this for sparkly?

Hm... Now that I see it...

I think we need twinkly -

not sparkly.

What does that even mean?

Ms. O, I got something!

It's heavier than most cantaloupes, and...

That's not odd, Octavia!

But Ms. O - But nothing!

Get out there and find some odd!

[Phone ringing]

Go fro.

Great news, Ms. O.

We found a floater.


Excellent work.

Fix it, and that's one more case solved.

Olaf, zap him.

Whoa! [Thud]


you're supposed to put

a mattress down!


The score's equal! We're tied.

That means we only need one more case to win.

We're so close to that Jackie, I can taste it.

[Loudly licking lips]

[Phone ringing]

That must be Mr. O calling

to tell me how worried he is.

I bet you think I'm calling to tell you how worried I am.

I know that's why you're calling, Orville.

Take another look at your monitor.


The symbol changed again!

Mr. O's

is greater than our .

It's only up by one.


Look again...


[Laugh] Oprah, Oprah,

did you really think

I would let you win so easily?


I guess I'll be handing my Jackie Award to myself again.


I haven't felt this good

since the first time I was victorious in year one.


[Dial tone]

[On PA] Attention all agents!

Report to the field immediately!


Oscar, juice me! Sure thing, ma'am.

Ms. O, I got a pineapple!

I don't eat pineapple!

But Ms. O -

Get out there and bring me something odd!

Kids these days...

Tell me about it.



I can't look.

Oscar, how are we doing?

OSCAR: The mouth of the symbol's

still facing towards Mr. O's number.

It's no use.

The Jackies are about to start.

Good try, everyone.

We only need five more solved cases to beat him.

, ,

, ,


Ms. O! Ms. O!

Okay, I've got it.

I've got a coconut, I've got a mango,

and I got a peach!


Why do you keep bringing me food?!

Yeah, seriously.

What am I even doing here?

Did that coconut just talk to me?


Ms. O, that's what I've been trying to tell you.

All these fruit...

they all talk!

You got us.



True dat!

Wait a minute...

that's one, two,

three, four,

five odd cases!

And we need five cases to win.

Who's got gadgets?



They're back to normal! And look -

[Cheering] We did it!

[All chanting "We won a Jackie!"]

And the winner of this year's Jackie Award is...

[Sigh] Ms. O...


Thank you, Orville.

First of all,

I'd like to thank my agents.

I couldn't have done it without them.

I'd also like to send

a very special thanks to Oscar...

That's me! She said my name!

For helping me with this dress.


And this one...


And this one.


There's more under here.


And this one!

Now that's going to cause sparkles. [Chuckle]


Greetings, agents.

Here at the north control room,

a group of highly skilled technicians

look for odd activity around town.

Like these trees with no trunks,

and this trunk with no elephant.

With so much odd activity,

it really helps to keep track of the cases

that are solved and unsolved.

Right now, there are eight unsolved cases,

and six solved cases.

So that means

the unsolved cases are greater than

the solved cases.

I like to think of the greater than - less than symbol

as a hungry alligator

that always opens up its mouth at the greater number.

[Making chomping/chewing noises]

I was just showing them the, uh...


Man, time flies when you're solving cases.

Take a look at this...

The symbol turned around.

That's because one unsolved case

is less than

solved cases.

And it still opens up its mouth to the greater number -

Like an alligator! [Chuckle]

Hey, what's that last unsolved case?

[Inaudible whispering]

This? Oh, this is just a puppet.

I can take it off any time I want...


How deep does this thing go?

Hello, sir.

We heard something very odd was happening.

Uh, no...

Did you push that button?

Oh, yeah, I thought it was a reading light.

No, it calls us.

Just please don't push that

unless there's something odd.

You got it.

WOMAN: Excuse me, Odd Squad?

Ah... my hands turned into sandwiches...


Thanks, Odd Squad!


Happy to help.

Have a good flight, everyone!



Hey guys, I got a message for you from Ms. O.

"Olive, Otto, in my office! Now!"


