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02x07 - Waking Thor

Posted: 01/01/24 19:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! We go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

(pleasant music)

- Seamus the famous grabs the ball.

He makes a break, screaming down the court.

He goes in for a layup!


Seamus the famous has done it again.


- Great playing, guys.

Oh you were wonderful, but it's time for us to go now Meg.

- [Meg] Yes!

Let me get my sweater.

- Where are you going Mom?

- Well, Meg and I are going out

for a special mother daughter day.

Shopping, lunch, the park.

- You're doing all of that without us?

- Okay Mom, let's go.

- Ah we just had a special day boys.

Today is Meg's turn.

- Meg gets to do everything.

- Mom likes her best.

- Now boys, my memory isn't what it used to be,

but didn't your mother recently

take the two of you to the bowling alley?

- That was like months ago.

- It was last Monday, if I remember correctly.

- Still, Mom likes Meg better than she likes us.

- Uh-huh.

- You wouldn't be having an attack

of the green-eyed monster now would ya, hm?

- Monster?

- Green-eyed monster is another name for jealousy.

That strange feeling you get in the pit of your stomach

when you think that your mother

likes your sister more than she likes you.

I remember when just such a monster

att*cked my friend Dannan.

Didn't hit her all at once, mind you.

It kind of snuck up on her slowly.

Dannan and her grandmother had gone down

to the train station to wait for her cousin Gaddy to arrive.

Gaddy had moved away to America

and that was before I even knew Dannan.

- There's the train, it's coming!

Do you hear it Grandma?

Do you hear it?

- Sh I can hear it all right, Dannan.

- Oh this weekend is gonna be mighty!

Is my bow on straight, Grandma?

- It's as pretty as a picture, my love.

- What about me glasses?

Do you think I look better with them on or off?

- Oh.

Well, I've always said you look

gorgeous with your glasses on.

- Oh I see it!

I see the train!

She's here, she's really here!

All the way from America.

- All the way from America.

(steam hissing)

(brakes squeal)

- Mr. McGandry, Mr. McGandry!

- Hm what oh yes, yes.

Hello there, how are you?

- My cousin Gaddy from America is here.

- Oh, well isn't that great, great news?

Yes, great news so it is.

- She's on the train!

- Oh that's fantastic, yes so it is, so it is.

- Gaddy!

- Dannan!


- Well now, isn't that grand.

A good friend of yours eh?

Right, right.

- Oh my gosh, look at you.

- I can't believe you're here!

- This is so cool.

- I love your scarf.

- I brought one for you.

- Brilliant!


- Come on girls, we better be heading off now.

- Grandy, how great to see you!

- My, well it's good to see you as well, Gaddy dear.

- Let's hurry home to the house, Gaddy.

I have so much to tell ya.

- That sweater looks so cool on you, cuz.

- Thanks.

Do you know any new dance steps?

- Oh you'll flip when you see 'em.

- Do you like my ribbon?

- It's the most!

- What kind of language do you suppose

that young lady is speaking?

You know?

- I believe they call that American.

- [Grandpa Piggley] Ah, Dannan was happy as a clam.

She and her dear cousin had so many

old memories to talk about,

and so many new memories to make.

- Remember when your dad tried

to teach you how to ride a bicycle?

- And I rode it right into that wall.


How about the time your grandma

took us out to pick blackberries

and you found that Viking helmet?

- I still have it.

Piggley and Ferny and I play with it all the time.

- Oh my gosh, I can't wait to meet them.

They sound so cool.

- They are cool.


- [Gaddy] The castle tower.

- Remember when we used to lie down on the grass up there?

- And look at the clouds?

- And see what they looked like?

- Let's go up there and do it now.

Come on, I'll race ya.

- Oh no you don't, you can't beat me!

(pleasant music)

- I can't get the gate open.


No fair, I can't open it, no fair!

- Hello, hello there!

- It's Piggley, hello boys.

I'd like you to meet my cousin Gaddy

who's come all the way from America to see me.

- Gaddy.

- Cool.

- It's nice to meet ya.

- Oh yeah, Dannan has told us so much about you.

- So what's cooking boys?

- Well, me mother's making pies this afternoon.


- Not what she means, it's an expression Piggley.

They use it all the time in America.

It means hey, what are you doing?

- Oh, I know that.

I was just playing along with you, that's all.

- Great wheels, Piggley.

- Mind yourself, the engine might still be hot.

- It must be supercharged.

- Oh it has to be, how else would we

make it all the way to the moon?

- Your car can go to the moon?

- Oh it's not a car, it's a rocket.

The fastest in the whole of Ireland.

Do you want to take it for a spin?

- You bet.

- Hey hey, I thought we were gonna look at the clouds.

