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03x10 - Macarooned

Posted: 01/01/24 19:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that, only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry,

♪ leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventure of Piggly Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start glazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventure of Piggly Winks

(suspenseful music) (rain pattering)

(thunder crashing)

- [Sean] Oh no!

- [Seamus] What are we gonna do, Sean?

(thunder cracking)

- I don't know, Seamus.

- Calm down there, boys.

The lightning just knocked out the power.

There's no reason to be afraid.

- Oh, we're not afraid of the dark, Grandpa.

- We're afraid we're not going to get our homework done.

- We have this big, huge project that's due tomorrow

and we're supposed to work on it tonight with Kevin Jones.

- [Seamus] Who is the smartest kid in the universe.

- [Sean] Who just called to say

he can't come over 'cause the lights are out.

- Jakers, that's quite a sad story.

So it appears that you two will have to do this project

all by yourselves then, is that right?

- We're supposed to come up with an invention or something.

- But Kevin had all the ideas.

- Well now, they say that

necessity is the mother of invention, you know.

- Huh? - What does that mean?

- It means that, when you have no choice but to do something

you find a way to get it done.

(grunting and groaning)

- I get it! - Yeah!

- Why, you might even invent a way to make a sailboat fly.

- Whoa.

- Did you ever make a sailboat fly, Grandpa?

- How'd it happen, what'd you do?

- Well, it all began one late fall morning

when my friends and I went out sailing

with Mr. Hornsby's nephew Finbarr.

The sky was dark, the wind was howling,

and the high seas tossed our little sailboat

around like a leaf in a hurricane.

- [Piggley] Hold her tight lads!

- Woah, she's rockin' mighty!

I don't want to be a duck overboard!

- [Grandpa] Why, there hadn't been

such a storm for over years!

- [Sean] Wait a minute, Grandpa.

Are you sure that's the way it was?

- It doesn't seem like your parents

would let you go sailing on a day like that.

- (chuckling) You've got a point there, Seamus.

I suppose it was a rather nice morning after all,

a bit breezy perhaps, but perfect weather for sailing.

- Your turn at the tiller, Piggley.

Keep 'er tight into the wind there.

- Aye aye, sir!

- You know, you lads are almost good enough

to be sailing with the great Brendan of Clonfert.

- Oh, That's Brendan The Navigator, I love that story!

- Is it true that Brendan and his crew

saw sea monsters that could

sh**t water way, way up into the air?

- Oh yes, and once they landed on the back of a whale.

They thought they were on an island

until the huge thing started movin'!

- Well now, lads, I'd be happy to tell you everything I know

about Brendan, in exchange for one of your Grandmother's

freshly-baked macaroons there, Dannan.

- Ooh, it would be pleasure, Finbarr!

- Ah, perfection.

Crispy on the outside, gooey in the middle.

- (Piggley impatient throat clearing)

- A long, long time ago, the great Brendan the Navigator

set sail in search of The Island of Promise.

Mmm, delicious.

- Quick, Dannan, give him another macaroon,

so he'll go on with the story.

- Thanks, Dannan.

Brendan was gone on his famous voyage for seven long years.

(chewing) And when he returned,

he told amazing tales of all he had seen.

Mountains in the sea spouting fire.

- Those were probably volcanoes!

- He also saw floating crystal palaces.

- Those could have been icebergs.

They look a lot like crystal palaces, you know.

- Brendan also told of monsters with catlike heads

and horns growing right out of their mouths.

- Those were probably just plain old ordinary walruses.

- These wonders, volcanoes and the like,

had never even been imagined

in Ireland before Brendan's voyage.

- Hey, hey, you're eating all of me grandmother's macaroons!

- Aah, let him, Dannan.

He needs to keep up his strength so he can finish the story.

- That's right, he needs his strength.

- Oh all right then, I suppose it is

worth it to hear the rest of the tale.

- These really are the finest I've ever tasted, Dannan!

- Why thank you, Finbarr, I'll be sure

to let me grandmother know you said so.

She just loves getting compliments, so she does.

- Uh, that's all great and polite and wonderful

and all that, but can we get back to the story now?

- Brendan's greatest adventure of all

came one day when he and his crew

sailed into a mighty thick fog.

They were in that fog for days and days.

And when it finally lifted, they found a land

more beautiful than they'd ever imagined.

Trees heavy with fruit, fields bright with flowers,

and beaches filled with precious stones.

- The Island of Promise.

(Piggley, Dannan, Ferny startled exclaiming)

- [Grandpa] Listening to Finbarr,

we hadn't noticed that the wind was stirring up the waves.

And even though the waves were small,

they suddenly felt huge to Finbarr,

whose fondness for those macaroons

soon proved to be his undoing.

- [Wiley] You know, Birney, it may surprise you

to hear this, but I am bored.

That's right B-O-R-R-E-D-D, bored.

I need excitement, adventure, culture, music, dance.

♪ Way down upon the Swannee River, far,


Whoa! (water splashing)

Hello, who turned out the lights?

Birney, Birney are you there?

Oh Birney, hello!

- [Grandpa] Poor Finbarr was paying dearly

for eating all of those macaroons.

