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01x22 - For Whom the Bell Trolls

Posted: 01/01/24 19:26
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way he's eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ He's lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief?

♪ Well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of exitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures Of Piggley Winks

(wind instruments)


(playful music)

(door slams)

- Huh?

What a Jakers, bunker the hatches down.

Ah it's just you Meg,

I thought you were out playing with Jana today.

- Jana is away on vacation for a whole week.

Now there's no one to play with.

- Well now what about that young girl

that lives right across the street from us?

- Bianca?

She's so stubborn.

She never wants to play what I wanna play.

- Lucky you're not the stubborn one, isn't it?

- (Sighs) I miss Jana, she's been my best friend forever.

- Ah yes, an old friend is worth her weight in gold.

Or chocolate.

Of course a new friend might just turn out to be

worth her weight in cupcakes.

- Huh?

- I was about your age when I discovered

that a boy in my class name Hector was

a bit of a cupcake himself.

Maybe this Bianca has some cupcake in her too.

- Grandpa what are you talking about?

- Well now let's see if I can explain.

When I was a boy, Ferny and Dannan

were my chocolate best friends forever.

- Like Jana and me.

- Right.

We did everything together until one fine spring morning.

The kind of morning a boy would rather

spend outside than inside the classroom.

Even our teacher Mr. Hornsby felt the tug

of spring pulling at him.

(class chatting indistinctly)

- Class I believe that a fine day like this

should never be wasted.

So today, I'd like to take our lesson out into the sun.

(paper balls crinkling)

- Hey Hector.

- You will all be creating projects to show

the great variety of trees or flowers

or animals that we have here in Ireland.

(paper crinkling)

- That's a grand idea Mr. Hornsby.

I know where to find the oldest oak tree in Tara.

- Mr. Hornsby, we have an old rowan tree

growing right over our pad.

- My oak tree is ancient.

- My rowan tree is prehistoric.

- I'm sure you'll both do very well with this assignment.

You will work in teams of two.

- Can I be with Ferny, Mr. Hornsby?

- But I'm gonna be with Piggley.

- Can we have three on our team Mr. Hornsby,

Dannan and Ferny and me?

- [Old Piggley] Now this is where Mr. Hornsby really threw

us for a bit of a loop.

- Piggley, I'd like everyone to work

with a new partner today.

So you'll be working with Hector.

- [Old Piggley] Were my ears deceiving me?

I was to work with Hector?

- Dannan you and Gosford should work

quite nicely together.

- [Old Piggley] What was he saying?

Dannan and Gosford each wanted to be

the one and only best in the class.

How could they possibly work together?

- Fergal, your request to work with Ferny is a good one.

He's older than you and I'm sure you will learn

much under his fine leadership.

- [Old Piggley] Now Ferny had a lot of great qualities,

but leading wasn't something he was used to doing.

- Well what are you all waiting for?

It's a beautiful day out there.

Go and study it.

(upbeat music)

(indistinct chatter from children)

- [Old Piggley] Jakers.

This assignment would be a real challenge

for all of us, that much was for sure.

(lambs bleating)

- [Wiley] Hey kids, lambs, come on settle down.

(lambs bleating)

(playful music)

Bernie Jr., stop poking your sister.

Shirley Jr., stay with the flock.

Everyone sit.

Aw aren't they cute?

Okay, I'm your Uncle Wiley

and well I know everything.

So I'm gonna teach it all to you.

Hopefully you'll be a little smarter than the big sheep.


(lazy music)

But then there are several varieties of pie

that are smarter than the big sheep.

(triumphant music)

Isn't learning fun?

- [Old Piggley] Hector and I set out straight away

to take pictures of some of the native animals of Ireland.

And straight away we ran into trouble.

Hector and I were both used to being in charge.

- Hector wait, I saw a red squirrel.

- Everyone has seen a red squirrel.

- But I'm going to take a picture.

- There's a big toad by the stream,

that's what we need a picture of.

- Let me get the squirrel first.

- I want the toad.

- Squirrel.

- Toad.

- Squirrel. - Toad.

- Squirrel. - Toad.

- Deer. - Huh?

- Let me take a picture.

- I saw them first.

- Give it to me.

- It's mine.

- Just give it.

- No, it's mine.

- Now see what you've done Piggley Dinks.

- Me?

- Come on then, let's go find them.

- Wait what about the squirrel?

(camera clicks)

♪ Off we go to look for trees

♪ Like ash and oak and such and so

♪ Oh maybe toads or birds or bees

♪ Or pretty flowers

♪ All in a row


- Oh are you alright?

- Oh yeah thank you, but you're the one who fell.

- Oh sorry.

So what should we do for a project Ferny?

- Oh well then, what would you like

to do for our project Fergal?

- I like flowers.

- Genie mack, I know where there are lots of flowers.

I'll take us there and you can draw them.

- Oh you're so smart Ferny.

- Oh well thanks. (laughs)

Follow me Fergal.

♪ Oh we'll be finding flowers

- [Old Piggley] At the same time,

Dannon and Gosford were on a serious mission

to find the best trees in Tara.

- Ooh there's a fine looking oak tree

at the top of this hill Gosford.

- I know Mr. Hornsby would love a leaf from that tree.

- Right I'll just go and get one.

(hurried music)

- I'll get it Dannan.

- Oh no no no, I'll get it.

- I'm halfway there already.

- I'm happy to do it.

- I'll go.

- No thanks.

- Gosford.

Why don't we both go up and get the leaf together?

- I was about to say that.

(hurried music)

- I'm first. - I'm first.

