01x13 - Life of O'Brian/Whatever Happened to Agent Oz?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x13 - Life of O'Brian/Whatever Happened to Agent Oz?

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Tube access denied!

O'Brian is tube-blocking you!

This is ridiculous!

I need to use the tube!

Otto is out there all alone!

(shouts) Where are you?

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my lucky basketball.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird...

and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.



OLIVE: Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[distant thunder]


Hey, Olive -

Don't say it.

I was just gonna say that - I know that we haven't had a case yet today.


If you say it, Ms. O will give us one.

What? That's ridiculous. Try it.

Hey Olive, isn't it kind of weird

we haven't had a case yet today?

You two! In my office!

I have a case for you.

Whoa! Told you.

MS. O: We've got reports of

time-travelling laser chickens in the park.

Over here, people!

[loud explosions]

OTTO: They look really angry.

You try travelling through time and space

looking for a homeland

while being chased by Morlocks...

I may know a bit about them.

As long as you follow Olive's lead,

and do EXACTLY

what she says, you'll be fine.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!


O'Brian, send us to the park.

Preparing to squishinate!


What happened?

Sorry, Olive,

it looks like your tube is broken.

Oh, okay.

I'll just use this one.

Preparing to squishinate!


What's going on?

Guess that one's broken too.

But Otto just used this one...

Hi, how's it goin'?

Olive, can I please speak to you for a little second here?

But Oscar, I have to - See ya later!

O'Brian is tube-blocking you.

Tube... blocking?

What's that? You did something to make him angry,

and now he's not gonna let you use the tubes

until you apologize.

What did I do? I dunno.

[sighs] This is ridiculous.

I'm going to settle this.

Look, O'Brian,

if I did something to upset you, just tell me what it is,

and I'll apologize.

[sigh] You don't even know what you did?


That is just... wow.

Tube access denied!

I have to go!

Hey, hi! I like your hair this morning.

Excuse us...

But- but Oscar! Oscar!

Oscar, again!

I'm talking to Ms. O!

No, you can't!

The last person who tattled on O'Brian

was Agent Orbot.

I've never heard of Orbot. Exactly.

But I need to use the tubes!

Otto is out there all alone!

All right, Olive.

What do we do now?


(calls out) Olive!

[clucking] Oh no...

[loud explosions]

[loud explosions]

If you want to help Otto,

you gotta figure out what you did to make O'Brian angry.

But I have no idea what that is!

I can help you figure it out!

I've always wanted to solve a mystery like a real detective!

Oh no...

O'Brian said I did something to him this morning.

That means it had to take place noon...

Or o'clock PM.

Ooh, nice detective skills!

You know what time you got here at?

Nine in the morning.



Nine AM to AM

is one hour.

Ten AM to AM

is another hour.

Eleven AM to PM is also an hour...

That's one, two, three hours.

So you must have done something to O'Brian

in this three hour time period. Hm...

From nine AM to AM,

I was downstairs in the Odd Squad gym.

And I saw O'Brian there, too!

Something must have happened!

Can we get the Odd Squad security footage from the gym?

Totally, Agent Owen always helps me out...

I can't help you out.


I can't risk getting O'Brian mad.

Last time, he trapped me in the tubes for three days!

I missed my own birthday!

How 'bout this -

You go on a break,

and if I happen to look on your computer,

it's not your fault.

WILL you look on my computer? Yes.

Then I can't go on break.

I mean, uh, no. Oh, okay...

(calls out) Going on break!

[door opens and closes]

Okay, so...

No... no... no...

Got it!

So at nine AM, I was sh**ting hoops.

And then, at...

: AM,

I accidentally hit O'Brian with a basketball!



(shouts) Where are you?!

A long story, but I'm on my way now.

(shouts) Hurry!

I think these chickens can smell fear.


O'Brian, I'm sorry I hit you in the head with a basketball.

That was you?

Great! Now I'm mad at you for two things! What?!

Okay, I accept your apology about the basketball,

but not about the other thing.

Tube access still denied. [frustrated grunt]

Why won't these doors open?

Are you doing this too? Maybe...

Thanks! Thanks so much! You're making my day.