"O'Grady, back to work!"

You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

There you two are. Something very odd has happened.

Oscar, why are you in Ms. O's chair?

I'm not Oscar. That's Oscar!

Hey guys!

The two of us switched bodies.

How did this happen?

Funny story -

As you know, I take gadget safety very seriously -

We were playing toss the switch-enator gadget...

when butterfingers over here dropped it!

Bad throw, if you ask me.

What's unimportant right now

is we fix this gadget before my O-test.

Your O-test is today?!

Now I'm even more confused...

Once a year, professor O comes from the big office

to test Ms. O about her knowledge of all things odd.

Except I'm Oscar right now.

And if I fail the test,

Ms. O will get kicked off the force

and I'll ruin her life...

Or my life - or her life...

Definitely somebody's life.

The good news is Professor O isn't here yet.

So we still have - [Phone ringing]

What is it?!

Professor O is here!

[Frantically repeating "What do we do?!"]

Stop panicking like you're Oscar.

But I AM Oscar!

You have to pretend like you're Ms. O.

I can't do that. Sure you can!

Repeat after me - "I'm Ms. O."


Ms. O...

Why are you winking? Because I'm nervous!

Who's nervous?


Is everything alright?

[All nervously stammering "Yes..."]

PROF. O: If you'll excuse us...

Ms. O and I have a lot of questions to get through.

Let's get started. Oh yeah, let's go!

I mean, uh, Ms. O...

I'm taking this, as well.


I mean, hurray!

Yay for tests! [Laugh]

Over here, people!

These gadgets are powered by a control panel.

Here's the busted one from the switchenator gadget.

So, if we can find control panels

from other gadgets with matching shapes,

we can fix it.

We need to tackle this one shape at a time -

like a puzzle.

Can we see that again?

[Irritated groan]

This shape here has one, two, three,

four, five, six sides.

A hexagon has six sides.

Cool, let's check the computer

and see which gadget has a hexagon control panel.

OLIVE: The putting-anator has a hexagon,

and it's with Agent Orchid.

What are you waiting for? Go!

[Irritated groan] I do not like this hair...

PROF. O: Let's begin.

Begin? Already? But you just got here!

And you haven't checked out my new... stapler.

Very nice.

Nice? It's way nicer than nice.

You should see this bad boy in action.

[Nervously giggling]

When was the last time you saw metal attach paper like that?

Ms. O, if you're not going to take this seriously,

maybe you're not serious enough

to run an Odd Squad office.

No - I mean, yes!

Totally serious!

Just let me get a pencil...

Whoops! Broke. Let me get another!

[Nervous chuckling]

What's with these pencils?

[Nervous laughter]

OLIVE: Orchid!

Orchid, wait!

Yes? We need your putting-anator.

So do I. That's why I'm holding it.

It's an emergency.

Is this one of those super-quiet emergencies

where absolutely nothing is happening?

Orchid, look...

I know this is kind of hard for you to understand

because you're younger than us,

but sometimes, bad things happen,

and we have to learn how to help each other.

It's kind of like sharing with out hearts -

If I give you the gadget, will he stop talking?

Yes. Deal.


♪ [Ominous chord] ♪

OLIVE: Six sides...



Just two more shapes to go.

This is a square...

Four equal sides...

Here, here, here, and here.

Can we look at the chart, please?

Uh oh - We have a problem.

You're tellin' me!

All my juice boxes are upstairs in my office! Grr!

No, it's not that!

I don't see any gadget with a square control panel.

OLIVE: Wait...

On the control panel, it's a diamond.

Squares, if you turn them on a certain angle,

can also be a diamond.

This is a square.

But if I rotate it...

a diamond.

The dig-anator has a diamond control panel!

It was last checked out to Oren and Olaf.

Let's go.

Found an orange!

There's got to be a way to drink this thing...

Rrr! I do not like these teeth.

What are you doing?

What does it look like we're doing?

We're working.

I'm Olaf, working.

We need your dig-anator.

