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01x17 - Sheep on the Loose

Posted: 01/01/24 19:22
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ There's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world that he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that, only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan,

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosities in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ Line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Somethin' in the way his eyes start blazin'

♪ Tell us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Lookin' for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan,

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! ♪ Go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

(peaceful music)

- Hello?


Helga's on the phone.

- Oh, ah.

Can you please tell her I'm busy right now, mom?

- I'll tell her you'll call her back later.

- Maggie, isn't Helga the new girl at your school?

- Uh-Huh, she's from Sweden.

She brings all kinds of weird stuff

to eat at lunch time.

And she talks funny.

- Ah, you mean she has a bit of an accent then, does she?

- Uh-Huh, accents are weird.

- Yes they are.

It took me a long time to get used to yours,

I'll have you know.

- I don't have an accent, grandpa.

- Meg, why don't you want to talk to Helga?

That's not very nice you know.

- I know.

But she's always telling us stuff

about Sweden, Sweden, Sweden!

- Well what's wrong with that?

Sweden is a wonderful country,

and you could learn so much from talking to someone

who's actually lived there.

- But mom!

- I think you should listen to what

your mother is saying, Maggie.

You can learn a lot from people

who come from other countries.

- Really?

- Absolutely.

Why, I'd never played a game of basketball

in my life until I came to this country.

- I believe that.

- We all have so much to learn from each other, Maggie.

Every country has its own customs and history,

and legends.

It'd be a shame if we only got

to learn about our own.

- I guess.

- You know, I used to think that the stories

about Ireland were the only stories

worth listening to.

- You did?

- And then your uncle Ferny opened my eyes a bit.

It all started with a marvelous Irish tale.

A tale of adventure, and glory.

- Class, today I'm readin'

"The Legend of the Great Cattle Raid of Cooly,"

the great epic of Ireland.

- What kind of a story is that?

- Do you think there'll be a test on it?

- Sounds long.

- It is long.

But, it's also very exciting.

It's full of contests, feats of skill,

and the greatest, bravest, strongest man,

who ever lived in Ireland.

Cool Collin.

Would you like to hear it, Piggley?

- Jakers, of course I would!

- I thought you might.

One day, the great poets of Ireland were gathered,

ready to share a wonderful and amazing tale.

- [Piggley] The story that unfolded was so fantastic.

It picked old Homework Hornsby right out of his seat,

and he got completely carried away.

- And before long,

the training of the Irish hero Cool Collin was done.

He had learned the skills of the sword and shield,

and most importantly,

he had learned the heroic sabonique!

- So, who do you think Mr. Hornsby chose

to demonstrate how the great hero,

Cool Collins prepared to protect his people?

None other than yours truly.

- Then suddenly the fearsome face overtook Cool Collin.

He squeezed one eye narrower than the eye of a needle,

he opened the other wider than the mouth of a goblet!


He bared his teeth to the ear,

he peeled back his lips to the eye.

The hero liked showin' all about him!


Cool Collins's opponent, the great Queen Mave,

was gatherin' an army to fight against him.

"Riches and rings I promise to those who follow me,

"a share of everything I have,

"and special favors to your families,

"until the end of time."

And Cool Collins said to himself,

"I'm all alone against all those

"who will follow Queen Mave.

"I cannot defeat them.

"But I must not let them win."

I'll read the rest to you on Monday,

would you like that?


- [Piggley] Now Mr. Hornsby had set our brains to over time,

with a massive desire to play out this Irish legend

as our grandest game yet.

- This is the perfect place for Cool Collin

to protect his people

from an approaching enemy.

- You know Dannan, Cool Collin was here once.

On this very spot.

- Oh, Piggley, do you really think so?

- I feel it in me bones!

Probably 'cause Cool Collin and I are related,

if you know what I mean.

He could be my great great great grand father.

- Uh-Huh.

- Well I can do the fearsome face, can't I?


- Oh, that you can, Piggley.

- Well then I must be the great great

great granddaughter of Queen Mave.

