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01x26 - Lucky U

Posted: 01/01/24 19:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tale of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's onto a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! Go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

(pleasant music)

- [Sean] Grandpa?

- Here now Sean, now spare your throat and write it down.

You're not to be using your voice

so soon after having your tonsils out, you know.

Ah yes, yes, Seamus will be back

soon to spend some time with you.

Yes, I suppose he was lucky he's not

to have his tonsils out too, hm?

Oh but you'll be fit as a fiddle soon enough.

In the meantime, you'll just have to make the best of it.

I believe you're asking me how you can make the best of it.

Well now, your brother will be a big help

in keeping you company and all that, I'm sure.

Why I remember a time when my friends

were a great help to me when I was

having a bit of a rough time.

It was a long time ago when I had

a small problem with my right arm.

You see, a little bit of an argument

with a tree while playing a game of football,

and the tree won.

- Oh I never had a broken arm, Piggley.

What's it feel like?

- I can't explain it, Ferny.

It never comes off.

I don't mind too much, but it does make

some things a little difficult.

- [Mr. Winks] Piggley?

- It's even hard to eat.

Still, I'll be happy when it comes time

to take this old cast off.

Me right arm is a lot smarter than me left one.

(bells ringing)

- Come on boys, time for school.

- Let's go! - Right!


- Whoa, what a beautiful day,

beautiful weather, beautiful meadow.

And a big, beautiful wad of gum on the bottom of my hoof.

Who chews gum in a meadow?

What is gum good for anyway?

The flavor's gone after a few chews.

Then you spit it out, and I step in it.

And now I have a tree branch stuck

to the bottom of my beautiful hoof.

- Class, as you all know the school fair

is this Sunday, and I hope all of you

are planning to participate.

If any of your parents would like

to contribute cakes or pies for the event,

they're more than welcome as they would be perfect

as prizes for our games.

- Hey, Piggley Dinks, does it itch?

- Does what itch?

- Your arm, mine did when I had a cast on it.

It was like a thousand bug bites,

all itching under there at once.

And it was a real deep down itch, way under the cast

where I couldn't even come close to reaching it.

I thought I was going to go daft, it itched so badly.


- Piggley, are you all right there?

- A thousand bug bites, under my cast!

I can't take it!

- No no, Piggley, you mustn't put a pencil under there.

Nothing can go under your cast now.


- But, Mr. Hornsby, I can't not scratch under there.

It itches.

- I'm sorry Piggley.

You know I remember when I once wore a cast

I found it helped to have cold air blown beneath it.

- But, I can't reach it!

- Let's see if this helps.


- Oh, thank you Mr. Hornsby.

You're brilliant.

- Well, thank you Piggley.

Now, if you need to use it again

I'm sure Ferny or Dannan will help you out.

- Well, that solves that problem.

- Maybe, but I think your problems have just begun.


- Get off

my foot!

Yes, I have an idea.

This is smart.

This is using my brain.

Oh this is good, this is really good.

I am master of the gum, I am, wow!

(chickens clucking, clattering)


Now, what do I do about this attractive shovel I'm wearing?

- Does it itch yet Piggley?

- No, not yet Ferny.

- Not even a tiny bit?

Not even a hint of an itch?

- Will ya stop asking him Ferny?

Piggley will tell ya when it starts itching again.

- But I can't wait to use the bellows.

It's so much fun.


- Hey, Piggley Dinks, catch!

Great catch, now throw it back will ya?

Never mind, I'll get it myself.

- Hector, you know very well that

Piggley's throwing arm is broken.

- Right, so I'll be winning the ball toss contest

at the school fair this year, won't I?

- The ball toss!

- You always win the ball toss, Piggley.

- That's right, I do and I'll win it again this year too.

- What?

You can't win.

Your arm is broken.

- I have another one.

I'll just use this one to throw with.


- That's a good one, Piggley.

Throwing with your left arm, I can't wait to see that.


- Uh Piggley, do you really think

you can teach your left arm to toss a ball?

- Of course I can, sure I've got 'til Sunday haven't I?

- Well if anyone can do it, Piggley can.

(geese honking)

- [Grandpa Piggley] I was mighty determined to make

my left arm work as well as my right,

so I started using it for everything I could think of,

but it had never been asked to do these things before

and it was having a bit of trouble.

Still, I was determined to make the best

of this bad situation.


I decided my left arm wasn't all that clever after all

and I need to concentrate on just teaching it to throw.

- Ferny, Dannan, hurry!

I've got an itch that's driving me mad!

- [Both] My turn!

- You used it last, Ferny!

- No I think it was you, Dannan.

- [Dannan] No it wasn't.

- [Ferny] Yes it was.

- Just scratch it!


Thank you.

- Enough scratching, Piggley.

It's time for some training.

- Right.

You two go way out there,

and I'll throw the ball to you.

- [Dannan] Well that's kind of far away

for your first try, isn't it Piggley?

- Can't be too easy, that's what training is all about.

- Okay then, let's go way, way out there Dannan.

- Okay now, here we go!

- What did he say, Dannan?

- I think he's saying hello, let's wave back to him.

- [Both] Hello!

(inspiring music)

(music slows)


- Has he thrown it yet, Dannan?

- No, not yet.

- You're not a very fast learner, are you arm?

Ah, the itch, it's back.

Ferny, Dannan, quick, I need the bellows!

The bellows!

- Oh Dannan look, Piggley's saying hello to us again.

Hello! - Hello!