- I think it was a tie.

- Right, a tie.

(triumphant music)

- But I got the first leaf.

- What?

What what what what what?

(triumphant music)

Well I've got the biggest leaf.

- I've got the greenest leaf.

- Look, it's perfect, bigger and greener

than any leaf I've ever seen.

- I'll get it. - I'll get it.

(grunting and moaning)

- Almost got.

- Okay kids, that's a flower.

That's a rock.

(inspirational music)

That's a stick.

(playful music)


And this, this is a wall.

And what do we sheep do with walls?

(knocking and grating hoof)

No we don't pet them, we jump over them.

(triumphant music)


I'm okay, I was just trying to show you

the wrong way to jump.


Oh, ooh, yeah now that's the right way.

Ooh, ow oooh.

Okay lambs, okay it's nap time now.

Ooph, oh, oooh.

Who wants to get Uncle Wiley a pillow?

Who wants to get Uncle Wiley an ice pack?


(bleats and kisses)

- [Old Piggley] Now things had gone from bad to worse

between Hector and myself.

Hector was being stubborn as a mule about those deer,

while I was thinking it was time for us

to look for some other animals.

- Hey Piggley.

These tracks show that the deer

were just here having a drink.

- Look Hector, there's a fish.

- We've got no time for fish Piggley.

- Well we can't chase deer all day.

- Of course we can.

- No we can't.

- I say we can.

- And I say we can't.

- We can. - Can't.

- Can. - Can't.

- Can. - Can't.

- Can. - Can't.

- Can. - Can't.

- Can. - Can't.

- Can.

- Hector, did the deer just walk by?

- They did Piggley.

- Well let's go, come on.

(camera clicks)

♪ Oh we'll be finding flowers

♪ Like buttercups and such and so

♪ We'll draw some flowers sweet and bigger

♪ Then pack it up and off we'll go

- (Sighs) Genie mack, look at the flowers.

- Genie mack, well which one should I draw Ferny?

- Well, which one do you like Fergal?

(playful music)


(flowers rustling)


- Aw I like this one.

- Great, then that's the one to start with.

- I'm sure glad Mr. Hornsby let me come with you Ferny.

- Thanks but why'd you want to come with me Fergal?

- Well cause you're nice and you're smart

and well you have a great voice.

I wanna be just like you when I grow up.

- You do?

- Uh huh.

- [Old Piggley] Fergal made Ferny feel mighty special

that afternoon.

And from that day on, Ferny was always there for Fergal

whenever he needed him.


Dannan and Gosford were still jumping around

like a couple of kangaroos trying to reach the biggest

and greenest leaf in the old oak tree.

(moaning and grunting)

- Almost got it.


- Okay Dannon, I give up, the leaf is all yours.

- Mine, it's not mine.

We're doing this project together you know.

- That's right, whatever grade you get I will get as well.

- So why don't we both work together

on getting that big green leaf down?

- Right.

(triumphant music)

- Come on Gosford,

we've got lots more leaves to find.

- Right.


- Okay kids just drop me anywhere.

They took me literally.


Go, go on to your parents.

No one tell them what they did to your poor old uncle Wiley.


A flower?

After what you kids put me through?

You think a flower is gonna make it all better?

(playful music)

(sighs) That is so cute.

- [Old Piggley] Dannan and Gosford were finally

working together.

Fergal and Ferny were actually having fun.

But things weren't going all that well for Hector and me.

- Come on Hector, let's stop and take some pictures.

- We're not stopping until I find those deer.

(sad music)


- What was that?

- That was the cry of a baby deer.

- Are you sure?

- Of course I'm sure.


It must be in trouble, let's find him.

(determined music)

- So where'd you learn so much about deer and things?

- My mother, she loves animals.

We go out together to watch the deer and squirrels

and such all the time.

- [Old Piggley] His mother.

I never thought about Hector having a mother before.

Suddenly I realized, there were lots of things about Hector

that I'd never thought about before.


(bushes rustling)

- I see him.

- Don't worry pet, we'll have you out of here in a jiffy.


(warm, triumphant music)

(camera clicks)

- Well boys, this is a grand piece of work.

- Piggley got a great shot of a squirrel too.

- And a fish.

- And a toad.

- But Hector took the picture of me and the deer.

- Well you both did a fine job.

And you did it together no less.

(door creaking open)

- Are we late Mr. Hornsby?

- Not to worry, you're not late.

I see you got a few examples of tree leaves there.

- Is it enough?

- We can go back and get more.

- No, no that's quite alright.

This product just may be the best in the class.

- Good work Gosford.

- The same to you Dannan.

♪ Oh Fergal wants to be like me

♪ He thinks I'm nice and everything

♪ And both of us we like to sing

- Well now it sounds like Ferny and Fergal

are quite pleased with their project too.

You've all done a truly excellent job.

(class chattering and giggling indistinctly)

(happy music)

- [Old Piggley] And Mr. Hornsby had done

a marvelous job too.

(camera clicks)

He'd given us all a chance to discover

the cupcake inside our fellow classmates.

- That was a great story Grandpa.

But I still don't get that cupcake thing.

- (laughing) It's a bit silly I suppose.

I guess what I'm trying to say here was.

- I know, you're trying to tell me that

I should go over to Bianca's house

and see if she wants to play.

She might not ever be my very best friend like Jana,

but maybe she can be my cupcake friend.

- Right you are Meggy.

- See you later Grandpa.

- Well now, I think I'll give old Hector a call.

See how the old goat is doing these days.

(happy music)

(theme song instrumentals playing)