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02x14 - The Creepy Cabbages of County Galway

Posted: 01/01/24 19:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventure of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley Ferny Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! We go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

(pleasant music)

- Happy birthday, Piggley.

- [Kids] Uncle Ferny!

- Janey Mack, would you look at the size of ya?

- Are you gonna stay long?

- What'd you bring us? - I've got a new tooth!

- Okay kids, give Uncle Ferny a chance to catch his breath.


- Ciara my dear.

It's lovely to see you.

- I'm so glad you came, Uncle Ferny.

- [Seamus] Whoa what's that?

- Is that a birthday present for Grandpa?

- You don't think I'd come all the way

from Ireland without one now do ya?

- Ah don't be talking nonsense, Ferny.

Having you here is the best present I could ever have.

- Oh, all right then.

I'll take it back, Piggley.

- Oh no you won't, come on kids.

Let's go on and see what it is.

(pleasant music)

- Open it! - What is it?

- Hurry Grandpa!

- Jakers!

- It came all the way from Raloo Farm, Piggley.

Molly, Dannan, and I wanted you to have it.

- Oh it's, it's perfect Ferny.

- Is that it, Grandpa?

- Really, really it?

- Yes it is, kids!

The Raloo rocket.

- Radical! - Cool!

- Awesome!

- So this is what you and your friends

went riding in, Grandpa?

- We didn't just go riding, we went flying!

Why the Raloo rocket was the greatest

spaceship supersonic airplane race car in all of Ireland!


- Janey Mack, what did you do that for, Piggley?

- Jakers Ferny, I didn't do...


Well how about that now, Ferny huh?


- So what do you two boys plan on doing with this mess now?

- What do you mean mess, love?

This is the Raloo rocket you're talking about.

- And we plan to put it back together again.

- All right! - Yes!

- Can we help?


- I'll get the tools.


- Jakers, look at this Ferny.

My father gave us this bucket

after Finnegan the donkey kicked a hole right through it,

bless his stubborn little heart.


I remember when your papa made us this steering wheel.

Don Toro had hands like spades, so he did.


- What are you singing, Uncle Ferny?

- Is that a song about the rocket?

- Oh no, don't get him started, kids.

Once he's started there's no stopping him.

♪ Oooh we're

- And he's off!

♪ Going to build a rocket

♪ To take us to the moon


I made this song up when we

first decided to build this rocket.

- And you still remember it?

- Your Uncle Ferny remembers every song he's ever sung

and I can tell you that's a lot of remembering.

- I remember them because each one

tells a story of its own.

- Yeah, sing us a story! - Please?

- Go ahead, Ferny.


- All right then, but before I sing the story song

I'll need to give you a little background

on what was going on at the time.

It all started one day when

we were out playing space monsters.

(eerie music)

So your grandpa and I were heroic spacemen

trying to avoid capture by the terrible moon monster.

- Captain Piggley, the moon monster's after us!


Ah, look!

The moon ocean, we're trapped!

- Ha, I've got you now.

Come along peacefully earthlings,

or I'll freeze you with me moon monster ice breath!

- You'll never take us alive, moon monster!

- Fine, then I'll just have to take you frozen.

- We've got to get out of here.

First officer Ferny, fire retro rockets!

- Aye aye captain Piggley.


- You can't get away, earthlings.

- Of course we can, we're in a rocket!

- The fastest rocket ever created!

(bell rings)

Captain Piggley, what did you stop for?

The moon monster's going to freeze us all up!

- Here I go!

(inhales deeply)

- Eh, go ahead and freeze us, moon monster.

We deserve it.

- What, you can't just let me freeze ya.

You're space heroes, you daft thing.

- Well what kind of space heroes are we

when even old Mr. Hornsby can go faster than we can?

- But we can pretend we're going fast Piggley, come on!

- Ah, no we can't.

What we need to do is build a real rocket!

- [Both] A real rocket?

- Are you daft?

We can't build a real rocket.

- All spacemen build their own

rockets, it's a well known fact.