- This itch is

driving me mad!

I can't oh!


- Would you look at that? - Janey Mack!


- Piggley.

- You did it!

- Ferny, ah, the bellows quick!

- Huh, oh right.


- Thanks Ferny.

- Piggley, you've just thrown

the longest ball toss I've ever seen!

- Are you daft, Dannan?

I was just trying to scratch my itch

and the ball flew out of my hand.

- All the way across the field, so it did.

- It must have been all that spinning

and twisting I was doing that made the ball go so far.

- Well then, you've got to do it all again

if you want to beat Hector, that is.

- Okay then.

I think, I think it went something like this.


- Okay, maybe you twisted when

you were supposed to spin, Piggley.

- Good, good, that's it.

Two push, two pull.

Now this is organization.

This is a plan.

This is...


Ha, this is me with no more shovel.

(creaking, clucking)


- How far was that one?

- You know Piggley, I'm thinking

maybe this spinning and twisting thing

isn't going to work after all.

- It has to work, the ball toss contest is tomorrow.

- Maybe you're forgetting something, Piggley.

Was there anything else you were doing

when you threw the ball so far?

- No, I had a terrible itch on my arm

so I started spinning and--

- That's it!

- [Both] Huh?

- Ferny, stop scratching.

- Wha?

- Piggley, it's the itch that's made you throw so far!

- Oh, the itch!

Itching is what made me throw so far,

so it's no more scratching for me

until the ball toss contest is over.

- Oh.

But, but Piggley, the contest isn't until tomorrow.

- I know, so I should be good

and itchy by then, that's for sure.

I'll see you lads tomorrow, and remember,

don't let me use the bellows

no matter how much I beg you.

- Oh I hope he makes it through the night, Ferny.

- That's it, come on.

Get real itchy.

Get so itchy that the ball goes miles!

Wait, no not quite that itchy.

Oh that's too itchy, too itchy.

Oh, no, no, too itchy is good.

Too itchy is, ah, too itchy!


(crowd chattering)

- You're in fine form for the

ball toss contest today, Piggley.

I can feel it in your arm.

- It's the other arm that I'm feeling, Dannan.

It's itching worse than a dog full of fleas.

- Ring toss here, three tries to win a pie.

Take a chance and win a slice of fresh baked apple pie.

- Oh, oh, let's play the ring toss game, Piggley.

Maybe that'll take your mind off the itching.

- Care to take a chance?

- Go on Piggley, win us some pie.

- Ah, here you go boyo and good luck to you.

- Right, good luck Piggley Dinks.

You're going to need it.

(clears throat)

- Janey Mack.

That isn't going to win us any pie.

- It's not going to win you the ball toss contest, either.

- Care to try your luck, Hector?

- I don't need luck, Mr. Hornsby.

I have skill.

- Well, look at that.

One toss, one win,

one piece of pie for Hector.

- Mm, thanks Mr. Hornsby.

See you at the ball toss contest, fellas.

- Oh that Hector really ruffles my feathers.

- Don't worry Dannan, my itch is itchy enough now

to send that ball halfway around the world.

- Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.

It's time to begin the ball toss contest.

Let's find out who has the strongest arm

in all of Tara?

- Come on Piggley, the ball toss contest is starting.

- Is your itch itching really itchy now, Piggley?

- I'm going daft, it's so itchy.

- That's just the way we want it, Piggley.

Don't scratch now.

- [Ferny] I can't wait to see Hector's face

when you throw the ball.

- Me neither, that'll be the greatest

moment in time, won't it Piggley?


Now where did that boy go?

- [Ferny] There he is!

- Oh no, he's gonna use the bellows.

- We've got to stop him.

- [Both] No!


- Everything's just fine, nothing to see here.

- Thanks for stopping me, lads.

I don't think I could have resisted it for another minute.

- That's what friends are for, Piggley.

Now let's go throw that ball!

- The ball toss contest will now begin.

Gosford will throw the ball first,

then Fergal, then Hector.

- Don't forget Piggley, Papa.

- [Ferny] Piggley?

Can he throw with his broken arm, mijo?

- Si se puede, wait 'til you see him, Papa!

- Ha, this is going to be the easiest

ball toss contest I've ever won.

- You haven't won it yet, Hector.

- All right children, there can be

no winner until the game is played, so let us begin.

First to throw the ball will be Gosford.


- I don't know if I can make it, lads.

My arm is itching so badly, all I want to do is scratch.

- Of course you can make it.

- Oh, I hope so.

(inspiring music)


I can't take it!

- Oh no, it's started,

he's winding up to throw.

Ferny, give him the ball!

- Excuse me Papa, but I think

Piggley's ready to throw it now!

- Throw it Piggley, throw it with all your itching might!


- I must be seeing things, nobody can throw like that!

- I think it's fair to say

that nobody before or since

has thrown a ball that far in the whole of Ireland.


Mind you, no one ever found the ball

and as far as we all know, it's still orbiting the Earth.

(jazzy music)

So you see, I took my bad situation

and I turned it into a winning throw

with the help of my good friend.

Ah, you're wondering how you can

make the best of your situation are ya?

Well that's the good thing about having your tonsils out.

The best way to recover is with a big stack of comic books.

- Here Sean, I went to the store and I found

all your very favorite ones.

- Cool.

- And I brought you ice cream.

Mom says you can eat all you want.

- You truly are a big help in your brother's time of need

and after all, that's what friends and brothers are for.

(instrumental music)