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01x16 - Legend of Raloo

Posted: 01/01/24 19:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers! It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

- Yeah, here I go, here I go!

You can't get it! (laughs)

I'm driving to the basket.

- Go get him, Sean!

Take it to the basket!

(exciting music)

(echoing, rubbery thunks)

Oh, jakers, oh great move.

- [Elly] Sean! Seamus!

- Heh, sounds like we've got

a bit of excitement, huh?

- Just look at this.

Mud, all over my nice clean floors.

- I didn't do it.

- Me neither.

- So, the mud came up the stairs

and into the house all by itself, then, did it?

- I don't know.

- Maybe Grandpa did it.

(Grandpa laughs)

- Hold on now.

Don't be blaming it on me.

- Well, then, if it wasn't the boys,

and it wasn't you, who was it?

- That leaves only one thing it could be.

We've been visited by a fear dearg.

- For-jar-ree?

- Far-jag-er?

- Fear dearg.

Are you lads ever going to learn

to speak the language?

- But Grandpa, what is a,

that thing you said?

- Oh, they're trouble.

That's what they are.

Have I never told you of the time

a fear dearg caused me

a mighty problem?

- Uh-Uh!

- Oh, you never told us that one!

- Well now, it was my father who was the first one

to suspect the mischievous fella

had arrived on our farm.

I was helping him mend a broken fence.

The second one that week.

- How did this happen again, dad?

- Oh, there are many reasons for a fence

to go down, Piggley.

Weather can wear them out.

Sheep bump into 'em.

But to be honest with ya,

this looks like the work of a fear dearg.

- Jakers!

I've read about them.

They're magical fellas,

cause what trouble they can,

and then mysteriously disappearing.

- That's right, Piggley.

And very few have ever actually seen a fear dearg.

They've only seen the destruction they wreak.

- [Grandpa Piggley] Well now, I wasn't about

to have some shady creature

comin' around and causin' all kinds

o' shenanigans for me dad.

- Come on, lads!

And we won't stop until the fear dearg

is forever banished from Raloo!

- [Ferny and Dannan] Forever banished!

- Yeah!

- Uh, Piggley, if I'm goin'

to help catch a fear dearg,

shouldn't I know what he looks like?

- Have you never seen one then?

- No, not up close.

- He's about the size of a leprechaun,

with a tail.

- [Dannan] And he has whiskers.

- [Piggley] And huge flappy ears.

- [Dannan] And little beady eyes.

Like him!

(dramatic thunking)

- Me?

- [Dannan] And a snout like you wouldn't believe!

- [Piggley] And broad shoulders!

- [Dannan] And teeny-tiny little feet!

(cartoony zipping)

- Delicate, not tiny.


- Does that help ya now, Ferny?

- It's as clear as mud, thanks.

- Then we're off to banish the fear dearg!

♪ Oh, fear dearg beware!

♪ For we are on our way!

- Those kids think I'm gorgeous.

And of course, they're right.

Let's face it, Wiley, you got it.

And just what is it?

I don't know.

That's why it's called it instead of Debbie.

(increasingly dramatic music)

(marching band music)

- Do ya see it, Piggley?

- Not yet.

- Then he's probably hidin'.

He's really good at that, ya know.

- Oh, suppose he doesn't come?

- Don't worry, Ferny.

No fear dearg worth his salt

can resist a gold nugget.

- Even if it is just an ordinary rock painted gold.

(rope creaking)

- [Group] Oh! It's him!


(group yelling excitedly)

- This is a day of triumph

for Raloo and all of Ireland!

(group yells in anticipation)

- [Group] Aww.

(Ferny gasps)

- I found a rock.

- Molly!

That rock wasn't for you.

That was for the far dearg.

- Oh, well, now it's mine.

- Aw, Ferny, we're gonna lure him

with the temptation no creature can resist.

(swelling dramatic music)

- Yo, flock.

It has recently come to my attention

that I am exceedingly,

nay, criminally, handsome.

And I need your help.

Which is my better side, this?

Or this?

(flock bleating)

Or this?

Or this?

Or maybe, what the heck is that?

(tinkly music)

Hey, it's a free-range pie.

Alone, unprotected!

Get it, flock!

(exciting, horn-filled music)

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep down!

What an effort!

What a run by that pie!

There's Bernie.

He's got the pie

and he's making a run for the end zone!

Wait, wait, Fluffy's intercepted the pie.

He's running his little wooly legs off!

He's on the !

He's on the !

He's on the !

Wait, he's hit the skids.

Nice recovery by Darla.

They don't call her the Wooly Wonder for nothing.

