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02x04 - Rain, Rain, Go Away

Posted: 01/01/24 19:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loved so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are down right stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up

♪ It's down right amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

- There you go little cabbage,

right next to the parsley.

You two should get along famously.

(horn honking)

- Grandpa!

- Grandpa, we're back!

- Good to see you boys.

- Did you miss us?

- We went swimming every day.

- I found a frog.

- I found a turtle.

- Sounds like you had a grand time at camp, huh?

And look how much you've grown in just a week.

- Come on Seamus, let's go see Curly.

- I bet he'll be happy to see us.

- You know little cabbage,

if I didn't know better,

I'd say those boys miss their pet caterpillar

more than they miss me. (chuckling)

- He's gone.

- Curly's gone!

- What's this now?

- Our caterpillar, he's not in his bowl, Grandpa.

- It's all Meg's fault.

She was supposed to watch him for us.

- Where is Meg?

She owes us a new caterpillar.

- I don't want a new caterpillar.

- Hold your horses there boys.

Before you go accusing your sister of some terrible misdeed,

are you sure you've got all the facts?

- Yes. - We're sure.

- [Grandpa] Well, that's good then.

I wouldn't want you making the same mistake

that Dannan made.

- Was it a big one?

- Oh, it was a classic.

I believe it all began one afternoon

when we'd all gathered after school

to play a friendly game of horseshoes.

(clanking noise)

- Woo hoo! Ha! Another ringer.

You're finished now, Piggley.

Woo hoo!

- Don't be posing for the papers yet, Dannan.

I still got another pitch left.

- Oh, come on, Piggley.

You can do it. I know you can.

- [Elly] Piggley!

- Whoa!

(whirring) (clanking)

(hens clucking)

(playful music)

- Hey, somebody get the number of that bus.

- Woo hoo! I won, I won, I won!

- I should get to take that shot again.

- Oh, there you are Piggley.

- Oh, mammy, I was just about to win

the horseshoe tournament when you called.

- Oh, I'm sorry little man.

You think some milk and cake might ease your pain?

- Definitely!

- Why don't you three go and help yourselves

while I find your sister and Fergal.

- Come on lads.

- Ahoy, right behind you.

- Save some for me!

- So, the bold knight stepped bravely

toward the fire breathing dragon and shouted--

- Children! Cake and milk!

(donkey braying)

- There's nothing like mammy's cake

to get me horseshoe throwing arm a bit more power!

(playful music)

Dannan, prepare to be dazzled.


(whirring and clanging sound)

(hens clucking)

- When did I start living on the edge?

- Dannan, why are you screaming like a banshee?

- My schoolbag!

Oh, who would do such a thing?

- Don't be looking at me!

- I didn't do it.

- I was eating cake.

- Me too.

- It was Finnegan!

Piggley, your donkey ate me schoolbag!

- Finnegan? Are you daft?

Finnegan would never do a thing like that.

- Then what is he chewing on right now?

- Oh, now we'll never know.

- Well, who else could it have been?

He was the only one here.

Look, his foot prints are all around me poor, helpless bag.

What more proof do you need than that?

- Finnegan would never do such a naughty thing.

- I'm afraid this time he has, Molly.

Don't you agree, Ferny?

- Uh, well, I....

- Come on, Ferny.

You know as well as I do

that Finnegan's as innocent as a baby.

- Well, there are hoof prints, Piggley.

- Ha!

- But then, none of us did really see him do it.

- Ha!

- So, I don't know.

- What?

- Of course you do.

- No, really, I don't.

- Well, I say he's guilty!

- And I say he's innocent.

- Oh, this is just like what happens

on that radio show, Judge Gerber,

defender of the innocent.

You get to listen to both sides of the story,

then decide if the accused did a bad thing.

- Or didn't do a bad thing.

- That's it then,

we'll have to have a trial to decide

if Finnegan ate Dannan's schoolbag or not.

(dramatic music)

- Please, please, don't everybody crowd.

(birds chirping)

Huh? Wait a minute, wait a minute!

You can't lock me out.

I'm the foreman of the jury.

Hey! (whistling) Open up!

- Here ye, here ye!

This court room is now in session.

- [Grandpa] And so began the biggest trial

in the history of Raloo's barnyard.

