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02x13 - Wish Upon a Story Part 2

Posted: 01/01/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

(bright music)

- Whoa!

Ferny looks way big in that picture, Seamus.

- Uh, I meant for him to be big like that.

- Come on, kids.

It's time to give Grandpa his birthday presents.

- Coming, Mom! - Okay!

- He's not there?

You sure about that?

I could've sworn he'd be home today of all days.

Yes, well, thank you very much.

- Happy birthday, Grandpa! - Happy birthday, Dad!

- (laughing) What's this now?

- Your birthday cake.

- [Sean And Seamus] And presents.

- It can't be my birthday already.

I just had one last year.

(Meg laughs)

- Of course you did.

(sweet music)

- Don't you wanna blow out your candles?

- Or open your presents?

- Oh, yes, yeah, yes.

It's just that I was expecting to talk

to your uncle Ferny today.

- He wasn't home?

- No, and we always ring each other up on our birthdays.

Why, I hope he's all right.

- Oh, (laughing) you'll probably talk to him later, Dad.

Why don't you just blow out your candles and make a wish?

- Yeah, Grandpa! Make a wish!

(Grandpa blows air)

- Yes! Yay, Grandpa!

- Good job!

(Grandpa sighs)

I've never seen Grandpa so bummed out before.

- Me neither.

- Yeah.

Hey, I've got an idea. Come on!

Grandpa, we have a special birthday surprise for you today.

- We do?

- Every time we feel sad or disappointed or something,

you tell us a story.

- Well, I do.

- So today, we're gonna tell you a story!

- You are?

- [Meg And Sean] We are?

- Uh-huh!

Go ahead, Sean, you start.

- Oh, uh, yeah.

Let's see, um.

Uh, I know.

Okay, it all started one day on Raloo Farm.

- (laughs) What are you doing there, young lad?

- Uh, sorry, but I need the wagon to tell my story.

It all started one day when Piggley, that's you, Grandpa,

was pretending he was racing around in his Raloo Rocket.

(Sean imitates rocket noises)

- Sean, you're supposed to sit in a chair

when you tell a story, like Grandpa does.

- That's not the way that I tell a story.

- Alright, then.

What happens next, Sean?

- Okay, so all of a sudden, Piggley sees

this really weird looking thing on the ground.

(Sean imitates brakes squealing)

It was a, um, (mystical music)

a magical lamp!

So then, Piggley took the lamp to Ferny and Dannan,

and he goes, "Guys!

"Look at this awesome lamp I found."

- [Sean And Piggley] I bet if I rub it--

- I'll get any wish I ask for!

- Radical!

- Aw, Piggley, that is so messed up!

- Wait a minute, Sean.

They didn't say stuff like radical and messed up

in the olden days, did they, Grandpa?

- We certainly did not!

But this is Sean's story,

so we should let him tell it Sean's way.

- Okay, so, Piggley rubs the lamp like this,

and he goes, "Eenie, meanie."

- Jelly beany.

Please release a great big genie!

(magical whooshing)

- Yikes! - Oh no!

- Head for the hills!

- Greetings, Master.

Master, where are you?

- Whoa, there really is a genie.

- There you are.

Your wish?

Your three wishes are my command.

- Three wishes.

- That's one for each of us.

- (gasps) I wish that the Raloo Rocket was really

the fastest rocket in the whole wide world!

(magical whooshing) (thunder claps)

(mysterious music)

(mystical chiming)


- Excellent.

- Now that's da b*mb!

(triumphant music)

- Come on, dudes!

Let's blast off.

Five, four, three, two--

- [Molly] Piggley?

- [Sean] It was Molly, and she goes.

- Can Dolly and I come along with you guys?

- [Sean] And Piggley goes.

- What, are ya whacked?

It's too dangerous for little girls!

- (gasps) No fair!

- Yes, fair.

- Well if you ask me, I think this whole thing is bogus.

- Whatever!

- [Sean] Piggley and Ferny and Dannan

took off in the rocket.

Then Piggley fired the retro rockets

and they really took off!

- [Piggley] Later, mom!

- Don't you be coming home late for dinner now, little dude.

(Sean whooshing)

- Cool story, Sean!

- Just wait 'til I fire the turbo-boosters!

- Firing turbo-booster now!

Yiiii! - Whoa!

- Woo-hoo!

- [Sean] The Raloo Rocket sped around the whole world,

faster than anything!

(donkey brays)

- Hey, hey!

We're walkin' here!

- I think you're heading right

towards the Eiffel tower, Commander Piggley.

- Hit the brakes!

- I don't think there are any brakes.

- Oh. Bummer.

- [Children] Yiiii!

(exciting music)

- [Dannan] Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!

- [Ferny] Where are we going, Commander Piggley?

- To the moon, Space Cadet Ferny!