(exciting, horn-filled music)


Come to think of it, they don't call her

the Wooly Wonder.

What a game! What excitement!

It's a kaleidoscope of competition.

The thrill of victory, the agony of

(sheep bleats)

a bald sheep with no pie.

(drum rolls)

(amusing honks and blats)

Good work, flock.

Thanks for holding my pie for me.

(fishing line creaking)

- I think we got him!

(Wiley grunting)

(group grunting)

(Wiley grunting)

(group grunting)

(Wiley grunting)

- Now that's fast food.

(rushed whistling)

(group gasps)

(glass shattering)

(sad trombone honking)

- Oh, now you've done it.

- Me?

- You shouldn'ta pulled so hard!

- It was Ferny who put his weight into it.

- Oh, but Dannan threw us off balance.

- Oh no I did not.

- You did so.

- Did not!

- Did so.

- You were the one in front!

- I was barely touchin' it!

- You were stepping on me toes!

- Oh, Janey Mack,

your mother's gonna be so mad at us now.

- Uh, you know,

we didn't actually see the window break, did we?

- Trust me, Piggley, that's a broken window.

- But maybe we didn't break it.

I mean, how do we know

it wasn't the fear dearg who broke it?

- Ohh, it did happen behind our backs.

- Now that I think about it,

just before the window broke,

I might have seen somethin'

out the corner of me eye.

(rubbery squeaking)

- Ah, the fear dearg, was it?

- That's right, dad.

The same one who's been breaking your fences.

- That's a fine tale.

Now tell us what really happened

to the window, and me pie.

- Ah, pet, if these fine, honest children say

that this was done by a fear dearg,

then that musta been the case.

Why, they would never make up such a story.

Everyone knows a fear dearg is a,

is a rascal to start with.

And if you were to blame him

for somethin' he didn't do,

well, he could be mean.

Even downright spiteful.

But that's no concern for you three now, is it?

- Uh, no, of course not.

Well, we best be off,

to make sure the fear dearg doesn't, uh,

cause any more trouble.

- Yeah.

- Right.

- Oh, now you know very well

that window wasn't broken by any fear dearg.


- True enough.

But I also know those three.

It won't be long before we hear the truth.

(flock bleating)

- Easy, easy, I know you would all like an autograph,

but please, don't shove, don't push.

I promise I'll get to you all.

But first, a demonstration of my acting skill.

I'm gifted enough to perform any kind of story.

Mystery? (laughs)

What's that? I don't know.


Dare I tell you of my love?

Dare I let the honeyed words drop

slowly from my lips?

I dare.


Howdy, pardners.

Howdy, ma'am.

Reckon I'll head down the trail a piece.

Some dude with a rig on his hip

is a-takin' to make a heap of trouble, I reckon.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And now, autographs, yes.



(playful, light-hearted music)



Not bad, looks good on wool.

- Do ya think the fear dearg'll be mad

when he finds out we blamed him

for breakin' the window?

- He did break it, Ferny.

- But we don't know that for sure.

- Don't worry, Ferny.

All we have to do is catch him,

and everything'll be just fine.

(quick whipping)


(yelling and gasping)

- [Dannan] Who turned out the lights?

- Hold on, Dannan, we'll getcha out!

Dannan, are ya all right?

- What happened, Piggley?

- I'm not sure.

- Oh, it was the fear dearg made the basket fall,

I'm tellin' ya.

- Oh, I think Ferny is right, Piggley.

He could be hidin' right here under our very noses,

waitin' to make his next move.

(group yells in terror)

(fast-paced music)

- (gasps) Look!

(group gasping in turns)

It was the fear dearg.

(Piggley gasping)

(group yelling)

(frantic music)

(Ferny yelling)

(Dannan yelling)

(cars zooming)

- [Ferny] The fear dearg must be really mad at us.

- [Dannan] It's because we said he broke the window.

(mouse squeaking)

- [Ferny] Uh, Dannan, is that you?

- [Dannan] Is what me?

(group yelling)

- [Grandpa Piggley] So off we went to offer our apologies

and a few nice gifts to the fear dearg.

♪ Oh, we're off to see the fear dearg

♪ And offer him a rest

♪ And once we've made it up with him

♪ He'll never be a pest

♪ Oh, he'll never be a pest

(mysterious snorts and growls)

- Is that the fear dearg?

(Dannan gasps)

- It's him all right.

- Okay, Mr. Fear Dearg,

we think we may have made you a bit cross,

so we'd like to say, uh--

- We'd like to say we're sorry, Piggley.


- [Ferny] Hello, Mr. Maker of Mischief.

