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01x25 - My Right Arm

Posted: 01/01/24 19:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks


- Ah, got you, ya pesky weed.

Away now, take your friends with you.

- [Boys] Grandpa!

- Woah, lads.

You're not on the football fields, you know.

- Sorry, grandpa.


Guess what?

Seamus and I want to sleep out here in the yard tonight.

In the dark and everything.

- Do you now?

- Uh-Huh.

- Sort of.

- We'll sleep on the grass and tell each other

ghost stories and stay up all night.

- And whose idea is all this then?

- Both of ours. - Sean's.

- You said you wanted to.

- I said maybe I wanted to.

- It sounds to me like Seamus isn't so sure about

this grand plan.

- That's okay.

He'll do it anyway.

- You know, Sean, sometimes a person has

to listen to his own feelings.

Follow his instincts.

And do what he thinks is right for him.

- But it's going to be so cool.

- Oh yes.


I remember one time when your uncle Ferny didn't

follow his instincts.

- What happened, grandpa?

- As I recall, it all started one day when we

were going back to school for the new term.

(bell rings)

- Excuse me, coming through.



Coming through.

- [Ferny] I'll get that for you.

- Thank you, Ferny.

- Uh, you're welcome.


- [Piggley] Ferny.

- Huh? - Come on.

- [Dannan] We're late.

- Oh. (chuckles)

- Go on, Ferny, move, move.


You must have scrambled your brain when you

bent over to pick up that book, Ferny.

- [Grandpa's Voiceover] Indeed Ferny's brain had been


Not so much by picking up the book.

More by the owner of the book.

I didn't know it at the time, but Ferny

had suddenly noticed the young girl in our class.

By the name of Millie.

Desperately wanted young Millie to notice him.


(bright music)


Mind you, he had some strange ways of going about it.


♪ Oh I saw a pretty girl one day

♪ As lovely as the month of May

♪ I wish I could go over and say

♪ Let's go swim at the pond today


(bright music)



- What's wrong with you, Ferny?

You've been acting like a sleeping-walking sheep all week.

- Oh, nothing's wrong, Piggley.

I'm, I'm fine.

- Ferny, look out.

- [Ferny] Woah.

- [Dannan] Ferny.

- [Piggley] What you do that for?

- I think I know why, Piggley.

- He might be sick, Dannan.

His tongue is all pink.


And he can hardly talk.

- There's nothing wrong with him, Piggley.

In case you haven't noticed, Ferny has

taken a bit of a fancy to Millie.

- Of course he has.

Everyone likes Millie.

- What? Me?

No, no I don't.

- You don't like Millie?

- Well, uh, I, I do like her, but it's sounds

funny when Dannan says it.


- It's all right, Ferny.

No one is going to tease you just because you like Millie.

Right, Piggley?

- Course not.

Why would I tease you just because you like.



You like Millie.

Well, why didn't someone just tell me so?

- [Ferny] Oh, well you see now.

I tried everything I can to get Millie to notice

me, but nothing seems to be working.

- Have you tried that thing where you drink

a glass of milk then you laugh and make the

milk come out of your nose?

She'd love that.

- That's not the way you get a girl's attention, Piggley.

- I've been thinking about just asking her to go

swimming with us when me dad takes us to the pond

on Saturday.

- That's a brilliant idea, Ferny.

- Oh, you think so?

- Hm.

Well I wouldn't exactly call it brilliant.

- What would you do then, Dannan?

If you were a boy since you are a girl and all that.

- Well now, let me think for a minute.

Swimming is nice, but I think most girls would

like something a little more romantic.

- Romantic?

Just go with the milk trick, Ferny.

- Well there are lots of romantic things in a

movie I saw with my mother last week.

It was called Cool Cullen and the Brave Knights

of the Red Branch.

It was full of heroic adventures.

There were knights in armor protecting their

people and they were singing romantic songs.

Oh it was a marvelous thing.

- Hm, heroic knights protecting their people.

Yeah, I can do that.

I got to hear more.

I got to.


I got to get a helmet.

Note to self.

Protect head first, flock second.

- You could be Millie's gallant knight, Ferny.

- Oh, I don't know, Dannan.

