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01x23 - A Little Bit Something Extra! Extra!

Posted: 01/01/24 19:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that, only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand-new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers, the adventures of Piggley Winks

- Try for a basket.

Come on, go for the basket!

- He sh**t, he scores!

- Two points, first shot.

- Want to play, grandpa?

- No thanks, boys.

I just came to tell you that your friend Merdette called.

He's on his way over.

- I guess we're done playing basketball then, huh?

- I guess so.

- And why is that, might I ask?

- Well, Merdette is kind of short.

- So you'll keep him from joining in on your fun

merely because he's short, then, is that it?

- Yeah. - I guess.

- Well, I suppose that's fair.

I tell you what, why don't you boys keep playing ball

and I'll entertain Merdette with my favorite tale

from the Spooky Storytellers Club?

- The what? - What's that?

- Oh, it's just a club I used to belong to.

- You told spooky stories?

- Were they scary?

- Oh yes. And the scariest story of all

was the one that almost cost me a friendship.

- Whose friendship?

- Well now, you know my old friends Ferny and Dannon?

Like three peas in a pod, we were.

We did everything together.

That is until the day Ferny and I

joined the Spooky Storyteller's Club.

- What about tomorrow?

Want to play Rocket again?


- It roared right into me face

with a voice like thunder and breath like spoiled milk.


- I can't stand it anymore.

Baa, baa, that's all you ever say.

- What do you expect?

They're sheep.

- Yeah, that's true, but,

wait, you talked.

You opened your mouth and real words came out.

- Nothing gets by you, does it?

- Finally someone to talk to.

This is great!

We can discuss poetry and music!


We can have an inta-lic-a-nik-lectual exchange!

- Do you mind?

You're standing on my lunch.

- Oh, sorry.

- Hector.

Would you like to hear the story

of the creepy crawling creature in the cornfield?

It's a great one, so it is.

- Go away, Piggley Dinks.

The Spooky Storyteller's Club is for members only.

Come on, Gossfer,

let's decide where our next meeting will be.

- Hector, you could have a meeting on my farm.

At the castle ruins!

- Castle ruins?

- Are they haunted?

- No, they're just regular ruins.

But we could pretend.

- And we could bring treats.

- This could work out nicely.

- My dad could take us there when it's dark.

- And Dannon could come and--

- Dannon? Uh-huh, Dannon can't be a spooky storyteller.

- Course she can, she tells lots of spooky stories.

- Dannon is a girl.

And in my club, there are no girls allowed.

- [Both] Why not?

- Girls don't like spooky stuff.

They get all (screaming)

- And (whining)

- But Dannon's not like that.

She's one of the bravest people I know.

- Look, Piggley Dinks, there are no girls in this club.

That's the rule, so are you in or out?

- [Child] You were out, right, grandpa?

- You made them let Dannon in.

- That would have been the right thing to do, alright.

- Grandpa!

- How could you?

- I don't know.

Being a spooky storyteller just seemed so exciting

that Ferny and I gave into their silly rules.

Of course, we didn't want to hurt Dannon's feelings

so we decided to keep it a secret from her.

- Do you think the scarecrow ghost would be too scary

for the spooky storyteller's meeting, Piggley?

- Of course not, Hector will love it.

And he's gonna live those biscuits you made too, Ferny.

- I ate the biscuits.

Can I be in your club, Piggley?

- Sorry, Molly, no girls allowed.

Hector says girls don't like spooky stories and stuff.

He says they go (imitation screaming) when they hear them.

- That's not fair.

- I can't wait to be good and scared tonight.

I've been practicing, watch.


- Go on now, Ferny, you don't look scared at all.

(shocked gasping)

Now that's much better.

You look terrified now.


- Hello, boys.

I've been looking for you all afternoon.

You're playing some kind of scary monster game, are you?

Maybe going to outer space with moon monsters and such?


- It's a not a moon monster, it's a scarecrow ghost.

- Ha, a ghost, of course.

- It's for the meeting tonight.

- Meeting? Tonight?

- Mhm. The story spookytellers.

But you can't be a story spookyteller

cause there are no girls allowed.

Hector says that girls don't like spooky stories

about ghosts and things.

You go (imitation screaming)

- There you go, Molly, I know how much you like biscuits.

Would you like a berry tart, Dannon?

- Story spookytellers?

- Actually, it's the spooky storytellers.

- So you're in the spooky storyteller's club

without me, are you?

And I can't be in the club because I'm a girl, am I?

And girls are scared of ghosts and things, are they?

You both know quite well that I'm not afraid of ghosts

or monsters or spooky stories.

- Piggley?

I think she's mad.

- Dannon, we know you're not scared of those things.

And that you're great at telling spooky stories.

But Hector says--

- Hector!

Well now, if Hector says it, it must be true.

Scary stories told by brave boys like yourself

just might be too much for a delicate thing like me.

- [Both] Really?

- You're not mad then?

- Mad? Ha, don't be silly.

You boys go ahead to your little storytelling club.

Have a scary good time, I insist.

It's going to be a lot scarier than you think it will be.


- So what do you do for fun around here?

- We graze.

Then we walk.

Sometimes we mosey.

Then we graze again, walk, graze, walk, graze.

- Okay, okay, got it.

Not exactly overachievers, are they?

- Hey, this is my flock you're talking about.

They may not be the smartest

or the second smartest

or the third.

- Is this gonna go on long?

- Usually an hour and a half.

- I think it's time for some changes around here.

