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01x19 - No Girls Allowed

Posted: 01/01/24 19:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that

♪ Only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way

♪ His eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's onto a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up

♪ It's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief

♪ Well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lot's of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed

♪ just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers!The Adventures of Piggley Winks

(soothing music)


(dramatic music)

(suspenseful music)

- Ah, Piggley, you've done it again.

(dramatic music)

(kids growling)


What's this now?

Am I under attack by some horrible monsters?


- It's just me, Grandpa!

- Sean!

Who's this then?



Aw, that's quite a scare you two gave me there.

Wooo, you're sure going to scare everyone at school tonight.

- We're not going to the school's Halloween party.

- We're going to the Midnight Monster Spook-tacular!

- It's got the creepiest,

scariest haunted house in the whole world!

- Yes, I know that.

But I also know, you're too young for that place.

- But, but Grandpa, last year Carol Teitelbaum went--

- And she got so scared, she missed a whole week of school!

- You still shouldn't go.

- But Grandpa!

- I know, it doesn't seem quite right.

You see commercials for movies and rides at amusement parks,

and they look like the best fun, don't they?

But then you're told you're too young,

and that you can't go.

- Yeah, it's not fair!

- Why can't we see everything, and do everything we want to?

- Well now, that's a good question.

In fact, I wondered that very same thing

when I was your age.

Then I did something I wasn't supposed to,

and oh, did I pay an awful price for it.

It all started innocently enough late one night.

My sister Molly was already asleep,

and it was getting close to my bedtime,

though I'd never admit that.

(playful honk)

- A five letter word meaning elf.

- Gnome


Bedtime Piggley.

- Oh, it can't be!

- You're right.

It's two minutes past.

- But I'm not tired.


I'm just exercising me--

- Bed!

- But--

- Scadaddle out of that.

- Ah!


- Goodnight pet.

- Goodnight.

It's about time for our show.


- [Radio Announcer] Stay tuned for Creepy Theater!

Tonight's episode, (static)

The Cabbage Creatures From Planet Z!

- Jakers!

Cabbage creatures!

- Piggley!

- Piggley, you're supposed to be in bed!

- But I love scary shows.

Scary Monster Theater is me favorite!

- Scary Monster Theater is for children.

Creepy Theater is for grownups.

- That's why it's on after your bedtime.

- Aw!

(door creaks)

(door closes)

(creepy music from the radio)

- Don't mind me, I'm just getting a glass of milk.

I can't sleep on an empty stomach, you know.

- Alright son, don't be dillydallying.

- But Dad, aren't you always telling me

not to drink too fast?

- Now, he remembers.

(liquid pours)

- [Radio Announcer] And now!

Put the kiddies to bed and hug someone tight!

It's time for Creepy Theater!

- Jakers!

- Hurry up Piggley!

- Bed! - Bed!

- [Radio Announcer] Tonight's Creepy Theater presentation,

The Cabbage Creatures from Planet Z!

will be performed by-- - I forgot to brush me teeth.

You can't be too careful about your teeth you know.

- [Radio Announcer] Goaty O'Kinder, Cluck Cornish,

Buttercup McFlapper, and Hank Gooseck.

Our story begins on a moonless night in a small village.

- [Mom] Are you brushing your teeth,

or are you listening?

- I'm brushing!

- [Radio Announcer] The kind of little village where

nothing happens, or rather the villagers

think nothing happens, but it is in

just such a village that our story does happen!

(light switch flips)


- Goodnight little man.

- Night Mammy.

(creepy music)

- [Radio woman] Quiet night professor?

- [Radio Man] Indeed, maybe a little too quiet.

- [Mom] Piggley, are you under your covers?

- Yes Mam, I'm under me covers.


- [Radio woman] It is a beautiful night.

- [Radio Man] Beautiful, but still too quiet.

- [Radio woman] What's that?

In the cabbage field!

- [Radio Man] It's alive!



- [Grandpa] The next thing I knew,

I was in for the lesson of my life.

- Huh?



Hey, how did a cabbage get under me pillow?

Uhm, dad.

Okay Dad, very funny!



Why are you dusting a cabbage?