- Oh, do you think we'll be home in time for supper?

I'm getting kind of hungry.

(rocket engines whirring down)

- That's one small step for me,

but one giant leap for kid-kind!

(Piggley laughs)


Check this out. I'm floating!

(adventurous music)

(children laughing)

- Wicked! - Radical!

- Awesome!

This is da b*mb!

- Uh, Commander Piggley?

Can we go home now?

I think it's time for supper.

- Alrighty, Ferny, to the rocket!

(mysterious music) (squishing)

We're outta here, dudes!

(monster growls)

(thrilling music)

(jelly warbling)

- What's goin' on here, Piggley?

We're getting nowhere fast!

- Well Dannan, we've been swallowed by a moon monster.

- Oh no!

Now I'll never get me supper.

- Don't worry, Ferny, I've got it all under control.

(rocket engines revving) (monster growling)

(monster burps)

(children cheering and laughing)

- And then Piggley, Ferny, and Dannan landed safely

back home on Raloo Farm!

- Cool! - Great story!

- Did you like it, Grandpa?

- (laughing) Seanny, it was totally awesome,

as your Piggley would say himself!

- So what happened next?

There are two more wishes left.

- Oh yeah.

Well, um.

- I know what happens next!

But I have to sit in Grandpa's chair to tell my part

of the story, just like Grandpa!

- Now Meg, I think you can let Grandpa sit in his own--

- No, no. Meg has a point.

This is an official story-telling chair

and she should be able to sit in it to tell her story.

(grunts) There you go, young lady.

- Thanks, Grandpa.

- Ohh, this chair really suits you, Meggie.

Now let's see.

- I. (sighs)

No, let me try this.

- You don't have to sit in a chair

to tell a story, right Grandpa?

- That's right, Sean.

There are lots of ways to tell stories.

You can act them out a bit, like you did.

Or you might write them down first.

You can even tell a story in rhyme.

- (gasps) Oh, that's what I wanna do.

I wanna tell my story in rhyme!

- That's the spirit, Meg!

- Okay, let's see.

Um, now my wishing story, the one that I'm rhyming,

is all about Dannan and her perfect timing.

She waited and waited and stayed very cool,

holding onto her wish 'til the next day at school.

- [Sean And Seamus] School?

- [Seamus] Your story's about school?

- [Mom] Boys, shh!

Go ahead, Meg.

- [Meg] Now dear Mr. Hornsby was quite a nice fella.

He taught kids to read and he taught kids to spell-a.

But then Homework Hornsby would end all his classes

by giving out homework in heaps and in masses.

He gave out assignments and readings for quizzes.

He made them write papers on what the word quiz is!

And all of those lessons made little hands cramp up,

'til somebody lifted the magical lamp up!

(magical whooshing)

The genie appeared, Dannan spilled out an earful.

- Old Hornsby is nice, but his homework is fearful!

- [Meg] The genie just smiled, then he granted her wish

to control all the words Mr. Hornsby would issue.

- KAMEAMEA! (mystical popping)

- Now class--

- [Meg] said the teacher.

- Your homework, I'm saying--

- Is put all your books down.

- Is put all your books down, go out and start playing.

- [Class] Huh?

- Instead of a test now here's what we'll be doing,

we'll go out and play 'til the cows all stop mooing.

(Mr. Hornsby gasps)

(Dannan giggles)

- In fact, my dear children, forget being smarties.

The rest of the day we'll have nothing but parties.

- [Children] (fireworks exploding) Hurray!

- Hurry, we're coming out!

- [Meg] The rest of the day was a huge celebration.

It felt to the kids like the best of vacations.

(children cheering and laughing)

- They're having a party.

Well, that's truly amazing!

Those kids are as happy as hungry sheep grazing.

Hey, what d'ya know? I'm a poet and I don't even know it!

- [Meg] When Dannan's wish ended, the school day was done.

But we'll all remember the day school was fun!

- That was so good! - Meg, that was wonderful.

- That was a good story.

- Ah, Meggie, you've got the gift of rhyme

in you, do you know that?

- Thank you, Grandpa!

But now I think Seamus should finish the story.

- Oh, that's right, there's one more wish left,

for Ferny, I think!

- Oh, I know a great story about Ferny!

- Ahh yes, Ferny. (laughs)

I can't wait to hear this one.

- I drew this picture for you, Grandpa.

See how big Ferny is?

- Hmm. He is a bit extra large.

Maybe he had an extra helping of

me mother's apple pie that day.

- Uh-uh, that's not why he's so big.

He's big because he asked the genie to make him big!

That's a cool idea, Seamus.

- Okay, so, the day after Dannan got Mr. Hornsby

to let everyone have a party at school.

Ferny and everyone were back in the Raloo Rocket,

rolling around like they always did.