Dannan versus Finnegan the Donkey.

- All rise for the Honorable Judge Ferny.

(hens clucking)

- You may be seated.

- Judge Ferny, should I call in the jury?

- Oh, I'm not sure.

What's a jury?

- It's a special group of citizens

that gets to decide if Finnegan is guilty or not.

- Then, let's call them all in.

- Call in the jury!

Do we bring in the accused now?

- Bring in the accused!

- Now, don't worry about a thing, Finnegan.

I'm your lawyer.

There's no way they'll be sending you off to prison.

- Your honor, as prosecutor,

I intend to prove that the accused,

Finnegan the Donkey,

did, without so much as a may I please,

chomp my poor schoolbag to pieces.

(animal sounds)

- Order. Order in the court!

Attorney Piggley, what do you have to say for old Finnegan?

- (clearing throat) Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

as attorney for the defense,

I will prove that Dannan is wrong!

It will be up to this attractive, smart,

brave, loyal, trustworthy jury to decide

who is telling the truth.

Me or that super clever, shifty eyed,

troublemaking girl, Dannan O'Mallard.

(animal sounds)

- Order! Order, I say!

- Your honor, I'd like to begin by calling

me star witness, me!

Dannan O'Mallard, will you please come to the stand?

- Do you promise to tell the truth?

- Oh, yes. I never tell a lie.

Is it true that you own one of the finest

schoolbags in all of Tara?

Yes, that's true.

Is it not also true that you really love this schoolbag?

With all me heart.

And is it not also true that your beloved bag

was viciously chewed by Finnegan the Donkey?

Who else could've done it?

You make a very good point.

Well, there we were having a great game of horseshoes.

I was clobbering the opposition as usual.

- Oh, please, Dannan, I'm only asking you

to have pity on a poor farmer's son.

Let me score just one little point.

- [Ferny] Oh, come on, Piggley. You can do it.

- [Elly] Children! Milk and cake!

(playful music)

- Jakers! What a champion.

- My hero.

(sneaky music)

- And that's just the way it happened.

(animal sounds)

- Judge Ferny, did you hear that?

- The wig slipped over me ears.

- Oh, alright.

Miss O'Mallard, tell me this,

did you see Finnegan chewing on your bag?

- I saw him chewing on something, alright.

- But, did you see him chewing on your schoolbag?

- Well, no.

- A ha!

- But, it must've been my schoolbag.

What else could it have been?

- Oh, let's see.

It could've been oats, grass, hay, chewing gum.

- My schoolbag.

- Maybe, but you don't know that for sure, do you?

- No. I don't know for sure.

- Thank you.

No further questions.

- Wowwy, wow, wow, wow.

She just cracked under pressure.

Oh, I just gotta get in on this.

- State your full name, please.

- Molly Winks, your sister.

Don't you remember me?

- Never mind.

Now, would you please tell the jury,

in your own words,

exactly what happened.

- Well, Fergal, Finnegan and I were sitting

under the old tree.

- Stepped bravely toward the fire breathing dragon

and shouted--

- [Elly] Children! Cake!

- Finnegan stayed behind to take a little nap.

And then he saw it.

(dramatic music)

(rustling sounds)

It was a terrible dragon!

(sniffing sounds)

(dramatic music)

All he wanted in the world was to eat Dannan's schoolbag.

Finnegan would have none of that.

Oh, it was a terrible battle,

but Finnegan wasn't afraid.

The dragon didn't have a chance.

At that's how Finnegan saved the schoolbag

and all of Ireland.

- What, what, what, what, what!

- It's your turn to question the witness, Dannan.

- Oh, Molly, that was a great story.

- Miss Winks, I'd like to point out

one teeny little problem with your story.

There are no such things as dragons.

- It's just a story.

- Thank you, Miss Winks.

That'll be all.

(animal sounds)

- Quiet everyone!

Quiet please!

I'm new at this judging thing,

but shouldn't we find a witness

who actually saw something?

- Sure, that's a great idea Judge Ferny.

The trouble is no one was in the barnyard

when the crime was committed.

No one except you!


- Sweet Sally from Sligo.

You're not going to believe this, girls.

The next witness is a chicken.

What are they thinking?