Why else would Mr. Hornsby have picked me

to demonstrate her royalness?

- Okay then, you're the great hero Cool Collin,

and you're Queen Mave.

So, who am I?

- Well.

Jakers, that's going to be trouble, Ferny.

Your family is Spanish.

- Right.

I don't believe there are any Spanish people in the story.

- But I--

- I know, if Ferny can't be an Irish warrior,

he can be the invading army!

- Brilliant idea, Piggley.

Ferny can be the baddies!

- But, the baddies?

I don't think I want to.

- Come on baddie, let's start playing the legend of Raloo!



- Looks like, I don't know how to say this, but...

I'm breakin' up with ya.

(blows nose)

I'm off to seek adventure,

in this big round place we call earth.

It's nothing you did, it's me.

So please, don't try to stop me.

(playful music)


- Okay.

I'm ready to invade!

Come and stop me!

- Jakers, Ferny.

You've got to be a movin' and runnin' invader,

so us Irish can stop you.


- Janey Mac, I don't like bein' the baddie.

Shoo, go on chickens, shoo.

Okay then, here come the Spanish invaders.


- Cool Collin, look, Spanish invaders!

- Never fear, queen Mave!


- Oh!

- Do the Spanish fear me?

Cool Collin and his troops will chase you

out of Ireland!

- You don't have to chase me!

You don't have to get me all wet!

I'm leavin'!

- It's up to you, Cool Collin!

Queen Mave is out of water balloons!


- Wahoo!

Cool Collin wins!


Cool Collin wins!


- Hoo hoo, and Queen Mave takes a prisoner!

- Prisoner?

- You won't invade Ireland again.

- I don't wanna be a prisoner.

Besides, in the story,

Queen Mave was the enemy of Cool Collin.

You should be takin' her prisoner, not me.

- This is our legend, prisoner!

And in our story, all the Irish are on the same side.

- You see Ferny, it's like when martians invade in movies.

You're the invader, and we're protecting Ireland.

- Oh.

- And now, baddie!

You are our prisoner!

- Not anymore, I'm not.

Now I'm an escaped prisoner!


- That's good, Ferny!

- We can't let the prisoner escape, Cool Collin!

- Go on, Ferny!

You're gonna have to run faster than that

so we can chase ya!

- And capture you again!

- I don't want to run faster,

and I don't want to be captured again.

And I don't want to play anymore!

- Ferny, wait!

- I have to go home now.

- You'll be coming back tomorrow, right?

- It's Saturday, we can play all day!

- Ferny!

- What fun is it being the enemy all day,

just 'cause I'm Spanish?

Maybe I'll run all the way back to Spain.

That'll show 'em.

- Do you think Ferny's angry with us?

- Jakers, Dannan, why would he be angry?

It's just a game.

- True.

Do you think he wants to change sides?

Maybe we could be the invaders,

and let Ferny be the hero!

- Oh no, we can't do that Dannan.

We're Irish.

You've got to be Irish to be a hero around here.


- Perdon, papa.

- Fernandito, querido.

Mijo, is there something wrong?

- Papa, I don't want to be in Ireland anymore.

- Pero por que, why?

Where do you wanna be?

- I want to be in Spain.

Where I belong.

- You don't think you belong here?

Why not?

- 'Cause I'm not Irish.

- Fernando.

I'm from Spain, but now this is my home.

I feel a part of this country.

And you, you were born here.

Don't you feel Irish?

- Not like Piggley and Dannan.

Their great great great grand fathers were Irish warriors,

like Cool Collin and Queen Mave, and mine were,

mine were in Spain.

- You're right, Fernando.

Your ancestors were in Spain,

and you should be very proud of that.

- Really?

- Every country has its heroes.

Spain has many exciting explorers

and adventurers in our history.

Great explorers like Ponce de Leon,

and Francisco Vasquez de Corondado,

and great warriors who defended the Spanish people,

like El Sid.

- Oh, who is El Sid?

- Ah.

El Sid lived almost a thousand years ago in Spain.

There were many, many wars in Spain,

and it was El Sid who brought everyone together in peace.

