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02x02 - Molly Had a Little Lamb

Posted: 01/01/24 19:38
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Jakers! This is the tales of our pal, Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Somethin' in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's onto a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up

♪ It's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief

♪ Well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! Go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

(playful music)

- Well, now!

I've seen storm clouds that look happier than

you two look today!

What's wrong, boys?

- We're not playing with Meg anymore.

- Ever!

- Oh, I see!

- She made up a new game.

- With all new rules!

- And we think it's bogus.

- Totally bogus!

- Well, it's no wonder you're disowning her then.

After all, you boys would never

make up a game like that now, would ya?

- Sure, we would!

- We make up lots of games.

- Of course ya do!

I mean, after all, there's just as many ways to

play with a basketball as there are ways to be a cowboy.

- Huh? - Cowboy?!

- Come on, lads!

Stand tall!

Put on your gallon hat,

saddle up your horse and head for the horizon!

- Grandpa, what are you talking about?

- I'm talking about being a cowboy.

Why, the Raloo Wranglers were the

rootinest, tootinest cowboys in all of Ireland.

At least that's how we felt whenever we'd listen to

Buck Bravo, Frontier Sheriff.

- [Radio Announcer] Like a streak of lightning,

Buck Bravo and his brave horse Dusty

race to stop the runaway wagon.

(radio chatter)

- Ride 'em, cowboy!


- [Villain] You'll never stop

the wagon in time, Sheriff Bravo! Never!

(villain laughing)


- [Grandpa] Buck Bravo was more than a radio show to us,

it was real life!

Whenever Buck saved the day, we were right there with him.

- Gotcha!

- [Buck Bravo] Well, there you be, Miss Bessie.

The town and schoolhouse are safe.

Isn't that right, Dusty?

(horse neighing)

(bell ringing)


- No, please! Not the kiss!

- [Kids] Noooo!

- Wait!

Oh, it's okay, lads.

He's just kissin' his horse.

(sighing relief)

- [Radio Annnouncer] Well, radio wranglers!

It's time for Buck and Dusty to say so long!

We'll see you around these here parts again real soon!

(country instrumental)

♪ We'll ride into the sunset

♪ 'cause it's what cowboys do

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ On a horse, on the saddle

♪ I'll be thinking of you

♪ Yodel ay hee hoo

- [Radio Announcer] So long, wranglers!

- So long, Buck!

- [Grandpa] Buck Bravo got us so excited,

we just had to be cowboys ourselves!

- [Grandson] Grandpa, you were in Ireland.

- [Brother] There are no cowboys in Ireland!

- [Grandpa] Ah, but we had our imaginations!

And that was enough to make us anything we wanted to be.

(playful music)

- Jakers! Look!

- [Ferny] Janey Mac, it's a star!

- [Dannan] A badge!

- [Piggley] A sheriff's badge!

- Yippee aye oh!

We're all gonna be sheriffs!

- Sorry, Dannan.

But this is a one sheriff town.

- What?

- Besides, there's only one star.

- And who voted you in as the one sheriff?

- Well, you know, you don't vote for sheriff.

- Well, how do you decide who gets to be sheriff, Piggley?

- [Grandpa] It took some thinking,

but we finally agreed upon a fair way to

decide who would be the sheriff.

(dramatic music)

- So. (clears throat)

The one who gets his rock

closest to the can wins the star.

- Alright, I'll go first!

Ha! Ha ha!

Can you beat that, Piggley?!

- Of course I can!

Jakers! I did it!

- That was a great toss there, Piggley.

- Oh, it's my turn now!

- Okay, Ferny.

Take careful aim and give it all you've got.

Oh, nice try, Ferny.

You can be me deputy.

(rock whistling)

- Flawless, Piggley!

I believe this belongs to Sheriff Ferny.

- But-

- Sorry, Piggley. Ferny won fair and square.

- Oh, Janey Mac!

- It looks great, Sheriff Ferny.

And don't worry about a thing,

I'll give you all the help you need.

- Okay, Sheriff, what do we do?

- Oh, let's pretend we're hot on the trail of

the fiercest outlaw of all time.

- Hold on there, partner!

I'm the Sheriff of these here parts,

so I reckon that I'll get to decide

what needs a sheriff-in', uh huh.

(Piggley stammering)

- Okay then, what do we do?

- Follow me!

(exciting music)

- Oh, okay then.

(sheep baaing)

- So, here we are, grazing again.

That's all we ever do!

It's boring!

Even my teeth are boring!

Well, it may be okay for you, but not for me!

So, today, we're all going to learn how to play football!

American football!

You kick it, run with it, throw it.

It's a game.

Good energy, flock!

Now, the rules are simple.