- [Old Piggley] With my dad keeping us company,

Ferny and I were ready to go to our first official meeting.

- Enter!

If you dare.

- Woah.

- Are you sure it isn't haunted?

- Course I am, Gossfer.


- Perhaps you would like some dragon eyes?

- Eyeballs!

- Berry tarts.


- They're just fruit tarts.

- So then I said what do you think I'm made of, wool?


- Agnis, Lucille, Mary Lou, what are you doing?

Woah, look at the shine on those hooves.

- Dazzling, aren't they?

You missed a spot.

- Look, pal, all you've done since you've got here

is insult me and my flock.

And now if I didn't know better,

I'd say you're trying to take over as head sheep.

- He's cute but a little slow.

- That's it.

We are going to settle this the way they do in Brooklyn.

- You mean...?

- You got it.

A dance off.

Hit it.

(upbeat music)

- Not bad, but you're looking at a three time

golden hooves champion.

Well, flock, which one of us has the magic feet?

(raspberry blowing)

Tough audience.

(metal clanking)

- I hereby call this meeting

of the spooky storyteller's club to order.

Tonight, the hand with fingers!

- I know this story.

- Oh, Dannon told it to us last summer.

- A long time ago in a land far, far away,

there lived a hand.


- [Old Piggley] Ferny and I really wanted

to like Hector's version of the hand with the fingers.

We truly did.

But we couldn't help remembering

how much more fun and scary it was

when Dannon had told us the story the summer before.

Of course, now that I think of it,

I don't know if we were really a matter

of whether Hector had been the greatest storyteller

of all time or not.

To Ferny and myself, something was missing.

And that something was Dannon.

- Okay, and then they heard this noise.

Oh wait, did I say first it was a ghost ship?

Okay, sorry, it was a ghost ship. (honking)

So they heard this noise, and oh no,

it's not a ghost ship, okay, everybody,

forget I said that.

They heared the noise and that's the ghost ship.

- Jakers, I'd love to hear Dannon tell this one.

- Me too.

- [Gossfer] So now the ghost ship comes up

next to the other ship, wait, just a sec.

And there are ghosts on it.

On the ghost ship, that is, on the other ship,

I'm not really sure, so we'll just pretend

it was like a joint squeal.

So now the ghost ship - Did you hear something?

- [Gossfer] comes up next to the other ship.

- Mommy!

- Well, excuse me, boys,

but I heard you were telling scary stories here.

Would it be alright if I listened in?

- I know she's a girl,

but I hope you might make an exception for your own mother.

- Well, being a mother isn't the same as being a girl.

- It's okay, mommy, you can stay.

- Oh, thank you, boys.

- You wouldn't be up to something now, would you, Bit?

- Oh no, not me.

- [Gossfer] Okay, and then they heard this noise.

Oh wait, did I first say it was a ghost ship?


- The creepy crawling creature from the cornfield.

A story by Piggley Winks.

- This is going to be good, boys.

- It all began one night in a strange and eerie cornfield.

The moon was full in the sky

and it shined on bright and orange on--

(ghostly wailing)

- What's that?

- Just the wind.

Go on, Piggley.

- The moon shined on bright and orange on the cornfield

and on a strange looking scarecrow, there--

(ghostly wailing)

- Janey Mack.

- That doesn't sound like wind.

A ghost!

- Jakers, I know that voice.

- [Both] Dannon!

- Now the fun can really begin.


Watch this.

Oh ghost, oh please, please leave us in peace.

Spare us your scary ghostliness.

(ghostly wailing)


- Boo.


- Boo.

- [Both] They got you.


- It was Dannon all the time and Molly.

They really scared me.

And they scared you too, Hector.

- Not bad for a couple of girls, eh?

- Janey Mack, it was brilliant!

- That was the most fun we've had all night. (laughing)

- See, Hector, girls can be just as scary as you.

Scarier, even.

- Maybe so.

But they still can't be members of my club.

- That's not fair, Hector.

- There are no girls allowed.

That's the rule.

So are you boys in or out?

- I'm out.

- Me too.

(agreeable honking)

- You know, maybe it's time to start a new club

where everyone is included.

- Great idea. - Of course.

- Oh Jakers, it's getting late.

We'd best be getting you children home.

- Aw dad, we just started a new club.

Do you think we have time for one more story?

- Well, alright then, one more.

- This farm's not big enough for the two of us.

- You are right, Fuzzy.

So there's only one thing left to do.

A vote.

Okay flock, it's up to you.

Who will it be?

A multitalented curly wooled sheep about town

such as myself, or him?

Well, I have to hand it to you, Wiley,

you are the leader of one loyal flock.

- I am?

- And you're a pretty good dancer too.

Maybe we'll meet again when I've brushed up a bit.

- So, sweetheart, what'd you think of my dancing?

Be honest.


Not that honest. (laughing)

You sweet talker.


- In the deepest part of the darkest sea

lived a fish like no other.

He was the fish without a face!


- From that day forward,

girls were always a part of the spooky storyteller's club.

And truth be told,

they were some of the best storytellers around.

Except of course for me.

So you see, when you keep someone from joining your fun

you never know what you might be missing.

- Good story, grandpa.

- Yeah, that was a good one.

(car horn honking)

- Merdette's here.

- Let's see if he wants to play basketball.

- Right.

- Well now, I think they got the message.

Now time for old Grandpa to relax.

The fish without a face.

Let's see if they tell it as well as Dannon.

(upbeat music)