(bright music)

- Oh, Janey Mack!

- Hey!

- I think we're out of gas, Piggley.

- Jakers, Ferny!

What happened?

- Aw, Piggley, I'm mighty hungry.

And those apples look mighty good.

- Ooh, they do look scrumptious, alright.

- Well then, what are we waiting for?

Let's go and get some!

(children grunting)

- It's no use.

I wish I was bigger so I could reach.

- What if he was as big as his dad?

- (laughing) As big as Don Toro?


Now that would be big!

- Oh-ho-ho!

Oh, I'd love to be that big!

- You know, Ferny, we do still have one more wish left.

- Oh, Janey Mack, we do, don't we?

- Jakers!

That would be a fantastic wish, Ferny!

- Oh, it would be, wouldn't it?

I'm going to do it.

I'm going to ask the genie to make me as big as me dad.

(mystical music)

- Greetings, Masters!

What can I do for you today?

- Oh, Mr. Genie, your honor, sir.

Um, if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you,

I'd love to be big.

- Yes, Master.

- Uh, very big.

Bigger than anybody in all of Tara!

Uh, that's all.

- Yes, Master.

Your wish is granted.

(mystical whooshing)

- How do you feel, Ferny?

- Are you growing yet?

- Well, I.

- Whoa!

Janey Mack!

- Ferny grew bigger than our house!

Bigger than that even!

And it was really cool for Dannan

and Piggley to have such a giant friend.

- Whoa! - Oooh!

- Oh, my! - Will ya look at that?

- First Ferny helped Dannan and Piggley

pretend they were birds.

- Yoaww, wow, wow, wow!

- Whahoo!

(exciting adventurous music)

(loud expl*si*n)

- [Seamus] Then they played king of the castle!

(Piggley and Dannan laughing)

And they weren't even afraid of that mean old goat anymore.

(goat snarling)

(anxious music)

(horn blaring) (squeaking)

(children laughing)

It was lots of fun for awhile.

But then, when Ferny went home that afternoon,

all the people in town were afraid of him.

(thunderous footsteps) (townspeople screaming)

- Janey Mack!

Everyone's afraid of me because I'm so big!

I'm sorry!

- Hopping hairballs!

Someone ought to tell that kid to lay off the nachos.

- [Seamus] Ferny felt kind of sad,

so he headed for home.

He knew his dad wouldn't be afraid of him.

- Uh, Papa?

Could you come outside for a minute?

- Of course, mijo.

What is it?

(gasps) Oh mi?

Que le sucedio?

- Well I kind of grew, Papa.

- Yes, you did!

- Do you still love me, Papa?

- (laughing) Of course I still love you, son.

- Ohh!

Oh, I'm so glad.


- Uh, Fernando?

- Oh!

Sorry, Papa.

- I think it would be safer if we slept outside

of the village tonight, mijo.

- Oh, si, Papa, okay.

(thunderous footsteps)

- [Seamus] That night, Ferny and Don Toro slept out

on a hill outside of town.

(Ferny snoring)

(soft lullaby music)

- Uh, Ferny?

- (sighs) Hello, Piggley.

- How's it going, Ferny?

- Ah, not so good, Dannan.

- Well, um, Ferny?

Dannan and meself have been thinking.

If it turns out you have to stay like this,

you know, freakishly huge and all that,

well, we'll stay right here with ya.

- You will?

- Absolutely!

We'll make sure ya have plenty to eat.

- And maybe you can squeeze into my barn to sleep at night.

- And besides, being big can be a good thing, sometimes!

- It can?


- Uh, tell him, Piggley.

- Well, for one thing, I bet Hector

won't bother you anymore.

(mischievous music)



(upbeat music)

- Ooh yeah!

And you'll be able to run faster than anyone else!

- And maybe you'll even become famous,

for being the biggest fella around!

- Oh, Janey Mack!

I hadn't thought of that.

Oh, thanks, Piggley. Thanks Dannan.

You're the two best friends a kid could ever have!

- [Seamus] So, Piggley and Dannan made Ferny

feel much better that day.

- Ah, now.

Ah, that was a very nice story, Seamus.

I want to thank all of you kids.

I can't think of a better birthday present

than the stories the three of you told me today.

(doorbell rings)

- Hey, who's that?

- Well, why don't you kids go and find out?

- Okay! - Let's go!

- I'll get it!

(slow, sweet music)

- Were you expecting someone, Ciara?

- Maybe.

- Grandpa! - Someone's here!

- From Ireland!

- Jakers! (laughing)

- Janey Mack!

(Grandpa and Ferny laugh)

- Happy Birthday Piggley Winks.

♪ Oh, it's Piggley Winks' birthday today

♪ And I've come to visit from so far away

- Well, now, it really is going to

be a happy birthday after all!

(happy music)

(instrumental music)