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01x21 - Treasure Hunt

Posted: 01/01/24 19:23
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ Here's the tales of our pal Piggley,

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well,

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickly,

♪ How he does that only he can tell,

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan,

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun,

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone,

♪ Curiosities in a hurry,

leaving no time to stop and think,

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry,

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks!

♪ Something in the way his eyes start glazing,

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan,

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing,

♪ Looking for mischief? Well, he's your man,

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan,

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun,

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone!

Jakers! ♪ We go to bed just to wake up early,

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink,

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry,

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks!

- [Pig In Red] Turn it hard!

- [Pig In Blue] I've got it!

- [Pig In Red] Let me try.

- [Pig In Blue] Grandpa! Watch out!




- Jakers! It's after me.

- I can't make it work.

- Woah!

- What is wrong with this thing?

- Oh!


- I am fine. Thanks for asking.

- Sorry, grandpa.

- Oh, it's broken.

- Well, it doesn't look too bad. I think we can fix it.

- It's supposed to do flips!

- And wheelies!

- And fishtails!

- And jump through hoops!

- And over trash cans!

- And all kinds of cool stuff.

- But, we can't get it to do any of that.

- I see, and how long have you boys been working at it?

- Half an hour!

- At least!

- Oh, that long? Well, I should think

you'd be experts with it by now.



[Grandpa Laughs]

It takes time to learn how to do things right, boys.

And I know that asking a child to slow down

is like a cow to do cartwheels.

I suppose I was a bit impatient myself when I was your age.

- Uh uh! No cheating!


Jakers! I am bigger, much bigger,

big enough to be a really big help on the farm now

with some really big responsibilities.

- Well now, are you sure that's what you want, little man?

It would mean giving up some of your play time, you know.

- I'm sure, mammy.

- Farm responsibilities have got to be done

every day, Piggley, no matter what.

- Don't worry, dad. I can handle it. I'm big now, remember?

- All right then, starting tomorrow,

we'll be counting on your help.

- [Grandpa] I was proud to bursting.

I imagined myself being a great, huge help on the farm.

Just like my dad. Together, he and I would pitch more hay

in one day than most farmers do in a year,

and my father would be wondering

how he ever got along without me.

[Sheep Bleets]

[Triumphant Music]

That's how I imagined it would be,

but that's not quite the way it was.

- Here they are, Piggley, your new responsibilities.

[Sheep Bleats]

From now on, you will be in charge of the sheep.

- But dad, I wanted to do something important.

- Every job on the farm is important,

including watching the sheep.

- [Sheep] You believe this? We're getting a babysitter.


You know, on second thought, maybe it's not such a bad idea.

- You see, Piggley, the sheeps' feeding area

is divided into four fields. It's very important

to move the sheep from field to field.

- It is?

- Oh, yes. In addition to needing fresh grass,

sheep are easily bored. If you leave them in the same field

too long, they'll wander off.

- Easily bored? Easily bored?

- Are you sure I can trust you with this job, then?

- You can count on me, dad.

I'll be the best sheep shepherder

in all of Ireland.

- Just all of Raloo would be fine.

- [Grandpa] I knew how important that job was,

and I wasn't about to let my father down.






- Piggley!

- Dad, listen to what Ferny's dad taught me.


- Yes, I'll be sure to thank Don Toro

the next time I see him.

- Sorry, dad, but I have to get busy now.

I need to get the sheep to the grazing field.

- Did he say grazing? Sleep Shmeep! Come on, flock.

It's chow time!

- Uh, was there something else

you wanted to say to me, then, dad?

- Just take it easy, son. The sheep

will let you know what they need.

- Right! Okay sheep, away with you now.


[Marching Footsteps]



- Okay flock, remember that sound!

It's the sound of fresh food. Love that whistle.


[Sheep Bleating]

- Oh, but Piggley, we were going

to look for leprechauns today.

- Sorry, you'll have to start without me, Bernie.

I've got big responsibilities now,

and this is just the beginning.

Pretty soon I'll be in charge of the chickens and the cow

and driving the tractor.

- Really? Jenny mack! Piggley, can I hold you sheep stick?

- It's not a sheep stick, Ferny. It's a shepherd's staff,

and only shepherd's can use them.

- So, when are you going to show us some shepherding,

there, Piggley.

- Well, dad says a good shepherd moves the sheep

to a new field every four days.



- So I'm going to be a really good shepherd,

and move the sheep much more often than that.

- Are you sure that's a good idea, Piggley?

- Of course I'm sure.

- Well, maybe you should ask your dad.

- Don't worry, Ferny. I know what I'm doing.

- [Grandpa] Of course, I really didn't have a clue

what I was doing, but I wanted to show my father

what a good, responsible shepherd I was,

and a good, responsible shepherd

doesn't ask questions about sheep.


So I just kept moving them from field to field

all day long.

I soon found out that I did have

a few things to learn after all.


[Triumphant Music]




- Okay folks, we're talking dizzy here.


It's hopeless.

- The sheep don't look very happy, Piggley.

- Of course they are. I'm a shepherd. I know these things.

- Well, you made them move a lot today.

- I know, they loved it.

- If I was a sheep, I wouldn't love it.

- Good thing you're not a sheep then, Molly.

[Dramatic Orchestral Music]

[Door Closes]

- Okay flock, I'm making a break for it.