His stomach was churning like an old washing machine

(Finbarr moaning)

His only escape was to sleep

and hope the worst would be over when he awoke again.

(Finbarr moaning)

(Finbarr snoring)

- So Finbarr fell asleep,

right out in the middle of the water?

- Weren't you kind of scared, Grandpa?

- Not at all, Seamus.

We were never in any danger.

Sure the three of us were pretty good sailors.

We rather enjoyed being in charge of the expedition

to be honest with you.

Especially Ferny, who started pretending

that he was the great Brendan himself.

- Ahoy, mates, I am Brendan the Navigator.

Prepare to sail away on a dangerous voyage of discovery.

- Yes sir, Captain Brendan sir.

- Where away then, Captain?

- To uncharted waters!

(gasping) Janey Mack, There's a mountain spitting out fire!

Give it a wide berth, me salties.

- [both] Heave ho, for Captain Brendan.

- Well done, mates.

- Ahoy, Captain, sea monster off the starboard bow.

Look out, it's spewing water!

(Dannan and Ferny giggling)

(loud distant bleating)

- Hey hey hey, did you hear that?

- Jakers, I did hear it.

- Maybe there's a sea monster out there.

- Now let's not get carried away, boys.

There's no such thing as a real water spewing sea monster.

- That's right, it's only in the story.

- And in our game.

(all laughing)

- Now this is not boring.

This is an adventure!

This is, (loud crashing)

Ooph, this is a rock.

- [Grandpa] We continued with our game,

sailing the seas under the expert guidance

of Brendan the Navigator.

Until Dannan noticed something.

- Captain Brendan sir,

there's a bit of fog coming in now,

shall we turn around and head for home?

- Brendan of Cronford fears not a little fog.

But I am gettin' a little hungry.

- Great, let's go home.

- Ah no, it's too early to go home.

Let's keep playing for a while!

- What do you say, Captain, do we go?

- Or do we stay?

- Well uh, I say we ask our fine First Mate, Finbarr.

(Finbarr snoring)

- Just as soon as he wakes up.

- Oh dearie me, I must have fallen asleep.

- Finbarr! - Are you all right?

- Do you have any more macaroons in your pocket?

- Well now, the fog has rolled in

something fierce, hasn't it?

How long was I asleep then?

- It's hard to say for sure in all this fog,

several hours at least.

- It might have even been a day, or two.

- A week is more like it.

- What, why didn't you wake me up, then?

- Well now, you weren't feeling so good.

You were all dizzy and the water was bouncing and bouncing

and you ate all those gooey macaroons

and the boat was rocking back and forth and back and forth.

(Finbarr moaning)

(Finbarr snoring)

(boat crunching on beach)

(exclaiming at the sudden lurch)

- (gasping) Jakers, land!

- Thank goodness we're delivered from the perils of the sea.

- Janey Mack, it's just like in Brendan's story.

"The fog lifted and they found themselves

"in a beautiful land."

- We must've sailed halfway round the world, lads,

all the way to the Island of Promise.

- [Ferny] Oh do you really think so, Piggley?

- Where else could we be?

There are trees heavy with fruit,

and fields of bright flowers.

- And, and, look here, precious stones.

- Oh, it's the Island of Promise all right.

- As Brendan the Navigator, I claim this Island

in the name of Ireland.

Now can we go home?

I'm really getting awfully hungry, lads.

- There'll be no going home, Ferny.

It's too far away, this will be our home now.

We'll start our own country with all of our own rules and,

(Wiley bleating with echoes)

(all gasping)

(Wiley bleating loudly)

(all yelling)

(Wiley echoed bleating)

- Oh dear, oh dear, that was a sea monster,

as sure as the day is long.

- Or maybe it was a land monster

- Well, whatever kind of monster he is,

he's sure to be coming back.

- Janey Mack!

- Let's go and ask Finbarr what we should do!

- [Piggley] Finbarr!

- [Dannan] Oh Finbarr!

- [Ferny] Are you awake, sir?

(Finbarr snoring)

- I don't think we're going get

much help from Finbarr today.

- No, not much help at all.

(startled yelling)

- Well then, lads, we'll just have to

find a way to take care of this by ourselves.

- [Seamus] Oh, now I get

why you're telling us this story, Grandpa.

- And why is that, Seamus?

- You guys had to protect yourselves

against the sea monster

without Finbarr, just like we have to

make an invention without Kevin Jones.

- Well now, I hadn't thought of that,

but I suppose it is kind of the same thing, isn't it?

- Uh-huh, it's a lot the same thing!

- Ah, you figured me out boys.

So, I guess there's really no reason

to go on with the story.

- [Both] No!

- I mean, we sort of understand what you're saying.

- But we definitely need to hear more.

- Especially the part about making a sailboat fly.

- Well, all right then.

So there we were, with Finbarr sound asleep on the one hand,

the wild sea monster on the other.

Lucky for us, Dannan remembered reading a book

about a family shipwrecked on an island.

The family brought their boat up from the water

and into a tree, where they would be safe from wild animals

and protected from heat and rain.