It sounds kind of hard.

- Sure does.

Be easier to just hang upside down from a

tree branch and make monkey noises at her.

(imitates monkey noises)

- Ferny.

That's not the way to impress a girl.

Follow me and I'll show you how to win her heart.

(imitates monkey noises)

- [Grandpa Voiceover] Despite Ferny's hesitation

Dannan had soon prepared him to go out and do

his first heroic deed.

- There you go, Ferny.

There's your helmet.

- I'm sure I'm not so sure about this, Piggley.

Do you think maybe just asking Millie to go

swimming with me is a better idea?

- Well, uh, maybe.

- Ah, you look like a true knight, Ferny.

Now remember, a knight is brave, loyal, and always

ready to rescue a damsel in distress, right, Piggley?

- If you say so.

- Uh, Dannan.

What's a damsel?

- A damsel is a girl, Ferny.

- Oh.


- Hoo, hoo.

Here comes your gallant stead.

Piggley and I will be your squires.

Put on your armor and carry all your

extra bits and pieces.

- Oh okay then.

- Climb aboard, Knight Ferny.



- You know, it's not that easy being a knight.

(imitates trumpet)

- Make way for Knight Ferny.

- Today I am ushering in the age of sheep knighthood.

From now on, you may call me Sir Wiley

of the White Flock.

Your humble servant and defender.


I will protect and defend you from any and all danger.

That is excluding fleas.

I can't handle everything.

- [Mrs Winks] I certainly hope you can get the old

tractor started today, dear.


- Woah, what the heck was that?


Hey, hey.

What are you guys hiding behind me for?

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Defender of the flock and all that.

Hey, you think maybe we could start that defending

stuff tomorrow?


All right, I'm going, I'm going.

What a stupid day to become a knight.

Sweet Sally from Slyville.

It's a dragon.

Someday I'm sure I'll look back on this

day and laugh or scream in terror.

Who knows.

Halt, halt I say.

Don't turn that corner.

Go back from whence you came.

That's it?

He stopped?



I'm good, I'm really good.


♪ Brave knight and loyal squires are we

♪ I'm not afraid

♪ Nor me ♪ Nor me

♪ We'll find a damsel yes, siree

♪ I hope that damsel is Millie


- Jakers, that sounds like Millie.

- Oh!

Janey Mac!

(suspenseful music)

- [Millie] I'll get you, Fergal.

- Fergal has taken Millie's ribbon and won't give it back.

She's a classic damsel in distress if

there ever was one.

- Right, Ferny to the rescue!

Hold on, Millie, I'll save you.

- Ferny?


- Wait.



- I don't think that went very well.

- It certainly did not.

- Millie, I, I was just--

- What are you doing, Ferny?

- Ferny saw Millie chasing Fergal.

He was just trying to get her ribbon back.

In a heroic way and all.

- We were playing tag.

Millie was chasing Fergal because she's it.

- But Fergal had her ribbon.

- He just picked it up when it fell out of her hair.

- I, uh, I'm sorry.

I, I didn't know you were playing tag.

I'll just be going then.

- It's all right, Ferny.

Ferny, wait.

- [Grandpa Voiceover] Poor Ferny.

He hadn't really wanted to be a knight in the first place.

But he still wasn't quite ready to trust his

own feelings and ideas.

- All right, Ferny.

I've got a great idea that will help you make

things up to Millie.

- Oh, no thank you, Dannan.

I think I'll just forget about Millie for today, thanks.

- Do you not want to bring her some flowers?

I picked these from my garden especially for

you to give to her.

- Uh.

Uh thanks, but, but to be honest with you.

I really rather not.

- And of course you can't give a girl flowers

without chocolates.

- Oh I love chocolates.


- And I bet that Millie does too.

Come on, let's go find her.

- You know I could give her the flowers and

chocolates then ask her to go swimming with us on Saturday.

- Will you forget swimming, Ferny.

A girl wants romance.

She wants music in her ears.

Not water.

- Uh.


- Never mind.

Piggley and I will take care of that part.

(relaxing music)

- Ah, it's good to be Wiley.

(bright music)

- Here, Millie, take these.

No, that's not good.

Maybe I'll just put them down and run away.