If you didn't do anything to O'Brian in the gym,

that means we can eliminate AM to AM.

So it happened sometime between AM and PM...

No! No?

No! Because I am an amazing detective

and I found out that O'Brian was fixing a tube

from -: AM.

So I couldn't have done anything to him then.

Ten AM to : AM is half an hour,

so we can eliminate the next minutes.

That still leaves

: - PM.

One and a half hours.

♪ [ringtone] ♪

Otto, I'm trying to get to you!

VOICE: This isn't Otto. I have information.

Meet me in the ballroom. [Hangs up]

Who was that?

♪ [ringtone] ♪

VOICE: By the way, it's Octavia.

Let's go.

Get in! Quick!



[startled screams]


What's going on? I talked to O'Brian this morning,

and he was pretty upset about something you did.

Did you ask him what it was?

He wouldn't tell me,

but I talked to O'Brian at AM.

So it must have been before that.

You have to get more info from O'Brian.

No way - Last time O'Brian got angry,

he wouldn't let me leave headquarters for a week!

I forgot what the sky looked like...

Octavia, please!

We need more information!

No. I said too much.

Goodbye, my friends, and... good luck.

Octavia said that she talked to O'Brian

at exactly AM

and he was already mad about something that you did.

So we can eliminate anything after AM.

So you must have done something to O'Brian

in this half-hour period.

But from : to AM,

I was just doing paperwork at my desk.

I ate a snack... What snack?

Strawberry yogurt. I think I know what happened.

It's not strawberry yogurt, it's raspberry!

Which O'Brian brings every day as a snack!

Ugh! That's why O'Brian was mad!

I accidentally ate his yogurt!

This is great!

I can apologize, and then help Otto - [spitting] Blech!

[sigh] I'm back.

What happened to you?

Don't want to talk about it.

Bottom line, laser chickens are gone.

But they left this behind...

I have an idea.

So this girl wanted to use the tubes, and I was like,

"You can use them when I'm good and ready."

I ate your yogurt.

Took you long enough to figure it out!

Tube access granted...

I'm sorry - And, to make it up to you,

I wanted to give you this.

An egg?

Not just any egg - a laser chicken egg!

What? Yup.

And from the look of it, it's going to hatch any second.

Take it! Take it from me!

I will, if you promise to never tube block me

or anyone else ever again!

Okay, deal!

I think it's time you take a break -

A long one.

But - Now!

Preparing to squishinate!

[machine whirrs to life]




That was crazy. And dangerous.

Not really.

I know a lot about laser chickens.

This egg isn't close to hatching.


Okay, maybe I don't know as much as I thought!


OTTO: Run, run, run! Go, go, go, go!

[loud explosions]

[chick peeping]

♪ [majestic music] ♪

Greetings, agents.

This is a clock head lady.

She can be your best friend...

Or the most annoying person on earth.

Stop it! Stop it!

The easiest way to get her

to be your friend

is to tell her what time it is,

which is easy because it's on her head.

The small hand tells you what the hours are,

and the long hand tells you what the minutes are.

There are minutes in each hour.

So, when you count the minutes,

each number represents five minutes.

That's five, , , ,

, , , ,

, , , minutes.

Except when you get back to the ,

you don't say ,

you say "o'clock".

So right now it is ,

five, , , , minutes -


Before you leave,

ask the clock head lady to dance.

Clock head ladies know many dances, like this one...

♪ Take away one, gonna add one... ♪

This one...


And this one... [♪]

But my favourite is this one...


Stop it! I thought we were friends!


Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

So, every time I come home,

this happens...

ANNOUNCER: And now, returning from the grocery store,

and live from her house,

it's... Carol-Anne!

♪ [upbeat music] ♪ That is odd.

I know - My name is Becky!

Don't worry, ma'am.

We got this...

[loud zapping, music playing in reverse]

ANNOUNCER: And now, returning from the grocery store,

and live from her house,

it's... Becky!

♪ [upbeat music] ♪ That's me! Thanks, Odd Squad.

Happy to help.

Have a great day.

ANNOUNCER: Tonight, Becky will be making lasagna

for her friends, Lauren and Dave.