- All right, boys, let's really put our backs into it.

And, heave!

- [Ferny And Piggley] Ho!

- [Dannan] Heave!

- [Ferny And Piggley] Ho!

- [Dannan] Heave!

- [Ferny And Piggley] Ho!

(Finbarr moaning)

- [Dannan] Heave!

- [Ferny And Piggley] Ho!

- [Grandpa] Ferny had once watched his dad

use a system of ropes and pulleys

to lift a heavy anvil into his shop.

He didn't remember exactly how the whole thing worked,

so the three of us worked together to figure it out.

- Do you think we got it right, Ferny?

- I think so.

- [Dannan] And this will actually

make it easy to lift the boat?

- Well, not easy exactly, but I think we can do it.

- Okay then, Ferny, let's give it a try.

- Okay, one, two, three.

(all grunting)

- Shouldn't we have asked, ugh!

Finbarr to, ugh!

Get out of the boat, ugh!


- But he was sleeping so peacefully, ugh!

I just didn't have the heart, ugh!

to wake him.


- Drop anchor, drop anchor.

- Hold it here while I tie us off.

- Hurry, Ferny!

- You can let go now!

- It worked, Ferny, you're a genius.

- [Ferny] Oh thanks, Piggley. (giggling)

- You did a brilliant job, lads.

We'll be safe and sound up here

until the first light of morning

when we can find our way home.

- We better gather some supplies before we leave.

It'll be a long trip home,

sailing halfway round the world and all.

- Maybe we should go and try to find some nuts and berries.

- Nuts and berries'd be nice, Dannan.

But it's more likely we'll end up

eatin' grubs, seaweed, and stink beetles.

- (moaning) Oh dear.

- Come on, Ferny, let's go and see what we can find.

- Pirates!

- What? - Huh?

- Shh, I spied pirates landing on the shore.

- Pirates?

- That's right, they always attack at dusk, you know.

- That's right, they do.

(all yelling)

- I hope they don't see us up here.

- Piggley! - Dannan!

- [Don Toro] Fernando, are you here?

- It's not pirates, it's your dads and Mr. Hornsby.

- Jakers, they came all this way, just to rescue us.

- Oh, I hope they brought some food with them.

- Dad! - Mr. Hornsby!

- Papa!

(Wiley echoed bleating)

- Oh great, it's the sea monster!

[Don Toro] Where are you, ninos?

- Ah no, they're walking right into the jaws of the monster.

- We have to do something!

- Well, uh, maybe we can trap the monster.

- How do we do that, Piggley?

- Well, uh, we can, drop a sail, right over the top of him.

- That's brilliant, Piggley!

- But we'll have to wait until he's right under us for that.

And by then it might be too late!

- Well then, uh, we'll just swing the boat

until we're right over the top of him.

- Yes, great!

(Ferny and Piggley grunting)

- (moaning) Oh, no, please, no more!

(Wiley strained, echoed bleating)

Drop the sail, now, Dannan!

- [Wiley] Whoa, oomph!

(Piggley, Dannan and Ferny cheering)

- Well, I'll be a stuffed cabbage!

- I don't believe it!

- [Don Toro] Fantastico!

- Wow, Grandpa, you really did make a sailboat fly!

- You are so awesome!

- Thank you, boys.

Of course, I didn't do it alone, you know.

My friends and I put our heads together

to solve every problem that came our way on that island.

- You children are to be commended

for taking such good care of my nephew here.

- Thank you, Mr. Hornsby.

I don't think he'll be eating macaroons again

for a long time.

- Macaroons? (moaning)

- I am very proud of you, son.

You had a real adventure here!

- Just like Brendan the Navigator, Papa!

- Your mother was worried sick about you, Piggley.

But I told her our boy has a good mind

and he knows how to use it.

- Thanks, Dad, but you didn't have to worry about us at all.

We are the ones who saved you from the sea monster!

(Wiley bleating)

- [Dad Winks] Monster?

Donde esta monstoro?

- Aya, Papa, over there.

- You children had better stand back while we take a look.

(wood cracking) (Wiley bleating wearily)

- [Grandpa] We were all more than a little surprised

to discover that our monster was just some crazy sheep.

(Piggley, Dannan and Ferny laughing)

- [Grandpa] But an even bigger surprise came

when we discovered that we weren't

halfway around the world at all.

- Come on, children, we better be heading for home now.

- But dad, shouldn't we get a fresh start in the morning?

It's a really long trip, you know.

- Oh, it's not that far, really.

- Turns out that we weren't much more

than a stone's throw away from home all the time!

(Sean and Seamus laughing)

- You sure made some neat stuff on that Island, Grandpa.

- Yeah, you didn't need Finbarr.

- And we don't need Kevin!

- [Grandpa] Will ya look at that, the lights are back on.


- Sean, why don't we invent something

to help Grandpa get out our chair?

- That's a great idea, Seamus.

- Maybe we can make a block and tackle thing,

like Ferny made.

- Or maybe we could invent a crane or something!

- [Seamus] Cool!

- Ah, well, they'll be back soon enough.

Lucky for me, their invention is due tomorrow.

(instrumental music)