Now, here's the plan.

[Sheep Bleats]


[Sheep Growls]

[Sheep Bleats]


- I'm free! Free! Free!

- Looks like Piggley's losing one.

I better go after him.

- [Mammy] Let him go, love. The sheep never wander far.

Sure, Piggley wants to be responsible now,

so let's give him a chance. He may learn something.

- You're right, dear. We'll have to let him try.

- [Piggley] , , .

That's not right. , , ...

- I can count. , , , ...

- Molly, would you stop that?

You can't just say numbers, you've got to say them in order.

- Why is that, Piggley?

- , , .

Jakers! A sheep is missing.

- I'll go and tell daddy.

- No! This is my responsibility, I've got to find it.

- I can help. I'm good at finding things.

[Piggley Gasps]

- Molly, you can help by staying right here,

and if the sheep comes back, you let me know, all right?

- Sheep! Where are you?





- Hey Freny, I... [Whistle]

- Uh, what are you saying, Dannan?

- I said I...



- Piggley!

Hey Piggley! What game are you playing?

- I've got to find a missing sheep.

- Oh! How do you play that one?

- Uh, I think he means he's lost one of the sheep, Ferny.

- Oh!

- That's right. One got away and I've got to find him.

- We'll help you look for him, Piggley.

- Oh, of course we will.

- Come on then. Let's go find him.

- Buffalo gal, won't you come out tonight,

come out tonight, come out tonight.

Buffalo gal, won't you come out tonight

And, we'll dance by the light of the moon.

[Buffalo Gal's]

- Hello, Mr. Hornsby.

- Hello, Mr. Hornsby.

- Hello, Mr. Hornsby.

[Sheep Bleats]

- Bye, Mr. Hornsby.

- Goodbye, Mr. Hornsby.

- What?

- Goodbye, Mr. Hornsby.

- Uh, we're not going to be graded on this are we?



- Gotcha!


- Thought you were getting away, did you?

Not while Shepherd Piggley is on the job.

Okay, sheep, let's go home.

I said let's go home.

Oh, so that's how it's going to be is it?

Well, we'll just see who is in charge.

[Nose Squeaking On Glass]


- I just don't understand this sheep at all.

I've pushed him, I've pulled him, I've whistled at him.

I've even yelled at him, and he still won't do

what I want him to do, and I'm the shepherd.

What could be going on in that stubborn head of his?

- Oh Piggley, who knows what goes on up in a sheep's head.

- Wait now, I know what's going on up in his head.

He's thinking that he doesn't like me very much.

- Oh, Piggley, do you speak sheep?

- No, Ferny. But, I don't like it much

when someone tries to make me do something.

I like it better when they ask me nicely.

I'm guessing that the sheep is feeling the same way.

- It's like my mother always says,

"You get more smiles with chocolate

than with Brussel sprouts."

- I'm sorry, sheep. Maybe you don't like

being whistled at and tugged on,

so let me ask you nicely.

Will you just come home with me, please?

- I think that's a no.

- Well all right then, you stay here and think about it.

I have to get back to the farm

and take care of the rest of the flock.

I think I'll give them an extra ration of oats tonight.

Sort of a special treat to make up for the way

I've been bossing them around so much.

- Oats, oats? Did I hear oats? On a week night?

Hey, maybe this kid isn't so bad after all,

and I do kind of miss the old flock.

Hey, tonight is bowling night!

- You did it, Piggley!

- Of course I did!

- And you parents won't ever know he was missing.

- Well, of course they will because I'm going to tell them.

- What? What? What? What? What? What?

Now, what would you be doing a crazy thing like that for?

- My parents trusted me with a big responsibility.

I have to tell them the truth, wouldn't you?

- Of course I would, bit we're talking about you,

not me, Piggley.

[Triumphant Music]

- Good news, flock! I'm back!

Well, it's good to see nothing has changed since I was gone.

- [Grandpa] I told my parents everything.

How I moved the sheep too much,

how I wouldn't listen to anyone or ask for help,

how one sheep ran away, and how I didn't think

I was a good responsible shepherd after all.

- And, I'm sorry I let you down.

I won't be needing this anymore.

- Son, your mother and I have never been more proud of you.

- Jakers! You're proud of me for losing a sheep.

- No, for seeing a problem and being responsible enough

to try to fix it in the way you thought was best.

- Now, we're not saying you didn't make mistakes,

but we know you learned from them.

- You'll never make those mistakes again,

will you, Piggley?

- Oh no, from now on my mistakes will be brand new ones.

- Well then, can't think of anybody who would make

a better shepherd at this time than your good self.

Son, you've got the makings of a very responsible man.

- [Grandpa] After that day, I was quite the shepherd.

I never lost a single sheep.

- [Pig In Bliue] Okay, Grandpa., we get your point.

- My point?

- The first time you do something,

you're not going to be perfect at it,

you're going to make mistakes.

- You ended up being a good, responsible shepherd, Grandpa,

but it took a while.

- Just like learning to work this truck's

going to take us a while.

- Now that you mention it, I guess there is a similarity.

- Uh huh, and after we get lots of practice,

we'll be the best.

- All right!

- Look at it go!


- Nice turn!



- I'm sure those two will get

the hang of that racing in no time.


But, until they do, I'll be inside where it's nice and safe.

[Upbeat Rock Music]