Fifteen players tackle --

not tickle, tackle!

(whistle blowing)

Time out!

(adventurous music)

- Whoa there, posse!

- What is it, Sheriff?

- Tracks!

It's just as I had feared.

The most frighten'st varmints this town has ever seen.

- Thunderin' saddles!

You mean--

- Yep! It's a whole band of--

- What? A band of what?

(birds tweeting)

- Oh, coyotes.

- Coyotes?

- Coyotes, that's right!

- But sheriffs track down desperadoes!

And sidewinders!

Not coyotes!

- Well, these are very bad coyotes.

- Well, then leave them for the coyote catcher!

We should be on the trail of Peakos Peter,

the high mountain g*ng!

Come on, Ferny!

- That's Sheriff Ferny!

And it's my sworn duty to go after those coyotes.

- Are we really going to chase coyotes?!

- Lead the way, Sheriff Ferny.

- Ugh!

- Okay, now that we've got a football team,

we're gonna need cheerleaders.

It'll be your job to do fancy cheers like this,

Ra ra ra! Sis boom ba!

Go sheep, go sheep,

baa, baa, baa!

Do you think you can do that?

(record scratching)

(upbeat music)

♪ Alright

♪ Oh yeah

♪ Uh huh

♪ Uh huh

♪ Uh huh

♪ Uh huh

♪ Uh huh

- Whew! That was good.

All that and built in pom poms, too?

- [Grandpa] We spent the better part of the afternoon

looking for coyotes, but never found any.

Ferny said it was because he was such a good sheriff

that the coyotes were hiding from us in fear.


Then, Millie saw us and joined in our game too.

- You're Millie the Kid, terror of the west,

and the Raloo Wranglers are hot on your trail.

- Does that mean I'm a villain?

- Oh, sure!

You're the greatest villain to ever ride the plains.

And more fun to chase than coyotes.

You'll pretend like you've just robbed the first town bank,

and we heroes will track you all the way to your hide out,

and then bring you to justice!

- I could do that.

- Or you could pretend that

you're Mississippi Milly,

the new rancher who's come out

in your covered wagon with your cattle,

Texas longhorns.

- I like that, Sheriff Ferny.

- But then, what are we going to do?!

Sheriffs and deputies don't herd cattle!

- Well, seein' as these are extra special cattle,

they need extra special protection,

you know, from the coyotes.

- Jakers!

With the coyotes again!

Coyotes are this small!

Texas longhorns are this big!

Coyotes can't catch longhorns!

- Well, they can if they're organized.

Come on, everyone!

Let's moooove out!

Yippee aye oh!

That's what they say in the west.

- Yippee aye oh!

- Yippe aye oh!

(adventurous music)

(dramatic music)

- What's that Thunderbolt?

He's picked up the scent of a g*ng of desperadoes.

Oh, there must be hundreds of them.

Lead the way, Thunderbolt!

Ah, come on then, Thunderbolt.

I guess they don't want to have any real fun.

- [Father] Son, you've hardly touched

your third helpin' of stew,

is somethin' botherin' ya?

- Ah, it's Ferny, dad.

He doesn't know anything about bein' a sheriff.

I mean, have you ever heard of

Buck Bravo goin' after coyotes?

- I can't say I have, son.

- If I was the sheriff, we'd be out

catchin' outlaws and desperadoes

and mad lookin' scoundrels.


- I see.

So you'd be a much better sheriff than Ferny,

would you know?

- Of course I would.

- Really?

- Maybe not better, but--

- It wouldn't be that you only want to play

if everyone else plays your way?

- My way is fun, dad!

- Son, you don't have to lead the team to

have fun, you know?

- Dad, is the chat about bein' a team player, now?

You don't have to worry,

because I already got that at school.


- Some things need repeatin'.

- Oh, right.

- So, as long as you're playin' cowboys,

why don't you give yourself a chance to

play Ferny's way, hm?

You might be surprised at how much fun you'll have.

- Okay, dad.

As long as we play cowboys, Ferny is the sheriff.

(adventurous music)

- Whoa!

- [Piggley] Avast, me mateys!

Come aboard and we'll set sail for the seven seas,

in search of buried treasure!

- Piggley, are you daft?!

You can't ride horses on a sailing ship!

- Besides, we're hot on the trail of the coyote g*ng.

- Forget about coyotes!

This ship is headed for uncharted lands!

- And who would be the captain of this ship, hm?

- You can be captain.

Captain Dannan of the Irish navy.

Ferny can be bosun and Millie can be first mate!

I'm the admiral!

- Oh Piggley, you just want to play sea explorers

so you can be in charge.

I know you.

- Not at all!