- Well then, let's stop all this chin wagging

and start building this rocket.

♪ Oh we're going to build a rocket

♪ To take us to the moon

♪ If we start to build it now we might be done by June

♪ First we find the body a big old wooden crate

♪ A bucket for the nose cone will make this rocket great

♪ A wheel made by me papa will make this rocket steer

♪ The wings brought in by Dannan

♪ Will blast us outta here

♪ La la la la la la la

- Catchy tune, but you can't dance to it.

Oh sure, if you're a professional.

♪ We built ourselves a rocket

♪ To take us to the moon

♪ We're blasting off this morning

♪ And we won't be back 'til noon.


- Jakers!

- And that's how the body of the Raloo rocket was built.

- Okay everyone, here's the tools.

- Great, now let's see if we can

put this thing back together.

- Should we put the wheels on first?

- No, the wheels are the last things to go on, Seamus.

- Sure, the wheels almost didn't

go on at all when we first built it.

Do you remember that, Piggley?

- Oh I sure do.

- What do you mean, Uncle Ferny?

- Your grandpa wanted his rocket to go really fast,

so he came up with a million and one ways to get it moving

and not one of them involved a wheel, or worked.


- I'm afraid that's true.

- First he tried to get the thing to fly.

- No way. - Grandpa!

- That's right, now if it had worked

I would have been brilliant.

- [Uncle Ferny] Your grandpa thought a great way

to make a rocket fly would be chicken power!


- Okay chickens, let's fly!

- Take us to the moon!

- Do you want me to throw the chicken feed now Piggley?

- Throw it in the air, Ferny!

- Here chick chick chick chickens!


- They're doing it, they're flying!


- Yippee!

Well that worked great.

- [Uncle Ferny] Having the chickens fly the rocket

didn't work out so well, so your grandpa said.

- We'll have to get someone to push it instead.

- And just who would that someone be, might I ask?

- [Seamus] It was you, wasn't it Uncle Ferny?

- [Uncle Ferny] That would've made a lot of sense,

now wouldn't it Seamus, but oh no.

Your grandpa thought the best rocket pusher

would be the angry old goat.

- [Meg] That doesn't sound like a good idea.

- [Uncle Ferny] It wasn't.

- Uh Piggley, do you think this is going to work?

- Of course, you know how hard the old goat can butt things.

All we have to do is make him

mad enough to butt us to the moon.

- Oh I don't think that's going to be a problem, Piggley.


- Wahoo it worked!


- [Uncle Ferny] So you see, your grandpa

actually did get us flying.

Unfortunately, the landing was a little

uncomfortable to say the least.

- So what about the wheels?

When did they get put on?

- We'll get to that in a minute, Seamus.

Wait now, what's that piece of paper

taped to your wheel there?

- Huh?

It's a letter, Grandpa.

And it has your name on it.


- Well now, would you look at that?

It's from your Aunt Dannan.

- What does it say Grandpa?

What does it say?

- Now now hold your horses, everyone.

Now let me open it first.


Happy birthday Piggley.

I put this letter where I knew you'd find it.

The story of how the Raloo rocket got its wheels.

- Whoa, are you serious?

- Read it.

- We wanna hear it. - You have to.

- Go on Piggley, read them the story.

- Well all right then.

Getting our rocket to move was perhaps

the most difficult challenge we'd

ever had to face in our short lifetimes.

Now Dannan can be a bit dramatic, you know.

Then one of us got the brilliant idea

to put wheels on the crazy looking thing.

That was me of course.

But wheels weren't so easy to come by.

We had to be creative.

- [Dannan] First we tried putting a pair

of bicycle wheels beneath us.

Then we tried putting the wheels on the side instead.

Someone, namely me, had the sense

to try using four wheels instead of two,

but someone else namely Piggley chose the other two wheels.




What we needed were four wheels

that were all the same size.

Piggley wasted no time laying claim

to the wheels on Molly's buggy,

but Molly had a different idea.

- That's my buggy, Piggley.

I need it for Margaret.

- But we need the wheels for our rocket, Molly.