Oh, that's no good either.

She won't even know they're from me.

Maybe I won't say anything.

I'll give her the flowers and then I'll run.

No, no, no.

I'll give her the flowers and the chocolates.

Or maybe not.

(suspenseful music)


Oh maybe I should just forget the whole

thing and just ask her to go swimming with us.

- Hi, Ferny.

- Millie.

For you.

These are flowers.

- Ah romantic music.

We sound great, Piggley.

- Thank you, Ferny.

- What?

- I said thank you.

These are very nice.

- Mine? No.

It's not mine, it's chocolate.

- Woah.

- Oh no, Millie.

I didn't.

Wait, Millie, don't run away.

Oh, Millie.


Gone, Janey Mac.

(flute hums)

(triumphant music)

- Ah, a nice, perfect day to stroll about my

kingdom with my adoring flock.


Okay, fellas, spread out, spread out.

A little room here please.


Flock, please.

Enough adoring all ready.

I need to be alone.

I got to to use the meadow.


You could at least pretend you're disappointed.

Well, I guess every knight has to call it a day.

Get it?

- It was terrible.

Everything turned out wrong and I was doing

things just the way Dannan told me to do them.

- I see, well--

- [Piggley] There you are.

- We've been looking everywhere for you, Ferny.

- Come in, ninos.

I understand you've been advising my son on how

to win the attention of a certain young senorita.

- Indeed we have, Don Toro.

- It hasn't worked very well yet, Mr Toro.

- But don't you worry, we have a bunch more ideas.

- Hm, you're very good friends to try and help

Fernando, but perhaps it is time for him to think

this out by himself.

- Oh, right.

- We can do that.

I guess.

- Fernando, hijo, what have you been thinking about doing?

- Well, I've been wanting to invite Millie

to come swimming with us at the pond on Saturday.

- Oh, no, Ferny.

Swimming isn't the way to go.

- I still think you should show her that trick

where the milk comes out of your nose.

- You know, Fernando, sometimes you just have

to trust yourself and do what you think is right.

- Well, okay then.

I'm going to go and ask her to go swimming with us

right this minute.

- Que bien.

- Uh, would you like us to play some more of

that romantic music while you're asking?

- [Both] No.

- [Millie] Here, frog.

Here, froggy.

Come on, love.

I won't hurt you.


- That's Millie.

Uh, excuse me, Millie.

- Ferny, I'm so glad you're here.

- You are?

- I'm trying to catch that little frog you gave me,

but he kind of scares me the way he jumps so high and all.

Would you like to help me?

- Oh, oh sure.

You reach for him and I'll grab it when it jumps.

- [Millie] Okay.

- Got you!

- You got him, Ferny.

- Uh, Millie.

I, I'm sorry about giving you a frog.

- I know.

Hector told me he put it in the bag.

- Hector did it?

- He's a rascal, that Hector is.


- He sure is.


- Aww, it's okay.

- Do you, do you think we should take him

down to the stream and let him go?

- That's a great idea.

Come on.

- All frogs surely do like to swim.

- Mhm.

I do too.

- Oh, you do?

Then would you like to come swimming with us

at Dannan's pond tomorrow?

- Oh, Ferny, I'd love to do that.

- Great.

My dad is going to take us out there right after lunch.

- Perfect.

So, would you mind walking me home, Ferny?

- Uh.

I wouldn't mind at all.



(both hum)

Oh, you know that song?

- I heard you singing it in the school yard.

♪ Oh I saw a pretty girl one day

♪ As lovely as the month of May

♪ I wish I could go over and say

♪ Let's go swim at the pond today

- Ah, we all had a grand time swimming together

at Dannan's pond that Saturday.

And your Uncle Ferny remains good friends with Millie

to this very day.

You see, Seamus, things turned out all right for

Ferny when he trusted himself, his feelings, his instincts.

- And he didn't do something just because somebody

else wanted him to.

- Okay, okay, grandpa.

Seamus doesn't have to camp out here tonight

if he doesn't want to.

But maybe you'd like to camp with me instead.

- Ah.


Well now it's not my instincts that are telling me no

on that one.

It's me old bones.


(instrumental music)