- A clean cabbage is a happy cabbage.


- Ah, (laughs) sure it is.

Well, that's a good one Mam!

(door creaks)

(pleasant instrumental music)

- Morning Piggley!

- Morning Wiley.

- Great radio show last night.

Gave me goosebumps on my goosebumps!

- Oh it was brilliant!


You can talk!

- I've always talked.

You just never heard me before.

- Really?

- Oh yeah, at first I thought you were being rude,

and then I realized, you don't speak sheep.

- Oh, um, sorry about that.

But how can I understand you now?

- Simple, you're having a dream.

(hinges cringe)

- This is a dream?

(cow bells ring)

(cow moos)

- If this is a dream, then ...


(engine roars)


(bubbles pop)

(rockets blast)

(ducks quack)

Ferny, hey!


- Oh, Piggley?

- Up here!

- Oh Janey Mack!

The Raloo Rocket!

It's, it's up in the air!

A real rocket!

How'd you do that, Piggley?

- I'm having a dream, and things like this

always happen in dreams.

- Oh, am I in the dream too, Piggley?

- Of course you are Ferny.

I wouldn't have a dream without you.

- So, are you telling me that

I can do all kinds of dream stuff then?

Ah, like this?

(wings flap)


- That's a Good one, Ferny!

And look at me!

(springy sound effect)


(mimics bugle call)

- I'm a super-fella!

Up, up, into the sky!


(funny horn sound)

Hey, how come I can't fly?

- Maybe you can't fly,

but the Raloo Rocket can!

Come on!

- Oh, can I drive?

- In your dreams Ferny!

- Piggley, there's a cabbage in the rocket.

- Oh yeah, there's cabbages in this dream.

(rocket blast)

- [Piggley] Wahoo! - [Ferny] Oh, we're flying!

(grand horn music)

(engine roars)

- Hello there Mr. Hornsby!

- What?

(chicken clucks)

(crate lands)

(chicken clucks)

- Hey Dannan!

- What are two doing,

flying about in your noisy rocket like that

while I'm trying to study!

- There's no need for studying, Dannan

I'm having a dream!

- With cabbages! (laughs)

- Why do you have cabbages in your dream Piggley?

- Probably because I listened to the Creepy Theater

radio show just before I fell asleep.

(excited springy noises)

- Wh-wh-what!

You were listening to Creepy Theater?

Didn't your parents tell you that's a grown-up show?

- I figure I'm grown up enough, Dannon.

- Oh, you think so?

Well, I won't be any part of a dream

that comes from disobeying your parents!

- Okay, Dannon, but you're going to miss out on all the fun.

- Fun? HA!

Mark my words Piggley, no good will come

of this rule breaking stuff!

(springy footsteps)

(book closes)

- Uh, Piggley, do you think something's going to happen

because you listened to the radio show

when you shouldn't of?

- Something did happen, Ferny!

We're in a dream!

And I'll bet now we can find some space aliens

like we always pretend to,

but this time, it's the real thing!

- Oh, like little green men with space antennas?

- Or even blue ones if you like.

(rockets fire)

- Any sign of space aliens, Cadet Ferny?

- None yet, Commander Piggley.

(engine soars)

(engine winds down)

(creaky wheels roll on wood)

- How's it going Mr. McGandry!

- Hello, hello, hello, hello!

- Ah, have you seen any space aliens today?

- No, no, no, no, much too busy.

- Oh, too bad.

Well, I guess everything is normal here.

- Uh, Piggley!

- Busy, busy, busy, busy.

I've got lots of cabbages to unload, you know.

- I don't think there's any space fellas here, Piggley.

Just cabbages.

- Mmm, you're right Ferny, let's go.

(rockets blast)

(jets burn)

(engine slows)

- Cabbages!

I've got cabbages!

Get your cabbages today!

(engine soars)

(wheels creak)

- This is getting kinda weird.

This is your dream,

so stop dreaming about cabbages right now!

- I can't help it Ferny.

The dream is doing it all by itself!

- Make an effort!

- Okay.



- Good afternoon, Piggley.

Good afternoon, Fernando.

- Good afternoon, Miss Nanny. - Good afternoon, Miss Nanny.