But what she doesn't know is that she can't make it

because she forgot to buy cheese,

and the pasta, and the sauce.

She is not a very good shopper!

Otto, it's not polite to stare.

I'm not staring,

I'm just looking at someone for a really long time...


It's not polite to look at someone

for a really long time.

I can't figure it out!

What is it?

You and I are partners,

Orin and Olaf are partners...

Why is Agent Octavia the only agent without one?

Are you telling me you never heard what happened to Agent Oz?


Oh, man! Great story.


Are you gonna tell me?

Oh, sure.

Octavia and her partner Oz

were battling one of the worst Odd Squad villains ever -

Jelly Bean Joe!


A villain with candy in his name?

Go on!

Step right up, agents,

and guess how many jelly beans

are in my jar!

WE don't have time for your games, Jelly Bean Joe!

Better make time, Octavia,

because, if you don't guess correctly

by the time the music stops,

there'll be a pudding-splosion!

[maniacal laugh]

♪ [calliope music] ♪ He's not kidding!

There's enough pudding in there

to cover the entire town, twice!

I love 'splosions!

I'll go get Joe with my handcuff-inator!

Oz, that's your body put-back-inator! Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure! Forget that!

We need to figure out how many jelly beans are in there.

And we better hurry!

Ninety-four, , ,

and .

How are we supposed to know what number's even close?

Let's start counting.

There are too many!

One, two... four...

C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! We need to count faster!

I'm going as fast as I can!

JOE: Too slow, agents! [buzzer]

[maniacal laughter] [music slows to stop]

BOTH: Uh-oh!

Run! [loud rumbling]

[Oz screams]

Wow! And that's the last anyone has ever seen of Agent Oz?

What? No.

They just dug him out of the pudding.

But I thought...

If you let me finish...

No matter what Octavia and Oz did,

they couldn't beat Jelly Bean Joe.

First, he covered the town with pudding.

Then, whip cream.

Then feathers.

Ms. O was...

The angriest I've ever been in my life!

Sorry, Ms. O.

If Jelly Bean Joe would just stay put long enough,

I could use my handcuff-inator.

Oz, that's your black hole-inator.

Are you sure?

[loud whirring]

Whoa! Whoa!


So that's what happened to Octavia's partner?

He got sucked into a black hole!

No. Oscar saved him.

[screaming] Help me!

[screaming] Hey, guys.

Bye, guys.



Hm, not bad, actually...

Listen up, you two.

You'll never beat Jelly Bean Joe

if you count jelly beans one at a time.

But - No buts!

I want you do visit Estimation Eddie!

He won't get you the right answer,

but he'll get you close.

But... don't you always want us to be right?

A smart woman once said,

"Sometimes close enough is good enough."

Cool, who's she?

I'll give you a clue: You're looking at her.

Can you give me another clue?

(shouts) It's me!

Ah, so where do we find this Estimation Eddie?

Where else? In the ball park.

♪ [ball park organ playing] ♪

Excuse me, are you Eddie?

Depends - Are you willing to play ball? Sure.

Oh, you mean actually play ball?

Let's do this.

♪ [ball park organ plays] ♪

♪ [loud rock and roll music] ♪

♪ [loud rock and roll music] ♪

OZ: I'm sick of this!

I won't do it anymore! I quit!

So that's what happened to Octavia's partner?

He quit? Nope, not that either.


Who am I kidding? I can't quit.

Odd Squad is my life.

Huddle up, you two!


How many balls did you miss?

BOTH: One, two, three, four...


But we can't count faster! Sure you can!

Start with counting just this cluster.

OCTAVIA: One, two, three, four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine, ten!

Now, see any other clusters that look about the same size?

Uh, that one.

Where else? Over there!

And there!

And there, and there...

EDDIE: That there is six clusters of about ten.

Now add 'em up.

If there are ten baseballs in each cluster,

we can count by tens.

Ten, , , , , !

You hit balls!

The exact number's .

But 's really close - Or a good estimate.

Yup, you may not be exactly right,

but you'll be close enough to make a really good guess.

♪ [ringtone] ♪

Go for Octavia.


We're on it...