Who's gonna believe a chicken?

(crashing and clanging sounds)

- Now then, ma'am.

Do you remember seeing anything unusual

in the barnyard this morning?

(hen clucking)

Tell me, Miss Chicken, did you or did you not

see Finnegan the Donkey eat Dannan's schoolbag?

(hen clucking)

- Leave it to your man, Piggley, to question a chicken.

- Well....


Is that a yes or a no?

- I think it's an egg.

- Your honor, we don't need another witness.

Finnegan left a trail of hoof prints

plain as the wig on your head.

He's guilty!

- And I say he's innocent.

Finnegan is no schoolbag eater.

- Alright then, it's time for the jury

to make a decision.

- Right, let's ask the jury.

- Well, okay.

Jury, what's it to be?

Is Finnegan guilty or innocent?

Did he do it or didn't he?

(drum roll)

- Hello, boss of the jury. Head sheep here.

Somebody let me in!

(dramatic music)

(sheep sounds)

- Was that a guilty or a not guilty?

- I don't know. I don't speak sheep.

- Well, then, I guess it's up to you, Judge Ferny.

Is Finnegan guilty or innocent?

- Well, no one really saw him do it,

but then, there were all those hoof prints

around the chewed up bag.

And we did see him chewing something.


- [Grandpa] Oh, it was looking bad for old Finnegan.

Ferny was just about to announce him guilty

when suddenly I noticed something.

- I think Finnegan is--

- Wait!

Your honor, I believe I can prove my client is innocent.

- You can?

- You can?

- Baa baa?

- I can. I really can.

Your honor, I'd like to move the trial outside

to the very scene of the crime.

(animal sounds)

- Right then. We're moving it outside.

- Let me in!

Ha, they're opening it. I knew it.

They can't run a trial without me.

(galloping sounds)

(birds chirping)

Hey, what's going on?

Where is everybody?

Where's the trial?

Hey, let me out of here!

- Alright now, whoever made these hoof prints

probably ate the schoolbag, right?

- You're absolutely right!

They left a trail of shame.

- But look, these hoof prints are divided in two,

like a cow hoof.

But Finnegan's hooves are in one piece.

Therefore, his prints are in one piece, like horseshoes.

- Oh, great deducting.

(animal sounds)

- Ladies and gentlemen of the court,

it's obvious to me these prints do not belong

to the poor, old donkey, Finnegan.

Finnegan is innocent!

(animal sounds)

Thank you. Thank you very much.

- Oh, Janey Mack, Piggley's right.

- Well now, if it wasn't Finnegan, who was it then?

- Those prints go this way.

Let's see where they lead to.

(bright music)

Look! It's the goat!

- And he's chewing on me beautiful schoolbag strap!

- It wasn't Finnegan after all!

(animal sounds)

- I am sorry, Piggley.

I suppose I was being a little hasty,

jumping to conclusions about Finnegan

and all of that.

- Well, it's easy to do.

Lucky for me though, I've never done it.

Except for maybe once or twice.

Ha ha.

- I shouldn't have left me schoolbag laying around either.

For any nasty, smelly, old goat could gobble it down.

(snorting sound)

- We don't think the goat liked hearing that, Dannan.


(screaming and yelling) (scampering sounds)

- Quick, in here.

(jubilant cheering)

(exciting music)

- Ah ha! I'm alone again.

What is it with you people?

(ominous music)

- Uh oh.


- I think he's gone.

- (clearing throat) I now declare this trial

officially over and done with.

- [Grandpa] And with that the trial of the century

came to a stunning conclusion.

Finnegan was declared innocent,

and justice carried the day.

So, you see lads, it's always a good idea

to make sure you got all the facts

before you run off accusing people.

- Well, I guess we did make up our minds

kind of fast about the caterpillar.

- Now, you're getting the idea.

- But, grandpa, Curly's our special pet.

He wouldn't just run off.

- And if Meg didn't lose him, where is he?

- I don't believe Curly is lost at all.

In fact, he's right here in front of your faces.

You see, when a caterpillar grows up,

he becomes a butterfly.

Curly just grew up.

- Curly?

- Is a butterfly now?

- Cool!

- Wow!

- It's a pleasure to meet you, Curly.

(instrumental music)