I just figured we've had enough cowboys for the week.

- Well, I haven't.

- Me neither.

- I love cowboys.

- So, it looks like we're all ready to

saddle up and mosey along.

- I'm an admiral, I don't have to mosey!

- Piggley.

- Dad.

- Have you learned your lesson then, prisoner Piggley?

- Yes, I've learned my lesson, Ferny.

- [Ferny] Sheriff.

- Sheriff Ferny.

- Then I reckon I can set ya free.

- Now what, Sheriff Ferny?

- Well, since Piggley's a reformed rustler who

once was on the side of the coyotes,

he can help us track them down.

- [Grandpa] I remembered what my dad said about

giving Ferny a chance.

And since I hadn't been having fun on my own,

I decided to play along.

- Okay, I'm in.

- [Kids] Yip, yip, yip ee aye oh!


- Yip!

(adventurous music)

(banjo instrumental)

- [Grandpa] I went along with Ferny,

but truth be told,

I really didn't give him much of a chance.

As I saw it, he was doing everything wrong!

Then Ferny did something,

and I just couldn't take it anymore.

- You wrap it around just once,

then the trick is to make a loop.

- You're doin' it all wrong!

- What?

- That's not how cowboys tie a hitch.

- Well, sure it is, it's a slipknot.

- That's a granny knot.

- No, it's a slipknot.

Just like Buck Bravo's.

- Buck Bravo doesn't tie like that.

- [Ferny] Yes, he does!

- [Piggley] No, he doesn't!

- [Ferny] Yes, he does!

- If Buck Bravo's on the radio,

how do you know how he ties his knots?

- Sheriffs know these things.

- Ferny, you're not really a real sheriff,

and you don't really know these things.

- Yes, I do!

- No, you don't!

- I do! - You don't!

- I do!! - You don't!!

- I do! - No, you don't!

- I do! - You don't!

(sheep baaing)

- [Cheerleaders] Baa, baa, baa!

Baa, baa, baa!

Baa, baa!

- Then let's play ball!

(upbeat music)

Come on, a little hustle in there!

Bernie! Get that ball!

Come on, let's play!

(clock ticking)

Okay, fine. Be that way!

I'm takin' my ball and I'm goin' home.

(sheep baaing)

Now you decide to play?


- Yes, I do. - No, you don't.

- [Ferny] I do! - [Piggley] You don't!

- [Ferny] I do!

- [Piggley] You don't.

(sheep baaing) (stampede approaching)

- What's that?

(sheep baaing)

- Stampede!

(sheep baaing)

- The goal post, the goal post!

I'm saved!

- Piggley, look!

Your gate is open!

- Jakers!

If the sheep run out, there'll be no stopping them!

- Piggley, quick, get in the wagon!

- Okay!

(exciting music)

- Watch out!

- How many teams are there in this crazy game?!

- [Piggley] Jakers!

- Go left!

- We'll never make it!

- Oh, yes we will!

- Oh, I can't look!

- Jakers!

That was brilliant!

Buck Bravo never had such a chase!


- We did it!

- No, Ferny! You did it!

You saved the sheep!

That was very quick thinking altogether,

very sheriff-like of you.

- Oh, you really think so?

- Absolutely!

And it was great fun as well.

You're a brilliant sheriff, Ferny.

As brilliant as Buck Bravo.

- Oh, thanks, Piggley.

It's fun to be the leader sometimes!

- Well, don't get too used to it.

- What?

- I'm just teasin' ya, Ferny.

- I knew that.


- From now on, we can take turns being

the leader of our games.

You and me!

- Ahem!

- Oh! And Dannan and Millie too.

- Come on then, let's get back to our cowboyin' duties.

Those coyotes are still on the loose.

- Right!

Where do you reckon they are, Sheriff Ferny?

- I reckon they're holed up in the old ghost town.

- Ghost town!


- This is so excitin'!

- Saddle up, Raloo Wranglers!

Yippee aye oh!

- [Kids] Yippee aye oh!

- [Grandpa] And so, with Sheriff Ferny leading the way,

we played cowboys for the rest of the weekend

and I must admit

I had a rip-roaring time chasing coyotes.

There are bad ones, you know.

- Wow, Grandpa!

Ferny's way of sheriffing sounds awesome!

- Yeah, I don't know why you didn't just

play his way in the first place!

- I guess I thought his way was bogus,

as you would say yourself.

Until I tried it, that is.

- Okay, Grandpa! You win!

We'll try playing basketball by Meg's rules.

- Right.

You never know, we might even like her game.

- You'll never know until you try.

- [Grandkids] Yippee aye oh!

- Ah, sometimes those boys are almost as smart

as their old grandpa.

(instrumental music)