Jelly Bean Joe just showed up

at the river with another box.

Thanks, Eddie. We gotta move.

You should take a couple of hot dogs for the road.

These are cold.

Not for long...

Any chance you can sh**t mustard out of your eye?

Oh, I sure can,

but it takes about three hours to get it going,

and you don't have that kind of time.

Now go get 'em!

[maniacal laughter]

Welcome back, Odd Squad!

Guess how many jelly beans there are

or everything will be covered in feathers!

[maniacal laugh]

Didn't you already do feathers?

I'm allowed to repeat. [snaps fingers]

♪ [calliope music] ♪ There's five possible answers this time!

We'll never guess!

Remember what Estimation Eddie taught us.

First step to estimating - find a cluster.

I'd say there are about ten jelly beans in this cluster.

And I'd say there's at least

one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine, ten -

ten clusters of ten on the bottom layer.

♪ [music continues] ♪ The music!

♪ You're not going to make it! ♪

OCTAVIA: Wait, it's just like at the ball park.

We can count by tens.

Ten times , ,

, , , ,

, , , !

I'm estimating about jelly beans on the bottom layer.

JOE: Feathers, feathers, feathers!

If each one of these layers has about jelly beans...

OCTAVIA: Then we can count by

to make a guess of the total!

, , , ,

, , ,

, , ,,

,, ,, ,, ,,

, jelly beans!

There's no , here!

JOE: But there are feathers!

We're done for!

Get a grip, partner!

All we need to do is find a number close to ,!

, is the closest.

Together? [bell dings, music stops]

We did it!


Wow, I'm so impressed,

I'm not even gonna try and run away.

Let me just get my handcuff-inator...

No, that's your invisible-inator!

Huh, really?


And that's what happened to Octavia's partner?

Yep. Turned invisible the rest of his life.

Kinda sad he had to leave Odd Squad 'cause of an accident.

He didn't leave. What?

Oz used his invisibility to his advantage.

Now he's one of the best agents on the squad.


[Oz sneezes]

[Oz blows nose] Thanks, partner.

Gesundheit! [chuckle]

An invisible agent?

Oh, he's not the only one.

I'd estimate there are about...

invisible agents here.

An invisible agent...

GIRL: Mail call! Mail call!

Letter for you, Otto.

Nice seein' you!

D'ah, bill!

♪ [majestic music] ♪

OSCAR: Welcome to headquarters.,..

Greetings, agents!

Here in the ball room, we discuss top secret missions.

If you ever find yourself here,

everything you need is just at your fingertips.

We've got paper...

And we've got pens!

We've even got our own professional note-taker...

Thank you, Mrs. Latovsky!

In order to keep the top secret missions

we discuss here extra secret,

we change the balls daily.

Now, if you're ever asked to do this,

you're gonna need to know how many balls are in here.

You could count them one-by-one,

but that would take a really long time.

Another way of doing it

is to find out about how many balls are in here.

It's also called estimating.

And here's how you do it.

There are about balls in this cluster...

Now how many clusters of this size

would you need to cover the top layer of this room?

Ten clusters.

So, if we have ten clusters, each with balls,

that's ten one hundreds.

, , , ,

, , , , , ,!

So that means there are approximately

, balls in the top layer of the ball room.

But that's just the top layer. How many layers deep is it?

I see ,, ,, ,, ,,

,, ,, ,, ,.

So I would estimate that there are

, balls in the ball room.

Another interesting fact - Each ball is flavoured.

Green is watermelon, red is cherry,

and yellow is banana cream pie.

That's Mrs. Latovsky's favourite.

My name is Agent Olive.

I'm years old.

Favourite part of the job...

Great dental.

I think Odd Squad is a place where you can grow.

Also, we have a grow-inator gadget.

[loud whirring]

It's pretty cool.

We help out with all kinds of odd problems.

Like, if you have exploding hiccups...

[hiccup] [loud crash]

Or you get caught inside your television...

[stammering] Uh, could you be of assistance?

Or something doesn't sound right...

♪ [loud trumpeting] ♪ Whoa!

Or you've turned into a pirate...

[loud whirring]


We're there to help.


[water rushing]



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