- They've got clouds in America, Dannan,

but there's only one Raloo rocket.

- Oh okay then, let's blast off for the moon!

- Space station Raloo, this is astronauts

Gaddy and Dannan O'Mallard ready to lift off for the moon!

- Roger that O'Mallards, space station Raloo

has T minus five seconds and counting.

- Five, four, three two one, blastoff!

- That was so cool!

- Yeah, it was mighty all right.

- You did it!

- You landed on the moon!

- Someday, we really will fly to the moon.

- Of course we will.

- In America, we're getting ready

to send a dog into space right now.

- Jakers, a dog in space, would you fancy that?

- I believe it's in Russia that they're

going to send a dog to--

- Gaddy, we should send a dog to the moon as well.

- Oh my gosh Piggley, that would be so cool!

- They're not sending him to the moon.

They're just sending him--

- All we have to do is put him in the Raloo rocket--

- And blast off!

- Wait wait wait wait wait!

- What's the matter cuz?

- Are you two daft?

We can't go sending dogs to the moon.

- [Both] Why not?

- First of all, we don't have a dog.

- We don't?

- I'm afraid not.

- So let's just forget about this whole

dog on the moon nonsense and go watch some clouds.

- Okay.

- Wait, we might not have a dog, but we do have sheep.


Rocket command ready for takeoff.

- All systems are go.

- T minus five, four, three two one blastoff!


- Wowie wow wow wow now that was exhilarating.

I must go faster, further, higher.

I have a need for speed!

- Hey come back! - Stop sheep!

- [Ferny] Oh don't...

- Ah fiddlesticks, there goes our astronaut.

- Now what do we do?

- Now we go cloud watching.

- [Grandpa Piggley] At first, Dannan was more

than happy to share her cousin's time with Ferny and me,

but as the morning wore on that little jealousy monster

started growing inside her.

- I see a fluffy bunny and a cow.

- That one's a Viking helmet.

- Oh there, there's a washing machine.

- A washing machine?

- Yeah it's right there.

- Yeah there it is.

- I see it now.

- All I see is a gorilla, and it's just about

to gobble up Dannan's fluffy bunny.

- What what what what what?

- After it gobbles up the bunny,

it's going to eat Ferny's washing machine!


- Piggley, not me washing machine.

- Then it's going to come down

from the sky and gobble us all up!


Run for your lives!

- So we're done watching clouds then are we?

- Come on cuz, don't be a party pooper.

- [Mrs. Winks] Piggley, time for lunch now!

- Ah, just when we were having fun.

- Oh you better go, you don't want

to make your mother mad, Piggley.

- Oh I should go as well.

- We'll meet after lunch then.

- No no, Gaddy and I are going to town after lunch.

- We are? Cool.

- Oh, okay then.

Come on Ferny.

- See you later alligator.

It means goodbye, now you're supposed to say

after a while, crocodile.

- [Both] After a while, crocodile.


- Come on Gaddy, we have to be going home ourselves.

- Bye now! - Goodbye Gaddy!

- So Piggley, do you think Dannan is all right?

- Course she is, Dannan's always all right.

- Oh I don't know, she seems kind of--

- [Mrs. Winks] Piggley!

- Uh-oh, I'll see you later Ferny-gator.


- Okay, I mean after a while Piggley-dile.


- Flock, I have seen the future and it is sheep in space.

And I, Wiley Sheep, will be the first creature

to land on the moon, yes!


Laugh, laugh if you will, but today I conquer space.

Ready, five four three two one blastoff!

- [Grandpa Piggley] Now I didn't now it at the time,

but Ferny was onto something when he noticed

that Dannan was not quite herself that day.


(dog barking)

- Oh no.

There, now you look just like a movie star.

And I do as well.

- Hello. - Hey there.

- Hey it's Piggley and Ferny.

- Well what do you know?

So it is, let's go see what Miss Nanny has inside.

- Gaddy, Dannan.

- Hey Piggley, hey Ferny.

- We're on our way to see the Bug-Eyed Beast of Algora.

- A monster movie?


- Do you want to come with us?

- Oh no thank you boys, monster pictures

always give Gaddy terrible bad nightmares.

- When I was three years old they did,

but now I love them!

- Oh you do?

- Great, let's hurry or we'll miss the cartoon.


- [Seamus] Why didn't Dannan want to go, Grandpa?

- [Grandpa Piggley] Well Seamus, the thing was

our friend Dannan was starting to believe

that her cousin like Ferny and me more than she liked her.

- No way! - Poor Dannan.

- [Grandpa Piggley] Poor Dannan indeed.

Once that feeling of jealousy took hold,

it became more and more difficult for her

to share Gaddy's friendship with us.