- How would you boys like to have some free sweets?

- Sweets?

- Aw, thank you Ms. Nanny!

Piggley, you should have been dreaming

about this from the start!

- How about something extra special?

I have just the thing in me shop.

Wait here.

(licks lips)

- I'd rather have sweets than fly in a wagon

any old day of the week.

- You can have sweets anytime, Ferny.

- Right, but I'd still rather have them!

- Here you go.

Have some nice chocolate covered cabbage.

- Cabbage!

- If you don't like chocolate,

how about a peppermint cabbage?


Or perhaps butterscotch cabbage?

Cotton cabbage?

A cabbage- taffy?

A cabbage cake?

Lolly-cabbage pops, tutti-fruity cabbage, cabbage sicles!

- Jakers! (sigh)

(ominous music)

- [Vendor ] Cabbages, I've got cabbages!

Get your cabbages today!

- [Vendor ] Cabbages! I've got--

- [Vendor ] Cabbages, I've got cabbages!

- [Vendor ] Cabbages! I've got--

(vendors bark about their cabbages)

- [Vendor ] Cabbages! I've got--

Get your cabbages!

(clock strikes)

(clock strikes)

(clock strikes)

- Dannan! - Dannan!

- Dannan!

- Oh Dannan!

- Jaker's Dannan!

You were right!

This is a terrible dream.

- You know Piggley,

I told you I didn't want to be in you dream!

(laughs maniacally)


- You know what they say, Bernie,

you are what you eat.

So I'm thinking, maybe you should lay off

cabbages for a little while.

In fact, this whole flock should lay off cabbages.

Except for you, Ethel.

You should cut down on the carrots.

(wheelbarrow wheel creaks)

- Oh Ferny, Why did I listen to that Creepy Cabbage show?

(train whistles)

- Wait for us! - Wait!

- All aboard!

Come on everyone get on the train.

Can't very well start the train if you don't get on it.

(laughs maniacally)



(cabbage leaves snap)

- Piggley, you've got to stop dreaming about cabbages!

- I can't Ferny!

- Then wake up!

Come on!

Wake up!

(water splashes)

- Jakers, it's no use!

- What if you never wake up?

- Ferny, let's make a promise, right here and right now!

That we'll stick together always,

and neither of us will ever become a cabbage.

- Raloo oath.



(dramatic music)

- Ferny, your hand!

- Oh, Janey Mack!

Oh, it's okay.

Me hand is fine, see?

Me other one's just like it.


(ominous music)

- Ah, Ferny.

I'm really sorry!

(cabbage leaves snap)

(sliding sound effects)

(jazzy dance music)

- I won't become a cabbage creature,

I won't, I won't, I won't!

Mom, Dad, you're not cabbages!

- Cabbages?

- Oh, I had the strangest dream.

- Oh, there, there now.

- You wouldn't have been listening

to Creepy Theater now, would you?

Or do you always sleep here in the doorway?

- Well, I might have heard just a little, tiny bit of it.

- That wild imagination of yours.

That's one of the reasons we knew

you were too young to listen to the show.

- Oh, Piggley, we didn't say no to be mean to ya.

The reason we make rules like that is for your own good.

- You were right!

I never want to have a dream like that ever again.

- Well then, I suggest you get up off the floor,

and get into your own proper bed.

- Yes Mam.

And, I promise I'll never listen

to a grown up radio show ever again.

Unless you say I can!

- That's good to hear son.


- Goodnight, Piggley dear.

- Dad, um, do you think it would be okay

if we left the light on?

Just for tonight?

- I'll leave the door open too.

- After awhile, I fell back asleep.

But I never forgot that dream.

So you see boys--


- If we go to the grownups' haunted house--

- Will we have dreams like that?

- I don't know.

But it just goes to show that there are reasons

why some things for grownups

aren't always good for children.

- Ah, you know, the Halloween party

at school is lots of fun.

- All our friends will be there.

- And they haven't even seen our cool costumes!


- Let's go!

We'll really scare 'em!

- Yeah!

- I'm so glad they made the right decision.

In fact, I think I'll go with them.

Oh, I just hope there are no cabbages.

(instrumental music)