(nervous stuttering)

- You first.

- Fine then.

- Here is my finest book, sir.

First edition, no less.

A book club favorite. (laughs nervously)

- Uh, here is my best record, Mr. Fear Dearg.

It's only got one scratch on it.

- Here's me tin whistle.

I was just gettin' good at it.

- There, I'm sure he will forgive us

now that we've offered him

our most prized possessions.

(mysterious sniffing)

(mysterious snorts and growls)

(coughing from the bushes)

Then again, maybe not.

(group yelling)

(tinny whistling)

- [Grandpa Piggley] Now that the fear dearg was after us,

we were going to have to be clever.

And clever we were.

- [Ferny] How long do you suppose

we'll have to stay like this?

- [Piggley] Until the fear dearg goes away.

- [Ferny] Janey Mack, I'll miss me supper.

(rattling and clanking)

- Wow, I've never seen a cow like that before.

Looks like it can use an autograph.

- [Piggley] I don't see anythin'.

- [Ferny] Good.

- [Piggley] Now, just try to look natural.

- Okay, let's see what we got to work with here.

Wow, that is the ugliest cow I have ever seen.

Maybe I should autograph the other end.

- [Piggley] It's the fear dearg.

Can you see him, Ferny?

- I can see his feet,

and they're horrible.

- [Piggley] Concentrate on bein' a cow.

(blanketed group imitating cows out of unison)

- [Dannan] Suppose he tries to milk us?

(blanketed group yelling)

(feverish music)


- She's gone to pieces.

Hey, ya forgot your autograph!

And your tail!

- Mom! Dad!

- Help!

- Help!

- Fear dearg!

- Mom, dad, he's after us!

- Who's after ya?

- The fear dearg!

- (laughs) But why would the fear dearg be after you?

- Oh (nervous stuttering) well.

- Well, you see--

- I think he's mad

because we blamed him for the broken window.

- Well now, he did break it, didn't he?

- Uh, I don't think so.

- So who did break it?

- Um, it might've been

Ferny! (Ferny grunts)

- What? - Piggley!

- And me.


- And me as well.

- We're sorry, dad.

- Well now, I can see why

we might have a problem here.

Just about anyone might get a bit nasty

if they were blamed for somethin' they didn't do.

- Isn't there anythin' we can do, dad?

(thoughtful humming)

- Perhaps if he saw ya facin'

the consequences for whatcha did,

he'd forgive ya.

- Oh, that'd be great.

- Now, let's say the three of ya were to

have only half a dessert with your Saturday supper.

(group gasps)

- Aw, dad, that's not enough.

- Mr. Winks, the fear dearg is really mad at us.

- We have to show him we're really,

truly, very, very, very sorry.

- Oh, I see.

I'll bet he's watchin' this very moment,

so let's show him we mean business.

(clears throat)

Now see here, you ruffians,

how dare you break a window,

then blame a poor, innocent fear dearg

for your own mischief.

For shame, shame I say!

(group wailing and lamenting)

A lifetime o' peelin' potatoes

is too good for the likes o' you.

- Keep it up, dad.

- [Mr. Winks] It's cleanin' the barn for ya,

top to bottom, spick and span,

and none o' ya will see the light o' day

until the barn is as clean as a whistle.

- Please, sir, anything but that.

- It's no use beggin' for mercy.

Me mind's made up.

Follow me.

- [Grandpa Piggley] So the rest of that day,

and most of the next,

my friends and I cleaned that barn

like it's never been cleaned before.

(Ferny sighs)

- Oh, this is a powerful big job.

- Well it's a powerful big apology we've got

to be givin' to the fear dearg.

- You know, come to think of it,

we never did see that fear dearg.

- You're right, we never did.

Why, how do we know that there ever was one?

And that he was ever truly mad at us?

- Ah, Janey Mack, and we gave ourselves

all this extra work.

- Maybe you're right, lads,

but then again, maybe not.

- Ferny, Dannan, and I agreed

that fear dearg or not,

our consciences and the barn

were a lot cleaner when we took responsibility

for what we had done.

And from that day forward,

we never had any more shenanigans from a fear dearg.

- So you see, boys,

there's something to be said

for owning up to your actions.

- And your own, muddy footprints.

(boys laughing)

- [Sean] It's you, ma.

- (gasps) Oh my goodness, it was me!

- Picking carrots in the garden, weren't you?

(Ciara laughs)

- I'm sorry, boys. (laughing)

- Grandpa, what does a fear dearg

really look like, anyway?

- Well now, I never did see one

that didn't look like a little boy

or his mother. (laughs)

(adventurous percussion and string music)