What for? Can't say.

Top secret mission.

Oh yeah? If it's a top secret mission,

why aren't Olaf and I handling it?

Uh... Because it involves

your greatest fears...


And your other greatest fears...

That I won't grow up to be a dentist?!


Take the gadget!

Just take it and go!

Take it! Just leave!


That was a close one.

Back to work? Yeah!

Here's the diamond shape from Orin and Olaf's dig-anator.


Awesome work, partner. Put a cork in those high fives!

We still have a rectangle to find.

Ms. O's right. Rectangle...

Two short sides that are equal,

and two long sides that are equal...

Can we look at the charts, please?

No gadget with a rectangle shape.

Oh man, we were so close to solving this thing!

I even made an "Olive and Otto Save the Day" poster.

[Sigh] So much for positive thinking...

Otto, you just saved the day with your "Save the Day" poster!

I did?

Look at these two pieces.

They're triangles!

And, if you take two triangles and fit them together,

they also make...

a rectangle.

So, if we can't FIND a rectangle,

we can build one with two triangles.

I see a triangle here and here.

You two split up and meet outside my office.


Your office, or Ms. O's office?

I mean my office, because I'm Ms. O!

You're Ms. O?

Um... no.

Um... We're playing a game.

I call myself Otto...

I'm Olive.

OLIVE: And Oscar calls himself Ms. O.

Can you call me Dr. Pickle?

Yes. Thank you.

What's next?!

Now go find those triangles!

Yes, Ms. O!

Come on, sweet, sweet juice...

Next question...

If a friggle frog were to escape from this case,

what would you do?

That is...

a great question!

That's what you said about my last question,

and the question before that.

You have 'til the count of ten.

You can't answer me, you fail.

Ten, nine, eight...

Oscar - I mean, Ms. O!

We got the triangles.

Boom rectangalata!

It's working!

Three, two...

If a friggle frog got out of its case,

I would follow procedure


Now someone get me a juice box!


Ah, I missed me...

Next question, Professor O?


Uh oh...


Who is responsible for this?!

[Babbling excuses]


As the head of this Odd Squad office,

I take full responsibility.

Well, in that case...

Thank you.

I've dreamt of being a friggle frog my entire life.

You've passed the O-test.


Glad to have you back, Ms. O.

Glad to have you back, Oscar.

Hey, quit congratulating yourselves

and get me down to the pond!

Good day to you, agents!

[Ribbit] Hey, partner...

What do we do with him?


Uh, Professor O? This way...


Greetings, agents.

This is a shape crystal.

Beautiful, isn't it?

So beautiful, you just wanna...

reach out with your hand and... touch it.


'Cause if you do, this will happen...

But not to worry.

Your partner can fix this

using the put back-inator gadget...

This shape has one,

two, three sides - so it's a triangle.

Simply set the put backinator gadget to triangle, and...

But we're not done yet -

Because this agent also thought it would be a good idea

to kick the shape crystal.

This shape has one, two,

three, four, five, six sides.

That means it's a hexagon.

Simply set the put back-inator gadget to hexagon, and...

Now, you might think I was joking

if I said we're not done yet.

We're not done yet

because this agent also thought it would be a good idea

to SIT on the shape crystal...


This shape has one, two,

three, four, five, six, seven, eight sides.

So that means it's an octagon.

Your partner can also fix this -

if she can stop laughing.

Just let me do it.


I can't...


Where did he go?

I'm Olaf. There you

Sometimes I'm happy...



Sometimes I'm sad...


OSCAR: Ms. O would like to share a juice box with you.


But I don't have any left. Oh.

Sometimes I give piggybacks...


Come on!

And sometimes I give piggybacks and fall down.


And sometimes,

I solve problems!

It is effective because the hydraclops monster

has heightened olfactory sense

due to its increased nostril capacity.

ALL: Whaaat?!

But I'm always Olaf!


[atonal banjo blast]

[warbled music]

[quiet sloshing noise]

[warbled music]

[electric guitar solo]

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