- Give me back my buggy or I'm going to tell mammy.

- Oh no wait Molly.

- [Dannan] Piggley tried bargaining with Molly,

offering her a trade.

- I'll trade you this delicious stick of peppermint gum

for those old dirty wheels off your buggy.

- Gum?

- Wait a minute, Piggley.

If you're gonna make a trade with Molly,

it's got to be fair and square.

- Huh?

Well, okay.

How about a fabulous red marble as well?


- Ooh!


- You can have my Buck Bravo comic book.

My half deck of cards.

This one-of-a-kind rock.

My favorite hurling stick.

- [Dannan] By the time the bargaining was over,

Molly had a stack of Piggley's

prized possessions as big as a house.

But it still wasn't quite fair and square until.

- Piggley, Margaret really likes riding in the buggy.

- Well Margaret can ride in our

rocket any time she wants to.

- She can?

- [Both] She can?

- Uh well, sure she can.

Every now and then, once in a while.

- Okay!

- [Dannan] So don't forget Piggley, half of this rocket

still belongs to your little sister, Molly.

- With the very best of birthday wishes,

your dear friend Dannan.

- All done Grandpa.

- The Raloo rocket's ready to roll!

- [Grandpa Piggley] Well now, would you look at that?

- It looks perfect to me.

- But I think we need to repaint the name on it.

- Right, the Raloo rocket.

- How come you called it that anyway, Grandpa?

- You see, the first thing we did

once the rocket was finished was to attempt

to launch it on its maiden voyage.

- Three, two, one, blastoff!

Commander Ferny, we're not moving!

Check the engine.

- Right, commander Piggley!

We need more power.

- I'm trying, lads!

I'm trying!


- Commander Ferny, we need a bigger engine.

- [Grandpa Piggley] And so Ferny volunteered

to be the power behind the machine.

- Hang on a minute, I don't remember

volunteering exactly, Piggley.

- Let's just say you answered the call when we needed you.

- You always did have a way with words.

- Go on Grandpa, so Ferny volunteered

to be the engine?

- He sure did.

- [Uncle Ferny] Only this time I suggested

we start at the top of the hill instead of the bottom.

- [Grandpa Piggley] And a fine suggestion it was, too.

- Five, four,

three, two--

- Oh dear.

- One, blastoff!


- [Grandpa Piggley] With Ferny's mighty push,

we went as fast as lightning!


We were in safe hands because I was doing the driving.

- Left, left! - Right, right!

Look out for the hole in the ground, hole in the ground!

- I see it!

I've got it.

- Great balls of wool, that thing's heading right toward us.

Quick everyone, plan .

(blows whistle)


Nice job guys, but plan means run away.

- Pardon us!

- Is it my turn to play on the rocket now Piggley?

- Okay Piggley, you can stop the rocket now.

- I can't do anything, I'm driving.

- Piggley!

Look out!



- We did it, we did it!


Jakers, that was great!

- Piggley, this is a real rocket we've got here.

- And we built it all by ourselves,

right here on Raloo Farm.

- Of course we did, it's the Raloo rocket!

- [All] The Raloo rocket!

- [Kids] The Raloo rocket.

(camera snaps)

- Janey Mack it's looking better than ever.

- Just like us.

- Grandpa you and Uncle Ferny

have got to take it for a ride.

- Take it to the moon! - Yeah!

- Ah no, we're much too big to be galavanting

around in a thing like that anymore.

- I'd have to agree with you there, Piggley.

But, you have three grandchildren that are

just about the right size for it.

Wouldn't you say?

- Oh yes, like peas in a pod.

- Are you serious?

- We can ride in it?

- It's all yours, kids.

- Cool! - Wow!

- Where should we go?

- A terrible moon monster has invaded our space station!

- Let's blastoff to the rescue!

- Five, four, three, two, one, blastoff!

(upbeat music)

(camera snaps)

- Oh those are some fine grandkids

you have there, Piggley.

- Ah sure don't I know it Ferny?

They do the Raloo rocket proud.

(instrumental music)