And even though he was not a king,

he was so loved and respected,

that he was a true leader of the people of Spain.

Oh Janey Mac,

El Sid is at least as great as Cool Collin,

better maybe!

So Spain is better than Ireland!

- No me querido, Fernando.

They are both great countries.

And they are both a part of you.


Do you think your friends would like to meet El Sid?

- Papa, of course they would!

- Then, let's introduce them to a true Spanish hero.

(owl hooting)

- All day, and not one adventure.

Who finds adventure at night?

Of course even rugged adventurers,

such as I, must rest.

And this?

This is a nice, quiet resting place.

(frogs croaking)

(hawk screeching)

Ah, I gotta get outta here!

(dramatic music)

I haven't heard this much noise

since Ferny sat on a hedgehog!

Well, at least it's quiet down here.

(birds chirping)

- Uh, mammy?

- What is it little man?

- I think Ferny's angry with Dannan and me.

- And why would your best friend be angry with ya?

- Well, we're playing a game,

and I'm Cool Collin and Dannan's Queen Mave,

and I don't think Ferny likes being the invader,

but he has to be because he's not Irish!

- Oh, why that's nonsense.

Of course Ferny is Irish.

He was born in this town,

the exact same month as you were, Piggley.

- But, he's not Irish like me!

I mean, his dad is Spanish.

- Oh, I see.

And what would you think if I told you

your great grandmother was german?

- She was?

- That's right,

there's Italian blood in our family as well.

- Italian? But--

- Oh, it's a big world, Piggley.

Folks don't always stay in one place,

and we're all better off for it.

- Jakers, that's great!

Bye mam!


- Piggley!

- Dannan, I'm not just Irish!

I'm german, and Italian!

- I'm Danish, and Welsh!

- What's that?


- It's so bright.

(triumphant music)

- It's Ferny!

- No it's not.

Hey, shiny warrior!

Who might you be to come upon our land?

- I am El Sid, a great warrior from Spain,

and this...

(horn blowing)

Is my mighty army!

- And what do you wish of us, El Sid of Spain?

- To face your greatest warrior,

on the field of honor!

- And it's me, Cool Collin,

and let today be remembered forever,

as the great and wonderful legend of Raloo!


(horn blowing)

- Wanna keep it down, please?


I'm being invaded!


- Cool Collin, El Sid's taken your booth!

- And I have taken his!

I challenge you, El Sid!

(horn blowing) (yelling)


(chickens squawking)


That was the greatest game we ever played!


- Jenny Mac!

It sure was!


- Ferny, tell us about El Sid.

- Is he real, or did you just make him up?

- Papa told me about him,

he's a real Spanish hero.

- Flock, I'm back.

Big adventure.

Real exciting.

From now on, group adventures only.

Catch me.


- Papa told me about all kinds of great heroes from Spain.

- Ooh, there's more?

- There's plenty.

One of the hero explorers even went searching

for a city made out of pure gold.

- Jakers, Ferny.

It sounds like the heroes in Spain

are even better than the ones in Ireland.

- Oh, no, Piggley.

They're both great countries, with great heroes.

And they're both a part of me.

- Of course they are.

You know, I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings

yesterday, Ferny.

I think it's really great

that both countries are part of ya.

- Oh, thanks Piggley.

- Did you know that I'm part German?

- Really?

Oh, Piggley, that's great.

- And I'm part Danish.

My favorite author in the world,

Hans Christian Anderson, was Danish too.

All the great writers are Danish, you know.

- It was a day I will never forget.

What an adventure we had.

And none of it would ever have happened

if Ferny hadn't told us

all about his Spanish heritage.

So you see?

It's always good to listen to someone else's stories,

as well as your own.

- I think I have something to do.

- Going to call Helga back?

- Uhm...

- Oh, Meg, that's a wonderful idea.

- Yeah, I kinda want her to meet grandpa.

- It would be my pleasure, Meg.

We can swap stories about where we came from,

while we enjoy the new country we live in.

(upbeat music)