The next morning dawned bright and new

with Dannan determined to spend

a fun-filled day with her cousin, alone.

- [Dannan] Oh don't you look beautiful cousin?


- Darling, it isn't easy being

a gorgeous, famous movie star you know?

- I know, I am absolutely gorgeous

and famous meself you know.

- I'm making movies this week, how about you?

- I'm making , and then I--

- Hey, it's Piggley and Ferny!

- Hey there.

- Go away, we're doing girl stuff.

- So that's girl stuff.

- I tell ya, it's lucky we're boys Ferny.

- Whoa, those are the weirdest looking

baseball bats I've ever seen.

- They aren't baseball bats, they're hurling sticks.

We don't play baseball.

- What?

Oh my gosh, you just have to play baseball.

It's so cool!

Want me to teach you?

Come on cuz, I'm going to teach you how to play baseball!

- But I thought we were...

- Get ready to learn the great American pastime boys.

You play with two teams.

One team throws the ball, and the other team hits it.



- Jakers, that sounds great.

- We need to find a field to play in

'cause we need to set up three bases and a home plate.

- [Piggley] Come on!

- Now would you look at that.

All your good friends are getting along

tremendously well, Dannan.

- I know, they're playing together like they're best pals.

- That's always nice to open up your circle of friends

and let someone in, don't you think?

- No.

- And why's that, Dannan?

- Gaddy really likes them, Grandma.

I mean she really likes them.

It's not fair, she's my cousin.

- Oh Dannan.

- Come on Dannan, let's go play some baseball!

Come on cuz, let's play ball!

(upbeat music)

- [Grandpa Piggley] Soon we had gathered

some baseball equipment and everyone

was ready for cousin Gaddy to teach us a new game.

Everyone that is, except Dannan.

- Okay team, the first thing you have to learn

is how to chatter out there, so let's hear it.

Hey batter batter, swing batter batter!

- Hey batter, swing batter batter!

- Okay, batter, it's time to swing now.

Go on batter!


- Swing batter.

- Okay Ferny, see if you can pitch the ball.

Burn one over the plate!

Throw it hard and-- - Yah!

- Fast.

- [Grandpa Piggley] Learning to play baseball

was tons of fun and we were fast learners,

but Dannan seemed anxious

for the whole thing to be over with.

- Strike one.

Strike two.

Strike three, all right I'm out, game over, let's go home.

- Wait, my turn.

- [Grandpa Piggley] We should have seen

that Dannan was unhappy, but we were

all having too much fun to notice.

- [Ferny] Don't let a sheep beat ya!

- Go on throw it!

- Stop!


- You're all safe, four points, game over, let's go.

- Jakers, the game's not over.

Why do you keep saying it is?

- You boys can take everything home with ya.

- Dannan, I, I think we're--

- My cousin and I have lots of things to do today.

- Cuz what is wrong with you?

- I don't want to play anymore!

- You don't?

- I never did want to play, Piggley wanted to play baseball.

- Well why didn't you say something?

- I...

Well, you know.

- We don't have to play baseball,

there's lots of games we can play together.

- No, I don't want to play together!

I just want to play with you, Gaddy!

- What?

But Dannan, you love playing with Piggley and Ferny.

You told me so yourself a jillion times.

- You love playing with them as well,

more than you love playing with me.

That's what I think.


- Oh Dannan, that's not true at all.

I do like your friends, they're as cool

as you told me they were, but you're my cousin

and I love you forever.

- Oh yeah?

- That's why you have such great friends.

- Oh, I'm so embarrassed.

Gaddy's right, my friends are the best.

I should have nothing to be jealous about.

So let's play ball!

- [Grandpa Piggley] And just like that,

Dannan's encounter with jealousy was over

and we spent the rest of the afternoon together

learning the game of baseball.

- I must go faster, further, higher!

A new day, a new mission to the moon.

Five, four, three, yikes!


- This weekend was a real blast, cuz.

- I wish you didn't have to go.

- Oh she'll be back again soon I'm sure.

I'll see to that.

- Cool, and next time I'll bring

some real baseball equipment.

- Look, that cloud looks just like a baseball bat!


- Whoa, look at that crazy cloud.

It looks like a sheep.


- Dannan's cousin Gaddy came back to visit us

many times after that, and we all

got along just fine every visit.

- [Mom] Oh hi kids.

- We had so much fun.

We had the best lunch, and we went to the park and--

- Now Meg, don't rub it in.

The boys didn't get to go, remember?

- Oh that's okay.

- We'll get to go another time.

- [Sean] What'd you get Meg?

- What happened?

I thought the twins would still

be unhappy they couldn't go with us.

- Well now, as it turns out they battled

the jealousy monster this afternoon and won.

(instrumental music))